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(1) ABB E-mobility B.V., a company incorporated in the Netherlands with registration number 24000504, whose registered office is at George Hintzenweg 81, 3068AX Rotterdam, Netherlands (Licensor), and
(1) ABB E-mobility BV,一家在荷兰注册成立的公司,注册号为 24000504,注册办事处位于 George Hintzenweg 81, 3068AX Rotterdam, Dutch(许可方),以及

(2) ABB E-mobility Technology Shenzhen Co., Ltd., a Chinese corporation, with registration number 91440300MA5GWWW57N and whose registered office is at Unit 1-5, 10F Tower B China Resources Land Bldg. 9668 Shennan Rd., Nanshan district, 518063 Shenzhen, China (Licensee),

each of them a Party and both together the Parties.


(A) ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd, a company incorporated in Switzerland, whose registered office is at Affolternstrasse 44, 8050 Zurich, Switzerland, is the owner of the trademark ABB as well as numerous other trademarks, domain names, and the goodwill attached thereto (the Marks).
(A) ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd 是一家在瑞士注册成立的公司,其注册办事处位于 Affolternstrasse 44, 8050 Zurich, Switzerland,是 ABB 商标以及众多其他商标、域名及其商誉的所有者(标记)。

(B) The Marks are well established and well-known in the global markets and are legally protected and/or duly registered in most countries of the world;
(B) 商标在全球市场上享有盛誉并广为人知,并在世界大多数国家受到法律保护和/或正式注册;

© ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd entered into a trademark license agreement with ABB E-mobility Holding Ltd, a company incorporated in Switzerland, whose registered office is at Bruggerstrasse 66, 5400 Baden, Switzerland (the Trademark License Agreement);
© ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd 与 ABB E-mobility Holding Ltd(一家在瑞士注册成立的公司,其注册办事处位于 Bruggerstrasse 66, 5400 Baden, Switzerland)签订了商标许可协议(商标许可协议);

(D) ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd has granted to ABB E-mobility Holding Ltd in the Trademark License Agreement a license to use the Marks, including a right to sub-license the Marks amongst others to ABB Emobility B.V., i.e., the Licensor to this Agreement;
(D) ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd 在商标许可协议中向 ABB E-mobility Holding Ltd 授予使用商标的许可,包括将商标等再许可给 ABB Emobility BV(即许可方)的权利本协议;

(E) ABB E-mobility Holding Ltd entered into a (first tier) sub-license agreement with Licensor (the First Tier Sub-License Agreement);
(E) ABB E-mobility Holding Ltd 与许可方签订(一级)分许可协议(一级分许可协议);

(F) ABB E-mobility Holding Ltd has granted to Licensor in the First Tier Sub-License Agreement a license to use the Marks, including a right to sub-license the Marks (in a second tier) to, among others, ABB E-mobility Technology Shenzhen Co., Ltd., the Licensee to this Agreement;
(F) ABB E-mobility Holding Ltd 已向第一级分许可协议中的许可方授予使用商标的许可,包括将商标(第二级)分许可给 ABB E 等公司的权利-深圳市移动科技有限公司,本协议的被许可方;

(G) Licensee desires to obtain a sub-license to use the Marks;
(G) 被许可人希望获得使用商标的分许可;

(H) Licensee wishes to use the Marks amongst other factors to realize premium prices and more reliable future cash flows, to have access to better planning opportunities by reducing uncertainty, to save time and considerable investments into creation and establishing of own Marks and to simplify own related investment decisions, to obtain better access to highly competitive markets, to compete for large and complex long term projects, to use the product differentiation effects as a success factor in highly competitive markets and to benefit from further effects of considerable value;
(H) 被许可人希望利用商标以及其他因素来实现溢价和更可靠的未来现金流,通过减少不确定性获得更好的规划机会,节省时间和大量投资来创建和建立自己的商标,并简化自己的相关投资决策,以便更好地进入竞争激烈的市场,竞争大型复杂的长期项目,利用产品差异化效应作为竞争激烈的市场中的成功因素,并从具有可观价值的进一步效应中受益;

(I) Licensor has agreed to grant Licensee a license to use the Marks for the Licensee’s Business in relation to its Products, subject to the terms set out in this Agreement.
(I) 许可方已同意授予被许可方许可,以根据本协议中规定的条款,在被许可方的业务中使用与其产品相关的商标。


