Definition of Antitrust terms
Antitrust 反垄断
Definition: 定义:
Antitrust is the body of law that controls the creation, use and abuse of market power. In some jurisdictions, including the United States, antitrust is another word for competition law. In the European Union, antitrust denotes the part of competition law that covers abuse of dominance and anticompetitive agreements but not merger control. This entry will use the word in the more generic sense.
Abuse of dominant position
Definition: 定义:
Abuse of dominance is unilateral conduct using dominant market power (or a dominant position) to damage market competition and ultimately welfare. Most jurisdictions address the issue by prohibiting use of dominance or substantial market power, taking different approaches to terminology and the relevant threshold of market power. Dominance itself, or the degree of market power required by other wordings, is generally measured by the ability of an organisation to act without significant constraint, or to influence prices to exclude competition, or to profitably maintain prices above the cost of supply in the long run. Conduct which may infringe abuse of
dominance and like provisions includes predatory pricing, exclusive dealing, loyalty rebates, tying and bundling, refusal to deal, and in some jurisdictions, excessive pricing.
Abuse of economic dependence
Definition: 定义:
Abuse of economic dependence, also known as an abuse of a superior bargaining position (ASBP), is a legal concept that addresses a situation where one party to a transaction that is in a position of relative strength to another abuses such position. In contrast to abusive conduct by dominant undertakings prohibited by provisions such as Article 102 TFEU, abuse of economic dependence does not require a dominant position in any market. Instead, it requires some sort of superior position relative to the counterparty of a transaction, and aims to protect the weaker party from the abuse of such position by the party in the superior position.
经济依赖关系的滥用,也称为滥用优势地位 (ASBP),是一个法律概念,它涉及一方在交易中处于相对优势地位时滥用其地位的情况。与《欧洲联盟运作条约》第 102 条等规定禁止的支配性企业滥用行为不同,经济依赖关系的滥用不要求在任何市场中都拥有支配地位。相反,它要求在交易的相对方中占据某种优势地位,并旨在保护较弱的一方免受优势地位的一方滥用其地位。
Essential facility 重要设施
Definition: 定义:
An essential facility is an asset or infrastructure to which a third party needs access to offer its own product or service on a market. A facility is essential if no reasonable alternatives are available and duplication of the facility is not feasible due to legal, economic or technical obstacles. Different assets have
been qualified as essential facilities: physical infrastructures like bridges or ports, intellectual property rights and sets of information. Denying access to an essential facility may amount to illegal monopolization (Section 2 of the Sherman Act) or abuse of dominance (Article 102 TFEU) by the undertaking controlling it.
禁止访问基本设施可能构成非法垄断(谢尔曼法第 2 条)或控制该设施的企业滥用支配地位(TFEU 第 102 条)。基本设施已被认定为:桥梁或港口等物理基础设施、知识产权和信息集合。
Access to essential facility
Definition: 定义:
An undertaking which occupies a dominant position in the provision of an essential facility and itself uses that facility (i. e. a facility or infrastructure, without access to which competitors cannot provide services to their customers), and which refuses other companies access to that facility without objective justification or grants access to competitors only on terms less favourable than those which it gives its own services, infringes Article 106 if the other conditions of that Article are met.
企业占据主要地位,以提供一项基本设施并自身使用该设施(即竞争对手无法在没有该设施的情况下向其客户提供服务),但以缺乏客观理由为由拒绝其他公司使用该设施,或仅以比其自身服务获得的条件更不优惠的条件向竞争对手授予使用权限,在符合该条其他条件的情况下,将违反第 106 条。
Cartel 卡特尔
Definition: 定义:
A cartel is an anti-competitive agreement or concerted practice between two or more rival firms aimed at coordinating their competitive behaviour on the market or influencing other parameters of competition through practices
that include but are not limited to: the direct or indirect fixing of prices or other trading conditions; the limitation or control of production, markets, technical developments or investment; the sharing of markets or sources of supply, including bidrigging; restrictions of imports or exports, or a combination of these practices. Exchange of competitively sensitive information can also be treated as cartel conduct in certain circumstances.
包括但不限于: 直接或间接地固定价格或其他交易条件;限制或控制生产、市场、技术发展或投资;分享市场或供应来源,包括串标;限制进出口,或以上行为的组合。在某些情况下,交换竞争敏感信息也可能被视为卡特尔行为。
Oligopoly 寡头垄断
Definition: 定义:
An oligopoly (from Ancient Greek “few” and “I sell, or I trade”) is a market structure in which market power (ability to raise prices above the competitive level and/or restrict competition otherwise) belongs to several undertakings.
