通过下方链接,可以加入海叔英语训练营: https://brywg.xetlk.com/s/uZ22U 入营后,即可查看到助教老师的微信,她会拉你进入微信学习群。也可以添加海叔微信:Canada9969
Through the link below, you can join Uncle Hai's English Training Camp: https://brywg.xetlk.com/s/uZ22U After entering the camp, you can view the WeChat of the teaching assistant teacher, and she will pull you into the WeChat learning group. You can also add Uncle Hai's WeChat: Canada9969
对的海叔!如果是成年后学一种新的语言,一定要有积极的意识学习(active learning)和深入思考语言的逻辑和词汇的关系才可能进步,如果要在短时间进步神速,必须在学习当儿尽量完全进入语言状况,最好不碰本身母语。我二十多年年前考雅思申请英国加拿大奖学金读研,用了三个多月自习语言,天天读Reader's Digest, BBC News,National Geography, 每天完成IELTS备考习题,完全不碰本身母语。就这样从雅思5.5分跨越到8分,最后拿到加拿大名校奖学金读了两个研究学位。
That's right, Uncle Hai! If you want to learn a new language as an adult, you must have active learning and think deeply about the logic of the language and the relationship between vocabulary in order to progress. More than 20 years ago, I took the IELTS to apply for a United Kingdom Canada scholarship for graduate school, and spent more than three months studying the language on my own, reading Reader's Digest, BBC News, and National Geography every day, and completing IELTS preparation exercises every day, without touching my native language at all. In this way, I crossed from IELTS 5.5 to 8, and finally got a scholarship from a prestigious Canada university to study for two research degrees.
我今年80,自學英文20年,一是有興趣,二是怕失智,74歲通過英語導遊考試,為了加強聽說能力,平日大量閱讀各種資訊,並收看英語視頻,遇到老外主動交談,別害羞更別怕說錯,因為知道多,可深談,最後變成朋友,對於英語聽說助益非淺. Language learning is a journey of accumulation, not an instant transformation.
I am 80 years this year, self-taught English for 20 years, one is interested, the other is afraid of dementia, 74 years old through the English tour guide exam, in order to strengthen the ability to listen and speak, a lot of reading a variety of information on weekdays, and watch English videos, meet foreigners to take the initiative to talk, don't be shy and don't be afraid to say wrong, because you know more, you can talk deeply, and finally become a friend, for English listening and speaking is very helpful. Language learning is a journey of accumulation, not an instant transformation.
非常有道理,学语言真的要找到自己合适的方法,我学了一辈子哑巴英语,到头来时间浪费了,还打击了自信心。现在正在努力学德语,也系统学了一通,基本也是和英语一样的命运,但生活中交流没问题。从去年九月开始,自我认知起了革命,专攻读新闻和听力,每天在自己舒适区的边缘学语言,4,5个月下来,基本可以听懂德语广播。打算再接再厉,一年攻破德语,后年开始,用同一种方法,捡起我可怜的英语,毕竟学了一辈子的英语,不忍放弃。 顺便说一句:和德语比起来,英语真的是太太太可爱了,德语真的折磨人。
It makes a lot of sense, you really have to find your own suitable way to learn a language, I have been learning dumb English all my life, and in the end I have wasted time and hit my self-confidence. Now I'm trying to learn German, and I've learned it systematically, and it's basically the same fate as English, but it's okay to communicate in life. Since September last year, I have been in a revolution in self-awareness, specializing in journalism and listening, learning the language on the edge of my comfort zone every day, and after 4 or 5 months, I can basically understand German radio. I plan to make persistent efforts, break the German language in one year, and start the next year, and use the same method to pick up my poor English, after all, I have learned English all my life and can't bear to give up. By the way: compared to German, English is really too cute, and German is really tormenting.
海叔好 弟弟我分享我的經歷,當然先感謝網路讓我們再次相遇。 在我脫離學校,大概20歲的時候,我就有感覺,舊制的學程,是真的有問題,分散,模糊,吃力,也基於爾後生活中用到的地方不多,畢竟常遇到的字彙也就是那幾百個詞而已... 但為了分數,真的也只能咬牙切齒的 看到這裡大概會有某族群會誤解弟弟是無心唸書,而實際上弟弟心境上確認 不能說完全沒興趣,但也不討厭認識這門,其中也有曾用死背法,連貫法,諧音法,眼像法。。。 無論學習什麼門,一定有會遇到的難處,但為何其他人能成?差別在于找到方法跟對的人,有時也會幸運的遇到願意剖析分享的經驗者。 方法上首要,要先找到用途,然後發想可能會用到的詞彙,再來鎖定句型,適當的聯想與串聯結合對話。從這些面向去下功夫,才是能因應本身時下所需的預備項目量。大概是這樣。 如有緣人能補充再請不吝指教于留言下方
Uncle Hai, brother, I share my experience, of course, thank you to the Internet for allowing us to meet again. When I left school, when I was about 20 years old, I had the feeling that the old school course was really problematic, scattered, vague, and laborious, and it was also based on the fact that there were not many places to use in my later life, after all, the vocabulary I often encountered was just a few hundred words... But for the sake of scores, you can really only grit your teeth Seeing this, there will probably be a certain ethnic group that will misunderstand that the younger brother has no intention of studying, but in fact, the younger brother is in a state of mind I can't say I'm not interested at all.,But I don't hate to know this.,There are also dead memorization methods.,Coherence method.,Homonym method.,Eye image method.。。。 No matter what you study, there will be difficulties, but why do others succeed? The difference lies in finding the right way to follow the right people, and sometimes you are lucky enough to meet people who are willing to dissect and share their experiences. In terms of method, the first thing is to find the use, then think of the words that may be used, and then lock the sentence structure, and combine the appropriate associations and concatenation with dialogue. Only by working hard from these aspects can we meet the amount of preparatory items that we need at the moment. Probably so. If you are destined to add, please don't hesitate to advise below the message