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Is your company prioritizing accessibility in its product releases?

To what degree does your company emphasize accessibility in its product releases? That’s the question we asked the Intuit® Developer community in our Twitter poll for May, and we were excited to see that 32.2% of our 1,183 respondents put accessible web design first. Interestingly, “We don’t emphasize it” came in second with 25.9% and “Deploy fixes as needed” at 22.8%. “Just starting our journey” trailed behind at 19.1%.
貴公司在其產品發布中在多大程度上強調可訪問性?這是我們在 5 月的 Twitter 民意調查中向 Intuit® 開發者社群提出的問題,我們很高興地看到 1,183 名受訪者中有 32.2% 將無障礙網頁設計放在第一位。有趣的是,「我們不強調這一點」位居第二,佔 25.9%,「根據需要部署修復」佔 22.8%。 「剛開始我們的旅程」落後於 19.1%。

It’s no secret that Intuit champions accessible web design. It’s also no secret that we believe every user benefits, as well as every company and developer that makes accessibility a priority.
Intuit 倡議無障礙網頁設計已不是什麼秘密。眾所周知,我們相信每個用戶以及每個將可訪問性作為優先事項的公司和開發人員都會受益。

Accessible web design for everyone

According to a 2018 CDC infographic, 26% of adults in the U.S. have some type of disability. The infographic breaks down the disabilities into several categories, including mobility, cognition, independent living, hearing, vision, and self-care. According to The World Bank, “One billion people, or 15% of the world’s population, experience some form of disability.” No matter how you cut it, this is a lot of people who rely on accommodations to help them get through the day.
根據 2018 年 CDC 資訊圖,美國 26% 的成年人患有某種類型的殘疾。此資訊圖表將殘疾分為幾類,包括行動能力、認知、獨立生活、聽力、視力和自我照顧。據世界銀行稱,“10 億人,即世界人口的 15%,患有某種形式的殘疾。”無論你如何看待,很多人都依靠住宿來度過一天。

When an application doesn’t take their disability into account, they are forced to create time-consuming, laborious workarounds. For example, one Intuit customer reached out to us via our accessibility feedback mechanism. She was unable to put her availability into a TSheets (now QuickBooks® Time) schedule, and had to email her boss every week just to do her job. She was unsurprisingly frustrated with the situation.
當應用程式沒有考慮到他們的殘疾時,他們就被迫創建耗時、費力的解決方法。例如,一位 Intuit 客戶透過我們的無障礙回饋機制與我們聯繫。她無法將自己的空閒時間納入 TSheets(現在的 QuickBooks® Time)日程表中,並且必須每周向老闆發送電子郵件才能完成工作。毫不奇怪,她對這種情況感到沮喪。

Intuit coordinated a Follow Me Home, a program created by co-founder Scott Cook in 1983 that allows Intuit staff to observe customers using our product in real time. We found that she was using her keyboard and JAWS, a screen reader, to navigate. Our local accessibility team corrected the feature and removed the barrier.
Intuit 協調了「Follow Me Home」項目,該項目由聯合創始人 Scott Cook 於 1983 年創建,讓 Intuit 員工可以即時觀察客戶使用我們產品的情況。我們發現她正在使用鍵盤和 JAWS(螢幕閱讀器)進行導航。我們當地的無障礙團隊糾正了該功能並消除了障礙。

Intuit’s Julie Elliott, a principal user experience researcher, wrote about the experience in Solve for One – Extend to Many. “The customer’s journey was an incredible experience to see. From watching their struggle to creating a solution, their delight was extremely rewarding to our team.
Intuit 的首席使用者體驗研究員 Julie Elliott 在《Solve for One – Extend to Many》一書中講述了這一體驗。 「客戶的旅程是一次令人難以置信的體驗。從觀看他們的掙扎到創建解決方案,他們的喜悅對我們的團隊來說是極大的回報。

“We originally set out to remove a barrier for one customer, but we found that many other users discovered they could manage their schedule with a keyboard for the first time,” she continued. “The success for one became a success for more than 6,000 unique customers!”
「我們最初打算為一位客戶消除障礙,但我們發現許多其他用戶發現他們第一次可以使用鍵盤管理他們的日程安排,」她繼續說道。 “一個人的成功成為了 6,000 多名獨特客戶的成功!”

