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let yourself live  让自己活下去

Chapter 6: 6


this chapter mentions paintings, so I advise you to look them up on the internet


thanks to my friend legushka who edited it. ily!!
感谢我的朋友 legushka 进行了编辑。爱你!!


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(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text 章节正文

Sae looks at Kaiser and is silent for a while (assessing him as Isagi might think) before nodding to himself and extending his hand. 
Sae 看着 Kaiser,沉默片刻(仿佛在 Isagi 看来是在评估他),然后自顾自地点点头,伸出手来。


"Nice to meet you, Kaiser. I’m Itoshi Sae." 
很高兴见到你,Kaiser。我是Itoshi Sae。


Kaiser is still a little nervous from this encounter and the appraising glance holds out his hand in response. 
Kaiser 仍因这次相遇而略显紧张,他回应着那审视的目光,伸出手来。


"Likewise. Michael is okay." 
"彼此彼此。Michael 还好。"


Isagi watches the scene trying to figure out how it all goes down but something about Sae's demeanour reassures him. 
Isagi 观察着这一幕,试图弄清楚事情的来龙去脉,但Sae的举止让他感到安心。


"Goin’ to take a taxi?" 


"No," answers Isagi and immediately explains, "Michael has a car." 
"不," Isagi 回答道,并立即解释说,"Michael有车。"


Sae seems pleased with that and now fully inspects Isagi. He can't be blamed for that.  
Sae 对此似乎很满意,现在开始仔细打量 Isagi。这不能怪他。


"Come on Sae, spit it out, I know what you're thinking." He can only smile at that.  
“来吧 Sae,说出来,我知道你在想什么。”他对此只能报以微笑。


"You've lost weight."  “你瘦了。”


Kaiser looks with interest. He hasn't known Isagi that long and hasn't seen any old photos of him, so he doesn't know how his illness has changed him.  
Kaiser 饶有兴趣地看着。他认识 Isagi 不久,也没见过他以前的照片,所以不清楚他的病情是如何改变他的。


"No wonder. I'm on a strict diet. If you gain a few extra pounds, you have someone to turn to." He winks and it lightens the mood a bit. "Shall we?" 
"难怪。我正在严格控制饮食。要是体重增加几磅,还有个人可以求助。" 他眨了眨眼,气氛稍微轻松了些。"我们走吧?"


They walk out of the airport towards the car park while Isagi asks him how his flight went. Kaiser observes this, noting with interest how Isagi is behaving with his friend. He looks... Relaxed. They get into the car - Sae in the back seat - and pull out, paying for a parking space at the exit. 
他们走出机场,朝停车场走去,Isagi 询问他的航班情况。Kaiser 观察着这一切,注意到 Isagi 与朋友相处时的举止,看起来...很放松。他们上了车——Sae 坐在后座——驶出停车场,在出口处支付了停车费。


"So," Sae begins, "where are we going?"  
"那么," Sae 开口问道,"我们去哪儿?"


"It's up to you. If you need anything at the hotel to put your bag or shower, we can stop by. If that's alright, then I suggest breakfast? We didn't eat this morning on purpose." 


"Come on, Isagi, that wasn't necessary," Sae replies, but you can tell by his smile that he's pleased. "Well, the flight wasn't tiring, so we can go eat right away. Honestly I'm hungry." 
"哎,Isagi,没必要这样," Sae 回答,但从他的笑容可以看出他很高兴。"嗯,飞行并不累,所以我们可以直接去吃。老实说,我饿了。"


"Then it's decided," Isagi replies and turns to Kaiser, finally bringing him into the conversation, "Micha, do you know where we can stop by?"  
"那就这么定了," Isagi 回答道,转向 Kaiser,终于把他拉进了对话,"Micha,你知道我们可以在哪里停留一下吗?"


Kaiser thinks briefly before answering:  
Kaiser 略作思考后回答:


"Yeah, nearby the centre is a small restaurant. I think that's a good option."  


The others have no reason to disagree, so the choice is made. 


"Michael," Sae begins, "Yoichi has told me almost nothing about you. Will you tell me something about yourself?"  
“Michael,” Sae 开口道,“Yoichi 几乎没跟我提过你。你能跟我说说你自己吗?”


Kaiser turns to Isagi in feigned horror and pouts his lips.  
Kaiser 转向 Isagi,装出惊恐的样子,噘起了嘴。


"Why didn't you say anything about me, sweet Yoichi?" 


Isagi laughs and nudges him lightly on the shoulder - weakly enough not to interfere with his driving.  


"So you won't be so smug."  


"Well, I'm 19."  Kaiser begins." "I'm originally from Munich and have lived there most of my life. I also finished school there, I'm not studying anywhere at the moment, but I think I will next year."  
"嗯,我 19 岁。" Kaiser 开始说道,"我原本来自慕尼黑,在那里度过了大部分人生。我也在那里完成了学业,目前没有在任何地方学习,但我想明年会开始。"


"Where?"  "去哪儿?"


"I don't know, to be honest. So far the best option seems to be finance." Kaiser looks thoughtful as if he wants to add something else but hesitates. "But I still have time to decide that".  
"老实说,我不知道。到目前为止,金融似乎是最好的选择。" Kaiser 若有所思,仿佛还想补充些什么但又犹豫了,"不过我还有时间决定。"


"Do you travel a lot?"  


"Sometimes." Kaiser nods. "I was in Spain two years ago by the way. Madrid is merciless to delicate skin." 
"偶尔。" Kaiser 点头道,"顺便说一句,两年前我在西班牙。马德里对娇嫩的皮肤可不友好。"


Isagi laughs imagining a red and disgruntled Michael.  
Isagi 笑着想象着 Michael 红着脸生气的样子。


"Not that I've spent much time here, but Berlin is not as cold as I imagined." Sae comments. 
"并非我在此久留,但柏林的寒冷并未如我所想那般。" Sae 评论道。


"There are good days here. But it's a northern city, in fact it often gets cold here."  


"It's warmer in Munich than here." Isagi says to which Kaiser nods his head in agreement. He asks: 
"慕尼黑比这里暖和。" Isagi 说道,Kaiser 点头表示赞同。他问道:


"Are the weather conditions very different in Japan?"  


Both Japanese men ponder before Sae replies.  


"I don't know about Germany but in Spain summer and autumn are definitely hotter. I haven't been there in winter, but I bet it's also warmer than Japan's." 


"I haven't lived here that long, so I have nothing to compare it to. All I can say is that autumn is pretty much the same, but something tells me winter will be cold."  


"Sae, what do you do?" 


"Football. Playing for Real." He pronounces it as an everyday occurrence, but Isagi knows Sae is pleased with his state of affairs.  
"踢足球,为皇马效力。" 他轻描淡写地说,但Isagi知道Sae对自己的现状颇为满意。


"What?!" Kaiser looks really flabbergasted and Isagi only laughs about it.  
"什么?!" Kaiser 看起来非常震惊,而 Isagi 只是对此笑了起来。


"Yeah, that's the reason Sae moved to Spain." Sae nods in agreement and elaborates on the subject. 
"是啊,这就是 Sae 搬到西班牙的原因。" Sae 点头表示同意,并详细阐述了这个话题。


"I was invited when I was fourteen, but I decided to give the Japanese team a chance. It was a terrible decision. But at least I got to spend a lot of time with Yoichi." He smiles at Isagi and sees the smile return.  
"我十四岁时被邀请,但我决定给日本队一个机会。那是个糟糕的决定。但至少我能和 Yoichi 共度很多时光。" 他对着 Isagi 微笑,看到对方也回以微笑。


"You still have plenty of time to play for another country." Isagi replies and turns to Kaiser. "He's a very good player. In fact, he's one of the top under 20 players in the world, he's just being modest."  
"你还有大把时间可以为另一个国家效力。" Isagi 回复道,转向 Kaiser。"他是个非常出色的球员。实际上,他是全球 20 岁以下顶尖球员之一,只是比较谦虚罢了。"


"Sae, that's impressive! What position are you in?" 


