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The Order of Salvation

by Stuart Olyott  斯图尔特·奥利特

Table of Contents  目录

  1. Calling  呼叫
  2. The New Birth/Regeneration
  3. Repentance and Faith  悔改与信仰
  4. Justification  理由
  5. Adoption  领养
  6. Sanctification  圣洁
  7. Glorification  颂扬

The Order of Salvation

Christ died to save those whom His Father had given Him

But how are they brought into the actual enjoyment/experience/possession of salvation?
The Scriptures teach that God works in their lives, doing certain things in a certain order.
The very first of these (Romans 8:28-30) is:-
这些中的第一个(罗马书 8:28-30)是:


The outward call  外向电话

  • God addresses all men in what we call ‘natural revelation’ Psalm 19:1-3, Romans 1:18-23, 32, 2:14-15, 10-18.
    上帝通过我们所说的“自然启示”向所有人发表讲话 《诗篇》19:1-3,《罗马书》1:18-23, 32, 2:14-15, 10-18.
  • But He has chosen to save His people through the preaching of the Gospel. 1 Corinthians 1:21, Romans 1:16, 10:17
    但他选择通过福音的传讲来拯救他的子民。哥林多前书 1:21,罗马书 1:16,10:17
  • But not everybody who hears the Gospel accepts it.
Why some accept the Gospel when they hear it, and some do not
The reason is not in the Gospel itself
  • the same message is preached to all Romans 10:13.
    相同的信息传给所有人 罗马书 10:13。
  • there is nothing in the message itself which stops a man from accepting it

The reason is not in the nature of the hearers:-

  • all of them are equally dead, spiritually Ephesians 2:1
    他们在属灵的方面都是同样的死了,以弗所书 2:1
  • all of them are naturally anti-God Romans 8:7-8
    所有人天生都是反对上帝的 罗马书 8:7-8
  • all of them, left to themselves, would certainly never accept the saving Gospel, but would perish in their sins 1 Corinthians 2:14.
    他们都任性自用,肯定不会接受拯救的福音,而是会在自己的罪恶中灭亡 1 哥林多前书 2:14。

The reason IS that some are effectually called, and some are not Matthew 22:14
有些人实际上被召唤了,有些人没有 马太福音 22:14

  • all are called by the same message but not all are ‘called out’ by it
  • only some receive the call which actually united them to Christ Colossians 1:9
    只有一些人接受了真正使他们与基督联合的呼召 歌罗西书 1:9
  • it is a miracle - like Lazarus they hear the Divine summons, and are actually brought to Christ by it (GOD calls!)
  • another illustration and example of this call is Zaccheus
    另一个关于这个呼召的例子是 Zaccheus
  • to be called is to be a Christian Romans 1:6-7, Ephesians 4:1
    被称为基督徒 罗马书 1:6-7, 以弗所书 4:1

The effectual call  有效的呼召

  • this special and inward call is referred to in Romans 8:30, 1 Corinthians 1:9, 2 Thessalonians 2:13-14, 2 Peter 1:10,
    这个特殊和内在的呼召在罗马书 8:30、哥林多前书 1:9、帖撒罗尼迦后书 2:13-14、彼得后书 1:10 中提到,
  • it is an act of God, and of God alone 1 Corinthians 1:9, 2 Timothy 1:8-9
    这是上帝的行为,只属于上帝 1 Corinthians 1:9, 2 Timothy 1:8-9
  • it is specifically attributed to God the Father - Romans 8:30, 1 Corinthians 1:9, Galatians 1:15, Ephesians 1:17-18, 1 John 3:1
    它特别归因于上帝父亲 - 罗马书 8:30,哥林多前书 1:9,加拉太书 1:15,以弗所书 1:17-18,约翰一书 3:1
  • it is given in time because it was planned in eternity Romans 8:28-30, 2 Timothy 1:9,
    它是及时给出的,因为它是在永恒中计划的 罗马书 8:28-30,提摩太后书 1:9,
  • Ephesians 1:4 it is all part of God’s purpose in Christ.
    以弗所书 1:4 这都是 神在基督里的旨意的一部分。
  • once it is given, it is never withdrawn Romans 11:29
    一旦赐下,就永不收回 罗马书 11:29
  • it is high, holy, and heavenly - Philippians 3:14, 2 Timothy 1:9, Hebrews 3:1
    它是高尚的、神圣的、天国的 - 菲立比书 3:14, 提摩太后书 1:9, 希伯来书 3:1

