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Chapter 3 The Organic Molecules of Life Lecture Outline >>
第 3 章 生命的有机分子 讲义提纲 >>

3.1 Organic Molecules >>
3.1 有机分子 >>


3.1 Organic Molecules >>
3.1 有机分子 >>

Organic chemistry >>
有机化学 >>

Biological molecules >>
生物分子 >>

Organic molecules contain carbon and hydrogen. >>

Inorganic molecules do not contain a combination of carbon and hydrogen (H2O and NaCl). >>
无机分子不包含碳和氢的组合(H2O 和 NaCl)。>>

Figure 3.1 Organic Molecules as Structural Materials >>
图 3.1 作为结构材料的有机分子 >>


Carbon, 1 >>
碳, 1 >>

Carbon atom >>
碳原子 >>

Total of six electrons—4 in outer shell >>
外层共有六个电子-4 >>

Almost always shares electrons with elements such as hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen >>
几乎总是与氢、氮和氧等元素共享电子 >>

Can bond with as many as 4 other elements >>
可与多达 4 种其他元素结合 >>

Most often shares electrons with other carbon atoms >>
通常与其他碳原子共享电子 >>

Hydrocarbons—chains of carbon atoms bonded only to hydrogen atoms >>
只与氢原子结合的碳原子链 >> 碳氢化合物

Isomers—same number and kinds of atoms in a variety of arrangements >>
同分异构体--相同数量和种类的原子以不同方式排列 >>

May have different properties >>
可能具有不同的特性 >>

Figure 3.2 Hydrocarbons Are Highly Versatile >>
图 3.2 碳氢化合物用途广泛 >>.


Carbon, 2 >>
碳,2 >>

Carbon skeleton and functional groups >>
碳骨架和官能团 >>

Size and shape of carbon skeleton or backbone >>
碳骨架或骨干的大小和形状 >>

Functional group—specific combination of bonded atoms that always has the same chemical properties and always reacts the same way >>
键合原子的特定官能团组合,始终具有相同的化学性质,并始终以相同的方式发生反应 >> 化合反应

Reactivity of organic molecule largely dependent on attached functional groups >>
有机分子的反应活性很大程度上取决于附着的官能团 >> 有机分子的反应活性很大程度上取决于附着的官能团

Often use R to stand for the rest of the molecule >>
通常用 R 表示分子的其余部分 >>

Figure 3.3 Common Functional Groups >>
图 3.3 常见功能组 >>


3.2 The Biological Molecules of Cells >>
3.2 细胞的生物分子 >>


3.2 The Biological Molecules of Cells >>
3.2 细胞的生物分子 >>

4 categories—carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids >>
4 个类别--碳水化合物、脂类、蛋白质和核酸 >>...

Biomolecules >>
生物分子 >>

Monomers—subunits >>
单体-亚基 >>

Polymer—monomers joined together >>
连接在一起的聚合物单体 >>

Dehydration synthesis reaction >>
脱水合成反应 >>

Joins monomers to form polymers >>
连接单体形成聚合物 >>

Equivalent of removing a water molecule >>
相当于移除一个水分子 >>

Figure 3.7a Synthesis of Polymers >>
图 3.7a 聚合物的合成 >>


Hydrolysis >>
水解 >>

Breaks polymers apart >>
分解聚合物 >>

Water is used to break the bond >>
水被用来打破粘合剂 >> 水被用来打破粘合剂 >> 水被用来打破粘合剂 >> 水被用来打破粘合剂

Figure 3.7b Breakdown of Polymers >>
图 3.7b 聚合物的细分 >>


Carbohydrates, 1 >>
碳水化合物,1 >>

Almost universally used as immediate energy source in living things >>
几乎普遍用作生物体的直接能源 >>

Play structural roles >>
发挥结构性作用 >>

Polymers of monomers called saccharides or sugars >>
称为糖或糖的单体聚合物 >>

Monosaccharide, disaccharide, polysaccharide >>
单糖、双糖、多糖 >>

Carbohydrates, 2 >>
碳水化合物,2 >>

Monosaccharides >>
单糖 >>

Single sugar molecule >>
单糖分子 >>

Simple sugars >>
单糖 >>

3–7 carbon backbone >>
3-7 碳骨架 >>

Glucose C6H12O6 >>
葡萄糖 C6H12O6 >>

2 isomers—fructose and galactose >>
2 种异构体--果糖和半乳糖 >>

Cells use glucose as the energy source of choice. >>

Ribose and deoxyribose are found in RNA and DNA >>
核糖和脱氧核糖存在于核糖核酸和脱氧核糖核酸中 >>

Figure 3.8 Glucose >>
图 3.8 葡萄糖 >>


Disaccharides >>
二糖 >>

2 monosaccharides bonded together >>
2 个单糖结合在一起 >>

Maltose—yeast breaks down maltose in beer for energy and produces ethyl alcohol >>
麦芽糖--酵母分解啤酒中的麦芽糖以获取能量,并产生乙醇 >> 。