This story is just one of many exemplifying why accessibility matters. Though it was rewarding to fix a problem, it’s even more rewarding when a potential barrier is recognized and addressed before it becomes a problem. The idea of “measure twice, cut once” applies to more than carpentry. Just as checking measurements before cutting wood saves the carpenter from having to cut again, and spending more time and money on something after the fact, accessible web design will do the same for developers—minus the cutting wood part.
這個故事只是說明為何可訪問性如此重要的眾多故事之一。雖然解決問題是值得的,但當潛在障礙在成為問題之前被識別並解決時,它會更有價值。 「測量兩次,切割一次」的想法不僅適用於木工。正如在切割木材之前檢查尺寸可以讓木匠不必再次切割,並在事後花費更多的時間和金錢一樣,可訪問的網頁設計也將為開發人員做同樣的事情 - 減去切割木材的部分。

The benefits of making accessibility a priority include ensuring that every user can use the product easily and efficiently. The developer won’t have to go back and fix an issue that may cost them time, effort, and money; and the product will appeal to a wider—and very appreciative—audience.

Championing accessible web design

Intuit Sr. Software Engineer and Boise Site Accessibility Lead Josh Harrison explains in Lessons Learned from an Intuit Accessibility Champion that Intuit’s championing of accessible web design is intentional, and another facet of our mission to power prosperity around the world while fostering inclusivity.
Intuit 高級軟體工程師兼博伊西網站無障礙主管Josh Harrison 在Intuit 無障礙冠軍的經驗教訓中解釋道,Intuit 對無障礙網頁設計的支持是有意為之,也是我們推動全球繁榮、同時促進包容性使命的另一個面向。

He writes, “Accessibility is a natural fit for Intuit’s mission of financial empowerment. Our products are more than web, desktop, and mobile applications—they’re tools that enable people to lead independent financial lives. The Intuit Accessibility team is dedicated to making sure that our products reach everyone, regardless of their physical, sensory, or cognitive ability.”
他寫道:「可訪問性與 Intuit 的金融賦權使命自然契合。我們的產品不僅僅是網路、桌面和行動應用程序,它們是幫助人們過上獨立財務生活的工具。 Intuit Accessibility 團隊致力於確保我們的產品惠及每個人,無論他們的身體、感官或認知能力如何。

After his first web app failed an accessibility audit in 2015, Josh spent his time learning about, and advocating for, accessibility. He has worked hard to impart the lessons he’s learned, which include the importance of designing for accessibility up front, thinking through UI from the perspective of those who depend on assistive tech (such as using just the keyboard or using a screen reader), getting back to HTML basics (for example, using the HTML elements for the purpose they were designed for), and focusing on web accessibility principles (POUR: Perceivable, Operable, Understandable, Robust).
2015 年,他的第一個 Web 應用程式未能通過可訪問性審核後,喬許 (Josh) 將時間花在了學習和倡導可訪問性上。他努力傳授他所學到的經驗教訓,其中包括預先設計可訪問性的重要性、從依賴輔助技術(例如僅使用鍵盤或使用螢幕閱讀器)的人的角度思考 UI、回到HTML 基礎知識(例如,將HTML 元素用於其設計目的),並專注於Web 可訪問性原則(POUR:可感知、可操作、可理解、穩健)。

As developers design their applications, the first question that comes to mind should be “Who is my audience?” We believe the answer is “everybody,” which includes 26% of the U.S. population and 15% of the global population who have some type of disability.
當開發人員設計他們的應用程式時,首先想到的問題應該是“我的受眾是誰?”我們認為答案是“所有人”,其中包括 26% 的美國人口和 15% 的全球人口患有某種類型的殘疾。

Intuit has created a series of informative articles we hope will encourage developers and companies to jump on board with accessible web design:
Intuit 創建了一系列內容豐富的文章,我們希望能夠鼓勵開發人員和公司採用無障礙網頁設計:

Intuit’s Global Accessibility Leader Ted Drake puts it best: “Our goal, as developers, is to build products that reach the largest possible audience. We create delightful experiences. We take pride in developing software that is maintainable, fast, secure, and private. To accomplish this, we must recognize the core importance of accessibility, because you can’t accomplish the other goals without it.”
Intuit 的全球無障礙領導者 Ted Drake 說得最好:「作為開發人員,我們的目標是建立能夠覆蓋盡可能多受眾的產品。我們創造令人愉快的體驗。我們為開發可維護、快速、安全和私密的軟體而感到自豪。為了實現這一目標,我們必須認識到可訪問性的核心重要性,因為沒有它,你就無法實現其他目標。


