通过下方链接,可以加入海叔英语训练营: https://brywg.xetlk.com/s/uZ22U 入营后,即可查看到助教老师的微信,她会拉你进入微信学习群。也可以添加海叔微信:Canada9969
Through the link below, you can join Uncle Hai's English Training Camp: https://brywg.xetlk.com/s/uZ22U After entering the camp, you can view the WeChat of the teaching assistant teacher, and she will pull you into the WeChat learning group. You can also add Uncle Hai's WeChat: Canada9969
对的海叔!如果是成年后学一种新的语言,一定要有积极的意识学习(active learning)和深入思考语言的逻辑和词汇的关系才可能进步,如果要在短时间进步神速,必须在学习当儿尽量完全进入语言状况,最好不碰本身母语。我二十多年年前考雅思申请英国加拿大奖学金读研,用了三个多月自习语言,天天读Reader's Digest, BBC News,National Geography, 每天完成IELTS备考习题,完全不碰本身母语。就这样从雅思5.5分跨越到8分,最后拿到加拿大名校奖学金读了两个研究学位。
That's right, Uncle Hai! If you want to learn a new language as an adult, you must have active learning and think deeply about the logic of the language and the relationship between vocabulary in order to progress. More than 20 years ago, I took the IELTS to apply for a United Kingdom Canada scholarship for graduate school, and spent more than three months studying the language on my own, reading Reader's Digest, BBC News, and National Geography every day, and completing IELTS preparation exercises every day, without touching my native language at all. In this way, I crossed from IELTS 5.5 to 8, and finally got a scholarship from a prestigious Canada university to study for two research degrees.
我今年80,自學英文20年,一是有興趣,二是怕失智,74歲通過英語導遊考試,為了加強聽說能力,平日大量閱讀各種資訊,並收看英語視頻,遇到老外主動交談,別害羞更別怕說錯,因為知道多,可深談,最後變成朋友,對於英語聽說助益非淺. Language learning is a journey of accumulation, not an instant transformation.
I am 80 years this year, self-taught English for 20 years, one is interested, the other is afraid of dementia, 74 years old through the English tour guide exam, in order to strengthen the ability to listen and speak, a lot of reading a variety of information on weekdays, and watch English videos, meet foreigners to take the initiative to talk, don't be shy and don't be afraid to say wrong, because you know more, you can talk deeply, and finally become a friend, for English listening and speaking is very helpful. Language learning is a journey of accumulation, not an instant transformation.
非常有道理,学语言真的要找到自己合适的方法,我学了一辈子哑巴英语,到头来时间浪费了,还打击了自信心。现在正在努力学德语,也系统学了一通,基本也是和英语一样的命运,但生活中交流没问题。从去年九月开始,自我认知起了革命,专攻读新闻和听力,每天在自己舒适区的边缘学语言,4,5个月下来,基本可以听懂德语广播。打算再接再厉,一年攻破德语,后年开始,用同一种方法,捡起我可怜的英语,毕竟学了一辈子的英语,不忍放弃。 顺便说一句:和德语比起来,英语真的是太太太可爱了,德语真的折磨人。
It makes a lot of sense, you really have to find your own suitable way to learn a language, I have been learning dumb English all my life, and in the end I have wasted time and hit my self-confidence. Now I'm trying to learn German, and I've learned it systematically, and it's basically the same fate as English, but it's okay to communicate in life. Since September last year, I have been in a revolution in self-awareness, specializing in journalism and listening, learning the language on the edge of my comfort zone every day, and after 4 or 5 months, I can basically understand German radio. I plan to make persistent efforts, break the German language in one year, and start the next year, and use the same method to pick up my poor English, after all, I have learned English all my life and can't bear to give up. By the way: compared to German, English is really too cute, and German is really tormenting.
