Evapco is committed to achieving and maintaining World Class performance. We recognize that reaching this goal is dependent on the partnerships we create in our global supply chains. Evapco 致力于实现并保持世界一流的绩效。我们认识到,实现这一目标取决于我们在全球供应链中建立的合作伙伴关系。
We hold specific core values very dear to our business. In uncompromising order, they are Quality, Delivery, Value, and Innovation. Without quality, we cannot deliver our products. Without timely delivery, someone else will have an opportunity. Without value, there will be no demand for our products. Without innovation, we will simply fall behind the needs of our customers. 我们的企业非常重视特定的核心价值观。它们依次是质量、交货、价值和创新。没有质量,我们就无法交付产品。没有及时交货,别人就会有机会。没有价值,就不会有对我们产品的需求。没有创新,我们就会落后于客户的需求。
We truly live in an environment of continuous improvement, which can be recognized through our successful growth. Maintaining momentum is the key to our continuing effort, and we hope you are excited about becoming a partner in this endeavor! We cannot succeed without your help. 我们确实生活在一个不断改进的环境中,这一点可以从我们的成功发展中得到认可。保持发展势头是我们继续努力的关键,我们希望您能成为我们的合作伙伴!我们的成功离不开您的帮助。
We need to work together to build a strong supply chain which continuously improves upon quality, lead-time reduction, on-time delivery, and total system cost. We hope you share our commitment to this operating philosophy and can recognize the benefit to us all over the term of our partnership. 我们需要共同努力,建立一个强大的供应链,不断提高质量、缩短交货期、准时交货和系统总成本。我们希望您能认同我们的这一经营理念,并认识到在我们的合作期内,我们都能从中受益。
As part of this packet, you will find the information necessary to establish our open account including trade references, our tax exemption certificate(s), and Evapco’s terms and conditions. Also included are two forms to complete and return: an ‘Authorization for Direct Deposit’ to speed your payments, and a ‘Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification,’ / W-9. Please note that both forms must be returned in order to finalize your account setup. Finally, we have included a vendor corrective action report should the need arise. 作为本文件包的一部分,您将找到建立我们的公开帐户所需的信息,包括贸易参考资料、我们的免税证明以及 Evapco 的条款和条件。此外,还包括两份需要填写和交回的表格:"直接存款授权书 "以加快付款速度,以及 "纳税人识别码和认证申请表"/W-9。请注意,必须交回这两份表格才能最终完成账户设置。最后,我们还附上一份供应商纠正措施报告,以备不时之需。
We look forward to a strong and mutually beneficial relationship! 我们期待着建立牢固的互利关系!
Christopher Staiger 克里斯托弗-斯泰格
Supply Chain Analyst 供应链分析师
Evapco, Inc. Evapco 公司 cstaiger@evapco.com
Form# F-190-ACT 表格编号 F-190-ACT
Nucor Steel - Berkeley 纽柯钢铁公司 - 伯克利
PO Box 2259 邮政信箱 2259
Mt Pleasant, SC 29465-2259 南卡罗来纳州普莱森特山 29465-2259
Phone: (843) 336-6023 电话:(843)336-6023
Fax: (843) 336-6235 传真:(843)336-6235
Email: credit@nsbc.nucor.com 电子邮件: credit@nsbc.nucor.com
**All bank reference requests must be submitted through Confirmation.com at the following website: https://www.confirmation.com/ **所有银行查询申请必须通过 Confirmation.com 提交,网址如下: https://www.confirmation.com/
Please contact Lisa Wood for required information for the Confirmation.com request. 410-7562600. This information is to be used only for purposes of establishing credit for Evapco, Inc. and its subsidiaries. 有关 Confirmation.com 申请所需的信息,请联系 Lisa Wood。410-7562600.此信息仅供 Evapco 公司及其子公司建立信用之用。
