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Scopus EXPORT DATE: 04 May 2024
Scopus 出口日期:2024 年 5 月 4 日

Kondo S., Hayashi H., Eguchi T., Oyama T., Wada T., Otani K. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Kondo, Shuko (36644190700); Hayashi, Hiroshi (55702924200); Eguchi, Takuya (36643890100); Oyama, Takanobu (36644649000); Wada, Tadashi (7404564244); Otani, Koichi (7102620950) 36644190700; 55702924200; 36643890100; 36644649000; 7404564244; 7102620950 Bromocriptine augmentation therapy in a patient with Cotard's syndrome (2003), Cited 16 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-0037674661&doi=10.1016%2fS0278-5846%2803%2900083-6&partnerID=40&md5=08c8aee84c65bce04d43ebb02c402bbe
Kondo S.、Hayashi H.、Eguchi T.、Oyama T.、Wada T.、Otani K.作者全名: Kondo, Shuko (36644190700); Hayashi, Hiroshi (55702924200); Eguchi, Takuya (36643890100); Oyama, Takanobu (36644649000); Wada, Tadashi (7404564244); Otani, Koichi (7102620950) 36644190700; 55702924200; 36643890100; 36644649000; 7404564244; 7102620950 一位科塔氏综合征患者的溴隐亭增强疗法(2003 年),被引用 16 次。https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-0037674661&doi=10.1016%2fS0278-5846%2803%2900083-6&partnerID=40&md5=08c8aee84c65bce04d43ebb02c402bbe。

ABSTRACT: A 72-year-old female with bipolar I disorder developed Cotard's syndrome, i.e., various delusions of negation accompanied by severe depressive symptoms. She responded neither to the combination of antipsychotic drug and antidepressant nor to the lithium augmentation therapy. However, the delusions and depressive symptoms improved dramatically after the addition of bromocriptine 2.5-5 mg/day to the combination of clomipramine and lithium. This report suggests that bromocriptine augmentation therapy might be effective at least for some patients with Cotard's syndrome in mood disorders. © 2003 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved. FreeText:This patients sixth major depressive episode was refractory to 6 weeks of therapy with sulpiride 150 mg daily plus milnacipran 90 mg daily or amitriptyline 100 mg daily, and she was admitted after attempting suicide. Major depressive episode was characterized as depressed mood which was worse in the morning, loss of interest and pleasure, lack of reactivity, anorexia, insomnia, agitation, loss of energy, feeling of worthlessness, concentration difficulty, and suicidal ideation. She also showed delusion of nonexistence that " I do not exist, have no soul or body, " delusion of absence of internal organs that " Even if I take foods and water, they go somewhere, because my stomach and intestine have rotten and gone," delusion of immortality that " I cannot die and have to suffer forever," and delusion of guilt. Treatment during the current admission comprised Anafranil, lithium 300 mg 600 mg daily, and bromocriptine 2.5 mg 5 mg daily. Results:On admission, patient was initially treated with a combination of Anafranil 50 mg/day intravenously and lithium 300 mg/day orally. On the 18th day, the treatment was switched to Anafranil 150 mg/day orally and lithium 600 mg/day orally (serum level 0.78 meq/l). On the 24th day, the dose of Anafranil was increased to 200 mg/day. However, the delusions and depressive symptoms did not improve. Therefore, on the 38th day, bromocriptine 2.5 mg/day was added with the patient's consent. From the 40th day, the depressed mood and loss of energy started to improve. On the 45th day, the dose of bromocriptine was increased to 5 mg/day. On the 48th day, the delusions were moderately decreased, and the anorexia was not observed. She stated that " There is a slight feeling of having no soul or body, but now the foods and water I take go into my body. " On the 55th day, delusions were markedly decreased, and the loss of interest and pleasure, lack of reactivity, insomnia, and suicidal ideation were not observed. She stated that " I surely have stomach and intestine. " On the 85th day, she was discharged. Indications:1 patient with a diagnosis of Cotard's syndrome with mood disorders characterized by various delusions of negation with severe depressive symptoms. Coexisting disease was refractory bipolar I disorder. Patients:A 72 year old female inpatient. TypeofStudy:This item reports on a patient with bipolar 1 disorder whose associated Cotards syndrome, refractory to initial treatment with Anafranil and lithium , showed a dramatic improvement during bromocriptine augmentation therapy. DosageDuration:Initial drug dose of 50 mg/day iv which was increased to 150 mg/day orally on the 18th day and 200 mg/day on the 24th day of treatment. Duration not stated. AdverseEffects:No adverse events were mentioned. AuthorsConclusions:Similar to previous reports, this patient responded to neither the combination of an antipsychotic drug and antidepressant, nor to the lithium augmentation therapy. Bromocriptine augmentation therapy might be effective at least for some patients with Cotard's syndrome in mood disorders.
摘要:一名72岁的女性躁郁症患者出现了科塔德综合征,即各种否定妄想,并伴有严重的抑郁症状。她对抗抑郁药物和抗精神病药物的联合治疗以及锂增量疗法均无反应。然而,在氯米帕明和锂的联合治疗中加入溴隐亭 2.5-5 毫克/天后,妄想和抑郁症状得到了显著改善。该报告表明,溴隐亭增强疗法至少对部分患有科塔德综合征的情绪障碍患者有效。© 2003 爱思唯尔科学公司。保留所有权利。FreeText:该患者的第六次重度抑郁发作对舒必利每日150毫克加米那西普仑每日90毫克或阿米替林每日100毫克的6周治疗无效。重度抑郁发作的特征是情绪低落,早晨加重,失去兴趣和乐趣,缺乏反应性,厌食,失眠,烦躁,精力丧失,无价值感,注意力难以集中,以及自杀意念。她还表现出 "我不存在,没有灵魂或肉体 "的不存在妄想;"即使我吃东西和喝水,它们也不知道去了哪里,因为我的肠胃已经腐烂消失了 "的无内脏妄想;"我不能死,必须永远受苦 "的不死妄想;以及内疚妄想。本次入院治疗包括安纳法尼、锂 300 毫克 600 毫克/天和溴隐亭 2.5 毫克 5 毫克/天。结果:入院时,患者最初接受的是阿纳弗利 50 毫克/天静脉注射和锂 300 毫克/天口服的联合治疗。第18天,改为口服安纳弗尼150毫克/天,口服锂600毫克/天(血清水平0.78 meq/l)。第 24 天, Anafranil 的剂量增加到每天 200 毫克。然而,妄想和抑郁症状并没有改善。因此,第 38 天,在征得患者同意的情况下,增加了溴隐亭 2.5 毫克/天的剂量。从第 40 天起,患者的抑郁情绪和体力下降症状开始好转。第45天,溴隐亭的剂量增加到每天5毫克。第 48 天,妄想症略有减少,厌食症也没有出现。她说:"有一种没有灵魂或身体的轻微感觉,但现在我吃的食物和喝的水都进入了我的身体。"第 55 天,妄想明显减少,兴趣和乐趣丧失、反应迟钝、失眠和自杀念头也没有出现。她说:"我肯定有胃和肠。"第 85 天,她出院了。 适应症:1 名患者被诊断为科塔德综合征,伴有以各种否定妄想和严重抑郁症状为特征的情绪障碍。并发症为难治性躁郁症 I。患者:一名 72 岁的女性住院患者。研究类型:本项目报告了一名双相情感障碍 1 型患者的情况,该患者伴有科塔德综合征,最初使用安纳法尼和锂盐治疗无效,但在溴隐亭增强治疗期间病情得到了显著改善。用药剂量和持续时间:初始药物剂量为 50 毫克/天(静脉注射),第 18 天增加到 150 毫克/天(口服),第 24 天增加到 200 毫克/天(口服)。未说明持续时间。不良反应:未提及不良反应。作者结论:与之前的报告类似,该患者对抗精神病药物和抗抑郁药物的联合治疗以及锂盐增强疗法均无反应。溴隐亭增强疗法至少对部分患有情绪障碍的科塔德综合征患者有效。

Leistedt S., Coumans N., Ladha K., Linkowski P. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Leistedt, S. (21741340000); Coumans, N. (21740857000); Ladha, K. (57093775700); Linkowski, P. (7005589698) 21741340000; 21740857000; 57093775700; 7005589698 The negation of the body: About three observations of the Jules Cotard's delusions [La négation du corps : à propos de trois observations concernant les délires de Jules Cotard] (2009), Cited 1 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-70350341921&doi=10.1016%2fj.amp.2007.11.018&partnerID=40&md5=9629c0aa756e3be415baab49fb140a86
作者全名:Leistedt, S. (21741340000); Coumans, N. (21740857000); Ladha, K. (57093775700); Linkowski, P. (7005589698) 21741340000; 21740857000; 57093775700; 7005589698 身体的否定:关于儒勒-科塔妄想的三点观察 [La négation du corps : à propos de trois observations concernant les délires de Jules Cotard] (2009), Cited 1 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-70350341921&doi=10.1016%2fj.amp.2007.11.018&partnerID=40&md5=9629c0aa756e3be415baab49fb140a86

ABSTRACT: In 1880, the French doctor Jules Cotard presents a clinical description of a physical negation delusion occurring in a melancholia context. In his classical clinical description, Cotard's syndrome is characterized by a semiological triad as: physical denial delusion, immortality and enormity delusion, and damnation ideas. Nowadays, there has been a decline in the appearance of this syndrome, probably due to the new psychopharmacological treatment approach and also because of the decrease in the number of institutionalized patients. The authors present three clinical vignettes of Cotard's syndrome. The cases are described through a summary of their personal history, the evolution of the disease and their psychiatric journey. A great part of the description of these cases is focused on the fine semiological analysis of the syndrome's presentation in each patient. Successively, mental and physical syndromes are described for the three patients. In the first patient, the authors insist on the "germinative phase" which is the period during the progressive development of the disease. In the second and the third cases, a "trigger factor" is well identified. The last case is more atypical because of the precocious disease's arising. It illustrates that fact, that nowadays, Cotard's syndrome is not the exclusiveness of seniors but can arise in young people. Secondly, a review of available literature on topic is presented - epidemiological, clinical, psychoanalytical and biological aspects - and analyzed, in order to elaborate a psychopathological study of these three patients. The psychopathological analysis shows the great heterogeneity of this syndrome in terms of way of apparition, clinical presentation, and evolution under specific therapeutics. Through the study of the Cotard's syndrome in the three patients, authors reveal also that the Cotard's syndrome is still present on the psychiatric's disease spectrum but not as in 100 years ago, but as an "uncompleted and modified Cotard's syndrome". Moreover, the apparition of new techniques of brain exploration, especially functional brain imagery, could be an encouraging way to study more and deeper this particular syndrome. In fact, nowadays, the pathophysiological mechanisms and phenomenological aspects of Cotard's syndrome are still unclear. © 2009 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
摘要:1880年,法国医生儒勒-科塔德(Jules Cotard)对在忧郁症背景下出现的身体否定妄想进行了临床描述。在他的经典临床描述中,科塔德综合征的特征是:身体否定妄想、不朽和巨大妄想以及诅咒观念的符号学三部曲。如今,这种综合征的发病率有所下降,这可能是由于采用了新的精神药物治疗方法,也可能是由于住院患者人数的减少。作者介绍了三例科塔德综合征的临床病例。作者通过概述病例的个人病史、疾病的演变过程以及他们的心理历程来描述这些病例。这些病例的大部分描述都集中在对每位患者的综合征表现进行精细的符号学分析上。三位患者的精神和躯体综合征相继被描述出来。在第一例患者中,作者坚持认为 "萌芽期 "是疾病逐渐发展的时期。在第二和第三个病例中,"诱发因素 "被明确指出。最后一个病例更不典型,因为其发病较早。这说明了一个事实,即如今科塔德氏综合征并非老年人的专利,也可能发生在年轻人身上。其次,对现有的相关文献--流行病学、临床、精神分析和生物学方面的文献--进行了回顾和分析,以便对这三名患者进行心理病理学研究。心理病理学分析表明,这种综合征在发病方式、临床表现和特定治疗方法下的演变方面存在很大的异质性。通过对这三位患者的科塔德综合征的研究,作者还揭示了科塔德综合征仍然存在于精神病的疾病谱中,但已不是 100 年前的科塔德综合征,而是一种 "未完成的、改良的科塔德综合征"。此外,脑探索新技术的出现,尤其是脑功能成像技术的出现,也是对这一特殊综合征进行更多和更深入研究的一个令人鼓舞的途径。事实上,时至今日,科塔德综合征的病理生理机制和现象学方面仍不清楚。© 2009 Elsevier Masson SAS。保留所有权利。

Wright S., Young A.W., Hellawell D.J. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Wright, Simon (7404005400); Young, Andrew W. (7403881658); Hellawell, Deborah J. (57190661579) 7404005400; 7403881658; 57190661579 Sequential Cotard and Capgras delusions (1993), Cited 56 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-0027378320&doi=10.1111%2fj.2044-8260.1993.tb01065.x&partnerID=40&md5=7e87ae84691126a10546056912c2ff56
Wright S., Young A.W., Hellawell D.J. 作者全名:Wright, Simon (7404005400);Young, Andrew W. (7403881658);Hellawell, Deborah J. (57190661579) 7404005400; 7403881658; 57190661579 Sequential Cotard and Capgras delusions (1993), Cited 56 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-0027378320&doi=10.1111%2fj.2044-8260.1993.tb01065.x&partnerID=40&md5=7e87ae84691126a10546056912c2ff56

ABSTRACT: We report sequential Cotard and Capgras delusions in the same patient, KH, and offer a simple hypothesis to account for this link. The Cotard delusion occurred when KH was depressed and the Capgras delusion arose in the context of persecutory delusions. We suggest that the Cotard and Capgras delusions reflect different interpretations of similar anomalous experiences, and that the persecutory delusions and suspiciousness that are often noted in Capgras cases contribute to the patients' mistaking a change in themselves for a change in others (‘they are impostors’), whereas people who are depressed exaggerate the negative effects of the same change whilst correctly attributing it to themselves (‘I am dead’). This explains why there might be an underlying similarity between delusions which are phenomenally distinct. 1993 The British Psychological Society
摘要:我们报告了同一患者KH相继出现的科塔德妄想和卡普格拉斯妄想,并提出了一个简单的假设来解释这种联系。科塔德妄想发生在 KH 抑郁的时候,而卡普拉斯妄想则是在被迫害妄想的背景下产生的。我们认为,科塔德妄想症和卡普格拉斯妄想症反映了对类似异常经历的不同解释,而卡普格拉斯病例中经常出现的迫害妄想症和多疑症导致患者将自身的变化误认为是他人的变化("他们是冒牌货"),而抑郁症患者则夸大了同样变化的负面影响,同时正确地将其归因于自身("我死了")。这就解释了为什么现象上截然不同的妄想之间可能存在潜在的相似性。1993 英国心理学会

Nejad A.G., Zare Anari A.M., Pouya F. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Nejad, Alireza Ghaffari (7006307799); Zare Anari, Ali Mehdizadeh (36187963400); Pouya, Fatemeh (6506144723) 7006307799; 36187963400; 6506144723 Effect of cultural themes on forming cotard's syndrome: Reporting a case of cotard's syndrome with depersonalization and out of body experience symptoms (2013), Cited 7 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84885798796&partnerID=40&md5=4a5d74a4c4baa910631cb9a8bed06cff
Nejad A.G., Zare Anari A.M., Pouya F. 作者全名:Nejad, Alireza Ghaffari (7006307799); Zare Anari, Ali Mehdizadeh (36187963400); Pouya, Fatemeh (6506144723) 7006307799; 36187963400; 6506144723 文化主题对形成科塔德综合征的影响:报告一例伴有人格解体和体外体验症状的科塔德综合征(2013 年),被引用 7 次。https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84885798796&partnerID=40&md5=4a5d74a4c4baa910631cb9a8bed06cff

ABSTRACT: Objective: Cotard's syndrome is a rare psychiatric syndrome. Its core symptom is nihilistic ideation or delusion.Case Report: A female patient with Cotard's syndrome symptoms associated with out of body experience and depersonalization, and complicated grief was referred for evaluation. She believed that she was killed by a creature named "Aal" in the Persian folklore Conclusions: Cultural and superstitious beliefs could affect the forming of the complex constellation of the patient's symptoms including Cotard's syndrome symptoms. The resolution of symptoms might be achieved step by step.
ABSTRACT: Objective:科塔德综合征是一种罕见的精神综合征。其核心症状是虚无主义意念或妄想:一名女性患者患有科塔德综合征,其症状与出体体验和人格解体有关,并伴有复杂的悲伤。她认为自己是被波斯民间传说结论中一种名为 "Aal "的生物杀死的:文化和迷信信仰可能会影响患者复杂症状的形成,包括科塔德综合征症状。症状的缓解可能是逐步实现的。

Bourgeois M., Jordan M., Daubech J.F., Rigal F., Goumilloux R., Delile J.M. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Bourgeois, M. (35352969700); Jordan, M. (7202293957); Daubech, J.F. (6701808397); Rigal, F. (7003443748); Goumilloux, R. (6603111444); Delile, J.M. (36729457200) 35352969700; 7202293957; 6701808397; 7003443748; 6603111444; 36729457200 Depersonalization, Cotard's syndrome and tendency toward mania under benzodiazepine (apropos of 2 case reports) [Dépersonnalisation, syndrome de Cotard et virage maniaque sous benzodiazépine (à propos de deux observations).] (1986), Cited 4 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-0022665177&partnerID=40&md5=35ca96e3398fdc6ecda1e3f52d1422f7
Bourgeois M.,Jordan M.,Daubech J.F.,Rigal F.,Goumilloux R.、Delile J.M. 作者全名:Bourgeois,M. (35352969700);Jordan,M. (7202293957);Daubech,J.F. (6701808397);Rigal,F. (7003443748);Goumilloux,R. (6603111444);Delile,J.M.(36729457200) 35352969700; 7202293957; 6701808397; 7003443748; 6603111444; 36729457200 人格解体、科塔氏综合征和苯并二氮杂卓作用下的躁狂症倾向(2 例报告)[Dépersonnalisation, syndrome de Cotard et virage maniaque sous benzodiazépine (à propos deux observations).(1986), Cited 4 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-0022665177&partnerID=40&md5=35ca96e3398fdc6ecda1e3f52d1422f7

Subhas N., Naing K.O., Su C., Loo J.L., Shahbudin A.F., Sivasubramaniam V., Thyagarajan R. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Subhas, Natasha (57193638757); Naing, Khin Ohnmar (24399350200); Su, Chaw (57226533559); Loo, Jiann Lin (57190340270); Shahbudin, Aishah Farhana (57205559528); Sivasubramaniam, Vevehkanandar (57214442710); Thyagarajan, Reenisha (57226532358) 57193638757; 24399350200; 57226533559; 57190340270; 57205559528; 57214442710; 57226532358 Case report on Cotard’s syndrome (CS) in a patient with schizophrenia: a rare case from Malaysia (2021), Cited 0 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85111834597&doi=10.1186%2fs41983-021-00359-4&partnerID=40&md5=39007aaf277898f112d79712e09d1d2b
Subhas N.,Naing K.O.,Su C.,Loo J.L.,Shahbudin A.F.,Sivasubramaniam V.、Thyagarajan R.作者全名:Subhas, Natasha (57193638757); Naing, Khin Ohnmar (24399350200); Su, Chaw (57226533559); Loo, Jiann Lin (57190340270); Shahbudin, Aishah Farhana (57205559528); Sivasubramaniam, Vevehkanandar (57214442710);Thyagarajan, Reenisha (57226532358) 57193638757; 24399350200; 57226533559; 57190340270; 57205559528; 57214442710; 57226532358 一名精神分裂症患者的科塔德氏综合征(CS)病例报告:马来西亚罕见病例 (2021), 被引用 0 次。https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85111834597&doi=10.1186%2fs41983-021-00359-4&partnerID=40&md5=39007aaf277898f112d79712e09d1d2b

ABSTRACT: Background: Cotard’s syndrome (CS) is a neuropsychiatric condition marked by nihilistic delusional(s). Due to its rarity, misdiagnosis of the syndrome often occurs. The current case study is of a Malaysian woman who was misdiagnosed for several years by professionals due to the presence of hypochondriac symptoms before receiving the correct diagnosis. Case presentation: In this case presentation, we describe the case of L, a 42-year-old Malaysian lady who was first misdiagnosed with depression. The diagnosis of schizophrenia and CS was confirmed after thorough clinical examination, diagnostic investigations, and deliberation at a departmental forum. The patient improved after receiving electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) along with antipsychotic medications. Conclusions: This case study highlights the importance of early recognition of CS by professionals as it can save time for both parties when setting up a treatment plan. Essentially, early recognition of CS in schizophrenia is paramount in the process of rapid stabilization through ECT and promotion of patient recovery. © 2021, The Author(s).
摘要:背景:科塔德综合征(CS)是一种以虚无主义妄想为特征的神经精神疾病。由于其罕见性,该综合征经常被误诊。本病例研究的对象是一名马来西亚妇女,在得到正确诊断之前,她曾因出现疑病症状而被专业人士误诊数年。病例介绍:在本病例中,我们描述了一位 42 岁马来西亚女性 L 的病例,她最初被误诊为抑郁症。经过全面的临床检查、诊断性检查和科室论坛讨论后,确诊为精神分裂症和 CS。患者在接受电休克疗法(ECT)和抗精神病药物治疗后病情有所好转。结论:本病例研究强调了专业人员早期识别 CS 的重要性,因为这可以为双方制定治疗计划节省时间。从根本上说,早期识别精神分裂症患者的 CS 对于通过电痉挛疗法快速稳定病情和促进患者康复至关重要。© 2021,作者。

Ramachandran V., Hirstein W. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Ramachandran, Vilayanur (7201535981); Hirstein, William (8891272800) 7201535981; 8891272800 The paradoxical self (2011), Cited 4 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84856493859&doi=10.1017%2fCBO9780511978098.007&partnerID=40&md5=f6eaf69bc350a8a2e2cd7940e2a305db
Ramachandran V., Hirstein W. 作者全名:Ramachandran, Vilayanur (7201535981); Hirstein, William (8891272800) 7201535981; 8891272800 The paradoxical self (2011), Cited 4 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84856493859&doi=10.1017%2fCBO9780511978098.007&partnerID=40&md5=f6eaf69bc350a8a2e2cd7940e2a305db

ABSTRACT: We consider a number of syndromes incorporating paradoxical phenomena that lie at the boundary between neurology and psychiatry. Amongst the phenomena we examine are Cotard's Syndrome (belief that one is dead/dying), Capgras Syndrome (belief that a personally familiar person has been replaced by an imposter), and Apotemnophilia (desire to have a limb amputated). We use these phenomena to speculate on the manner in which the brain constructs a sense of self. We propose that, despite the extraordinary variety of paradoxical symptoms encountered in neuropsychiatry, certain key assumptions can help explain most of these self-related phenomena. (1) Discrepancies and conflict between the information dominating different brain systems. (2) Disturbance of Me/Other distinctions caused by dysfunctional interactions between the mirror neuron system, frontal lobe structures and sensory input. (3) Misattribution of symptoms to spurious causes, so as to minimize internal discrepancies. (4) The existence of three functionally distinct visual systems, as opposed to the two conventionally accepted ones, with selective damage or uncoupling between them. (5) Recruiting one neural map for another unrelated function, or one neural structure serving as a template for transcribing on to another neural structure. We suggest that, paradoxically, the mechanisms that give rise to psychiatric delusions and illusions may themselves sometimes have adaptive value in evolutionary terms. © Cambridge University Press 2011.
ABSTRACT: 我们研究了神经病学和精神病学之间的一些综合症,这些综合症包含一些自相矛盾的现象。我们研究的现象包括科塔德综合征(认为自己已死/死亡)、卡普拉斯综合征(认为自己熟悉的人被冒名顶替)和嗜肢症(渴望截肢)。我们利用这些现象来推测大脑构建自我意识的方式。我们提出,尽管神经精神病学中遇到的自相矛盾症状种类繁多,但某些关键假设有助于解释大多数与自我有关的现象。(1) 主导不同大脑系统的信息之间存在差异和冲突。(2) 由于镜像神经元系统、额叶结构和感觉输入之间的交互作用失调,导致 "我 "与 "他人 "的区分紊乱。(3) 将症状错误地归因于虚假的原因,以尽量减少内部差异。(4) 存在三个功能截然不同的视觉系统,而非传统上认为的两个,它们之间存在选择性损伤或不耦合。(5) 将一种神经图谱用于另一种无关的功能,或将一种神经结构作为模板转录到另一种神经结构上。我们认为,矛盾的是,导致精神错觉和幻觉的机制本身有时可能具有进化方面的适应价值。©剑桥大学出版社 2011。

Gallagher S. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Gallagher, Shaun (36725049300) 36725049300 Metzinger's matrix: Living the virtual life with a real body (2005), Cited 17 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-26644466128&partnerID=40&md5=085d24d257f9621d9d0f06b6b8b8ab3b
Gallagher S. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Gallagher, Shaun (36725049300) 36725049300 Metzinger's matrix:以真实的身体过虚拟的生活》(2005 年),被引用 17 次。https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-26644466128&partnerID=40&md5=085d24d257f9621d9d0f06b6b8b8ab3b。

ABSTRACT: Is it possible to say that there is no real self if we take a non-Cartesian view of the body? Is it possible to say that an organism can engage in pragmatic action and intersubjective interaction and that the self generated in such activity is not real? This depends on how we define the concept "real". By taking a close look at embodied action, and at Metzinger's concept of embodiment, I want to argue that, on a non-Cartesian concept of reality, the self should be considered something real, and not simply an illusion.
摘要:如果我们采取非笛卡尔式的身体观,是否可以说不存在真正的自我?是否可以说,有机体可以从事实用行动和主体间互动,而在这种活动中产生的自我却不是真实的?这取决于我们如何定义 "真实 "这一概念。通过仔细研究具身行动和梅津格的 "具身"(embodiment)概念,我想论证的是,根据非笛卡尔式的现实概念,自我应被视为某种真实的东西,而不仅仅是一种幻觉。

