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Tutorial 2
教程 2

Convention X is a multilateral treaty on maritime matters with over 50 negotiating parties, and it is not a constituent of any international organization. The Convention states it will enter into force after 15 members ratify it. Countries A and B ratified the convention in 1980, and C signed but did not ratify by 1982. By that year, 14 countries had ratified the convention.
《第十公约》是一项关于海事事务的多边条约,有 50 多个谈判方,它不是任何国际组织的组成部分。该公约规定,它将在 15 个成员国批准后生效。A 国和 B 国于 1980 年批准了该公约,C 国于 1982 年签署但未批准。到那一年,已有 14 个国家批准了该公约。

In 1982, a territorial dispute arose between A, B, and C over Island P, located in a water zone between their coasts. Country A detained three fishermen (citizens of B) who had landed on Island P.
1982 年,A、B 和 C 之间就位于两岸之间水域的 P 岛发生了领土争端。A 国拘留了三名在 P 岛登陆的渔民(B 的公民)。

A claims ownership of Island P under Article 10 of Convention X, which prescribes a straight coastline measurement, and submits the dispute to arbitration at Tribunal Z per Article 20.
A 根据 X 公约第 10 条声称拥有 P 岛的所有权,该条款规定了笔直的海岸线测量,并根据第 20 条将争议提交 Z 法庭进行仲裁。

B contends:

Island P belongs to B, and A has no right to detain its fishermen.
P 岛属于 B,A 无权扣留其渔民。

B made a reservation to Article 10 when ratifying the convention.
B 在批准该公约时对第 10 条提出了保留。

The convention has not yet entered into force, so A cannot invoke its provisions.
该公约尚未生效,因此 A 不能援引其条款。

C (ratifying in 1983) argues:
C(1983 年批准)认为:

It has historically occupied Island P for 60 years without objection from A or B.
它在历史上占据了 P 岛 60 年,没有受到 A 或 B 的反对。

It made reservations to Articles 10 and 20 upon ratification, and Tribunal Z should not hear the case.
它在批准时对第 10 条和第 20 条提出了保留,Z 法庭不应审理此案。

A objected to both B and Cs reservations to Article 10, but not to Cs reservation to Article 20. B and C did not respond to each others reservations (suppose over 12 months). After the convention enters into force, Tribunal Z rules in favor of A, awarding Island P to A under Article 10. C refuses to accept the tribunals decision, and B also rejects the verdict and withdraws from the convention.
A 反对 B 和 C 对第 10 条的保留,但不反对 C 对第 20 条的保留。B 和 C 没有回应彼此保留(假设超过 12 个月)。公约生效后,Z 法庭裁定 A 胜诉,根据第 10 条将 P 岛判给 A。C 拒绝接受仲裁庭裁决,B 也拒绝裁决并退出公约。

Suppose Convention X does not mention whether member states can make reservation, please answer the following questions:
假设 X 公约没有提到成员国是否可以定座please 回答以下问题:

Suppose country C is the 15th members that ratified Convention X (in 1983), please discuss the legal effects of Convention X before 1983 and after 1983.
假设 C 国是第 15批准 X 公约的成员国(1983 年),请讨论1983 年之前和 1983 年之后 X 公约的法律效力。

Before 1983: Convention X did not have binding legal effects as it had not met the requirement of entry into force prescribed by the convention itself (need at least 15 members ratified and only 14 members ratified by 1982). However, under Article 18 of the VCLT, signatories (like A, B, and C) must refrain from acts that would defeat the object and purpose of the convention even before its entry into force.
1983 年之前:第十公约不具有约束力,因为它不符合公约本身规定的生效 要求(至少需要 15 个成员国批准,到 1982 年只需要 14 个成员国批准)。但是,根据 VCLT 第 18 条,签署国(如 A、B 和 C)必须在公约生效之前避免会破坏公约的目标和目的的行为

After 1983: Once Convention X enters into force (after the 15th ratification in 1983), it becomes legally binding on all states that have ratified or acceded to it. Therefore, from 1983 onward, all provisions of Convention X are enforceable among its members, unless valid reservations apply.
1983 年之后:一旦 X 公约生效(1983 年第 15 次批准之后),它对所有批准或加入它的国家具有法律约束力。因此,从 1983 年起,除非适用有效保留,否则 X 公约的所有条款都可以在其成员之间执行。

Before the Convention entered into force, could A claim any rights based on the Convention?
在《公约》生效之前,A 是否可以根据《公约》主张任何权利?

No. Before the convention enters into force, states cannot claim rights or be bound by obligations under the treaty, except to the extent that they must not act in ways that defeat the treatys object and purpose (VCLT Article 18). Therefore, A cannot base ownership claims on the convention before it takes effect. After entry into force, A can seek to hold other signatories accountable for violating the treaty.
不。 在公约生效之前,各国不能要求权利或受条约规定的义务约束,除非它们的行为不得违背条约的目标和宗旨(VCLT 第 18 条)。因此,A 不能在约定生效之前根据约定提出所有权声明。生效后,A 可以寻求追究其他签署国违反条约的责任。

What are the legal effects of B’s reservation in relation to A and C?
B 对 A 和 C 的保留有什么法律效力?

