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Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective, 3/E (CS:APP3e)
计算机系统:程序员的视角,3/E (CS:APP3e)

Randal E. Bryant and David R. O'Hallaron, Carnegie Mellon University

Legacy site for the second edition

Overview. This book (CS:APP3e) is the third edition of a book that stems from the introductory computer systems course we developed at Carnegie Mellon University, starting in the Fall of 1998, called "Introduction to Computer Systems" (ICS). The presentation is based on the following principles, which aim to help the students become better programmers and to help prepare them for upper-level systems courses:
概述。本书 (CS:APP3e) 是一本书的第三版,该书源于我们在卡内基梅隆大学开发的计算机系统入门课程,该课程于 1998 年秋季开始,名为“计算机系统入门”(ICS)。本演示基于以下原则,旨在帮助学生成为更好的程序员,并帮助他们为更高级别的系统课程做好准备:

We cover data representations, machine level representations of C programs, processor architecture, program optimizations, the memory hierarchy, linking, exceptional control flow (exceptions, interrupts, processes, and Unix signals), virtual memory and memory management, system-level I/O, basic network programming, and concurrent programming. These concepts are supported by series of fun and hands-on lab assignments. See the manuscript Preface for more details.
我们涵盖数据表示、C 的机器级表示 程序、处理器架构、程序优化、内存 层次结构、链接、异常控制流(异常、中断、 进程和 Unix 信号)、虚拟内存 和内存管理、系统级 I/O、基本网络编程、 和并发编程。这些概念得到了支持 一系列有趣且动手实践的实验室作业。看手稿 前言了解更多详细信息。

Web asides. We had so much material for this book that we couldn't fit it all in! Instead, we have created electronic documents containing useful additional material, which we call Web asides. Check it out. You'll find interesting theoretical and practical information that goes beyond the scope of the book.
网络旁白。这本书的材料太多了,我们无法全部放进去!相反,我们创建了包含有用附加材料的电子文档,我们将其称为“Web 旁白” 。一探究竟。您会发现超出本书范围的有趣的理论和实践信息。

Course Materials for Instructors and Students. The Student Site contains additional material for the students. The Instructor Site contains a complete turnkey solution for teaching the course.