"Midfielder."   "中场。"


"You told me you found a new player, what do you think of him?" Isagi asks recalling their phone conversation.  
"你跟我说找到了一个新玩家,你觉得他怎么样?" Isagi 回想起他们的电话交谈问道。


"I'll say the same as last time. Demon. Between you and me he's a bit crazy and as chaotic as possible but his game is something." 


"Where did you two even meet?" Sae blushes a little which piques Isagi's interest, but he tells his nonetheless.  
"你们俩到底在哪儿碰上的?" Sae 微微脸红,这引起了 Isagi 的兴趣,但他还是如实相告。


"We just bumped into each other on the street when he recognized me and offered to play together. I'm not an idiot to agree to play with a random man from the street, so I declined but he offered to bet." 


"Which one?" Apparently, Kaiser was most interested in this part. Isagi isn't surprised by this knowing boy's love of mischief. Sae smiles remembering their first meeting. 


"He said that if he made me pay for it in the café we should play. I thought it was strange and I didn't see how he could do it but I thought it was interesting, so I agreed. He took me to a nearby café and started telling me about himself, that he had moved to Spain too and was playing football, but he had no worthy opponents. It amused me at the time, I thought he was just arrogant." Isagi snorted and squinted at Kaiser. He knows a great example of an arrogant man, but Kaiser even likes it. "Later I realised how wrong I was. A bad habit of underestimating people. Anyway, we finished our drinks and when I looked at him hinting that he should fulfil his part of the argument and he just smiled and called for the waiter. Do you know what he did?" Sae pauses for a moment before continuing. "He took my wallet out of his pocket and paid for the order."  
他说如果在咖啡馆让我买单,我们就应该玩一局。我觉得这很奇怪,不知道他怎么做到的,但我觉得挺有趣,就同意了。他带我去了一家附近的咖啡馆,开始告诉我他的事,说他也是搬到西班牙来踢足球的,但没有值得较量的对手。当时我觉得他挺好笑,以为他只是自大。Isagi 哼了一声,眯眼看着 Kaiser。他知道一个自大狂的典型例子,但 Kaiser 甚至喜欢这样。“后来我意识到自己错得离谱。低估人的坏习惯。总之,我们喝完了饮料,我暗示他该履行赌约,他只是笑了笑,叫来服务员。你们知道他做了什么吗?”Sae 停顿了一下继续说,“他从口袋里拿出我的钱包,付了账单。”


"What?!" Isagi and Kaiser laugh out loud but look surprised. "How did he do that?"  
“什么?!”Isagi 和 Kaiser 大笑出声,但看起来很惊讶。“他是怎么做到的?”


"I still don't know. He said he'd tell me if I let him move in with me. But I decided it was too dangerous to make another deal with a demon. We played that day after all." 


"You seem very pleased with this find." Remarks Isagi. Sae only smiles enigmatically.  


"He impressed me. So I asked the captain to invite him to play with the rest of the team. He's got quite... unacceptable behaviour for the most part but they liked his game. Now he's on probation at Real Madrid.” 


"What's his name?"   “他叫什么名字?”


"Shidou Ryusei."  "士道龙圣。"


"Japanese?" Isagi seems surprised by this fact. Even though Sae once played for Japan he did not recognise football in that country.  
"日本人?" Isagi 似乎对此感到惊讶。尽管 Sae 曾为日本队效力,却对那里的足球并不熟悉。


"Small world." Sae simply replies and shrugs his shoulders. 
"真是巧了。" Sae 简单地回应道,耸了耸肩。


They drove up to the restaurant Kaiser was talking about and got out of the car. Nothing special at first glance. It is a small but beautiful building. It's not flashy but and it doesn't look cheap. Kaiser opens the door for Isagi and goes in after him. Sae comes last watching the pair with interest. 


They chose a table by the window. It's well lit, and the sun doesn't glare. Isagi picks up the menu.  


"Wow." He says flipping through it.  


"What?" The other guys inquire.  


"Oh, nothing, sorry. It's just that there's vegetables and steamed duck, I think it should be delicious." 


Sae isn't used to the way Isagi's diet has changed so isn't sure how he should react, while Kaiser claps his hands cheerfully.  
Sae 还不习惯 Isagi 饮食的变化,不确定该如何反应,而 Kaiser 则开心地拍手。


"Wonderful, Yoichi! I'll be sure to cook for you sometime. It's delicious here but I promise mine will be better." Kaiser winks and Isagi laughs at him.  
"太好了,Yoichi!改天我一定给你做顿饭。这里的食物虽然美味,但我保证我的会更胜一筹。" Kaiser 眨眼示意,Isagi 则在一旁笑他。


"You seem to be more excited than me."  


"I'm just glad that you can eat well." Kaiser simply replies as if it's not a phrase that makes Isagi falls in love even more. 
"我只是高兴你能吃得开心。" Kaiser 简单地回答,仿佛这句话并未让 Isagi 更加倾心。


A waiter approaches them, and they order. Ragu for Sae, baked potato and meat for Kaiser. Isagi also asks to not add spices to his food because he's not sure what to put in it. Everyone except Kaiser takes the tea because Kaiser will die if he doesn't drink his disgustingly sweet coffee and the waiter leaves. 


"Isagi, you never told me how you met."   


"Oh, it was nothing special. It's just that someone was really annoying."  


"And charming."   “而且迷人。”


"And charming." Isagi repeated reluctantly. "But it was actually on the field."  
“而且迷人。”Isagi 不情愿地重复道。“但那实际上是在球场上。”


"Are you still playing?" Sae raises an eyebrow unsure if he should mention the doctor's ban in front of Kaiser. 
“你还在打球吗?”Sae 挑了挑眉,不确定是否该在Kaiser面前提及医生的禁令。


"Yes, but not as much. Barely been on the field once in the last week though. I've been distracted." Isagi squints at Kaiser hinting at his guilt but he looks too pleased. 
“是的,但没那么频繁。过去一周里几乎没上过场。我分心了。” Isagi 眯眼看着 Kaiser,暗示着自己的内疚,但他的表情太过得意。


"But you're not complaining." He replies with a smile, placing his chin on his palm. Isagi sighs.  
“但你并没有抱怨。” 他笑着回答,下巴搁在手掌上。Isagi 叹了口气。


"But I'm not complaining." 


Sae observes their interactions trying to understand how far their relationship has come. The marks on Kaiser's neck were quite eloquent in stating that physical intimacy was no stranger to them, but he doesn't realise how close they really are. Although Isagi looks as if he has never felt more comfortable in his life. 
Sae 观察着他们的互动,试图理解他们的关系已经发展到何种程度。Kaiser 脖子上的痕迹相当明显地表明了他们之间并不缺乏身体上的亲密,但他并未意识到他们究竟有多亲近。尽管 Isagi 看起来仿佛一生中从未如此自在过。


"I'm actually glad it worked out this way." Isagi continues and takes Kaiser's free hand over the table.  
"我其实很高兴事情这样发展。" Isagi 继续说道,并隔着桌子握住了 Kaiser 空着的那只手。


"You make me feel lonely." Sae says to which everyone else just laughs.  
"你让我感到孤独。" Sae 说道,其他人则只是笑了起来。


"I guess you're not so lonely with your new acquaintance." 