海叔好 弟弟我分享我的經歷,當然先感謝網路讓我們再次相遇。 在我脫離學校,大概20歲的時候,我就有感覺,舊制的學程,是真的有問題,分散,模糊,吃力,也基於爾後生活中用到的地方不多,畢竟常遇到的字彙也就是那幾百個詞而已... 但為了分數,真的也只能咬牙切齒的 看到這裡大概會有某族群會誤解弟弟是無心唸書,而實際上弟弟心境上確認 不能說完全沒興趣,但也不討厭認識這門,其中也有曾用死背法,連貫法,諧音法,眼像法。。。 無論學習什麼門,一定有會遇到的難處,但為何其他人能成?差別在于找到方法跟對的人,有時也會幸運的遇到願意剖析分享的經驗者。 方法上首要,要先找到用途,然後發想可能會用到的詞彙,再來鎖定句型,適當的聯想與串聯結合對話。從這些面向去下功夫,才是能因應本身時下所需的預備項目量。大概是這樣。 如有緣人能補充再請不吝指教于留言下方
Uncle Hai, brother, I share my experience, of course, thank you to the Internet for allowing us to meet again. When I left school, when I was about 20 years old, I had the feeling that the old school course was really problematic, scattered, vague, and laborious, and it was also based on the fact that there were not many places to use in my later life, after all, the vocabulary I often encountered was just a few hundred words... But for the sake of scores, you can really only grit your teeth Seeing this, there will probably be a certain ethnic group that will misunderstand that the younger brother has no intention of studying, but in fact, the younger brother is in a state of mind I can't say I'm not interested at all.,But I don't hate to know this.,There are also dead memorization methods.,Coherence method.,Homonym method.,Eye image method.。。。 No matter what you study, there will be difficulties, but why do others succeed? The difference lies in finding the right way to follow the right people, and sometimes you are lucky enough to meet people who are willing to dissect and share their experiences. In terms of method, the first thing is to find the use, then think of the words that may be used, and then lock the sentence structure, and combine the appropriate associations and concatenation with dialogue. Only by working hard from these aspects can we meet the amount of preparatory items that we need at the moment. Probably so. If you are destined to add, please don't hesitate to advise below the message
13:00語音輸入法 13:35共同話題 19:30 24:28 讀繪本 24:41 句子夠多 26:42 精讀 27:58 朗誦 28:31 大量閱讀 儘快讀 小測驗 29:35 沒有興趣 30:06 成人的英語是工具 30:44 聊新聞 30:52生活英語就是用口語串聯一系列中年感興趣的事或嚴肅的事 31:49 輸出的內容才重要 32:58 腦子要有貨才能和別人交流 36:02 學語法前先有足夠的積疊 36:59 看不董直接中英對照,唸順就換下一句 37:30輸出不了。直接寫中文問ChatGPT英文 39:14 人工智能為對像,比較好開口 40:30 人工智能就是用前一個字猜下一個字是什麼。用前一句話猜下一句語是什麼 41:12 用AI關鍵字的音,音很重要 每天每篇800-1200字
13:00 Voice input method 13:35 Common topic 19:30 24:28 - reading picture books 24:41 Enough sentences 26:42 Intensive reading 27:58 Recitation 28:31 Read a lot Read as soon as possible quiz 29:35 No interest 30:06 English for adults is the tool 30:44 Talking about the news 30:52 Living English is to use spoken language to connect a series of middle-aged interests or serious things 31:49 The output is important 32:58 The brain must be in stock to communicate with others 36:02 Enough stacking before learning grammar 36:59 Seeing that Dong is directly comparing Chinese and English, he will change the next sentence with Nian Shun 37:30 can't be output. Write Chinese directly and ask ChatGPT in English 39:14 Artificial intelligence is the object, it is easier to speak 40:30 Artificial intelligence is all about guessing what the next word will be with the previous word. Use the previous sentence to guess what the next sentence is 41:12 With the sound of AI keywords, sound is very important 800-1200 words per essay per day
其实一门语言学会,主要部分不是通过课本,而是通过生活的体验。你看小孩子从小就学会说话了,他们也没看书啊。上学的课本只是学会了思考,学会的是抽象的思维方式。让你在语言的表达上更加的深入、复杂,但是,基本的语言表达和对文化、生活的体验是通过生活感知到的。 我们有一个错误的认识,就是认为一门语言是从书本上学会的,我看了很多记忆方面的书,发现真正能让人容易大量记住的就是形象的东西,抽象的东西很难记住,也没有必要记住。而课本的文章就是很抽象的东西,这违背了人的天性,有些记忆力好的,也是想象力很强的人,他们会把抽象的东西想象成形象的东西,这样效率会很高。 所以,学习英语的关键,是要了解背后的生活场景、文化等形象的东西,多去感知背后的内容才不容易遗忘,知识点去发散、延伸,多些联结的知识,会更容易记住,单词绝对不应该花大量时间背诵,轻声读几遍,写几遍,主动做这些动作大致就记住了,然后对其含义的理解只是知道中文意思是没用的,要多放在文章里,最好是时下的新闻里或你感兴趣的领域,比如你喜欢足球,你就关注这方面的东西 ,看相关的英文文章,利于你的理解,一旦文章读通了,多读几遍,多听几遍,单词就不容易遗忘,大致还能感知到怎么用。