Douville O. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Douville, Olivier (6603345709) 6603345709 Exclusions et corps extrêmes (2004), Cited 7 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-24344443999&doi=10.3917%2fcpsy.035.0089&partnerID=40&md5=b526f6b64ce4dda61c784748b67f08d4
Douville O. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Douville, Olivier (6603345709) 6603345709 Exclusions et corps extrêmes (2004), Cited 7 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-24344443999&doi=10.3917%2fcpsy.035.0089&partnerID=40&md5=b526f6b64ce4dda61c784748b67f08d4

ABSTRACT: People who are deeply rejected by society show clearly the fall of psychical and anthropological médiations which help anyone to have a sufficient relationship whith his body and with language. A psychopathological approach is not sufficient at all. In this paper, the author shows that in all the cases of great rejection by society, the signifiants able to link the subject to the social are also denied and rejected.
ABSTRACT: 深受社会排斥的人清楚地表明,心理和人类学方式的衰落有助于任何人与自己的身体和语言建立充分的关系。心理病理学方法是完全不够的。在本文中,作者指出,在所有被社会严重排斥的案例中,能够将主体与社会联系起来的符号也被否定和排斥。

Kar N., Rath S.C., Kar S. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Kar, Nilamadhab (56273865000); Rath, Suresh Chandra (58683223300); Kar, Shreyan (57202350915) 56273865000; 58683223300; 57202350915 Delusion of death in a patient with dementia: a case report (2023), Cited 0 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85175875432&doi=10.1002%2fpnp.811&partnerID=40&md5=99f24045c680ff7677b7b70a94bc90fd
Kar N., Rath S.C., Kar S. 作者全名:Kar, Nilamadhab (56273865000); Rath, Suresh Chandra (58683223300); Kar, Shreyan (57202350915) 56273865000; 58683223300; 57202350915 痴呆症患者的死亡错觉:病例报告 (2023), 引用 0 次。https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85175875432&doi=10.1002%2fpnp.811&partnerID=40&md5=99f24045c680ff7677b7b70a94bc90fd。

ABSTRACT: The delusional belief one has died is a rare psychopathology. It has been described as a part of Cotard's syndrome and is associated with psychiatric and neurological illnesses. Here we present a case of a 97-year-old male patient who experienced this delusion with a background of long-standing dementia with hearing and vision impairment. There were no associated psychiatric symptoms. Ten days after the onset of the delusion he had a stroke and hemiplegia, and he passed away within a month. We discuss the presentation and analyse the related literature. Copyright © 2023 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
摘要:妄想自己已经死亡是一种罕见的精神病理学。它被描述为科塔德综合征的一部分,与精神和神经疾病有关。这里我们介绍一例 97 岁的男性患者,他在长期痴呆并伴有听力和视力障碍的背景下出现了这种妄想。患者没有相关的精神症状。妄想出现十天后,他中风偏瘫,并在一个月内去世。我们对该病例进行了讨论,并对相关文献进行了分析。版权所有 © 2023 约翰威利父子有限公司。

Mendez M.F., Ramírez-Bermúdez J. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Mendez, Mario F. (7202908230); Ramírez-Bermúdez, Jesús (12038852600) 7202908230; 12038852600 Cotard Syndrome in Semantic Dementia (2011), Cited 28 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84857381716&doi=10.1016%2fj.psym.2011.06.004&partnerID=40&md5=8b49869fe8bac4393d530073b565af89
Mendez M.F., Ramírez-Bermúdez J. 作者全名:Mendez, Mario F. (7202908230); Ramírez-Bermúdez, Jesús (12038852600) 7202908230; 12038852600 Cotard Syndrome in Semantic Dementia (2011),被引用 28 次。https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84857381716&doi=10.1016%2fj.psym.2011.06.004&partnerID=40&md5=8b49869fe8bac4393d530073b565af89。

Malone K. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Malone, Kevin (7102975214) 7102975214 Remarkable resolution of an uncommon psychosyndrome: Epilepsy-induced remission of Cotard's syndrome (1992), Cited 4 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-0026703893&doi=10.1017%2fS0790966700013963&partnerID=40&md5=9d26b2b6245af46b17d75b9584695886
Malone K. 作者全名:Malone, Kevin (7102975214) 7102975214 不常见精神综合征的显著缓解:癫痫诱发的科塔德综合征缓解》(1992 年),引用 4 次。https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-0026703893&doi=10.1017%2fS0790966700013963&partnerID=40&md5=9d26b2b6245af46b17d75b9584695886。

ABSTRACT: LP41,7 A case of Cotard's syndrome which resolved following two grand mal seizures is described. This case illustrates how organic factors can be aetiologically significant in psychiatric disease. It also illustrates the usefulness of convulsive therapy, whether prescribed or occurring via nature, in this rare disorder. © 1992, Cambridge University Press. All rights reserved.
摘要:LP41,7 描述了一例在两次癫痫大发作后症状缓解的科塔德综合征病例。该病例说明了器质性因素在精神疾病中的重要致病性。它还说明了惊厥疗法(无论是处方疗法还是自然疗法)在这种罕见疾病中的作用。©1992,剑桥大学出版社。保留所有权利。

Shiraishi H., Ito M., Hayashi H., Otani K. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Shiraishi, Hiroaki (36828388000); Ito, Masanao (7407817595); Hayashi, Hiroshi (55702924200); Otani, Koichi (7102620950) 36828388000; 7407817595; 55702924200; 7102620950 Sulpiride treatment of Cotard's syndrome in schizophrenia (2004), Cited 18 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-1842839790&doi=10.1016%2fj.pnpbp.2004.01.011&partnerID=40&md5=0bc6738604cc11252c777de3d2986cad
Shiraishi H., Ito M., Hayashi H., Otani K.作者全名:Shiraishi, Hiroaki (36828388000);Ito, Masanao (7407817595);Hayashi, Hiroshi (55702924200);Otani, Koichi (7102620950) 36828388000; 7407817595; 55702924200; 7102620950 舒必利治疗精神分裂症中的科塔氏综合征(2004 年),被引用 18 次。https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-1842839790&doi=10.1016%2fj.pnpbp.2004.01.011&partnerID=40&md5=0bc6738604cc11252c777de3d2986cad。

ABSTRACT: A 33-year-old male suffering from schizophrenia developed the typical symptoms of Cotard's syndrome, i.e., various delusions of negation and severe depressive symptoms. Atypical symptoms such as delusions of persecution and control related to body parts were also observed. These symptoms gradually improved by the treatment with sulpiride 300 mg/day. In the course of improvement of Cotard's syndrome, the patient developed Capgras syndrome. This report suggests that sulpiride is effective for Cotard's syndrome in schizophrenia. It also suggests that the symptoms of Cotard's syndrome are modified according to basic disorders, and this syndrome has a close connection with Capgras syndrome. © 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
摘要:一名 33 岁的男性精神分裂症患者出现了科塔德综合征的典型症状,即各种否定妄想和严重抑郁症状。他还出现了一些非典型症状,如迫害妄想和与身体部位有关的控制妄想。在接受舒必利 300 毫克/天的治疗后,这些症状逐渐得到改善。在 Cotard's 综合征改善的过程中,患者出现了 Capgras 综合征。这份报告表明,舒必利对精神分裂症患者的科塔德综合征有效。该报告还表明,科塔德综合征的症状会根据基础疾病的不同而有所变化,而且该综合征与卡普格拉斯综合征有着密切的联系。© 2004 Elsevier Inc.保留所有权利。

Shaan F., Rizvi A., Sharma G. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Shaan, Faisal (57201497201); Rizvi, Abid (56460956400); Sharma, Gaurav (57201493142) 57201497201; 56460956400; 57201493142 Cotard syndrome in Tumefactive Multiple Sclerosis- A case report (2018), Cited 7 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85045089478&doi=10.1016%2fj.ajp.2018.04.002&partnerID=40&md5=06c218229d55e0e21c656a3662426848
Shaan F., Rizvi A., Sharma G. 作者全名:Shaan, Faisal (57201497201);Rizvi, Abid (56460956400);Sharma, Gaurav (57201493142) 57201497201; 56460956400; 57201493142 肿瘤活动性多发性硬化症的科塔德综合征--病例报告(2018),引用 7 次。https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85045089478&doi=10.1016%2fj.ajp.2018.04.002&partnerID=40&md5=06c218229d55e0e21c656a3662426848。

Cipriani G., Picchi L., Dolciotti C., Bonuccelli U. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Cipriani, G. (23479158300); Picchi, L. (36605047500); Dolciotti, C. (35726836400); Bonuccelli, U. (55156487000) 23479158300; 36605047500; 35726836400; 55156487000 Cotard: The man and the syndrome [Cotard: L'uomo e la sindrome] (2010), Cited 6 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-77957366084&partnerID=40&md5=4bdc184a09e7d68399da5107500a7a4a
作者全名:Cipriani, G. (23479158300); Picchi, L. (36605047500); Dolciotti, C. (35726836400); Bonuccelli, U. (55156487000) 23479158300; 36605047500; 35726836400; 55156487000 Cotard: The man and the syndrome [Cotard: L'uomo e la sindrome] (2010), Cited 6 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-77957366084&partnerID=40&md5=4bdc184a09e7d68399da5107500a7a4a

ABSTRACT: Aim: Cotard's syndrome was originally described in 1880 by the French psychiatrist Jules Cotard; this relatively rare disorder is characterized by the presence of nihilistic delusion (délire des négations). Typically, patients believe they have lost their organs, blood or body parts, or even they are dead; the delusion is accompanied by guilt as well as the belief to be immortal. This highly impressive psychopathological condition exists in patients with depression, schizophrenia, and other psychotic disorders but it may also occur in neurological practice. A propos of one case seen in our hospital, we present an overview of the historical aspects, classification, neurological characteristics (neurostructural, neurophysiological and neuropsychological), etiology and the more recent view of pathogenesis of Cotard's syndrome. Methods: We searched electronic databases and key journals using appropriate search terms: Jules Cotard; Cotard syndrome; Cotard's delusion; nihilistic delusion; internalising attributional style and depression. Results: Various organic conditions such as multiple sclerosis, temporal lobe epilepsy, brain tumors, brain injuries, and migraine have been reported in association with Cotard's syndrome. The most commonly reported neurological abnormalities in these patients include structural brain changes (bilateral cerebral atrophy, enlarged interhemispheric fissure), functional brain changes (hypoperfusion in the frontal and parietal cortices) and neuropsychological abnormalities (impaired face recognition, impaired executive functions and internalising attributional style) (Fig. 1). The pharmacological treatment must be congruent with the underlying disorder. There are several reports of successful pharmacologic treatment of Cotard's syndrome, most often regarding monotherapy with antidepressant agents or with combinations strategies. Conclusions: The presented case set the issue of the differential diagnosis between dementia and Cotard's syndrome. Fast cognitive and psychopathological symptom progression combined with substantially negative clinical investigations (brain NMR, EEG, blood chemistry) and the response to administered drug treatment prompted us to diagnose Cotard's syndrome in the context of a major depressive episode.
摘要:目的:科塔德综合征最初由法国精神病学家儒勒-科塔德(Jules Cotard)于 1880 年描述;这种相对罕见的疾病以出现虚无主义妄想(délire des négations)为特征。通常情况下,患者会认为自己失去了器官、血液或身体器官,甚至认为自己已经死亡;这种妄想伴随着负罪感,并相信自己是不朽的。这种令人印象深刻的精神病理状态存在于抑郁症、精神分裂症和其他精神病患者身上,但也可能发生在神经科医生身上。通过本院接诊的一个病例,我们概述了科塔德综合征的历史、分类、神经学特征(神经结构、神经生理学和神经心理学)、病因以及最新的发病机制。研究方法我们使用适当的检索词对电子数据库和主要期刊进行了检索:朱尔斯-科塔德;科塔德综合征;科塔德妄想症;虚无主义妄想症;内化归因风格和抑郁症。结果:多发性硬化症、颞叶癫痫、脑肿瘤、脑损伤和偏头痛等各种器质性病症均与科塔德综合征有关。这些患者最常见的神经系统异常包括脑结构改变(双侧脑萎缩、大脑半球间裂隙扩大)、脑功能改变(额叶和顶叶皮质灌注不足)和神经心理异常(面部识别能力受损、执行功能受损和内化归因风格)(图 1)。药物治疗必须与潜在的疾病相一致。有多篇关于科塔德综合征药物治疗成功的报道,大多涉及抗抑郁药物的单一疗法或联合疗法。结论:本病例提出了痴呆症与科塔德综合征之间的鉴别诊断问题。认知和精神病理症状的快速发展,加上临床检查(脑核磁共振、脑电图、血液化学)的严重阴性以及对药物治疗的反应,促使我们在重度抑郁发作的背景下诊断出科塔德综合征。

Ignatova D., Krasteva K., Akabalieva K., Alexiev S. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Ignatova, Desislava (57210471824); Krasteva, Kristina (57344134900); Akabalieva, Katerina (23472103600); Alexiev, Spiridon (36090864600) 57210471824; 57344134900; 23472103600; 36090864600 Post-COVID-19 psychosis: Cotard's syndrome and potentially high risk of harm and self-harm in a first-onset acute and transient psychotic disorder after resolution of COVID-19 pneumonia (2022), Cited 9 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85119294834&doi=10.1111%2feip.13254&partnerID=40&md5=0c098115eaced419051e091a63b0935a
Ignatova D., Krasteva K., Akabalieva K., Alexiev S. 作者全名:Ignatova, Desislava (57210471824); Krasteva, Kristina (57344134900); Akabalieva, Katerina (23472103600); Alexiev, Spiridon (36090864600) 57210471824; 57344134900; 23472103600; 36090864600 COVID-19 后精神病:COVID-19肺炎缓解后首次出现的急性和短暂性精神障碍中的Cotard综合征以及潜在的高伤害和自残风险(2022年),引用9次。https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85119294834&doi=10.1111%2feip.13254&partnerID=40&md5=0c098115eaced419051e091a63b0935a

ABSTRACT: Aim: This report aims to illustrate the possibility of an acute onset of psychosis after COVID-19 infection in a patient without previous history of psychiatric disorders and to highlight the need for early screening and intervention in such cases. Methods: Clinical presentation of a case, followed by clinical discussion and literature review of the effect of the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and its impact on mental health in terms of neuropsychiatric conditions. Results: We present a case of acute and transient psychotic disorder following complete recovery of COVID-19 bilateral pneumonia. The patient has no prior psychiatric history and presents with acute onset, disorganized behaviour, Cotard's delusion and a potentially high risk of psychotic homicide and suicide. Conclusion: Early intervention and treatment with antipsychotic medication are of crucial importance for the effective treatment and complete recovery of these patients. © 2021 John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.
摘要:目的:本报告旨在说明既往无精神病史的患者在感染 COVID-19 后急性发作精神病的可能性,并强调对此类病例进行早期筛查和干预的必要性。方法:临床病例介绍,随后进行临床讨论,并就新型冠状病毒 SARS-CoV-2 的影响及其对精神健康的影响(神经精神疾病)进行文献综述。结果:我们介绍了一例在 COVID-19 双侧肺炎完全康复后出现的急性和一过性精神障碍。患者既往无精神病史,表现为急性起病、行为紊乱、科塔德妄想症以及潜在的精神杀人和自杀高风险。结论早期干预和抗精神病药物治疗对这些患者的有效治疗和完全康复至关重要。© 2021 John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd. 保留所有权利。

Pąchalska M. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Pąchalska, Maria (55947276700) 55947276700 Event-related potentials as an index of lost cognitive control and lost self in a tbi patient with duration increasing post-traumatic delusional misidentification syndrome concluded with cotard syndrome (2019), Cited 1 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85096826256&doi=10.5604%2f01.3001.0014.4268&partnerID=40&md5=c640adff9c3d9637fd5b16a71dc80aab
Pąchalska M. 作者全名:Pąchalska, Maria (55947276700) 55947276700 事件相关电位作为创伤后妄想误认综合征持续时间增加并伴有科塔德综合征的创伤后妄想误认综合征患者丧失认知控制和迷失自我的指标 (2019),引用 1 次。https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85096826256&doi=10.5604%2f01.3001.0014.4268&partnerID=40&md5=c640adff9c3d9637fd5b16a71dc80aab。

ABSTRACT: The goal of the study was twofold: 1) to evaluate the QEEG/ ERPs indexes of functional brain impairment in a TBI patient diagnosed with chronic lost cognitive control and lost self caused by post traumatic, and here increasing over time, delusional misidentification syndrome concluded with Cotard syndrome in the blooming stage, with nihilistic delusions concerning the body and existence, and the delusion of being dead, and 2) to explore the mind of a patient whose identity has been disengaged, and who experiences the loss of his self and relations with his immediate surroundings with all the tragic consequences that entails. I herein present a 52-year-old patient, who – after a serious head injury due to a car accident 20 years ago, which re-sulted in focal injuries in the frontal and temporal areas of the right hemisphere – developed Cotard syndrome. After arousal from a 63-day coma and 98 days of post-traumatic amnesia, he manifested: (1) the loss of autobiographical memory, (2) a lost self, (3) forgotten family ties (including his lover). The study revealed that the patient’s cognitive control system is completely destroyed: no cognitive components have been found. Recall from memory has been completely disturbed (a low amplitude of N170). The two hemispheres work inco-herently with the right hemisphere revealing a serious delay in memory recall. © 2019, MedSportPress. All rights reserved.
ABSTRACT: 本研究有两个目标:1)评估一名创伤性脑损伤患者脑功能损伤的 QEEG/ ERPs 指数,该患者被诊断为因创伤后妄想误认综合征而导致的慢性认知失控和自我迷失,且随着时间的推移,妄想误认综合征逐渐加重,最终发展为科塔德综合征,并伴有关于身体和存在的虚无主义妄想以及死亡妄想;(2)探索一名患者的心理,该患者的身份已经脱离,并经历了自我迷失以及与周围环境关系的丧失,以及由此带来的所有悲惨后果。我在此介绍一位 52 岁的病人,他在 20 年前的一次车祸中头部严重受伤,导致右半球额叶和颞叶局灶性损伤,之后患上了科塔德综合征。从 63 天的昏迷和 98 天的创伤后失忆中苏醒后,他表现出:(1) 丧失自传体记忆,(2) 失去自我,(3) 忘记家庭联系(包括他的爱人)。研究显示,患者的认知控制系统完全被破坏:没有发现任何认知成分。记忆中的回忆完全受到干扰(N170 振幅较低)。两个大脑半球不协调地工作,右侧大脑半球显示出严重的记忆回忆延迟。© 2019, MedSportPress。保留所有权利。

Ricardo B.-A.M., Mariana L.-I.E., AL S.-O., Manuel C.-C.J., Jesus R.-B. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Ricardo, Barojas-Alvarez Manuel (57548878100); Mariana, Longoria-Ibarrola Erika (57548607000); AL, Sosa-Ortiz (57548683000); Manuel, Calleja-Castillo Juan (57548645600); Jesus, Ramirez-Bermudez (12038852600) 57548878100; 57548607000; 57548683000; 57548645600; 12038852600 Anton syndrome after subarachnoid hemorrhage and delayed cerebral ischemia: A case report (2021), Cited 2 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85127015284&doi=10.1016%2fj.cccb.2021.100023&partnerID=40&md5=0c8f95651d8a50105650609be0de324a
Ricardo B.-A.M.、Mariana L.-I.E.、AL S.-O.、Manuel C.-C.J.、Jesus R.-B.作者全名:Ricardo,Barojas-Alvarez Manuel(57548878100);Mariana,Longoria-Ibarrola Erika(57548607000);AL,Sosa-Ortiz(57548683000);Manuel,Calleja-Castillo Juan(57548645600);Jesus,Ramirez-Bermudez(12038852600) 57548878100;57548607000;57548683000;57548645600;12038852600 蛛网膜下腔出血和延迟性脑缺血后安东综合征:病例报告 (2021), 引用 2 次。https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85127015284&doi=10.1016%2fj.cccb.2021.100023&partnerID=40&md5=0c8f95651d8a50105650609be0de324a

ABSTRACT: We report the case of a patient with ruptured middle cerebral artery aneurysm, subarachnoid hemorrhage and frontal intracerebral hemorrhage, who secondarily presented with delayed cerebral ischemia and bilateral occipital infarcts, with complete vision loss, visual anosognosia, and confabulations as the main symptoms. Additionally, the patient had defined features of Cotard syndrome, as revealed by persistent nihilistic delusions. The brain imaging studies showed a bilateral occipital ischemic lesion, as well as frontal and parietal hemorrhagic lesions in the right hemisphere. We address the general theories of anosognosia, confabulation and the problem of why a bilateral occipital lesion is not enough for these metacognitive defects to exist. The presence of right frontal and or parietal hemisphere lesions could be necessary features in most cases. © 2021 The Author(s)
摘要:我们报告了一例大脑中动脉动脉瘤破裂、蛛网膜下腔出血和额叶脑内出血患者的病例,该患者继发迟发性脑缺血和双侧枕叶脑梗死,主要症状为视力完全丧失、视物失认和喃喃自语。此外,患者还具有科塔德综合征的特征,表现为持续的虚无主义妄想。脑成像研究显示,患者双侧枕叶缺血性病变,右半球额叶和顶叶出血性病变。我们探讨了无认知症和混淆的一般理论,以及为什么双侧枕叶病变不足以导致这些元认知缺陷的问题。右侧额叶和顶叶半球病变可能是大多数病例的必要特征。© 2021 作者

Basu A., Singh P., Gupta R., Soni S. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Basu, Aniruddha (55551573100); Singh, Priti (55307932700); Gupta, Rajiv (55583684000); Soni, Sandeep (55759341900) 55551573100; 55307932700; 55583684000; 55759341900 Cotard syndrome with catatonia: Unique combination (2013), Cited 7 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84886254799&doi=10.4103%2f0253-7176.119490&partnerID=40&md5=78b1654fff69ce9733bee89b104b1eb1
Basu A., Singh P., Gupta R., Soni S. 作者全名:Basu, Aniruddha (55551573100); Singh, Priti (55307932700); Gupta, Rajiv (55583684000); Soni, Sandeep (55759341900) 55551573100; 55307932700; 55583684000; 55759341900 卡特综合征伴紧张症:Unique combination (2013), Cited 7 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84886254799&doi=10.4103%2f0253-7176.119490&partnerID=40&md5=78b1654fff69ce9733bee89b104b1eb1

ABSTRACT: Cotard syndrome is a rare psychiatric condition characterized by extreme nihilistic delusions. Catatonia though common, its combination with the Cotard syndrome is exceeding rare and more so the response with the pharmacotherapy as in our case. Since, both are found in organic conditions the importance of studying such a case is to understand the underlying neurobiologic determinants.