Isagi watches Sae's cheeks flash with a smile and he mutter. "Don't even start."  
Isagi 看着 Sae 的脸颊因微笑而闪现,他低声说道:“别提了。”


"You actually look happy. You do remember that I still have to report to Bachira, don't you?"  


"Try to forget such a thing. Shall we take a picture? Send it to him."  


Sae nods in agreement and they all sit closer together to fit in the shot. 
Sae 点头同意,他们便都靠得更近以便入镜。


"That's it. I'll send it to him later. By the way, Isagi, do you know how it's going..." Sae pauses but Isagi knows immediately who he's asking about.  
"就这样。我稍后发给他。对了,Isagi,你知道情况怎么样了吗..." Sae 顿了一下,但 Isagi 立刻明白他在问谁。


"Rin?" Sae nods. "He's fine. He and Bachira are fine. I have a funny picture of him covered in paint." Isagi takes out his phone flipping through the gallery. "But if you say any word to Bachira..." 
"Rin?" Sae 点头道:"他没事,他和巴奇拉都好着呢。我这儿还有张他浑身是颜料的有趣照片。" Isagi 掏出手机,翻看着相册。"不过,你要是跟巴奇拉透露半个字……"


Sae laughs quietly at this.   
Sae 听到这儿,轻声笑了起来。


"Absolutely not. Our new little secret." 


Isagi nods in agreement and hands the phone to Sae. He smiles and looks at the picture for a while before handing the phone back to Isagi and thanking him. Isagi is just glad that Sae cares about his brother even so discreetly, and Kaiser doesn't understand what's going on but feels that things aren't going well here. He decides to ask Isagi about it when they are alone. 


They are brought food and begin to eat while asking each other various questions. Gradually the conversation turns to planning the day. Kaiser looks thoughtful before beginning to offer options.  


"Basically, we can either go to the Museum Island today or tomorrow and just walk around the city the other day." 


“What's a Museum Island?" Sae looks genuinely interested.  
“什么是博物馆岛?”Sae 看起来真的很有兴趣。


"A tourist's dream. There are four museums and one gallery in total." He begins to list. "Altes Museum, Neues Museum, Alte Nationalgalerie, Bode Museum, Pergamon Museum. This is probably the most basic. There's also Berlin Cathedral. It's an amazing place, the least you have to do is to visit it. I think you'll be impressed, it's really beautiful, it's breathtaking.” He goes on incoherently describing what they have to see. 


Kaiser told him so enthusiastically that Isagi could not help but smile at it. He took the boy's hand and looked at him fondly.  
Kaiser 如此热情地告诉他,让Isagi 忍不住笑了起来。他握住男孩的手,深情地看着他。


"You really love it, don't you?"  


Kaiser was surprised by this and blushed when he realised, he'd gotten a little carried away.  
Kaiser 对此感到惊讶,意识到自己有些忘乎所以,脸颊泛起了红晕。


"Then why don't we go there today? It should be interesting." Offered Sae. 


"I'm all for it. But Sae, aren't you really tired after the flight?" Isagi had only flown by plane once: from Japan to Germany and it was so long and tiring so he really didn't understand how short flights felt. 


"I’m honest. It's okay, I'm not sleepy and full, so we can do it. Unless you have any objections." 


No one had any objections, so they decided to devote the day to a tour of Museum Island.   


"Wow."  "哇。"


Isagi looks in front of him. They decided to start with Berlin's Cathedral and it looked... amazing. Sae beside him was silent but nodded in agreement with the reaction. 
Isagi 望向前方。他们决定从柏林大教堂开始游览,而它看起来...令人惊叹。Sae 站在他身旁,虽未言语,却点头表示赞同这一反应。


"It actually looks even more beautiful in the evening." Says Kaiser looking at the cathedral. "But no matter how many times I've seen it - every time it's impressive."  
"实际上,傍晚时它看起来更加美丽。" Kaiser 凝视着大教堂说道,"但无论我看过多少次——每一次都令人印象深刻。"


"I can't imagine how it could be any more beautiful." 


Kaiser laughs at this and turns to Isagi. He is still looking at the cathedral absorbing all the sensations he gets just from looking.  
Kaiser 对此笑了起来,转向 Isagi。他仍在凝视着大教堂,仅凭目光便沉浸在所有感受之中。


"There is no limit to perfection." Comments Sae and Kaiser only nods in agreement. 


Isagi recalls that Michael told him it was the biggest Protestant church in Germany, but he still couldn't understand how big it really is. 
Isagi 记得 Michael 告诉他这是德国最大的新教教堂,但他还是无法理解它究竟有多大。


"It's huge . No, seriously, how tall is it? A hundred metres?"  


"Roughly. I won't tell you exactly, I don't even know when it was built to be honest." 


Isagi despite all his desire to watch without looking away pulls out his phone.   
Isagi 尽管内心极度渴望目不转睛地观看,却还是掏出了手机。


"This is written in the late nineteenth century," he holds out his phone to Kaiser with a website open that describes the history of the cathedral, "1894-1905 to be exact." 
“这是十九世纪末的作品,”他将手机递给Kaiser,屏幕上是一个介绍教堂历史的网页,“确切地说,是 1894 年至 1905 年间。”


"That's rather odd." Everyone turns to Sae waiting for him to explain. "I mean, Baroque - and this is definitely Baroque - was particularly popular in the 16th and 18th centuries. And Protestantism... That's the Protestant church, isn't it?" He looks at Isagi and Isagi looks at his phone and nods. "Is the youngest trend in Christianity. Starting in the 16th century. So it's quite a late construction as far as I'm concerned. But I don't know the history of Germany, so maybe it's okay?" The question is rhetorical, and Sae doesn't wait for an answer. He holds out a pause before continuing. "It really is stunning. But to be honest the thing that strikes me the most is the colour of the domes." 
“这倒挺奇怪的。”众人转向Sae,期待他解释。“我的意思是,巴洛克风格——这无疑是巴洛克风格——主要流行于 16 世纪和 18 世纪。而新教……那是新教教堂,对吧?”他看向Isagi,Isagi则低头查看手机并点头。“新教是基督教中最年轻的潮流,始于 16 世纪。所以在我看来,这建筑算是相当晚期的了。不过我对德国历史不太了解,或许这也没什么不妥?”这个问题带有自问自答的意味,Sae并未等待回应。他稍作停顿,然后继续说道:“确实令人惊叹。但说实话,最让我印象深刻的还是那些穹顶的颜色。”


Isagi raises his head even higher to draw attention to them. A very unusual colour, it's hard to tell for sure, but in this light they look azure. Somewhat reminiscent of ones particular eyes, he thinks, but maybe the problem is that I'm looking for Kaiser in everything.
Isagi 更加高昂地抬起头,试图吸引人们的注意。这是一种非常罕见的颜色,难以确定,但在这种光线下,它们看起来像是天蓝色。他觉得有些像某人特有的眼睛,但或许问题在于他在一切事物中寻找着Kaiser的影子。


"Shall we go inside?"  