The below-listed states have indicated that this certificate is acceptable as a resale/exemption certificate for sales/use tax, subject to the instructions and notes on pages 2-62-6. The issuing Buyer and the recipient Seller have the responsibility to determine the proper use of this certificate under applicable laws in each state, as these may change from time to time. This form was revised as of October 14, 2022. 以下所列各州已表示,根据 2-62-6 页上的说明和注释,本证书可作为销售税/使用税的转售/豁免证书。签发本证书的买方和接收本证书的卖方有责任根据各州的适用法律确定本证书的适当用途,因为这些法律可能会随时更改。本表格于 2022 年 10 月 14 日修订。
Issued to Seller: qquad\qquad 发给卖方: qquad\qquad
Address: qquad\qquad 地址 qquad\qquad
I certify that: 我证明
Name of Firm (Buyer): Evapoo, Inc 公司(买方)名称:Evapoo, Inc
Address: 5151 Allendale Lane 地址: 5151 Allendale Lane5151 Allendale Lane
Taneytown, MD 21787 马里兰州塔尼镇 21787
is engaged or is registered as aWholesaler 从事或注册为批发商
Retailer 零售商
Manufacturer 制造商
Seller 卖方
Lessor (see notes on pages 2-4) 出租人(见第 2-4 页注释)
Other (Specify) qquad\qquad 其他(请注明) qquad\qquad
and is registered for sales/use tax with the below-listed states and cities within which Seller would deliver purchases to Buyer and that any such purchases are for wholesale, resale, or ingredients or components of a new product or service to be resold, leased, or rented in the normal course of business. Buyer is in the business of wholesaling, retailing, manufacturing, leasing (renting), or selling the following: 并在以下列出的州和城市进行了销售税/使用税登记,卖方将在这些州和城市范围内向买方交付采购物品,并且任何此类采购物品都是用于批发、转售,或用于在正常业务过程中转售、租赁或出租新产品或服务的成分或部件。买方从事以下业务的批发、零售、制造、租赁(出租)或销售:
Description of Business: Manufacturer of evaporative cooling, air handling, reffigeration, and water treatment equipment 业务描述蒸发冷却、空气处理、再压缩和水处理设备制造商
General description of tangible property or taxable services to be purchased from the Seller: Merchandise pruchased for manufacturing of goods and for resale 从卖方购买的有形财产或应税服务的一般描述:为制造货物和转售而购买的商品
State 国家
State Registration, Seller's Permit, or ID Number of Purchaser 州注册号、卖方许可证或买方身份证号码
State 国家
State Registration, Seller's Permit, or ID Number of Purchaser 州注册号、卖方许可证或买方身份证号码
AK/ARSSTC ^(1){ }^{1}
68 SU11697
07 332982-H
SR OHB 030-638085 SR OMB 030-638085
IL^("5,12 ")\mathrm{IL}^{\text {5,12 }}
KY ^(14){ }^{14}
TX ^(29){ }^{29}
ME ^(15){ }^{15}
MD ^(16){ }^{16}
A01 087017
State State Registration, Seller's Permit, or ID Number of Purchaser State State Registration, Seller's Permit, or ID Number of Purchaser
AK/ARSSTC ^(1) MO^(19) 11335947
AL^(2) 68 SU11697 NE 01-5202299
AR 0025459-76-001 NV^(20) 1038829445-001
AZ^(3) 07 332982-H NJ 521-059-673/000
CA^(4) SR OHB 030-638085 NM^(5,21) 03-549026-00-8
CO^(5,6) 27108561-001-SLS NC^(22) 901-9-101-20502
CT^(7) 2910438-00 ND 34347400
FL^(8) 78-8012428184-1 OH^(23) 99-010673
GA^(9) 175-99-15123-7 OK^(24) SVU-10314288-02
HI^(5,10) GE-174-251-4688-01 PA^(25) 99273828
ID^(11) 005617116-08 RI^(26) 2-2596-6740
IL^("5,12 ") 0393-9812 SC 052893118
IA 2-00-115632 SD^(27) 1034-1918-ST
KS^(13) 005-K13318108-F01 TN^(28) 1000178627-SLC
KY ^(14) 034893 TX ^(29) 1-52-1059673-8
ME ^(15) 1196214 UT 14729666-003-STC
MD ^(16) 01959846 VT^(30) SUT-10967623-001
MI^(17) 52-1059673 WA^(31) A01 087017