This does not make men and women into mere pawns

  • No-one is lost or saved against his will. Natural men do not want the Gospel, and called men do!
  • Effectual calling is not an act of forcing, but an act of creation. A new nature and a new will are given The called person WANTS to do what he did not want to do before.
  • he sees the Gospel as true, as a blind man sees the sun 2 Thessalonians 2:13-14
    他认为福音是真实的,正如一个盲人看到太阳一样 2 Thessalonians 2:13-14
  • he sees his unworthiness and guilt before God. Acts 2:37
    他在上帝面前看到了自己的不配和罪孽。使徒行传 2:37
  • he is drawn to the Saviour. John 6:44.
    他被吸引到救世主那里。约翰福音 6:44。
  • he turns from his sin to this Saviour. Ezekiel 11:19, 36:26-27. Acts 26:18.
    他从罪恶中转向这位救主。以西结书 11:19, 36:26-27。使徒行传 26:18。

Two dangers to avoid

Effectual calling may be sudden, or it may be gradual, it may be accompanied by strong feelings, or it may not.
Do not assume that because you have had sudden religious experiences accompanied by deep

feelings, that you have been effectually called.

Where is your faith now?
  • that is the question to decide whether you have been called or not,
  • because TRUE calling always leads to CONTINUING FAITH. 2 Peter 1:10
    因为真正的呼召总会带来持续的信念。彼得后书 1:10
If you are unconverted, do not sit around waiting for some mystic experience.
  • you are COMMANDED by God’s Word to repent and believe the Gospel.
  • if you do not, you will perish
  • if you do, you will be saved
  • this will in turn prove that you have been effectually called

    you can have no such assurance until you have believed.

Christ died to save those whom His Father had given Him.

By a series of acts. God brings these people to actually possess this salvation
  • the first act is calling, God calls, His people come
  • but how can dead men hear the call, obey it, and come?
  • it would never happen - if it were not for regeneration.

新生 / 再生

All men and women are spiritually dead

  • they are governed by their sins; unable to please God; and consider spiritual things to be foolish. Ephesians 2:1, Romans 8:5-8, 1 Corinthians 2:14.
    他们受自己的罪恶支配;无法取悦上帝;并认为属灵的事是愚蠢的。以弗所书 2:1,罗马书 8:5-8,哥林多前书 2:14。
  • they cannot give themselves spiritual life; and have no desire or power to do anything at all about their condition. Titus 3:5, John 6:44, Jeremiah 13:23.
    他们无法给自己赋予灵性的生命;也没有愿望或能力去改变自己的状况。提多书 3:5, 约翰福音 6:44, 耶利米书 13:23。

Regeneration is the giving of life to the dead.

  • it is spoken of this way in Ephesians 2:1, 1 John 3:14, 4:7.
    它在以弗所书 2:1、约翰一书 3:14、4:7 中是这样提到的。
  • elsewhere it is spoken of as birth - the giving of life. John 3:3, 68, James 1:18, 1 Peter 1:23.
    在其他地方,它被称为出生 - 赋予生命。 约翰福音 3:3, 68, 雅各书 1:18, 彼得前书 1:23。
  • or as new creation, or renewal. 2 Corinthians 5:17, Titus 3:5-6.
    或作为新的创造,或更新。2 Corinthians 5:17, Titus 3:5-6.

It is brought about by the Word and the Spirit

  • the Word (especially the preached Word) is the means God uses. See how calling and the new birth are intimately linked! 1 Peter 1:23,25, 1 Corinthians 4:15
    圣言(特别是讲道的圣言)是上帝使用的方式。看看呼召和新生有多么紧密相连! 彼得前书 1:23,25, 哥林多前书 4:15
  • The Holy Spirit accompanies this with life-giving power in the hearts of the elect. 1 Corinthians 2:2-5, 1 Thessalonians 1:5-6
    圣灵以赋予生命的力量伴随着选民的心。1 Corinthians 2:2-5, 1 Thessalonians 1:5-6
It is a sovereign act of God
  • God regenerates whom HE wills. John 1:12-13, James 1:18, 1 Peter 1:3.
    神按自己的意愿使人重生。约翰福音 1:12-13,雅各书 1:18,彼得前书 1:3。
  • Man has no understanding of the process, and no control whatever over it. John 3:1-13.
    人对这个过程一无所知,也无法控制。John 3:1-13.
  • Yet the new birth is absolutely essential to salvation, and all spiritual graces flow from it. John 3:3, 5-7, 1 Peter 1:3.
    然而,新生是得救的绝对必要条件,所有的属灵恩典都源于此。约翰福音 3:3, 5-7, 彼得前书 1:3。

Regeneration ALWAYS brings a person to Christ.