They buy tickets and go inside. Isagi wonders if their clothes are in order. Yes, it is a museum, but it is still a church. They didn't say anything at the entrance though so that reassures him a little.  
他们买了票,走进了里面。Isagi 想知道他们的着装是否得体。是的,这是一座博物馆,但同时也是一座教堂。不过入口处并没有人说什么,这让他稍稍安心了一些。


"I wish you could hear the organ playing. I think I cried when I first heard it." Kaiser says as they look around. 
"真希望你能听到那风琴声。我想我第一次听到时都哭了。" Kaiser 环顾四周说道。


"If an organ were playing right now, nothing in the world could make me leave this building," declares Isagi "Incredible but it's even more impressive inside. I wonder if it's possible to get married here?" 
"如果此刻有风琴演奏,世界上没有任何事能让我离开这栋建筑。" Isagi 宣称,"不可思议,但里面更加令人印象深刻。不知道这里是否可以举行婚礼?"


He says it without thinking but realises exactly what he said when he sees Sae and Kaiser looking at him. Kaiser plays with his eyebrows and leans dangerously close to Isagi. Isagi wonders if this is a violation of any Christian norms. 
他随口一说,但看到 Sae 和 Kaiser 盯着他时,才意识到自己说了什么。Kaiser 摆弄着眉毛,危险地靠近 Isagi。Isagi 则在想这是否违反了基督教的任何规范。


"Do you like it here? I don't know, but if you want to, we can do it." He says quietly and winks. "I can negotiate." 
"你喜欢这儿吗?我不确定,但如果你想,我们可以试试。" 他轻声说道,眨了眨眼。"我可以协商。"


Isagi snapped his teeth close to Kaiser's nose as if to warn him and it made him laugh. Someone on the staff looked at them disapprovingly and Isagi felt a pang of guilt. 
Isagi 的牙齿几乎贴到了 Kaiser 的鼻尖,仿佛在警告他,这让他笑了起来。有位工作人员不满地看了他们一眼,Isagi 感到一阵内疚。


"Act normal, we're in church after all." He says in a disapproving tone, but it doesn't hide how much his cheeks are flushed.  
"表现得正常点,毕竟我们在教堂。" 他用责备的语气说,但掩饰不住脸颊上的红晕。


"Sorry, sorry." Kaiser chirps and gives him a quick kiss on the cheek before straightening up. Isagi takes his hand, and they walk through the centre of the church occasionally bumping into other visitors. 
"对不起,对不起。" Kaiser 轻快地叫了一声,迅速在他脸颊上亲了一下,然后站直身子。Isagi 握住他的手,两人穿过教堂中心,不时与其他游客擦肩而过。


"It's... It's such a strange feeling... I've been feeling it since I saw the church, but I can't figure out what it is."  
"这... 这种感觉很奇怪... 自从看到这座教堂以来,我就一直有这种感觉,但说不清是什么。"


Kaiser looked at Isagi thoughtfully and squeezed his hand tighter.  
Kaiser 若有所思地看着 Isagi,更紧地握住了他的手。


"I think I know what you mean." Isagi turns and Kaiser sees the interest in his gaze.   


"And what is that about?"  


"I want you to figure it out for yourself, sweet Yoichi."  


It was like a challenge. Isagi liked it.  
这就像一场挑战。Isagi 喜欢这样。


"Then guide me."  “那就引导我吧。”


For some reason it seemed ambiguous.  


"I suggest going to the National Gallery now. I think we'd better start there."  


No one had any objections and they followed in the right direction. 


Since Sae and Isagi didn't know what to expect from the gallery they simply let Kaiser lead them.  


"My favourite painting is elsewhere but there's a lot to see here."  


Isagi looks at him with interest.   
Isagi 饶有兴趣地看着他。


"What is your favourite painting?"  


Kaiser thinks for a moment before ruffling Isagi's hair and smiling at him.  
Kaiser 思索片刻,随后揉了揉 Isagi 的头发,对他微笑道:


"I'll tell you some other time, okay?"  


Isagi nods and takes his hand. 
Isagi 点点头,握住了他的手。


They walk around the different halls and Isagi tries to understand how he feels. There are many paintings by all kinds of artists in the place. Overbeck and his Saint Sebastian, Feith Religion, Bathsheba Karolsfeld, Quallo Ruins, Drager's Moses, Güden's Marinism, Manet and Monet, Munch's Melancholia, it was particularly surprising to see Müller and Klee here. 


Sae stops at one painting and the others come up to him.  


"What is it?" Isagi asks.  


"Hallway of the cloister. Ainmiller. I like it."  


"You like it because..?" 


"I don't even know how to express it. I like the way loneliness is portrayed here. It's as if it's filled with acceptance and nostalgie. Look at this priest." Sae points at him with his hand. "He's sitting alone on the darker side, and opposite him on the sunny side are two swallows. Sort of opposites. I don't know if solitude was his choice, but he looks like he's learned to enjoy it." 
"我甚至不知道如何表达。我喜欢这里对孤独的描绘。仿佛充满了接纳与怀旧。看这位神父。" Sae 用手示意他。"他独自坐在较暗的一侧,对面阳光下是两只燕子。有点像对立面。我不知道孤独是否是他的选择,但他看起来已经学会了享受它。"


Isagi looks at Sae who seems to be thinking about something. He lets go of Kaiser's hand and stands beside him.  
Isagi 看着 Sae,后者似乎在思考着什么。他松开了 Kaiser 的手,站到他身旁。


"I know you see yourself as this man but if you think about it, you realise he's old. Between you and me, it's never too late to become a swallow. After all, you're a living person, not a picture figure." Isagi winks at the surprised Sae and takes two steps back to take his boyfriend's hand again. "Moving on?" 
"我知道你觉得自己是这样的人,但如果你仔细想想,你会发现他已经老了。你我之间,成为一只燕子永远不会太晚。毕竟,你是活生生的人,不是画中人。" Isagi 对惊讶的 Sae 眨了眨眼,后退两步再次牵起男友的手。"继续前进?"


They pass into another room and Isagi turns his attention to one of the paintings.  
他们走进另一个房间,Isagi 将注意力转向其中一幅画。


"The abbey in the Oakwood." Kaiser reads aloud. "What do you see here, Yoichi?"  
"橡树林中的修道院。" Kaiser 朗读道。"你在这里看到了什么,Yoichi?"


Isagi stands silent for a few moments pondering what he sees. 
Isagi 沉默片刻,思索着他所见之景。


"Despondency." He answers. "The way the darkness gradually consumes all light. The trees have withered away and the monastery is ruined. Soon the darkness will reach it too, leaving no hope even over the holy place." He is silent for a moment longer before continuing. "I think this is what loss of faith looks like. Darkness, negativity, despair, call it what you like, starts small. Just as the loss of faith begins with doubt, so here the darkness begins to consume from afar. And in the end, when it reaches the monastery, it is like when doubt creeps deeper and deeper into the heart and finally one finally loses faith and hope in something. Or in someone." 
"绝望。" 他回答道。"黑暗逐渐吞噬所有光明的样子。树木枯萎,修道院已成废墟。不久黑暗也将蔓延至此,连神圣之地也不留一丝希望。" 他稍作停顿,继续说道。"我想这就是信仰丧失的模样。黑暗、消极、绝望,随你怎么称呼,它始于微小。正如信仰的丧失始于怀疑,这里的黑暗也从远处开始侵蚀。最终,当它触及修道院时,就如同怀疑悄然深入内心,最终使人彻底失去对某事或某人的信仰与希望。"


"But the darkness hasn't reached the Abbey yet, has it?" Says Sae. "Then there is still a hope." 


Isagi nods but Kaiser sees that he is not convinced. He pulls Isagi by the arm and says. 


