What is finance and why should you care? 什麼是財務?您為什麼要關心這個問題?
What are some examples of financial decisions made by firms or investors? 公司或投資人所做的財務決策有哪些範例?
Insurance? 保險?
Acquisitions 收購
Budgeting of investment 投資預算
Capital expenditure 資本支出
Share repurchases 股份購回
Fund business not 基金業務不
Loans / financing 貸款/融資
Which bank to choose 選擇哪家銀行
If over $250K\$ 250 \mathrm{~K} 如果超過 $250K\$ 250 \mathrm{~K}
What is finance and why should you care? How should firms or investors go about making those decisions? 什麼是財務?您為什麼要關心這個問題?公司或投資人應該如何做出這些決策?
Risk I return 風險 I 回報
Discussion in in board Reputation Brand 討論區 Reputation Brand
Estimating value 估計價值
urlizing time-value money 縮短時間值
Comps (disconated cash flow) Comps (非劃一現金流量)
The Fundamentals of Finance 財務基礎
The Fundamentals of Finance 財務基礎
The Fundamentals of Finance 財務基礎
The Fundamentals of Finance 財務基礎
Capital Markets 資本市場
Capital Markets Exchange 資本市場交易所
Capital: Money that firms can use to invest in new projects or maintain old ones. 資本:公司可用於投資新專案或維護舊專案的資金。
Financial Security: A contract that pays future cash flows to its owner. 財務安全:向所有者支付未來現金流量的合約。
Equity 股權
Debt 債務
Capital and financial markets essentially involve the exchange of value today (capital) for a potential of value in the future (securities). 資本與金融市場基本上是以今日的價值(資本)交換未來潛在的價值(證券)。
Capital Markets are Complicated 資本市場是複雜的
Why are Finance and Capital Markets so Important? 為何金融與資本市場如此重要?
Not all firms and ideas are the same. How do we decide which new ideas and firms get capital? 不是所有的公司和想法都是一樣的。我們如何決定哪些新構想和公司能獲得資本?
Why are Finance and Capital Markets so Important? 為何金融與資本市場如此重要?
Ideal capital markets allocate capital to good ideas and away from bad ones! 理想的資本市場會將資金分配給好的點子,捨棄壞的點子!
This creates the most value possible! 這樣可以創造最大的價值!
Learning objectives for this course 本課程的學習目標
Overarching Goal:
Optimal financial decision making for the firm and investor 總體目標:為公司和投資人做出最佳財務決策
How to compare cash flows that differ in terms of timing, risk, or both 如何比較因時間、風險或兩者而不同的現金流量
■ What is the best way to use this comparison to make investment decisions within a firm 使用這種比較在公司內部進行投資決策的最佳方式是什麼?
What are the common securities issued by firms to finance investment, how do we value them 公司為投資融資而發行的常見證券有哪些?
An in-depth look at the definition and measurement of financial risk 深入瞭解財務風險的定義和衡量方法
How best to structure a portfolio of investments to take into account risk 如何以最佳方式建構投資組合以考量風險
The effect of risk on asset prices 風險對資產價格的影響
Institutional detail along the way! 沿途的機構細節!
Learning objectives for this course 本課程的學習目標
Course material has two broad components: 課程教材包含兩大部分:
1 Quantitative: How to calculate: 1 定量:如何計算:
The value of a new project within a firm/household 公司/家庭內部新專案的價值
The fair price for a stock or bond 股票或債券的公平價格
The optimal mix of stocks in an investment portfolio 投資組合中股票的最佳組合
And many other similar calculations 以及許多其他類似的計算 2\boxed{2} Qualitative: How to think about these same issues. In other words what do the numbers mean! 2\boxed{2} 定性:如何思考這些相同的問題。換句話說,這些數字代表什麼意義!
Success in the course requires a mastery of both the quantitative and the qualitative. 要在本課程中取得成功,必須同時掌握定量和定性兩方面的知識。