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July 2023 2023 年 7 月

Codifying a ChatGPT workflow into a malleable GUI
将 ChatGPT 工作流程编码为可塑性 GUI

Wouldn't it be neat if you could use LLMs to create little personal utility apps as the need arises? Here's a story where I did just that...
如果您可以使用 LLMs 随需创建小型个人实用应用程序,那不是很棒吗?这是我刚做过的一个故事...

In my previous post, Malleable software in the age of LLMs, I laid out a theory for how LLMs might enable a new era of people creating their own personal software:
在我之前的帖子《在 LLMs 时代的可塑软件中》,我提出了一个理论,即 LLMs 可能会开启一个新时代,人们可以创建自己的个人软件:

I think it’s likely that soon all computer users will have the ability to develop small software tools from scratch, and to describe modifications they’d like made to software they’re already using.

In other words, LLMs will represent a step change in tool support for end-user programming: the ability of normal people to fully harness the general power of computers without resorting to the complexity of normal programming. Until now, that vision has been bottlenecked on turning fuzzy informal intent into formal, executable code; now that bottleneck is rapidly opening up thanks to LLMs.
换句话说,LLMs 将代表终端用户编程工具支持的一次重大变革:普通人完全利用计算机的一般功能而无需借助普通编程的复杂性。直到现在,这一愿景一直受制于将模糊的非正式意图转化为正式的可执行代码;现在,由于 LLMs,这一瓶颈正在迅速打开。

Today I’ll share a real example where I found it useful to build custom personal software with an LLM. Earlier this week, I used GPT-4 to code an app that helps me draft text messages in English and translate them to Japanese. The basic idea: I paste in the context for the text thread and write my response in English; I get back a translation into Japanese. The app has a couple other neat features, too: I can drag a slider to tweak the formality of the language, and I can highlight any phrase to get a more detailed explanation.
今天我将分享一个真实的例子,我发现使用 LLM 构建定制个人软件非常有用。本周早些时候,我使用 GPT-4 编写了一个应用程序,帮助我起草英文短信并将其翻译成日文。基本思路是:我粘贴文本线程的上下文,用英文写下我的回复;我得到一个日文翻译。该应用程序还有一些其他很棒的功能:我可以拖动滑块调整语言的正式程度,我可以突出显示任何短语以获得更详细的解释。

The whole thing is ugly and thrown together in no time, but it has exactly the features I need, and I’ve found it quite useful for planning an upcoming trip to Japan.

The app uses the GPT-4 API to do the actual translations. So there are two usages of LLMs going on here: I used an LLM to code the app, and then the app also uses an LLM when it runs to do the translations. Sorry if that’s confusing, 2023 is weird.
该应用程序使用 GPT-4 API 进行实际翻译。因此,这里有两个 LLMs 的用法:我使用 LLM 编写应用程序,然后应用程序在运行时还使用 LLM 进行翻译。如果这让你感到困惑,2023 年真是奇怪。

You may ask: why bother making an app for this? Why not just ask ChatGPT to do the translations? I’m glad you asked—that’s what this post is all about! In fact, I started out doing these translations in ChatGPT, but I ended up finding this GUI nicer to use than raw ChatGPT for several reasons:
你可能会问:为什么要为此制作一个应用程序?为什么不直接问 ChatGPT 进行翻译?我很高兴你问到了—这正是这篇文章的主题!事实上,我最初是在 ChatGPT 中进行这些翻译的,但最终发现这个 GUI 比原始的 ChatGPT 更好用,原因有几个。

  • It encodes a prescriptive workflow so I don’t need to fuss with prompts as much.
  • It offers convenient direct manipulation affordances like text boxes and sliders.
  • It makes it easier to share a workflow with other people.

(Interestingly, these are similar to the reasons that so many startups are building products wrapping LLM prompts—the difference here is that I’m just building the tool for myself, and not trying to make a product.)

