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Sunday 17th January 1993
星期日 17 一月 1993


09:15 I was woken by devious whispering from outside my bedroom door. My parents were definitely up to no good because the only time they whisper in the passage is when I'm sick or if they think I'm suicidal. Stupidly, I grew curious and sauntered out to reconnoitre for any potential landmines. Dad was whistling Roger Whittaker and frying sausages in the kitchen, while my mother greeted me in a high-pitched and unnatural voice from the lounge before disappearing out of the front door jangling her keys.
09:15 我被卧室门外传来的狡猾的耳语声吵醒。我的父母肯定没有好处,因为他们唯一一次在通道里窃窃私语的时候是我生病的时候,或者他们认为我有自杀倾向的时候。愚蠢的是,我变得好奇,并闲逛出去侦察任何潜在的地雷。爸爸在厨房里吹着罗杰·惠特克(Roger Whittaker)的口哨,炸香肠,而我妈妈则在休息室里用高亢而不自然的声音向我打招呼,然后消失在前门外,叮叮当当地敲着她的钥匙。
'Just taking Mum out for her tea and crumpets at the Bot Gardens,' she called from the driveway and with an unpleasant grating of the gears she was gone.
'Send the old bag my love!' hollered Dad before plunging a steak knife into an extremely large Russian sausage which in turn squirted boiling juice in his face and onto his arm.
My father issued a hysterical scream and retaliated by kicking the door off the washing machine. The broken washing machine door led to further tirades about the Japanese (DEFY), my father's Jonah tendencies, and the diminishing quality of your standard Eskort sausage. Having made my tea while nodding sympathetically at Dad's rant, I attempted to extricate myself from the scene of acrimony and make a break for the safety of my bedroom where Tom Wolfe's excellent Bonfire of the Vanities awaited. I didn't quite pull off the plan because my father scampered across the dining room and slammed the door shut before I could reach it.
我父亲发出歇斯底里的尖叫声,并踢开洗衣机的门进行报复。破损的洗衣机门导致了关于日本人 (DEFY)、我父亲的约拿倾向以及标准 Eskort 香肠质量下降的进一步长篇大论。我一边泡茶,一边对爸爸的咆哮表示同情,试图从激烈的争吵中解脱出来,为了卧室的安全而休息一下,汤姆·沃尔夫(Tom Wolfe)的《虚荣的篝火》(Bonfire of the Vanities)在那里等待着我。我没有完全完成这个计划,因为我父亲在餐厅里蹦蹦跳跳,在我到达之前砰的一声关上了门。
'A men only father and son breakfast,' he said, ushering me to a seat and darting back to the kitchen to turn the Russians and chop a tomato in half. I sipped at my tea and gazed out of the window at the half-mowed lawn. The lawnmower's lid was open and most of the engine lay in a heap of spare parts on the slasto beside the pool.
I didn't have a good feeling about this at all.
'Good old English breakfast just the way your grandmother made it,' Dad announced rather emotionally slapping an enormous tray-sized plate of fried breakfast down in front of me.
'Been dry,' said Dad to get the ball rolling.
'Helluva dry,' I agreed and set to work cutting through a Russian.
“Helluva dry,”我同意了,并开始工作切开一个俄罗斯人。
'They reckon it's called El Niño,' added my father gravely, shoving a fork load of food into his mouth.
There was a brief period of silence as I salted my eggs and Dad poured orange juice with a shaky hand, before carefully rearranging the breakfast on his plate.
'So... how goes things on the girlfriend front?' he asked without the slightest shred of warning.
'Very, very slow,' I replied gravely, and attempted to look like the kind of boy who might never think about sex, girlfriends, let alone bizarre sex acts with girlfriends.
'Really, boy?' said Dad with some concern.
'Extremely slow ... barely off the mark,' I said, hoping that Dad might register the cricket reference and that would be the end of it.
Unfortunately, it wasn't.
'I thought we might have a little chat over our men's breakfast,' he said.
'Right,' I replied and felt terribly nauseous.
'Brekkie okay?' asked Dad, while looking despairingly at my untouched plate.
'Delicious,' I lied, miming further chewing.
And then out of the dark end of left field came:
'Johnny, you could think of the male penis as very much like your average Russian sausage.'
The blood rushed to my face. My father had already speared the Russian with his fork and held the dripping creature aloft for examination.
'Size is important, my boy, but no lady south of the Vaal likes a freak.' He nodded knowingly like he was deeply knowledgeable about such women.
'Right,' I replied through gritted teeth and we both stared at his sausage.
Just like the fairer sex, Johnny, fried eggs are all about timing and probably enjoyed best when flipped over.'
I watched in horror as Dad wrapped a tomato skin around the end of the Russian in a suggestive fashion. When I say 'suggestive fashion' I mean that he kept looking at me oddly and saying, "Watch closely, my boy, this is life and death ...'
'Just for precautions,' he said firmly, after accomplishing his fairly lengthy mission of wrapping the skin of a fried tomato around the uneaten side of his Russian.
'Trust me, boy; there is no greater disaster in a man's life than hearing the terrible news that his wife is pregnant.'

