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Date: 日期:Jun 25 2024 01:19:52:800PM
2024 年 6 月 25 日 01:19:52:800PM
To:"linlin liu" divine@csu.edu.cn
From: 从:"Urban Climate" support@elsevier.com
Subject: 主题:Decision on submission to Urban Climate

Manuscript Number: UCLIM-D-24-00697

Greenspace coverage vs. enhanced vegetation index: Correlations with surface urban heat island intensity in different climate zones 

Dear Dr. liu,   亲爱的刘医生:

Thank you for submitting your manuscript to Urban Climate. 

I have completed my evaluation of your manuscript. The reviewers recommend reconsideration of your manuscript following revision and modification. I invite you to resubmit your manuscript after addressing the comments below. Please resubmit your revised manuscript by Jul 16 2024 11:59:59:000PM
我已经完成了对您的手稿的评估。审稿人建议在修改和修改后重新考虑您的稿件。我邀请您在解决以下评论后重新提交您的手稿。请在 2024 年 7 月 16 日晚上 11:59:59:000 之前重新提交您的修改稿。

When revising your manuscript, please consider all issues mentioned in the reviewers' comments carefully: please outline every change made in response to their comments and provide suitable rebuttals for any comments not addressed. Please note that your revised submission may need to be re-reviewed.  

NOTE: Upon submitting your revised manuscript, please upload the source files for your article. We cannot accommodate PDF manuscript files for production purposes. We also ask that when submitting your revision, you follow the journal formatting guidelines. For additional details regarding acceptable file formats, please refer to the Guide for Authors at: https://www.elsevier.com/journals/urban-climate/2212-0955/guide-for-authors
注意:提交修改稿后,请上传文章的源文件。我们无法容纳用于制作目的的 PDF 手稿文件。我们还要求您在提交修订时遵循期刊格式指南。有关可接受的文件格式的更多详细信息,请参阅作者指南:https://www.elsevier.com/journals/urban-climate/2212-0955/guide-for-authors

To submit your revised manuscript, please log in as an author at https://www.editorialmanager.com/uclim/, and navigate to the "Submissions Needing Revision" folder under the Author Main Menu.  
要提交修改后的稿件,请以作者身份登录 https://www.editorialmanager.com/uclim/,然后导航至作者主菜单下的“Submissions Needing Revision”文件夹。

Research Elements (optional)

This journal encourages you to share research objects - including your raw data, methods, protocols, software, hardware and more – which support your original research article in a Research Elements journal. Research Elements are open access, multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed journals which make the objects associated with your research more discoverable, trustworthy and promote replicability and reproducibility. As open access journals, there may be an Article Publishing Charge if your paper is accepted for publication. Find out more about the Research Elements journals at https://www.elsevier.com/authors/tools-and-resources/research-elements-journals?dgcid=ec_em_research_elements_email.
该期刊鼓励您分享研究对象 - 包括您的原始数据、方法、协议、软件、硬件等 - 这支持您在 Research Elements 期刊上发表的原创研究文章。研究元素是开放获取、多学科、同行评审的期刊,使与您的研究相关的对象更容易被发现、更值得信赖,并提高可复制性和再现性。作为开放获取期刊,如果您的论文被接受出版,可能会收取文章出版费。要了解有关 Research Elements 期刊的更多信息,请访问 https://www.elsevier.com/authors/tools-and-resources/research-elements-journals?dgcid=ec_em_research_elements_email。

Urban Climate values your contribution and I look forward to receiving your revised manuscript. 

