Please confirm receipt of this notice by completing Attachment C “Customer Reply Form”, attached to this notice, and return to Oxygen Care, Ltd so that our records may be updated. 請填寫本通知附件 C「客戶回覆表」以確認收到本通知,並返回給 Oxygen Care, Ltd,以便更新我們的記錄。
If an unauthorised label applied to Defibtech AED Pads is confirmed, please urgently return the Defibtech AED Pads along with the completed “Customer Reply Form” to Oxygen Care. Upon receipt of the unauthorized labelled Defibtech AED Pads, Oxygen Care will send a replacement set of authorised labelled Defibtech AED Pads to you at no charge: 如果確認 Defibtech AED 衛生巾上貼有未經授權的標籤,請緊急將 Defibtech AED 衛生巾連同填妥的“客戶回復表”退還給 Oxygen Care。收到未經授權的貼有 Defibtech AED 墊後,Oxygen Care 將免費向您發送一套帶有授權貼有 AED 墊的替換品:
Oxygen Care Ltd.: Oxygen Care 有限公司:
Email: 電子郵件:
Phone: 02890665539 電話: 02890665539
Address: 6B Wildflower Way, Boucher Road, Belfast BT12 6TA 聯繫位址: 6B Wildflower Way, Boucher Road, 貝爾法斯特 BT12 6TA
4. If you have transferred the Defibtech AED Pads to another entity or department, please contact Oxygen Care as per the above contact details. 4. 如果您已將 Defibtech AED 墊轉讓給其他實體或部門,請按照上述聯繫方式聯繫 Oxygen Care。
The unauthorised labelled Defibtech AED pads were re-labelled with expiration dates beyond the shelf life of the Defibtech AED Pads. The affected Defibtech AED Pads should not be used. 未經授權貼有標籤的 Defibtech AED 墊被重新貼上標籤,有效期超過 Defibtech AED 墊的保質期。不應使用受影響的Defibtech AED墊。
Defibtech will continue to work closely with regulatory authorities toward the resolution of this issue. Defibtech is committed to patient safety and is focused on providing the highest level of customer satisfaction. We appreciate your cooperation and sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you. Defibtech 將繼續與監管機構密切合作,以解決此問題。Defibtech 致力於患者安全,並專注於提供最高水準的客戶滿意度。感謝您的合作,並對由此給您帶來的任何不便表示誠摯的歉意。
Thank you for your prompt support on this important matter. 感謝您對這一重要事項的及時支援。
Sincerely, 真誠地
Kei Yoshizawa 吉澤圭
President 總統
Defibtech LLC Defibtech 有限責任公司