A key point is that making this personal GUI is only worth it because GPT also lowers the cost of making and iterating on the GUI! Even though I’m a programmer, I wouldn’t have made this tool without LLM support. It’s not only the time savings, it’s also the fact that I don’t need to turn on my “programmer brain” to make these tools; I can think at a higher level and let the LLM handle the details.
一个关键点是,制作这个个人 GUI 之所以值得,是因为 GPT 也降低了制作和迭代 GUI 的成本!即使我是一名程序员,没有LLM的支持,我也不会制作这个工具。这不仅仅是节省时间,还有一个事实,我不需要打开我的“程序员大脑”来制作这些工具;我可以在更高的层次上思考,让LLM处理细节。

There are also tradeoffs to consider when moving from ChatGPT into a GUI tool: the resulting workflow is more rigid and less open-ended than a ChatGPT session. In a sense this is the whole point of a GUI. But the GUI isn’t necessarily as limiting as it might seem, because remember, it’s malleable—I built it myself using GPT and can quickly make further edits. This is a very different situation that using a fixed app that someone else made! Below I’ll share one example of how I edited this tool on the fly as I was using it.
从 ChatGPT 转向 GUI 工具时,也需要考虑权衡:生成的工作流程比 ChatGPT 会话更为严格,不那么开放式。在某种程度上,这正是 GUI 的全部意义。但 GUI 并不一定像看起来那么限制,因为请记住,它是可塑的——我自己使用 GPT 构建了它,并且可以快速进行进一步的编辑。这与使用别人制作的固定应用程序完全不同!接下来我将分享一个例子,说明我在使用过程中如何即兴编辑这个工具。

Overall I think this experience suggests an intriguing workflow of codifying a ChatGPT workflow into a malleable GUI: starting out with ChatGPT, exploring the most useful way to solve a task, and then once you’ve landed on a good approach, codifying that approach in a GUI tool that you can use in a repeatable way going forward.
总的来说,我认为这种经历表明了一个有趣的工作流程,将 ChatGPT 的工作流程编码成一个可塑性的 GUI:从 ChatGPT 开始,探索解决任务的最有效方式,一旦找到了一个好的方法,将该方法编码到一个 GUI 工具中,以便您可以在以后重复使用。

Alright, on to the story of how this app came about.

ChatGPT is a good translator (usually 🙃)
ChatGPT 是一个不错的翻译工具(通常 🙃)

I’m going on a trip to Japan soon and have been on some text threads where I need to communicate in Japanese. I grew up in Japan but my writing is rusty and painfully slow these days. One particular challenge for me is using the appropriate level of formality with extended family and other family acquaintances—I have fluent schoolyard Japanese but the nuances of formal grown-up Japanese can be tricky.

I started using ChatGPT to make this process faster by asking it to produce draft messages in Japanese based on my English input. I quickly realized there are some neat benefits to ChatGPT vs. a traditional translation app. I can give it the full context of the text thread so it can incorporate that into its translation. I can steer it with prompting: asking it to tweak the formality or do a less word-for-word translation. I can ask follow-up questions about the meaning of a word. These capabilities were all gamechangers for this task; they really show why smart chatbots can be so useful!
我开始使用 ChatGPT,通过要求它根据我的英文输入生成日语草稿消息,以加快这一过程。我很快意识到与传统翻译应用相比,ChatGPT 有一些很棒的优势。我可以给它完整的文本线索背景,这样它就可以将其纳入翻译中。我可以通过提示来引导它:要求它调整正式程度或进行非逐字翻译。我可以就单词的含义提出后续问题。这些功能对于这项任务都是改变游戏规则的因素;它们真正展示了为什么智能聊天机器人可以如此有用!

You may be wondering: how good were the translations? I’d say: good enough to be spectacularly useful to me, given that I can verify and edit. Often they were basically perfect. Sometimes they were wrong in huge, hilarious ways—flipping the meaning of a sentence, or swapping the name of a train station for another one (sigh, LLMs…).

In practice these mistakes didn’t matter too much though. I’m slow at writing in Japanese but can read basic messages easily, so I just fix the errors and they aren’t dealbreakers. When creation is slow and verification is fast, it’s a sweet spot for using an LLM.
实际上,这些错误并不太重要。我在日语写作方面速度较慢,但可以轻松阅读基本信息,所以我只需修正错误,它们并不是致命问题。当创作速度较慢而验证速度较快时,使用 LLM 是一个理想选择。

Honing the workflow 磨练工作流程

As I translated more messages and saw ways that the model failed, I developed some little prompting tricks that seemed to produce better translations. Things like this:

Below is some context for a text message thread:

…paste thread… …粘贴线程…

Now translate my message below to japanese. make it sound natural in the flow of this conversation. don’t translate word for word, translate the general meaning.

