The world in brief 世界简讯

Catch up quickly on the global stories that matter

Updated 1 hour ago 1小时前更新

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Stockmarkets in America rose after underwhelming labour-market data fuelled hopes of interest-rate cuts. The Bureau of Labour Statistics revealed that the American economy added 175,000 new non-farm jobs in April, fewer than expected and well below March’s revised figure of 315,000. Unemployment edged up to 3.9%, from 3.8%. The figures triggered speculation that the Federal Reserve could begin cutting interest rates as early as September.
美国股市上涨,此前劳动力市场数据不尽如人意,引发了降息的希望。美国劳工统计局(Bureau of Labor Statistics)显示,美国经济在4月份增加了175,000个新的非农就业岗位,低于预期,也远低于3月份修正后的315,000个。失业率从3.8%小幅上升至3.9%。这些数据引发了人们对美联储最早可能在9月开始降息的猜测。

Authorities in Canada arrested three Indian nationals in connection with the murder of Hardeep Singh Nijjar, a Sikh separatist activist who was shot in Vancouver in June. Canadian police said they were investigating whether the men, who were charged with first-degree murder, had “any ties to the government of India”. Mr Nijjar’s death caused an explosive row when Justin Trudeau, Canada’s prime minister, linked India—which considered Mr Nijjar a terrorist—to the killing.
加拿大当局逮捕了三名印度国民,他们涉嫌谋杀锡克教分离主义活动家哈迪普·辛格·奈贾尔(Hardeep Singh Nijjar),他于6月在温哥华被枪杀。加拿大警方表示,他们正在调查这些被指控犯有一级谋杀罪的男子是否“与印度政府有任何联系”。当加拿大总理贾斯汀·特鲁多(Justin Trudeau)将印度(印度认为奈贾尔是恐怖分子)与这起杀戮事件联系起来时,奈贾尔的死引发了一场爆炸性争吵。

Police clashed with pro-Palestinian protesters at several college campuses as disruption seen at American universities spread around the world. In Canada authorities moved to dismantle an encampment at McGill University in Montreal demanding that the school divest from Israel. Police in Paris removed some 70 student protesters from buildings at Sciences Po university. Around 200 demonstrators were arrested at the University of California, Los Angeles.

Hope Hicks, the communications director of Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign, took the stand in the former president’s hush-money trial in New York. Ms Hicks testified that, in the days leading up to the election, Mr Trump told her to deny reports that he had affairs. Prosecutors allege that Mr Trump covered up payments that bought the silence of Stormy Daniels, a porn star who claims to have slept with the former president.
唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)2016年总统竞选活动的通讯主管霍普·希克斯(Hope Hicks)在前总统在纽约的封口费审判中站了出来。希克斯作证说,在大选前几天,特朗普告诉她否认有关他有外遇的报道。检察官称,特朗普掩盖了收买斯托米·丹尼尔斯(Stormy Daniels)沉默的款项,后者是一名色情明星,声称曾与前总统上过床。

America’s Justice Department indicted Henry Cuellar, a Democratic lawmaker, for accepting bribes worth $600,000 in exchange for using his influence to help an Azerbaijani state-owned energy firm and a Mexican bank. Mr Cuellar, a congressman from Texas, is accused of receiving money through consulting contracts with shell companies owned by his wife. The couple denied the allegations.
美国司法部起诉民主党议员亨利·奎利亚尔(Henry Cuellar),他收受了价值60万美元的贿赂,以换取利用自己的影响力帮助一家阿塞拜疆国有能源公司和一家墨西哥银行。来自德克萨斯州的国会议员奎利亚尔被指控通过与他妻子拥有的空壳公司的咨询合同来收钱。这对夫妇否认了这些指控。

The chances of a takeover of Paramount Global by Skydance, a production company, looked slim after Paramount, owner of the Hollywood studio of the same name, CBS, Nickelodeon and more, reportedly decided not to extend exclusive negotiations beyond midnight on Friday. Sony Pictures and Apollo, a private-equity firm, this week made a rival $26bn offer for Paramount—which is controlled by Shari Redstone, who seems ready to sell.
据报道,在好莱坞同名制片厂、哥伦比亚广播公司、尼克国际儿童频道等的所有者派拉蒙决定不将独家谈判延长到周五午夜之后之后,制作公司Skydance收购派拉蒙全球的机会看起来很渺茫。索尼影业(Sony Pictures)和私募股权公司阿波罗(Apollo)本周向派拉蒙(Paramount)提出了260亿美元的竞争对手报价,派拉蒙由莎莉·雷德斯通(Shari Redstone)控制,后者似乎准备出售。

At least 12 people, including children, were killed in two bomb attacks on refugee camps in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Congo and America blamed Rwanda and the M23 rebel group, which it supports. The Rwandan government claimed Congolese rebels were responsible. The two African countries have fought over eastern Congo for decades. Violence has intensified in recent months.