MN^(18) 5969026 WI^(32) 456-0000476697-02| State | State Registration, Seller's Permit, or ID Number of Purchaser | State | State Registration, Seller's Permit, or ID Number of Purchaser |
| :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| AK/ARSSTC ${ }^{1}$ | | $\mathrm{MO}^{19}$ | 11335947 |
| $\mathrm{AL}^{2}$ | 68 SU11697 | NE | 01-5202299 |
| AR | 0025459-76-001 | $\mathrm{NV}^{20}$ | 1038829445-001 |
| $\mathrm{AZ}^{3}$ | 07 332982-H | NJ | 521-059-673/000 |
| $\mathrm{CA}^{4}$ | SR OHB 030-638085 | $\mathrm{NM}^{5,21}$ | 03-549026-00-8 |
| $\mathrm{CO}^{5,6}$ | 27108561-001-SLS | $\mathrm{NC}^{22}$ | 901-9-101-20502 |
| $\mathrm{CT}^{7}$ | 2910438-00 | ND | 34347400 |
| $\mathrm{FL}^{8}$ | 78-8012428184-1 | $\mathrm{OH}^{23}$ | 99-010673 |
| $\mathrm{GA}^{9}$ | 175-99-15123-7 | $\mathrm{OK}^{24}$ | SVU-10314288-02 |
| $\mathrm{HI}^{5,10}$ | GE-174-251-4688-01 | $\mathrm{PA}^{25}$ | 99273828 |
| $\mathrm{ID}^{11}$ | 005617116-08 | $\mathrm{RI}^{26}$ | 2-2596-6740 |
| $\mathrm{IL}^{\text {5,12 }}$ | 0393-9812 | SC | 052893118 |
| IA | 2-00-115632 | $\mathrm{SD}^{27}$ | 1034-1918-ST |
| $\mathrm{KS}^{13}$ | 005-K13318108-F01 | $\mathrm{TN}^{28}$ | 1000178627-SLC |
| KY ${ }^{14}$ | 034893 | TX ${ }^{29}$ | 1-52-1059673-8 |
| ME ${ }^{15}$ | 1196214 | UT | 14729666-003-STC |
| MD ${ }^{16}$ | 01959846 | $\mathrm{VT}^{30}$ | SUT-10967623-001 |
| $\mathrm{MI}^{17}$ | 52-1059673 | $\mathrm{WA}^{31}$ | A01 087017 |
| $\mathrm{MN}^{18}$ | 5969026 | $\mathrm{WI}^{32}$ | 456-0000476697-02 |
I further certify that if any property or service so purchased tax-free is used or consumed by Buyer so as to make it subject to sales/use tax, Buyer will pay the tax due directly to the proper taxing authority when state law so provides or inform the Seller for added tax billing. This certificate shall be a part of each order that Buyer may hereafter give to Seller, unless otherwise specified, and shall be valid until canceled by Buyer in writing or revoked by the city or state. 我进一步证明,如果以免税方式购买的任何财产或服务被买方使用或消费,从而需要缴纳销售/使用税,则买方将根据州法律的规定直接向适当的税务机关支付应付税款,或通知卖方开具附加税单。除非另有规定,本证书应作为买方此后向卖方发出的每份订单的一部分,并且在买方书面取消或被城市或州撤销之前一直有效。
Under penalties of perjury, I swear or affirm that the information on this form is true and correct as to guery material matter. 在作伪证的处罚下,我宣誓或确认本表中的信息在所有重要事项上均真实无误。
Authorized Signature: 授权签字:
(Owner, Partner, or Corporate Officer, or other authorized signer of Buyer) (所有者、合伙人或公司官员,或买方的其他授权签字人)
CONTRACT: As used herein, “Buyer” shall mean Evapco, Inc. or the Evapco subsidiary or affiliate that is purchasing goods, materials or services (collectively the “Goods”), and “Seller” shall mean the entity that is selling goods to Buyer. These terms and conditions (the “Terms and Conditions”) are being provided with a Purchase Order (the “Order”) that sets forth the price, quantity, delivery date, and description of the Goods that Buyer is purchasing from Seller. The Offer to purchase Goods set forth in the Order is expressly limited to the terms set forth in the Order and in these terms and conditions. Any additional terms, conditions or other provisions included with Seller’s acceptance, or that are provided with the Goods, is