  • all who are regenerated are given saving faith John 1:12-13, Ephesians 2:1-10, 2 Thessalonians 2:13, 1 John 5:1, 4.
    所有被重生的人都被赋予了救赎之信 约翰福音 1:12-13,以弗所书 2:1-10,帖撒罗尼迦后书 2:13,约翰一书 5:1, 4.
  • all who are regenerated are inwardly changed and outwardly different (This is because regeneration is the implanting of the new nature, which inevitably asserts itself increasingly in sanctification). Ezekiel 36:25-26, 2 Corinthians 4:6, 5:17, 1 John 2:29, 3:9, 4:7, 5:18
    所有重生的人都在内心发生了改变,在外在上也有所不同(这是因为重生是植入新的本性,这种本性不可避免地在成圣过程中愈发显现出来)。以西结书 36:25-26,哥林多后书 4:6,5:17,约翰一书 2:29,3:9,4:7,5:18

It is patterned on Christ's resurrection

  • this is taught in 1 Peter 1:3.
    这在彼得前书 1:3 中有教导。
  • the power which worked in Him is the same power which works in every believer Ephesians 1:19-20.
    在他里面运行的能力,就是在每一个信徒里面运行的同样能力,以弗所书 1:19-20。
  • all for whom He died are certain to experience this divine miracle of regeneration. Ephesians 2:5, Titus 3:5-6.
    为他死的人都必定经历这神圣的重生奇迹。以弗所书 2:5,提多书 3:5-6。
  • Salvation is thus seen to be entirely of God’s grace. *
  • And much modern ‘Gospel preaching’ is seen to be erroneous. *
Christ died to save those whom His Father had given Him
By a series of acts, God brings these people to actually possess this salvation
  • the first act is calling God calls His people outwardly & inwardly
  • they come; for although they are dead, God gives them life (regeneration)
  • they come from sin (repentance) to Christ (faith)
  • this happens to all who are regenerated, John 6:379 1:12-13, and cannot happen without regeneration, John 6:44, 65.
    这发生在所有重生的人身上,约翰福音 6:379 1:12-13,没有重生就不会发生,约翰福音 6:44,65。



Faith is God's gift

  • this is clearly stated in Ephesians 2:8-10.
    这在以弗所书 2:8-10 中有明确的表述。
  • yet you must have it to be saved. John 3 : 16 , 18 3 : 16 , 18 3:16,183: 16,18
    然而,你必须拥有它才能得救。John 3 : 16 , 18 3 : 16 , 18 3:16,183: 16,18
  • this proves that all salvation is by God’s free grace

What faith is  什么是信仰

  • it is the believing of certain facts. Romans 4:24-25, 10:9-10, 1 Corinthians 15:1-5.
    这是相信某些事实。罗马书 4:24-25,10:9-10,哥林多前书 15:1-5。
  • the person believing the facts puts his personal trust in the Lord Jesus Christ ALONE for his salvation. Acts 15:11, 16:31. John 1:12, 3:16, 4:42. Galatians 2:20. 2 Timothy 1:12.
    相信这些事实的人单单依靠主耶稣基督来得救。使徒行传 15:11,16:31。约翰福音 1:12,3:16,4:42。加拉太书 2:20。提摩太后书 1:12。

Remember!  记住!

  • The sinner is active, not passive He acts as a person, not a robot He believes, He cries, He rests. Faith is the first conscious act of the Christian life.
  • His faith is in God’s promises which freely invite all to salvation in Christ; not in God’s decree of election. He comes because he is invited, not because of prior knowledge that God chose him.
  • He has confidence in the facts, not just a knowledge of them. He is convinced that he is a great sinner, and that Christ is the Saviour of sinners -. so he goes to HIM to be saved.