Word of the week: Malinformation. The spread of verified information with the intent to cause harm or manipulate. Read our full A-Z guide to disinformation.
本周词汇:错误信息。传播经过验证的信息,意图造成伤害或操纵。阅读我们完整的 AZ 虚假信息指南。

In the run-up to America’s presidential election, we’ve launched The US in brief—a daily update to help you keep on top of the political stories that matter. Sign up here to receive it as a newsletter, each weekday, in your inbox.
在美国总统大选前夕,我们推出了《美国简讯》(The US in Brief)——每日更新,帮助您掌握重要的政治新闻。在此处注册,每个工作日都会在您的收件箱中接收时事通讯。

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Berkshire Hathaway’s annual shindig
伯克希尔·哈撒韦公司(Berkshire Hathaway)的年度新品

The annual shareholders’ meeting of Berkshire Hathaway, the conglomerate run by Warren Buffett, has been dubbed “Woodstock for capitalists”, so large is the throng it usually attracts. This year’s gathering, which kicks off on Saturday in Omaha, Nebraska, will lack one of its signature headliners. It will be the first in decades without Charlie Munger, the company’s long-standing vice-chair, who died last November.
由沃伦·巴菲特(Warren Buffett)经营的伯克希尔·哈撒韦公司(Berkshire Hathaway)的年度股东大会被称为“资本家的伍德斯托克”(Woodstock for Capitalists),它通常吸引的人群如此之大。今年的聚会将于周六在内布拉斯加州奥马哈拉开帷幕,将缺少其标志性的头条新闻之一。这将是几十年来第一次没有去年11月去世的公司长期副主席查理·芒格(Charlie Munger)。

Mr Munger’s absence will inevitably raise questions over what will happen when Mr Buffett, who is 93, is gone. His most likely successor is Greg Abel, the 61-year-old head of Berkshire’s non-insurance operations. Investors are jittery because Berkshire’s recent record has been less than stellar; over the past decade its investments have often underperformed the S&P 500. The company has taken flak for largely missing out on the tech boom, and faces increased competition from private equity. That has left some wondering if Berkshire’s greatest hits are a thing of the past.
芒格的缺席将不可避免地引发人们的疑问,即当93岁的巴菲特离开时会发生什么。他最有可能的继任者是61岁的伯克希尔非保险业务负责人格雷格·阿贝尔(Greg Abel)。投资者感到不安,因为伯克希尔最近的记录并不出色;在过去十年中,其投资的表现往往落后于标准普尔500指数。该公司因在很大程度上错过了科技热潮而受到抨击,并面临来自私募股权的日益激烈的竞争。这让一些人怀疑伯克希尔最伟大的成功是否已成为过去。

Photo: Alamy 照片:Alamy

The Muslim world and the Gaza war

When leaders from the Organisation of Islamic Co-operation last gathered for a summit, the war in Gaza was barely a month old. This weekend, when the club of 57 mostly Muslim-majority countries meets in the Gambia, the war will be nearing its eighth month. Countries will urge one another to push for a lasting ceasefire.
伊斯兰合作组织(Organization of Islamic Co-operation)的领导人上一次齐聚一堂参加峰会时,加沙的战争还不到一个月。本周末,当由57个穆斯林占多数的国家组成的俱乐部在冈比亚举行会议时,战争将接近第八个月。各国将相互敦促,推动持久停火。

Members have already put pressure on Israel. Turkey, one of Israel’s largest trading partners, recently halted all commerce with Israel (worth $6.2bn in 2023) until the country allows more aid into Gaza. Iran has encouraged its network of proxy militias to attack Israel and, last month, did so directly. Arab countries have mostly settled for diplomacy. None of this has convinced Israel to stop fighting.
成员们已经向以色列施加了压力。土耳其是以色列最大的贸易伙伴之一,最近停止了与以色列的所有贸易(2023 年价值 62 亿美元),直到该国允许向加沙提供更多援助。伊朗鼓励其代理民兵网络攻击以色列,并在上个月直接这样做。阿拉伯国家大多满足于外交。这些都没有说服以色列停止战斗。

The unco-ordinated strategy shows that the Muslim world is not a monolith. Gulf states, for example, hardly cheer attacks sponsored by Iran. For all the talk about the Gaza war at OIC summits, the real power to end it lies elsewhere.

Photo: Getty Images

Bleak odds at the Kentucky Derby

On Saturday punters in seersucker finery and bountiful hats will sip mint juleps and sing “My Old Kentucky Home” at the 150th Kentucky Derby—an event that has been called “the greatest two minutes in sports”. But the pageantry of the Derby, and the other two races that make up the Triple Crown, mask an industry unable to trot, much less gallop.

Racing’s shrinking fan base means fewer tracks and fewer foals. Forty-five tracks have closed since 2000. According to the Jockey Club, the foal crop fell from 35,000 in 2005 to 17,200 in 2023. Doping scandals and horse deaths—12 died in a single month last year at Churchill Downs, home to the Derby—have not helped. Oversight by a newish federal regulator, which began enforcing safety rules at some tracks in 2022, is a good start.