"Let’s go, I'll show you something." They stop at another painting. "It's The Blue Grotto, Capri." Kaiser lets go of Isagi's hand but immediately stands behind him to put his hands on his shoulders and leans slightly towards his ear but speaks loudly enough for Sae to hear as well. "If you look closely, you can see a boat with two or three people on it, but it doesn't matter. They are floating out of the darkness. I think they've been swimming there for a very long time. Just look at this cave. It's completely dark, it's scary. That all-consuming darkness that takes up all space and looks very frightening and disturbing. Look at the water, absolute calm. It must be very quiet. If I were in a place like that, I'd be very scared, but!" He pauses to turn his head towards Isagi. "But there is a way out in this cave. Reminds you of the light at the end of the tunnel, doesn't it? It means that these people despite their dire circumstances, have hope. They might not have seen this exit until they got close enough, they might not have seen hope beside them, but they knew it was there somewhere. And they found it." 


"Found." Isagi repeats quietly. He finds the strength not to cry.  


"Yes, Yoichi, they did."  


He needs time to digest this information, to think about what he's been told. 


"Thank you, Michael." Isagi turns his whole body towards him and gives him a quick kiss. "Thank you." 


They continue walking on when Isagi notices that Sae occasionally takes pictures and sends them to someone. He smiles. Isagi has an idea to whom exactly. 


They continue to walk around the halls stopping sometime and commenting on certain paintings. Isagi noticed that Kaiser liked the landscapes better, while Sae stopped more often at the paintings with a religious theme. He remembered that his friend liked that sort of thing, so Isagi was glad that they were having a good time. He feels Kaiser pulling on his arm again until they approach the painting. Kaiser says nothing, only looks at Isagi expectantly. He is beginning to understand what he wants. Isagi stands silently in front of the painting trying to figure out what it reminds him of, some feeling resonates inside him, it seems to be somewhere on the surface. 


"Oh." Isagi simply pronounces it. Kaiser seems pleased. 


"Got it?" He nods in agreement. 


"What I felt in the cathedral. It's a feeling of nothingness against the grandeur of history. It's like you're 'nothing' when you're around it." Isagi liked that feeling. "I think I'm starting to have an existential crisis just looking at it." Kaiser laughs at this but is glad Isagi could understand. This picture seemed like a good direction for him. "What is its name?" 
“我在教堂里感受到的那种感觉。是面对历史宏伟时的虚无感。仿佛你在它面前变得‘微不足道’。”Isagi 喜欢那种感觉。“我想我光是看着它就开始有存在危机了。”Kaiser 对此笑了起来,但很高兴Isagi 能理解。这张画似乎对他来说是个不错的方向。“它叫什么名字?”


“’Procession in the Milan Cathedral’. When I saw this painting, it reminded me of how I feel every time I see the Brandenburg Gate. The three of us will visit them." He promises. "I think you'll like the Arc de Triomphe." Kaiser continues thoughtfully. 
“《米兰大教堂的游行》。当我看到这幅画时,它让我想起了每次看到勃兰登堡门时的感受。我们三个会去参观它们的。”他承诺道。“我想你会喜欢凯旋门的。”Kaiser 继续沉思着说。


"The one in Paris?"  


"Yes. I have to take you to Paris."  


Isagi likes to think about it. Travelling together, sharing all the feelings and emotions for two. It seems like a dream, but Isagi knows he can't promise that. No matter how good he feels he knows it won't last forever. 
Isagi 喜欢想象这件事。一起旅行,分享两人间所有的感受和情绪。这仿佛是个梦,但 Isagi 知道他无法承诺这一点。无论此刻感觉多美好,他明白这不会永远持续。


"Maybe someday." He replies vaguely and Kaiser looks at him worriedly. He understood what Isagi was unsure about and he can understand it. Kaiser squeezes his arm tighter.  
"也许有一天吧。" 他含糊地回答,Kaiser担忧地看着他。他明白Isagi的不确定感,也能理解。Kaiser更紧地握住了他的手臂。


The visit to the gallery took them more than three hours and when they finally came out Isagi suggested they go out to eat. Of course, no one objected.  


They spent their late lunch time pleasantly discussing what they had seen. They shared what they had seen with each other.  


It was really good. 


"Where do we go next?" Asks Sae as they leave the café.   
“我们接下来去哪儿?”Sae 离开咖啡馆时问道。


"To the Altes Museum." Kaiser looks in the direction of where it is and tries to figure out how long it will take. He likes the way they're spending their time but worries about Isagi's stamina and well-being though he seems fine. He decides not to guess and asks straight out.  
“去老博物馆。”Kaiser 朝那个方向望去,试图估算需要多长时间。他喜欢他们这样度过时光,但又担心Isagi的体力和健康,尽管他看起来还好。他决定不揣测,直接问出来。


"Isagi, is it okay for us to keep walking or should we rest?" 


Isagi feels really smitten. Wow. It's not the first time he's been taken care of but from Kaiser... it's always better and nicer than from anyone else. Isagi catches a glimpse of Sae's surprised look who seems to be starting to get the hang of it and replies to Kaiser.  
Isagi 感到非常心动。哇。虽然不是第一次被照顾,但来自 Kaiser... 总是比任何人都更好更贴心。Isagi 瞥见了 Sae 惊讶的表情,似乎开始明白了,于是回复 Kaiser。


"We were just doing that, silly, thank you. It's alright, how are you? Sae, aren't you exhausted yet?"  


Sae smirks.  Sae 微微一笑。


"You're asking a professional footballer if he's tired of walking around the gallery?"  


Isagi laughs and raises his hands.  
Isagi 笑着举起双手。


"Sorry-sorry. Micha, what about you?"  


"I'm all for it." 


"Shall we go then?"  


They stand in front of the building and Isagi tries to savour that sense of grandeur emanating from this majestic ancient building. The museum really is huge. These towering columns of time-darkened stone should be crushing in size. No one comments on what they see but it's obvious how amazed the boys are. Sae silently surveys the museum in his manner, but you can tell by the way he looks like he’s impressed. Kaiser is only mildly nostalgic as he remembers the times when he had the opportunity to witness such grandeur more often. Although there is plenty to see in Munich too. They enter the building and head for the tickets. 


"Michael, what are we waiting for?" Sae looks over with interest standing next to the cash register.  
"Michael,我们还在等什么?" Sae站在收银台旁好奇地望过来。


"There are mostly statues here. There are many very ancient ones seeing them is actually a valuable experience."  


Sae nods in agreement with Kaiser's thought and they walk into the hall. 
Sae 点头赞同Kaiser的想法,两人一同走进大厅。


The journey to this museum was more exhausting than the last time but Isagi thinks it's just accumulated fatigue taking its toll on him. After all, his stamina wasn't the same.   


He tells the others this and asks for a break, so they return to the car soon enough.  


"I’m sorry for interrupting because of me." Isagi really feels guilty about this. 
“对不起,因为我的缘故打断了大家。” Isagi 对此感到非常内疚。


"Yoichi, stop it, it's really okay. You shouldn't overdo it. Besides we did spend a lot of time there. Look at Michael, he looks like he's about to fall asleep." Sae points his hand towards the driver's seat where the boy was sitting and smiles lightly at him when Isagi turns around. 
“Yoichi,别这样,真的没关系。你不必太过自责。再说,我们在那里也确实待了很久。你看 Michael,他看起来都快睡着了。” Sae 说着,手指向驾驶座上的男孩,当 Isagi 转过头时,他轻轻地对他笑了笑。


Kaiser quickly takes the hint and with all the fake fatigue and drama a man can muster, presses a hand to his forehead and leans back in his seat. 
Kaiser 立刻领会了意思,用尽一个男人能装出的所有疲惫和戏剧性,一手按住额头,靠回座位上。


"Dear Yoichi, I can't take it anymore!" Kaiser makes the poorest look on his face. "So bad, so bad... let's go to the hotel... please..." 