automatically rejected without the need for any further communication. By providing the Goods specified in the Order, Seller is deemed to have accepted the terms set forth herein and in the Order, and the Order and these Terms and Conditions shall constitute the Contract governing the sale of such Goods. If Seller wishes to take exception to any of these terms and conditions or to any terms in the Order, it shall do so in writing prior to accepting this Order, and such additional terms shall only become part of the Contract if Buyer accepts such terms in writing. 合同:本文中使用的 "买方 "是指购买货物、材料或服务(统称 "货物")的 Evapco, Inc. 或 Evapco 子公司或关联公司,"卖方 "是指向买方销售货物的实体。这些条款和条件("条款和条件")与采购订单("订单")一起提供,订单规定了买方从卖方购买货物的价格、数量、交付日期和描述。订单中规定的货物购买要约明确限于订单和这些条款和条件中规定的条款。任何附加条款、条件或其他规定,包括在卖方的接受书中,或与货物一起提供,都将被自动拒绝,无需任何进一步的沟通。通过提供订单中指定的货物,卖方被视为已接受此处和订单中规定的条款,订单和这些条款和条件应构成管辖此类货物销售的合同。如果卖方希望对本条款和条件中的任何条款或订单中的任何条款提出异议,则应在接受本订单之前以书面形式提出,只有在买方以书面形式接受此类条款的情况下,此类附加条款才应成为合同的一部分。
INSPECTION, ACCEPTANCE AND REJECTION: All Goods supplied shall be subject to Buyer’s inspection. If Buyer determines that the Goods do not conform to the requirements of the Contract (“Nonconforming Goods”), Buyer may, at its option, (i) return the Nonconforming Goods to Seller and either not pay the purchase price for such goods, or recover such portion of the purchase price that Buyer has already paid, (ii) return Nonconforming Goods at Seller’s expense for repair or replacement of such Nonconforming Goods at no cost to Buyer, and/or (iii) exercise any other rights Buyer may have in law or equity. Written notice of defects shall be given by Buyer or Seller within a reasonable time after delivery to Buyer. 检查、验收和拒收:所有供应的货物都应接受买方的检查。如果买方确定货物不符合合同要求("不合格货物"),买方可以选择 (i) 将不合格货物退还给卖方,并且不支付此类货物的购买价格,或者收回买方已经支付的部分购买价格,(ii) 由卖方承担费用退还不合格货物,以便免费为买方修理或更换此类不合格货物,和/或 (iii) 行使买方在法律或衡平法中可能拥有的任何其他权利。买方或卖方应在交付给买方后的合理时间内发出有关缺陷的书面通知。
WARRANTY: Seller represents and warrants that all Goods it supplies to Buyer: (i) conform to applicable specifications, and/or to drawings or samples furnished by Buyer, (ii) are fit and sufficient for the intended purpose, (iii) will function properly, (iv) are free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of shipment, (v) are provided to Buyer with good and valid title free of any liens, encumbrances, security interests or other burdens, (vi) do not infringe or violate any copyright, trademark, patent or other intellectual property right of a third party, and (vii) comply with all applicable federal and state laws and regulations. If Seller’s standard express warranty for the Goods is longer or more extensive than the warranty described herein, such standard warranty shall apply. 保证:卖方声明并保证其向买方提供的所有货物(i) 符合适用的规格,和/或符合买方提供的图纸或样品,(ii) 适合且足以达到预期目的,(iii) 功能正常,(iv) 自装运之日起一 (1) 年内无材料和工艺缺陷、(v) 提供给买方的货物具有良好有效的所有权,不存在任何留置权、抵押权、担保权益或其他负担, (vi) 不侵犯或违反第三方的任何版权、商标、专利或其他知识产权,以及 (vii) 符合所有适用的联邦和州法律法规。如果卖方对货物的标准明示保证比本文所述保证更长或更广泛,则应适用该标准保证。