Luque Luque R., Valls Blanco J.M. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Luque Luque, R. (6506342070); Valls Blanco, J.M. (6504384184) 6506342070; 6504384184 Cotard's syndrome: historical and conceptual aspects [Síndrome de cotard: aspectos históricos y conceptuales.] (1994), Cited 9 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-0038649310&partnerID=40&md5=abb5c4da56324db84820fbc1e30b14bf
Luque Luque R., Valls Blanco J.M. 作者全名:Luque Luque, R. (6506342070); Valls Blanco, J.M. (6504384184) 6506342070; 6504384184 Cotard's syndrome: historical and conceptual aspects [Síndrome de cotard: aspectos históricos y conceptuales.] (1994), Cited 9 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-0038649310&partnerID=40&md5=abb5c4da56324db84820fbc1e30b14bf

ABSTRACT: The history of the concept of Cotard's syndrome is traced from its inception in 1880 to the present day. Nihilistic delusions were described by Cotard to refer to a special type of hypochondriacal delusion associated to melancholia. Although Cotard himself and other XIX and XX centuries' psychiatrists have considered it from different approaches a specific clinical entity, most of the authors estimate that nihilistic delusion is either a syndrome or a symptom which can appear in different psychiatric disorders.
摘要:科塔德综合征这一概念的历史可追溯到 1880 年。虚无主义妄想被科塔尔描述为一种与忧郁症相关的特殊类型的疑病症妄想。尽管科塔德本人以及十九世纪和二十世纪的其他精神病学家从不同角度将其视为一种特殊的临床实体,但大多数作者都认为虚无主义妄想是一种综合征或症状,可出现在不同的精神疾病中。

Morioka D., Kobayashi R., Kawakatsu S., Suzuki A. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Morioka, Daichi (57211993961); Kobayashi, Ryota (55227635300); Kawakatsu, Shinobu (26643311000); Suzuki, Akihito (35463973600) 57211993961; 55227635300; 26643311000; 35463973600 Cotard syndrome during the withdrawal of high-dose antiparkinsonian drugs in a patient with Parkinson's disease (2022), Cited 1 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85139300872&doi=10.1016%2fj.ajp.2022.103286&partnerID=40&md5=89efb0e0cd8df77ed46baf454c9d8f71
Morioka D., Kobayashi R., Kawakatsu S., Suzuki A. 作者全名:Morioka, Daichi (57211993961); Kobayashi, Ryota (55227635300); Kawakatsu, Shinobu (26643311000); Suzuki, Akihito (35463973600) 57211993961; 55227635300; 26643311000; 35463973600 帕金森病患者停用大剂量抗帕金森病药物期间的科塔德综合征 (2022), 引用 1 次。https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85139300872&doi=10.1016%2fj.ajp.2022.103286&partnerID=40&md5=89efb0e0cd8df77ed46baf454c9d8f71。

Caliyurt O., Vardar E., Tuglu C. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Caliyurt, Okan (6602965722); Vardar, Erdal (6603304210); Tuglu, Cengiz (6507003285) 6602965722; 6603304210; 6507003285 Cotard's syndrome with schizophreniform disorder can be successfully treated with electroconvulsive therapy: Case report (2004), Cited 22 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-2342623943&partnerID=40&md5=f38f9bd15b1bc4ad795210dbe97ea011
Caliyurt O., Vardar E., Tuglu C.作者全名:Caliyurt, Okan (6602965722);Vardar, Erdal (6603304210);Tuglu, Cengiz (6507003285) 6602965722; 6603304210; 6507003285 Cotard's 综合征合并精神分裂症可通过电休克疗法成功治疗:病例报告(2004 年),引用 22 次。https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-2342623943&partnerID=40&md5=f38f9bd15b1bc4ad795210dbe97ea011

ABSTRACT: We report a case of Cotard's syndrome associated with psychotic symptoms. A 27-year-old man was admitted to hospital with the diagnosis of schizophreniform disorder. His presenting symptoms, which had started 1 month before hospital admission, were somatic delusions of gastrointestinal and cardiovascular malfunction and the absence of a stomach, which resulted in a decrease in weight from 75 kg to 63 kg in 1 month. Cranial computed tomographic images showed dilatation of the lateral and third ventricles, whereas magnetic resonance imaging revealed central atrophy and lateral ventricle dilatation. Single-photon emission computed tomography demonstrated left temporal, left frontal and left parietal hypoperfusion. The patient did not respond to antipsychotic therapies, but he was successfully treated with electroconvulsive therapy. This report emphasizes that Cotard's syndrome may be accompanied by lesions of the left hemisphere and that electroconvulsive therapy could be the first-line therapy in such patients with psychotic disorder.
摘要:我们报告了一例伴有精神症状的科塔德综合征病例。一名 27 岁男子入院时被诊断为精神分裂症。他的主要症状始于入院前 1 个月,表现为胃肠道和心血管功能失调的躯体妄想,并且没有胃,导致体重在 1 个月内从 75 公斤降至 63 公斤。头颅计算机断层扫描图像显示侧脑室和第三脑室扩张,而磁共振成像显示中央萎缩和侧脑室扩张。单光子发射计算机断层扫描显示左颞叶、左额叶和左顶叶灌注不足。患者对抗精神病疗法没有反应,但他成功地接受了电休克疗法。本报告强调,科塔德综合征可能伴有左半球病变,电休克疗法可作为此类精神障碍患者的一线疗法。

Grover S., Shah R., Ghosh A. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Grover, Sandeep (57202540040); Shah, Ruchita (26634191600); Ghosh, Abhishek (36833820900) 57202540040; 26634191600; 36833820900 Electroconvulsive therapy for lycanthropy and cotard syndrome: A case report (2010), Cited 12 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-78650475704&doi=10.1097%2fYCT.0b013e3181e63357&partnerID=40&md5=42786342da98a5fd371bd1ae451b81fa
作者全名:Grover, Sandeep (57202540040); Shah, Ruchita (26634191600); Ghosh, Abhishek (36833820900) 57202540040; 26634191600; 36833820900 治疗变狼症和科塔德综合征的电休克疗法:病例报告(2010 年),引用 12 次。https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-78650475704&doi=10.1097%2fYCT.0b013e3181e63357&partnerID=40&md5=42786342da98a5fd371bd1ae451b81fa

ABSTRACT: We present a case of psychotic depression presenting with lycanthropy (being converted to a pig) and Cotard syndrome simultaneously and treated with electroconvulsive therapy. A 37-year-old female patient developed psychotic depression after a stressor (a possibility of having a malignancy). As her depression worsened, she developed delusional belief of self being metamorphosed to a pig and her children also being metamorphosed into pig. In addition, she had the delusional belief that her own body and body of her children was rotting away. She was treated with electroconvulsive therapy along with venlafaxine and olanzapine, with which she improved completely. Copyright © 2010 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
摘要:我们介绍了一例同时伴有狼人症(被改造成猪)和科塔德综合征的精神抑郁症患者,该患者接受了电休克治疗。一名 37 岁的女性患者在一次应激(可能患有恶性肿瘤)后患上了精神抑郁症。随着抑郁症的恶化,她产生了妄想,认为自己被蜕变成了猪,而她的孩子也被蜕变成了猪。此外,她还妄想自己和孩子的身体正在腐烂。她接受了电休克疗法以及文拉法辛和奥氮平治疗,病情完全好转。版权所有 © 2010 年,Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 保留所有权利。

Lohmann Th., Nishimura K., Sabri O., Klosterkötter J. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Lohmann, Th. (57197664655); Nishimura, K. (8087501300); Sabri, O. (7005768679); Klosterkötter, J. (7005883787) 57197664655; 8087501300; 7005768679; 7005883787 Successful electroconvulsive therapy of Cotard's syndrome with bitemporal hypoperfusion [ERFOLGREICHE ELEKTROKRAMPFTHERAPIE BEI COTARD-SYNDROM MIT BITEMPORALER MINDERPERFUSION] (1996), Cited 21 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-0029971940&partnerID=40&md5=b126248e30f5c39c5c5a1f35eed90ef0
Lohmann Th., Nishimura K., Sabri O.、作者全名: Lohmann, Th. (57197664655); Nishimura, K. (8087501300); Sabri, O. (7005768679); Klosterkötter, J.(7005883787) 57197664655; 8087501300; 7005768679; 7005883787 位颞低灌注科塔尔综合征的成功电休克疗法[ERFOLGREICHE ELEKTROKRAMPFTHERAPIE BEI COTARD-SYNDROM MIT BITEMPORALER MINDERPERFUSION] (1996 年, 21 次引用)(1996), Cited 21 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-0029971940&partnerID=40&md5=b126248e30f5c39c5c5a1f35eed90ef0

ABSTRACT: A case study is presented to illustrate a rare condition described by Cotard as 'delire de negation'. The central symptom is a nihilistic delusion with denial of one's own existence of oneself and that of the external world. In the present case, the syndrome became manifest as an escalation of a recurrent depressive disorder late in life. After initial resistance to therapy, the syndrome was successfully treated with electroconvulsive therapy. For the first time, we report the regional cerebral blood flow measured by 99mTc-HMPAO-SPECT before and after therapy. Before treatment, significant bitemporal hypoperfusion relative to the cerebellum was found, which was no longer demonstrable on remission.
摘要:本文通过一个病例研究来说明科塔德(Cotard)所描述的一种罕见的 "否定妄想症"。其主要症状是虚无主义妄想,否认自身和外部世界的存在。在本病例中,该综合征表现为晚年反复抑郁障碍的升级。经过最初的抗药性治疗后,该综合征通过电休克疗法得到了成功治疗。我们首次报告了治疗前后 99mTc-HMPAO-SPECT 测量的区域脑血流量。在治疗前,发现相对于小脑的位颞部血流灌注明显不足,而在缓解后则不再明显。

Dorcet G., Benaiteau M., Bost C., Mengelle C., Bonneville F., Martin-Blondel G., Pariente J. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Dorcet, Guillaume (57215435899); Benaiteau, Marie (56721333200); Bost, Chloé (57035113000); Mengelle, Catherine (6602621846); Bonneville, Fabrice (57521099200); Martin-Blondel, Guillaume (22941594900); Pariente, Jérémie (8937960200) 57215435899; 56721333200; 57035113000; 6602621846; 57521099200; 22941594900; 8937960200 Two Cases of Late-Onset Anti-NMDAr Auto-Immune Encephalitis After Herpes Simplex Virus 1 Encephalitis (2020), Cited 25 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85080921887&doi=10.3389%2ffneur.2020.00038&partnerID=40&md5=39561bfaa5e9673de1ec2bb1a6e00307
Dorcet G.,Benaiteau M.,Bost C.,Mengelle C.,Bonneville F.,Martin-Blondel G.、Pariente J.作者全名:Dorcet, Guillaume (57215435899); Benaiteau, Marie (56721333200); Bost, Chloé (57035113000); Mengelle, Catherine (6602621846); Bonneville, Fabrice (57521099200); Martin-Blondel, Guillaume (22941594900);Pariente, Jérémie (8937960200) 57215435899; 56721333200; 57035113000; 6602621846; 57521099200; 22941594900; 8937960200 两例单纯疱疹病毒 1 型脑炎后晚期抗 NMDAr 自身免疫性脑炎(2020 年),引用 25 次。https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85080921887&doi=10.3389%2ffneur.2020.00038&partnerID=40&md5=39561bfaa5e9673de1ec2bb1a6e00307

ABSTRACT: Context: Encephalitis due to herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) was described as a potential trigger for the development of anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAr) auto-immune encephalitis (AIE) within a few days to a few weeks after the infection. Methods: We assessed clinical, radiological, and biological diagnoses process, treatment response, and evolution. Cases Reported: We report here cases of a 71-year-old man and a 57-year-old woman presenting anti-NMDAr AIE, respectively, 12 and 7 months after HSV-1 encephalitis. In both cases, the onset was brisk, and the symptoms were mainly neuropsychiatric (paranoid delirium, Capgras, and Cotard syndromes) and cognitive, with anterograde amnesia. Relapse of HSV encephalitis, epilepsy, and paraneoplastic neurologic syndromes were excluded. The clinical response to first-line treatments composed of intravenous immunoglobulins and high-dose corticosteroids was poor, whereas significant improvement was noticed after rituximab induction. Conclusion: Post-herpetic anti-NMDAr AIE could arise several months after infection. Clinicians must be aware of this possibility, particularly if cognitive and/or psychiatric symptoms occurred after a remitting period. In our two cases, only rituximab was associated with clinical improvement. © Copyright © 2020 Dorcet, Benaiteau, Bost, Mengelle, Bonneville, Martin-Blondel and Pariente.
摘要:背景:单纯疱疹病毒1(HSV-1)引起的脑炎被描述为在感染后数天至数周内发生抗N-甲基-D-天冬氨酸受体(NMDAr)自身免疫性脑炎(AIE)的潜在诱因。方法我们评估了临床、放射学和生物学诊断过程、治疗反应和演变情况。病例报告:我们在此分别报告了一名 71 岁男性和一名 57 岁女性在 HSV-1 脑炎后 12 个月和 7 个月出现抗 NMDAr AIE 的病例。这两例患者起病急骤,症状主要表现为神经精神症状(偏执性谵妄、卡普拉斯综合征和科塔德综合征)和认知症状,并伴有逆行性遗忘。HSV脑炎、癫痫和副肿瘤性神经综合征的复发被排除在外。由静脉注射免疫球蛋白和大剂量皮质类固醇组成的一线治疗的临床反应不佳,而利妥昔单抗诱导治疗后则有明显改善。结论是带状疱疹后抗NMDAr AIE可能在感染数月后出现。临床医生必须意识到这种可能性,尤其是当认知和/或精神症状在缓解期后出现时。在我们的两个病例中,只有利妥昔单抗能改善临床症状。Copyright © 2020 Dorcet、Benaiteau、Bost、Mengelle、Bonneville、Martin-Blondel 和 Pariente 版权所有。

Auxéméry Y. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Auxéméry, Yann (35306329600) 35306329600 History and actuality about the concept of the negative hallucination [Historique et actualité du concept d'«hallucination négative»] (2015), Cited 0 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84928041836&doi=10.1016%2fj.amp.2014.10.021&partnerID=40&md5=bafb6055dae34ed249e055d9e80c744d
Auxéméry Y. 作者全名:Auxéméry, Yann (35306329600) 35306329600 关于消极幻觉概念的历史与现实 [Historique et actualité du concept d'"hallucination négative"] (2015), 引用 0 次。https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84928041836&doi=10.1016%2fj.amp.2014.10.021&partnerID=40&md5=bafb6055dae34ed249e055d9e80c744d

ABSTRACT: The significant association "negative hallucination" seems paradoxical. How is it possible to hallucinate about nothing? From Bernheim to Freud, Ey to Green as well as Lacan, negative hallucination has been the subject of much debate between productivity and negative reaction. We will reconsider this historical progression by clarifying the concepts. If the problem of negative hallucination has been regularly described as a cardinal point of psychopathology, no author has really developed a specific theory clarifying this clinical phenomenon. For us today, the term negative hallucination highlights a specific defence mechanism, referring neither to repression nor projection, but explaining the representation of absence of representation which characterizes the clinical aspect of the traumatic moment. At the time of the terror, the subject's inability to recognize their subjective involvement in the traumatic scene leads to an attempted de-subjectification, possibly protective of a much deeper depatterning at first, but which will soon reinforce the revivifications which seem to impose themselves from the exterior. Although the trauma and the post-traumatic reaction may be expressions of psychosis, and some authors have argued that "post-traumatic neurosis" is undoubtedly not neurosis, the concept of negative hallucination unites these clinical phenomena. The subject cannot repress or directly represent the trauma, so they represent the absence of representation by an occasional significant void, which can only remain temporary as long as this defensive mechanism of de-subjectification is overcome. © 2015 Elsevier Masson SAS.
ABSTRACT: "消极幻觉 "这一重要关联似乎自相矛盾。怎么可能什么幻觉都没有呢?从伯恩海姆到弗洛伊德,从艾伊到格林以及拉康,消极幻觉一直是生产力和消极反应之间争论不休的话题。我们将通过澄清概念来重新考虑这一历史进程。如果说负性幻觉问题经常被描述为精神病理学的一个要点,那么还没有哪位作者真正发展出一套具体的理论来阐明这一临床现象。今天,对我们来说,"负性幻觉 "一词强调的是一种特殊的防御机制,它既不是指压抑,也不是指投射,而是解释作为创伤时刻临床特征的 "无表象 "的表象。在恐怖发生时,受试者无法意识到自己主观上卷入了创伤场景,这导致了一种试图去主体化的行为,起初可能是对更深层次的去主体化的保护,但很快就会强化似乎从外部强加给自己的复苏。尽管创伤和创伤后反应可能是精神病的表现形式,而且有些作者认为 "创伤后神经症 "无疑不是神经症,但消极幻觉的概念将这些临床现象统一起来。主体无法压抑或直接表征创伤,因此他们通过偶尔出现的重要空洞来表征表征的缺失,只要这种去主体化的防御机制被克服,这种空洞就只能是暂时的。© 2015 Elsevier Masson SAS。

Charland-Verville V., Bruno M.-A., Bahri M.A., Demertzi A., Desseilles M., Chatelle C., Vanhaudenhuyse A., Hustinx R., Bernard C., Tshibanda L., Laureys S., Zeman A. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Charland-Verville, Vanessa (55248279200); Bruno, Marie-Aurélie (26429255700); Bahri, Mohammed Ali (36879853300); Demertzi, Athena (24467199800); Desseilles, Martin (6603441246); Chatelle, Camille (24764550200); Vanhaudenhuyse, Audrey (22987043300); Hustinx, Roland (7004315391); Bernard, Claire (54382771500); Tshibanda, Luaba (6504199113); Laureys, Steven (7004546122); Zeman, Adam (7005604768) 55248279200; 26429255700; 36879853300; 24467199800; 6603441246; 24764550200; 22987043300; 7004315391; 54382771500; 6504199113; 7004546122; 7005604768 Brain dead yet mind alive: A positron emission tomography case study of brain metabolism in cotard's syndrome (2013), Cited 24 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84879459807&doi=10.1016%2fj.cortex.2013.03.003&partnerID=40&md5=55f8b310e340b58593ca7d0d430c9146
Charland-Verville V.,Bruno M.-A.,Bahri M.A.,Demertzi A.,Desseilles M.,Chatelle C.,Vanhaudenhuyse A.,Hustinx R.,Bernard C.,Tshibanda L.,Laureys S.、泽曼 A.作者全名:Charland-Verville, Vanessa (55248279200); Bruno, Marie-Aurélie (26429255700); Bahri, Mohammed Ali (36879853300); Demertzi, Athena (24467199800); Desseilles, Martin (6603441246); Chatelle, Camille (24764550200); Vanhaudenhuyse, Audrey (22987043300); Hustinx, Roland (7004315391);Bernard, Claire (54382771500);Tshibanda, Luaba (6504199113);Laureys, Steven (7004546122);Zeman, Adam (7005604768) 55248279200; 26429255700; 36879853300; 24467199800; 6603441246; 24764550200; 22987043300; 7004315391; 54382771500; 6504199113; 7004546122; 7005604768 脑死亡但头脑还活着:科塔综合征脑代谢的正电子发射断层病例研究》(2013年),引用24次。https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84879459807&doi=10.1016%2fj.cortex.2013.03.003&partnerID=40&md5=55f8b310e340b58593ca7d0d430c9146

Mobbs D., Watt C. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Mobbs, Dean (6701470126); Watt, Caroline (7005965553) 6701470126; 7005965553 There is nothing paranormal about near-death experiences: How neuroscience can explain seeing bright lights, meeting the dead, or being convinced you are one of them (2011), Cited 61 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-80053133288&doi=10.1016%2fj.tics.2011.07.010&partnerID=40&md5=2bf3acdf16282d238f1eb528f7eaebaa
Mobbs D., Watt C. 作者全名:Mobbs, Dean (6701470126); Watt, Caroline (7005965553) 6701470126; 7005965553 濒死体验并非超自然现象:神经科学如何解释看到亮光、见到亡灵或确信自己是亡灵之一(2011 年),被引用 61 次。https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-80053133288&doi=10.1016%2fj.tics.2011.07.010&partnerID=40&md5=2bf3acdf16282d238f1eb528f7eaebaa

ABSTRACT: Approximately 3% of Americans declare to have had a near-death experience [1]. These experiences classically involve the feeling that one's soul has left the body, approaches a bright light and goes to another reality, where love and bliss are all encompassing. Contrary to popular belief, research suggests that there is nothing paranormal about these experiences. Instead, near-death experiences are the manifestation of normal brain function gone awry, during a traumatic, and sometimes harmless, event. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.
摘要:约有 3% 的美国人声称有过濒死体验 [1]。这些经历通常是指一个人的灵魂离开了身体,接近一道亮光,并进入另一个现实世界,那里充满了爱和幸福。与流行的观点相反,研究表明,这些经历并不存在超自然现象。相反,濒死体验是大脑正常功能在创伤性事件中出错的表现,有时是无害的。© 2011 爱思唯尔有限公司。

Koreki A., Mashima Y., Oda A., Koizumi T., Koyanagi K., Onaya M. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Koreki, Akihiro (36239338900); Mashima, Yuki (57239849400); Oda, Akihiko (57733009700); Koizumi, Teruki (58856863100); Koyanagi, Kazuhiro (57731761600); Onaya, Mitsumoto (6602176954) 36239338900; 57239849400; 57733009700; 58856863100; 57731761600; 6602176954 You are already dead: Case report of nihilistic delusions regarding others as one representation of Cotard's syndrome (2023), Cited 1 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85165070390&doi=10.1002%2fpcn5.93&partnerID=40&md5=dbfbc389b8bb1d094f9d9b4c3f072660
Koreki A., Mashima Y., Oda A., Koizumi T., Koyanagi K.、作者全名: Koreki, Akihiro (36239338900); Mashima, Yuki (57239849400); Oda, Akihiko (57733009700); Koizumi, Teruki (58856863100); Koyanagi, Kazuhiro (57731761600); Onaya, Mitsumoto (6602176954) 36239338900; 57239849400; 57733009700; 58856863100; 57731761600; 6602176954 你已经死了:关于虚无主义妄想的病例报告,作为科塔德综合征的一种表现形式(2023), 被引用 1 次。https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85165070390&doi=10.1002%2fpcn5.93&partnerID=40&md5=dbfbc389b8bb1d094f9d9b4c3f072660

ABSTRACT: Background: While the symptom of “I am already dead” is a hallmark of Cotard's syndrome, also known as nihilistic delusions, the symptom of “you are already dead” has been neglected. Case presentation: A woman aged in her 60s diagnosed with schizophrenia was admitted to our hospital for psychotic symptoms, including delusions of reference, delusions of guilt, auditory hallucinations, cenesthetic hallucinations, agitation, depression, suicidal ideation, and catatonia. During hospitalization, her cenesthetic hallucinations progressed to include nihilistic delusions. She described cenesthetic hallucinations along with various delusional descriptions, including the belief that various objects, such as spoons, irons, nails, rulers, bins, and coins, were inside her body and that her body was being burned or in danger of exploding. She also claimed an altered sense of her own body, that her body was larger than normal or reversed. Moreover, she reported nihilistic delusions that her face and body did not exist, that her heart was not functioning, and that she was going to die soon or was already dead. She occasionally refused to eat because of the feeling of being dead. Notably, during a severe episode, she claimed that a doctor in front of her was dead. Clozapine was effective in improving her symptoms. Ultimately, the patient regained her sense of being alive and acknowledged that the doctor was alive. Conclusion: We report the case of a patient presenting with nihilistic delusions regarding both self and others, along with prior cenesthetic hallucinations. Aberrant interoceptive processing could be a potential link between these two forms of nihilistic delusions. © 2023 The Authors. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences Reports published by John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd on behalf of Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology.
摘要:背景:虽然 "我已经死了 "的症状是科塔德综合征(又称虚无主义妄想症)的特征,但 "你已经死了 "的症状却一直被忽视。病例介绍:一名 60 多岁的妇女被诊断为精神分裂症,因精神症状(包括参照妄想、内疚妄想、幻听、幻视、躁动、抑郁、自杀意念和紧张症)入住我院。住院期间,她的幻听幻觉发展到出现虚无主义妄想。她描述了自己的幻觉以及各种妄想描述,包括认为勺子、熨斗、钉子、尺子、垃圾桶和硬币等各种物体在她的身体里,以及她的身体正在被焚烧或有爆炸的危险。她还声称对自己身体的感觉发生了改变,认为自己的身体比正常人要大或发生了逆转。此外,她还报告了虚无主义妄想:她的脸和身体不存在,她的心脏没有功能,她很快就会死或者已经死了。她偶尔会因为死亡的感觉而拒绝进食。值得注意的是,在一次严重发作时,她声称面前的一名医生已经死了。氯氮平有效地改善了她的症状。最终,患者恢复了生的感觉,并承认医生还活着。结论:我们报告了一例对自己和他人都表现出虚无主义妄想的患者,她之前曾出现过幻觉。异常的互感处理可能是这两种虚无主义妄想之间的潜在联系。© 2023 作者。精神病学和临床神经科学报告》由澳大利亚约翰威利父子有限公司代表日本精神病学和神经病学学会出版。

Kutsuzawa Y., Kunii Y., Miura I., Kanno-Nozaki K., Mashiko H., Yabe H., Niwa S.-I. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Kutsuzawa, Yukiko (55978920200); Kunii, Yasuto (8269160600); Miura, Itaru (54790050500); Kanno-Nozaki, Keiko (55978601100); Mashiko, Hirobumi (55908787700); Yabe, Hirooki (7102588803); Niwa, Shin-Ichi (35392994800) 55978920200; 8269160600; 54790050500; 55978601100; 55908787700; 7102588803; 35392994800 High plasma monoamine metabolite levels in Cotard's syndrome (2014), Cited 1 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84899510501&doi=10.1111%2fpcn.12129&partnerID=40&md5=ed73ff062eeecec6b428edcdc669b6ef
Kutsuzawa Y.、Kunii Y.、Miura I.、Kanno-Nozaki K.、Mashiko H.、Yabe H.、Niwa S.-I.作者全名Kutsuzawa, Yukiko (55978920200);Kunii, Yasuto (8269160600);Miura, Itaru (54790050500);Kanno-Nozaki, Keiko (55978601100);Mashiko, Hirobumi (55908787700);Yabe, Hirooki (7102588803);Niwa, Shin-Ichi (35392994800) 55978920200; 8269160600; 54790050500; 55978601100; 55908787700; 7102588803; 35392994800 Cotard综合征血浆单胺代谢物水平高(2014年),引用1次。https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84899510501&doi=10.1111%2fpcn.12129&partnerID=40&md5=ed73ff062eeecec6b428edcdc669b6ef

Hamon J.-M., Ginestet D. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Hamon, J.-M. (7006080041); Ginestet, D. (7005271867) 7006080041; 7005271867 Nihilistic delusions: About four observations [DELIRE DES NEGATIONS: A PROPOS DE QUATRE OBSERVATIONS] (1994), Cited 11 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-0028077213&partnerID=40&md5=38ced8aca091e6e7baec7dd46cb51219
哈蒙 J.-M.,吉内斯特 D. 作者全名:哈蒙,J.-M.(7006080041); Ginestet, D. (7005271867) 7006080041; 7005271867 虚无主义妄想症:关于四项观察 [DELIRE DES NEGATIONS: A PROPOS DE QUATRE OBSERVATIONS] (1994), 被引用 11 次。https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-0028077213&partnerID=40&md5=38ced8aca091e6e7baec7dd46cb51219

ABSTRACT: After explaining Cotard's syndrome and its different developments from 1880 to 1992 by recalling the relations of nihilistic delusions with melancholia and pointing out the topicality of the research (more particularly in the last ten years), we'll give an account of four clinical cases: two cases involving two women aged 69 and 82, undergoing a plain melancholic episode; a case of post-melancholia paraphrenia, and a case of systemized nihilistic delusions during a post-partum melancholia. In the four cases, recovery was achieved thanks to electroconvulsive therapy. The third stage of this work considers the phenomenological and descriptive, as well as physiological and psychoanalytical assumptions adopted by the authors. Lastly, a psychopathological explanation is suggested both from a nosographical point of view, in which nihilism is both a mechanism and a delirious theme, and from a 'modelization' point of view distinguishing two stages in Cotard's syndrome: nihilism, and delirious reconstruction strictly speaking. Here we will use the concept of negative hallucination which we think underlies this delirium, and from this idea, we'll eventually try to demonstrate how relevant the Freudian theory is in this field.
摘要:在通过回顾虚无主义妄想与忧郁症的关系并指出研究的现实意义(尤其是最近十年的研究)来解释科塔德综合征及其从1880年到1992年的不同发展之后,我们将介绍四个临床病例:两个病例涉及两名分别为69岁和82岁的女性,她们都经历了一次普通的忧郁症发作;一个病例是忧郁症后的副忧郁症,还有一个病例是产后忧郁症期间出现的系统化虚无主义妄想。在这四个病例中,患者均通过电休克疗法获得了康复。著作的第三阶段考虑了作者采用的现象学和描述性假设,以及生理学和精神分析假设。最后,从虚无主义既是机制又是谵妄主题的病理学角度,以及从 "模型化 "角度区分科塔德综合症的两个阶段:虚无主义和严格意义上的谵妄重建,提出了一种精神病理学解释。在这里,我们将使用消极幻觉的概念,我们认为它是这种谵妄的基础,并从这一概念出发,最终试图证明弗洛伊德理论在这一领域的相关性。