Repentance is God's gift

  • this is clearly stated in Acts 5:31, 11:18, 2 Timothy 2:25.
    这在使徒行传 5:31、11:18、提摩太后书 2:25 中有明确的记载。
  • yet you must have it to be saved. Luke 13:3, 5 .
    然而,你必须拥有它才能得救。路加福音 13:3, 5 。
  • this proves that all salvation is by God’s free grace.

What repentance is  什么是悔改

  • something done, not felt. It is turning. Acts 3 : 19 , 26 , 20 3 : 19 , 26 , 20 3:19,26,203: 19,26,20
    完成的事情,不是感觉。它正在转动。行为 3 : 19 , 26 , 20 3 : 19 , 26 , 20 3:19,26,203: 19,26,20
  • it is turning from sin 2 Chronicles 7:14. Hebrews 6:1
    它正在从罪恶中转变 《历代志下》7:14。《希伯来书》6:1
  • it is turning to the living God, by faith in Christ. Acts 14:15, 1 Thessalonians 1.9, Acts 20:21, Mark 1:15.
    它是转向活着的神,通过对基督的信仰。使徒行传 14:15,帖撒罗尼迦前书 1.9,使徒行传 20:21,马可福音 1:15。

Remember!  记住!

Repentance and faith always go together. You cannot and do not have one without the other
  • Faith looks to Christ for salvation But why should it want to be saved? Because it wants to finish with. sin.’ This is repentance I
  • Repentance is turning from sin But where is it going to turn? To Christ! This is faith.’
  • ‘Believe’ means ‘repentantly believe’. ‘Repent’ means ‘believingly repent’
    “相信”意味着“忏悔地相信”。 “忏悔”意味着“信仰地忏悔”。
  • To see this clearly, look at .the following pairs of verses. Acts 3:19-4:4, 10:43-11:18, 17:30-17:34, 26:18-26:20.
    要清楚地看到这一点,请查看以下成对的经文。使徒行传 3:19-4:4, 10:43-11:18, 17:30-17:34, 26:18-26:20。
  • It is plain that one term includes the other.
Christ died to save those whom His Father had given Him

By a series of acts, God brings these people to actually possess this salvation
  • the first act is calling God calls His people outwardly & inwardly
  • they come; for although they are dead, God gives them life (regeneration)
  • they come from sin (repentance) to Christ (faith)
  • and are immediately clothed in a robe of righteousness (justification).


Justification is a declaration

Look at Deuteronomy 25:1.
查看申命记 25:1。

When a judge justifies a man, he is declaring that innocent man to be righteous.
The opposite is condemnation

But we are guilty (Romans 3:23).
但我们都有罪(罗马书 3:23)。

How can the righteous Lord declare the guilty to be righteous?

The answer lies in imputation

Imputation  插补

Imputation means that God has reckoned or credited to one person what originally belonged to another person
  • for instance, the sin of Adam is imputed or ‘laid to the account’ of all Adam’s race. We receive from him. He receives nothing from us
  • In the case of Jesus Christ and His elect people there is a double imputation :-
  • my sin is laid to His account - and He is treated as if He had sinned my sin. 2 Corinthians 5:21.
    我的罪归到他的账上——他被看待就好像他犯了我的罪。哥林多后书 5:21。
  • His perfect righteousness is laid to my account. God treats me as if I had never sinned. I am treated as if I had lived Christ’s perfect life. 2 Corinthians 5:21
    他的完美公义被归到我的账上。上帝对待我就像我从未犯过罪一样。我被对待就像我过着基督的完美生活一样。哥林多后书 5:21

GOD is the Author of justification

“It is GOD that justified” (Romans 8:33). He declares us righteous.
“是神称他们为义”(罗马书 8:33)。他宣告我们为义。
  • do not think that it is your faith which makes you righteous. Faith is not a ‘good work’ which commends us into God’s favour. Faith is not the ground of righteousness
  • the work of Jesus Christ alone is the ground of righteousness. Romans 3:24.
    耶稣基督的工作是公义的唯一根基。罗马书 3:24。
There is no other sin-bearer.
  • Faith is an INSTRUMENT ONLY
  • the hand by which we receive the righteousness of God - NOT the source of that righteousness.
  • so faith in any other will not do -none but Christ alone is righteous.

