ISO/IEC 17025:2017
ISO/IEC 17025:2017

Status : Published 状态 : 已出版 (Under review)

This standard was last reviewed and confirmed in 2023. Therefore this version remains current.
该标准最后一次审查和确认是在 2023 年。因此,此版本仍然是最新的。
Format 格式 Language 语言
std 1 151 PDF + ePub PDF + 电子发布
std 2 181 PDF + ePub + Redline
std 3 151 Paper 
std 4 151 PDF
  • CHF151 151 瑞士法郎
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What is ISO/IEC 17025?
什么是 ISO/IEC 17025?

ISO/IEC 17025 is the international standard for testing and calibration laboratories. It sets out requirements for the competence, impartiality, and consistent operation of laboratories, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of their testing and calibration results.
ISO/IEC 17025 是测试和校准实验室的国际标准。它规定了对实验室的能力、公正性和一致操作的要求,确保其测试和校准结果的准确性和可靠性。

Why is ISO/IEC 17025 important?
为什么 ISO/IEC 17025 很重要?

This standard is vital for laboratories as it enhances the credibility of their testing and calibration work, fostering trust among clients and regulatory authorities. Compliance with ISO/IEC 17025 demonstrates a laboratory's commitment to quality, technical proficiency, and scientific rigor.
该标准对实验室至关重要,因为它提高了其测试和校准工作的可信度,促进了客户和监管机构之间的信任。符合 ISO/IEC 17025 表明实验室对质量、技术熟练度和科学严谨性的承诺。

Benefits of ISO/IEC 17025
ISO/IEC 17025 的优势

  •  Establishes a global benchmark for laboratory quality and reliability
  • Enhances confidence in test and calibration results, both domestically and internationally
  •  Facilitates cooperation between laboratories and other bodies by generating wider acceptance of results
  •  Reduces the need for retesting, saving time and resources


Laboratories of any size that perform testing and calibration, seeking to demonstrate their operational competence and reliability.

Accreditation bodies use ISO/IEC 17025 as the criteria for assessing and accrediting laboratories.

The latest revision includes updates on information technology, quality management system processes, and a stronger emphasis on the responsibilities of senior management.

Read sample  阅读示例

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General information 一般信息

  •  : Published 状态 : 已出版
     : 2017-11
    出版日期 : 2017-11

     : 2018-03
    更正版本 : 2018-03

     : 2018-04
    更正版本 : 2018-04
    : International Standard confirmed [90.93]
    阶段 : 国际标准确认 [ 90.93]
  •  : 3 版数 : 3
     : 30
    页数 : 30
    技术委员会 : ISO/CASCO
    03.120.20   ICS:03.120.20
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More information 更多信息

  • Please note that the corrected versions for this standard apply only to the French and Spanish language. The English version of the standard is not concerned.

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