The United Arab Emirates is seeking a “marriage” with the US over artificial intelligence as the Gulf state hopes to use its oil wealth to become a global superpower in developing the cutting-edge technology.

The UAE’s AI minister Omar Sultan Al Olama told the Financial Times that a recent deal with Microsoft to acquire a $1.5bn stake in Abu Dhabi’s commercial AI champion G42 was only the start of greater tech collaboration between the two countries.
阿联酋人工智能部长奥马尔·苏丹·阿尔·奥拉玛告诉《金融时报》,最近与微软达成的一项协议,收购阿布扎比商业人工智能领军企业 G42 15 亿美元股权,只是两国更大科技合作的开始。

That deal, which followed months of negotiations between US and UAE officials, led to G42’s promise that it would dump Chinese systems as the US seeks to maintain dominance over AI.
该交易是在美国和阿联酋官员数月的谈判后达成的,导致 G42 承诺将放弃中国系统,因为美国寻求在人工智能领域保持主导地位。

“Now you’re going to see the outcomes of that marriage, if I may use that word, between both G42 and Microsoft, but also the UAE and the United States,” said Al Olama. “When you look at the frontier technology, at the most cutting edge, that needs to be in co-ordination with the US players and there needs to be reassurances that are given to the US.”
“现在你将看到那种婚姻的结果,如果我可以用这个词的话,即 G42 和微软之间的婚姻,同时也包括阿联酋和美国之间的婚姻,”奥拉玛说。“当你看到前沿技术,最尖端的技术时,这需要与美国的参与者协调,同时也需要向美国提供保证。”

Fuelled by sovereign wealth funds worth about $2tn, the UAE’s AI ambitions have emerged into sharper focus this year as it tries to lower its economic dependence on fossil fuels in part by positioning itself as a global AI hub.
由价值约 2 万亿美元的主权财富基金支持,阿联酋今年的人工智能雄心更加明显,因为它试图通过将自己定位为全球人工智能中心的一部分,来降低对化石燃料的经济依赖。

Abu Dhabi has created the investment vehicle MGX, expected to be worth billions of dollars, chaired by the UAE’s powerful national security adviser Sheikh Tahnoon bin Zayed al-Nahyan.
阿布扎比已创建了投资工具 MGX,预计价值数十亿美元,由阿联酋强大的国家安全顾问谢赫·塔赫努恩·本·扎耶德·阿勒纳哈扬担任主席。

MGX has been in talks with San Francisco-based OpenAI over its chip development plans, the Financial Times has reported, and Sheikh Tahnoon has spearheaded discussions between the UAE and US on AI.
MGX 已与总部位于旧金山的 OpenAI 就其芯片开发计划进行了讨论,据《金融时报》报道,谢赫·塔赫努恩已在阿联酋和美国之间的人工智能讨论中发挥了主导作用。

The UAE is building AI capabilities in key sectors from healthcare to defence and believes that AI can help its biggest enterprises become more efficient. Abu Dhabi’s national oil company said the use of AI-tools helped to generate $500mn in cost savings last year through increasing production capacity and making operations more streamlined.
阿联酋正在建设人工智能能力,涵盖从医疗保健到国防等关键领域,并相信人工智能可以帮助其最大企业变得更加高效。阿布扎比的国家石油公司表示,利用人工智能工具去年帮助节省了 5 亿美元成本,通过提高生产能力和使运营更加精简。

Sheikh Tahnoon bin Zayed al-Nahyan
Abu Dhabi’s investment vehicle MGX, chaired by Sheikh Tahnoon bin Zayed al-Nahyan, has held talks with OpenAI © Rashed Al Mansoori/UAE Presidential Court via Reuters
阿布扎比的投资实体 MGX,由谢赫塔赫努恩·本·扎耶德·阿勒纳哈扬担任主席,已与 OpenAI 进行了会谈。© Rashed Al Mansoori/UAE Presidential Court via Reuters

The UAE is up against stiff global competition. The US and China are battling to take a technological lead over AI, while start-ups in the UK, France and across Asia are attracting multibillion-dollar investment from international investors.