Some other important points to grasp

Justification is an ACT completed in a moment, NOT a process which is only gradually completed.
  • you are either justified or you are not.
  • once justified, you cannot. be Unjustified! You are legally righteous with God for ever, and free from wrath & condemnation. Romans 8:1.
    一旦被证明是正当的,你就不能被认为是不正当的!你在神面前永远是合法的义人,免受愤怒和谴责。罗马书 8:1。
No man is justified until He repents and believes the Gospel.
  • it is God’s plan to justify His people, but they are NOT IN FACT justified until they believe. Until then they are lost. Galatians 2:1.6. Colossians 1:21-22
    这是上帝的计划来证明他的人民,但直到他们相信之前,他们实际上并没有被证明。在那之前,他们是迷失的。加拉太书 2:1.6。歌罗西书 1:21-22。
  • yet the moment they believe, they are at once justified. Acts 13:38-39, Romans 3:22.
    然而他们一旦相信,立刻就被称义了。使徒行传 13:38-39,罗马书 3:22。
  • as faith is God’s gift, and it is impossible to be justified without it, it is right to describe justification as an act of God’s free grace. Romans 3:20-24, 4:16.
    因为信仰是上帝的恩赐,没有信仰就无法称义,所以称义是上帝自由恩典的行为。罗马书 3:20-24, 4:16。
We are justified by faith alone - no law-keeping is necessary. Yet the faith that justifies is never alone, but is always accompanied by good works. James 2:26.
我们单凭信仰称义——无需遵守律法。然而,称义的信仰从不孤单,总是伴随着善行。雅各书 2:26。
  • these works do not commend us to God.
  • but whoever God justifies He sanctifies (as we shall see), and so a believer’s life just cannot be the same as it was before.
This doctrine of justification by faith is the VERY CENTRE of the Gospel.
  • it is “the article of a standing or falling Church” (Luther).
  • in it the power and glory of God’s grace shine out brightly.
Christ died to save those whom his Father had given Him.

By a series of acts, God brings these people to actually possess this salvation.
  • the first act is calling Cod calls His people outwardly & inwardly.
    第一幕是呼召,Cod 呼召他的人民在外在和内在上。
  • they come for although they are dead God gives them life (regeneration).
  • they come from sin (repentance) to Christ (faith).
  • they are immediately clothed in a robe of righteousness (justification).
  • they are then received as Sons in God’s family (adoption).


Not all men are the children of God - only believers

  • in the OT God is only the Father of Abraham’s seed. Exodus 4:22, Hosea 11:1.
    在旧约中,上帝只是亚伯拉罕后裔的父亲。出埃及记 4:22,何西阿书 11:1。
  • in the NT God is only the Father of those who repent of their sins and turn to Christ as sin-bearer and master, thus becoming
Abraham’s spiritual seed. Galatians 3:26, 28b-29, John 1:12, 14:6.
亚伯拉罕的属灵后裔。加拉太书 3:26, 28b-29, 约翰福音 1:12, 14:6。
  • this Sonship is not natural It is a gift of grace - an adoptive sonship Galatians 4:4-7. Romans 8:14-17 Ephesians 1:4. 1 John 3:1-3.
    这种子关系不是天生的。它是恩典的礼物 - 一种收养的子关系 加拉太书 4:4-7。罗马书 8:14-17 以弗所书 1:4。 约翰一书 3:1-3。

Some important things to know about this adoption

  • it is the highest privilege which the gospel offers,
  • your sonship is to be the controlling thought at every point of your Christian life :-
  • when you think what a disciple is. Mark 3:35, Matthew 28:9-10, John 20:17-18, Hebrews 2:11-13,
    当你思考什么是门徒。马克 3:35,马太福音 28:9-10,约翰福音 20:17-18,希伯来书 2:11-13。
  • when you want to know how to behave. Matthew 5:43-45a, 48, 5:16, 6:1-18,
    当你想知道如何行事时。马太福音 5:43-45a, 48, 5:16, 6:1-18
  • when you pray. Matthew 6:7-18. 7:7-11
    当你祷告的时候。马太福音 6:7-18。7:7-11
  • when you worry about material things. Matthew 6:25-32,
    当你为物质事物担忧时。马太福音 6:25-32
The moment you forget you are God’s child; you will not be able to live your Christian life so as to please Him.