…write message… …写信息…

I also learned some typical follow-up requests I would often make after receiving the initial translation: things like asking to adjust the formality level up or down.

Once I had landed on these specific prompt patterns, it made my interactions more scripted. Each time I would need to dig up my prompt text for this task, copy-paste it in, and fill in the blanks for this particular translation. When asking follow-up questions I’d also copy-paste phrasings from previous chats that had proven successful. At this point it didn’t feel like an open-ended conversation anymore; it felt like I was tediously executing a workflow made up of specific chat prompts.

I also found myself wanting to have more of a feeling of a solid tool that I could return to. ChatGPT chats feels a bit amorphous and hard to return to: where do I store my prompts? How do I even remember what useful workflows I’ve come up with? I basically wanted a window I could pop open and get a quick translation.
我也发现自己希望有一种坚实的工具感,可以随时返回。ChatGPT 聊天感觉有点模糊,难以返回:我应该把提示存放在哪里?我该如何记住我想出的有用工作流程?我基本上想要一个可以快速弹出并进行快速翻译的窗口。

Making a GUI with GPT
使用 GPT 制作 GUI

So, I asked GPT-4 to build me a GUI codifying this workflow. The app is a frontend-only React.js web app. It’s hosted on Replit, which makes it easy to spin up a new project in one click and then share a link with people. (You can see the current code here if you’re curious.) I just copy-pasted the GPT-generated code into Replit.
因此,我请 GPT-4 为我构建一个 GUI,将这个工作流程编码化。这个应用是一个仅有前端的 React.js 网页应用。它托管在 Replit 上,这使得一键启动新项目然后与他人分享链接变得容易。(如果你感兴趣,你可以在这里看到当前的代码。)我只是将 GPT 生成的代码复制粘贴到 Replit 中。

The initial version of the app was very simple: it basically just accepted a text input and then made a request to the GPT-4 API asking for a natural-sounding translation. The early designs generated by ChatGPT were super primitive:
这个应用的最初版本非常简单:基本上只是接受文本输入,然后向 GPT-4 API 发送请求,要求自然流畅的翻译。ChatGPT 生成的早期设计非常原始。

Asking it for a “professional and modern” redesign helped get the design looking passable. I then asked GPT to add a formality slider to the app. The new app requests three translations of varying formality, and then lets the user drag a slider to instantly choose between them 😎
要求进行“专业和现代化”的重新设计有助于使设计看起来过得去。然后我要求 GPT 为应用程序添加一个正式度滑块。新应用程序请求三种不同正式程度的翻译,然后让用户拖动滑块即可立即选择其中之一 😎

GPT-4 did most of the coding of the UI. I didn’t measure how long it took, but subjectively, the whole thing felt pretty effortless; it felt more like asking a friend to build an app for me than building it myself, and I never engaged my detailed programmer brain. I still haven’t looked very closely at the code. GPT generally produced good results on every iteration. At one point it got confused about how to call the OpenAI API, but pasting in some recent documentation got it sorted out. I’ve included some of the coding prompts I used at the bottom of this post if you’re curious about the details.
GPT-4 完成了大部分 UI 的编码。我没有测量花了多长时间,但主观上,整个过程感觉非常轻松;感觉更像是请朋友帮我建一个应用程序,而不是自己建,我从未动用我的详细程序员大脑。我仍然没有仔细查看代码。GPT 在每次迭代中通常都能产生良好的结果。有一次它在如何调用 OpenAI API 上感到困惑,但粘贴一些最近的文档解决了这个问题。如果你对细节感兴趣,我在本文底部包含了一些我使用的编码提示。