Bourgeois M. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Bourgeois, M. (35352969700) 35352969700 Jules Cotard and his syndrome after a hundred years [JULES COTARD ET SON SYNDROME CENT ANS APRES] (1980), Cited 9 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-0019274524&partnerID=40&md5=fb75a73c9833d17328b11c08e89a4718
Bourgeois M. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Bourgeois, M. (35352969700) 35352969700 Jules Cotard and his syndrome after a hundred years [JULES COTARD ET SON SYNDROME CENT ANS APRES] (1980), Cited 9 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-0019274524&partnerID=40&md5=fb75a73c9833d17328b11c08e89a4718

ABSTRACT: One hundred years ago a description was given of the negation delirium. This 'Cotard's syndrome' which is almost always of melancholic significance, has practically disappeared from the clinical scene and from psychopathological reflections, probably due to the therapeutic revolutions that have taken place. Nevertheless, it consists of a depersonalisation and a nihilist delirium that is very original and seems to require a re-evaluation. A short review of the literature and a biographical sketch of Jules Cotard are suggested.
摘要:一百年前,有人描述过否定谵妄。这种 "科塔综合征 "几乎总是具有忧郁症的特征,但可能是由于治疗方法的革命,它实际上已经从临床和精神病理学思考中消失了。然而,它所包含的人格解体和虚无主义谵妄却非常新颖,似乎需要重新评估。建议对相关文献进行简短回顾,并对儒勒-科塔德的生平进行简要介绍。

Kapusta A. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Kapusta, Andrzej (7003488250) 7003488250 Delusions in the phenomenological perspective (2015), Cited 0 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84928879548&doi=10.12849%2f50302014.0112.0006&partnerID=40&md5=19d410f243e3c5d751649a0a8ff8a9af
Kapusta A. 作者全名:Kapusta, Andrzej (7003488250) 7003488250 《现象学视角中的妄想》(2015 年),引用 0 次。https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84928879548&doi=10.12849%2f50302014.0112.0006&partnerID=40&md5=19d410f243e3c5d751649a0a8ff8a9af。

ABSTRACT: The aim of the article is to present the contemporary concepts of delusions from the phenomenological perspective. The difficulties to define delusions and the examples of delusional disorders, such as delusional mood, Cotard's syndrome, or Capgras delusions, serve as the point of departure for this analysis. The questions of the phenomenological understanding of delusions are presented in the context of Karl Jaspers' theory of the incomprehensibility of psychotic thinking (primary delusions, delusional mood). The subsequent analysis presents the constraints of contemporary cognitive theories of delusions. The criticism of said theories highlights the need for creating a broader concept of experience and cognition and results in the proposition to use the terms "background" and "embodiment" as theoretical tools for a more complete understanding of the peculiarities of delusional experience.
摘要:本文旨在从现象学的角度介绍妄想症的当代概念。妄想定义的困难和妄想症的例子,如妄想情绪、科塔综合征或卡普拉斯妄想症,是本文分析的出发点。卡尔-雅斯贝尔斯(Karl Jaspers)关于精神病思维(原发性妄想、妄想情绪)不可理解性理论的背景下,提出了从现象学角度理解妄想的问题。随后的分析介绍了当代妄想认知理论的局限性。对上述理论的批判强调了建立更广泛的经验和认知概念的必要性,并由此提出了使用 "背景 "和 "体现 "这两个术语作为理论工具,以更全面地理解妄想经验的特殊性的主张。

Infurchia C. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Infurchia, Claudia (57189506750) 57189506750 the sPirAl: A metAPhor for the ComPulsion rePetition ? from the “death in the symbolic” to the desire for symBoliC immortAlity [La spirale: une métaphore de la compulsion de répétition ? De la « mort dans le symbolique» au « désir d’immortalité symbolique»] (2024), Cited 0 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85189481441&doi=10.3917%2fcm.109.0245&partnerID=40&md5=d02ff92427aea641c5c9b7b742bc854c
Infurchia C. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Infurchia, Claudia (57189506750) 57189506750 the sirAl: A metAPhorore for the ComPulsion rePetition ? From the "death in the symbolic" to the desire for symBoliC immortAlity [La spirale: une métaphore de la compulsion de répétition ?从 "象征意义上的死亡 "到 "象征意义上不朽的渴望"]。(2024), Cited 0 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85189481441&doi=10.3917%2fcm.109.0245&partnerID=40&md5=d02ff92427aea641c5c9b7b742bc854c

ABSTRACT: This article presents a case study from the clinical psychopathological angle, a collection of elements from psychotherapeutic encounters comprising two settings, a drawing-painting workshop for free self-expression, and face-to-face interviews, in a mental health unit. The patient, (in her fifties), painter and writer before her decompensation, is convinced that she is dead and eternal at the same time. The psychiatric diagnosis given is Cotard’s syndrome. The mediation care setting based on the drawing-painting workshop, allows this patient, reluctant to speak, frozen by her illness, to deposit on the canvas, a representation, a spiral. This recurring representation endured for many months will gradually evolve from a deadly repetition compulsion to a representation of life itself. It seems that the constraint to create, theorized by R. Roussillon, present in many artists, allowed this woman, for many years, to avoid the pitfall of psychotic decompensation. But it is possible to think that her creativity and her artistic production were defeated in the face of traumas of great intensity (separation, death). Melancholy recedes when this same representation linked to eternal torment is transformed into a symbol of life. © 2024 ERES. All rights reserved.
ABSTRACT: 本文从临床心理病理学的角度介绍了一个案例研究,收集了心理治疗过程中的各种因素,包括两个环境,一个是自由表达自我的绘画工作坊,另一个是在精神病院进行的面对面访谈。患者(50 多岁)是一位画家和作家,在精神失常之前,她坚信自己已经死亡,同时又是永恒的。她被诊断患有科塔德综合症。以绘画工作室为基础的调解护理环境,让这位不愿说话、被病痛折磨得僵硬的病人在画布上呈现出一种螺旋形。这种持续数月的重复性表象将逐渐从致命的重复强迫演变为生命本身的表象。鲁西永(R. Roussillon)的理论认为,许多艺术家都有创作的束缚,这似乎让这位女士多年来避免了精神失常的陷阱。但我们也可以认为,她的创造力和艺术创作在巨大的创伤(分离、死亡)面前败下阵来。当这种与永恒的痛苦相关联的表现形式转化为生命的象征时,忧郁的情绪也随之消退。© 2024 ERES。保留所有权利。

HENNE M., TONNEL M., HENNE S. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: HENNE, M. (35143933100); TONNEL, M. (35252870200); HENNE, S. (35143692100) 35143933100; 35252870200; 35143692100 Apropos of mixed states. A case of manic Cotard's syndrome. (1961), Cited 1 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-39449133041&partnerID=40&md5=bb4a9315a4e810c1e3ecd2b112026136
亨利-M.,汤内尔-M.,亨利-S.作者全名:HENNE,M. (35143933100);TONNEL,M. (35252870200);HENNE,S. (35143692100) 35143933100; 35252870200; 35143692100 描述混合状态。一例狂躁型科塔氏综合征。(1961), Cited 1 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-39449133041&partnerID=40&md5=bb4a9315a4e810c1e3ecd2b112026136

Discussion (2016), Cited 0 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84961116246&doi=10.1016%2fj.amp.2016.01.015&partnerID=40&md5=d196a6c61136ddd3f23c479274df4d6a
Discussion (2016), Cited 0 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84961116246&doi=10.1016%2fj.amp.2016.01.015&partnerID=40&md5=d196a6c61136ddd3f23c479274df4d6a

Walloch J.E., Klauwer C., Lanczik M., Brockington I.F., Kornhuber J. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Walloch, Judith Esther (8574695800); Klauwer, Christian (57221937510); Lanczik, Mario (57189655230); Brockington, Ian Frazer (7006362224); Kornhuber, Johannes (7007179429) 8574695800; 57221937510; 57189655230; 7006362224; 7007179429 Delusional denial of pregnancy as a special form of cotard's syndrome: Case report and review of the literature (2006), Cited 19 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-33751259345&doi=10.1159%2f000096685&partnerID=40&md5=0b6d5fdf46a52395f14c79befc474f7b
Walloch J.E.、Klauwer C.、Lanczik M.、Brockington I.F.、Kornhuber J. 作者全名:Walloch,Judith Esther (8574695800);Klauwer,Christian (57221937510);Lanczik,Mario (57189655230);Brockington,Ian Frazer (7006362224);Kornhuber,Johannes (7007179429)8574695800;57221937510;57189655230;7006362224;7007179429 妄想否认怀孕是科塔德综合征的一种特殊形式:病例报告和文献综述(2006 年),被引用 19 次。https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-33751259345&doi=10.1159%2f000096685&partnerID=40&md5=0b6d5fdf46a52395f14c79befc474f7b

ABSTRACT: The following case report describes a pregnant woman who was convinced that her pregnancy was non-existent despite being in an advanced stage of clinically obvious pregnancy. The nosologically unspecific syndrome of denial of pregnancy is discussed by reviewing the literature. Based on the existing literature it will be explained why this specific syndrome is considered to indicate a special form of Cotard's syndrome. Copyright © 2007 S. Karger AG.
摘要:以下病例报告描述了一名孕妇,尽管她已处于临床上明显的妊娠晚期,但她仍坚信自己不存在妊娠。通过对文献的回顾,讨论了否认怀孕这一没有特定病名的综合征。在现有文献的基础上,将解释为什么这种特殊的综合征被认为是科塔德综合征的一种特殊形式。版权所有 © 2007 S. Karger AG。

Biran I. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Biran, Iftah (55935624600) 55935624600 Taphophobia and resurrection mania following left parietal stroke (2019), Cited 2 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85076539492&doi=10.1080%2f15294145.2019.1698314&partnerID=40&md5=2762c69f8e5a4725038eafdffb1eb1f3
Biran I. 作者全名:Biran, Iftah (55935624600) 55935624600 左顶叶中风后的恐形症和复活躁狂症(2019 年),引用 2 次。https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85076539492&doi=10.1080%2f15294145.2019.1698314&partnerID=40&md5=2762c69f8e5a4725038eafdffb1eb1f3。

ABSTRACT: The paper describes a patient with psychotic depression following left inferior parietal stroke. He had a dominant delusion: a belief that he was buried alive and had died thereafter. This delusion was an amalgamation of taphophobia (fear of being buried alive) and Cotard’s nihilistic delusion. This taphophobia-Cotard complex was accompanied by a resurrection delusional belief that his son would resuscitate him by pressing his chest through the gravestone, during which the son’s hands would be detached from his body. This uncanny presentation is analyzed on various levels: Psychiatric level with an attempt to understand this presentation as reactivation of post-traumatic stress disorder; classical neurological level based on the function of the left parietal cortex and its role in body representations as in Gerstmann’s syndrome; Coltheart’s neuropsychological “Two-Factors Model” of delusional beliefs suggesting that the nihilistic-like delusion stems from false interpretation secondary to impaired mental activity that follows similar brain lesions and that this interpretation is not rejected due to lack of censorship activity; psychodynamic level–looking at the switch to primary thinking processes and at the accompanying uncanniness, anxiety and manic defenses. The paper suggests that what seems like diverse and haphazard presentation can be a multifaceted expression of the crucial function of the left inferior parietal cortex as a heteromodal cortex sited in an intersection between concrete perceptions and symbolic constructs and between primary and secondary thinking processes. © 2019, © 2019 International Neuropsychoanalysis Society.
摘要:本文描述了一名左顶叶下部中风后的精神抑郁症患者。他有一个主要的妄想:认为自己被活埋了,之后就死了。这种妄想是 "活埋恐惧症"(害怕被活埋)和 "虚无主义妄想"(Cotard's nihilistic delusion)的混合体。这种 "恐埋症"--"科塔 "情结还伴随着一种 "复活 "妄想,即他的儿子会通过按压墓碑使他的胸部复活,而在这一过程中,儿子的双手会从他的身体上脱落。我们从不同层面分析了这一不可思议的现象:在精神病学层面,试图将这种表现理解为创伤后应激障碍的重新激活;在经典神经学层面,基于左顶叶皮层的功能及其在格斯特曼综合症中的身体表征作用;科尔萨特的妄想信念神经心理学 "双因素模型 "认为,虚无主义式妄想源于错误的解释,继发于类似脑损伤后的精神活动受损,而这种解释不会因为缺乏审查活动而被拒绝;从心理动力学层面审视初级思维过程的转换以及随之而来的不可思议、焦虑和狂躁防御。本文认为,看似多种多样、杂乱无章的表述可能是左侧下顶叶皮层关键功能的多方面体现,它是一个位于具体感知与符号建构之间、初级思维过程与次级思维过程之间交叉点的异模式皮层。© 2019, © 2019 国际神经精神分析学会。

Haustgen T. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Haustgen, Thierry (6603410134) 6603410134 Marc Bourgeois and the history of psychiatry [Marc Bourgeois et l'histoire de la psychiatrie] (2020), Cited 0 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85085174713&doi=10.1016%2fj.amp.2020.04.007&partnerID=40&md5=229bce7d443906eb075a2353693f4470
作者全名:Haustgen T. AUTHOR FULL Names: Haustgen, Thierry (6603410134) 6603410134 Marc Bourgeois and the history of psychiatry [Marc Bourgeois et l'histoire de la psychiatrie] (2020), Cited 0 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85085174713&doi=10.1016%2fj.amp.2020.04.007&partnerID=40&md5=229bce7d443906eb075a2353693f4470

ABSTRACT: In his books and his articles, Marc Bourgeois has studied the history and the evolution of several morbid entities: Cotard's syndrome, melancholia, bipolar disorders (clinical cases of Ritti, observation of King Charles VI), folie du doute, nostalgia. He has described the context and the consequences of the bursting of the hysteria, criticized the disappearance of chronic hallucinatory psychosis in contemporary classifications, studied the evolution of the concept of awareness of illness in clinical psychiatry, distinguished scientific and psychological truths during a long time, analyzed the psychopathology of European sovereigns since the roman Antiquity, evoked the medication of mental disorders before the antipsychotic drugs. He has published eleven biographical notices in the Annales Médico-Psychologiques and narrated the history of psychiatry in Bordeaux. In the introduction of the collective book published under his direction, “2000 years of psychiatry”, he has adopted the periodization in paradigms described by Lantéri-Laura during the 19th and the 20th centuries and foretold for the 21th a psychiatric discipline dominated by the neurosciences, the influence of groups of “users” and the growth of the administrative power. © 2020
ABSTRACT: 马克-布尔乔亚(Marc Bourgeois)在他的著作和文章中研究了几种病症的历史和演变:科塔氏综合症、忧郁症、躁狂症(里蒂的临床病例、查理六世的观察)、忧郁症、怀旧症。他描述了歇斯底里症爆发的背景和后果,批评了慢性幻觉性精神病在当代分类中的消失,研究了临床精神病学中疾病意识概念的演变,区分了长期以来的科学和心理学真理,分析了自罗马古代以来欧洲君主的精神病理学,唤起了抗精神病药物之前的精神障碍药物治疗。他在《医学心理学年鉴》上发表了 11 篇传记,并讲述了波尔多精神病学的历史。在由他指导出版的集体著作《精神病学 2000 年》的序言中,他采用了 Lantéri-Laura 在 19 世纪和 20 世纪描述的范式分期,并预言 21 世纪的精神病学将由神经科学、"使用者 "群体的影响和行政权力的增长所主导。© 2020

Philippe S.-G. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Philippe, Ssastre-Garau (36710429000) 36710429000 La mélancolie résiste bien à ĺpreuve du temps (2008), Cited 0 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-65649120380&doi=10.3917%2fsc.009.0092&partnerID=40&md5=681a0dbce53240f79743691bcf48458e
Philippe S.-G. AUTHOR FULL Names: Philippe, Ssastre-Garau (36710429000) 36710429000 La mélancolie résiste bien à ĺpreuve du temps (2008), Cited 0 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-65649120380&doi=10.3917%2fsc.009.0092&partnerID=40&md5=681a0dbce53240f79743691bcf48458e

ABSTRACT: On the basis of two outpatient cases, we raise questions as to the current situation of melancholia, a disorder which seems to stand up to the test of time. While these two cases are a good illustration of the freudian psychopathology described in « Mourning and Melancholia », they also emphasize the phenomenon of incorporation and Cotar's syndrome as a clinical « between two deaths ». The outburst of delirium and its relation to love as well as the passage to chronic state of certain melancholia are also investigated through certain clinical particularities. © Cairn 2007.
ABSTRACT: 根据两个门诊病例,我们提出了关于忧郁症现状的问题,忧郁症似乎经受住了时间的考验。这两个病例很好地诠释了《哀悼与忧郁症》一书中描述的弗洛伊德精神病理学,同时也强调了作为临床 "两死之间 "的融入现象和科塔综合征。谵妄的爆发及其与爱情的关系,以及某些忧郁症进入慢性状态的过程,也通过某些临床特殊性进行了研究。© Cairn 2007。

Gardner-Thorpe C., Pearn J. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Gardner-Thorpe, C. (7004006063); Pearn, J. (7102607159) 7004006063; 7102607159 The Cotard syndrome. Report of two patients: With a review of the extended spectrum of 'délire des négations' (2004), Cited 43 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-4043057906&doi=10.1111%2fj.1468-1331.2004.00832.x&partnerID=40&md5=bfcd5b69637f6c15d45b54066e8f51cf
Gardner-Thorpe C., Pearn J. 作者全名:Gardner-Thorpe, C. (7004006063); Pearn, J. (7102607159) 7004006063; 7102607159 科塔德综合征。两名患者的报告:附 "délire des négations "扩展谱系回顾(2004 年),被引用 43 次。https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-4043057906&doi=10.1111%2fj.1468-1331.2004.00832.x&partnerID=40&md5=bfcd5b69637f6c15d45b54066e8f51cf

ABSTRACT: The Cotard syndrome is characterized by the delusion where an individual insists that he has died or part of his body has decayed. Although described classically in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, physical disorders including migraine, tumour and trauma have also been associated with the syndrome. Two new cases are described here, the one associated with arteriovenous malformations and the other with probable multiple sclerosis. The delusion has been embarrassing to each patient. Study of such cases may have wider implications for the understanding of the psychotic interpretation of body image, for example that occurring in anorexia nervosa.

Léger J.M., Destruhaut J., Blanchinet J., Péron A., Vallat J.N. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Léger, J.M. (7201980012); Destruhaut, J. (6507465964); Blanchinet, J. (6506253748); Péron, A. (7003391561); Vallat, J.N. (7103345567) 7201980012; 6507465964; 6506253748; 7003391561; 7103345567 May we speak of intermittent forms of Cotard's syndrome? [Peut-on parler de formes intermittentes du syndrome de Cotard?] (1969), Cited 4 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-0014596643&partnerID=40&md5=fe531ade5222e2cfb3ea00b501d38444
Léger J.M.,Destruhaut J.,Blanchinet J.,Péron A.,Vallat J.N. 作者全名:Léger,J.M. (7201980012);Destruhaut,J. (6507465964);Blanchinet,J. (6506253748);Péron,A. (7003391561);Vallat,J.N. (7103345567) 7201980012;6507465964;6506253748;7003391561;7103345567 我们可以谈论科塔德综合征的间歇形式吗?[Peut-on parler de formes intermittentes du syndrome de Cotard?] (1969), Cited 4 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-0014596643&partnerID=40&md5=fe531ade5222e2cfb3ea00b501d38444

Özköse M.M., Havle N., Sari I.S., Özgen G. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Özköse, Mehmet Mustafa (56626972200); Havle, Nedim (23018916600); Sari, Ihsan Saygin (57225393092); Özgen, Güliz (12783389500) 56626972200; 23018916600; 57225393092; 12783389500 Cotard's syndrome: A case of rarity [Cotard sendromu: Ender rastlanan bir vak'a] (2010), Cited 0 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-77952834757&partnerID=40&md5=67b2fe132824fbc09dbb0082b7cb6805
Özköse M.M.,Havle N.,Sari I.S.,Özgen G. 作者全名:Özköse,Mehmet Mustafa (56626972200);Havle,Nedim (23018916600);Sari,Ihsan Saygin (57225393092);Özgen,Güliz (12783389500) 56626972200; 23018916600; 57225393092; 12783389500 Cotard综合征:罕见病例 [Cotard sendromu: Ender rastlanan bir vak'a] (2010), 引用 0 次。https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-77952834757&partnerID=40&md5=67b2fe132824fbc09dbb0082b7cb6805

ABSTRACT: Cotard's Syndrome is first described by Jules Cotard in 1880. Nihilistic delusions, depersonalization, derealization, thoughts of immortality, hallucinations, suicidal ideation, and negativism can be seen in this rare syndrome. It is seen in women more frequently. Average age of onset is 52. The syndrome very rarely begins with adolescence. Co-existence of psychiatric and organic diseases with Cotard's Syndrome is reported in various studies. There is still requirement of more research to establish a position in diagnostic classification systems for this syndrome which is thought to have a multifactorial etiology. In this article an adolescent 14 years old with diagnosis of Cotard's syndrome is presented.
摘要:1880 年,儒勒-科塔(Jules Cotard)首次描述了科塔氏综合征(Cotard's Syndrome)。这种罕见的综合征可表现为虚无主义妄想、人格解体、去理想化、长生不老的想法、幻觉、自杀念头和消极主义。女性发病率较高。平均发病年龄为 52 岁。该综合征很少在青春期发病。有多项研究报告称,精神疾病和器质性疾病与科塔德综合征并存。对于这种被认为具有多因素病因的综合征,仍需要更多的研究来确定其在诊断分类系统中的地位。本文介绍了一名被诊断患有科塔德综合征的 14 岁青少年。

Gama Marques J. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Gama Marques, João (56152909900) 56152909900 Schizophrenia Misdiagnosis after Capgras and Cotard Delusions in a Patient with Infantile Cystinosis, Cavum Septi Pellucidi, Cavum Vergae and Cavum Veli Interpositi (2023), Cited 0 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85148876612&doi=10.3390%2fbs13020157&partnerID=40&md5=90ac8e6d3559284e0b05584cbad6c70e
Gama Marques J. 作者全名:Gama Marques, João (56152909900) 56152909900 一名患有婴幼儿胱氨酸病、Cavum Septi Pellucidi、Cavum Vergae 和 Cavum Veli Interpositi 的患者在出现 Capgras 和 Cotard 妄想后被误诊为精神分裂症 (2023),引用 0 次。https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85148876612&doi=10.3390%2fbs13020157&partnerID=40&md5=90ac8e6d3559284e0b05584cbad6c70e。

ABSTRACT: How many patients with psychosis secondary to genetic conditions or congenital brain malformation have been diagnosed with schizophrenia, since its initial conception more than one hundred years ago? A case report of a young man, with antecedents of Capgras and Cotard syndromes, sent to a schizophrenia treatment-resistant outpatient clinic is presented. Instead of true, primary, idiopathic schizophrenia, a diagnosis of secondary schizophrenia (pseudo-schizophrenia or schizophrenia-like psychosis) was made, corresponding to a secondary psychotic syndrome, with hallucinations and delusions due to congenital cavum septi pellucidi, cavum vergae, cavum veli interpositi and progressive brain atrophy due to cystinosis. Extreme caution is recommended when diagnosing schizophrenia in severely psychotic patients independent of their acute or chronic condition. Schizophrenia shall never be forgotten as the great imitated of medicine. © 2023 by the author.