Kind regards,   亲切的问候,

Peter Marcotullio 彼得·马科图利奥
Editor-in-Chief  主编辑
Urban Climate  城市气候

Editor and Reviewer comments:  


Reviewer 1: 审稿人1:
Vegetation holds great promise for mitigating elevated temperatures in urban areas, which is crucial for ensuring human well-being. However, the lack of robust indicators limits the effectiveness of urban greening solutions that require well-quantified targets. This study (#UCLIM-D-24-00697) explores the urban-rural difference in greenspace coverage as a means to understand and address the variation in urban heat island intensity across 233 Chinese cities spanning three climate zones. The study is straightforward and aligns well with the scope of the journal Urban Climate, presenting an adequate workload.
植被在缓解城市地区气温升高方面具有巨大前景,这对于确保人类福祉至关重要。然而,缺乏强有力的指标限制了需要明确量化目标的城市绿化解决方案的有效性。本研究 (#UCLIM-D-24-00697) 探讨了绿地覆盖率的城乡差异,以此作为了解和解决跨越三个气候区的 233 个中国城市的城市热岛强度变化的一种手段。该研究简单明了,与《城市气候》杂志的范围非常吻合,工作量充足。

However, I find the manuscript's quality is hindered by several issues, including a vague scientific question, unclear statements, and an insufficiently detailed experiment. Therefore, I recommend Major Revisions to allow the authors to address these concerns and improve the manuscript for potential acceptance in a future version.

Below are my comments and suggestions:

Major comments #1: Although I understand that the authors aim to identify an effective indicator to guide urban greening planning, the study lacks a clearly defined scientific question. Additionally, the Introduction section is confusing due to the absence of a brief summary in each paragraph. Examples of plausible scientific questions include: 1) the difference in the explanatory power of remotely-sensed greenspace indicators in the variation of UHI across different climate zones, and 2) the available thresholds for mitigating UHI using the indicator with the highest explanatory power. Therefore, the structure of the Introduction and the study objectives need revision to clearly articulate these plausible scientific questions.

Major comments #2: Analyzing data from 2010, 2015, and 2020 appears redundant as the figures and tables show similar results across these years. Thus, the findings of the current manuscript are sufficient by analyzing data from just one year, making the three-year analysis unnecessary. I have three suggestions: 1) Define a conceptual (triangle) framework illustrating the relationship between vegetation and UHI based on relevant literature, which could help introduce an indicator for comparing cooling effects from temporal changes in greenspace; 2) Using this framework and indicator, demonstrate the optimal threshold of greenspace coverage in cities, at least for each climate zone; 3) Conduct an in-depth analysis of the temporal variations presented in Figure 8. Delta EVI seems more sensitive to land cover changes, as indicated by the significant differences between 2015 and other years. Additionally, the nonlinear relationship between SUHII and delta GC could be used to identify a greening threshold.
主要评论#2:分析 2010 年、2015 年和 2020 年的数据似乎是多余的,因为这些年份的数据和表格显示了相似的结果。因此,通过分析一年的数据,当前手稿的发现就足够了,无需进行三年的分析。我有三点建议:1)根据相关文献定义一个概念(三角形)框架来说明植被与城市热岛之间的关系,这有助于引入一个指标来比较绿地时间变化的降温效果; 2) 使用该框架和指标,展示城市绿地覆盖率的最佳阈值,至少对于每个气候区; 3)对图8所示的时间变化进行深入分析。Delta EVI似乎对土地覆盖变化更加敏感,2015年与其他年份之间的显着差异表明了这一点。此外,SUHII 和 delta GC 之间的非线性关系可用于确定绿化阈值。

Minor comments #1: Writing needs improvement. Many vague statements exist, such as "the potential of GC in multi-city comparison of SUHI intensity (SUHII), compared to EVI, still lacks systematic understanding" (lines 6-7, lines 94-95, etc.). Chinese punctuation appears in places, such as "," (lines 292, 275, etc.). The phrase "so on" conflicts with "such as" in lines 46-48. I suggest the authors check their scientific writing for accuracy and conciseness.
小意见#1:写作需要改进。存在许多模糊的表述,例如“GC在多城市SUHI强度比较(SUHII)方面的潜力,与EVI相比,仍然缺乏系统的理解”(第6-7行,第94-95行等)。中文标点符号出现在“,”等地方(第292、275行等)。第 46-48 行中短语“so on”与“such as”冲突。我建议作者检查他们的科学写作的准确性和简洁性。

Minor comments #2: The uncertainty of greenspace data exists. Since the input of GLC_FS30, the unspecialized urban land cover product, is Landsat, issues such as definition, mixed pixels, and spectrum can lower the accuracy of greenspace. This limitation should be acknowledged in the Discussion. Additionally, the urban boundary could generate uncertainty in the findings.

