Blog assessment task and details:
The class blog has been designed to actively support and develop your learning from taught sessions. The blog is like a ‘patchwork’ of different short pieces of writing, they focus on different things and ask you to write for different purposes and audiences.
班级博客的设计旨在积极支持和发展你们在教学课程中的学习。博客就像由不同的短文 "拼凑 "而成,它们关注不同的事物,要求你们为不同的目的和受众写作。
In this assessment you will:
Develop and post 6 blog posts in response to the specified prompts.
根据指定提示撰写并发布 6 篇博文。
You will complete 6 blog posts in total. The prompts for each blog post are listed in the section titled ‘blog post prompts’ below.
您总共要完成 6 篇博文。每篇博文的提示列在下面的 "博文提示 "部分。
• Each blog post should contain at least 2 academic references.
- 每篇博文至少应包含 2 篇学术参考文献。
• You should use your reading (the module reading list AND your own wider reading) to support your engagement (your own posts and engagement with other’s posts) in the class blog space. Relevant reading encompasses research, theory, and policy.
- 你应该利用你的阅读(模块阅读清单和你自己的广泛阅读)来支持你在班级博客空间的参与(你自己的帖子和与其他人的帖子的参与)。相关阅读包括研究、理论和政策。
Each blog post has a maximum word count of 300 words.
Each 博客文章的字数上限为 300 字。
The 300-word count for each blog post does not include: the blog post title, figure or table headings, text included within figures or tables, ALT text descriptions, or your reference list. Everything else is included within the word count.
每篇博文的 300 字数不包括:博文标题、图或表标题、图或表中的文本、 ALT 文本描述或参考文献列表。其他内容均包含在字数内。
There is no 10% allowance, please do not go over the word count as additional words may not be considered in marking.
没有 10% 的字数限制,请不要超过字数,因为额外的字数在评分时可能不予考虑。
The blog post prompts listed below are deliberately broad enough to allow you to follow what interests you about a particular topic or area of focus. Please be mindful of the 300-word count and ensure that you do not try to include too much, ensure that you are clear about what the focus of each of your blog posts is.
下面列出的博文提示非常宽泛,您可以根据自己感兴趣的特定主题或重点领域来撰写博文。请注意 300 字的字数限制,确保不要试图包含太多内容,并确保您清楚每篇博文的重点是什么。
Blog post 1: Representations of wellbeing and mental health
博文 1:福祉与心理健康的表述
This blog post requires you to choose one representation of wellbeing and mental health that is relevant to an educational context - it does not have to be from an academic source, but you should be able to engage in academic discourse about it. Think about the different definitions and perceptions that we explored in seminar 1 as a starting point. Your blog post should offer a critical view of your chosen representation, with a focus on its suitability for consideration in educational contexts (you may choose a specific context and set parameters in this way).
这篇博文要求你选择一个与教育背景相关的幸福和心理健康的表述--它不一定要来自学术来源,但你应该能够参与有关它的学术讨论。以我们在研讨课 1 中探讨过的不同定义和看法为出发点。您的博文应该对您所选择的表述提出批评意见,重点关注其在教育环境中的适用性(您可以选择一个特定的环境,并以此设定参数)。
Blog post 2: Why mental health and wellbeing in education?
博文 2:为什么要在教育中关注心理健康与幸福?
This blog post prompt is deliberately broad and offers you an opportunity to engage with the question of why - why is it important that we actively consider mental health and wellbeing in education? You might like to explore a particular aspect of mental health and/or wellbeing that you think is key in education, or you might be more specific and focus on a particular context.
这篇博文的提示是有意宽泛的,为你提供了一个机会来探讨 "为什么 "的问题--为什么我们在教育中积极考虑心理健康和幸福是重要的?你可以探讨你认为在教育中至关重要的心理健康和/或幸福的某一方面,也可以更具体地关注某一特定背景。
Blog post 3: I think that studying youth mental health in practical settings is crucial for...
博文 3:我认为,在实际环境中研究青少年心理健康对...
This blog prompt is relatively broad - it gives you an opportunity to think about and consider where youth mental health research may apply in practical settings in education. You should reflect on lecture and focus on either: mechanisms, changes in youth development or interventions, and who may benefit from learning about it. You should consider the wider impact of youth mental health research for educational policies, academic research, the NHS etc (i.e., who may benefit from learning about youth mental health).
这个博客提示相对宽泛--它给了你一个机会去思考和考虑青少年心理健康研究在教育实际环境中的应用。您应该对讲座进行反思,并重点关注:机制、青年发展或干预措施的变化,以及谁可以从学习中受益。你应该考虑青少年心理健康研究对教育政策、学术研究、国家医疗服务体系 等 的更广泛影响(即,谁可能会从了解青少年心理健康中受益)。
Blog post 4: Inter-disciplinary approaches to understanding well-being in education
博文 4:了解教育福祉的跨学科方法
This blog post prompt invites you to investigate interdisciplinary approaches to understanding well-being in education. Why is it important to integrate perspectives from various disciplines and cultures when exploring well-being? You might consider examining how different fields, such as positive psychology, sociological perspectives, public health, and philosophical debates on well-being, contribute unique insights and methodologies to the well-being discourse in education.
Blog post 5: Therapeutic approaches and perspectives – what value for education?
博文 5:治疗方法和观点--教育的价值何在?
This blog post prompt invites you to explore an aspect of therapeutic approaches or ideas in education. You use the content of Topic 8 and/or Topic 9 as a starting point, depending on your interests and ideas. Consider questions like ‘what value do therapeutic approaches or perspectives have in education, and why?’. You may choose a specific idea or approach and consider its relevance for an educational context that you specify, or you may consider more broadly debate and discussion about therapeutic approaches and ideas in education.
本博文提示请您探讨教育中治疗方法或理念的一个方面。您可以根据自己的兴趣和想法,以主题 8 和/或主题 9 的内容为起点。请考虑 "治疗方法或观点在教育中具有什么价值,为什么?您可以选择一个具体的观点或方法,并考虑其与您指定的教育背景的相关性,或者您可以更广泛地考虑有关教育中的治疗方法和观点的辩论和讨论。
Blog post 6: Well-being in the early childhood education context
博文 6:幼儿教育背景下的福祉
This blog post invites you to consider well-being in early childhood education. Why is it important? What is important to it/influence it? How might it be supported? As you reflect on these key questions you are welcome take it in a direction that interests you. You might wish to consider the ECE environment as a whole or parts of it, draw on aspects of children’s well-being and/or what it relates with such as resilience, or equally consider teacher’s well-being, and approaches/intervention within ECE contexts that support it.