1.1 In this Agreement the following terms have the following meanings:
1.1 在本协议中,下列术语具有以下含义:
Affiliate: in relation to a Party (a) any entity Controlled by such Party (directly or indirectly); (b) any entity Controlling (directly or indirectly) such Party; and © any entity Controlled (directly or indirectly) by any entity Controlling (directly or indirectly) such Party; Control: in relation to a Controlled Affiliate, being (a) entitled to exercise, or control the exercise of (directly or indirectly) more than 50 % 50 % 50%50 \% of the voting power at any general meeting of the shareholders, members or partners or other equity holders; or (b) entitled to appoint or remove or control the appointment or removal of (i) directors on the Controlled Affiliate’s board of directors or its other governing body who are able (in the aggregate) to exercise more than 50 % 50 % 50%50 \% of the voting power at meetings of that board or governing body; and/or (ii) any managing member of such Controlled Affiliate;
关联方:就一方而言 (a) 由该方(直接或间接)控制的任何实体; (b) (直接或间接)控制该方的任何实体; © 由任何(直接或间接)控制该方的实体(直接或间接)控制的任何实体;控制:就受控关联公司而言,(a) 有权(直接或间接)行使或控制行使(直接或间接)超过 50 % 50 % 50%50 \% 在股东、成员或合伙人或其他股东的任何股东大会上的投票权; (b) 有权任命或罢免或控制任命或罢免 (i) 受控关联方董事会或其其他管理机构中的董事,这些董事能够(总计)行使超过 50 % 50 % 50%50 \% 该董事会或理事机构会议上的投票权;和/或 (ii) 该受控关联公司的任何管理成员;
Domain Names: those domain name registrations that incorporate the Marks, including but not limited to those set forth in Annex 1;
域名:包含商标的域名注册,包括但不限于附件 1 中规定的域名;
First Tier Sub-License Agreement: the sub-license agreement between ABB E-mobility Holding Ltd and Licensor, as defined in Recital E;
一级分许可协议:ABB E-mobility Holding Ltd 与许可方之间的分许可协议,如说明 E 中所定义;
Higher Tier Licensor: ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd as well as ABB E-mobility Holding Ltd.
更高级别许可方:ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd 以及 ABB E-mobility Holding Ltd。

Licensee’s Business: the business of enabling the electrification of mobility for people and goods including the development, leasing, production, distribution, sales, after-sales, marketing, installation, maintenance and servicing of electric vehicle chargers, charging stations, and charging solutions and components of the foregoing, including but not limited to, power converters, pantographs, cables and connectors, fuel cells, energy storage devices, power supplies for supplying and conditioning power to such stations, V2X and V2G, software and services for managing, tracking, operating and energy managing of such stations, sites, and fleet of vehicles.
被许可人业务:实现人员和货物移动电气化的业务,包括电动汽车充电器、充电站和充电解决方案的开发、租赁、生产、分销、销售、售后、营销、安装、维护和服务上述组件,包括但不限于电力转换器、受电弓、电缆和连接器、燃料电池、储能设备、为此类站点提供和调节电力的电源、V2X 和 V2G、用于管理、跟踪、此类车站、场所和车队的运营和能源管理。
License Fees: the fees to be paid by Licensee as defined in Annex 2 in consideration of the license rights to use the Marks and Domain Names;
许可费:考虑到使用商标和域名的许可权,被许可人应支付的费用(见附件 2);
Mark(s): those trademarks owned and managed by Trademark Owner as set out in Annex 1. Annex 1 may be updated by Licensor from time to time to reflect legal status or to add other trademarks that the parties may subsequently agree to add under this Agreement;
标记:附件 1 中规定的由商标所有者拥有和管理的商标。许可方可能会不时更新附件 1,以反映法律地位或添加双方随后可能同意根据本协议添加的其他商标协议;
Products: products, systems, components, information, services, software and other objects sold or offered for sale, and services rendered, by Licensee and associated with the Marks pursuant to this Agreement;
Trademark License Agreement: the license agreement between ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd and ABB Emobility Holding Ltd, as defined in Recital C;
商标许可协议:ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd 与 ABB Emobility Holding Ltd 之间的许可协议,如说明 C 中所定义;

