Week 1:
第 1 周:Introductions, overview
和an annotated bibliography
Welcome to Essential Skills for Academic Success. In today’s class you will be familiarising yourself with the course and the assignments, getting to know your classmates and beginning to prepare for your first assignment - an annotated bibliography.
欢迎来到学术成功的基本技能。在今天的课程中,您将熟悉课程和作业,了解你的同学并开始准备你的第一个作业 - 带注释的参考书目。
Activity 1
活动 1
Interview the person next to you and make notes under the following headings:
Where from:
其中 from:
What studying now and previously:
Career ambitions / future plans:
Previous experience of studying academic study skills in the past:
Weaknesses in academic study skills / problems that they have with a particular area:
Strengths in academic study skills:
Wants from the course / hopes to have achieved by the end of the course:
When your teacher gives you a new partner, spend two minutes delivering a short presentation on the person you just interviewed.
Now you have ten minutes to write a short biography of your classmate that you will give to your teacher at the end of the class.
Activity 2
活动 2
How much do you already know about academic writing? Complete the quiz below in pairs or small groups.
1. The main difference between academic writing and normal writing is that academic writing:
1. 学术写作和普通写作的主要区别在于,学术写作:
(a) uses longer words.
(a) 使用较长的词语。
(b) tries to be precise and unbiased.
(b) 尽量做到精确和公正。
(c) is harder to understand.
(c) 更难理解。
2. Teachers complain most about students:
2. 老师对学生抱怨最多:
(a) not answering the question given.
(a) 不回答所提出的问题。
(b) not writing enough.
(b) 写得不够。
(c) not referencing properly.
(c) 没有正确引用。
3. The best time to write an introduction is often:
3. 写介绍的最佳时间通常是:
(a) first.
(a) 首先。
(b) last.
(b) 最后。
(c) after writing the main body.
(c) 写完正文后。
4. Plagiarism is:
4. 抄袭是:
(a) a dangerous disease.
(a) 危险的疾病。
(b) an academic offence.
(b) 学术罪行。
(c) an academic website.
(c) 学术网站。
5. An in-text citation looks like:
5. 文内引文如下所示:
(a) (Manton, 2008)
(a) (Manton, 2008)
(b) (Richard Manton, 2008)
(b) (理查德·曼顿,2008 年)
(c) (Manton, R. 2008)
(c) (Manton, R. 2008)
6. Paraphrasing a text means:
6. 释义文本的意思是:
(a) making it shorter.
(a) 缩短时间。
(b) changing a lot of the vocabulary.
(b) 改变很多词汇。
(c) adding more detail.
(c) 添加更多细节。
7. Paragraphs always contain:
7. 段落始终包含:
(a) six or more sentences.
(a) 六句或六句以上的句子。
(b) an example.
(b) 一个例子。
(c) a topic sentence.
(c) 主题句。
8. The purpose of an introduction is:
8. 引言的目的是:
(a) to give your aims and methods.
(a) 给出你的目标和方法。
(b) to excite the reader.
(b) 激发读者的兴趣。
(c) to summarise your ideas.
(c) 总结您的想法。
9. Proof-reading means:
9. 校对是指:
(a) getting a friend to check your work.
(a) 让朋友检查您的工作。
(b) checking for minor errors.
(b) 检查小错误。
(c) re-writing.
(c) 重写。
10. Teachers expect students to adopt a critical approach to their sources:
10. 教师希望学生对他们的来源采取批判性的方法:
(a) sometimes.
(a) 有时。
(b) only for Master’s work.
(b) 仅用于师父的工作。
(c) always.
(c) 总是如此。
11. Making careful notes is essential for:
11. 仔细做笔记对于以下方面至关重要:
(a) writing essays.
(a) 撰写论文。
(b) revising for exams.
(b) 为考试复习。
(c) all academic work.
(c) 所有学术工作。
Adapted from: Bailey, S. (2011) Academic Writing: A handbook for students. 3rd ed. Abingdon: Routledge
改编自:Bailey, S. (2011) 学术写作:学生手册。第 3 版阿宾登:劳特利奇.
Activity 3
活动 3
Assignment 2 is an individual report. Read the assignment brief and then with your partner discuss briefly, what you understand by the words ‘critically evaluate’. Now look at the definition from your teacher. How similar or different is it to yours?
分配 2 是n 个单独的报表。 阅读作业简报,然后由您的伙伴简要讨论您对“批判性评估”一词的理解。 现在看看你老师的定义。它与你的相似或不同程度如何?
There are a number of different writing genres that you can be asked to produce on your undergraduate programme. Here you are being asked to produce a report. What are the basic differences between a report and an essay? Make a list below of three differences.
We will look more closely at how to write this type of assignment in the second half of this module.
Activity 4
活动 4
Annotated Bibliography
Now read the assignment brief for Assignment 1. What is the purpose of Assignment 1 in terms of Assignment 2? Discuss with your partner.
现在阅读作业 1 的作业简介。就作业 2 而言,作业 1 的目的是什么?与您的合作伙伴讨论。
Watch a very short video that talks about an annotated bibliography. Make some notes on a mind map and then compare with your partner.
Purpose of an annotated bibliography
Depending on your specific assignment, an annotated bibliography might:
review the literature of a particular subject;
demonstrate the quality and depth of reading that you have done;
exemplify the scope of sources available—such as journals, books, web sites and magazine articles;
highlight sources that may be of interest to other readers and researchers;
explore and organise sources for further research.
When set as an assignment, an annotated bibliography allows you to get acquainted with the material available on a particular topic.
Questions to consider
You need to consider carefully the texts that you select for your annotated bibliography. Keep the following questions in mind to help clarify your choices.
What topic/ problem am I investigating?
What question(s) am I exploring? Identify the aim of your literature research.