Some things which happen to a Christian who constantly remembers his adoption

  • He is overcome by the greatness of God’s grace. 1 John 3:1-3. Luke 1:18. John 17:23
    他被上帝的恩典的伟大所征服。约翰一书 3:1-3。路加福音 1:18。约翰福音 17:23
  • He longs for heaven.
  • Adoption means being a ‘chosen heir’!
  • He cannot help thinking of what awaits him, Galatians 4:7, Romans 8:14-19
    他忍不住想到等待他的是什么,加拉太书 4:7,罗马书 8:14-19
  • He Stops seeking second experiences,
  • For he is well aware that the basic ministry of the Holy Spirit is not to give us power etc., but to be to us the Spirit of adoption! Romans 8:5, Galatians 4:6
    因为他非常清楚,圣灵的基本职责不是赋予我们力量等,而是成为我们的领养之灵!罗马书 8:5,加拉太书 4:6
  • He longs for personal holiness
  • He can see what it is - family likeness
    他可以看出来 - 家庭相似性
  • He has a motive for seeking it - to avoid shaming the Father
    他有一个寻求它的动机 - 为了避免羞辱父亲
  • He knows how it will come about - instruction & discipline,
    他知道这将如何实现 - 指导和纪律,
The life of many Christians would be transformed simply by reflecting on this truth of adoption.
Christ died to save those whom His Father had given Him.

By a series of acts, God brings these people to actually possess this salvation.
  • the first act is calling God calls His people outwardly & inwardly
  • they come for although they are dead, God gives them life (regeneration)
  • they come from sin (repentance) to Christ (faith)
  • they are immediately clothed in a robe of righteousness (justification)
    他们立即被赋予正义的袍 (称义)
  • they are then received as sons in God’s family (adoption).
  • they then increasingly take on the family likeness - for this is God’s will and purpose for them Ephesians 1:4, 1 Thessalonians 4:3, 1 Peter 1:16.
    他们逐渐呈现出家族的相似性——因为这是上帝对他们的意愿和目的 以弗所书 1:4, 帖撒罗尼迦前书 4:3, 彼得前书 1:16。

Sanctification begins with an inward change

  • When God saved you, the Holy Spirit entered you. Romans 8:9.
    当神拯救你时,圣灵进入了你。罗马书 8:9。
  • He made you clean, and renewed you inwardly. Titus 3:5.
    他使你洁净,从里到外更新了你。提多书 3:5。
  • He gave you a new heart - a heart which wants to obey God, Ezekiel 11:19-20.
    他给了你一个新心 - 一个渴望顺服上帝的心,以西结书 11:19-20。
  • You are a new creation, the old has gone, the new has come. 2 Corinthians 5:17, Galatians 6:15
    你是新造的人,旧事已过,都变成新的了。哥林多后书 5:17,加拉太书 6:15
  • The old nature has been destroyed Romans 6:2-6, 14 .
    旧性已被毁灭 罗马书 6:2-6, 14。
  • And you have received a new one Romans 8:2, 2 Peter 1:4, Ephesians 4:24 Colossians 3:10, Galatians 5:16
    您已收到新的 罗马书 8:2, 彼得后书 1:4, 以弗所书 4:24, 歌罗西书 3:10, 加拉太书 5:16

Sanctification is a process.

  • There is still indwelling sin in the believer, and he is not free from sinning, either in heart or life. Romans 7:14-25, 1 John 1:8, 2:1.
    信徒中仍存在根深蒂固的罪恶,他的心灵或生活中也无法摆脱罪恶。罗马书 7:14-25,约翰一书 1:8,2:1。
  • He is at war with it. Romans 7:14-25
    他与之为敌。罗马书 7:14-25
  • And it does not have the mastery. Romans 6:12-14, 17, 22.1 John 3:9, 5:18.
    并没有掌握。罗马书 6:12-14,17,22。约翰一书 3:9,5:18。
  • He endeavours constantly to bring holiness to completeness 1 Thessalonians 5:23, 2 Peter 1:5-8, 2 Corinthians 7:1.
    他不断努力使圣洁达到完美 1 帖撒罗尼迦前书 5:23,彼得后书 1:5-8,哥林多后书 7:1。
  • This progressive work has likeness to Christ as its goal Romans 8:29, Philippians 1:9-11
    这项渐进的工作的目标是要像基督一样 罗马书 8:29, 腓立比书 1:9-11
  • But entire sanctification will not be ours until our bodies are changed into the likeness of Christ’s glorious body. Philippians 3:21. 1 John 3:2. Romans 7:24.
    但整个成圣直到我们的身体变成基督荣耀身体的样式才属于我们。腓立比书 3:21。 约翰一书 3:2。 罗马书 7:24。

Sanctification is our work, yet God's.