At the same time, it’s important to note that my programming background did substantially help the process along and I don’t think it would have gone that well if I didn’t know how to make React UIs. I was able to give the LLM a detailed spec, which was natural for me to write. For example: I suggested storing the OpenAI key as a user-provided setting in the app UI rather than putting it in the code, because that would let us keep the app frontend-only. I also helped fix some minor bugs.
同时,需要注意的是,我的编程背景在这个过程中起到了相当大的帮助,如果我不知道如何制作 React UIs,我认为情况可能不会那么顺利。我能够给LLM提供详细的规范,这对我来说是很自然的。例如:我建议将 OpenAI 密钥存储为应用程序 UI 中的用户提供的设置,而不是放在代码中,因为这样可以让我们保持应用程序仅限于前端。我还帮助修复了一些小 bug。

I do believe it’s possible to get to the point where an LLM can support non-programmers in building custom GUIs (and that’s in fact one of my main research goals at the moment). But it’s a much harder goal than supporting programmers, and will require a lot more work on tooling. More on this later.
我相信有可能达到这样一个程度,即LLM可以支持非程序员构建自定义 GUI(事实上,这是我目前的主要研究目标之一)。但这比支持程序员更难实现,需要在工具方面进行更多的工作。稍后会详细介绍。

Iterating on the fly

A few times I noticed that the Japanese translations included phrases I didn’t understand. Once this need came up a few times, I decided to add it as a feature in my GUI. I asked GPT to modify the code so that I can select a phrase and click a button to get an explanation in context:
有几次我注意到日语翻译中包含我不理解的短语。当这种需求出现几次时,我决定将其添加为我的 GUI 中的一个功能。我要求 GPT 修改代码,这样我就可以选择一个短语,然后点击一个按钮以获得上下文中的解释。

This tight iteration loop felt awesome. Going from wanting the feature to having it in my app was accomplished in minutes with very little effort. This shows the benefit of having a malleable GUI which I control and I can quickly edit using an LLM. My feature requests aren’t trapped in a feedback queue, I can just build them for myself. It’s not the best-designed interaction ever, but it gets the job done.
这种紧密的迭代循环感觉真棒。从想要某项功能到在我的应用程序中实现它只用了几分钟,几乎没有什么努力。这显示了拥有一个灵活的 GUI 的好处,我可以控制它,并且可以使用LLM快速编辑。我的功能请求不会被困在反馈队列中,我可以自己构建它们。虽然它不是有史以来设计最好的交互,但它完成了任务。

I’ve found that having the button there encourages me to ask for explanations more often. Before, when I was doing the translations in ChatGPT, I would need to explicitly think to write a follow-up message asking for an explanation. Now I have a button reminding me to do it, and the button also uses a high-quality prompt that I’ve developed.
我发现有了那个按钮,我更经常会请求解释。以前在 ChatGPT 做翻译时,我需要刻意思考是否要写跟进消息请求解释。现在有了一个按钮提醒我这么做,而且按钮还使用了我开发的高质量提示。

Sharing the tool 分享工具

My brother asked me to try the tool. I sent him the Replit link and he was able to use it.
我哥哥让我试试这个工具。我给了他 Replit 的链接,他成功地使用了它。

I think sharing a GUI is probably way more effective than trying to share a complex ChatGPT workflow with various prompts patched together. The UI encodes what I’ve learned about doing this particular task effectively, and provides clear affordances that anyone can pick up quickly.
我觉得分享一个图形用户界面可能比尝试分享一个由各种提示拼凑在一起的复杂 ChatGPT 工作流程更有效。这个界面包含了我对如何有效地完成这个特定任务的经验,提供清晰的操作指引,任何人都能迅速上手。

From chatbot to GUI

What general lessons can we take away from my experience here? I think it gestures at two big ideas.

The first one is that chatbots are not always the best interface for a task, even one like translation that involves lots of natural language and text. Amelia Wattenberger wrote a great piece explaining some of the reasons. It’s worth reading the whole thing, but here’s a key excerpt about the value of affordances:
第一个是聊天机器人并不总是最适合某项任务的界面,即使是像涉及大量自然语言和文本的翻译这样的任务。Amelia Wattenberger 写了一篇很棒的文章解释了一些原因。值得一读整篇文章,但这里有一段关于功能性的价值的关键摘录:

Good tools make it clear how they should be used. And more importantly, how they should not be used. If we think about a good pair of gloves, it’s immediately obvious how we should use them. They’re hand-shaped! We put them on our hands. And the specific material tells us more: metal mesh gloves are for preventing physical harm, rubber gloves are for preventing chemical harm, and leather gloves are for looking cool on a motorcycle.