REMEDY FOR BREACH OF WARRANTY: If a defect is discovered in the Goods during the warranty period, Buyer may, at its option, (i) return the defective Goods to Seller at Seller’s expense for a full refund of the purchase price, (ii) require Seller to repair or replace the defective Goods within ten (10) days of providing notice of such defect, (iii) repair or replace the defective Goods itself and be reimbursed in full by Seller for all costs Buyer incurs in repairing or replacing the defective Good. 违反保证的补救措施:如果在保修期内发现货物存在缺陷,买方可以选择 (i) 将有缺陷的货物退还给卖方,由卖方承担费用,并全额退还购买价格;(ii) 要求卖方在收到缺陷通知后十 (10) 天内修理或更换有缺陷的货物;(iii) 自行修理或更换有缺陷的货物,并由卖方全额补偿买方在修理或更换有缺陷货物时产生的所有费用。
INVOICE, PAYMENT and TAXES: After delivering the Goods, Seller shall submit an invoice showing the amount Buyer is required to pay for the Goods. Unless otherwise stated in the Order, invoices shall be due net 45 days from receipt of invoice. The invoice shall not introduce any material terms or charges that differ from, or are inconsistent with the Order or the Terms and Conditions. Unless otherwise specified in the Order, all charges for packing, crafting, hauling, storage and transportation to point of delivery are included in the purchase price. Any applicable sales, use, excise, or other similar taxes, are to be itemized separately on the invoice. Seller agrees to accept any tax exemption certificates supplied by Buyer. 发票、付款和税费:交付货物后,卖方应提交发票,显示买方应支付的货款金额。除非订单中另有规定,发票应在收到发票后 45 天内支付。发票不得引入与订单或条款和条件不同或不一致的任何重要条款或费用。除非订单中另有规定,否则所有包装、加工、拖运、储存和运输至交货地点的费用均包含在购买价格中。任何适用的销售税、使用税、消费税或其他类似税项应在发票上单独列出。卖方同意接受买方提供的任何免税证明。
DELIVERY, TITLE and RISK OF LOSS: Time is of the essence. Failure to deliver the Goods on the date and place specified in the 交货、所有权和损失风险:时间至关重要。如果未能在合同中规定的日期和地点交付货物,即视为违约。
I (we) hereby authorize Evapco, Inc. to initiate deposit entries into my (our) account indicated below: 我(们)特此授权 Evapco, Inc.将存款存入我(们)的以下账户:
Bank Name: 银行名称:
Bank Address: qquad\qquad 银行地址: qquad\qquad
City: qquad\qquad State: qquad\qquad Zip: qquad\qquad 城市: qquad\qquad 州: qquad\qquad Zip: qquad\qquad
Account Name: qquad\qquad 账户名: qquad\qquad
Account Type: (Circle One) Checking Savings 账户类型:(请圈出一个) 支票 储蓄
Routing Number: 路由编号:
Account Number: 账号
This authorization is to remain in full force and effect until Evapco, Inc. has received written notification from me (us) of its termination in such manner as to afford Evapco, Inc. and your bank a reasonable opportunity to act on it. 在Evapco, Inc.收到本人(我方)终止授权的书面通知之前,本授权将保持完全有效,Evapco, Inc.和贵方银行有合理的机会对此采取行动。
For Company Use Only 仅供公司使用
Vendor Number: 供应商编号:
Form: F-108-ACT - Authorization for Direct Deposit Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification 表格:F-108-ACT - 直接存款授权 申请纳税人识别号和证明
Give form to the requester. Do not 将表格交给申请者。不要
Go to www.irs.gov/Formw9 for instructions and the latest information. send to the IRS. 有关说明和最新信息,请访问 www.irs.gov/Formw9。
Department of the Treasury 财政部
Before you begin. For guidance related to the purpose of Form W-9, see Purpose of Form, below. 开始之前。有关 W-9 表格目的的指导,请参阅下面的表格目的。
1 Name of entity/individual. An entry is required. (For a sole proprietor or disregarded entity, enter the owner’s name on line 1, and enter the business/disregarded entity’s name on line 2.) 1 实体/个人名称。必须填写。(对于独资企业或独立实体,在第 1 行填写所有者姓名,在第 2 行填写企业/独立实体名称)。
2 Business name/disregarded entity name, if different from above. 2 企业名称/豁免实体名称(如果与上述名称不同)。
