这是用户在 2024-5-1 23:54 为 https://www.shortform.com/about 保存的双语快照页面,由 沉浸式翻译 提供双语支持。了解如何保存?

The Mission that
Drives Our Work Everyday

Our mission is to make sense of the world’s information.

There's been an explosion of information. The world now produces more information in a single day than it did in the entire year of 2002.
信息爆炸。现在,全世界一天产生的信息量比 2002 年全年产生的信息量还要多。

This flood of information can feel overwhelming. How do you choose among a seemingly infinite number of books, articles, podcasts, and videos? How do you make sense of the thousands of viewpoints people have about a topic?

The goal of Shortform is to make it easier to access the world's best ideas. We want to show you what’s critical to learn about the world, then help you understand it better than any other source. We accomplish this with crystal-clear thinking, concise writing, smart analysis, and brilliant new insights.
Shortform 的目标是让您更轻松地获取世界上最好的想法。我们希望向您展示什么是了解世界的关键,然后帮助您比其他任何来源更好地了解世界。我们通过清晰的思路、简洁的文字、精辟的分析和独到的新见解来实现这一目标。

We strive not just to teach ideas but also to put them into context. When you learn an idea, we want to show how that idea has appeared across history and connects to a universe of other ideas. For issues you care about, we want to highlight a spectrum of viewpoints so you develop a more sophisticated, nuanced understanding.

We hope this kind of broad-spectrum thinking, made more accessible to more people, can do a lot of good. It can reduce polarization and help people come to terms with each other, even if they just agree to disagree. It can inspire new ideas and connections and lead to creativity and growth.

If this sounds like what you want, you’re going to love Shortform. We’d love to have you join us.
如果这听起来像您想要的,您一定会爱上 Shortform。我们非常欢迎您的加入。

Allen Cheng

Shortform Founder Shortform 创始人

Our Writing Principles 我们的写作原则

These are the guiding principles behind how we build Shortform. If you agree, you'll love Shortform.
这些是我们构建 Shortform 的指导原则。如果您同意,您就会爱上 Shortform。

Deep Quality, Not Superficial

We believe in quality and depth of learning, not superficial breadth. You'll get more out of understanding your favorite 50 books deeply than you would by glancing over 5,000 mediocre books. We produce the world’s best guides to the world’s best content.
我们相信学习的质量和深度,而不是肤浅的广度。深入了解您最喜爱的 50 本书籍,比浏览 5,000 本平庸的书籍更有意义。我们为世界上最好的内容提供世界上最好的指南。

Respect the Reader's Time

Your time is valuable, and we don't want to waste any of it. We make every word and sentence deserve your effort—whether that's a key idea, an illustrative example, or a nuance to appreciate.

Principles First 原则第一

Ever read a book, get confused, and wonder what its point is? We avoid that with crystal-clear logic. We overhaul the organization, surface the key ideas, and explain them clearly. You'll learn better than just reading the book alone.

Relentlessly Useful 坚持不懈地发挥作用

Our guiding goal is to create useful content. We explain ideas fully so you understand them better. We do extensive research and analysis to share ideas beyond the source material. We want to help you find epiphanies and new insights.

Orient to Action 指导行动

It’s better to spend serious time planning key improvements to your life, than to spend 10 minutes reading stuff you won’t remember the next day. We help you apply the ideas to your real life through exercises and actionables.
与其花 10 分钟读一些第二天就记不住的东西,还不如花点时间认真规划如何改善生活。我们会通过练习和可操作的方法,帮助您将想法应用到实际生活中。

We Learn Better Together

Everyone has valuable experiences and ideas for how to make life better. That's why we’ve built a positive community that can help each other learn. Read other people's top tips on books you're reading, and get advice on your own problems.

Be Open-Minded 思想开放

We believe all books and articles have something valuable to say, despite their flaws. When we read, instead of focusing on disagreements, we think, “what’s the best that we can take away from this?” Then we share that with you.
我们相信,所有的书籍和文章都有其价值所在,尽管它们存在缺陷。当我们阅读时,我们不是关注分歧,而是思考 "我们能从中得到什么好处?然后与大家分享。

Cross Disciplines 跨学科

The best ideas can come from surprising combinations of distant fields. Behavioral economics came from psychology + economics. Genomics came from computer science + biology. We believe in covering every genre of idea out there.

Delightful Experience 愉快的体验

We believe in creating a delightful customer experience. Using Shortform should be easy and stress-free. We also price Shortform fairly to make world-class learning accessible, and we never play tricks with billing.
我们致力于创造愉悦的客户体验。使用 Shortform 应该是轻松无压力的。我们还对 Shortform 进行公平定价,让世界级的学习变得触手可及,而且我们从不在计费方面玩花样。

Why People Love 为什么人们喜欢Using Shortform 使用 Shortform

Join thousands of readers who learn faster than they ever thought possible.

I think I have tried 4 or 5 similar services over the years, and yours is BY FAR the best. My wife and I have referred four people so far and more will join as we share the news about your platform.
Shortform continues to knock it out of the part with by far the best book coverage out there (and I’ve read most of the services). The articles are also fantastic and teach me something new in small bites.
Shortform 继续以其迄今为止最好的图书报道(我已经阅读了大部分的服务)而闻名。文章也非常精彩,让我学到了很多新东西。
I've read ten reviews so far and could not be happier. Originally, I took my own notes when reading books, but your notes are better than mine. I’ve been making Shortform a part of my daily routine.
到目前为止,我已经读了十篇书评,简直太高兴了。原来,我看书时都是自己做笔记,但你的笔记比我的还好。我已经把 Shortform 作为日常工作的一部分。
Sign up for free

OUR TEAM 我们的团队 The Shortform Team Shortform 团队

We’re people who obsess about learning and improving ourselves. We created Shortform because we weren’t satisfied with what was already out there.
我们热衷于学习和提高自己。我们之所以创建 Shortform,是因为我们不满足于现有的产品。

Our writing team consists of professional writers and lifelong learners, Ivy League PhD's and artists. Collectively we’ve published content that has been read hundreds of millions of times. In our writing for Shortform, we strive to bring the world's best ideas to you.
我们的写作团队由专业作家、终身学习者、常春藤联盟博士和艺术家组成。我们共同发表的内容已被阅读了数亿次。在为 Shortform 撰稿时,我们力求将世界上最好的想法带给您。

Our product team consists of technologists and builders from top tech companies. We love building tools that make personal growth delightful.

Allen Cheng

Founder 创始人

Allen founded Shortform to make the world's best ideas more accessible. The roots of Shortform began with Allen's personal book analyses published online, which were called by one reader as the "Moby Dick of book guides."
艾伦创办Shortform的目的是让世界上最好的创意更容易被人接受。Shortform 的起源是艾伦在网上发表的个人书籍分析,被一位读者称为 "书籍指南中的白鲸"。

In 2013, Allen co-founded PrepScholar, an online education company, where he led the product, technology, and content teams. His work continues to serve millions of students and families worldwide.
2013 年,Allen 与他人共同创办了在线教育公司 PrepScholar,领导产品、技术和内容团队。他的工作继续为全球数百万学生和家庭服务。

Allen graduated summa cum laude from Harvard University and trained in the MD-PhD program at Harvard Medical School and MIT.