Minor comments #3: Reference #17 needs formal checking.
小评论#3:参考#17 需要正式检查。

Minor comments #4: The Conclusion needs to be concise; one paragraph is sufficient.

Minor comments #5: A figure showing the research steps needs to be added. Additionally, a figure illustrating the conceptual framework is highly recommended (as mentioned in Major comments #2).
小评论#5:需要添加显示研究步骤的图表。此外,强烈建议使用一张说明概念框架的图(如主要评论 #2 中所述)。

Minor comments #6: Add discussions on the quantified planning of urban greening (following Major comments #2).

Reviewer 2: The paper studies the relationship between the SUHI and green area in different background climate. Two index, i.e., greenspace coverage and enhanced vegetation index, are compared. Remote sensing data are utilized. The values of indexes are obtained in both urban and rural buffer zones. The topic suits the journal scope well and is overall well written. Several comments are given as follows.

1. What is the difference between SUHI and UHI? Why the authors studies SUHI instead of UHI?
1.SUHI和UHI有什么区别?为什么作者研究 SUHI 而不是 UHI?

2. When you calculate the temperature difference between urban area and rural area, did you count all the pixels or did you only count the pixels that are not vegetation? This aspect is important for you to interpret your results.

3. Why did you choose three time periods? 2010, 2015 and 2020.
3. 为什么选择三个时间段? 2010 年、2015 年和 2020 年。

4. What is the time for your temperature data? Is it daytime or nighttime? Would it be different? Any comments on this aspect?
4. 你们的温度数据是几点到的?现在是白天还是晚上?会有所不同吗?对此有何评论?

5. What is the background weather when you calculate the SUHI? It would affect the results.
5. 计算SUHI时的背景天气是什么?会影响结果。

Reviewer 3: The paper analyzed the correlation between surface urban heat island intensity and two green space indices (green space coverage GC and enhanced vegetation index EVI) in 233 Chinese cities in three different climate regions. The focus was on comparing the relationship between the difference in urban and rural green space indicators (Δ GC and Δ EVI) and SUHII, as well as their performance in different climate regions. The research system analyzed the potential application of green space indicators in SUHII comparison, providing new ideas for urban heat island research and basis for urban heat island mitigation strategies in different climate regions. The research has certain significance. However, the article still has the following shortcomings:

(1) Is there only these three climate zones in the Chinese region? If not, why only these three climate zones were selected? Please explain the reason?

(2) In the introduction section, the author did not effectively summarize the shortcomings of the current research, and the innovative points proposed in the article based on these shortcomings need to be condensed again

(3) In the overview of the research area, there is a description of climate zone data. It is recommended to add this section to the section on data sources and processing.

(4) The data source is explained in a long paragraph here. It is recommended to organize it in the form of a table and streamline the language.

(5) In the article, there are many figures that do not clearly indicate the specific meaning of expression, such as Figures 4, 6, 7, and 8. It is recommended to add them.

(6) The article mainly uses Pearson correlation analysis to explore the degree of connection between the two, and whether their support is relatively weak. It is recommended to add the impact of the difference in urban and rural green space indicators (Δ GC and Δ EVI) on SUHII to better highlight its value.

(7) Suggest reorganizing the discussion section to better reflect its completeness. List the shortcomings of the article, etc.
(7) 建议重新组织讨论部分以更好地体现其完整性。列出文章的不足之处等。

(8) Suggest adding a mind map of the entire article to better reflect its logic.

(9) The expressions in the article should be corrected by professionals who have been engaged in English as their mother tongue for a long time.

(10) Please double check the citation labels in the article, such as [42] and [43], for any formatting errors.
(10) 请仔细检查文章中的引文标签,例如[42]和[43],是否有任何格式错误。

Reviewer 4: 审稿人4:
This paper provides an interesting set of results related to the correlations between surface urban heat island intensity and vegetation in China. I think this manuscript can be published after major revisions.