Compare that to looking at a typical chat interface. The only clue we receive is that we should type characters into the textbox. The interface looks the same as a Google search box, a login form, and a credit card field.

This principle clearly holds when designing a product that other people are going to use. But perhaps surprisingly, in my experience, affordances are actually useful even when designing a tool for myself! Good affordances can help my future self remember how to use the tool. The “explain phrase” button reminds me that I should ask about words I don’t know.

I also find that making a UI makes a tool more memorable. My custom GUI is a visually distinctive artifact that lives at a URL; this helps me remember that I have the tool and can use it. Having a UI makes my tool feel more like a reusable artifact than a ChatGPT prompt.
我也发现,制作用户界面会让工具更加令人难忘。我的自定义 GUI 是一个视觉上独特的物件,它存在于一个网址上;这有助于我记得我拥有这个工具并且可以使用它。拥有用户界面让我的工具感觉更像是一个可重复使用的物件,而不仅仅是一个 ChatGPT 提示。

Now, it’s not quite as simple as “GUI good, chatbot bad"—there are tradeoffs. For my translation use case, I found ChatGPT super helpful for my initial explorations. The open-endedness of the chatbot gave it a huge leg up over Google Translate, a more traditional application with more limited capabilities and clearer affordances. I was able to explore a wide space of useful features and find the ones that I wanted to keep using.
现在,事情并不像“GUI 好,聊天机器人不好”那么简单——这其中存在一些权衡。对于我的翻译需求来说,我发现 ChatGPT 在我最初的探索中非常有帮助。聊天机器人的开放性使其比谷歌翻译更具优势,后者是一款更传统、功能更有限、界面更清晰的应用程序。我能够探索各种有用的功能,并找到我想要继续使用的功能。

I think this suggests a natural workflow: start in chat, and then codify a UI if it’s getting annoying doing the same chat workflow repeatedly.

By the way, one more thing: there are obviously many other visual affordances to consider besides the ones I used in this particular example. For example, here’s another example of a GPT-powered GUI tool I built a couple months ago, where I can drag-and-drop in a file and see useful conversions of that file into different formats:
顺便说一句,还有一件事:显然除了我在这个特定示例中使用的之外,还有许多其他视觉提示要考虑。例如,这里是我几个月前构建的另一个由 GPT 驱动的 GUI 工具的另一个示例,我可以将文件拖放到其中,看到该文件转换为不同格式的有用转换:

The joy of editing our tools

Another takeaway: it feels great to use a tiny GUI made just for my own needs. It does only what I want it to do, nothing more. The design isn’t going to win any awards or get VC funding, but it’s good enough for what I want. When I come across more things that the app needs to do, I can add them.

Robin Sloan has this delightful idea that an app can be a home-cooked meal:

When you liberate programming from the requirement to be professional and scalable, it becomes a different activity altogether, just as cooking at home is really nothing like cooking in a commercial kitchen. I can report to you: not only is this different activity rewarding in almost exactly the same way that cooking for someone you love is rewarding, there’s another feeling, too, specific to this realm. I have struggled to find words for this, but/and I think it might be the crux of the whole thing:

This messaging app I built for, and with, my family, it won’t change unless we want it to change. There will be no sudden redesign, no flood of ads, no pivot to chase a userbase inscrutable to us. It might go away at some point, but that will be our decision. What is this feeling? Independence? Security? Sovereignty?

Is it simply … the feeling of being home?

Software doesn’t always need to be mass-produced like restaurant food, it can be produced intimately at small scale. My translator app feels this way to me.