He pretends to wheeze and starts laughing, unable to stand the clowning anymore. Isagi stunned by the scene can't stand it and starts laughing too and Sae joins in. 


The guilt recedes and Isagi no longer feels so bad. He feels so grateful again.  


"So, shall we go to the hotel?" 


The drive back doesn't take long and thanks to the relaxed atmosphere the boys feel comfortable enough to joke and discuss the day before. They pulled into the car park and got out of the car.  


"Yoichi, do you want to do something? Maybe you're hungry?" Kaiser opens the door and everyone goes inside. 
“Yoichi,你想做点什么吗?或许你饿了?” Kaiser 打开门,大家一起走了进去。


"I'd like to get some sleep if you don't mind?" Isagi looks at Kaiser somewhat uncertainly.  
"如果你不介意的话,我想睡一会儿?" Isagi 有些不确定地看着 Kaiser。


"Of course not, silly. Sae, what are your plans?" Kaiser looks at him as they enter the elevator.  
"当然不介意,傻瓜。Sae,你有什么计划吗?" Kaiser 一边走进电梯一边看着他。


Sae is silent for a moment pondering the question.  
Sae 沉默了一会儿,思考着这个问题。


"Probably going down for a glass of wine in about thirty minutes." 


Kaiser nods memorizing this information. They get off the elevator and disperse to their rooms. Kaiser opens the door for Isagi and they go inside.   
Kaiser 点头记下这条信息。他们走出电梯,各自回房。Kaiser 为 Isagi 开门,两人一同进入房间。


"Dear Yoichi, how are you feeling?"  
“亲爱的 Yoichi,你感觉如何?”


"Fine, thank you." Isagi gets up on his tiptoes and smooches Kaiser. "Shower?" 
"很好,谢谢。" Isagi 踮起脚尖,亲吻了 Kaiser。"洗澡吗?"


"Yeah, let's go."   "嗯,走吧。"


They spend no more than fifteen minutes in the shower enjoying the hot water and steam that filled the entire bathroom. The warmth and comfort relaxed Isagi enough that he could barely open his eyes, which didn't escape Kaiser. 
他们在淋浴间里不过待了十五分钟,享受着热水和弥漫整个浴室的蒸汽。温暖与舒适让 Isagi 几乎睁不开眼,这一点没有逃过 Kaiser 的注意。


"Dear Yoichi, it's time for bed. You're about to fall asleep right here."  


Isagi could only murmur in agreement and enjoy through his hazy consciousness as he was wrapped in a warm towel and carried to bed.  


"You're the best." Isagi barely whispered before falling fast asleep. 


Kaiser is so... moved. He really wants to be the best for Isagi, and he works hard for it. Isagi is important to him, really important, and he wants to protect him and give him all the care he can. After all, his dear Yoichi deserves it. 
Kaiser 真是...感动不已。他真心想为 Isagi 做到最好,并为此努力不懈。Isagi 对他来说至关重要,真的非常重要,他想要保护他,尽其所能给予关怀。毕竟,他亲爱的 Yoichi 值得这一切。


Kaiser kisses the sleeping boy and dresses up quietly to go down to Sae. He had fun with them, but it would actually be nice to get to know him better. Besides, Sae's very detailed answer about where and what time he would be served as a signal that the boy didn't mind a chat either. 
Kaiser 轻吻着熟睡的男孩,悄悄穿戴整齐下楼去找 Sae。他与他们共度了欢乐时光,但若能更深入了解他,那该多好。况且,Sae 关于地点和时间的详尽回答似乎表明,这男孩也不介意聊聊天。


He locks the room and goes down to the bar. Sae is not there yet, so Kaiser decides to get a margarita. He stares thoughtlessly into his translucent drink racing a slice of lime along the wall of the glass when he hears someone sit down next to him. He turns his head.  
他锁上房门,下楼来到酒吧。Sae 还未到,于是 Kaiser 决定点一杯玛格丽特。他无意识地凝视着杯中透明的液体,任由一片青柠沿着杯壁滑行,这时听到有人在他旁边坐下。他转过头去。




"A glass of red semi-sweet of your choice." He turns to the bartender and quickly gets his order.  
"请给我一杯你选的半甜红葡萄酒。" 他转向调酒师,迅速下了单。


Sae takes two small sips. You can't tell whether he likes it or not. 
Sae 轻轻抿了两口。你无法判断他是否喜欢这酒。


"You know, don't you?" He looks intently at Kaiser studying his reaction. It's not hard to guess what it's about.  


"He told me when we were on our way here."   


"And what do you think?" 


Kaiser stops scoffing at the slice of lime and puts it into his mouth chewing slowly. The fruit is soaked in tequila and whatever else goes into this margarita at all but retains its bitterness. Very appropriate. 


"You know, I've always hated that crap about the best people getting the hardest fate. It's so clichéd, I don't know, I always thought it was bullshit, but..." Kaiser takes a sip and looks at Sae. "But it really is so unfair. I mean, hell, we haven't even known each other that long but you can tell right away how good he is. Yoichi looks like someone who's never even tried alcohol in his life, liver cancer, seriously?" 
“你知道,我一直讨厌那种说最好的人会遭遇最艰难命运的废话。太陈词滥调了,我不知道,我一直觉得那是胡扯,但是...” Kaiser 喝了一口,看向 Sae。“但真的太不公平了。我是说,见鬼,我们甚至没认识多久,但你一眼就能看出他有多好。Yoichi 看起来就像这辈子都没碰过酒的人,肝癌,真的假的?”


"His grandfather also had liver cancer. If you know Anna, he was her husband. He died quite a long time ago and no one expected the cancer to pass to any of his relatives, but you can see for yourself. She knows a lot about it both the theoretical part and the best clinics, so Anna asked Isagi to move in with her without too many questions. His parents were against it at first, you know, a sick son and they ask to let him go to the other side of the world. It's scary that they won't be able to spend last moments. If there are any." Sae adds the last part more confidently. 


"But you know what the doctors say? There's a chance and a very good one."  


Sae nods in agreement.  


"We all believe it. Except for Isagi himself. He once told me that if the treatment doesn't work it won't hurt so much because he didn't have much hope either. That's his logic." 


They sit in silence for a while, only the people around them and the clinking of glasses as they are placed on the bar.  


Sae starts to speak.  


"Actually, I asked you about something else. Why did you agree to this?" 


"Couldn't I?" Kaiser smiles, but there's something sad about it. "I really like him. A lot. I hate how unfair his position is, but it doesn't affect my feelings in any way. Except for wanting to care more."  
“我不能吗?”Kaiser 微笑着,却带着一丝哀伤。“我真的很喜欢他。非常喜欢。我讨厌他处境的不公,但这丝毫没有影响我的感情。只是更想多关心他一些。”


"Has he lectured you yet about not needing custody?"  


"On God, that was literally the first thing he did."  


That seems to lighten the atmosphere a bit and now both guys are laughing quietly about it. They ask for another drink. 


"I'm glad he has you. It's not so much that he has someone to take care of him but rather... he looks happy around you. I haven't talked to Yoichi that often, but I care about him a lot. And, pardon the trite phrase, I'm happy if he's happy."  