  • to us comes the call to be holy, the commands to throw off sinful ways, the direction to be like Christ. See 1 Thessalonians 4:3, 7 .
    给我们的呼唤是要成为圣洁,命令我们摒弃罪恶的方式,指引我们要像基督一样。参见帖撒罗尼迦前书 4:3, 7。
Colossians 3:1-6. Ephesians 4:17-5:21 etc…
歌罗西书 3:1-6。以弗所书 4:17-5:21 等…
  • all sorts of incentives are given to us, to set about this work. See Romans 12:1-2, 1 Thessalonians 4:7-8, 1 Peter 1:17, 1 John 3:3, Romans 8:13, Hebrews 2:14,
    给我们各种激励,让我们开始这项工作。见罗马书 12:1-2,帖撒罗尼迦前书 4:7-8,彼得前书 1:17,约翰一书 3:3,罗马书 8:13,希伯来书 2:14,

WE must work  我们必须工作

  • from God comes the promise that He Himself is at work in us; and that He will strengthen and assist us. Philippians 2:13, Romans 8:29, 2 Corinthians 3:17-18, 4:16, 1 Peter 1:2.
    来自上帝的应许是,他自己在我们里面工作;他将加强并帮助我们。腓立比书 2:13,罗马书 8:29,哥林多后书 3:17-18,4:16,彼得前书 1:2。

HE works  他工作

Sanctification is chiefly brought about by God's Word

  • It is declared to be God’s chosen instrument. Psalm 119:9, John 17:17, 2 Timothy 3:16-17
    它被宣称为神所选择的工具。诗篇 119:9,约翰福音 17:17,提摩太后书 3:16-17
  • This is why Christ has given to His church men who will enable God’s people to be instructed in His Word. Ephesians 4:11-16, 1 Timothy 5:17
    这就是为什么基督赋予他的教会一些人,使上帝的子民能够在他的话语中得到指导。以弗所书 4:11-16, 提摩太前书 5:17
  • So nothing is more important to us in our Christian lives than the proper hearing of the Word of God. Luke 8:18.
    所以在我们基督徒的生活中,没有比正确聆听上帝的话语更重要的事情了。路加福音 8:18。
  • That is our part. God also brings into our lives experiences which are not pleasant at the time, but which lead to greater sanctification. Hebrews 12:10-11.
    这是我们的部分。上帝也带给我们一些当时并不愉快的经历,但这些经历会导致更大的成圣。希伯来书 12:10-11。

    “Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord” Hebrews 12:14.
    跟随与众人的和平与圣洁,若无此等,无人得见主。希伯来书 12:14。
Christ died to save those whom His Father had given Him.

By a series of acts, God brings these people to actually possess this salvation
  • the first act is calling. God calls His people outwardly & inwardly.
  • they come: for although they are dead, God gives them life (regeneration).
  • they come from sin (repentance) to Christ (faith)
  • they are immediately clothed in a robe of righteousness (justification).
  • they are then received as Sons in God’s family (adoption).
  • they increasingly take on the family likeness (sanctification).
  • and they come at last to the family home!! (glorification). John 6:37-40. Romans 8:28-30. 2 Thessalonians 2:13-14.
    他们终于来到了家庭之家!(颂扬)。约翰福音 6:37-40。罗马书 8:28-30。帖撒罗尼迦后书 2:13-14。


In feet and inches, heaven is no distance at all from us.

  • heaven is not to be confused with the physical heaven above us.
  • it is an entirely different realm; dimension; sphere of existence not far away (of - Jacob; Isaiah; Stephen; John; Jesus; believer at death).
  • the real world, the holy world, the eternal world. Hebrews 8:5, Psalm 20:6, 89:29.
    现实世界,神圣世界,永恒世界。希伯来书 8:5,诗篇 20:6,89:29。

It is the dwelling-place of God.