Fermentation >>
发酵 >>

Sucrose—table sugar >>
蔗糖-食用糖 >>

Figure 3.9 Breakdown of Maltose, a Disaccharide >>
图 3.9 双糖麦芽糖的分解 >>


Polysaccharides Can Store Energy >>
多糖可以储存能量 >>

Polymers of monosaccharides >>
单糖聚合物 >>

Some function as energy storage molecules. >>

Plants store glucose as starch. >>

Animals store glucose as glycogen >>
动物以糖原的形式储存葡萄糖 >>

Some function as structural components. >>

Cellulose—plant cell walls >>
纤维素--植物细胞壁 >>

Most abundant of all organic molecules >>
最丰富的有机分子 >>

Digested only by some microbes >>
仅被某些微生物消化 >>

Chitin—crab, lobster, insect exoskeletons >>
甲壳素--螃蟹、龙虾、昆虫的外骨骼 >>

Figure 3.10a Starch Function >>
图 3.10a 淀粉功能 >>


Figure 3.10b Glycogen Structure >>
图 3.10b 糖原结构 >>


Figure 3.11 Cellulose Structure and Function >>
图 3.11 纤维素的结构与功能 >>


Lipids >>
脂质 >>

All are insoluble in water >>
都不溶于水 >>

Long nonpolar hydrocarbon chains >>
长的非极性碳氢链 >>

Relative lack of hydrophilic functional groups >>
相对缺乏亲水官能团 >>

Very diverse structures and functions >>
非常多样化的结构和功能 >>

Fats and oils used for long-term energy storage >>
用于长期储能的油脂 >>

Oil may help waterproof skin, hair, and feathers. >>

Triglycerides >>
甘油三酯 >>

Fats and oils >>
油脂 >>

Triglycerides are composed of 1 glycerol and 3 fatty acids. >>
甘油三酯由 1 个甘油和 3 个脂肪酸组成。>>

Figure 3.12 Synthesis and Breakdown of Fat >>
图 3.12 脂肪的合成与分解 >>


Saturated or Unsaturated Fats >>
饱和脂肪还是不饱和脂肪 >>

Fatty acids are either: >>

Saturated—no double bonds between carbon atoms >>
饱和-碳原子之间没有双键 >>

Butter is solid at room temperature. >>

Unsaturated—one or more double bonds between carbon atoms >>
不饱和--碳原子之间有一个或多个双键 >>

Oil is liquid at room temperature. >>

Trans fatty acids have been artificially hydrogenated to make them more solid. >>

Figure 3.13a Unsaturated Fatty Acid Chain >>
图 3.13a 不饱和脂肪酸链 >>


Figure 3.13b Fatty Acids >>
图 3.13b 脂肪酸 >>


Figure 3.13c Fatty Acids >>
图 3.13c 脂肪酸 >>


Lipids in Cells >>
细胞中的脂质 >>

Phospholipids >>
磷脂 >>

Form the bulk of the plasma membrane >>
形成质膜的主体 >>

One end of the molecule is water-soluble.• Polar phosphate head >>
分子的一端可溶于水 - 极性磷酸盐头 >>

Other end of the molecule is not watersoluble. >>

Nonpolar fatty acid tails >>
非极性脂肪酸尾 >>

Figure 3.14 Phospholipids Form Membranes >>
图 3.14 磷脂形成膜 >>...


Steroids >>
类固醇 >>

Lipids made of 4 fused rings >>
由 4 个融合环组成的脂质 >>

No fatty acids but are insoluble in water >>
不含脂肪酸,但不溶于水 >>

Derived from cholesterol >>
来源于胆固醇 >>

Differ only in functional groups >>
仅在官能团上存在差异 >>

Figure 3.15 Steroid Diversity >>
图 3.15 类固醇多样性 >>


Proteins >>
蛋白质 >>

Proteins are composed of amino acid monomers >>
蛋白质由氨基酸单体组成 >>

Central carbon bonded to hydrogen atom, amino group, carboxyl group, and a side chain, or R group >>
与氢原子、氨基、羧基和侧链或 R 基团结合的中心碳 >>

20 different amino acids >>
20 种不同的氨基酸 >>

Differ according to R group >>
因 R 组而异 >>

Many functions: support, metabolism, transport, defense, regulation, and motion >>
多种功能:支持、新陈代谢、运输、防御、调节和运动 >>

Figure 3.17 Amino Acids >>
图 3.17 氨基酸 >>


Amino Acids and Peptides >>
氨基酸和肽 >>

Peptides >>
多肽 >>

Peptide—two or more amino acids covalently linked >>
肽--两个或多个氨基酸共价连接 >>

Peptide bond—formed by dehydration reaction between two amino acid monomers >>
两个氨基酸单体通过脱水反应形成的肽键 >>