In this example, using GPT-4 to code and edit the app is what enabled the feeling of malleability for me. It feels magical describing an app and having it appear on-screen within seconds. Little React apps seem to be the kind of simple code that GPT-4 is good at producing. You could even argue that it’s "just regurgitating other code it’s already seen”, but I don’t care—it made me the tool that I wanted.
在这个例子中,使用 GPT-4 来编码和编辑应用程序是让我感受到可塑性的原因。描述一个应用程序,然后在几秒钟内在屏幕上看到它出现,感觉就像魔法一样。小的 React 应用程序似乎是 GPT-4 擅长生成的简单代码类型。你甚至可以说它只是“重复其他它已经见过的代码”,但我不在乎 —— 它让我成为了我想要的工具。

I’m a programmer and I could have built this app manually myself without too much trouble. And yet, I don’t think I would have. The LLM is an order of magnitude faster than me at getting the first draft out and producing new iterations, this makes me much more likely to just give it a shot. This reminds me of how Simon Willison says that AI-enhanced development makes him more ambitious with his projects:
我是一名程序员,我本可以自己手动构建这个应用程序而不会遇到太多麻烦。然而,我认为我不会这样做。LLM 在快速完成初稿并生成新版本方面比我快一个数量级,这让我更有可能尝试一下。这让我想起了 Simon Willison 如何说 AI 增强开发让他对自己的项目更加雄心勃勃:

In the past I’ve had plenty of ideas for projects which I’ve ruled out because they would take a day—or days—of work to get to a point where they’re useful. I have enough other stuff to build already!

But if ChatGPT can drop that down to an hour or less, those projects can suddenly become viable.
但如果 ChatGPT 能将这个时间缩短到一个小时或更短,那些项目突然间就变得可行起来了。

Which means I’m building all sorts of weird and interesting little things that previously I wouldn’t have invested the time in.

Simon’s description applies perfectly to my example.

It’s not just about the initial creation, it’s also about the fast iteration loop. I discussed the possibility of LLMs updating a GUI app in my previous post:
不仅仅是关于最初的创建,也关乎快速的迭代循环。我在之前的帖子中讨论了LLMs更新 GUI 应用的可能性:

Next, consider LLMs applied to the app model. What if we started with an interactive analytics application, but this time we had a team of LLM developers at our disposal? As a start, we could ask the LLM questions about how to use the application, which could be easier than reading documentation.

But more profoundly than that, the LLM developers could go beyond that and update the application. When we give feedback about adding a new feature, our request wouldn’t get lost in an infinite queue. They would respond immediately, and we’d have some back and forth to get the feature implemented. Of course, the new functionality doesn’t need to be shipped to everyone; it can just be enabled for our team. This is economically viable now because we’re not relying on a centralized team of human developers to make the change.

It simply feels good to be using a GUI app, have an idea for how it could be different, and then have that new version running within seconds.

There’s a caveat worth acknowleding here: the story I shared in this post only worked under specific conditions. The app I made is extremely simple in functionality; a more complex app would be much harder to modify.

And I’m pretty confident that the coding workflow I shared in this post only worked because I’m a programmer. The LLM makes me much, much faster at building these simple kinds of utilities, but my programming knowledge still feels essential to keeping the process running. I’m writing fairly detailed technical specs, I’m making architectural choices, I’m occasionally directly editing the code or fixing a bug. The app is so small and simple that it’s easy for me to keep up with what’s going on.
而且我相当自信,我在这篇文章中分享的编码工作流之所以有效,是因为我是一名程序员。LLM 让我在构建这些简单类型的实用程序时更快,但我的编程知识仍然对保持流程运行至关重要。我正在编写相当详细的技术规格,做出架构选择,偶尔直接编辑代码或修复错误。这个应用程序如此小巧简单,让我很容易跟上进展。

I yearn for non-programmers to also experience software this way, as a malleable artifact they can change in the natural course of use. LLMs are clearly a big leap forward on this dimension, but there’s also a lot of work ahead. We’ll need to find ways for LLMs to work with non-programmers to specify intent, to help them understand what’s going on, and to fix things when they go wrong.

I’m optimistic that a combination of better tooling and improved models can get us there, at least for simpler use cases like my translator tool. I guess there’s only one way to find out 🤓 (Subscribe to my email newsletter if you want to follow along with my research in this area.)
我乐观地认为,更好的工具和改进的模型的结合可以让我们实现这一目标,至少对于像我的翻译工具这样简单的用例。我想只有一种方法可以找出来 🤓(如果您想跟踪我在这一领域的研究,请订阅我的电子邮件通讯。)

Recently… 最近...

