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Void Collider is a level 250 Burst longsword, crafted in the Crystal Forge. It has a 12% critical chance and does 5,556 damage. When upgraded to +25, it does 13,890 damage. In addition, it grants the user a 6% health and stamina regeneration buff.

To craft, it requires 1 Million Vel as well as the following non-upgraded items:


  • Void Collider is designed by Endless_Eternal (Kakurikun) and modelled by YatoFett.
  • On November 25th, 2022, This weapon was buffed. Its base damage was increased from 3,662 to 4,375.
    • Initially, there was an error that meant the damage displayed was inaccurate. This was fixed on December 12th of the same year.
    • Shortly after, on November 28th, Void Collider's critical chance was increased from 12% to 15% and its regeneration boosts were increased from +5% health and stamina regeneration to +8% in both areas..
      • Later, its damage was buffed further from 4,375 at base to 5,556. However, its critical chance was reverted back to 12%.
        • Then, around the release of Floor 12, its regeneration boosts were nerfed to +6% health and stamina regeneration.
  • Similar to the other Lvl 250 Burst weapons, Void Collider roughly seems to resemble twisted variants of the swords that are required to craft it.
    • The handle and pommel are akin to Azurite Longsword.
    • The reversed protruding crossguard is from Oathkeeper.
    • The dark area of the blade resembles the empty space in Retribution's blade.
    • Although it is no longer included in the crafting recipes, the glowing, colored dot aligned with the guard represents Plutonic Visage.
  • The cross-shaped guard of the sword may be a homage to RX-0 Unicorn Gundam's Shield in Destroy Mode.
  • After various buffs to other weapons and the release of Floor 12, Void Collider is used far less than it was before, as it is very difficult to obtain and upgrade compared to Stinger XE-VII and Prismatic Apex, which are both Level 250.
  • Void Collider's concept art carries some resemblance to Divine Kaleido. Its name is similar, too, with Void Collider originally being called "Divinity."
