Problem Chosen | 2021 | Team Control Number |
Forecasts for the Ecology and Fisheries Economy of Scottish
herring and mackerel
As the favorable food for Scotch, the herring and mackerel bring generous profits to fishing companies. Due to the hotter ocean, more fish move to the north to seek better habitats, laying a negative impact on the fishing industry. The aim of this report is to build a migratory prediction model to evaluate the influences on the income of fishing companies. We are expected to provide some strategies for fishing companies who can adapt to the migration of fish under the constraints of various objective conditions and prevent themselves from going bankrupt as much as possible. Three models are established: Model I: Seawater Temperature Prediction Model; Model II: Fish Migration Prediction Model; Model III: Fishing Company Earnings Evaluation Model.
作为苏格兰威士忌的热门食物,鲱鱼和鲭鱼为酿酒公司带来了丰厚的利益。由于海洋变热,更多的鱼向北移动以寻找更好的栖息地,对鱼产业产生了负面影响。本报告的目的是建立一个迁移预测模型,以评估对捕鱼公司收入的影响。我们期望为能够在各种客观条件的约束下适应金融迁移并尽可能防止自身破产的金融公司提供一些策略。建立了三个模型:模型 I:海水温度预测模型;模型 II:鱼类洄游预测模型;模型 III:渔业公司收益评估模型。
For Model I, global ocean temperature date monthly from 1960 to 2019 is firstly collected. Then, based on the analysis of intrinsic trend of the data and the verification of the stationarity, the validation of using ARIMA model to predict temperature is proved. Next, historical data is used to fit the parameters of ARIMA, with introduction of k-fold cross validation to identify the final prediction model as ARIMA(1,1,0). Finally, according to ARIMA(1,1,0), bootstrap method is used to simulate 10000 possible prediction cases, which lays a great foundation to predict the migration of fish.
对于模型 I,首先收集了 1960 年至 2019 年每月的全球海洋温度日期。然后,基于对数据内在趋势的分析和平稳性的验证,证明了使用 ARIMA 模型预测温度的有效性。接下来,使用历史数据拟合 ARIMA 的参数,引入 k 折叠交叉验证以将最终预测模型标识为 ARIMA(1,1,0)。最后,根据 ARIMA(1,1,0),采用 bootstrap 方法模拟了 10000 种可能的预测情况,为预测 fish 的迁移奠定了良好的基础。
For Model II, firstly, according to the data of the migration speed and the ocean temperature, it is determined that the temperature gradient is the main factor affecting the migration speed and direction. And the corresponding empirical equation is established to determine the impact of temperature on fish migration. Then based on the 10000 temperature change samples generated by bootstrap method in Model I, migration situation of each sample is simulated to identify the most likely locations of the fish. It was finally shown that the fish are mainly distributed in the area between Iceland and the Faroe Islands 50 years later and the results are shown in figure 9.
对于模型 II,首先根据迁移速度和海洋温度数据确定温度梯度是影响迁移速度和方向的主要因素。并建立了相应的经验方程来确定温度对鱼洼迁移的影响。然后,基于模型 I 中 bootstrap 方法生成的 10000 个温度变化样本,模拟每个样本的迁移情况,以确定最可能的 FISH 位置。最终表明,50 年后,这些鱼主要分布在冰岛和法罗群岛之间的地区,结果如图 9 所示。
For Model III, the profit evaluation equation of fishing companies is determined by the economic principle, and the parameters involved are estimated by introducing the actual management data, the results are shown in table 4; then based on the 10000 samples of fish migration from Model II, the profit change of fishing companies is simulated for each sample and the profit trend over time is shown in figure 10. Finally, it can be seen that the worst case is in 2030, fishing companies will go bankrupt due to fish migration with a probability of 0.02%, the best case is that they will not go bankrupt in 50 years with a probability of 5.27% and the most likely case is that in 2039, fishing companies will go bankrupt due to fish migration with a probability of 8.25%.
对于模型 III,根据经济原理确定渔业公司的资产评价方程式,通过引入实际管理数据估算所涉及的参数,结果见表 4;然后基于模型 II 的 10000 个渔业迁移样本,模拟每个样本的渔业公司资产变化,并得到 T 随时间变化的趋势如图 10 所示。最后,可以看出,最坏的情况是 2030 年,金融公司因金融迁移破产的概率为 0.02%,最好的情况是 50 年内不会破产,概率为 5.27%,最有可能的情况是 2039 年,金融企业因金融移民破产的概率为 8.25%。
In addition, this report discusses the effective response to the fish migration for small fishing companies, together with effective response strategies. Without considering the policies and legal issues brought by the territorial sea, small fishing companies should transfer their ports to Iceland, which is closer to the fish. Finally, based on simulation of this strategys effect, 100.00% of companies can avoid bankruptcy. As for considering the policies and legal issues, small fishing companies should upgrade their fishing vessels to extend the shelf life of fish. After simulation, 62.68% of companies can avoid bankruptcy.
此外,本报告还讨论了小型渔业公司对渔业移民的有效应对措施,以及有效的应对策略。在不考虑领海带来的政策和法律问题的情况下,小型渔业公司应该将其港口转移到更靠近渔业的冰岛。最后,基于对这种策略效应的模拟,100.00% 的公司可以避免破产。至于考虑政策和法律问题,小型捕鱼公司应该升级他们的捕鱼容器,以延长捕鱼的保质期。经过仿真,62.68% 的公司可以避免破产。
Eventually, robustness and sensitivity analysis of the model are tested. When the initial distribution of the fish is randomly generated from the uniform random distribution, the final convergence distribution of the model has little difference. As for the factors that affect the model, social profit rate and fishing boat navigation radius, it is found that the increase of these two factors will significantly reduce the bankruptcy probability of fishing companies.
Keywords: ARIMA; Fish Migration; Earnings Evaluation; Computer Simulatio