In the past few months I’ve given a couple talks relevant to the themes in this post.

In April I spoke at Causal Islands about Potluck, a programmable notes prototype I worked on with Max Schoening, Paul Shen, and Paul Sonnentag at Ink & Switch. In my talk I share a bunch of demos from our published essay, but I also show some newer demos of integrating LLMs to help author spreadsheets. (The embed below will jump you right to the LLM demos)
四月份,我在 Causal Islands 演讲了关于 Potluck 的话题,这是我与 Max Schoening、Paul Shen 和 Paul Sonnentag 在 Ink & Switch 合作开发的可编程笔记原型。在我的演讲中,我分享了一堆来自我们发表的文章的演示,同时也展示了一些最新的演示,展示了如何整合LLMs来帮助编写电子表格。(下面的嵌入内容将直接跳转到LLM演示)

Also: a couple weeks ago, I presented my PhD thesis defense at MIT! I gave a talk called Building Personal Software with Reactive Databases. I talk about what makes spreadsheets great, and show a few projects I’ve worked on that aim to make it easier to build software using techniques from spreadsheets and databases.

If you’re interested in diving deeper into ways of interacting with LLMs besides chatbots, I strongly recommend the following readings:

And for a more abstract angle on the example in this post, check out my previous post, Malleable software in the age of LLMs!

Appendix: prompts 附录:提示

Here are some of the prompts I used to make the translator app.

First, my general system prompt for UI coding:
首先,我用于 UI 编码的一般系统提示:

You are a helpful AI coding assistant. Make sure to follow the user’s instructions precisely and to the letter. Always reason aloud about your plans before writing the final code.
你是一个有用的 AI 编码助手。确保准确地遵循用户的指示,并且一丝不苟。在编写最终代码之前,始终大声地思考你的计划。

Write code in ReactJS. Keep the whole app in one file. Only write a frontend, no backend.
在 ReactJS 中编写代码。将整个应用程序放在一个文件中。只编写前端,没有后端。

If the specification is clear, you can generate code immediately. If there are ambiguities, ask key clarifying questions before proceeding.

When the user asks you to make edits, suggest minimal edits to the code, don’t regenerate the whole file.

Initial prompt for the texting app:

I’d like you to make me an app that helps me participate in a text message conversation in Japanese by using an LLM to translate. Here’s the basic idea:
我想让你为我制作一个应用程序,通过使用 LLM 进行翻译,帮助我参与日语的短信对话。这是基本的想法:

  • I paste in a transcript of a text message thread into a box
  • I write the message I want to reply with (in english) into a different box
  • I click a button
  • the app shows me a Japanese translation of my message as output; there’s a copy button so i can copy-paste it easily.
  • the app talks to openai gpt-4 to do the translation. the prompt can be something like “here’s a text thread in japanese: . now translate my new message below to japanese. make it sound natural in the flow of this conversation. don’t translate word for word, translate the general meaning.” use the openai js library, some sample code pasted below.
    应用程序与 openai gpt-4 进行通信进行翻译。提示可以是类似“这是一个日语文本线程:”。现在将我的新消息翻译成日语。使其在对话中自然流畅。不要逐字翻译,翻译其一般含义。使用 openai js 库,以下是一些示例代码。
  • the user can paste in their openai key in a settings pane, it gets stored in localstorage
    用户可以在设置面板中粘贴他们的 openai 密钥,它将被存储在本地存储中

One of the iterative edits for the texting app:

make the following edits and output new code:

  • write a css file and style the app to look professional and modern.
    编写一个 CSS 文件,使应用程序看起来专业和现代。
  • arrange the text thread in a tall box on the left, and then the new message and translation vertically stacked to the right
  • give the app a title: Japanese Texting Helper
  • hide the openai key behind a settings section that gets toggled open/closed at the bottom of the app
    将 OpenAI 密钥隐藏在应用程序底部可切换打开/关闭的设置部分