"Thank you. Seriously, it means a lot to me."  


They take their glasses and toast. 


"By the way, are you allowed to drink alcohol? Testing for doping and all that."   


"It's all right, it's not the season so I can afford it. But I'm not really a drinker, it just sometimes... the mood."  


Kaiser nodded in agreement. He had a similar attitude. 


They start discussing football. Sae has a lot to say, he has a lot of experience, and Kaiser is happy to support the once-interesting topic. He understands why Isagi enjoys spending time with Sae so much he really can be a very pleasant conversationalist. But judging from his stories it's an exceptional attitude. 


They each finished their third glass when they felt they had had enough for one evening and decided to go to their rooms. On getting out of the lift Sae asks:  
他们各自喝完第三杯酒时,觉得已经尽兴,便决定回房休息。走出电梯时,Sae 问道:


"Michael."   "Michael。"


"Yes?"   "嗯?"


"Shall we exchange the numbers?" 


This confused Kaiser; at first, he did not understand the meaning of the request. But then he remembered the sleeping Isagi, and it hit him.  
Kaiser 一时有些困惑;起初,他没明白这个请求的含义。但随即他想起了熟睡的 Isagi,恍然大悟。


"Yes, sure."  “好的,当然可以。”


They exchange contacts and Kaiser walks into his room. Isagi is still asleep although he is a little sweaty and paler than usual again. From what Isagi had told him while they were driving in the car in his sleep, he has severe and minor bouts of pain which is exactly what he should be taking medication for, but they don't work perfectly. He just hopes that Isagi isn't in pain right now. 


After a cold shower and brushing his teeth - Kaiser doesn't want the smell of alcohol to reach Isagi after all - he climbs into bed and snuggles up to his boyfriend. Maybe it's just imagination but he feels that Isagi has loosened up a bit. The alcohol percentage takes its toll and he quickly falls asleep. 


With good company time really does fly by. It seemed like they had only left the day before but now it is Sunday evening, and the three boys are parking in front of Isagi's house. 


"Micha, will you come with us?" Isagi asks sincerely.  
"米迦,你愿意和我们一起去吗?" Isagi 诚恳地问道。


"Are you sure? After all, you've all known each other for quite some time and I wouldn't want to get in the way."  


Sae replies instead of Isagi.  
Sae 代替 Isagi 回答道。


"I'm more than sure Anna would only be happy to have great company. She does get bored a lot." 


"You see! Come on, Micha, let's go. I promise it won't be like last time."  


"What was it like last time?" Sae seemed interested, but having known Isagi's grandmother for a long time he had an idea what he was talking about. 
"上次是什么样的?" Sae 似乎很感兴趣,但因为认识 Isagi 的祖母很久了,他对所谈论的内容有所了解。


"Don't even ask. I wanted to disappear." Kaiser is still a little embarrassed after the last meeting, but something tells him it will go smoother this time. Or he just wants to hope so. "Well, dear Yoichi, since you ask so." Kaiser flicks Isagi on the nose and they get out of the car. The boys pick up their bags of belongings and head towards the house anticipating the meeting. 


Isagi wrote to his grandmother in advance about his arrival and almost begged her to cook something tasty so that everyone - except him unfortunately - could enjoy a meal after the long journey. 


"Oma! We have arrived." Isagi shouts in English, hoping that his grandmother hasn't forgotten the language after years of travel and work. The boys take their shoes off and leave their belongings in the hallway and walk into the kitchen.  


"Sae! It's been a long time."  
"Sae! 好久不见了。"


Anna walks up to him and hugs him causing a slight stupor in the guy, but he quickly pulls himself together and responds to the hug. They really haven't seen each other in a long time. 


Unlike Isagi Sae and Kaiser were really hungry, so they didn't need to be told twice. Having finished their water treatment they quickly returned to the kitchen which was filled with delicious smells. Anna had really tried her best.  


"Yoichi, are you sure you're alright?" Asks Kaiser quietly when Sae has moved away from them a little. 
"Yoichi,你确定你没事吗?" Kaiser 轻声问道,此时 Sae 已经稍稍远离了他们。


"Trust me, it's okay. I want you all to have a nice, guilt-free dinner. Please?"  


At least Isagi was really concerned about it, so Kaiser had no choice but to agree and walk to the table.  
至少 Isagi 对此真的很在意,所以 Kaiser 别无选择,只能同意并走向餐桌。


"Wow, that's really impressive, Anna." Sae says without waiting for the others and is already pouring himself... this curry? Really nice of her. 
"哇,真是令人印象深刻,安娜。" Sae 不等其他人开口,已经自顾自地倒起了...这咖喱?她真是太好了。


"And you haven't heard about decorum as usual." Anna can only laugh at how puzzled Sae looks and waves it off. Eventually everyone is used to it.  
"你还是一如既往地不懂礼仪。" 安娜看着Sae一脸困惑的样子,只能笑着摆摆手。最终大家也都习惯了。


"What about for me?" Asks Isagi as he sits down next to Kaiser. 
"那我呢?" Isagi 坐在Kaiser旁边问道。


"Rice and stewed vegetables. Is that all right?"  


"More than okay. Thank you very much." 


Isagi reached for his chopsticks - he was the only one at the table eating with them which was actually surprising. But he thinks Sae is just weaned off them - or wants to be closer to Western culture - so he doesn't bring it up. He could follow his example but eating with chopsticks reminds him of home and the friends who gave it to him before he flew away. 


"Guten Appetit."  "请享用。"


“What?” Sae asked.  “什么?” Sae 问道。


"Enjoy your meal." Isagi translated. "It's in German."  
“享受你的餐点。” Isagi 翻译道,“这是德语。”


"How was your journey?" Anna was really interested. She is glad that someone was able to take Isagi to relax and enjoy a holiday unrelated to his treatment. She herself tried as hard as she could to persuade him to visit at least one Munich attraction. 
“旅途如何?”安娜真的很感兴趣。她很高兴有人能带 Isagi 去放松,享受一个与治疗无关的假期。她自己也曾竭尽全力劝说他至少去参观一次慕尼黑的景点。


"Oh, it was a lot of fun. I got a three-year cultural education over the weekend by the looks of it." Shares Isagi's impressions which caused Sae and Kaiser to smile. 


"But it was actually educational. And interesting. Berlin exceeded all my expectations. And by the way, you were right, Munich is warmer." 


"As I said before Berlin is a northern city." Kaiser rubs his chin remembering all the details of their journey. "I liked it best at the Brandenburg Gate. Even though I've seen it dozens of times, every time is like the first time." 


"I agree, although I thought they would be taller. But that doesn't change the fact that they're still majestic. The triumphal arch should be taller?"  


"About twice as tall. Maybe three, I was in Paris a long time ago, so I can't say for sure." Kaiser contemplates googling it but instead prefers to continue the story. "But the Brandenburg Gate is considerably wider. So it's up to everyone's taste." 


"Hmm. I'll keep that in mind." Sae turns to Isagi. "Yoichi, what did you like best?"  


Isagi doesn't have to think long to give an answer.   
Isagi 无需多想便能给出答案。


"The National Gallery. It was really... useful. And interesting."  


"And amusing." Kaiser interjects, which piques Anna's interest.  
"还挺好玩的。" Kaiser 插话道,这让安娜产生了兴趣。


"What's funny?"  “有什么好笑的?”


"Like dragging those two away from Hampe's paintings."  