Trademark Owner: ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd, as mentioned in Recital A.
商标所有者:ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd,如说明 A 中所述。

1.2 In this Agreement (except where the context otherwise requires):
1.2 在本协议中(除非上下文另有规定):

1.2.1 any reference to a Clause or Annex is a reference to the respective Clause or Annex of or to this Agreement;
1.2.1 对条款或附件的任何引用均指本协议的相应条款或附件;

1.2.2 headings are included for convenience only and do not affect its interpretation.
1.2.2 标题仅为方便起见,并不影响其解释。

1.3 The Annexes form part of this Agreement and have effect as if set out in full in the body of this Agreement. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of the Annexes and the body of this Agreement, the provisions set out in the body of this Agreement will prevail.
1.3 附件构成本协议的一部分,其效力如同在本协议正文中完整列出一样。如果附件的规定与本协议正文发生冲突,则以本协议正文中的规定为准。

2. LICENSE  2. 许可证

2.1 Licensor grants Licensee a non-transferable, non-exclusive, worldwide license to use the Marks for the promotion, distribution and sale of Products and as part of Licensee’s trade name, subject to the terms set forth herein, and to use the Domain Names set forth in Annex 1.
2.1 许可方授予被许可方不可转让、非排他性的全球许可,以根据此处规定的条款使用商标来促销、分销和销售产品并作为被许可方商号的一部分,并使用域名载于附件 1。

2.2 No further right is granted to Licensee save as expressly set out in this Agreement. Licensee does not acquire any kind of property or ownership rights or title in the Marks or Domain Names. For the avoidance of doubt, this Agreement does not affect Licensee’s right to purchase, import, export, and sell products, systems, components, information, services and software nor does it have any impact on related terms and conditions.
2.2 除本协议明确规定外,未授予被许可方任何其他权利。被许可人不会获得商标或域名的任何财产或所有权或所有权。为避免疑义,本协议不影响被许可方购买、进口、出口和销售产品、系统、组件、信息、服务和软件的权利,也不对相关条款和条件产生任何影响。
Further, the parties expressly acknowledge and agree that (a) the Licensee may purchase import, export, and sell products, systems, components, information, services and software from/to any Affiliates of Licensor and (b) the payment of the License Fees under this Agreement is not a condition (or precondition) for purchasing, importing, exporting, and selling products, systems, components, information, services and software from/to an Affiliate.
此外,双方明确承认并同意 (a) 被许可方可以向许可方的任何附属公司购买进口、出口和销售产品、系统、组件、信息、服务和软件,以及 (b) 支付许可费本协议项下的条款不是向关联公司购买、进口、出口和销售产品、系统、组件、信息、服务和软件的条件(或先决条件)。

2.3 Licensee must not grant further sub-licenses for the Marks.
2.3 被许可人不得进一步授予商标的分许可。

2.4 Licensee must not sell, lease or otherwise make available Products for use in a Nuclear Facility or for installation at the site of a Nuclear Facility for use by such Nuclear Facility, except if approved in writing in accordance with the applicable ABB Group Directives and Instructions. If such approval has been granted, Licensor and any Higher Tier Licensor will under no circumstances and at no time (whether during or after the term of this Agreement) be liable to Licensee (i) for any damage, loss or claim arising in any country in connection with a nuclear incident in any way relating to the Products, including but not limited to any damage, loss or claim based on personal injury or death of any person, damage to property of any person or entity, damage to a Nuclear Facility itself, and any property on or off the site where the Nuclear Facility is situated.
2.4 被许可方不得出售、租赁或以其他方式提供用于核设施或安装在核设施现场供此类核设施使用的产品,除非根据适用的 ABB 集团指令和说明获得书面批准。如果获得此类批准,许可方和任何更高级别许可方在任何情况下、任何时间(无论是在本协议期限内还是之后)均不对被许可方 (i) 在任何国家/地区发生的任何损害、损失或索赔承担责任与产品相关的任何方式的核事故,包括但不限于任何人的人身伤害或死亡造成的任何损害、损失或索赔、任何人或实体的财产损害、核设施本身的损害,以及 或 上的任何财产远离核设施所在地。