Restrepo-Martínez M., Espinola-Nadurille M., Bayliss L., Díaz-Meneses I., Kerik N.E., Mendez M.F., Ramírez-Bermúdez J. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Restrepo-Martínez, Miguel (57192819954); Espinola-Nadurille, Mariana (15725277800); Bayliss, Leo (56072209400); Díaz-Meneses, Ivan (55925967200); Kerik, Nora E. (57205603021); Mendez, Mario F. (7202908230); Ramírez-Bermúdez, Jesús (12038852600) 57192819954; 15725277800; 56072209400; 55925967200; 57205603021; 7202908230; 12038852600 FDG-PET in Cotard syndrome before and after treatment: can functional brain imaging support a two-factor hypothesis of nihilistic delusions? (2019), Cited 14 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85074038995&doi=10.1080%2f13546805.2019.1676710&partnerID=40&md5=6a4750394bff19c4776fc869cc3b8e40
Restrepo-Martínez M., Espinola-Nadurille M., Bayliss L., Díaz-Meneses I., Kerik N.E., Mendez M.F.、Ramírez-Bermúdez J. 作者全名:Restrepo-Martínez, Miguel (57192819954);Espinola-Nadurille, Mariana (15725277800);Bayliss, Leo (56072209400);Díaz-Meneses, Ivan (55925967200);Kerik, Nora E. (57205603021);Mendez, Mario F. (7202908230).(7202908230); Ramírez-Bermúdez, Jesús (12038852600) 57192819954; 15725277800; 56072209400; 55925967200; 57205603021; 7202908230; 12038852600 科塔德综合征治疗前后的 FDG-PET:功能性脑成像能否支持虚无主义妄想的双因素假说?(2019), Cited 14 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85074038995&doi=10.1080%2f13546805.2019.1676710&partnerID=40&md5=6a4750394bff19c4776fc869cc3b8e40

ABSTRACT: Introduction: Cotard syndrome is a neuropsychiatric entity recognised by the presence of nihilistic delusions. Although different models have been proposed for the development of monothematic delusions, including Cotard syndrome, functional neuroanatomical models are lacking. Methods: A case report of a 19-year old male with autoimmune encephalitis and Cotard syndrome, in whom Positron Emission Tomography (18F-FDG-PET) scans were performed before and after successful treatment with electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), is presented. Literature review on brain imaging is provided to discuss a functional neuroanatomical model of Cotard syndrome, in accordance with the two-factor theory of delusions. Results: The patient’s 18F-FDG-PET showed marked insular and prefrontal metabolic abnormalities. Except for insular hypometabolism, metabolic abnormalities improved after ECT. Previously reported structural neuroimaging studies in Cotard syndrome showed a predominance of right hemisphere lesions, in which frontal lobes were more frequently involved, followed by parietal and temporal lesions. Functional neuroimaging studies reported abnormalities in frontoparietal circuits as well as midline structures included in the “default mode network”. Conclusions: Abnormalities in the functioning of the insular cortex and the prefrontal cortex could be related to the development of nihilistic delusions when a two-factor theory of delusions is considered. © 2019, © 2019 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
ABSTRACT: Introduction:科塔德综合征是一种以虚无主义妄想为特征的神经精神疾病。尽管人们对包括科塔德综合征在内的单主题妄想的发展提出了不同的模型,但功能神经解剖学模型却缺乏。研究方法本病例报告了一名患有自身免疫性脑炎和科塔德综合征的 19 岁男性患者,在接受电休克疗法(ECT)成功治疗前后对其进行了正电子发射断层扫描(18F-FDG-PET)。文章还回顾了脑成像方面的文献,并根据妄想症的双因素理论讨论了科塔德综合征的功能神经解剖模型。研究结果患者的 18F-FDG-PET 显示出明显的岛叶和前额叶代谢异常。除了岛叶代谢异常外,其他代谢异常在 ECT 治疗后均有改善。此前报道的科塔德综合征结构性神经影像学研究显示,右半球病变占主导地位,其中额叶更常受累,顶叶和颞叶病变次之。功能神经影像学研究显示,额叶回路以及 "默认模式网络 "中线结构出现异常。结论考虑到妄想症的双因素理论,岛叶皮层和前额叶皮层的功能异常可能与虚无主义妄想症的发生有关。© 2019, © 2019 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.

Chan J.-H., Chen C.-H., Robson D., Tan H.K.-L. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Chan, Jen-Hui (25960595400); Chen, Chin-Hung (56973467300); Robson, Debbie (57213617623); Tan, Happy Kuy-Lok (55197592200) 25960595400; 56973467300; 57213617623; 55197592200 Case report: Effective treatment of Cotard's syndrome: Quetiapine in combination with venlafaxine (2009), Cited 13 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-58449097840&doi=10.1111%2fj.1440-1819.2008.01891.x&partnerID=40&md5=e3a94186fe5e65409d64f8e8b43bd559
Chan J.-H., Chen C.-H., Robson D., Tan H.K.-L. 作者全名:Chan, Jen-Hui (25960595400); Chen, Chin-Hung (56973467300); Robson, Debbie (57213617623); Tan, Happy Kuy-Lok (55197592200) 25960595400; 56973467300; 57213617623; 55197592200 病例报告:有效治疗科塔德综合征:喹硫平联合文拉法辛(2009 年),被引用 13 次。https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-58449097840&doi=10.1111%2fj.1440-1819.2008.01891.x&partnerID=40&md5=e3a94186fe5e65409d64f8e8b43bd559

Edelstyn N.M.J., Oyebode F. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Edelstyn, N.M.J. (6603089017); Oyebode, F. (7006120139) 6603089017; 7006120139 A review of the phenomenology and cognitive neuropsychological origins of the cotard delusion (2006), Cited 3 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-33745287728&partnerID=40&md5=125ce8d7b7ae5ab64eb8cf12766bbe95
Edelstyn N.M.J., Oyebode F. 作者全名:Edelstyn, N.M.J. (6603089017); Oyebode, F. (7006120139) 6603089017; 7006120139 柯塔德妄想症的现象学和认知神经心理学起源综述(2006 年),引用 3 次。https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-33745287728&partnerID=40&md5=125ce8d7b7ae5ab64eb8cf12766bbe95。

ABSTRACT: Cotard's delusion is characterised by a series of bizarre beliefs ranging from loss of one's organs, blood, body parts to believing that one's soul is lost or dead, even that one does not exist at all. Lying at the core of these nihilistic delusions are themes of negativism and self-accusatory depressive delusions and the paradox that, although they believe that they are dead (in extreme cases), or that they can never die, they still try to destroy themselves. Our paper reviews the epidemiology and aetiology of Cotard's delusion. The primary focus, however, is on explanatory theories, in which psychodynamic, cerebral lesion/ dysfunction and cognitive neuropsychological accounts are presented. This is a selective review in which the following key terms: Cotard's syndrome, Cotard's delusion, nihilistic delusions were used to search Psyclnfo and Medline databases. © Universitätsverlag Ulm GmbH 2006.
ABSTRACT: 柯塔德妄想症的特征是一系列怪异的信念,从失去器官、血液、身体器官到相信自己的灵魂丢失或死亡,甚至相信自己根本不存在。这些虚无主义妄想症的核心是否定主义和自责性抑郁妄想,以及虽然他们相信自己已经死亡(极端情况下)或永远不会死亡,但仍试图毁灭自己的悖论。本文回顾了科塔德妄想症的流行病学和病因学。不过,本文的主要重点是解释性理论,其中介绍了心理动力学、脑损伤/功能障碍和认知神经心理学等理论。这是一篇有选择性的综述,其中包括以下关键术语:科塔德综合征、科塔德妄想症、虚无主义妄想症等关键词在 Psyclnfo 和 Medline 数据库中进行搜索。© 乌尔姆大学出版社 2006。

Nemlekar S.S., Bardolia D.D., Ritambhara U.J., Mehta Y., Dave K.R. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Nemlekar, Saumitra S. (57188638005); Bardolia, Dhruv Devendra (57218386350); Ritambhara, Urvish Jaganiya (57301033700); Mehta, Yeshwant (57301178900); Dave, Kamlesh Rushikray (39061353300) 57188638005; 57218386350; 57301033700; 57301178900; 39061353300 A unique case of neurofibromatosis 1 (NF1) with Cotard syndrome - A case report (2021), Cited 1 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85117379926&doi=10.12740%2fAPP%2f134606&partnerID=40&md5=58e49eff4b97e542e32f74464457a3a6
Nemlekar S.S., Bardolia D.D., Ritambhara U.J., Mehta Y.、Dave K.R. 作者全名:Nemlekar, Saumitra S.(57188638005); Bardolia, Dhruv Devendra (57218386350); Ritambhara, Urvish Jaganiya (57301033700); Mehta, Yeshwant (57301178900); Dave, Kamlesh Rushikray (39061353300) 57188638005; 57218386350; 57301033700; 57301178900; 39061353300 一例独特的神经纤维瘤病 1(NF1)伴科塔德综合征 - 病例报告(2021),引用 1 次。https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85117379926&doi=10.12740%2fAPP%2f134606&partnerID=40&md5=58e49eff4b97e542e32f74464457a3a6

ABSTRACT: Neurofibromatosis type 1 is a neuro-cutaneous autosomal dominant disorder that is often associated with various psychiatric disorders. Cotard syndrome is a rare neuropsychiatric disorder seen in a variety of neurological and psychological illnesses. The complex course of the neurofibromatosis predisposes the individual towards higher physical and psychiatric morbidity. Here we present a case of Cotard syndrome in a patient with neurofibromatosis. The patient was brought with an alleged history of self-harm and pervasive sadness of mood; a diagnosis of recurrent depressive disorder current episode severe with psychotic features was made. Patient was treated with oral psychotropic agents and responded well to the treatment. © 2021 Polish Psychiatric Association. All rights reserved.
摘要:神经纤维瘤病 1 型是一种神经皮肤常染色体显性遗传病,常伴有各种精神疾病。科塔德综合征是一种罕见的神经精神疾病,可见于各种神经和心理疾病。神经纤维瘤病的复杂病程使患者在身体和精神方面的发病率较高。在此,我们介绍一例神经纤维瘤病患者的科塔德综合征病例。患者被送来时声称有自残史和普遍的悲伤情绪;诊断为复发性抑郁障碍,当前发作严重,伴有精神病特征。患者接受了口服精神药物治疗,治疗效果良好。© 2021 波兰精神病学协会。保留所有权利。

Dimitriadis Y. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Dimitriadis, Yorgos (55585797100) 55585797100 The painful analgesia of cotard’s syndrome (2014), Cited 1 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84930668709&doi=10.2174%2f1876386301407010036&partnerID=40&md5=2ecdbbd64a31a3556a9ad35cc0fcef4b
Dimitriadis Y. 作者全名:Dimitriadis, Yorgos (55585797100) 55585797100 科塔德综合征的疼痛镇痛(2014 年),引用 1 次。https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84930668709&doi=10.2174%2f1876386301407010036&partnerID=40&md5=2ecdbbd64a31a3556a9ad35cc0fcef4b。

ABSTRACT: In the present paper, we look into what is painful psychical analgesia in relation to what 19th century clinicians have named “moral pain” in melancholia, and more particularly in the delusion of negation described by the French psychiatrist Jules Cotard in 1880, a form of delusion that can be seen mostly in cases of chronic anxious melancholia. This condition is characterized by a painful absence of emotions, which occurs when the subject, in the Lacanian sense of the word, ceases to be touched by the signifiers, and consequently ceases to exist as a subject. Hence, these patients often declare themselves to be already dead or incapable of dying. The psychoanalytical approach to this delusion allows an understanding of the ‘’lack of lack’’ concept, as these patients, having lost the lack, affirm that their body’s orifices are clogged, that they have lost their mental vision, that they miss various visceral organs etc. The completeness of their body – the absence of orifices – can sometimes attain universal dimensions and these patients can thus identify themselves to the universe, which contains everything. The delusion of negation teaches us something important concerning the essence of desire, in relation to what has been named by Lacan area-between-two-deaths. This Lacanian concept refers essentially to the tragic hero, but also, more generally, to the lonely condition where anyone’s desire should be able to exist beyond any narcissistic commitment, which means beyond the pleasure principle as well. © Yorgos Dimitriadis; Licensee Bentham Open.
ABSTRACT: 在本文中,我们将研究什么是痛苦的精神镇痛,它与 19 世纪临床医生所命名的忧郁症中的 "精神痛苦 "有关,尤其是法国精神病学家儒勒-科塔(Jules Cotard)在 1880 年所描述的否定妄想,这种妄想主要出现在慢性焦虑忧郁症病例中。这种情况的特征是一种痛苦的情感缺失,当主体(拉康意义上的主体)不再被符号所触及,从而不再作为主体存在时,这种情感缺失就会发生。因此,这些病人常常宣称自己已经死亡或无法死亡。从精神分析的角度来看待这种妄想,就可以理解 "缺乏的缺乏 "这一概念,因为这些病人在失去了缺乏之后,会确认自己身体的孔道堵塞了,他们失去了精神视力,他们错过了各种内脏器官等等。他们身体的完整性--没有孔隙--有时可以达到宇宙的层面,这些患者因此可以将自己与包含万物的宇宙相提并论。否定之否定的妄想 "告诉我们一些关于欲望本质的重要信息,它与拉康所称的 "两死之间的区域 "有关。拉康的这一概念主要指的是悲剧英雄,但更广泛地说,也指孤独的状态,在这种状态下,任何人的欲望都应该能够超越任何自恋的承诺而存在,这也意味着超越快乐原则。© Yorgos Dimitriadis; Licensee Bentham Open.

Hirstein W. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Hirstein, William (8891272800) 8891272800 The misidentification syndromes as mindreading disorders (2010), Cited 28 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-77649316919&doi=10.1080%2f13546800903414891&partnerID=40&md5=e32e349a50a97f32b75e2f260cf97c3a
作者全名:Hirstein W. AUTHOR FULL Names: Hirstein, William (8891272800) 8891272800 作为读心障碍的误认综合症(2010 年),被引用 28 次。https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-77649316919&doi=10.1080%2f13546800903414891&partnerID=40&md5=e32e349a50a97f32b75e2f260cf97c3a。

ABSTRACT: The patient with Capgras' syndrome claims that people very familiar to him have been replaced by impostors. I argue that this disorder is due to the destruction of a representation that the patient has of the mind of the familiar person. This creates the appearance of a familiar body and face, but without the familiar personality, beliefs, and thoughts. The posterior site of damage in Capgras' is often reported to be the temporoparietal junction, an area that has a role in the mindreading system, a connected system of cortical areas that allow us to attribute mental states to others. Just as the Capgras' patient claims that that man is not his father, the patient with asomatognosia claims that his arm is not really his. A similar account applies here, in that a nearby brain area, the supramarginal gyrus, is damaged. This area works in concert with the temporoparietal junction and other areas to produce a large representation of a mind inside a body situated in an environment. Damage to the mind-representing part of this system (coupled with damage to executive processes in the prefrontal lobes) causes Capgras' syndrome, whereas damage to the body-representing part of this system (also coupled with executive damage) causes asomatognosia. © 2009 Psychology Press.
ABSTRACT: 卡普拉斯综合症患者声称,他非常熟悉的人被冒名顶替了。我认为,这种障碍是由于患者对熟悉的人的心理表征遭到破坏所致。这就造成了熟悉的身体和面孔出现,但却没有熟悉的人格、信仰和思想。据报道,卡普拉斯症的后部受损部位通常是颞顶叶交界处,该区域在读心术系统中发挥作用,而读心术系统是一个由大脑皮层区域组成的连接系统,可让我们将精神状态归因于他人。正如卡普格拉斯的病人声称那个人不是他的父亲一样,拟认症病人也声称他的手臂其实不是他的。类似的说法也适用于这里,因为附近的一个脑区--边际上回--受损了。该区域与颞顶叶交界处和其他区域协同工作,产生了一个位于环境中的身体内的大型思维表征。该系统的思维表征部分受损(加上前额叶的执行过程受损)会导致卡普格拉斯综合症,而该系统的身体表征部分受损(也加上执行过程受损)则会导致同形认知症。© 2009 心理学出版社。

O'Carroll R. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: O'Carroll, Ronan (7006759100) 7006759100 Clinical presentation of neuropsychiatric disorders (2010), Cited 1 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84921259509&doi=10.1093%2facprof%3aoso%2f9780199234110.003.032&partnerID=40&md5=13d27ffb9174fd92834a104ccf04ca70
O'Carroll R. 作者全名:O'Carroll, Ronan (7006759100) 7006759100 神经精神障碍的临床表现(2010 年),引用 1 次。https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84921259509&doi=10.1093%2facprof%3aoso%2f9780199234110.003.032&partnerID=40&md5=13d27ffb9174fd92834a104ccf04ca70。

ABSTRACT: Clinical neuropsychology plays a crucial role in the assessment of cognitive impairment in clinical practice and in research in psychiatry. Recent advances in knowledge have allowed for more fine-grained cognitive analysis of specific impairments. This in turn can lead to a greater understanding of the neural basis of abnormal behaviour. The development of neuropsychological measures allows for the valid and reliable assessment of treatment efficacy. This is particularly important as 'negative features' (including cognitive impairment) have become increasingly recognized as key targets for pharmacological treatment in psychiatry. This chapter reviews the clinical presentation and common neuropsychological features of some of the major psychiatric disorders. These include anorexia nervosa, Asperger's syndrome, autism, bulimia nervosa, Capgras syndrome, conversion disorder (hysteria), Cotard syndrome, and De Clerambault's syndrome. © Oxford University Press, 2010. All rights reserved.
摘要:临床神经心理学在临床实践和精神病学研究中对认知障碍的评估起着至关重要的作用。最近的知识进步使我们能够对特定损伤进行更精细的认知分析。这反过来又能加深对异常行为的神经基础的理解。神经心理学测量方法的发展可以对治疗效果进行有效而可靠的评估。这一点尤为重要,因为 "负面特征"(包括认知障碍)已逐渐被视为精神病学药物治疗的关键目标。本章回顾了一些主要精神疾病的临床表现和常见神经心理学特征。这些疾病包括神经性厌食症、阿斯伯格综合症、自闭症、神经性贪食症、卡普拉斯综合症、转换障碍(癔症)、科塔德综合症和德-克莱朗博综合症。© 牛津大学出版社,2010 年。保留所有权利。

Alvarez P., Puente V.M., Blasco M.J., Salgado P., Merino A., Bulbena A. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Alvarez, P. (35977625500); Puente, V.M. (56866732900); Blasco, M.J. (56480163600); Salgado, P. (7005675258); Merino, A. (58374057200); Bulbena, A. (6701764127) 35977625500; 56866732900; 56480163600; 7005675258; 58374057200; 6701764127 Concurrent Koro and Cotard syndromes in a Spanish male patient with a psychotic depression and cerebrovascular disease (2012), Cited 10 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84856575331&doi=10.1159%2f000329739&partnerID=40&md5=251b3b2559bb91ac2ef0e9f62601d83c
阿尔瓦雷斯-P.、普恩特-V.M.、布拉斯科-M.J.、萨尔加多-P.、梅里诺-A.、Bulbena A. 作者全名:Alvarez, P. (35977625500); Puente, V.M. (56866732900); Blasco, M.J. (56480163600); Salgado, P. (7005675258); Merino, A. (58374057200); Bulbena, A. (6701764127) 35977625500; 56866732900; 56480163600; 7005675258; 58374057200; 6701764127 一名患有精神抑郁症和脑血管疾病的西班牙男性患者并发 Koro 和 Cotard 综合征(2012 年),被引用 10 次。https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84856575331&doi=10.1159%2f000329739&partnerID=40&md5=251b3b2559bb91ac2ef0e9f62601d83c。

ABSTRACT: Koro and Cotard syndromes are uncommon conditions described in a variety of psychiatric and medical disorders. The authors report the third case of a simultaneous presentation of both syndromes, in a 62-year-old inpatient Spanish male with major depressive disorder with psychotic features, parkinsonism and cognitive impairment. A discussion of the literature and the possible relationship between both syndromes and other neuropsychiatric disorders are presented. Copyright © 2012 S. Karger AG, Basel.
摘要:科罗综合征和科塔德综合征在各种精神病和内科疾病中并不常见。作者报告了第三例同时出现这两种综合征的病例,患者是一名 62 岁的西班牙籍男性住院病人,患有伴有精神病特征的重度抑郁症、帕金森病和认知障碍。本文对文献进行了讨论,并探讨了这两种综合征与其他神经精神疾病之间可能存在的关系。版权 © 2012 S. Karger AG,巴塞尔。

Dugas M., Halfon O., Badoual A.M. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Dugas, M. (7103324533); Halfon, O. (7003665651); Badoual, A.M. (6508019794) 7103324533; 7003665651; 6508019794 The Cotard's syndrome in adolescents [LE SYNDROME DE COTARD CHEZ L'ADOLESCENT] (1985), Cited 14 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-0022407373&partnerID=40&md5=c752dd22de856a1c7ac3c227a5047aea
Dugas M., Halfon O., Badoual A.M. 作者全名:Dugas, M. (7103324533); Halfon, O. (7003665651); Badoual, A.M. (6508019794) 7103324533; 7003665651; 6508019794 青少年科塔氏综合征 [LE SYNDROME DE COTARD CHEZ L'ADOLESCENT] (1985), 引用 14 次。https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-0022407373&partnerID=40&md5=c752dd22de856a1c7ac3c227a5047aea。

ABSTRACT: The Cotard's syndrome is characterized by a melancholic state, ideas of damnation or posession, of enormity, ideas of organ negation and the idea of being immortal. Three observations of this syndrome - one being certain, the second, possible and the third, probable, are reported. If the Cotard's syndrome remains exceptional in adolescence, it is extremely serious - bringing the vital prognosis into question - though nevertheless curable. These observations lead to discuss the more general question of delusion in adolescents. Any delirious adolescent is not inevitably a schizophrene; in fact, major delirious depressive episodes exist in adolescents and must not be disregarded, to avoid the risk of delay or therapeutic mistakes.
ABSTRACT: 科塔德综合征的特征是忧郁状态、诅咒或占有的想法、巨大的想法、否定器官的想法和不朽的想法。本报告对该综合征进行了三次观察--一次是确定的,第二次是可能的,第三次是可能的。如果科塔氏综合症在青春期仍然是一种特殊的疾病,那么它就会非常严重--使重要的预后受到质疑--尽管它是可以治愈的。通过这些观察,我们可以讨论更普遍的青少年妄想症问题。任何青少年妄想症患者都不一定是精神分裂症患者;事实上,青少年中也存在严重的抑郁妄想症发作,为了避免延误病情或治疗失误的风险,我们绝不能忽视这种情况。

Leis K., Gapska D., Aleksiewicz T., Litwin K., Miętkiewicz K., Gałązka P. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Leis, Kamil (57201215781); Gapska, Dominika (57204060262); Aleksiewicz, Tomasz (57204056036); Litwin, Katarzyna (55736181600); Miętkiewicz, Kacper (57203943897); Gałązka, Przemysław (6507795065) 57201215781; 57204060262; 57204056036; 55736181600; 57203943897; 6507795065 Cotard’s syndrome – A review [Zespół Cotarda – Przegląd aktualnej wiedzy] (2018), Cited 3 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85054316969&doi=10.15557%2fPiPK.2018.0040&partnerID=40&md5=3bfa04a7721252bf446930ffbaccedca
Leis K., Gapska D., Aleksiewicz T., Litwin K., Miętkiewicz K.、AUTHOR FULL Names: Leis, Kamil (57201215781); Gapska, Dominika (57204060262); Aleksiewicz, Tomasz (57204056036); Litwin, Katarzyna (55736181600); Miętkiewicz, Kacper (57203943897); Gałązka, Przemysław (6507795065) 57201215781; 57204060262; 57204056036; 55736181600; 57203943897; 6507795065 Cotard's syndrome - A review [Cotard's syndrome - Review of current knowledge] (2018), Cited 3 times.https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85054316969&doi=10.15557%2fPiPK.2018.0040&partnerID=40&md5=3bfa04a7721252bf446930ffbaccedca

ABSTRACT: Cotard’s syndrome, originally described by a French physician Jules Cotard in 1880 as le délire des négations (the delirium of negation), is a condition in which the patient experiences nihilistic delusions, assuming their own death and, paradoxically, resulting immortality. This extremely rare mental illness often co-occurs with depression, schizophrenia and other conditions characterised by misidentification, such as Capgrass delusion or Fregoli delusion. Whilst it is still open to investigation whether Cotard’s syndrome is to be considered an independent clinical entity, certain symptoms specific to the disease and some structural brain changes seem to support this theory. However, owing to its extremely low prevalence, Cotard’s syndrome is not included in either the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) or the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD-10) of the World Health Organization. Currently, management depends on the most likely underlying cause, e.g. depression, schizophrenia, subdural hematoma, AIDS, Parkinson’s disease or hydrophobia. Substances known to be effective in different cases include antidepressants and antipsychotics. Despite multiple attempts at classifying the condition, the 1995 classification by Berrios and Luque, subdividing Cotard’s syndrome into three types, is the most popular one by far. The first type involves depression and hallucinations, the second is known as Cotard’s syndrome type I (absence of depressive episodes but with hypochondriac delusions), whilst Cotard’s syndrome type II is also characterised by depression. © Psychiatr Psychol Klin 2018, © Medical Communications Sp. z o.o.
摘要:科塔德综合症(Cotard's Syndrome)最初由法国医生儒勒-科塔德(Jules Cotard)于 1880 年描述为 "否定之谵妄"(le délire des négations),患者会出现虚无主义妄想,假定自己已经死亡,但矛盾的是,这种妄想也会导致患者永生。这种极为罕见的精神疾病通常与抑郁症、精神分裂症和其他以错误辨认为特征的疾病(如卡普格拉斯妄想症或弗莱戈利妄想症)并发。尽管科塔德综合征是否应被视为一种独立的临床实体仍有待研究,但该病的某些特有症状和一些大脑结构变化似乎支持这一理论。不过,由于发病率极低,科塔德综合征既未被纳入《精神疾病诊断与统计手册》(DSM),也未被纳入世界卫生组织的《疾病和相关健康问题国际统计分类》(ICD-10)。目前,治疗方法取决于最可能的潜在病因,如抑郁症、精神分裂症、硬膜下血肿、艾滋病、帕金森病或恐水症。已知对不同病例有效的药物包括抗抑郁药和抗精神病药。尽管人们曾多次尝试对这种病症进行分类,但 1995 年 Berrios 和 Luque 将科塔德综合征细分为三种类型的分类法是目前最流行的分类法。第一种类型包括抑郁和幻觉,第二种类型被称为科塔德综合征 I 型(无抑郁发作,但有疑病性妄想),而科塔德综合征 II 型也以抑郁为特征。© Psychiatr Psychol Klin 2018, © Medical Communications Sp.