1. Lines 14-15. I suggest using the same indicators for comparison.
1. 第 14-15 行。我建议使用相同的指标进行比较。

2. Introduction. Could you please better clarify the novelty of and innovation of this manuscript?
2. 简介。您能更好地说明一下这篇手稿的新颖性和创新性吗?

3. Line 104. What are the criteria for selecting these 233 cities? Why are there no cities in Xinjiang and Xizang?
3. 第104行,选择这233个城市的标准是什么?新疆、西藏为什么没有城市?

4. Line 127. What data is used to remove water bodies? Does GISD30 dataset include water bodies?
4. 第 127 行。使用哪些数据来去除水体? GISD30 数据集包含水体吗?

5. Line 132. There are many gaps in MOD11A2 and MYD11A2 data, especially in cloudy regions. How did you solve this problem? Some recent publications should be discussed, for example, Global seamless and high-resolution temperature dataset (GSHTD), 2001-2020; Estimation of the surface urban heat island intensity across 1031 global cities using the regression-modification-estimation (RME) method; A Robust Method for Filling the Gaps in MODIS and VIIRS Land Surface Temperature Data; Investigating the urbanization process and its impact on vegetation change and urban heat island in Wuhan, China; Less sensitive of urban surface to climate variability than rural in Northern China.
5.第132行。MOD11A2和MYD11A2数据存在很多差距,特别是在多云地区。你是如何解决这个问题的?应该讨论一些最近的出版物,例如,全球无缝高分辨率温度数据集(GSHTD),2001-2020;使用回归修正估计(RME)方法估计全球 1031 个城市的地表热岛强度;填补 MODIS 和 VIIRS 地表温度数据空白的稳健方法;调查中国武汉的城市化进程及其对植被变化和城市热岛的影响;城市地表对气候变化的敏感度低于中国北方农村。

6. Line 153. Has the water body in rural areas been removed?

7. Figure 2. Unit, latitude and longitude information should be added.
7. 图2. 应添加单位、纬度和经度信息。

8. Line 160. Where can we download this data?

9. Line 187. Why air temperature and wind were not selected?
9. 第187行。为什么没有选择气温和风?

10. The reasons for some abnormal results should be explained. e.g., line 216.
10.某些结果异常应说明原因。例如,第 216 行。

11. Lines 219-233 and Figure 5. Significance level should be added

12. Limitations of the study should be added as a part of the discussion.
12. 应在讨论中添加研究的局限性。


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Date:Jun 25 2024 01:19:52:800PM
To:"linlin liu" divine@csu.edu.cn
From:"Urban Climate" support@elsevier.com
Subject:Decision on submission to Urban Climate

Manuscript Number: UCLIM-D-24-00697 

Greenspace coverage vs. enhanced vegetation index: Correlations with surface urban heat island intensity in different climate zones 

Dear Dr. liu,  

Thank you for submitting your manuscript to Urban Climate. 

I have completed my evaluation of your manuscript. The reviewers recommend reconsideration of your manuscript following revision and modification. I invite you to resubmit your manuscript after addressing the comments below. Please resubmit your revised manuscript by Jul 16 2024 11:59:59:000PM

When revising your manuscript, please consider all issues mentioned in the reviewers' comments carefully: please outline every change made in response to their comments and provide suitable rebuttals for any comments not addressed. Please note that your revised submission may need to be re-reviewed.  

NOTE: Upon submitting your revised manuscript, please upload the source files for your article. We cannot accommodate PDF manuscript files for production purposes. We also ask that when submitting your revision, you follow the journal formatting guidelines. For additional details regarding acceptable file formats, please refer to the Guide for Authors at: https://www.elsevier.com/journals/urban-climate/2212-0955/guide-for-authors

To submit your revised manuscript, please log in as an author at https://www.editorialmanager.com/uclim/, and navigate to the "Submissions Needing Revision" folder under the Author Main Menu.  

