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Fire safety management system

1. Purpose

In order to effectively control the hidden dangers of fire accidents in the company, this system is specially formulated.

2. Scope

This standard stipulates the fire management control method, which is applicable to the fire management of Huibi Electric (Dongguan) Co., Ltd.

3. Terminology omitted

4. Operating procedures

4.1 Fire education system

4.1.1 新员工应进行三级安全教育,具体参考《安全生产教育作业规范》。
4.1.1 New employees should carry out three-level safety education, with specific reference to the "Safety Production Education Practice Specification".

4.1.2 公司内部调动岗位的员工,必须重新接受二、三级安全教育,其后再进行岗位技术培训,经考试合格后方准上岗作业。
4.1.2 Employees who are transferred to positions within the company must re-receive the second and third level safety education, and then carry out on-the-job technical training, and only after passing the examination can they be allowed to work.

4.1.3 Personnel or interns of foreign construction units should also be educated by EHS organizations, so that the educated can understand the situation and requirements of the company's fire production, the current fire protection laws and regulations, and master the basic accident prevention measures.

4.1.4 日常教育
4.1.4 Daily education

A. All departments and workshops should carry out regular fire protection thinking, fire protection technology, and discipline and discipline education for employees, and enhance employees' safety awareness and legal concepts through regular workshop safety meetings, safety activities, team safety meetings, etc., and establish relevant education records.

B. 对违章人员、重大事故责任人、工伤复工人员,应由所在单位组织进行安全教育,经考核合格方可准予上岗。
B. For violators, persons responsible for major accidents, and personnel returning to work due to work-related injuries, safety education shall be organized by the unit to which they belong, and they can only be allowed to work after passing the assessment.

C. Regularly hold fire education and training courses, and make full use of the company's website, safety publicity columns, blackboard newspapers and other publicity means to carry out fire protection technology and occupational health education for employees.

4.2 management of fire-fighting equipment

4.2.1 In the new project should be equipped with fire-fighting equipment in accordance with the relevant national design specifications, before the project is put into operation, the fire-fighting equipment must be accepted by the fire department, and draw the fire-fighting equipment network diagram and store EHS.

4.2.2 The workshop that has been put into operation shall be equipped with fire-fighting equipment by EHS in accordance with the "Design Code for Building Fire Extinguisher Configuration".

4.2.3 Purchase of fire-fighting equipment: EHS shall fill in the purchase plan in accordance with the procurement procedures, and EHS shall be responsible for the purchase after approval.

4.2.4 消防器材的日常管理和维护
4.2.4 Daily management and maintenance of fire-fighting equipment

A. EHS should establish a company-wide "fire-fighting equipment account", firefighters are responsible for the daily inspection of fire-fighting equipment, and organize personnel maintenance in time if abnormalities are found.

BEHS should always check the standby situation of fire-fighting equipment and inspection marks, and repair them in time if they are found to be damaged or beyond the inspection cycle.

4.2.5 消防器材的维修
4.2.5 Maintenance of fire-fighting equipment

A fire brigade is responsible for the maintenance of the broken equipment, after the firefighters repair, still can not ensure the normal use, to deploy.

B for the use of fire extinguishing equipment has reached or can not be used normally, where the company can not be inspected and maintained, EHS can apply for external qualified units for inspection and maintenance, qualified before re-equipped to the departments, rooms, workshops for normal use.

C. Inspection of fire-fighting equipment

The inspection of fire-fighting equipment includes the inspection of the use performance, fire-fighting identification, the number of equipment, and the correct use method.

4.2.6 Scrapping of fire-fighting equipment

A. Scrapping conditions of fire-fighting equipment

The fire-fighting equipment does not meet the requirements of relevant national laws, regulations or standards.

Through the reflection of the use of the department, room and workshop on the fire-fighting equipment, if the normal use effect is still not achieved after professional maintenance, it needs to be replaced with a new one, and it will be scrapped;

For some fire extinguishing equipment, after long-term service beyond the service life, the appearance is rusty, and the pressure test does not meet the safety requirements, it can be scrapped.