3a Check the appropriate box for federal tax classification of the entity/individual whose name is entered on line 1. Check only one of the following seven boxes. 3a 在第 1 行所填写的实体/个人的联邦税务分类的相应方框内打勾。只勾选以下七个方框中的一个。 ◻\square Individual/sole proprietor ◻\square C corporation L∣SL \mid S corporation Partnership - Trust/estate ◻\square 个人/独资企业 ◻\square C 公司 L∣SL \mid S 公司 合伙企业 - 信托/遗产
LLC. Enter the tax classification ( C=C\mathrm{C}=\mathrm{C} corporation, S=S\mathrm{S}=\mathrm{S} corporation, P=\mathrm{P}= Partnership) 有限责任公司。输入税务分类( C=C\mathrm{C}=\mathrm{C} 公司、 S=S\mathrm{S}=\mathrm{S} 公司、 P=\mathrm{P}= 合伙公司)
Note: Check the “LLC” box above and, in the entry space, enter the appropriate code (C, S, or P) for the tax classification of the LLC, unless it is a disregarded entity. A disregarded entity should instead check the appropriate box for the tax classification of its owner. 注:勾选上面的 "有限责任公司 "方框,并在空格中输入有限责任公司税务分类的相应代码(C、S 或 P),除非它是一个免税实体。独立实体应勾选其所有者税务分类的相应方框。
Other (see instructions) 其他(见说明)
3b If on line 3a you checked “Partnership” or “Trust/estate,” or checked “LLC” and entered “P” as its tax classification, and you are providing this form to a partnership, trust, or estate in which you have an ownership interest, check this box if you have any foreign partners, owners, or beneficiaries. See instructions 3b 如果您在第 3a 行勾选了 "合伙企业 "或 "信托/不动产",或勾选了 "有限责任公司",并输入 "P "作为其税务分类,而且您正在向您拥有所有者权益的合伙企业、信托或不动产提供此表,如果您有任何外国合伙人、所有者或受益人,请勾选此复选框。参见说明
4 Exemptions (codes apply only to certain entities, not individuals; see instructions on page 3): 4 豁免(代码仅适用于某些实体,不适用于个人;请参阅第 3 页的说明):
Exempt payee code (if any) 豁免收款人代码(如有)
Exemption from Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) reporting code (if any) 《外国账户税收遵从法案》(FATCA)豁免报告代码(如有)
(Applies to accounts maintained outside the United States.) (适用于在美国境外开设的账户)。
5 Address (number, street, and apt. or suite no.). See instructions. 5 地址(编号、街道、公寓或套房编号)。参见说明。
6 City, state, and ZIP code 6 城市、州和邮政编码
7 List account number(s) here (optional) 7 在此列出账号(可选
Part I Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) 第一部分 纳税人识别号(TIN)
Enter your TIN in the appropriate box. The TIN provided must match the name given on line 1 to avoid backup withholding. For individuals, this is generally your social security number (SSN). However, for a resident alien, sole proprietor, or disregarded entity, see the instructions for Part I, later. For other entities, it is your employer identification number (EIN). If you do not have a number, see How to get a TIN, later. 在相应的方框内输入您的 TIN 编码。所提供的 TIN 必须与第 1 行所填写的姓名一致,以避免备用预扣。对于个人,这通常是您的社会保险号(SSN)。但是,对于外籍居民、独资企业或独立实体,请参阅后面第一部分的说明。对于其他实体,这是您的雇主识别号 (EIN)。如果您没有该号码,请参阅稍后的如何获取 TIN。
Note: If the account is in more than one name, see the instructions for line 1. See also What Name and Number To Give the Requester for guidelines on whose number to enter. 注意:如果账户不止一个名字,请参阅第 1 行的说明。另请参阅 "给申请者提供什么姓名和号码",了解输入号码的指导原则。
Part II Certification 第 II 部分 认证
Under penalties of perjury, I certify that: 在作伪证的前提下,我证明
The number shown on this form is my correct taxpayer identification number (or I am waiting for a number to be issued to me); and 本表上显示的号码是我正确的纳税人识别号(或者我正在等待发给我的号码);以及