Research Elements (optional)
This journal encourages you to share research objects - including your raw data, methods, protocols, software, hardware and more – which support your original research article in a Research Elements journal. Research Elements are open access, multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed journals which make the objects associated with your research more discoverable, trustworthy and promote replicability and reproducibility. As open access journals, there may be an Article Publishing Charge if your paper is accepted for publication. Find out more about the Research Elements journals at https://www.elsevier.com/authors/tools-and-resources/research-elements-journals?dgcid=ec_em_research_elements_email.

Urban Climate values your contribution and I look forward to receiving your revised manuscript. 

Kind regards,  

Peter Marcotullio
Urban Climate 

Editor and Reviewer comments:  


Reviewer 1:
Vegetation holds great promise for mitigating elevated temperatures in urban areas, which is crucial for ensuring human well-being. However, the lack of robust indicators limits the effectiveness of urban greening solutions that require well-quantified targets. This study (#UCLIM-D-24-00697) explores the urban-rural difference in greenspace coverage as a means to understand and address the variation in urban heat island intensity across 233 Chinese cities spanning three climate zones. The study is straightforward and aligns well with the scope of the journal Urban Climate, presenting an adequate workload.

However, I find the manuscript's quality is hindered by several issues, including a vague scientific question, unclear statements, and an insufficiently detailed experiment. Therefore, I recommend Major Revisions to allow the authors to address these concerns and improve the manuscript for potential acceptance in a future version.

Below are my comments and suggestions:

Major comments #1: Although I understand that the authors aim to identify an effective indicator to guide urban greening planning, the study lacks a clearly defined scientific question. Additionally, the Introduction section is confusing due to the absence of a brief summary in each paragraph. Examples of plausible scientific questions include: 1) the difference in the explanatory power of remotely-sensed greenspace indicators in the variation of UHI across different climate zones, and 2) the available thresholds for mitigating UHI using the indicator with the highest explanatory power. Therefore, the structure of the Introduction and the study objectives need revision to clearly articulate these plausible scientific questions.

Major comments #2: Analyzing data from 2010, 2015, and 2020 appears redundant as the figures and tables show similar results across these years. Thus, the findings of the current manuscript are sufficient by analyzing data from just one year, making the three-year analysis unnecessary. I have three suggestions: 1) Define a conceptual (triangle) framework illustrating the relationship between vegetation and UHI based on relevant literature, which could help introduce an indicator for comparing cooling effects from temporal changes in greenspace; 2) Using this framework and indicator, demonstrate the optimal threshold of greenspace coverage in cities, at least for each climate zone; 3) Conduct an in-depth analysis of the temporal variations presented in Figure 8. Delta EVI seems more sensitive to land cover changes, as indicated by the significant differences between 2015 and other years. Additionally, the nonlinear relationship between SUHII and delta GC could be used to identify a greening threshold.

Minor comments #1: Writing needs improvement. Many vague statements exist, such as "the potential of GC in multi-city comparison of SUHI intensity (SUHII), compared to EVI, still lacks systematic understanding" (lines 6-7, lines 94-95, etc.). Chinese punctuation appears in places, such as "," (lines 292, 275, etc.). The phrase "so on" conflicts with "such as" in lines 46-48. I suggest the authors check their scientific writing for accuracy and conciseness.

Minor comments #2: The uncertainty of greenspace data exists. Since the input of GLC_FS30, the unspecialized urban land cover product, is Landsat, issues such as definition, mixed pixels, and spectrum can lower the accuracy of greenspace. This limitation should be acknowledged in the Discussion. Additionally, the urban boundary could generate uncertainty in the findings.

Minor comments #3: Reference #17 needs formal checking.

Minor comments #4: The Conclusion needs to be concise; one paragraph is sufficient.

Minor comments #5: A figure showing the research steps needs to be added. Additionally, a figure illustrating the conceptual framework is highly recommended (as mentioned in Major comments #2).

Minor comments #6: Add discussions on the quantified planning of urban greening (following Major comments #2).