An oligopoly is one of the models of imperfect competition. In an oligopoly, undertakings can act as a “collective subject” being independent of each other. However, this happens not as a result of collusion but because of a peculiar market structure (primarily as a result of informational transparency). It is the market structure that allows oligopolists to foresee each other’s behaviour and repeat it (e.g. by simultaneously raising prices).
Market power 市场力量
Definition: 定义:
Strength of a firm on a particular market. In basic economic terms, market power is the ability of firms to price above marginal cost and for this to be profitable. In competition analysis, market power is determined with the help of a structural analysis of the market, notably the calculation of market shares, which necessitates an examination of the availability of other producers of the same or of substitutable products (substitutability). An assessment of market power also needs to include an assessment of barriers to entry or growth (entry barriers) and of the rate of innovation. Furthermore, it may involve qualitative criteria, such as the financial resources, the vertical integration or the product range of the undertaking concerned.
在基本的经济术语中,市场力量是指企业将价格定在高于边际成本水平并获利的能力。在竞争分析中,市场力量是通过市场结构分析确定的,特别是市场份额的计算,这需要考察其他同类或可替代产品生产商的可用性(可替代性)。市场力量评估还需要包括对进入或增长壁垒(进入壁垒)和创新速度的评估。此外,它可能涉及定性标准,如相关企业 的财务资源、纵向一体化或产品范围。
Buyer power 买方力量
Definition: 定义:
Buyer power describes the bargaining position of a buyer with respect to its supplier(s) of goods or services. Through purchasing strategies, the buyer, unilaterally or through coordination with other buyers, can decrease the purchasing price of its input below the supplier’s standard selling price, above or below the competitive level. Two sub-types of buyer power are distinguished: first, monopsony power, which implies a withholding effect, being inefficient and dubbed the reverse of monopoly power; and second, bargaining (or
countervailing) power, in which tactics other than withholding may be used to the benefit of the buyer to reduce the input’s price. Bargaining power tends to be welfare enhancing as supra-competitive profits kept by the supplier are passed on to the buyer and eventually to the end consumers if there is competition in the retailing market.
Definition: 定义:
Extraterritorial reach of competition laws refers to the extent to which jurisdictions are permitted to apply their domestic laws to conduct that occurs outside their jurisdiction, including the reach of remedies (i.e., prohibitions or requirements on foreign conduct or with respect to foreign assets).
Horizontal agreement 横向协议
Definition: 定义:
Arrangement between actual or potential competitors, i.e. undertakings operating at the same level of the production or distribution chain, covering for example research and development, production, purchasing or commercialisation. Horizontal agreements may restrict competition in particular where they involve price fixing or market sharing, or where the see definition for market power resulting from the horizontal co-operation causes negative market effects with respect to
prices, output, innovation or the variety and quality of products. On the other hand, horizontal co-operation can be a means to share risk, save costs, pool know-how and launch innovation faster. In particular for small and medium-sized enterprises co-operation can be important means to adapt to the changing market place.
Vertical agreement 垂直协议
Definition: 定义:
Agreement or concerted Practice entered into between two or more undertakings each of which operates, for the purposes of the agreement, at a different level of the production or distribution chain, and relating to the conditions under which the parties may purchase, sell or resell certain goods or services.
Bid rigging 招标舞弊
Definition: 定义:
Bid rigging is a form of coordination between firms that may adversely affect the outcome of any sale or purchasing process in which bids are submitted. Such processes often, though not exclusively, relate to public procurement. Bid rigging may take a number of forms including: Bid suppression, where one or more parties agree not to bid; cover bidding, where parties agree to bid an artificially high price and bid rotation, where
parties may agree to bid, or bid only at an artificially high price, in rotation according to the number or value of contracts.
Boycott 抵制
Definition: 定义:
A collective boycott occurs when a group of competitors agree to exclude an actual or potential competitor. This practice generally constitutes a restriction by object.
Collusion 串通
Definition: 定义:
Collusion is an anticompetitive business practice that firms perform in a coordinated manner to obtain benefits at the expense of consumer welfare. A distinction exists between explicit collusion, concerted practice, and tacit collusion. Explicit collusion between competitors, which includes communication and agreement with respect to core elements of competition, is illegal worldwide. Other practices that involve less explicit arrangements, such as information exchange, are known as “concerted practices.” These are also illegal if they might restrain competition. Tacit collusion, a practice where a competitor unilaterally follows the behaviour of other competitors, is not illegal in and of itself.