For the purposes of this Clause 2.4, Nuclear Facility means (i) all kind of nuclear (power and test) reactors including those comprised in any means of transport; (ii) nuclear power plants; (iii) factories for the manufacture or processing of Nuclear Substances; (iv) factories for the separation of isotopes of Nuclear Fuel such as nuclear waste treatment plants; (v) factories for the reprocessing of irradiated Nuclear Fuel; (vi) facilities for the storage of Nuclear Substances; (vii) all means of transport powered by Nuclear Fuel such as but not limited to submarines or icebreakers; and (viii) facilities for the assembling of Nuclear Fuel for the determination of the limits of a sustainable chain reaction; Nuclear Fuel means fissionable material in the form of uranium metal, alloy or chemical compound (including natural uranium), plutonium metal, alloy or chemical compound, thorium metal, alloy or chemical compound; Nuclear Substances means Nuclear Fuel (other than natural uranium, natural thorium or depleted uranium) and radioactive products or waste.
就本第 2.4 条而言,核设施是指 (i) 所有类型的核(动力和试验)反应堆,包括任何运输工具中包含的反应堆; (二) 核电厂; (iii) 制造或加工核物质的工厂; (iv) 分离核燃料同位素的工厂,例如核废物处理厂; (v) 辐照核燃料后处理工厂; (vi) 核物质储存设施; (vii) 所有由核燃料驱动的运输工具,例如但不限于潜艇或破冰船; (viii) 组装核燃料以确定可持续链式反应极限的设施;核燃料是指铀金属、合金或化合物(包括天然铀)、钚金属、合金或化合物、钍金属、合金或化合物形式的可裂变材料;核物质是指核燃料(天然铀、天然钍或贫铀除外)和放射性产品或废物。

2.5 Upon request of Licensor or a Higher Tier Licensor, Licensee shall provide any information regarding the final destination and end-use of the Products that Licensor needs to apply for any export licenses or authorizations that are required to fulfil Licensor’s obligations under the Agreement. Licensee shall provide any required written end-use statements/certifications that may be requested by any export control authorities, and shall permit visits by Licensor, Higher Tier Licensors and/or any export control authorities to the end-use location if such end-use verifications are required by export control authorities.
2.5 应许可方或更高级别许可方的要求,被许可方应提供有关产品的最终目的地和最终用途的任何信息,许可方需要这些信息来申请履行许可方在本协议下的义务所需的任何出口许可证或授权。被许可方应提供任何出口管制机构可能要求的任何书面最终用途声明/证明,并应允许许可方、更高层许可方和/或任何出口管制机构访问最终使用地点(如果此类最终用途)出口管制机构要求进行核查。

2.6 The sale, transfer or re-export of Products to an end-user involved, directly or indirectly, in the design, production, use or stockpiling of chemical, biological or nuclear weapons or missile delivery systems is prohibited.
2.6 禁止向直接或间接参与化学、生物或核武器或导弹运载系统的设计、生产、使用或储存的最终用户销售、转让或再出口产品。

2.7 Licensee acknowledges that Trademark Owner is the owner of the Marks and Domain Names and that Licensor has a license to use the Marks, including a right to sub-license. Licensee must not dispute or challenge the validity of the Marks, or the rights of Trademark Owner to the Marks, during the term and after termination of this Agreement.
2.7 被许可人承认商标所有者是商标和域名的所有者,并且许可人拥有使用商标的许可,包括分许可的权利。在本协议期限内以及本协议终止后,被许可人不得对商标的有效性或商标所有者对商标的权利提出争议或质疑。

2.8 Any goodwill derived from the use of the Marks by Licensee accrues to Trademark Owner.
2.8 因被许可人使用商标而产生的任何商誉均归商标所有者所有。

3. 商标的使用

3.1 Licensee shall diligently promote its Products using the Marks all in accordance with this Agreement and consistent with the Trademark Owner’s guidelines, which may be updated by Trademark Owner from time to time.
3.1 被许可方应根据本协议并遵守商标所有者的指南(商标所有者可能会不时更新该指南),努力使用商标推广其产品。

3.2 Licensee shall comply with Trademark Owner’s instructions and guidelines, including but not limited to those regarding form and manner of the application of the Marks. Any deviation requires prior written approval of Trademark Owner.
3.2 被许可人应遵守商标所有者的指示和指南,包括但不限于有关商标应用的形式和方式的指示和指南。任何偏差都需要商标所有者的事先书面批准。