Reviewer 2: The paper studies the relationship between the SUHI and green area in different background climate. Two index, i.e., greenspace coverage and enhanced vegetation index, are compared. Remote sensing data are utilized. The values of indexes are obtained in both urban and rural buffer zones. The topic suits the journal scope well and is overall well written. Several comments are given as follows.
1. What is the difference between SUHI and UHI? Why the authors studies SUHI instead of UHI?
2. When you calculate the temperature difference between urban area and rural area, did you count all the pixels or did you only count the pixels that are not vegetation? This aspect is important for you to interpret your results.
3. Why did you choose three time periods? 2010, 2015 and 2020.
4. What is the time for your temperature data? Is it daytime or nighttime? Would it be different? Any comments on this aspect?
5. What is the background weather when you calculate the SUHI? It would affect the results.

Reviewer 3: The paper analyzed the correlation between surface urban heat island intensity and two green space indices (green space coverage GC and enhanced vegetation index EVI) in 233 Chinese cities in three different climate regions. The focus was on comparing the relationship between the difference in urban and rural green space indicators (Δ GC and Δ EVI) and SUHII, as well as their performance in different climate regions. The research system analyzed the potential application of green space indicators in SUHII comparison, providing new ideas for urban heat island research and basis for urban heat island mitigation strategies in different climate regions. The research has certain significance. However, the article still has the following shortcomings:
(1) Is there only these three climate zones in the Chinese region? If not, why only these three climate zones were selected? Please explain the reason?
(2) In the introduction section, the author did not effectively summarize the shortcomings of the current research, and the innovative points proposed in the article based on these shortcomings need to be condensed again
(3) In the overview of the research area, there is a description of climate zone data. It is recommended to add this section to the section on data sources and processing.
(4) The data source is explained in a long paragraph here. It is recommended to organize it in the form of a table and streamline the language.
(5) In the article, there are many figures that do not clearly indicate the specific meaning of expression, such as Figures 4, 6, 7, and 8. It is recommended to add them.
(6) The article mainly uses Pearson correlation analysis to explore the degree of connection between the two, and whether their support is relatively weak. It is recommended to add the impact of the difference in urban and rural green space indicators (Δ GC and Δ EVI) on SUHII to better highlight its value.
(7) Suggest reorganizing the discussion section to better reflect its completeness. List the shortcomings of the article, etc.
(8) Suggest adding a mind map of the entire article to better reflect its logic.
(9) The expressions in the article should be corrected by professionals who have been engaged in English as their mother tongue for a long time.
(10) Please double check the citation labels in the article, such as [42] and [43], for any formatting errors.

Reviewer 4:
This paper provides an interesting set of results related to the correlations between surface urban heat island intensity and vegetation in China. I think this manuscript can be published after major revisions.

1. Lines 14-15. I suggest using the same indicators for comparison.
2. Introduction. Could you please better clarify the novelty of and innovation of this manuscript?
3. Line 104. What are the criteria for selecting these 233 cities? Why are there no cities in Xinjiang and Xizang?
4. Line 127. What data is used to remove water bodies? Does GISD30 dataset include water bodies?
5. Line 132. There are many gaps in MOD11A2 and MYD11A2 data, especially in cloudy regions. How did you solve this problem? Some recent publications should be discussed, for example, Global seamless and high-resolution temperature dataset (GSHTD), 2001-2020; Estimation of the surface urban heat island intensity across 1031 global cities using the regression-modification-estimation (RME) method; A Robust Method for Filling the Gaps in MODIS and VIIRS Land Surface Temperature Data; Investigating the urbanization process and its impact on vegetation change and urban heat island in Wuhan, China; Less sensitive of urban surface to climate variability than rural in Northern China.
6. Line 153. Has the water body in rural areas been removed?
7. Figure 2. Unit, latitude and longitude information should be added.
8. Line 160. Where can we download this data?
9. Line 187. Why air temperature and wind were not selected?
10. The reasons for some abnormal results should be explained. e.g., line 216.
11. Lines 219-233 and Figure 5. Significance level should be added
12. Limitations of the study should be added as a part of the discussion.


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