However, the UAE’s advantage is being able to provide unparalleled access to capital. Expectations that Abu Dhabi will invest heavily in AI projects overseas has also attracted industry leaders to the nation in recent months, from OpenAI’s Sam Altman to Nvidia’s Jensen Huang.
然而,阿联酋的优势在于能够提供无与伦比的资本准入。预计阿布扎比将大举投资海外人工智能项目,最近几个月也吸引了行业领袖前往该国,从 OpenAI 的 Sam Altman 到 Nvidia 的 Jensen Huang。

The UAE has stockpiled chips needed to power large language models, with Al Olama estimating the country had amassed a backlog that would serve its needs for two years. However, US officials are also seeking to slow the shipment of some AI chips to the Middle East, including the UAE, according to Bloomberg.
阿联酋已经储备了驱动大型语言模型所需的芯片,Al Olama 估计该国已经积累了足够满足两年需求的积压库存。然而,根据彭博社的报道,美国官员也在寻求减缓向中东地区,包括阿联酋,部分人工智能芯片的运输。

Line chart of Venture investments in AI or machine learning groups ($mns) showing UAE has ramped up dealmaking in artificial intelligence

Some observers worry about the autocratic UAE having access to advanced AI technology.

Marietje Schaake, international policy fellow at Stanford University’s Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence, said US policy around AI had so far been pragmatic, narrowly focused on combating China. 

“The singular focus on China means other countries can claim to be part of a like-minded coalition, and the US administration gladly turns a blind eye to their human rights violations in the meantime,” said the former European parliament member.

This month, Abu Dhabi’s Advanced Technology Research Council released its latest large language model, Falcon 2, which it said has been assessed by outside evaluators as performing as well or better than rival LLMs made by Meta and Google.
本月,阿布扎比先进技术研究理事会发布了其最新的大型语言模型 Falcon 2,据称已由外部评估者评估,表现与 Meta 和 Google 制造的竞争对手LLMs一样好甚至更好。

ATRC has also spun out a commercial AI company, AI71, to build models based on UAE government data from health authorities and the judicial system.
ATRC 还成立了一家商业人工智能公司 AI71,以基于阿联酋政府卫生部门和司法系统数据构建模型。

The government data gives the UAE a “very strong critical advantage in this game, where there are very few players that have a lot of proprietary data”, said Faisal Al Bannai, ATRC’s secretary-general.
政府数据显示,阿联酋在这场比赛中拥有“非常强大的关键优势,很少有玩家拥有大量专有数据”,ATRC 秘书长费萨尔·巴纳尼表示。

Abu Dhabi also opened Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence, the world’s first AI dedicated university, in 2019.
阿布扎比还于 2019 年开设了世界首个人工智能专业大学,即穆罕默德·本·扎耶德人工智能大学。

The institute has helped establish a pipeline for talent in the UAE, a major challenge for the country of only 10mn, most of whom are expats. Though a fifth of the university’s graduate students are from the UAE, 22.5 per cent are from China, said the university’s provost Tim Baldwin.
该学院已经帮助建立了阿联酋的人才储备渠道,这对于这个只有 1000 万人口的国家来说是一个重大挑战,其中大部分是外籍人士。尽管该大学五分之一的研究生来自阿联酋,但该大学的教务长蒂姆·鲍德温表示,22.5%来自中国。

While Abu Dhabi focuses on building AI technologies, its neighbouring emirate Dubai wants to apply them.

Dubai plans to increase its data centre capacities to host the cloud computing needed for AI and wants to foster AI “clusters” of companies around established industries such as finance.

“There is a belief, across all of the leadership levels in the UAE, that AI is a technology that we are going to focus on,” said Al Olama. “The decisions we take today [ . . .] are going to shape how the UAE is for future generations.”
“在阿联酋的所有领导层中,有一种信念,即人工智能是我们将专注的一项技术,” Al Olama 说。“我们今天做出的决定将塑造阿联酋未来几代人的生活。”

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