  • God is constantly said to be ‘in heaven’. Matthew 5:16, 6:9, 12:50.
    上帝经常被说成是“在天堂”。马太福音 5:16, 6:9, 12:50。
  • so are His angels. Matthew 18:20, 22:30.
    所以他的天使也是如此。马太福音 18:20,22:30。
  • He is Lord of Heaven Daniel 4:35, 5:23, Psalm 11:4, Matthew 11:25.
    他是天堂的主,但以理书 4:35, 5:23, 诗篇 11:4, 马太福音 11:25。
  • His presence, glory & majesty fill the place. Jeremiah 23:24, Hebrews 8:1. 重试    错误原因
  • From there He speaks to men and women Hebrews 12:25.
    从那里他对男人和女人讲话 希伯来书 12:25
  • And from there He sends His judgements. Romans 1:18.
    从那里他发出他的审判。罗马书 1:18。

It is where the Lord Jesus Christ can from, and now is.

  • He came from there, and returned there. John 3:13. 1 Peter 3:22.
    他来自那里,又回到那里。约翰福音 3:13。彼得前书 3:22。
  • He is still there, interceding for us, preparing a place for us, and reigning. Acts 7:55, Hebrews 9:24, John 14:2-3, Matthew 28:18.
    他仍在那里为我们代求,为我们预备地方,并且统治着。使徒行传 7:55,希伯来书 9:24,约翰福音 14:2-3,马太福音 28:18。
  • He will return from there 1 Thessalonians 4:16, Philippians 3:20.
    他将从那里返回 1 贴撒罗尼迦前书 4:16,腓立比书 3:20。

It is a place beyond our mortal understanding

  • Paul was caught up into heaven, and witnessed things which cannot, and must not, be put into words 2 Corinthians 12:1-4.
    保罗被提到天上,看见了一些不可言说,也不可用语言表达的事物 2 哥林多后书 12:1-4。
  • Yet God’s Word describes it in pictures, to help our understanding, a barn; the Father’s house; a city, heavenly Jerusalem, a better country, an inheritance of treasure. Matthew 13:30, 43. John 14:2. Hebrews 12:22, 11:16. 1 Peter 1:4.
    然而,上帝的话语通过图画来描述它,以帮助我们理解,一个谷仓;父亲的家;一个城市,天上的耶路撒冷,一个更好的国度,一个宝藏的遗产。马太福音 13:30, 43。约翰福音 14:2。希伯来书 12:22, 11:16。彼得前书 1:4。

It is THERE that Christ's people are certainly going.

They are already:-  他们已经是了:-
  • heirs of heaven. Matthew 25: 34
    天国的继承者。马太福音 25:34
  • enrolled in heaven. Luke 10:20.
    登记在天上。路加福音 10:20。
  • citizens of heaven. Philippians 3:20.
    天国的公民。腓立比书 3:20。
  • knowingly going to-heaven. Hebrews 13:14.
    故意去天堂。希伯来书 13:14。
They are going to:-  他们将要去:-
. the unveiled blessing of the Father. Matthew 25:34.
父亲揭示的祝福。马太福音 25:34。

. all they ever hoped for Colossians 1:5.
所有他们曾希望的 歌罗西书 1:5

. their reward Hebrews 10:34-35.
. 他们的奖赏 希伯来书 10:34-35.

. their treasure. Matthew 6:20
他们的财宝。马太福音 6:20

. the sight of the Lord.’ John 17:24
. 看见主的荣耀。约翰福音 17:24

The present physical heavens and earth will pass away, and will be renewed. Righteousness will dwell in them. Matthew 19:28, Acts 3:21, Hebrews 12:27, 2 Peter 3:13.
目前的物质天地将会消逝,并将得到更新。公义将居住在其中。马太福音 19:28, 使徒行传 3:21, 希伯来书 12:27, 彼得后书 3:13。
Then the new Jerusalem will descend out of heaven from God, and the redeemed will enter into their final joy. Revelation Ch 21 & 22 21 & 22 21&2221 \& 22.
那么新耶路撒冷将从天上的神降下,救赎者将进入他们最终的喜悦。启示录 21 & 22 21 & 22 21&2221 \& 22
The present distinctions of material/spiritual, visible/invisible will be wiped away, and GOD WILL BE ALL IN ALL.

“For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory forever. Amen.” (Romans 11:36).
因为万物都是本于他、倚靠他、归于他的。愿荣耀归给他,直到永远。阿门。 (罗马书 11:36)

© Stuart Olyott, 2014 You are free to copy this material, on condition that it shall be a free and unconditional gift to others. Such material shall also carry the words © Stuart Olyott, 2014
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