I nodded. 我点了点头。

'Your life is over, Johnny,' he said desperately.
'I understand,' I replied and really did.
'If you haven't had a threesome by twenty-five, then kiss the fantasy goodbyel' blurted my father growing increasingly upset and red faced about matters.
There followed a fairly long pause while I wound down

the clock by re-salting my already re-salted fried tomato.
'Use protection, Johnny. At the very least it will keep your jalogi free from the VD plague.'
I stared at my plate and nodded again.
'Frank says it's all over the place,' he added.
Then without doubt God answered my silent prayers and the phone rang.
It was Amber from next door asking if Dad could help her with a blocked drain. He was gone in seconds and one of the most excruciating moments of my short life was over. In case my father returned and tried to stoke up his men's breakfast again, I jumped on my bike and rode the streets of lower Durban North at a furious pace while trying not to think of sex, threesomes, and the VD plague.
Thankfully, I never did find out what the bacon meant.

Monday 18th January 1月18日星期一

18:20 I didn't want to go in. I just stood there staring at those red brick walls feeling greatly about the contradiction of this being both an end and a beginning. The setting sun dipped behind the line of trees to my right and I reluctantly ended my procrastination. One deep breath and I heaved up my bags and staggered towards the great archway and the heart of the school where the depraved and the insane awaited.
18:20 我不想进去。我只是站在那里,盯着那些红砖墙,深深地感觉到这既是结束又是开始的矛盾。夕阳落在我右边的一排树后面,我不情愿地结束了我的拖延。我深吸了一口气,拿起书包,踉踉跄跄地走向大拱门和学校的中心,那里有堕落和疯狂的人等待着。
The place was oddly deserted, and for a moment I hesitated, considering the unlikely possibility that I had arrived at school a week too early. It was only the prefects who had been summoned tonight but it genuinely appeared like I was utterly alone. The main quad was trimmed and serene and Pissing Pete must have been serviced in the holidays because the spray

of water from his sword flew high into the air before crashing back into the pond at his feet. His face looked a good deal shinier too.
I skirted the clipped grass of the quad and strode swiftly towards the house door. It was wide open but I couldn't detect any sign of life from inside.
'Hello!' I shouted and heard my voice echo up the stairs and down into the bogs. There was no reply. I dropped my bags and poked my head into the common room which now boasts a blood red carpet and two new armchairs. On the television Adrian Steed was reading the news but the volume was turned down.
“你好!”我大喊一声,听到我的声音在楼梯上回荡,在沼泽里回荡。没有答复。我放下行李,把头探进公共休息室,那里现在铺着血红色的地毯和两把新的扶手椅。在电视上,阿德里安·斯蒂德(Adrian Steed)正在阅读新闻,但音量被调低了。
Up the stairs and onto the landing, I hovered outside the head of house's room.
'Simon?' I knocked gently.
There was no response so I continued along the passage to the second year dormitory which was equally deserted. Then onward to the first year dorm where the air was dank and unexpectedly cool.
I reclined on the house bench and surveyed the quad for any signs of movement. The bell tower glimmered pink and silver in the fading light. Nothing stirred. It was truly as if I was the only schoolboy left alive in the world. Just me and ten million desperate schoolgirls. It was a mightily positive thought.
After scoping the bogs, which I am happy to report have been retiled and painted a brilliant white, I tried the handle on the prefects' room door which, surprisingly, twisted and opened.
'Get out!' hissed an icy voice from the gloom inside.
'Sorry,' I replied instinctively, and hurriedly closed the door.
Out in the passage the realisation dawned on me that this was 1993 and I was a prefect and well within my
在这段话中,我突然意识到这是 1993 年,我是一名级长,而且在我的

rights. I turned the handle again, kicked the door open and entered. All I could see was an unmoving figure seated in an armchair across the room.
'So what's the answer, Milton? Are you retarded or did you just forget that you were a prefect?'
'I'm probably retarded,' I replied.
The dark figure snorted and I immediately knew who it was.
'So, 1993, Spuddy ... what you say - a bang or a whimper?
“所以,1993年,Spuddy......你说什么 - 砰砰声还是呜咽声?
'A bang,' I responded, sounding positively inspired.
'There's a bottle of vodka on the table to your right,' he said rather matter of factly. 'It's the only liquor that can't be smelled on your breath.'
There was a glow of light about Rambo's face, his lips pursed together around a cigarette as he slowly bowed his head to the flame.
'It's going to be one hell of a year.'
'Bring it on,' I said.
He didn't reply. 他没有回答。
Fifteen minutes later I found a drastically slimmed down Fatty on the house bench staring intently at Pissing Pete. When I asked him how his holiday had been, he turned to me and said, 'My oath to God, Spuddy, it was like the best ever and I lost like twenty kilograms in six weeks.'
'Penny?' I asked. This was a loaded question because only Fatty's barely legal, but very pretty, thirteen year old girlfriend could have inspired such a dramatic weight crash.
“佩妮?”我问。这是一个沉重的问题,因为只有 Fatty 勉强合法但非常漂亮的 13 岁女友才能激发如此戏剧性的体重崩溃。
'It was kinda like a scene from Grease meets Romeo and Juliet, but only set in Port Shepstone,' he said with wonder in his voice. "You know, like summer loving on the beach with two star crossed lovers and all that ...'
I considered this for a moment.
'So who was it this time, Mermaid or Amanda?'