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Posted by4 years ago

what are game keys? 什么是游戏按键?

what are game keys? i kinda know what they are but dont really understand it fully. so for example if i buy a game key for steam will i get a game or will it just active it or smth like that? like on the old ps3 games. and i have another question. is g2a safe to buy game keys?
什么是游戏按键?我有点知道它们是什么,但并没有完全理解它。例如,如果我购买了 Steam 的游戏密钥,我会得到一个游戏还是只会激活它或类似的东西?就像旧的 PS3 游戏一样。我还有另一个问题。 g2a 购买游戏密钥安全吗?

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level 1
· 4 yr. ago

It's a code that unlocks the game for your library. Like a coupon. Kinda like the old CD keys. You type it in and the game gets added to you library.
这是为您的库解锁游戏的代码。就像优惠券一样。有点像旧的 CD 密钥。您输入它,游戏就会添加到您的库中。

I haven't used g2a myself, but some of my friends have and they never mentioned any issues.

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level 2

Thanks. This helps alot 谢谢。这有很大帮助

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level 1

Game keys are a bit complex, in a perfect world it's just like being gifted a game, you put the code in, you own it. That's why they're often times used to give journalists early copies, so that they can get the game even if it's not actually available for purchase. Keys are used instead of gifting because they aren't tied to a single account, so the company sends the keys, and the journalists get to chose what steam account they use them on.
游戏密钥有点复杂,在完美的世界中,就像收到了一个游戏一样,您输入代码,您就拥有了它。这就是为什么他们经常向记者提供早期版本,这样即使游戏实际上无法购买,他们也可以获得游戏。使用密钥而不是赠送礼物,因为它们不与单个帐户绑定,因此公司会发送密钥,记者可以选择在哪个 Steam 帐户上使用密钥。

The way g2a claims they manage to sell at lower prices due to bulk purchases.
g2a 声称,由于批量采购,他们能够以较低的价格出售。

On the other hand there's the gray area of keys. While keys can be obtained legally and then sold, a lot of them aren't. There's plenty of articles about illegally obtained keys and it changes from site to site, so you have to look into them each individually.

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level 2

So this means that i need to look for a more realible site?

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level 3

That's mostly for you to decide, I personally don't use key sites but at the same time I only buy one or two large titles a year. G2A has been increasing its reputation over time but still look around at recent news about it
这主要由您决定,我个人不使用关键网站,但同时我每年只购买一到两个大型游戏。随着时间的推移,G2A 的声誉不断提高,但仍然关注最近有关它的新闻

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level 1

A game key is essentially just a voucher that entitles you to a product on the digital storefront. If you use a key on Steam, you'll get it in your library just like you would if you purchased it directly from Steam.
游戏密钥本质上只是一张凭证,让您有权在数字店面购买产品。如果您在 Steam 上使用密钥,您将在库中获得它,就像直接从 Steam 购买一样。

G2A is just a marketplace for other people to sell keys. Some of them are perfectly safe, and some of them aren't. You could be buying a code that was acquired legally, or you could be buying a code that was acquired using stolen credit card information. If you buy from a seller with tons of positive reviews, then you're probably safe.

They're a pretty shitty company, though, so I would encourage you to look elsewhere. They charge a fee for guaranteeing a refund if you get sold a fake/stolen key. They also charge a "processing fee" on top of the sale price and other fees.

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level 2

Thanks! I found a better site. Atleast i think so. Its called CDkeys
谢谢!我找到了一个更好的网站。至少我这么认为。它被称为 CDkeys

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level 3

I've never had a problem with CDKeys. They generally have a better reputation than G2A.
我从来没有遇到过 CDKey 问题。他们通常比 G2A 拥有更好的声誉。

level 1
· 4 yr. ago

Most developers would prefer you to pirate the games rather than use G2A.
大多数开发者更愿意您盗版游戏而不是使用 G2A。

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level 2

Yah i found a way better site with better reputation. Well atleast i think so. Its called CDKeys
是的,我找到了一个更好的网站,声誉更好。好吧,至少我是这么认为的。它称为 CDKeys

level 3
· 4 yr. ago

Same shit bro. Don’t buy from grey sellers, buy from official sources.

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level 4

Then iam fucked. Iam a poor lad and i dont want to pirate games

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level 5

Hey u/i_like_meatballs_ :)

I hope you don't mind me coming in here and responding to your comment.

You're right - pirating is always the worst option. You can easily download malicious software or be excluded from multiplayer mode and updates.
你是对的 - 盗版始终是最糟糕的选择。您可以轻松下载恶意软件或被排除在多人游戏模式和更新之外。

However, please keep in mind that G2A (the world's largest digital marketplace) is all about the free market and people's right to resell what they legally obtained.

Caring about key sources is the most essential aspect of our activity. We spent a lot on resources and implementations to keep in line with security requirements. These include strict seller verification that requires a wide variety of documentation to prove that the applying business is legal. Our anti-fraud efforts now involve layers of automated and human checks on sellers to identify and prevent fraud and other activity harmful to our community that could take place within our ecosystem.

Most sellers on our platform are wholesalers who purchase game keys straight from the developers and publishers in bulk. That way developers do get money. There is also a large number of developers (around 250) who sell their games directly through the G2A Direct program (it allows devs to get up to 10% fee of their keys sold on our platform). Caring about our key sources is the most essential aspect of our business as chargebacks fees hurt marketplaces even more than devs.
我们平台上的大多数卖家都是批发商,他们直接从开发商和发行商那里批量购买游戏密钥。这样开发商就可以赚到钱了。还有大量开发者(大约 250 名)通过 G2A Direct 计划直接销售他们的游戏(它允许开发者获得在我们平台上销售的密钥的高达 10% 的费用)。关心我们的关键来源是我们业务中最重要的方面,因为退款费用对市场的伤害甚至比对开发者的伤害更大。

Please be assured that we really value the game developers' work. Otherwise, our platform couldn't be able to exist.

If you would like to know something more - don't hesitate to ask :)
如果您想了解更多信息 - 请随时询问:)

Have a lovely day! 祝你愉快!


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