Bookies make Fierceness, a three-year-old colt, favourite for this Derby. But the sport of kings itself is still far from a safe bet.

Photo: Getty Images

The Premier League title race heats up

England’s Premier League is the most popular football league in the world—thanks in part to marketing that relentlessly reminds viewers of quite how competitive it is. Over the few remaining weeks of the current season, such rhetoric will be ramped up. With good reason: Arsenal sit just one point ahead of Manchester City at the top of the table. The title race stands out when compared with other big European leagues where competition has been lacklustre.

It is likely to go down to the wire. On Saturday Arsenal face Bournemouth and City face Wolves. They are expected to win these matches comfortably. Still, Manchester City are heavily favoured by the bookies. They have a game in hand over Arsenal and the pedigree as defending champions. That could dent the league’s prided competitiveness: it would be City’s fourth consecutive title.

Photo: Getty Images

Weekend profile: Marcos Galperin, Argentina’s outspoken billionaire

Marcos Galperin is by most definitions hyper-successful. The 52-year-old founder of Mercado Libre, Latin America’s dominant e-commerce and payments firm, has a net worth of over $6bn, making him Argentina’s richest man. He has turned Mercado Libre (which he started in a garage, naturally) into Latin America’s second-most valuable publicly traded company. Its payments arm, Mercado Pago, is flourishing. Locals use it for everything from buying fruit on the roadside to paying electricity bills. Last year it processed $183bn of transactions, of which about 75% were made outside Mercado Libre’s own platform. Yet one achievement has eluded Mr Galperin: playing for Los Pumas, Argentina’s national rugby team.

Back when he was 17 that was no pipe dream. He was a handy fly-half who had toured Australia and New Zealand, two rugby powerhouses, with a team selected from Argentine secondary schools. “It was rough…not the best results,” he recalls, laughing. Still, he was good enough that he had a real choice to make when he was offered a place to study business at the University of Pennsylvania—a spot he ultimately took. “If I were to be born again I would definitely go for a sports career,” he quips.

His rugby days were not wasted. “Competitive rugby is as good a training as you can get,” he says. Oval-ball analogies crop up frequently as he discusses Mercado Libre's success. “We always want to have the best players in the best positions,” he says. Some may be better placed “supporting in the stands”.

Mr Galperin is increasingly influential beyond business. He is scathing about Argentina’s economy, likening it to an ex-sports star who suffers from obesity, alcoholism, drug addiction, cancer and AIDS. He openly supports the libertarian president, Javier Milei. Mr Galperin is similarly frank on X, a social network, where he tangles with public figures and random accounts, mocking critics with memes, kiss emojis and questions about whether they own shares in Mercado Libre. A secular Jew, he is vociferous in his support of Israel in its war in Gaza.

He waves away the possibility that his outspokenness might pose a risk to his firm. The company is booming. On April 17th it said it would hire another 18,000 people, taking its total workforce to 76,000. That is one way to kick his online critics into touch.

Weekly crossword

Our crossword has two sets of clues, one for seasoned cruciverbalists and the other for less experienced solvers. Both give the same answers, all of which feature in articles in this week’s edition of The Economist:

Cryptic clues

1 down Ha! Fractious, chaotic state (5,6)

1 across Adder season (6)

2 across Grown-up has odd ardour (lots) (5)

3 across Going grey from long time in front of guillotine (6)

Factual clues

1 down Where apartheid ended 30 years ago (5,6)

1 across When Emmanuel Macron says France will make fresh deliveries of artillery to Ukraine before (6)

2 across The type of film or television content that might be labelled “R” (5)

3 across One way to describe America’s population (6)

Email all four answers, along with your home city and country, by 9am GMT on Monday to We will pick randomly from those with the right answers and crown three winners in next week’s edition.

The winners of this week’s quiz

Thank you to everyone who took part in this week’s quiz. The winners, chosen at random, were:

Ailsa Green, Choma, Zambia

Mariusz Piontas, Sopot, Poland

Peter Casson, Cambridge, Britain

They all gave the correct answers of Minnesota Twins, product recall, kindergarten, Conan O’Brien and predator drone. The theme was Arnold Schwarzenegger movies: “Twins”, “Total Recall”, “Kindergarten Cop”, “Conan the Barbarian” and “Predator”

The questions were:

Monday: When the Washington Senators left their home town after the 1960 season, they became which baseball team?

Tuesday: What term is used for a request from a manufacturer or retailer to return an item because of safety issues?

Wednesday: Which term for early childhood education was originally a German word?

Thursday: Which comedian hosted late-night talk shows on NBC and TBS between 1993 and 2021?

Friday: What was the common name for the remotely-powered aircraft that was used by the US military between 1995 and 2018?

Designing a dream city is easy; rebuilding a living one takes imagination.

Jane Jacobs