Halfon O., Mouren-Simeoni M.C., Dugas M. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Halfon, O. (7003665651); Mouren-Simeoni, M.C. (7006247161); Dugas, M. (7103324533) 7003665651; 7006247161; 7103324533 Cotard's syndrome in adolescents [LE SYNDROME DE COTARD CHEZ L'ADOLESCENT] (1985), Cited 12 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-0022296865&partnerID=40&md5=41a8fcd101e04cb86f84543e76540451
Halfon O., Mouren-Simeoni M.C., Dugas M. 作者全名:Halfon, O. (7003665651); Mouren-Simeoni, M.C. (7006247161); Dugas, M. (7103324533) 7003665651; 7006247161; 7103324533 青少年科塔氏综合征 [LE SYNDROME DE COTARD CHEZ L'ADOLESCENT] (1985), 引用 12 次。https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-0022296865&partnerID=40&md5=41a8fcd101e04cb86f84543e76540451。

ABSTRACT: This study is inspired by a personal observation of the Cotard syndrome in an adolescent. Talking about the Cotard syndrome in an adolescent might be surprising in this way that the syndrome usually is connected with a certain chronicity and represents classically a balanced solution that stabilizes a melancholic evolution. This syndrome, which occurs rarely in adults, manifests itself exclusively during adolescence, since we could trace only one case report by Mignot in 1937. We shortly review the history, discuss the case and describe the significance of this syndrome.
摘要:本研究的灵感来自于对一名青少年科塔德综合征的个人观察。谈及青少年科塔德综合征可能会让人感到惊讶,因为该综合征通常与某种慢性病有关,是稳定忧郁症演变的经典平衡解决方案。这种综合征很少发生在成年人身上,却只在青少年时期表现出来,因为我们只能追溯到 1937 年米格诺(Mignot)的一则病例报告。我们将在短期内回顾病史,讨论病例,并阐述这种综合征的意义。

Reif A., Murach W.M., Pfuhlmann B. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Reif, Andreas (7006215332); Murach, Waldemar M. (18634455200); Pfuhlmann, Bruno (7003577692) 7006215332; 18634455200; 7003577692 Delusional paralysis: An unusual variant of Cotard's syndrome (2003), Cited 8 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-0141756334&doi=10.1159%2f000072793&partnerID=40&md5=47858f4c4666352c2aeff794c166fe0c
Reif A., Murach W.M., Pfuhlmann B. 作者全名:Reif, Andreas (7006215332); Murach, Waldemar M. (18634455200); Pfuhlmann, Bruno (7003577692) 7006215332; 18634455200; 7003577692 妄想性麻痹:科塔氏综合征的一种不寻常变异(2003 年),被引用 8 次。https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-0141756334&doi=10.1159%2f000072793&partnerID=40&md5=47858f4c4666352c2aeff794c166fe0c

ABSTRACT: Cotard's syndrome, a highly impressive psychopathological condition, occurs mainly in depressive disorders and entails nihilistic delusions concerning the body and the non-existing of the self as outstanding features, accompanied by hypochondriacal delusions and ideas of guilt as well as immortality. We here report on a female patient presenting with an unusual variant of the syndrome: most prominently, she had the delusion to be paralysed, although displaying psychomotor agitation, and that neuroleptic agents had devoured her nerve ganglia. Upon ECT, symptoms rapidly improved. Psychopathological implications and the nosological position of Cotard's syndrome are discussed. Copyright © 2003 S. Karger AG, Basel.
摘要:科塔德综合征是一种令人印象深刻的精神病理学症状,主要发生在抑郁障碍患者身上,其突出特点是对身体和自我不存在的虚无主义妄想,同时伴有疑病症妄想、内疚感和不朽感。我们在此报告的是一名女性患者,她患有该综合征的一个不寻常的变种:最突出的是,她有瘫痪的妄想,尽管表现出精神运动性躁动,并认为神经抑制剂吞噬了她的神经节。接受电痉挛疗法后,症状迅速得到改善。本文讨论了科塔德综合征的精神病理学意义和命名立场。版权 © 2003 S. Karger AG,巴塞尔。

Stompe T., Schanda H. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Stompe, Thomas (55921565700); Schanda, Hans (55952342200) 55921565700; 55952342200 The Cotard syndrome in schizophrenic disorders [Das Cotard-Syndrom bei schizophrenen Erkrankungen] (2013), Cited 10 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84876568721&doi=10.1007%2fs40211-012-0046-2&partnerID=40&md5=65f909f0ecc40bb2c8b32b7993e291a5
托马斯-斯托姆佩,汉斯-桑达作者全名:Stompe, Thomas (55921565700); Schanda, Hans (55952342200) 55921565700; 55952342200 精神分裂症中的科塔德综合征 [Das Cotard-Syndrom bei schizophrenen Erkrankungen] (2013), 引用 10 次。https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84876568721&doi=10.1007%2fs40211-012-0046-2&partnerID=40&md5=65f909f0ecc40bb2c8b32b7993e291a5。

ABSTRACT: Summary: Background: The Cotard-Syndrome (CS), the belief of being dead, was described for the first time in 1880. Since then it met the interest not only of psychopathologists but also of philosophers. With a few exceptions, the literature is mainly restricted to case reports of anxious-depressive, demented or paranoid patients. It was the aim of our study to investigate the prevalence and the psychopathological context of the CS. Methods: We analyzed the Austrian data (N = 346) of the International Study of Psychotic Symptoms in Schizophrenia. Results: A CS could be diagnosed in three cases (0.87 %). In all of them, CS developed on the basis of nihilistic-hypochondriac delusions and a progressive loss of energy. Two patients bridged the logical inconsistencies between obviously being alive and the belief of being dead by visual illusions, the third patient, however, by locating himself in an intermediate region between this world and the afterworld. Conclusions: On the one hand the CS can be considered as a special manifestation of the topic of death in schizophrenic delusions, on the other as a nihilistic delusional identity. Without doubt, this uncommon and bizarre psychotic phenomenon will be an object of interest for general psychopathology as well as for the philosophy of mind also in future. © 2012 Springer-Verlag Wien.
摘要:摘要:背景:科塔德综合症(Cotard-Syndrome,CS),即认为自己死了,于 1880 年首次被描述。从那时起,它不仅引起了心理病理学家的兴趣,也引起了哲学家的兴趣。除了少数例外,文献主要局限于焦虑抑郁、痴呆或偏执患者的病例报告。我们的研究旨在调查 CS 的发病率和精神病理学背景。研究方法我们分析了精神分裂症患者精神症状国际研究的奥地利数据(N = 346)。结果显示有三个病例(0.87%)被诊断为 CS。在所有这些病例中,CS 都是在虚无主义-疑病症妄想和逐渐丧失精力的基础上发展起来的。两名患者通过视觉幻觉弥合了明显活着与相信已死之间的逻辑矛盾,而第三名患者则将自己定位在今世与来世之间的中间区域。结论:一方面,CS 可被视为精神分裂症妄想中死亡主题的一种特殊表现形式,另一方面,CS 也可被视为一种虚无主义的妄想身份。毫无疑问,这种罕见而怪异的精神现象今后将成为普通精神病理学和心灵哲学感兴趣的研究对象。© 2012 Springer-Verlag Wien。

Torrisi M., De Luca R., Pollicino P., Leonardi S., Marino S., Maresca G., Maggio M.G., Piccolo A., Bramanti P., Calabrò R.S. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Torrisi, Michele (56911998900); De Luca, Rosaria (54785856800); Pollicino, Patrizia (6504690978); Leonardi, Simona (56921579300); Marino, Silvia (55655136500); Maresca, Giuseppa (57200365531); Maggio, Maria Grazia (57198766614); Piccolo, Adriana (57196036596); Bramanti, Placido (7005112597); Calabrò, Rocco Salvatore (16416609700) 56911998900; 54785856800; 6504690978; 56921579300; 55655136500; 57200365531; 57198766614; 57196036596; 7005112597; 16416609700 Poststroke delusions: What about the neuroanatomical and neurofunctional basis? (2019), Cited 5 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85040969459&doi=10.1080%2f23279095.2017.1421536&partnerID=40&md5=4fd84227e2d4873bbf4a60dccc7e275b
Torrisi M.、De Luca R.、Pollicino P.、Leonardi S.、Marino S.、Maresca G.、Maggio M.G.、Piccolo A.、Bramanti P.、卡拉布罗 R.S.作者全名:Torrisi, Michele (56911998900); De Luca, Rosaria (54785856800); Pollicino, Patrizia (6504690978); Leonardi, Simona (56921579300); Marino, Silvia (55655136500); Maresca, Giuseppa (57200365531); Maggio, Maria Grazia (57198766614);Piccolo, Adriana (57196036596); Bramanti, Placido (7005112597); Calabrò, Rocco Salvatore (16416609700) 56911998900; 54785856800; 6504690978; 56921579300; 55655136500; 57200365531; 57198766614; 57196036596; 7005112597; 16416609700 中风后妄想症:神经解剖学和神经功能基础如何?(2019), Cited 5 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85040969459&doi=10.1080%2f23279095.2017.1421536&partnerID=40&md5=4fd84227e2d4873bbf4a60dccc7e275b

ABSTRACT: Delusion is a belief about yourself, people, or events that has no accordance with reality. Although it is known that stroke could cause various psychiatric and psychological effects, including depression, anxiety, and aggressiveness, psychotic symptoms, especially delusions, are rather uncommon. The most investigated poststroke delusions are paranoid type, nihilistic, and Fregoli syndrome. We will describe two patients showing delusion symptoms (Cotard-like and erotomanic ones) that occurred after a stroke involving the right temporal lobe, the basal ganglia and insular region, persisting for a long period after the stroke onset. We have, therefore, supposed that the simultaneous involvement of these brain areas could be involved in the neuroanatomical basis of delusions, as also demonstrated by the neurofunctional evaluation. © 2018, © 2018 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
摘要:妄想是一种与现实不符的关于自己、人或事件的信念。尽管众所周知脑卒中会导致各种精神和心理影响,包括抑郁、焦虑和攻击性,但精神病症状,尤其是妄想,却并不常见。研究最多的卒中后妄想是偏执型、虚无主义和弗列戈利综合征。我们将描述两名患者在右颞叶、基底节和岛叶区域中风后出现的妄想症状(柯达样妄想症和色情狂妄想症),这些症状在中风发作后持续了很长时间。因此,我们认为这些脑区同时受累可能与妄想症的神经解剖学基础有关,神经功能评估也证明了这一点。© 2018, © 2018 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

Chatterjee S.S., Mitra S. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Chatterjee, Seshadri Sekhar (56195834600); Mitra, Sayantanava (56020573800) 56195834600; 56020573800 "I do not exist" - Cotard syndrome in insular cortex atrophy (2015), Cited 24 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84929285809&doi=10.1016%2fj.biopsych.2014.11.005&partnerID=40&md5=d713971d95af05c6569a768c077f21d0
Chatterjee S.S., Mitra S. 作者全名:Chatterjee, Seshadri Sekhar (56195834600); Mitra, Sayantanava (56020573800) 56195834600; 56020573800 "我不存在"--岛叶皮层萎缩的科塔德综合征 (2015),引用 24 次。https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84929285809&doi=10.1016%2fj.biopsych.2014.11.005&partnerID=40&md5=d713971d95af05c6569a768c077f21d0。

Funayama M., Takata T., Mimura M. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Funayama, Michitaka (7005481325); Takata, Taketo (57201275004); Mimura, Masaru (7101717733) 7005481325; 57201275004; 7101717733 Cotard's syndrome in anti-N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor encephalitis (2018), Cited 7 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85046023901&doi=10.1111%2fpcn.12658&partnerID=40&md5=3d1c6fabc6a1afa286a2d1c73f1d662e
Funayama M., Takata T., Mimura M. 作者全名: Funayama, Michitaka (7005481325); Takata, Taketo (57201275004); Mimura, Masaru (7101717733) 7005481325; 57201275004; 7101717733 抗N-甲基-d-天冬氨酸受体脑炎中的Cotard综合征 (2018), 引用 7 次。https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85046023901&doi=10.1111%2fpcn.12658&partnerID=40&md5=3d1c6fabc6a1afa286a2d1c73f1d662e。

Young A.W., Leafhead K.M., Krystyna Szulecka T. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Young, Andrew W. (7403881658); Leafhead, Kate M. (8427508900); Krystyna Szulecka, T. (56700915100) 7403881658; 8427508900; 56700915100 The capgras and cotard delusions (1994), Cited 80 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-0028097250&doi=10.1159%2f000284874&partnerID=40&md5=10c980752bf0a5621aa3e3d483c44a9d
作者全名:Young, Andrew W. (7403881658); Leafhead, Kate M. (8427508900); Krystyna Szulecka, T. (56700915100) 7403881658; 8427508900; 56700915100 The capgras and cotard delusions (1994), Cited 80 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-0028097250&doi=10.1159%2f000284874&partnerID=40&md5=10c980752bf0a5621aa3e3d483c44a9d

ABSTRACT: We explore the relation between the Capgras delusion (the belief that your relatives have been replaced by impostors) and the Cotard delusion (the delusional belief that you have died). At first sight, these delusions would seem to have little to do with each other, except that they both involve bizarre claims about existence (for self or others). On closer examination, however, there are other parallels. Here, we summarise similarities in associated impairments of face perception, and argue that both delusions reflect an interaction of impairments at two levels. One set of contributory factors involves perceptual impairment, or anomalous perceptual experience. The other factors lead to an incorrect interpretation of this, for which we offer an explanation in terms of attribution theory. Although the Capgras and Cotard delusions are phenomenally distinct, they may therefore represent attempts to make sense of fundamentally similar experiences. © 1994 S. Karger AG, Basel.
摘要:我们探讨了卡普格拉斯妄想症(认为自己的亲人被冒名顶替)和科塔德妄想症(妄想自己已经死亡)之间的关系。乍一看,这两种妄想似乎没有什么关系,只是它们都涉及对存在(自己或他人)的怪异说法。然而,仔细观察,它们之间还有其他相似之处。在此,我们总结了与之相关的面部感知障碍的相似之处,并认为这两种妄想反映了两个层面的障碍的相互作用。其中一组促成因素涉及知觉障碍或异常知觉体验。其他因素则导致了对这一现象的错误解释,我们从归因理论的角度对此做出了解释。尽管卡普格拉斯妄想症和科塔德妄想症在现象上截然不同,但它们可能代表了对本质上相似的体验的尝试。© 1994 S. Karger AG,巴塞尔。

Degiovanni A., Faure M., Leveque J.-P., Gaillard P. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Degiovanni, A. (7005608794); Faure, M. (57217573979); Leveque, J.-P. (7102076365); Gaillard, P. (7005450829) 7005608794; 57217573979; 7102076365; 7005450829 Two cases of Cotard's syndrome in young people [LE SYNDROME DE COTARD CHEZ LE JEUNE: A PROPOS DE DEUX OBSERVATIONS] (1987), Cited 9 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-0023578471&partnerID=40&md5=70479286b9e8587f4c3562a5735ace1b
Degiovanni A., Faure M., Leveque J.-P., Gaillard P. 作者全名:Degiovanni, A. (7005608794); Faure, M. (57217573979); Leveque, J.- P. (7102076365); Gaillard, P. (7005450829).P. (7102076365); Gaillard, P. (7005450829) 7005608794; 57217573979; 7102076365; 7005450829 两例年轻人科塔氏综合征 [LE SYNDROME DE COTARD CHEZ LE JEUNE: A PROPOS DE DEUX OBSERVATIONS] (1987), Cited 9 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-0023578471&partnerID=40&md5=70479286b9e8587f4c3562a5735ace1b

Dieguez S. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Dieguez, Sebastian (55949728000) 55949728000 Cotard Syndrome (2017), Cited 17 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85035105225&doi=10.1159%2f000475679&partnerID=40&md5=e5016684dae53f96cae6aae5cda77e94
Dieguez S.作者全名:Dieguez, Sebastian (55949728000) 55949728000 Cotard 综合征(2017 年),被引用 17 次。https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85035105225&doi=10.1159%2f000475679&partnerID=40&md5=e5016684dae53f96cae6aae5cda77e94。

ABSTRACT: Cotard's syndrome is often described as the delusional belief that one is dead or non-existent. However, Jules Cotard's initial description (1880) of the "delusion of negations" was much richer and also involved delusions and claims of immortality and enormity, feelings of damnation, and illusions of bodily dissolution and transformation. Alternatively conceived as an extreme case of depression, hypochondria, or psychosis, the condition is considered rare and remains poorly understood. Cotard himself provided a taxonomy and several explanations for the condition, focusing on its distinction from classical persecutory delusions and suggesting that it could be a kind of reversed grandiosity. He proposed a psychosensory basis in the dissolution of mental imagery, which he then extended to a more general psychomotor impairment of volition. Other early authors highlighted a disorder of the bodily self, and more recent theories postulated an impairment of right hemispheric functions, leading to perceptual and somatosensory feelings of unreality, which coupled with reasoning impairments and an internalized attributional style led in turn to beliefs of non-existence. However, despite its striking presentation and its relevance to our understanding of self-awareness, Cotard's syndrome remains an elusive condition, rarely reported and poorly researched. © 2018 S. Karger AG, Basel. Copyright: All rights reserved.
ABSTRACT: 柯塔氏综合症通常被描述为认为自己已经死亡或不存在的妄想。然而,儒勒-科塔(Jules Cotard,1880 年)最初对 "否定妄想 "的描述要丰富得多,其中还包括不死和巨大的妄想和主张、诅咒感以及身体解体和转变的幻想。妄想症可被视为抑郁症、疑病症或精神病的极端病例,但被认为是罕见的病症,人们对它的了解仍然很少。科塔德本人对这种病症进行了分类并给出了几种解释,重点是它与传统的迫害妄想症的区别,并提出它可能是一种反向的自大狂。他提出了精神意象解体的心理感觉基础,并将其延伸为更普遍的意志精神运动障碍。其他早期的作者强调了身体自我的障碍,而最近的理论则假设右半球功能受损,导致知觉和躯体感觉的不真实感,再加上推理障碍和内化的归因风格,反过来又导致了不存在的信念。然而,尽管科塔德综合征的表现令人震惊,而且与我们对自我意识的理解息息相关,但它仍然是一种难以捉摸的病症,鲜有报道,研究也很少。© 2018 S. Karger AG,巴塞尔。版权所有:保留所有权利。

Le Roux A., Rochard L. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Le Roux, A. (57042417800); Rochard, L. (6507726503) 57042417800; 6507726503 Clinical update of global delusion of negation [Actualisation clinique du délire de négation globale.] (1986), Cited 4 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-0022804445&partnerID=40&md5=0a039492895d98a3f7626d73499c0f20
Le Roux A., Rochard L. 作者全名:Le Roux, A. (57042417800); Rochard, L. (6507726503) 57042417800; 6507726503 全球否定妄想的临床更新(1986 年),引用 4 次。https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-0022804445&partnerID=40&md5=0a039492895d98a3f7626d73499c0f20。

ABSTRACT: Nowadays what can we tell about Cotard's syndrome and clinical form of melancholia also called delusion of negation? We present one clinical case, it is a patient who has sometimes the feeling of non-existence. Once again we have been able to look at the old clinical cases and to follow the evolution of ideas about this form of episodic delirium.
ABSTRACT: 如今,我们如何看待科塔德综合征和忧郁症(又称否定妄想症)的临床形式?我们将介绍一个临床病例,这是一位有时会产生不存在感的患者。我们再次回顾了以前的临床病例,并了解了有关这种发作性谵妄的观点的演变过程。

Simpson P., Kaul E., Quinn D. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Simpson, Pedro (55237819600); Kaul, Eva (51863745400); Quinn, Davin (15725983700) 55237819600; 51863745400; 15725983700 Cotard's Syndrome with Catatonia: A Case Presentation and Discussion (2013), Cited 12 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84875806051&doi=10.1016%2fj.psym.2012.03.004&partnerID=40&md5=cae597cafb58f26f7ab4267945d4c5da
Simpson P., Kaul E., Quinn D. 作者全名:Simpson, Pedro (55237819600);Kaul, Eva (51863745400);Quinn, Davin (15725983700) 55237819600; 51863745400; 15725983700 Cotard's Syndrome with Catatonia:病例介绍与讨论》(2013 年),引用 12 次。https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84875806051&doi=10.1016%2fj.psym.2012.03.004&partnerID=40&md5=cae597cafb58f26f7ab4267945d4c5da

Reich M., Comet B., Le Rhun E., Ramirez C. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Reich, Michel (7102532306); Comet, Benedicte (13407352800); Le Rhun, Emilie (24438045100); Ramirez, Carole (57194700356) 7102532306; 13407352800; 24438045100; 57194700356 Cotard's syndrome with glioblastoma multiforme (2012), Cited 9 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84872006284&doi=10.1017%2fS1478951511000757&partnerID=40&md5=cde4e13fee420ffdaab1398c128446f0
Reich M., Comet B., Le Rhun E., Ramirez C. 作者全名:Reich, Michel (7102532306); Comet, Benedicte (13407352800); Le Rhun, Emilie (24438045100); Ramirez, Carole (57194700356) 7102532306; 13407352800; 24438045100; 57194700356 Cotard's syndrome with glioblastoma multiforme (2012), Cited 9 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84872006284&doi=10.1017%2fS1478951511000757&partnerID=40&md5=cde4e13fee420ffdaab1398c128446f0

ABSTRACT: Objective: Brain tumors are classically associated with neurological and/or psychiatric symptomatology. Behavioral or cognitive disorders can underlie delirium, personality changes, psychotic reactions, and mood disorders.Method: To illustrate this, we report the case of a 60-year-old male patient confronted with an inoperable glioblastoma multiforme on the splenium of the corpus callosum, of poor prognosis, treated by concomitant radiochemotherapy with temozolomide, who developed psychotic depression with Cotard's syndrome. Clinical manifestations of this syndrome with untoward consequences in terms of prognosis are classically characterized by intense moral suffering, indignity and pessimistic fixations, suicidal ideations, and a nihilistic delusion relating to one's own body.Results: Nevertheless, this association between Cotard's syndrome and glioblastoma has been seldom described. To our knowledge, this is the first time that this has been described as a complication of this particular tumor location. Some neuropsychopathological hypotheses are proposed, which involve medical, iatrogenic, and psychogenesis issues.Significance of results: This case report points to the necessary collaboration between psychiatrists, neuro-oncologists and radiation oncologists in improving the patient's management and quality of life. Copyright © Cambridge University Press 2012.
摘要:目的:脑肿瘤通常与神经和/或精神症状有关。行为或认知障碍可能是谵妄、人格改变、精神反应和情绪障碍的基础:为了说明这一点,我们报告了一例 60 岁男性患者的病例,他患有胼胝体脾上无法手术的多形性胶质母细胞瘤,预后不良,在接受替莫唑胺放化疗的同时,出现了精神抑郁并伴有科塔德综合征。这种综合征的临床表现对预后有不利影响,其典型特征是强烈的精神痛苦、屈辱感和悲观固着、自杀念头以及与自己身体有关的虚无主义妄想:然而,科塔德综合征与胶质母细胞瘤之间的这种关联却很少被描述。据我们所知,这是首次将其描述为这种特殊肿瘤位置的并发症。我们提出了一些神经心理病理学假说,其中涉及医学、先天因素和心理机制等问题:本病例报告指出,精神科医生、神经肿瘤科医生和放射肿瘤科医生之间有必要开展合作,以改善患者的管理和生活质量。剑桥大学出版社 2012 年版权所有。

Conchiglia G., Della Rocca G., Grossi D. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Conchiglia, Giovannina (55398872700); Della Rocca, Gennaro (16229283000); Grossi, Dario (55762777600) 55398872700; 16229283000; 55762777600 When the body image becomes 'empty': Cotard's delusion in a demented patient (2008), Cited 8 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-53849139115&doi=10.1111%2fj.1601-5215.2008.00326.x&partnerID=40&md5=2aa8728afc48397f1b8394012f56802e
作者全名:Conchiglia, Giovannina (55398872700); Della Rocca, Gennaro (16229283000); Grossi, Dario (55762777600) 55398872700; 16229283000; 55762777600 当身体形象变得 "空洞 "时:痴呆患者的科塔德妄想症》(2008 年),引用 8 次。https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-53849139115&doi=10.1111%2fj.1601-5215.2008.00326.x&partnerID=40&md5=2aa8728afc48397f1b8394012f56802e

ABSTRACT: Cotard's delusion refers to the dissociation between normal representation/perception of one's own body and a lack of perception and sensations coming from 'inside one's own body'. We report a case of Cotard's syndrome in a woman affected by a probable Alzheimer's disease, whose body image was investigated as well as her capacity to perceive her internal body signs. © 2008 The Authors.
ABSTRACT: 科塔德妄想症是指对自己身体的正常表象/感知与缺乏来自 "自己身体内部 "的感知和感觉之间的分离。我们报告了一例科塔德综合征病例,患者是一名可能患有阿尔茨海默氏症的妇女,我们对她的身体形象以及感知身体内部迹象的能力进行了调查。© 2008 作者。

Martínez Pardo F. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Martínez Pardo, F. (6603256755) 6603256755 Cotard syndrome, a century later [El síndrome de Cotard, un siglo después.] (1982), Cited 1 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-0020129634&partnerID=40&md5=44ec1b322692f0ff08fd3287713b23b6
Martínez Pardo F. 作者全名:Martínez Pardo, F. (6603256755) 6603256755 科塔德综合征,一个世纪之后 [El síndrome de Cotard, un siglo después.] (1982), 引用 1 次。https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-0020129634&partnerID=40&md5=44ec1b322692f0ff08fd3287713b23b6

Corrigendum to: Neuropathological studies of serotonergic and noradrenergic systems in Lewy body disease patients with delusion or depression (Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, (2022), 76, 9, (459-467), 10.1111/pcn.13436) (2023), Cited 0 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85145430784&doi=10.1111%2fpcn.13500&partnerID=40&md5=9166c5b8258d54d863b27900a590c3ef
更正:路易体病患者伴有妄想或抑郁的血清素能和去甲肾上腺素能系统的神经病理学研究》(《精神病学与临床神经科学》,(2022),76,9,(459-467),10.1111/pcn.13436)(2023),引用0次。 https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85145430784&doi=10.1111%2fpcn.13500&partnerID=40&md5=9166c5b8258d54d863b27900a590c3ef