B EHS按照国家有关标准的要求,对符合报废条件的消防器材给予报废处理,并在《消防器材台帐》中做好报废记录。
B EHS in accordance with the requirements of the relevant national standards, the fire fighting equipment that meets the scrap conditions shall be scrapped, and the scrap record shall be made in the "Fire Fighting Equipment Ledger".

C. Scrapped fire-fighting equipment should be specially stored and disposed of in accordance with national regulations and the company's methods for the disposal of scrapped materials.

4.3 Fire inspection

4.3.1 EHS应每月检查消防情况,记录于<消防安全检查表>中。检查包括:
4.3.1 The EHS shall inspect the fire protection situation on a monthly basis<消防安全检查表>. Tests include:

(A) the rectification of fire hazards and the implementation of preventive measures; (2) Safe evacuation routes, evacuation signs, emergency lighting, and safety exits; (3) Fire truck passages and fire water sources; (4) The configuration and effectiveness of fire extinguishing equipment; (5) Whether there are any violations of rules in the use of fire and electricity; (6) The mastery of fire protection knowledge of key types of personnel and other employees; (7) The management of key parts of fire safety; (8) The implementation of fire and explosion prevention measures for flammable and explosive dangerous goods and places, as well as the fire safety of other important materials; (9) The operation and recording of fire-fighting facilities; (10) Fire prevention inspections; (11) the setting of fire safety signs and the integrity and effectiveness of the situation; (12) Other content that needs to be inspected.

4.3.2 The problems found in the fire inspection should be rectified immediately, and if they cannot be rectified immediately, they should be recorded, with specific reference to the "Measures for the Management of Corrective and Preventive Measures".

4.4 fire prevention system for key parts

4.4.1 Management system for safe passages and fire passages.

A.All safety passages and fire escapes in the company are dedicated to fire fighting and personnel evacuation.

B. It is strictly forbidden to stack any items in the safe passage, and it is forbidden for any department to separate or block the safe passage.

C. It is forbidden to stack items on the fire escape, and non-fire vehicles are not allowed to park on the fire escape.

D. EHS regularly inspects and inspects the above channels, and if it is found that the above provisions are violated, it will immediately notify the relevant departments for rectification.

4.4.2 power distribution room fire safety responsibility system

A. Electricians must hold a valid safety operation certificate, must strictly abide by the safety operation procedures, and must concentrate on work and frequently check all electrical instruments and equipment.

B. Smoking is strictly prohibited in the distribution room, and flammable materials are not allowed to be stacked inside and outside the door of the distribution room.

C. Non-computer room personnel are not allowed to enter the power distribution room for no reason, if it is necessary to enter due to work, it must be agreed by the electrician, and make a record of entry and exit.

D. The power distribution room must be equipped with sufficient fire extinguishing equipment to ensure that it is in good condition and usable.

E. All electricians should be trained in fire prevention and have basic knowledge of fire prevention and fire extinguishing.

4.4.3 fire prevention system of dangerous goods warehouse

A. Open flames should be prohibited in the warehouse, and there should be obvious fire prohibition signs outside the warehouse.

B. The storage volume of items in the warehouse shall be strictly controlled and shall not exceed the storage standards stipulated by the state.

C. Dangerous goods that conflict with chemical properties, protection, and fire extinguishing methods shall not be placed together.

D. The warehouse should be ventilated, and the stacking of hazardous chemicals should ensure a safe distance.

E. When opening the lid of the canned flammable liquid barrel, copper tools must be used, and it is strictly forbidden to use iron tools or use iron tools to beat the packaging barrel.

F. When it is hot in summer, cooling methods such as water shower should be taken to reduce the temperature in the warehouse.