In fact, the main part of learning a language is not through textbooks, but through life experience. You see, children learn to speak from an early age, and they don't read. The textbooks in school only learned to think, and what I learned was an abstract way of thinking. It makes your language expression more in-depth and complex, but the basic language expression and the experience of culture and life are perceived through life. We have a misconception that a language is learned from books, and I have read a lot of books on memory, and I found that what can really make it easy for people to remember a lot is the figurative things, and the abstract things are difficult to remember, and there is no need to remember. And textbook articles are very abstract things, which goes against human nature, some people with good memory and strong imagination will imagine abstract things as figurative things, so it will be very efficient. Therefore, the key to learning English is to understand the life scene, culture and other image things behind it, to perceive the content behind it is not easy to forget, knowledge points to diverge, extend, more connected knowledge, will be easier to remember, words should never spend a lot of time memorizing, read softly a few times, write a few times, take the initiative to do these actions to roughly remember, and then the understanding of its meaning is only to know that the Chinese meaning is useless, to put more in the article, preferably in the current news or your field of interest, For example, if you like football, you pay attention to this aspect of things, read relevant English articles, which is conducive to your understanding, once the article is read through, read it a few times, listen to it a few times, the words are not easy to forget, and you can roughly perceive how to use them.
老師所講解就是我是我当年年轻时去上英文课程花了大钱,自己一点也听不進去,后来我给自己大声读報纸,观看有英文字目的电影,边听也跟着英文字目读, 这才把英语慢慢講的進步
What the teacher explained was that I spent a lot of money on English courses when I was young, and I couldn't listen to them at all, but then I read the newspaper aloud to myself, watched movies with English characters, and read along with the English words while listening, so that I gradually improved my English
说得太对了, 在丹麦这边 母语是丹麦语, 好多孩子和大人 的英语都非常好。 他们就是看YouTube很多, 看英文电影很多。 就自然积累了很多词汇。根本就没有背单词这个概念, 上课就主要是各种项目
That's right, on the Denmark side, the mother tongue is Denmark, and a lot of kids and adults speak very good English. They just watch a lot of YouTube, they watch a lot of English movies. Naturally, I accumulated a lot of vocabulary. There is no concept of memorizing words at all, and the class is mainly about various projects
Speaking of reason, I started learning at the age of 42 from scratch, and then took online classes, and then listened to various learning methods, and then tried one by one, but in the end the effect was very slow, and it took a little way to really find a method that suited me, maybe rote memorization would be useful for others, but for me it was a punishment, which directly led to my depression, and finally I felt that it was very important to use, even if it started from a very simple point️ It is also a way to cultivate your musical logical thinking, learning because I don't think it's English, but logical methods, culture, their way of thinking is different from ours. I'm still groping for a slow refueling, slowly climbing and then accumulating little by little. Good results will be obtained
“你知道吗“也曾经是我的口头禅。有一天朋友告诉我才意思到。 大量的使用才是学语言的王道。忘掉学英语,而是用英语学别的东西。
"You know what" used to be my mantra as well. One day, my friend told me that I realized it. A lot of use is the king of learning a language. Forget about learning English and use it to learn something else.