ABSTRACT: The authors would like to draw the reader's attention to errors in the following article: Masashi Mizutani, Terunori Sano, Masayuki Ohira, Masaki Takao. Neuropathological studies of Serotonergic and Noradrenergic Systems in Lewy Body Disease Patients with Delusion or Depression. Psychiatry Clin. Neurosci. 2022; 76: 459–467. There were errors in Table 1 in the following rows: 1 Table Comparison between individuals with and without depressive mood or delusion (Table presented.) *P < 0.05. PMI, post-mortem interval; DLB, dementia with Lewy body; SD, standard deviation; m/f, male/female; NFT, neurofibrillary tangle. Statistical analysis was carried out between the cases with and without depression or delusion. ‡Four cases showed persecutory delusion. The others include cases with Cotard syndrome, Capgras syndrome, and unspecified delusion Sex (m/f) Number of cases with psychiatric consultation Number of cases with benzodiazepine prescription Number of cases with antidepressants prescription Number of cases with antipsychotics prescription The revised Table 1 is below. In the originaly published version of the above article, the following sentence in Results section was incorrect: Except for psychiatric consultation, there were no significant differences in the basic content related to autopsy and clinical background between those with and without depressive mood or delusion. The correct sentence is as follows: Except for prescription of antidepressants and benzodiazepine, there were no significant differences in the basic content related to autopsy and clinical background between those with and without depressive mood or delusion. The authors apologize for the errors and any inconvenience they may have caused. © 2022 The Authors Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences © 2022 Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology.
ABSTRACT: 作者提请读者注意以下文章中的错误:Masashi Mizutani, Terunori Sano, Masayuki Ohira, Masaki Takao.路易体妄想症或抑郁症患者血清素能和去甲肾上腺素能系统的神经病理学研究》。精神病学临床。Neurosci.2022; 76: 459-467.表1中以下几行存在错误:1 表中有抑郁情绪或妄想的人与没有抑郁情绪或妄想的人的比较(表中提出。) *P < 0.05。PMI,尸检间隔;DLB,路易体痴呆;SD,标准差;m/f,男性/女性;NFT,神经纤维缠结。对有抑郁或妄想的病例和无抑郁或妄想的病例进行了统计分析。其中四例出现了被迫害妄想。其他病例包括科塔德综合征、卡普拉斯综合征和不明妄想 性别(男/女) 接受精神科咨询的病例数 开苯二氮卓处方的病例数 开抗抑郁药处方的病例数 开抗精神病药处方的病例数 经修订的表 1 如下。在上述文章最初发表的版本中,结果部分的以下句子有误:除精神科会诊外,有抑郁情绪或妄想者与无抑郁情绪或妄想者在尸检和临床背景相关的基本内容方面没有显著差异。正确的句子如下:除开具抗抑郁药和苯二氮卓类药物外,有抑郁情绪或妄想者与无抑郁情绪或妄想者在尸检相关基本内容和临床背景方面无明显差异。作者对其中的错误和可能造成的不便深表歉意。© 2022 作者 精神病学和临床神经科学 © 2022 日本精神病学和神经病学学会。

Kuppili P.P., Gupta R., Pattanayak R.D., Khandelwal S.K. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Kuppili, Pooja Patnaik (57189591068); Gupta, Rishab (56456978100); Pattanayak, Raman Deep (23482778200); Khandelwal, Sudhir K. (36004309000) 57189591068; 56456978100; 23482778200; 36004309000 Delusional denial of pregnancy: Unique presentation of Cotard's syndrome in a patient with schizophrenia (2017), Cited 8 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85022322150&doi=10.1016%2fj.ajp.2017.07.005&partnerID=40&md5=2804b816f6786d59623af3ac3506df5b
Kuppili P.P., Gupta R., Pattanayak R.D., Khandelwal S.K. 作者全名:Kuppili, Pooja Patnaik (57189591068); Gupta, Rishab (56456978100); Pattanayak, Raman Deep (23482778200); Khandelwal, Sudhir K. (36004309000) 57189591068; 56456978100; 23482778200; 36004309000 妄想否认怀孕:精神分裂症患者Cotard综合征的独特表现(2017),引用8次。https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85022322150&doi=10.1016%2fj.ajp.2017.07.005&partnerID=40&md5=2804b816f6786d59623af3ac3506df5b

Grover S., Aneja J., Mahajan S., Varma S. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Grover, Sandeep (57202540040); Aneja, Jitender (55693861000); Mahajan, Sonali (56435398200); Varma, Sannidhya (7203030421) 57202540040; 55693861000; 56435398200; 7203030421 Cotard's syndrome: Two case reports and a brief review of literature (2014), Cited 30 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84914118106&doi=10.4103%2f0976-3147.145206&partnerID=40&md5=1f28ec671d8ad6ae2007f597b5895ae7
Grover S., Aneja J., Mahajan S., Varma S. 作者全名:Grover, Sandeep (57202540040); Aneja, Jitender (55693861000); Mahajan, Sonali (56435398200); Varma, Sannidhya (7203030421) 57202540040; 55693861000; 56435398200; 7203030421 Cotard综合征:两个病例报告及文献简评(2014 年),引用 30 次。https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84914118106&doi=10.4103%2f0976-3147.145206&partnerID=40&md5=1f28ec671d8ad6ae2007f597b5895ae7

ABSTRACT: Cotard's syndrome is a rare neuropsychiatric condition in which the patient denies existence of one's own body to the extent of delusions of immortality. One of the consequences of Cotard's syndrome is self-starvation because of negation of existence of self. Although Cotard's syndrome has been reported to be associated with various organic conditions and other forms of psychopathology, it is less often reported to be seen in patients with catatonia. In this report we present two cases of Cotard's syndrome, both of whom had associated self-starvation and nutritional deficiencies and one of whom had associated catatonia.
ABSTRACT: 科塔德综合征是一种罕见的神经精神疾病,患者会否认自己身体的存在,甚至产生长生不老的妄想。科塔德综合征的后果之一是由于否定自我的存在而自我饥饿。尽管有报道称科塔德综合征与各种器质性病症和其他形式的精神病理学有关,但较少有报道称它见于紧张症患者。在本报告中,我们介绍了两例科塔德综合征病例,其中两例均伴有自我饥饿和营养缺乏,其中一例伴有紧张症。

Botturi A., Oldani L., Bottinelli F. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Botturi, Andrea (6506559882); Oldani, Lucio (55547455000); Bottinelli, Francesca (57193954157) 6506559882; 55547455000; 57193954157 Catatonia and Cotard's syndrome (2018), Cited 0 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85063248538&doi=10.1007%2f978-3-319-91557-9_11&partnerID=40&md5=7f33940e71b6cc2124917db7a3cb1134
Botturi A., Oldani L., Bottinelli F.作者全名:Botturi, Andrea (6506559882);Oldani, Lucio (55547455000);Bottinelli, Francesca (57193954157) 6506559882; 55547455000; 57193954157 Catatonia and Cotard's Syndrome (2018),引用 0 次。https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85063248538&doi=10.1007%2f978-3-319-91557-9_11&partnerID=40&md5=7f33940e71b6cc2124917db7a3cb1134。

ABSTRACT: Catatonia is a complex neuropsychiatric syndrome characterized by motor signs, disturbances of volition, inability to suppress complex motor activities, stereotypies, and autonomic instability. It has been reported to occur in more than 10% among hospitalized acute psychiatric patients. In DSM-5, catatonia syndrome is defined as a specifier to major mood, psychotic disorders, and general medical conditions. Cotard's syndrome is a particular cluster of psychotic symptoms characterized by nihilistic delusions. It has been described among depressive psychotic disorders and in bipolar depression. Even though the concurrent presence of these two psychopathological conditions is rare, they can be associated with medical internal complications as dehydration, pneumonia, and thromboembolic disease, due to the lack of movements (immobilization). These syndromes are complex and difficult to treat, needing multiple psychopharmacological choices (antidepressants, mood stabilizers, antipsychotics). Here we describe the case of a young woman with bipolar disorder, who presented catatonia and Cotard's syndrome during a depressive psychotic episode; she required hospitalization because of the severity of symptoms. The recovery from the acute phase was obtained only after several months of treatment and rehabilitation. © Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2019. All rights reserved.
摘要:紧张症是一种复杂的神经精神综合征,以运动症状、意志障碍、无法抑制复杂的运动活动、刻板行为和自主神经不稳定为特征。据报道,在住院的急性精神病患者中,其发病率超过 10%。在 DSM-5 中,紧张症综合征被定义为主要心境障碍、精神病性障碍和一般内科疾病的特异性症状。科塔德综合征是一种以虚无主义妄想为特征的特殊精神症状群。在抑郁性精神障碍和双相抑郁症中都曾出现过这种症状。尽管同时出现这两种精神病理症状的情况很少见,但由于缺乏运动(固定不动),它们可能与脱水、肺炎和血栓栓塞性疾病等内科并发症有关。这些综合征的治疗复杂而困难,需要选择多种精神药物(抗抑郁药、情绪稳定剂、抗精神病药)。在此,我们描述了一例患有躁郁症的年轻女性病例,她在抑郁性精神病发作期间出现紧张性精神分裂症和科塔德综合征;由于症状严重,她需要住院治疗。经过几个月的治疗和康复,她才从急性期恢复过来。© Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2019.保留所有权利。

Cullivan R., Lawlor B.A. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Cullivan, Rachael (6603073946); Lawlor, Brian A. (20334798100) 6603073946; 20334798100 A delusion of immortality - The dilemma of the Struldbruggs (2002), Cited 0 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-0036266782&doi=10.1017%2fS0790966700006844&partnerID=40&md5=8d9660d8692f1a7a0ae1f22184592e83
Cullivan R., Lawlor B.A. 作者全名:Cullivan, Rachael (6603073946); Lawlor, Brian A. (20334798100) 6603073946; 20334798100 长生不老的错觉--Struldbruggs 的困境 (2002),引用 0 次。https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-0036266782&doi=10.1017%2fS0790966700006844&partnerID=40&md5=8d9660d8692f1a7a0ae1f22184592e83。

ABSTRACT: We describe a lady with a history of recurrent psychotic depression, together with a persistent delusion of immortality, which appears to be independent of the depressive illness. It is of interest that this woman is a patient of the hospital founded by Dean Jonathan Swift, who described a people stricken with a similar dilemma of unhappy immortality over 200 years ago.
摘要:我们描述了一位女士的病史,她患有反复发作的精神抑郁症,并伴有持续的不死妄想,这种妄想似乎与抑郁症无关。值得注意的是,这位女士是乔纳森-斯威夫特院长创办的医院的病人,200 多年前,斯威夫特院长曾描述过一个人陷入类似的 "不快乐的永生 "困境。

Graux J., Lemoine M., El Hage W., Camus V. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Graux, Jérôme (24341334900); Lemoine, Maël (14622950100); El Hage, Wissam (6603138203); Camus, Vincent (7003839024) 24341334900; 14622950100; 6603138203; 7003839024 From depersonalization to hallucination (2011), Cited 8 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-82455198791&doi=10.1159%2f000325911&partnerID=40&md5=03c58c74d0f4be6db41029c6f4b71e3b
Graux J., Lemoine M., El Hage W., Camus V. 作者全名:Graux, Jérôme (24341334900); Lemoine, Maël (14622950100); El Hage, Wissam (6603138203); Camus, Vincent (7003839024) 24341334900; 14622950100; 6603138203; 7003839024 From depersonalization to hallucination (2011), Cited 8 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-82455198791&doi=10.1159%2f000325911&partnerID=40&md5=03c58c74d0f4be6db41029c6f4b71e3b

ABSTRACT: Henri Ey suggested that all hallucinations occur against the background of depersonalization, which is an alteration in experience that people find hard to describe, where the subject feels a strangeness pervading the world and her/his own body, emotions and thoughts. Embracing Ey's proposal, this paper draws a comparison between depersonalization in hallucinations and depersonalization in some delusional states (especially the Capgras and the Cotard syndromes), which by the most recent models used in cognitive neuroscience is considered to be a disruption in so-called 'affective familiarity'. Sensory information regarding the world is divided into the 'overt pathway' of perceptual inputs and the 'covert pathway' of 'atmospheric cues'. In hallucinating subjects, we suggest that a breakdown of the grasping of atmospheric qualities in the environment triggers a compensatory process consisting of the production of hypotheses that make sense of the world perceived. Finally, we report on a case that illustrates our proposal. Copyright © 2011 S. Karger AG, Basel.
ABSTRACT: 亨利-埃(Henri Ey)认为,所有幻觉都是在人格解体(depersonalization)的背景下产生的,人格解体是一种人们难以描述的经验改变,在这种改变中,主体感到世界和自己的身体、情感和思想都充满了陌生感。根据艾伊的建议,本文将幻觉中的人格解体与某些妄想症(尤其是卡普格拉斯综合症和科塔德综合症)中的人格解体进行了比较,根据认知神经科学的最新模型,人格解体被认为是所谓的 "情感熟悉性 "的破坏。关于世界的感官信息分为感知输入的 "公开途径 "和 "大气线索 "的 "隐蔽途径"。我们认为,在产生幻觉的受试者中,对环境中大气特质的捕捉能力的崩溃会引发一个补偿过程,这个过程包括产生假设,使所感知的世界变得有意义。最后,我们报告了一个案例,以说明我们的建议。版权 © 2011 S. Karger AG,巴塞尔。

Correction to: FDG-PET in Cotard syndrome before and after treatment: can functional brain imaging support a two-factor hypothesis of nihilistic delusions? (Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, (2019), 24, 6, (470-480), 10.1080/13546805.2019.1676710) (2019), Cited 0 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85074273883&doi=10.1080%2f13546805.2019.1680488&partnerID=40&md5=b1ee0a79cda6a3855a8bf1a0ef74b78d

ABSTRACT: When the article was first published, Figures 1 and 2 was placed incorrectly. The corrected figures is reproduced as below: (Figure presented.) (Figure presented.). © 2019, © 2019 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
摘要:文章首次发表时,图 1 和图 2 的位置有误。现将更正后的图复制如下:(Figure presented.) (Figure presented.).© 2019, © 2019 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.

Metzinger T. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Metzinger, Thomas (57203145985) 57203145985 Reply to Gallagher: Different conceptions of embodiment (2006), Cited 23 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-33747370918&partnerID=40&md5=452caf24e4b8ab80b6d2673d5e250dc4
Metzinger T. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Metzinger, Thomas (57203145985) 57203145985 Reply to Gallagher:关于体现的不同概念 (2006),引用 23 次。https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-33747370918&partnerID=40&md5=452caf24e4b8ab80b6d2673d5e250dc4

Ágnes N., Viktor V., Tamás T. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Ágnes, Nagy (55625247100); Viktor, Vörös (7801676328); Tamás, Tényi (55882152400) 55625247100; 7801676328; 55882152400 About the Cotard's syndrome [A Cotard-jelenségrõl] (2008), Cited 1 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-63349098289&partnerID=40&md5=f2fd76a20326b44ddd6753c34387a0eb
Ágnes N., Viktor V., Tamás T. 作者全名:Ágnes, Nagy (55625247100);Viktor, Vörös (7801676328);Tamás, Tényi (55882152400) 55625247100; 7801676328; 55882152400 关于科塔氏综合征 [A Cotard-jelenségrõl] (2008), 引用 1 次。https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-63349098289&partnerID=40&md5=f2fd76a20326b44ddd6753c34387a0eb

ABSTRACT: Introduction, aims. The authors present the Cotard's syndrome, a rare psychiatric condition, pointing out the latest results in terms of etiology and psychoneurology. The central feature of the syndrome is a nihilistic delusion, in which the patient denies his or her own existence and that of the external world. Method. We searched electronic databases using the appropriate search terms, relevant articles were carefully reviewed. We present three cases from our clinical practice. Results. After the overview of the latest biological and neuropsychological findings, the historical aspects of the condition, the terminology, the nosology, the classification, the differential diagnostics and the etiology are discussed. The psychopathology and the phenomenology of Cotard's syndrome are also presented, shedding light on existential aspects as well. To sum up with useful information for the clinical practice, the possible treatment strategies, the course and the prognosis of the disease are also discussed. Conclusions. The presented theoretical and practical aspects give a lead on deeper understanding, easier recognition and more adequate therapy of the Cotard's syndrome.
ABSTRACT: Introduction, aims.作者介绍了科塔德综合征这一罕见的精神疾病,指出了病因学和精神神经学方面的最新成果。该综合征的核心特征是虚无主义妄想,患者否认自身和外部世界的存在。研究方法我们使用适当的检索词对电子数据库进行了搜索,并仔细审阅了相关文章。我们介绍了临床实践中的三个病例。结果。在概述了最新的生物学和神经心理学研究结果之后,我们讨论了该病症的历史、术语、命名学、分类、鉴别诊断和病因学。此外,还介绍了科塔德氏综合征的精神病理学和现象学,并阐明了存在方面的问题。为了总结临床实践中有用的信息,还讨论了可能的治疗策略、病程和预后。结论。所介绍的理论和实践方面的内容有助于加深对科塔德综合征的理解,使其更容易识别和治疗。

Consoli A., Soultanian C., Tanguy M.-L., Laurent C., Perisse D., Luque R., Berrios G.E., Cohen D. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Consoli, Angèle (15520774300); Soultanian, Charlotte (8928420900); Tanguy, Marie-Laure (7003495926); Laurent, Claudine (57214566718); Perisse, Didier (16239572000); Luque, Rogelio (7003492047); Berrios, German E. (7101713240); Cohen, David (57198586747) 15520774300; 8928420900; 7003495926; 57214566718; 16239572000; 7003492047; 7101713240; 57198586747 Cotard's syndrome in adolescents and young adults is associated with an increased risk of bipolar disorder (2007), Cited 25 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-34548429244&doi=10.1111%2fj.1399-5618.2007.00420.x&partnerID=40&md5=1b9e6890017de6b2d82e28aeb2e6e733
Consoli A.,Soultanian C.,Tanguy M.-L.,Laurent C.,Perisse D.,Luque R.,Berrios G.E.、Cohen D. 作者全名:Consoli,Angèle(15520774300);Soultanian,Charlotte(8928420900);Tanguy,Marie-Laure(7003495926);Laurent,Claudine(57214566718);Perisse,Didier(16239572000);Luque,Rogelio(7003492047);Berrios,German E.(7101713240); Cohen, David (57198586747) 15520774300; 8928420900; 7003495926; 57214566718; 16239572000; 7003492047; 7101713240; 57198586747 青少年中的 Cotard's 综合征与躁狂症风险增加有关 (2007), 引用 25 次。https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-34548429244&doi=10.1111%2fj.1399-5618。.2007.00420.x&partnerID=40&md5=1b9e6890017de6b2d82e28aeb2e6e733

ABSTRACT: Objectives: To assess the effect of age at onset on the phenomenology of Cotard's syndrome (CS) as a recent study reported a high rate of occurrence of bipolar disorder (BD) in adolescents and young adults with CS followed up for ≥2 years. Methods: We reviewed all cases of CS reported since it was first described. A statistical analysis was carried out to determine the effect of age at onset on CS phenomenology. Results: We found 138 cases including 21 cases aged 25 years or younger. In these younger CS patients, BD was more frequent, and the risk of associated BD was increased nine times (p < 0.0001). Within the BD sub-group (n = 27), admixture analysis identified two sub-groups with mean ages at onset of 18.7 years [standard deviation (SD) = 3.2] and 50.5 years (SD = 11.7). Conclusions: Young people with CS should be monitored carefully for the onset of BD, and families should be educated about this risk. Treatment with mood stabilizers can be helpful for those who develop BD. Within BD associated with CS, early versus late onset should be distinguished. © 2007 Blackwell Munksgaard.
ABSTRACT: Objectives:最近一项研究报告称,在随访≥2年的青少年和年轻成人科塔氏综合征(CS)患者中,双相情感障碍(BD)的发生率很高,因此评估发病年龄对科塔氏综合征(CS)现象学的影响。研究方法我们回顾了自 CS 首次被报道以来的所有病例。我们进行了统计分析,以确定发病年龄对 CS 现象的影响。结果:我们发现了 138 例病例,其中 21 例年龄在 25 岁或以下。在这些较年轻的 CS 患者中,BD 的发生率更高,相关 BD 的风险增加了 9 倍(p < 0.0001)。在 BD 亚组(n = 27)中,混杂分析发现了两个亚组,其平均发病年龄分别为 18.7 岁 [标准差 (SD) = 3.2] 和 50.5 岁 (SD = 11.7)。结论应仔细观察患有 CS 的年轻人是否会出现 BD,并向其家人宣传这一风险。使用情绪稳定剂治疗对那些出现 BD 的患者有帮助。在与 CS 相关的 BD 中,应区分早发和晚发。© 2007 Blackwell Munksgaard。

Bourgeois M. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Bourgeois, M. (35352969700) 35352969700 Cotard's syndrome today (our supplement on the Delirium of Negation) [Le syndrome de Cotard aujourd'hui (note complémentaire sur le Délire de Négation)] (1969), Cited 3 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-0014601557&partnerID=40&md5=351b358193659758aa447b11a74c56e1
Bourgeois M. 作者全名:Bourgeois, M. (35352969700) 35352969700 今日科塔德综合征(我们关于否定之谵妄的补编)(1969 年),引用 3 次。https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-0014601557&partnerID=40&md5=351b358193659758aa447b11a74c56e1。

Hazif-Thomas C., Thomas P. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Hazif-Thomas, Cyril (7003851964); Thomas, Philippe (57209905848) 7003851964; 57209905848 Psychosis, melancholia and negative hallucinations in elderly [Psychose, mélancolie et hallucinations négatives chez le sujet âgé] (2016), Cited 1 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84961175636&doi=10.1016%2fj.amp.2016.01.014&partnerID=40&md5=99d2eaf2c4022efef22a365d63385d2f
Hazif-Thomas C., Thomas P. 作者全名:Hazif-Thomas, Cyril (7003851964); Thomas, Philippe (57209905848) 7003851964; 57209905848 老年人的精神病、忧郁症和负面幻觉 [Psychose, mélancolie et hallucinations négatives chez le sujet âgé] (2016), 引用 1 次。https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84961175636&doi=10.1016%2fj.amp.2016.01.014&partnerID=40&md5=99d2eaf2c4022efef22a365d63385d2f

ABSTRACT: Negative hallucinations are an apparent abnormal inability to perceive an object or a person that is right before one's eyes. To erase the reality hallucinate as well to about nothing is a paradoxical phenomenon. Negative hallucinations are characterized by a defect in perception of an object or a person, and a denial of their existence. This term highlights a specific defense mechanism, clumsy and ineffective attempt to represent an absence. Psychological trauma and negative hallucinations have a close relationship with Cotard's syndrome, delusional theme of organ denial, observed in melancholic syndromes in geriatric psychiatry. Negative hallucinations require a phenomenological approach to identify their sense. A deficiency in symbolization is supposed in connection with neuropsychological deficits. Negative hallucinations create blank spaces, due to both an impossible representation and an incapability of investment in reality. The prevalence of this symptom is without doubt underestimated, although its presence often underlines thymic suffering that is more striking. These hallucinatory symptoms have an important impact on the patients' daily life, and they appear to be prisoners of a suffering, that they cannot communicate. We propose in this article to review the clinical symptoms of negative hallucinations in the elderly and the way to manage them. The medicinal approaches are not always effective. A greater place must be given to non-pharmacological approaches, such as somatic ones, which can be either invasive (electroconvulsive therapy) or (transcranial magnetic stimulation). © 2016 Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.
ABSTRACT: 消极幻觉是指无法感知眼前物体或人物的明显异常现象。消除现实幻觉以及关于虚无的幻觉是一种自相矛盾的现象。消极幻觉的特点是对物体或人的感知有缺陷,并否认它们的存在。这一术语强调了一种特殊的防御机制,即笨拙而无效地试图表现一种不存在。心理创伤和负性幻觉与科塔德综合征(Cotard's Syndrome)有着密切的关系,科塔德综合征是一种否认器官的妄想症,在老年精神病学的忧郁综合征中可以观察到。负性幻觉需要用现象学的方法来确定其意义。符号化的缺陷被认为与神经心理缺陷有关。负性幻觉会产生空白,这既是由于不可能的表象,也是由于无法投入现实。毫无疑问,这种症状的发生率被低估了,尽管它的出现往往凸显了胸腺的痛苦,而胸腺的痛苦更为突出。这些幻觉症状对患者的日常生活产生了重要影响,他们似乎成了痛苦的囚徒,却无法与人交流。我们建议在本文中回顾一下老年人阴性幻觉的临床症状以及处理这些症状的方法。药物治疗并不总是有效的。必须更加重视非药物疗法,如躯体疗法,它可以是侵入性的(电休克疗法),也可以是侵入性的(经颅磁刺激疗法)。© 2016 由 Elsevier Masson SAS 出版。

Stewart A.L., Robinson D.M. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Stewart, Anne Louise (57469145300); Robinson, Diana M. (56183962000) 57469145300; 56183962000 Cotard's Syndrome as a Neuropsychiatric Sequela of COVID-19 (2022), Cited 2 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85125394775&doi=10.1016%2fj.jaclp.2021.09.002&partnerID=40&md5=0b5967b6c17d29ad2c79f08c2dbd090d
Stewart A.L., Robinson D.M. 作者全名:Stewart, Anne Louise (57469145300); Robinson, Diana M. (56183962000) 57469145300; 56183962000 Cotard's Syndrome as a Neuropsypsyiatric Sequela of COVID-19 (2022), Cited 2 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85125394775&doi=10.1016%2fj.jaclp.2021.09.002&partnerID=40&md5=0b5967b6c17d29ad2c79f08c2dbd090d

Gan J.J., Lin A., Samimi M.S., Mendez M.F. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Gan, Joanna J. (56996776500); Lin, Andrew (56783541200); Samimi, Mersal S. (57191850133); Mendez, Mario F. (7202908230) 56996776500; 56783541200; 57191850133; 7202908230 Somatic Symptom Disorder in Semantic Dementia: The Role of Alexisomia (2016), Cited 15 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84994108632&doi=10.1016%2fj.psym.2016.08.002&partnerID=40&md5=9913316f8cf53ce201105031c86bfa3f
Gan J.J.,Lin A.,Samimi M.S.,Mendez M.F. 作者全名:Gan,Joanna J.(56996776500);Lin,Andrew(56783541200);Samimi,Mersal S.(57191850133);Mendez,Mario F.(7202908230) 56996776500;56783541200;57191850133;7202908230 语义性痴呆的躯体症状障碍:Alexisomia 的作用》(2016), 被引用 15 次。https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84994108632&doi=10.1016%2fj.psym.2016.08.002&partnerID=40&md5=9913316f8cf53ce201105031c86bfa3f

