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Note 注意

Notes 笔记

🎉 Thrilled to share that after 8 months, my Substack has reached 5,000 subscribers!
🎉 很高兴地分享,经过 8 个月,我的 Substack 达到了 5,000 名订阅者!

❤️ I am incredibly proud of this 100% organic growth and excited to continue discussing stocks and business models with all of you every day!
❤️ 我对这 100%的有机增长感到无比自豪,并期待每天与大家继续讨论股票和商业模式!

America's MVC (most valuable company) since 1995 by year: GE, Microsoft, Exxon, Apple baby! Your guess by year until 2030? Cheers!
自 1995 年以来美国的 MVC(最有价值公司)按年份:通用电气、微软、埃克森美孚、苹果宝贝!你对 2030 年前每年的猜测是什么?干杯!

Source: VC 来源:风险投资

12-Month Net New Revenue for the Hyperscalers:
12 个月超大规模云服务商的净新增收入:

The three hyperscalers added $10.9B in new revenue over the last 12 months, with the overall market growing 24% Y/Y.
这三家超大规模云服务商在过去 12 个月中新增收入 109 亿美元,整体市场同比增长 24%。

It’s interesting to see cloud growth remain resilient, especially in comparison to other enterprise software companies.

Growth was prima… 增长是主要…

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