What kind of material am I looking at and why? Am I looking for journal articles, reports, policies or primary historical data?
Am I being judicious in my selection of texts? Does each text relate to my research topic and assignment requirements?
What are the essential or key texts on my topic? Am I finding them? Are the sources valuable or often referred to in other texts?
Which writing style should I use in the annotations?
Each annotation should be concise. Do not write too much—remember, you are writing a summary, not an essay. Annotations should not extend beyond one paragraph unless otherwise stipulated in your assignment guidelines. As this is not an extended piece of writing, only mention significant and relevant details.
Any information apparent in the title of the text or journal can be omitted from the annotation.
Background materials and references to previous work by the same author usually are not included. As you are addressing one text at a time, there is no need to cross-reference or use in-text citations to support your annotation.
Unless otherwise stipulated, you should write in full sentences using academic vocabulary.
What does an annotated bibliography look like?
An annotated bibliography starts with the bibliographic details of a source (the citation) followed by a brief annotation.
As with a normal reference list or bibliography, an annotated bibliography is usually arranged alphabetically according to the author’s last name. An annotated bibliography summary should be about 100 - 200 words per citation—check with your lecturer/tutor as this may vary between faculties and assessments. Please also check with your lecturer about the elements each annotation should include.
与普通的参考文献列表或参考书目一样,带注释的参考书目通常根据作者的姓氏按字母顺序排列。带注释的参考书目摘要每次引用应约为 100 - 200 字——请咨询您的讲师/导师,因为这可能因院系和评估而异。另请与您的讲师核实每个注释应包含的元素。
Contents of an annotated bibliography
An annotation may contain all or part of the following elements depending on the word limit and the content of the sources you are examining. The ones that are in bold are the elements that you will need to include in Assignment 1.
注释可能包含以下全部或部分元素,具体取决于字数限制和您正在检查的来源的内容。粗体部分是您需要包含在作业 1 中的元素。
Provide the full bibliographic citation
Indicate the background of the author(s)
Indicate the content or scope of the text
Outline the main argument
Indicate the intended audience
Identify the research methods (if applicable)
Identify any conclusions made by the author/s
Discuss the reliability of the text
Highlight any special features of the text that were unique or helpful (charts, graphs etc.)
Discuss the relevance or usefulness of the text for your research
Point out in what way the text relates to themes or concepts in your course
State the strengths and limitations of the text
Present your view or reaction to the text
Now have a look at this sample annotation
The citation goes first and is followed by the annotation. Make sure that you follow Harvard Referencing style. The summary needs to be concise.
引文在前,后跟注释。确保您遵循 Harvard Referencing 样式。摘要需要简洁。
In the sample annotation below, work with your partner to match each section to the parts indicated in the key. Write the number in the brackets.
Notice that the authors are referred to throughout the paragraph.
Underline each mention of the authors.
Which verbs are used to introduce the ideas of the authors? Draw a circle around these.
Where does the writer refer to him or herself? Highlight each mention of the writer of the paragraph.
( ) Trevor, C.O., Lansford, B. and Black, J.W. (2004) ‘Employee turnover and job performance: monitoring the influences of salary growth and promotion’, Journal of Armchair Psychology, 113 (1), pp. 56-64. ( ) In this article Trevor et al. review the influences of pay and job opportunities in respect to job performance, turnover rates and employee motivation. ( ) The authors use data gained through organisational surveys of blue-chip companies in Vancouver, Canada to try to identify the main causes of employee turnover and whether it is linked to salary growth. ( ) Their research focuses on assessing a range of pay structures such as pay for performance and organisational reward schemes. ( ) The article is useful to my research topic, as Trevor et al. suggest that there are numerous reasons for employee turnover and variances in employee motivation and performance. ( ) The main limitation of the article is that the survey sample was restricted to mid-level management, ( ) thus the authors indicate that further, more extensive, research needs to be undertaken to develop a more in-depth understanding of employee turnover and job performance. ( ) This article will not form the basis of my research; however it will be useful supplementary information for my research on pay structures. Word count: 167 words (not including the citation) | Key ( 1 ) Reflection (explain how this work illuminates your topic or how it will fit in with your research) ( 2 ) Introduction ( 3 ) Usefulness (to your research/ to a particular topic) ( 4 ) Limitations ( 5 ) Scope ( 6 ) Citation ( 7 ) Aims & Research methods ( 8 ) Conclusions |
Adapted from: UNSW Sydney (no date) Annotated Bibliography. Available at: https://student.unsw.edu.au/annotated-bibliography (Accessed: 22/8/19).
改编自:新南威尔士大学悉尼分校(无日期)注释参考书目。 可在:https://student.unsw.edu.au/annotated-bibliography(访问时间:22/8/19)。
Review the assignment briefs for both the assignments for this module. Assignment 2 asks you to critically evaluate a contemporary business topic. Have a think about what your topic could be and do a brainstorming activity. Don’t worry too much about the format of the brainstorm – it could be a list on your phone or it could be a mindmap. Bring this to class next week to share with the group and to help give you a focus for the Library training session next week.
查看本模块的两个作业的作业简介。作业 2 要求您批判性地评估一个当代商业主题。想想你的主题可能是什么,并做一个头脑风暴活动。不要太担心头脑风暴的格式——它可以是手机上的列表,也可以是思维导图。 将此带到下周的课堂上,与小组分享,并帮助您在下周的图书馆培训课程中有一个重点。
Visit the Library – physically and have a look at the online catalogue. In week 3, we will have an introductory session to finding sources in the Library to help with your annotated bibliography, but try to get ahead.
访问图书馆 – 亲自查看在线目录。 在第 3 周,我们将举办一次介绍性会议,介绍如何在图书馆中查找资源,以帮助您完成带注释的书目,但请尽量提前。