Leader of the French far-right National Rally Marine Le Pen, left and lead candidate of the party for the upcoming European election Jordan Bardella
Rassemblement National’s Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella. French President Emmanuel Macron would not have chosen to hold an election if he saw nothing constructive in an RN win © Thomas Padilla/AP
国民联盟的玛丽娜-勒庞和乔丹-巴尔代拉。如果法国总统埃马纽埃尔-马克龙认为国民联盟的胜利没有任何建设性意义,他就不会选择举行选举 © Thomas Padilla/AP

In the first-rate Stendhal novel that we call Emmanuel Macron’s life, the protagonist grows bolder and bolder as he rises through France. He marries who he likes, thanks. He joins Rothschild even as a banking crash turns public opinion against financiers. He sets up a party, gives it his own initials and wins the biggest directly elected office in Europe after jilting his mentor.

His latest decision — to give the hard right an early shot at power — will be filed alongside those headstrong acts. It is no such thing. It is a work of cool logic.

The last best hope against populism in Europe is to expose it to government. The pressure of office might force anti-establishment parties to moderate, as Giorgia Meloni has done somewhat in Italy. Or it might reveal their incompetence and turpitude, as happened to Boris Johnson in Britain. Sometimes, of course, it will do neither: power will neither tame nor shame. (See Viktor Orbán.) But even then, these parties should at least become subject to the pendulum of politics. Time spent in government is time spent alienating voters with tangible decisions.
在欧洲,反对民粹主义的最后最大希望就是让它进入政府。政府的压力可能会迫使反建制政党有所收敛,乔治亚-梅洛尼(Giorgia Meloni)在意大利就是这样做的。或者像英国的鲍里斯-约翰逊(Boris Johnson)那样,揭露他们的无能和卑劣。当然,有时也会两败俱伤:权力既不会驯服,也不会羞辱。(参见维克托-欧尔班。)但即便如此,这些政党至少也应受到政治钟摆的影响。在政府中度过的时间就是用实际决策疏远选民的时间。

Right now, in much of Europe, populists have a goldilocks level of success: enough to foul the atmosphere, to spread the idea that simple answers to big problems exist if governments would but enact them, but not enough to have to prove this in office. The establishment has a record, and all records are flawed. Its enemies get to travel lighter. The contest between the two sides is, in Pentagon argot, asymmetric.

Note how many of the hard right’s relative underperformers in the European parliament elections are incumbents at home (Orbán’s Fidesz) or proppers-up of governments (the Sweden Democrats). This is the gravitational force that drags mainstream politicians down. Government brings round-the-clock attention, not just the curated broadcast rounds at which Nigel Farage excels. Above all, it brings the burden of making decisions that cost voters money.
请注意,在欧洲议会选举中表现相对不佳的硬右派中,有多少是国内的现任者(欧尔班的菲德斯党)或政府的支持者(瑞典民主党)。这就是拖累主流政治家的引力。政府带来的是全天候的关注,而不仅仅是奈杰尔-法拉奇(Nigel Farage)所擅长的精心策划的广播节目。最重要的是,它带来了让选民付出代价的决策负担。

I could cite tax rises here, to fund lavish promises. Or higher interest rates from overborrowing. But few things would harm the populist cause more than having to manage immigration. Their plausible-sounding alternative to foreign labour in low-wage sectors — pay domestic workers more — would be tested against the public’s price-sensitivity. Even if voters don’t balk at higher social care or retail costs, the trade-off would become apparent at last. Never having to be tested, populist ideas have a spurious credibility. Only a spell in government would change that.

What can be said against all this? “Donald Trump”, perhaps. High office didn’t temper the 45th US president, did show voters his worst, and still he is favourite to be the 47th. All true. But Europe, for now, is different. Most of its democracies aren’t quite as divided or tribal as the US, where, eventually, the question of what day of the week it is will generate a 50-50 polling result. Gross misgovernment would still discredit a leader in most of the continent. Consider the irrelevance of Johnson in the UK election, even as a loudmouth on the sidelines.
对这一切还能说什么呢?也许是 "唐纳德-特朗普"。高官厚禄并没有让这位美国第 45 任总统收敛,他确实向选民展示了自己最糟糕的一面,而且他仍然是第 47 任总统的热门人选。这些都是事实。但就目前而言,欧洲是不同的。欧洲大多数民主国家不像美国那样分裂或部落化,在美国,今天是星期几的问题最终会导致五五分成的民调结果。在非洲大陆的大多数国家,严重的执政失误仍会使领导人名誉扫地。考虑到约翰逊在英国大选中的无足轻重,即使他只是一个旁观者。

A better argument is that, once in office, populists might pervert the system to remain there, or do something so harmful as to outweigh the benefit of rendering them unelectable thereafter. (Such as leaving the world’s biggest single market.) Hence the cordon sanitaire of the German mainstream against the hard right.

It is an argument to be reckoned with. In an ideal world, getting close to power would be enough for populists to lose voters. Macron wants France to contemplate a Rassemblement National prime minister this summer, and demur. But he wouldn’t have taken the decision to hold an election if he saw nothing constructive at all in an RN win. At some point, voters have to live with the consequences of their stated desires.

A notion dear to the west is that progress is made, and the truth arrived at, through argument. (Socrates has a lot to answer for.) This underestimates the role of practical demonstration. The west didn’t experience a human lifetime of moderate politics after 1945 because it was talked into it. What counted was the folk memory, now almost extinct, of what happened when nations last voted for parties that defined themselves against the system.
西方人的一个重要观念是,进步和真理都是通过论证取得的(苏格拉底有很多道理)。(这就低估了实际论证的作用。1945 年后,西方没有经历过人类一生的温和政治,因为它是被说服的。重要的是民间记忆(现在几乎已经绝迹),即各国最后一次投票支持反对体制的政党时发生了什么。

There might be no safe way of giving voters a controlled dose. But the status quo, in which populists are on television, on stage, but not on the hook for much, isn’t tenable. Macron’s election will be framed as another outrageous gamble from an almost novelistic homme du destin. It might in fact be the most prudent thing he could have done.
也许没有一种安全的方式能给选民提供有控制的剂量。但民粹主义者在电视上、在舞台上大放异彩,却不承担太多责任的现状是站不住脚的。马克龙的当选将被描绘成一个近乎新奇的 "命运之子"(homme du destin)的又一次离谱赌博。事实上,这可能是他所能做的最谨慎的事情。


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