I am a U.S. citizen or other U.S. person (defined below); and 我是美国公民或其他美国人(定义见下文);以及
The FATCA code(s) entered on this form (if any) indicating that I am exempt from FATCA reporting is correct. 本表中填写的 FATCA 代码(如有)表示我免于 FATCA 报告,该代码是正确的。
Certification instructions. You must cross out item 2 above if you have been notified by the IRS that you are currently subject to backup withholding because you have failed to report all interest and dividends on your tax return. For real estate transactions, item 2 does not apply. For mortgage interest paid, acquisition or abandonment of secured property, cancellation of debt, contributions to an individual retirement arrangement (IRA), and, generally, payments other than interest and dividends, you are not required to sign the certification, but you must provide your correct TIN. See the instructions for Part II, later. 证明说明。如果国税局通知您,由于您没有在报税表中申报所有利息和股息,因此目前需要进行后备预扣,您必须划掉上述第 2 项。对于房地产交易,第 2 项不适用。对于已支付的抵押贷款利息、购置或放弃担保财产、取消债务、向个人退休安排(IRA)缴款,以及除利息和股息以外的一般付款,您无需签署证明,但必须提供正确的 TIN 编码。请参阅后面第 II 部分的说明。
Sign 标志
Signature of
U.S. person
Signature of
U.S. person| Signature of |
| :--- |
| U.S. person |
Sign "Signature of
U.S. person"| Sign | Signature of <br> U.S. person |
| :--- | :--- |
General Instructions 一般说明
Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code unless otherwise noted. 除非另有说明,否则引用的章节均为《国内税收法》。
Future developments. For the latest information about developments related to Form W-9 and its instructions, such as legislation enacted after they were published, go to www.irs.gov/FormW9. 未来发展。有关 W-9 表格及其说明的最新进展信息,如表格及其说明公布后颁布的立法,请访问 www.irs.gov/FormW9。
What's New 最新消息
Line 3a has been modified to clarify how a disregarded entity completes this line. An LLC that is a disregarded entity should check the appropriate box for the tax classification of its owner. Otherwise, it should check the “LLC” box and enter its appropriate tax classification. 对第 3a 行进行了修改,以明确独立实体如何填写此行。有限责任公司如果是独立实体,应勾选其所有者税务分类的相应方框。否则,应勾选 "有限责任公司 "方框,并输入适当的税务分类。
New line 3b has been added to this form. A flow-through entity is required to complete this line to indicate that it has direct or indirect foreign partners, owners, or beneficiaries when it provides the Form W-9 to another flow-through entity in which it has an ownership interest. This change is intended to provide a flow-through entity with information regarding the status of its indirect foreign partners, owners, or beneficiaries, so that it can satisfy any applicable reporting requirements. For example, a partnership that has any indirect foreign partners may be required to complete Schedules K-2 and K-3. See the Partnership Instructions for Schedules K-2 and K-3 (Form 1065). 本表新增第 3b 行。流通实体在向其拥有所有权权益的另一流通实体提供 W-9 表时,必须填写此行,以表明其拥有直接或间接的外国合伙人、所有者或受益人。这一变更旨在为流通实体提供有关其间接外国合伙人、所有者或受益人身份的信息,以便其满足任何适用的申报要求。例如,拥有任何间接外国合伙人的合伙企业可能需要填写附表 K-2 和 K-3。请参阅合伙企业附表 K-2 和 K-3(1065 表)的说明。
Purpose of Form 表格目的
An individual or entity (Form W-9 requester) who is required to file an information return with the IRS is giving you this form because they 必须向美国国税局提交信息申报表的个人或实体(W-9 表格申请者)之所以向您提供此表格,是因为他们