Isagi only rolls his eyes and pokes Kaiser with his sticks.  
Isagi 只是翻了个白眼,用棍子戳了戳 Kaiser。


"I don't want to hear anything from the man who almost cried over 'Poachers'."  


"Dear Yoichi, you are heartless." Kaiser shows him his tongue and begins to eat his chicken more actively.  


"Poachers?" interjects Anna. 


“Yeah. Carl Friedrich Schulz. It's actually a very impressive picture, but alas I can't say anything about the rest. Been busy calming down one child.” 


Isagi says this in a level voice and pokes the Kaiser sitting on his left without looking.  
Isagi 平静地说道,没有看向左边,轻轻戳了戳坐在他旁边的Kaiser。


"Besides being heartless yourself you want to break my heart too?" 


"How can I." Isagi replies in the same level voice but with a hint of amusement.   
"我怎么可能。" Isagi 同样平静地回答,但带着一丝戏谑。


"Snakes were cool, by the way." Sae inserts.   
"顺便说一句,蛇很酷。" Sae 插话道。


"Snakes?" Anna seems surprised.  
"蛇?" 安娜似乎有些惊讶。


Kaiser and Isagi squint at Sae trying to figure out how to tell them this... story. 
Kaiser 和 Isagi 眯着眼看向 Sae,试图想出如何告诉他们这个...故事。


"Well... maybe some baiter practically dragged us into the contact zoo..." starts Sae but Isagi tries to pull himself together.  
“嗯...可能是有个挑事的家伙几乎把我们拖进了那个接触式动物园...” Sae 开口道,但 Isagi 努力让自己镇定下来。


"Nothing much, watching some animals until we..." He pauses trying to present the following information as something minor. "Until we got kicked out."  


Forgetting Anna's past reaction, she's now surprised.  


"I'm, ahem, afraid to ask. For what?" 


Kaiser and Isagi start muttering something about animalism and protest at the same time while Sae is having fun watching this. Anna was just trying to figure out what it was all about. 
Kaiser 和 Isagi 同时开始嘀咕关于动物本能和抗议的事情,而 Sae 则乐在其中地看着这一切。安娜只是试图弄清楚这一切究竟是怎么回事。


"'s inhumane..."   "...这太不人道了..."


"...and we went to the management..."  


"...they threatened us with the police..."  


"...then we threatened the police ourselves..." 


"Anyway, we got our money back and it all worked out. How wonderful!" Kaiser claps his hands and stares diligently into his plate. It's fun to remember but when you tell an adult there's a sense of shame. It's like a child admitting to his parents where he messed up with the slight difference that these "children" were already adults. 
"总之,我们拿回了钱,一切顺利。真是太棒了!" Kaiser 拍着手,认真地盯着盘子。回忆起来很有趣,但当你向成年人讲述时,会有一种羞愧感。就像孩子向父母承认自己搞砸了的地方,只是这些"孩子"已经是成年人了。


"Okaaay..." Broaches Anna for lack of any other comment so the guys immediately start talking about the rest of the - less protesting - part of the day.  
"好吧..." 安娜因为没有其他评论而开口,于是大家立刻开始谈论那天剩下的——不那么抗议的——部分。


"...and that's actually why we arrived later than planned."   


"I don't think we wasted our time, though, do you?" Says Sae as he sets down his fork into his empty plate. "At least it was a very beautiful journey, albeit a long one." 
"不过,我觉得我们并没有浪费时间,你觉得呢?" Sae 说着,将叉子放回空盘子上。"至少这是一段非常美丽的旅程,尽管漫长。"


Everyone agreed to this. The drive home was longer and a little more tiring, but it was worth it, as Kaiser says before looking into his phone.  
大家都对此表示赞同。回家的路程更长,也稍显疲惫,但正如 Kaiser 所说,这是值得的,他随后看向手机。


"Look, it's getting pretty late I think I should get ready to go home for now."  


"Aren't you staying?" Anna asks to which Kaiser shakes his head. 


"Thanks, but I think my parents want to see me." And I want them to be together remains unspoken but everyone in the room seems to get it.  


They thank Anna for the food and say goodbye.  


Sae and Isagi quickly finish their shower and change into their home clothes and fall back into bed. Sae speaks first, slightly surprising Isagi by using Japanese. 
Sae 和 Isagi 迅速洗完澡,换上家居服,又躺回了床上。Sae 率先开口,用日语说话,让 Isagi 略感惊讶。


"Phew. I'm just now realising how tired I am."  


Isagi mutters something inaudible in response but expressing agreement.  
Isagi 含糊地嘟囔了一句,表示同意。


"Oh, wow. Haven’t heard that language in while. It’s kinda nice to talk in it again, huh. Give me ten minutes and I'll set you up with a futon."  


"How did you even get a futon in Germany?"  


"All questions to Anna. I don't know either." 


They lie in a comfortable silence before it is broken by Isagi.  


"What do you think about Michael?"  


Sae smiles slightly. It was an expected question.  
Sae 微微一笑。这个问题在意料之中。


"I liked him. Even more flighty than I imagined."  


Isagi laughs at that. Can't argue with that.  
Isagi 对此笑出声来。这话无可辩驳。


"He's good."   "他很好。"


"Good?"  "很好?"


"Good." Sae makes some random hand movements in the air. "A really kind guy. And caring."  
"很好。" Sae 在空中随意比划了几下。"一个非常善良的人。而且很关心人。"


"He always opens doors for me."  


They laugh and Sae agrees. Even after spending a couple of days together, he notices this cute habit. 


"Yes. Though that's not exactly what I meant. He loves you."  


"I don't think he does yet. Isn't it a little early?"  


"It's noticeable."   “这很明显。”


"You know, it's funny to hear it from you."  


"Sneaky. I'm good at sorting out feelings."  


"And how do you feel about your teammate?"  


Sae looks surprised by this question and amused at the same time. How perceptive. 
Sae 对这个问题既感到惊讶又觉得有趣。真敏锐。


"Okay, I'm almost adept at sorting out my feelings. I don't know what to tell you. It's Shidou and when it comes to Shidou everything is so complicated and simple at the same time."  


"I'd like to meet him."  


The line remains hung in the air. In Sae's memory and Isagi's as well this is the first time, he's said anything he wants in the future.  


"Another of your boyfriend's accomplishments."  


"Huh?"    "嗯?"


"You're thinking about the future. About the future, not in the sense of a plan for hospital visits for a month, but about the future life. I'm glad about that." 


It makes Isagi wonder. He was of the opinion all along that there was no point in dreaming or planning for anything if your future was so uncertain, but how much he sometimes wanted it. Perhaps Kaiser's influence and speeches really did that to him.  


"You're right, I guess. But hey, that still holds true. I want to find out what it is about this mysterious Shidou that has managed to capture your attention."  


"If anything at all." 


"Come on, you're not interested in something short-term. I'm pretty sure your lives will be intertwined for a long time."  


Isagi is silent for a few moments before he realises, he wants to ask something else.  


"Sae, do you believe in soulmates?"  


"I didn’t think about that. Well, you know, we all were like one unit, maybe, stardust, billions of years ago."  


"You mean the Big Bang?"  


"Yeah. Why’d you ask?"  


"Nothing specific, really. Just curiosity."  


"If you say so. Isagi, get the futon or I'll pass out on your bed."  


Isagi laughs and stands up with a tired sigh. 
Isagi 笑着站起身,疲惫地叹了口气。


this chapter took longer than the others to write. first, i had to find out what pictures were hanging in the gallery, and second, i had to think of a meaning for them to fit the characters.... wow that was a long one. but i finished it and hope you like it !!