Passing-on 传承
Definition: 定义:
Passing on, a concept well-accepted in economic theory, refers to the situation where an injured party passes on its actual loss resulting from an antitrust infringement (‘overcharge’) to the next level of the supply chain, by increasing the price of its products or services sold to its own customers at the downstream market-level (‘indirect purchasers’). Therefore, pass-on can serve as a ‘sword’, where an indirect purchaser alleges that the overcharge has caused it harm because of upstream pass-on. It can also be used as a ‘shield’, where an infringer invokes as a defence that downstream pass-on by the claimant had reduced the actual harm the latter has suffered.
Concerted practice 协同训练
Definition: 定义:
The term “concerted practice” is a form of anticompetitive market coordination without an agreement necessarily being reached. It may be defined as the coming together of two factors joined by a link of causality, based on the coordination between the parties through a way of contact whether direct or indirect, and the modification of the normal conditions of the market. A concerted practice has the purpose of harming competition where commercially sensitive information, such as an undertaking’s planned future pricing or output or
capacity, is exchanged between actual and/or potential competitors.
Unfair competition 不公平竞争
Definition: 定义:
Unfair competition is conduct by a market participant which gains or seeks to gain an advantage over its rivals through misleading, deceptive, dishonest, fraudulent, coercive or unconscionable conduct in trade or commerce.
Margin squeeze 利润挤压
Definition: 定义:
A “margin squeeze” is an exclusionary abuse of dominance that arises when a vertically-integrated monopolist sells an upstream bottleneck input to rival firms that also compete in a downstream market with the monopolist in the provision of a downstream product. A margin squeeze is said to arise when the margin between the price at which the monopolist sells the downstream product and the price at which the monopolist sells the upstream bottleneck product to its rivals is “too small” to allow an efficient downstream rival to effectively compete or survive. In order for a margin squeeze case to arise, three elements must be present. First, an upstream firm must produce an essential or bottleneck input with no substitutes and no scope for other firms to provide the
Abstract 摘要
essential input themselves. Second, that firm must sell that essential input to one or more downstream firms which seek to use that input in the provision of some downstream product or service. Third, the upstream firm must itself use its own input to compete against those downstream firms in the market for that downstream product or service.
Free riding 搭便车
Definition: 定义:
Free riding arises in circumstances in which certain entities incur costs to secure a certain benefit while other entities enjoy that benefit without incurring those costs. Certain restraints (principally, vertical restraints) are sometimes deemed to be efficient mechanisms to counteract free-riding that may otherwise deter the provision of services (especially, pre-sale services by distributors) that benefit consumers and enhance competition in the relevant product market.
免费搭便车发生在某些实体承担成本以获得某些利益,而其他实体在不承担这些成本的情况下享受该利益的情况下。 某些约束(主要是垂直约束)有时被认为是有效的机制来抵消可能阻止提供服务(尤其是经销商的售前服务)的免费搭便车,这些服务有利于消费者并增强相关产品市场中的竞争。
Public undertaking 公共事业
Definition: 定义:
An undertaking over which the public authorities directly or indirectly exercise dominant influence by virtue of their ownership, financial participation, or the rules which govern it. A dominant influence of public authorities is in particular presumed when they: a) hold the major part of the
undertaking’s subscribed capital, b) control the majority of the votes attached to shares issued by the undertaking or c) are in a position to appoint more than half of the members of the undertaking’s administrative, managerial or supervisory body.
根据对企业的认定的相关条款,该条款规定了三种情况:a) 对企业的认定,b) 对企业发行的股份拥有多数表决权的控制权,或者 c) 能够任命企业超过一半的行政、管理或监督机构成员。
Hard core restriction 硬核限制
Definition: 定义:
It refers to severe restrictions, which are likely to restrict competition and harm consumers or are not indispensable to the attainment of efficiency-enhancing effects. Agreements containing hardcore restrictions are excluded from the benefit of the block exemption, irrespective of the parties’ market shares. Examples of hardcore restrictions include the imposition of fixed or minimum resale prices or certain territorial or customer sales restrictions in vertical agreements and market allocations, quantity restrictions or price fixing in horizontal agreements.
