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Global Brigades is an international non-profit that empowers communities to meet their health and economic goals through university volunteers and local teams.
Global Brigades 是一家国际非营利组织,通过大学志愿者和当地团队使社区能够实现其健康和经济目标。

The world’s largest student-led movement for global health

University students make a lasting impact

University students partaking in Global Medical Brigades volunteer programsPre-med student volunteers work with on-site community health workers to empower community members with sustainable public health clinics.

We offer students at universities across the US, UK, and Canada the chance to participate in our sustainable development efforts. As students prepare for health professions careers, they’ll work with in-country staff to help our partner communities reach their health and economic goals.

Chapter Presidents also get unique opportunities to develop leadership and other skills vital for a future medical career. Students who volunteer as Chapter Presidents will spearhead initiatives on their campuses from fundraising to organizing regular meetings.

Find out if your school has an existing chapter on our University Map.

University MapBecome A Chapter Leader

Medical Brigades Map


Global Medical Brigades Chapters


Global Brigades Volunteers Since 2004
自 2004 年以来的 Global Brigades 志愿者


Patient Consultations 患者咨询


Empowered Communities 赋能社区

A distinguished leadership opportunity for aspiring medical professionals

Dr. Duffy Casey Duffy Casey 博士

Get Involved 参与其中

Abroad 国外

Participate in 7-9 day Medical Brigades to Honduras, Guatemala, Panama, Ghana, and Greece. Volunteers support licensed health care providers in rural mobile clinics.
参加前往洪都拉斯、危地马拉、巴拿马、加纳和希腊的 7-9 天医疗队。志愿者在农村流动诊所为获得许可的医疗保健提供者提供支持。

Learn about Medical Brigades

Virtual 虚拟

Join the largest student-led movement for global health as a Medical TeleBrigades volunteer by bringing healthcare to rural communities in Honduras.
作为 Medical TeleBrigades 志愿者,加入由学生主导的最大全球健康运动,为洪都拉斯的农村社区提供医疗保健服务。

Learn about Medical TeleBrigades
了解 Medical TeleBrigades

A division of a 3-part holistic model
3 部分整体模型的划分

We’re one part of a holistic model to support empowered communities to permanently rise out of poverty.

The holistic model of Global Medical Brigades

Our aim is to provide regular access to affordable healthcare services and medication and daily access to trained Community Health Workers in underserved communities.

These principles drive us:

  • We support only sustainable systems. Everything we do is thoughtfully designed to empower the communities we partner with. Unlike many “mission-oriented” organizations, the short-term trips we help students to organize are all structured as part of a model created for sustainability and community ownership.
  • We are transparent. Our impact and financial performance is highlighted every year in our annual reports. Support of Global Medical Brigades does not just go toward the one-week brigades, but primarily toward hiring local doctors and professionals who provide year-round access to health care.
    我们是透明的。 我们的影响力和财务业绩每年都会在年度报告中重点介绍。对 Global Medical Brigades 的支持不仅针对为期一周的 Brigaves,而且主要针对雇用当地医生和专业人士,他们全年提供医疗保健服务。
  • We don’t perpetuate harmful practices. Each person involved with our international efforts is educated about the harms of white saviorism, international “missions,” and voluntourism. We partner with communities to help them overcome economic disparities that impact their quality of life, but we are not their saviors. Our medical clinics and Brigades provide impartial humanitarian assistance.
    我们不会延续有害的做法。 参与我们国际努力的每个人都接受了有关白人救世主主义、国际“使命”和志愿旅游危害的教育。我们与社区合作,帮助他们克服影响他们生活质量的经济差距,但我们不是他们的救世主。我们的医疗诊所和医疗队提供公正的人道主义援助。
  • We’re changing our language. As a leading international volunteering organization, we seek to use only language that empowers and educates. Global Medical Brigades is intentional about the words we use to support our model of empowerment.
    我们正在改变我们的语言。 作为领先的国际志愿服务组织,我们只寻求使用能够赋予权力和教育的语言。Global Medical Brigades 有意识地使用我们用来支持我们的赋权模式的词语。

Learn More About Our Model

In addition to sustainable healthcare, programs sponsored by Global Brigades seek to support underserved communities by developing WASH infrastructure and economic development efforts.
除了可持续医疗保健外,Global Brigades 赞助的项目还旨在通过发展 WASH 基础设施和经济发展工作来支持服务不足的社区。

Our mission is to inspire, mobilize, and collaborate with communities to achieve their own health and economic goals.

Global Brigades’ Holistic Model and Empowered 300 initiative are aligned with the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Sustainable Development Goals.
Global Brigades 的整体模型和 Empowered 300 倡议与联合国的 2030 年可持续发展议程和可持续发展目标保持一致。

Volunteers are a critical engine behind GB’s holistic model, which goes beyond access to healthcare to address the root causes of a cycle of poverty.
志愿者是 GB 整体模式背后的关键引擎,该模式超越了获得医疗保健的机会,解决了贫困循环的根本原因。

GB’s water & sanitation and economic development programs, along with year-round health interventions, have been recognized and rewarded by the most established names in sustainable development, including the UNDP, World Bank, Red Cross, and many more.

About Global BrigadesRead Our Financial Report
关于 Global Brigades阅读我们的财务报告

1 “Global Medical Brigades” is a program of Global Medical Brigades, Inc. and fiscally sponsored by Global Brigades, Inc., a California non-profit organization exempt under IRC 501(c)(3).
1 “Global Medical Brigades”是 Global Medical Brigades, Inc. 的一项计划,由 Global Brigades, Inc. 提供财政赞助,Global Brigades, Inc. 是一家根据 IRC 501(c)(3) 获得豁免的加州非营利组织。

This DONATION is non-refundable

This DONATION is non-refundable Global Brigades, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Your donation will be used to further Global Brigades' mission and will be allocated toward the program you selected. This donation will not be utilized to fulfill a chapter or a volunteer's fundraising goal. Read Global Brigades, Inc's full Donation Refund Policy here.

Looking to donate to support a volunteer's fundraising goal? Find their Global Brigades Chapter by searching our Chapters map and then selecting their upcoming brigade. If you need help finding their chapter, you can ask the volunteer to send you their brigade's specific website link or you can contact us.

By making this donation, I agree to the no-refund policy

I am cancelling my donation to support Global Brigades