G. When the vehicle enters the dangerous goods warehouse, it should be covered with a fire cap to prevent accidents.

H. It is strictly forbidden to make mobile phone calls in the hazardous chemicals warehouse.

I. The entry of personnel into the hazardous chemicals warehouse should be strictly controlled.

4.5 Fire Permit System (applicable to the situation of fire within the company)

4.5.1 Before using electric and gas welding for welding and cutting operations, a written application must be submitted by the fire department. The safety officer must carefully check the operator's valid "operation certificate", put forward specific safety measures according to the situation at the fire scene, implement the guardian, and be responsible for the supervision of the whole process of the fire. The production department issues the "Fire Application Form" before the fire can be started.

4.5.2 If the fire is carried out in an important part, it must be approved by the company's leader in charge of safety.

4.5.3 If the fire approval in particularly dangerous places, such as dangerous goods warehouses, etc., it is also necessary to go to the fire department for approval.

4.5.4 Before the fire, EHS shall arrange a safety officer to inspect the site.

Clarify the operation task, carefully understand the situation of the job site, the characteristics of welding and cutting. The pipelines that have stored flammable and explosive materials should be thoroughly cleaned, and the pressure storage pipelines should be relieved first.

Clean up any flammable products within 5 meters of the fire scene, and all flammable materials should be kept away from the fire scene. If the site is limited and cannot be cleaned up, measures such as watering or covering with asbestos blankets should be taken.

Welding and cutting equipment should be inspected by professionals, and it is strictly forbidden to use welding and cutting equipment that has defects or incomplete or malfunctioning safety protection devices. The acetylene cylinder and the oxygen cylinder should be separated by more than 5 meters, and the distance from the fire scene should be more than 10 meters. The welding machine should be placed in an open, ventilated independent area. All kinds of wires shall not be damaged or exposed. A special ground wire should be set up, and the ground wire should not be connected to machinery and equipment, various pipe mouths, and oxygen cylinders should not be exposed to the sun, nor should they be close to electric lights and wires.

Welding and cutting operations are not allowed to cross operations at the same part, at the same time, and up and down with flammable operations such as painting, painting, and woodworking.

Equipped with corresponding fire-fighting equipment, and other safety measures are taken according to the on-site situation.

After checking that there is no error, the supervisor shall sign in the corresponding column of the "Fire Application Form".

4.5.5 During the hot operation, the safety officer shall continuously inspect the hot scene.

禁止施工人员及监护人员有违纪行为,及时发现及时排除不安全因素, 及时补充灭火器材。
It is forbidden for construction personnel and guardians to violate discipline, and to find and eliminate unsafe factors in a timely manner, and to replenish fire extinguishing equipment in a timely manner.

焊、割中途离开现场必须切断电源、气源,仔细检查,监护人员不得 离开。
When leaving the site in the middle of welding and cutting, the power supply and gas source must be cut off, carefully inspected, and the guardians shall not leave.

When welding and cutting operations are outdoors, pay attention to the wind to prevent sparks and welding slag from blowing to nearby combustibles and use tap water to extinguish the fire.

Check the interfaces such as the gas cylinder pressure reducing valve and the skin pipe to avoid air leakage. Gas cylinders must not be used on the ground.

4.5.6 After the end, the supervision safety officer carefully inspected the fire scene and nearby areas.

A) The power supply and gas source must be cut off, and the pressure regulator valve of the gas cylinder pressure gauge should be removed.

B) Clean up combustibles near the site to confirm that there is no risk of re-ignition of the fire.

C) Supervise the construction personnel to take the welding and cutting tools away from the site.

D) After the safety officer checks that there is no error, end the fire.

E) statistics on the use of fire extinguishing equipment, report to the person in charge of safety and do a good job of supplementing fire fighting equipment.

4.5.7 The approval of the fire must be carried out before each fire, and it is not possible to approve multiple fires at one time. For details, please refer to the "Regulations on the Management of Hazardous Operations"

46. After a fire occurs, the "Fire Emergency Preparedness and Response Procedures" should be implemented.


Fire safety management regulations




Details of Revision







first edition


Amy Ge


标准变化文件换版, 由原来的第2版更新至第3
The standard change document has been updated from the original 2nd edition to the 3rd edition