A has objected to B’s reservation to Article 10. According to the VCLT, an objection by a party prevents the reservation from applying between the objecting state and the reserving state. Therefore, B’s reservation to Article 10 has no legal effect vis-à-vis country A.
A 反对 B 对第 10 条的保留。根据 VCLT 的规定,一方的异议会阻止保留项在反对国和保留国之间适用。因此,B 对第 10 条的保留对 A 国没有法律效力

Since C did not respond to B’s reservation, under the VCLT, C is deemed to have accepted the reservation, and B’s reservation would apply between B and C.
由于 C 没有回应 B 的保留,因此根据VCLT,C 被视为已接受保留,B 的保留将在 B 和 C 之间适用。

What are the legal effects of C’s reservation in relation to A and B?
C 对 A 和 B 的保留有什么法律效力?

Since A objected to C’s reservation on article 10, the reservation cannot bind A; but since A didn’t object to C’s reservation on article 20, that reservation can bind A.
由于 A 反对 C 对第 10 条的保留,因此该保留不能约束 A;但由于 A 没有反对 C 对第 20 条的保留,因此该保留可以约束 A

B didn’t respond to C’s reservation, which would be considered an acceptance of the reservation.
B 没有回应 C 的预订,这将被视为接受了预订。

After the Convention enters into force, can tribunal Z hear the dispute between countries A, B, and C?
公约生效后,Z 仲裁庭可以审理 A、B、C 国之间的争议吗?

Tribunal Z can only hear disputes between states that have accepted the arbitration clause (Article 20). Since C reserved Article 20, and A and B accepted this reservation, Tribunal Z lacks jurisdiction over C. However, it can still hear the dispute between A and B, as both are bound by the arbitration clause.
Z 法庭只能审理接受仲裁条款的国家之间的争议(第 20 条)。由于 C 保留了第 20 条,而 A 和 B 接受了这一保留,因此 Z 仲裁庭对 C 缺乏管辖权。但是,它仍然可以审理 A 和 B 之间的争议,因为两者都受仲裁条款的约束。

Is tribunal Z’s verdict binding on country C?
Z 法庭的裁决对 C 国有约束力吗?

No. C’s reservation to Article 20, which was accepted by A and B, means C is not bound by the arbitration procedure or Tribunal Z’s decision. Moreover, country C made a reservation on Article 10, which means Article 10 cannot be applied to country C. The verdict itself is problematic.
C 号对第 20 条的保留被 A 和 B 接受,这意味着 C 不受仲裁程序或 Z 仲裁庭决定的约束。 此外,C 国对第 10 条提出了保留,这意味着第 10 条不能适用于 C 国。判决本身是有问题的。

Suppose Convention X did not mention whether it could withdraw from the convention, can country B withdraw from the Convention? Is tribunal Z’s verdict binding on country B if country B withdraws from the Convention?
假设 X 公约没有提到它是否可以退出该公约,那么 B 国可以退出该公约吗?如果 B 国退出《公约》,Z 法庭的裁决对 B 国是否具有约束力?

Yes, B can withdraw from the convention, as treaties generally allow withdrawal unless expressly prohibited (Article 56 of the VCLT). Withdrawal, however, does not invalidate obligations incurred while the state was still a party. Hence, Tribunal Z’s decision, rendered while B was a member, remains binding on B even after withdrawal. However, country B made a reservation on Article 10, which means Article 10 cannot be applied to country B. The verdict itself is problematic.
是的,B 可以退出公约,因为条约通常允许退出,除非明确禁止(VCLT 第 56 条)。但是,退出并不会使国家仍为缔约国时产生的义务无效。因此,Z 仲裁庭在 B 还是成员期间做出的决定,即使在退出后仍然对 B 具有约束力。 但是,B 国对第 10 条提出了保留,这意味着第 10 条不能适用于 B 国。判决本身是有问题的。

Can country A assert ownership of Island P based on Article 10?
A 国是否可以根据第 10 条主张对 P 岛的所有权

While A may argue ownership under Article 10, both B and C made valid reservations to this article, which A objected to. Since Article 10 does not apply between A and the other parties, A cannot claim ownership of Island P based solely on that article. In effect, Article 10 is void in relation to B and C, and there is no agreed legal basis under Convention X for A’s ownership claim.
虽然 A 可以根据第 10 条争论所有权,但 B 和 C 都对该条款提出了有效的保留,但 A 对此表示反对。由于第 10 条不适用于 A 与其他当事人之间,因此 A 不能仅根据该条款主张对 P 岛的所有权。实际上,第 10 条对 B 和 C 无效,并且根据公约 X 对 A 的所有权要求没有商定的法律依据。

Can country C assert ownership of Island P based on customary law?
C 国能否根据习惯法主张对 P 岛的所有权

Yes. If C can demonstrate long-term possession and use of Island P without objection from A or B, it may claim ownership under customary international law.
是的 如果 C 能够证明长期拥有和使用岛屿 P 且没有 A 或 B 的反对,则可以根据习惯国际法主张所有权。