學英語或外語都很複雜, 我是70多歲老人了, 小學四年級起有英語課, 中學起每星期只有幾節課, 教的是以閱讀和寫作為主, 聽及講能力可說是甚弱, 這樣環境下是必然的。出來工作後不斷再自學和工作上需要對外交流, 慢慢就能和外國人溝通了。但是真要和各式各樣外國人溝通還是顯得不能稱心如意, 這主要是除了語言隔閡外, 不擅長交際, 不懂專業, 沒有廣泛通識等等造成的。就算是遇到都說母語的陌生人, 也不知如何展開話題。另外, 很多視頻或英語老師總是說要培養用英語思考的習慣, 不要在腦子把中文翻譯成英語才說出來, 我覺得不對勁, 應該是絕大多數人都是遇到已經很熟悉的英語都會不假思索地對答如流; 只有在不知道如何用英語表達某種情況時才會把中文接近的意思用英語翻譯出來; 這情況就如母語是英語的人覺得難以恰當地表達時也用他的母語(英語) 詞彙思考和組織起來才說得清楚一樣。
Learning English or a foreign language is very complicated, I am in my 70s, I have English classes since the fourth grade of primary school, and there are only a few classes a week since middle school, and the teaching is mainly reading and writing, and the listening and speaking skills can be said to be very weak, so it is inevitable in such an environment. After coming out of work, I continued to study on my own and communicate with foreign countries at work, and I was able to communicate with foreigners slowly. However, it is still unsatisfactory to communicate with all kinds of foreigners, which is mainly caused by the language barrier, not being good at communicating, not understanding the profession, and not having extensive general knowledge. Even if you meet a stranger who speaks your native language, you don't know how to start a conversation. In addition, many video or English teachers always say that you should cultivate the habit of thinking in English, don't translate Chinese into English in your head before saying it, I think something is wrong, it should be that the vast majority of people are already familiar with English will answer without thinking; Only when you don't know how to express a situation in English will the meaning of Chinese proximity be translated into English; This is the same as when a native English speaker finds it difficult to express himself appropriately, he uses his native (English) vocabulary to think and organize to speak clearly.
It is very useful, to get the information you want through English, and to read more books, such as English books for biology majors if you are a biology major. If you want to read English classics and read them that you are interested in, if you can't read them, it will be difficult to read them, so you will be downgraded to read them. Like reading Chinese, 4th grade children can only read 4th grade books, and if they read more 4th grade books, they can read more difficult books if they go up in level.
好幸运 能在需要学习英语的时候刷到了海哥 谢谢。我也在新西兰
I'm so lucky that I was able to brush up on Brother Hai when I need to learn English, thank you. I'm also in New Zealand
While watching Uncle Hai's video, I had the urge to cry, I said it too well, the key is to say it very to the point, we Chinese are actually poisoned when learning English, and the method is very wrong.
This is all exam-oriented education set by the Education Bureau of Shangzeng, and the upper class of society has the resources and connections to make it easy for their children to master this language, and it is difficult for the lower class to break through without these resource circles. I learn English every day by myself to use the application to listen, speak, read and write, I am using English all day long, exposure to new English knowledge, accumulate a certain amount of time, I will master the language, I don't need to study for so many years, 2~4 months is equivalent to the level of students in English-speaking countries.
1. 醉翁之意不在酒的学英语,通过做 “带有英语” 的任务来,顺带的把英语学了,比如编程,全英文的软件工具,看英文的小说,新闻,媒体,告诉自己你的目的是为了看懂新闻,会用工具
1. The drunkard does not mean to learn English in alcohol, but by doing tasks with English, he learns English by the way, such as programming, software tools in English, reading English novels, news, and media, and telling yourself that your purpose is to understand the news and use tools
To think of language as an instinct is to underestimate the difficulty. We are constantly practicing our mother tongue every day, and we don't necessarily master it fluently, we often have grammatical errors, we often can't think of suitable words, and we think for a long time for a suitable sentence structure.
You are a very practical teacher, bless you!
I rarely comment, I think what Uncle Hai said is very reasonable, just like you said at the beginning, a good way is to adapt to the majority of people, not a few people's successful methods