Damages 损害
Definition: 定义:
Damages are a monetary relief available for the party harmed by a competition law infringement. The term refers to the sum of money that the claimant seeks compensation for and is causally connected to the anticompetitive conduct that injured the claimant in her business. Damages awards for competition
law infringements compensate the overcharge and loss of profits caused by the infringement, plus interest. Damages can also compensate the loss of chance and, occasionally, nonmaterial harm.
Rule of reason 反托拉斯规则
Definition: 定义:
The ‘rule of reason’ requires a court to balance an agreement’s pro-and anti-competitive effects under section 1 of the Sherman Act 1890 in the US; where the latter outweigh the former, the agreement will be regarded as an unlawful restraint of trade. EU competition law does not recognise a rule of reason under Article 101(1) TFEU. That is because the structure of Article 101 is different from that of section 1 of the Sherman Act; the pro-and anti-competitive effects of an agreement are weighed under Article 101(3) TFEU
《反垄断法》第 1 节规定的“理性规则”要求法院平衡协议的竞争和反竞争影响;如果后者超过前者,则该协议将被视为非法限制贸易。欧盟竞争法不承认《欧洲联盟运作条约》第 101(1) 条下的理性规则。这是因为第 101 条的结构不同于《反垄断法》第 1 节的结构;协议的竞争和反竞争影响根据《欧洲联盟运作条约》第 101(3) 条进行权衡
Predatory pricing 掠夺性定价
Definition: 定义:
The concept of predatory pricing comes into play when a dominant undertaking deliberately reduces its prices to a lossmaking level for a short-term to discipline its existing competitors or foreclose the market to new entrants with a view to strengthening or maintaining its market power later on by way of the foreclosing effect of such predation. To that end,
in broad terms, predatory pricing could be defined as the setting of prices at an unreasonably low level (below a cost parameter) to induce a competitor to exit the market or to deter its entry or expansion.
Downstream market 下游市场
Definition: 定义:
A downstream market means a market at the next stage of the production/distribution chain, for example, the distribution and sale of motor vehicles would be a downstream market in relation to the production of motor vehicles.
A downstream firm purchases outputs of an upstream firm, utilizing them as inputs to manufacture products or provide services for sale in the downstream market. The market where transactions take place for a firm to sell its products or services to its customers is referred to as the “downstream market”. The customers (buyers) of the goods or services (inputs) provided or sold by firms or input suppliers are situated in the downstream market.
下游公司购买上游公司产品,并将其用作生产产品或向市场销售服务。企业出售其产品或服务的市场被称为 “下游市场”。企业或投入供应商提供或销售的商品或服务(投入)的客户(买方)位于下游市场。
Network effect 网络效应
Definition: 定义:
A network effect exists when the value of a product or service increases as the number of other people using the same
product or service increases. It has emerged as one of the primary sources of value in the digital economy and the leading theoretical basis for the competition law cases against large tech firms, beginning with the cases against Microsoft.
Standard-essential patent(SEP)
标准必要专利 (SEP)
Definition: 定义:
A patent is deemed to be essential whenever it would be impossible to implement the standard without making use of it. In order to prevent or reduce the risks of patent hold-up and increase the willingness to participate in the development of a standard, Standard Development Organisations (SDOs) typically adopt disclosure and licensing rules. Accordingly, firms taking part in a standardization initiative must disclose the existence of any patent that might be considered essential to the developing standard (SEP), and agree to license their SEPs on fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory (FRAND) terms.
专利被认为是 Essential 的,只要它的缺失会使得无法实施该标准。为了预防或降低专利阻碍的风险并增加参与标准制定的意愿,标准制定组织(SDO)通常会采用披露和许可规则。因此,参与标准化举措的企业必须披露可能被视为标准必要专利(SEP)的任何专利的存在,并同意以公平、合理和无歧视(FRAND)的条件许可其 SEP。
Two-sided market 双边市场
Definition: 定义:
The term ‘two-sided market’ is used to emphasize that the demand for a product or service is characterized by two or more distinct customer or user groups - the two ‘sides’ - and where at least one of these groups cares significantly about the
involvement of another group (so-called ‘indirect network effects’ or ‘cross-group externalities’). The product or service is thus some kind of platform or intermediation service connecting the distinct user groups, i.e. sellers and buyers, or readers, authors and advertisers. Examples include physical and digital marketplaces (i.e. stock exchanges, shopping malls), traditional and modern media (i.e. newspapers, broadcasters, social media), as well as software platforms or payment systems.