Polypeptide—chain of many amino acids joined by peptide bonds >>
由多个氨基酸通过肽键连接而成的多肽链 >>

Amino acid sequence determines the final three-dimensional shape of protein >>
氨基酸序列决定蛋白质的最终三维形状 >>

Figure 3.18 Synthesis and Degradation of Peptide >>
图 3.18 肽的合成和降解 >>


Shape of Proteins, 1 >>
蛋白质的形状,1 >>

Function determined by three-dimensional shape >>
由三维形状决定的功能 >>

Loss of structure and function—denature >>
结构和功能的丧失--变性 >>

Usually due to pH or temperature >>
通常是由于 pH 值或温度 >>

Primary structure—amino acid sequence >>
一级结构-氨基酸序列 >>

Shape of Proteins, 2 >>
蛋白质的形状,2 >>

Secondary structure—portions of chain form helices or pleated sheets >>
二级结构--部分链形成螺旋或褶皱片 >>

Tertiary structure—overall three-dimensional shape of interacting secondary structures >>
三级结构--相互作用的二级结构的整体三维形状 >>

Quaternary structure—more than one polypeptide chain interacting >>
四元结构--多条多肽链相互作用 >>

Figure 3.19 Levels of Protein Organization – Primary >>
图 3.19 蛋白质的组织层次 - 初级 >>


Figure 3.19 Levels of Protein Organization – Secondary >>
图 3.19 蛋白质的组织层次 - 二级 >>


Figure 3.19 Levels of Protein Organization – Tertiary >>
图 3.19 蛋白质的组织层次 - 三级 >>


Figure 3.19 Levels of Protein Organization – Quaternary >>
图 3.19 蛋白质的组织层次--四级 >>


Nucleic Acids >>
核酸 >>

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) >>
脱氧核糖核酸(DNA) >>

Stores genetic information >>
存储基因信息 >>

Ribonucleic acid (RNA) >>
核糖核酸(RNA) >>

Helps to make proteins >>
有助于制造蛋白质 >>

Polymers of nucleotide monomers >>
核苷酸单体聚合物 >>

Nucleotide composed of a phosphate, 5-carbon sugar, and nitrogen-containing base >>
由磷酸、5 碳糖和含氮碱基组成的核苷酸 >>

5 types of bases—adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and thymine (T) [DNA only], Uracil (U) [RNA only] >>
5 种碱基--腺嘌呤 (A)、鸟嘌呤 (G)、胞嘧啶 (C) 和胸腺嘧啶 (T)[仅限 DNA],脲嘧啶 (U) [仅限 RNA] >>

Figure 3.20a DNA and RNA Structure >>
图 3.20a DNA 和 RNA 结构 >>


Structure of DNA >>
DNA 的结构 >>

Deoxyribose as sugar >>
脱氧核糖作为糖 >>

Double helix >>
双螺旋 >>

Complementary base pairing >>
互补碱基配对 >>

Adenine (A) with thymine (T) >>
腺嘌呤 (A) 与胸腺嘧啶 (T) >>

Cytosine (C) with guanine (G) >>
胞嘧啶 (C) 与鸟嘌呤 (G) >>

Genetic information stored in sequence of bases >>
存储在碱基序列中的遗传信息 >>

Figure 3.20b DNA and RNA Structure >>
图 3.20b DNA 和 RNA 结构 >>


RNA Bases >>
RNA 碱基 >>

Ribose as sugar >>
核糖作为糖 >>

Single-stranded >>
单链 >>

Uses uracil (U) instead of thymine (T) >>
使用尿嘧啶 (U) 代替胸腺嘧啶 (T) >>

Figure 3.20c DNA and RNA Structure – RNA Bases >>
图 3.20c DNA 和 RNA 结构 - RNA 碱基 >>


Comparing Proteins and Nucleic Acids >>
比较蛋白质和核酸 >>

Relationship between proteins and nucleic acids >>
蛋白质与核酸的关系 >>

Sequence of bases in DNA determines sequence of amino acids in a protein. >>
DNA 中的碱基序列决定蛋白质中氨基酸的序列。>>

Sequence of amino acids determines a protein's structure and function. >>

Small changes in the DNA may cause large changes in a protein. >>
DNA 的微小变化可能导致蛋白质的巨大变化。>>

Sickle-cell disease >>
镰状细胞病 >>

Individual’s red blood cells are sickle-shaped >>
个人的红细胞呈镰刀状 >>.

One amino acid difference >>
一个氨基酸的差异 >>

Inherited disease >>
遗传性疾病 >>

Figure 3.21 Sickle-Cell Disease >>
图 3.21 镰状细胞病 >>