ABSTRACT: Background Semantic dementia (SD) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by loss of semantic knowledge. SD may be associated with somatic symptom disorder due to excessive preoccupation with unidentified somatic sensations. Objective To evaluate the frequency of somatic symptom disorder among patients with SD in comparison to comparably demented patients with Alzheimer׳s disease. Methods A retrospective cohort study was conducted using clinical data from a referral-based behavioral neurology program. Fifty-three patients with SD meeting criteria for imaging-supported semantic variant primary progressive aphasia (another term for SD) were compared with 125 patients with clinically probable Alzheimer disease. Logistic regression controlled for sex, age, disease duration, education, overall cognitive impairment, and depression. Results The prevalence of somatic symptom disorder was significantly higher among patients with SD (41.5%) compared to patients with Alzheimer disease (11.2%) (odds ratio = 6:1; p < 0.001). Somatic symptom disorder was associated with misidentification and preoccupation with normal bodily sensations such as hunger, bladder filling, borborygmi, rhinorrhea, and reflux; excessive concern over the incompletely understood meaning or source of pain or other symptoms; and Cotard syndrome or the delusion that unidentified somatic symptoms signify death or deterioration. Conclusions SD, a disorder of semantic knowledge, is associated with somatic symptom disorder from impaired identification of somatic sensations. Their inability to read and name somatic sensations, or “alexisomia,” results in disproportionate and persistent concern about somatic sensations with consequent significant disability. © 2016 The Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine.
ABSTRACT: 背景语义痴呆(SD)是一种神经退行性疾病,其特征是丧失语义知识。由于过度关注不明躯体感觉,SD可能与躯体症状障碍有关。目的 评估与阿尔茨海默病痴呆患者相比,SD 患者出现躯体症状障碍的频率。方法 通过一项以转诊为基础的行为神经学项目的临床数据,进行了一项回顾性队列研究。研究人员将 53 名符合影像支持语义变异型原发性进行性失语症(SD 的另一种说法)标准的 SD 患者与 125 名临床可能患有阿尔茨海默病的患者进行了比较。逻辑回归控制了性别、年龄、病程、教育程度、总体认知障碍和抑郁。结果 与阿尔茨海默病患者(11.2%)相比,SD 患者(41.5%)的躯体症状障碍发生率明显更高(几率比 = 6:1;P < 0.001)。躯体症状障碍与对饥饿、膀胱充盈、胸闷、鼻出血和反流等正常身体感觉的错误识别和过度关注;对疼痛或其他症状的不完全意义或来源的过度关注;以及科塔德综合征或妄想未识别的躯体症状意味着死亡或病情恶化有关。结论 SD 是一种语义知识障碍,与躯体症状障碍有关,因为对躯体感觉的识别能力受损。他们无法读懂和命名躯体感觉,或称 "lexisomia",导致对躯体感觉的过度和持续关注,从而造成严重残疾。© 2016 心身医学学会。

Costa A.F., Rodríguez A. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Costa, Aldo F. (57189357454); Rodríguez, Alba (57409660200) 57189357454; 57409660200 Cotard syndrome in anti-adenylate kinase 5 autoantibodies limbic encephalitis (2023), Cited 0 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85150418226&doi=10.1111%2fcen3.12746&partnerID=40&md5=9263f9b24c55921e8b171cade23523a0
Costa A.F., Rodríguez A. 作者全名:Costa, Aldo F. (57189357454); Rodríguez, Alba (57409660200) 57189357454; 57409660200 抗腺苷酸激酶 5 自身抗体肢端脑炎中的 Cotard 综合征 (2023),引用 0 次。https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85150418226&doi=10.1111%2fcen3.12746&partnerID=40&md5=9263f9b24c55921e8b171cade23523a0。

Mazzeo M. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Mazzeo, Marco (57189455683) 57189455683 Cotard and the Philosopher. Research Hypothesis about the «délire des négations» [COTARD E IL FILOSOFO IPOTESI DI RICERCA CIRCA IL DELIRIO DI NEGAZIONE] (2021), Cited 0 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85130254376&doi=10.12832%2f102764&partnerID=40&md5=881e9dd10fa66d36d7e125d1b057d877
Mazzeo M. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Mazzeo, Marco (57189455683) 57189455683 Cotard and the Philosopher.关于 "délire des négations "的研究假设[COTARD E IL FILOSOFO IPOTESI DI RICERCA CIRCA IL DELIRIO DI NEGAZIONE] (2021), 被引用 0 次。https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85130254376&doi=10.12832%2f102764&partnerID=40&md5=881e9dd10fa66d36d7e125d1b057d877

ABSTRACT: The first part of the article will briefly describe the scientific history of a syndrome that broke into European medicine in the late nineteenth century as the most severe case of melancholy (Cotard, 1882; Cotard et al. 1997; Salerno, Ferro 2005; Mazzeo, 2009). The second part will give an account of the scandal represented by a disturbing symptomatic clinical picture. The patients suffer from a syndrome that shortly afterwords will be also known as the «delirium of negation» as they deny their own existence: «age», «name», even being «born», by opposing «everything they are asked to do» (Cotard, 1882, p. 26). Through the analysis of school cases and the most recent studies, we will try to shed light on a clinical overview that is being currently studied from several perspectives: psychiatric (Nejad, Toofani 2005; De Berardis et al., 2015), neurological (Gardner-Thorpe, Pearn 2004; Kudlur et al. 2007) and philosophical (Young, Stone, 1997; Gerrans, 2000). The third part of the essay will propose a philosophical hypothesis: the syndrome dramatically shows the suspensive semantic power of verbal negation (Virno, 2013) and its syntactic relationship with the interrogative sentence (Haegeman, 1995). From this perspective, Cotard's syndrome will be considered a powerful as well as paradoxical demonstration of the embodied character of negation. By making itself flesh, the «not» denies the flesh. © Società editrice il Mulino
摘要:文章的第一部分将简要介绍一种综合症的科学史,这种综合症在十九世纪末作为最严重的忧郁症病例闯入欧洲医学界(Cotard,1882 年;Cotard 等人,1997 年;Salerno, Ferro,2005 年;Mazzeo,2009 年)。第二部分将介绍以令人不安的症状临床表现为代表的丑闻。病人患有一种综合症,不久之后又被称为 "否定谵妄",因为他们否认自己的存在:他们否认自己的存在:"年龄"、"名字",甚至是 "出生",反对 "要求他们做的一切事情"(Cotard, 1882 年,第 26 页)。通过对学校案例和最新研究的分析,我们将试图揭示目前正在从多个角度进行研究的临床概况:精神病学(Nejad,Toofani,2005 年;De Berardis 等人,2015 年)、神经学(Gardner-Thorpe,Pearn,2004 年;Kudlur 等人,2007 年)和哲学(Young,Stone,1997 年;Gerrans,2000 年)。文章的第三部分将提出一个哲学假设:该综合征戏剧性地显示了言语否定的悬念语义能力(Virno, 2013)及其与疑问句的句法关系(Haegeman, 1995)。从这个角度看,科塔德综合症将被视为否定的体现性特征的有力和自相矛盾的证明。通过使自身肉身化,"非 "否定了肉身。©木林出版社

Berrios G.E., Luque R. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Berrios, G.E (7101713240); Luque, R (7003492047) 7101713240; 7003492047 Cotard's delusion or syndrome?: A conceptual history (1995), Cited 68 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-0029062802&doi=10.1016%2f0010-440X%2895%2990085-A&partnerID=40&md5=0d0ea7590681d0274a2d525d248eae0b
作者全名:Berrios, G.E. (7101713240); Luque, R (7003492047) 7101713240; 7003492047 Cotard's delusion or syndrome?概念史》(1995 年),被引用 68 次。https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-0029062802&doi=10.1016%2f0010-440X%2895%2990085-A&partnerID=40&md5=0d0ea7590681d0274a2d525d248eae0b

ABSTRACT: This report offers an account of the historical construction of Cotard's syndrome showing that by délire des négations the French author meant a subtype of depressive illness. Subsequent debate led first to the belief that it was just a collection of symptoms associated with agitated depression (anxious melancholia) or general paralysis, and later to the view that it might after all constitute a separate entity. At the present moment, and impervious to the fact that the French term délire means far more than "delusion," some authors use Cotard's syndrome to refer to the belief of being dead and suggest that such a delusion might have a specific brain location. From the clinical and evolutionary perspectives, it is unclear why a delusion should merit, simply because of its "nihilistic" content, a special brain location or presage chronicity. It is suggested here that before neurobiologic speculation starts, efforts should be made to map out the clinical features and correlations of the délire des negations. © 1995.
摘要:本报告介绍了科塔德综合征的历史构造,表明法国作者所说的délire des négations是指抑郁症的一种亚型。随后的争论首先导致人们认为它只是与焦虑性抑郁症(焦虑性忧郁症)或全身瘫痪相关的一系列症状,后来又认为它可能是一个独立的实体。目前,一些作者无视法语术语 délire 的含义远远超过 "妄想 "这一事实,用科塔德综合征来指认为自己死了,并认为这种妄想可能有特定的大脑位置。从临床和进化的角度来看,我们并不清楚为什么一种妄想仅仅因为其 "虚无主义 "的内容,就应该有一个特殊的大脑位置或预示着长期性。在此建议,在开始神经生物学推测之前,应努力绘制出否定妄想症的临床特征和相关性。© 1995.

Aytac H.M. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Aytac, Hasan Mervan (57204432483) 57204432483 Treatment of Major Depression with Psychotic Features and Cotard’s Syndrome after COVID-19 Infection in a Previously Healthy Patient: A Case Report (2023), Cited 1 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85150311814&doi=10.2174%2f1871527321666220516110620&partnerID=40&md5=0bf50e04b9ea0403461dce6c63dfb791
Aytac H.M. 作者全名:Aytac, Hasan Mervan (57204432483) 57204432483 一位既往健康的患者感染 COVID-19 后,伴有精神病特征和 Cotard 综合征的重度抑郁症的治疗:病例报告 (2023),引用 1 次。https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85150311814&doi=10.2174%2f1871527321666220516110620&partnerID=40&md5=0bf50e04b9ea0403461dce6c63dfb791

ABSTRACT: Background: COVID-19 pandemic is related to anxiety, depression, and psychotic symptoms either directly due to invasion or inflammation caused by the virus or indirectly due to related psychosocial stress: fear of infection, social isolation, and financial burden. Case Presentation: We present a 28-year-old female case of post‐COVID major depression with psychotic features and Cotard’s syndrome with no previous psychiatric history. Her complaints initially described the sadness of mood with early morning worsening, diminished interest in almost all activities, anhedonia, increased anxiety, ideas of worthlessness, hopelessness, guilt, decreased sleep, and appetite. Then, she developed severe depression with psychotic features such as delusions of persecution, poverty, and nihilism. Nihilistic delusions included a description of everything coming to an end. She thought that her organs were no more working. Later, she negated her existence and started believing that she was dead. The patient recovered after a combination of sertraline and olanzapine treatment. Conclusion: This case of a COVID-19 patient with psychotic depression and Cotard’s delusion high-lights the importance of evaluating mental health status and may contribute to our understanding of the potential risk of central nervous system impairment by SARS-CoV-2 infection. © 2023 Bentham Science Publishers.
摘要:背景:COVID-19 大流行与焦虑、抑郁和精神症状有关,这可能是病毒入侵或炎症直接导致的,也可能是相关社会心理压力(害怕感染、社会隔离和经济负担)间接导致的。病例介绍:我们接诊了一例 28 岁的女性患者,她患有后 COVID 重度抑郁症,并伴有精神病特征和 Cotard's 综合征,既往无精神病史。她的主诉最初描述为情绪悲伤,清晨加重,对几乎所有活动的兴趣减退,失神,焦虑加重,有无用感、无望感、负罪感,睡眠和食欲减少。随后,她患上了严重的抑郁症,并伴有精神病特征,如迫害妄想、贫穷妄想和虚无主义妄想。虚无主义妄想包括描述一切都将结束。她认为自己的器官不再工作。后来,她否定了自己的存在,开始相信自己已经死亡。经过舍曲林和奥氮平的综合治疗,病人康复了。结论这例 COVID-19 患者伴有精神抑郁和科塔妄想症,突出了评估精神健康状况的重要性,有助于我们了解 SARS-CoV-2 感染对中枢神经系统造成损害的潜在风险。© 2023 本瑟姆科学出版社。

De Risio S., De Rossi G., Sarchiapone M., Camardese G., Carli V., Cuomo C., Satta M.A., Di Giuda D. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: De Risio, Sergio (6603824798); De Rossi, Giuseppe (7006648270); Sarchiapone, Marco (6602533240); Camardese, Giovanni (6506698457); Carli, Vladimir (6508138274); Cuomo, Chiara (17134097600); Satta, Maria Antonietta (7006374514); Di Giuda, Daniela (6602193875) 6603824798; 7006648270; 6602533240; 6506698457; 6508138274; 17134097600; 7006374514; 6602193875 A case of Cotard syndrome: 123I-IBZM SPECT imaging of striatal D2 receptor binding (2004), Cited 23 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-1242269951&doi=10.1016%2fj.pscychresns.2003.01.001&partnerID=40&md5=389758b1cffc525dc81008980e3220e4
De Risio S.,De Rossi G.,Sarchiapone M.,Camardese G.,Carli V.,Cuomo C.,Satta M.A.、Di Giuda D.AUTHOR FULL NAMES: De Risio, Sergio (6603824798); De Rossi, Giuseppe (7006648270); Sarchiapone, Marco (6602533240); Camardese, Giovanni (6506698457); Carli, Vladimir (6508138274); Cuomo, Chiara (17134097600); Satta, Maria Antonietta (7006374514); Di Giuda, Daniela (6602193875) 6603824798; 7006648270; 6602533240; 6506698457; 6508138274; 17134097600; 7006374514; 6602193875 A case of Cotard syndrome:纹状体 D2 受体结合的 123I-IBZM SPECT 成像(2004 年),被引用 23 次。https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-1242269951&doi=10.1016%2fj.pscychresns.2003.01.001&partnerID=40&md5=389758b1cffc525dc81008980e3220e4

ABSTRACT: A case of 'dèlire de nègation' that suddenly appeared in a 43-year-old male is presented. No alteration in regional cerebral blood, as measured by 99mTc-HMPAO-SPECT, was found, but 123I-IBZM- SPECT analysis showed reduced striatal D2 receptor binding that further decreased after treatment. © 2003 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
摘要:本文介绍了一例突然出现在一名 43 岁男性身上的 "神经瘫痪 "病例。根据 99mTc-HMPAO-SPECT 测量,该病例的大脑区域血液未发生变化,但 123I-IBZM- SPECT 分析显示纹状体 D2 受体结合减少,且在治疗后进一步减少。© 2003 爱思唯尔爱尔兰有限公司。保留所有权利。

De Berardis D., Serroni N., Campanella D., Marasco V., Moschetta F.S., Di Giannantonio M. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: De Berardis, Domenico (7801377515); Serroni, Nicola (22136311000); Campanella, Daniela (9243801400); Marasco, Viviana (36158413200); Moschetta, Francesco Saverio (15830300800); Di Giannantonio, Massimo (6603554568) 7801377515; 22136311000; 9243801400; 36158413200; 15830300800; 6603554568 A case of Cotard's Syndrome successfully treated with aripiprazole monotherapy (2010), Cited 14 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-77956430512&doi=10.1016%2fj.pnpbp.2010.06.015&partnerID=40&md5=0c7490db98aaa303bf86cabc9d0479d1
De Berardis D., Serroni N., Campanella D., Marasco V., Moschetta F.S..、Di Giannantonio M. 作者全名:De Berardis, Domenico (7801377515);Serroni, Nicola (22136311000);Campanella, Daniela (9243801400);Marasco, Viviana (36158413200);Moschetta, Francesco Saverio (15830300800);Di Giannantonio, Massimo (6603554568) 7801377515; 22136311000; 9243801400; 36158413200; 15830300800; 6603554568 A case of Cotard's Syndrome successfully treated with aripiprazole monotherapy (2010), Cited 14 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-77956430512&doi=10.1016%2fj.pnpbp.2010.06.015&partnerID=40&md5=0c7490db98aaa303bf86cabc9d0479d1

Cohen D., Consoli A. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Cohen, David (57198586747); Consoli, Angèle (15520774300) 57198586747; 15520774300 Production of supernatural beliefs during Cotard's syndrome, a rare psychotic depression (2006), Cited 8 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-33845530759&doi=10.1017%2fS0140525X06299102&partnerID=40&md5=e52c28c176b85ae43bf93df30bb43d8e
Cohen D., Consoli A. 作者全名:Cohen, David (57198586747); Consoli, Angèle (15520774300) 57198586747; 15520774300 Cotard's 综合征(一种罕见的精神抑郁症)期间超自然信念的产生(2006 年),被引用 8 次。https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-33845530759&doi=10.1017%2fS0140525X06299102&partnerID=40&md5=e52c28c176b85ae43bf93df30bb43d8e。

ABSTRACT: Cotard's syndrome is a psychotic condition that includes delusion of a supernatural nature. Based on insights from recovered patients who were convinced of being immortal, we can (1) distinguish biographical experiences from cultural and evolutionary backgrounds; (2) show that cultural significance dominates biographical experiences; and (3) support Bering's view of a cognitive system dedicated to forming illusory representations of immortality.

Yesilkaya U.H., Sen M., Karamustafalioglu N. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Yesilkaya, Umit Haluk (57210919953); Sen, Meltem (57222268716); Karamustafalioglu, Nesrin (25030375600) 57210919953; 57222268716; 25030375600 New variants and new symptoms in COVID-19: First episode psychosis and Cotard's Syndrome two months after infection with the B.1.1.7 variant of coronavirus (2022), Cited 11 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85131434165&doi=10.1016%2fj.schres.2021.06.001&partnerID=40&md5=2931a2d355ce8d23841019050f27e080
作者全名:Yesilkaya, Umit Haluk (57210919953);Sen, Meltem (57222268716);Karamustafalioglu, Nesrin (25030375600) 57210919953; 57222268716; 25030375600 COVID-19 的新变种和新症状:感染冠状病毒B.1.1.7变种两个月后首次发作的精神病和科塔德综合征(2022), 被引用11次。https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85131434165&doi=10.1016%2fj.schres.2021.06.001&partnerID=40&md5=2931a2d355ce8d23841019050f27e080

Hantkie O. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Hantkie, O. (58463736200) 58463736200 Jules Cotard: His life, his work [Jules Cotard: Sa vie, son œuvre] (2009), Cited 2 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-77954073330&doi=10.1007%2fs11836-009-0082-6&partnerID=40&md5=3b29123abfec6b105dff424fef4a82ba
Hantkie O. 作者全名:Hantkie, O. (58463736200) 58463736200 Jules Cotard: His life, his work [Jules Cotard: Sa vie, son œuvre] (2009), Cited 2 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-77954073330&doi=10.1007%2fs11836-009-0082-6&partnerID=40&md5=3b29123abfec6b105dff424fef4a82ba

ABSTRACT: Jules Cotard was a psychiatrist at the Vanves asylum. Described as a sharp observer and clinician, he also had a passion for clinical research. Jules Cotard was always ready to modify, question, or even abandon a hypothesis if clinical facts and scientific analysis made him deem it necessary to do so. He devoted most of his writing to "negation delirium", (also known as "nihilistic delusion"): "Du délire hypochondriaque dans une forme grave de mélancolie ("Concerning hypochondriac delusion in serious melancholy")" in 1880, "Du délire des négations ("Concerning negation delirium")" in 1882, "Perte de la vision mentale dans une mélancolie anxieuse ("Loss of mental vision in anxious melancholy")" in 1884 and "Du délire d'énormité ("Concerning delusions of enormity")" in 1888. Long after his death, there was much controversy and debate about the existence of negation delirium. J. Séglas and J. Régis were the main contributors to the development and clarification of his work. Thus it is this most unusual of syndromes, Cotard's syndrome, that has caused Jules Cotard to be part of the history of French psychiatry since the end of the 19th century. © 2009 Springer Verlag France.
摘要:儒勒-科塔德是凡夫精神病院的一名精神病医生。他被誉为敏锐的观察者和临床医生,同时也热衷于临床研究。如果临床事实和科学分析使他认为有必要修改、质疑甚至放弃某个假设,儒勒-科塔德总是随时准备这样做。他的大部分著作都是关于 "否定妄想症"(又称 "虚无主义妄想症")的:"1880年,他撰写了 "Du délire hypochondriaque dans une forme grave de mélancolie",1882年,他撰写了 "Du délire des négations"、"Perte de la vision mentale dans une mélancolie anxieuse("焦虑忧郁症中的精神幻觉")",以及 1888 年的 "Du délire d'énormité("关于巨大妄想")"。在他去世后的很长一段时间里,关于否定妄想症的存在还存在很多争议和争论。塞格拉斯(J. Séglas)和雷吉斯(J. Régis)对其著作的发展和澄清做出了主要贡献。因此,正是科塔综合征这一最不寻常的综合征,使儒勒-科塔成为自19世纪末以来法国精神病学历史的一部分。© 2009 Springer Verlag France。

Luca H., Judit L. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Luca, Hajnal (57211396435); Judit, Lazáry (57191890406) 57211396435; 57191890406 Cotard-syndrome associated with hashimoto encephalopathy: A case report [Hashimoto-enkefalopátiához társuló cotard-szindróma: Esettanulmány] (2019), Cited 2 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85071195887&partnerID=40&md5=5ea6d2ab52796aad00841620f334469a
Luca H., Judit L. 作者全名:Luca, Hajnal (57211396435); Judit, Lazáry (57191890406) 57211396435; 57191890406 Cotard综合征伴有桥本脑病:A case report [Hashimotoo-enkefalopátiához társuló cotard-szindróma: Esettanulmány] (2019), Cited 2 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85071195887&partnerID=40&md5=5ea6d2ab52796aad00841620f334469a

ABSTRACT: There is a growing body of data on encephalopathy-related psychiatric syndromes in the literature, however, clinical management of them still remains a great challenge. Although organic background of the rarely identified Cotard-syndrome has been reported in numerous pathological states, Hashimoto-encephalopathy has not been published in association with this clinical phenotype so far. In this paper we present a case of a 44 year old woman, who previously never had a psychiatric disorder and her clinical symptoms corresponded to Cotard II syndrome. She produced psychotic depression with nihilistic doxasmas related to shutting down, clogging and rotting of her organs. These psychiatric symptoms were accompanied by cognitive, motor and vegetative signs, therefore we systematically excluded all organic brain disorders described in the literature. Besides the bizarre mental symptoms we found significantly increased anti-TPO levels in her serum, aspecific pathological signs on scull MR scans and thyreoid disease in the medical history. After differential diagnostic analyses we diagnosed Hashimoto-encephalopathy (HE), which was confirmed by positive clinical response to steroid therapy. Certain forms of HE (also named as steroid-responsive encephalopathy associated with autoimmune thyreoiditis, SREAT) are frequently associated with psychiatric syndromes but Cotard-syndrome has not been described so far in relation with this disease. This case raises attention on the significance of autoimmune diseases in the pathomechanism of psychiatric disorders and further highlights the importance of interdisciplinary diagnostic methods in the psychiatry. © 2019, Hungarian Association of Psychopharmacology. All rights reserved.
摘要:关于脑病相关精神综合征的文献资料越来越多,但临床治疗仍然是一个巨大的挑战。尽管在许多病理状态中都有关于罕见的科塔德综合征的器质性背景的报道,但迄今为止还没有关于桥型脑病与这种临床表型相关的报道。在本文中,我们介绍了一例 44 岁女性的病例,她以前从未有过精神障碍,其临床症状与科塔德 II 综合征相符。她产生了精神抑郁,并伴有与器官关闭、堵塞和腐烂有关的虚无主义臆想。这些精神症状伴有认知、运动和植物神经症状,因此我们系统地排除了文献中描述的所有脑部器质性疾病。除了怪异的精神症状外,我们还发现她血清中的抗-TPO水平明显升高,颅骨磁共振扫描有特异性病理征象,病史中有甲状腺疾病。经过鉴别诊断分析,我们诊断为桥本脑病(HE),并通过对类固醇治疗的积极临床反应证实了这一点。某些形式的桥本脑病(也被称为类固醇反应性脑病,与自身免疫性甲状腺炎相关,SREAT)经常与精神综合征相关,但迄今为止还没有人描述过与这种疾病相关的科塔德综合征。该病例引起了人们对自身免疫性疾病在精神疾病病理机制中重要性的关注,并进一步强调了跨学科诊断方法在精神病学中的重要性。© 2019,匈牙利精神药理学协会。保留所有权利。

Chou P.-H., Lin B.-T., Lan T.-H., Chan C.-H. AUTHOR FULL NAMES: Chou, Po-Han (36191569500); Lin, Ben-Tang (50162068600); Lan, Tsuo-Hung (7006355011); Chan, Chin-Hong (7404813343) 36191569500; 50162068600; 7006355011; 7404813343 Chronic Cotard's syndrome: Recovery from 2 years' bed-ridden status (2011), Cited 6 times. https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-79955050435&doi=10.1111%2fj.1440-1819.2011.02206.x&partnerID=40&md5=7561f7f69b613bdbf89292fb3cb52152
Chou P.-H., Lin B.-T., Lan T.-H., Chan C.-H.作者全名:Chou, Po-Han (36191569500); Lin, Ben-Tang (50162068600); Lan, Tsuo-Hung (7006355011); Chan, Chin-Hong (7404813343) 36191569500; 50162068600; 7006355011; 7404813343 慢性科塔德氏综合征:从卧床 2 年的状态中恢复过来(2011 年),引用 6 次。https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-79955050435&doi=10.1111%2fj.1440-1819.2011.02206.x&partnerID=40&md5=7561f7f69b613bdbf89292fb3cb52152