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(12) United States Patent Arrighi et al.
(12) 美国专利 Arrighi et al.

(10) Patent No.: US 9,482,493 B2
(10) 专利号:US 9,482,493 B2
(45) Date of Patent:
(45) 专利日期:
Nov. 1,2016 2016年11月1日
(54) 炮塔结构,尤其是用于战车的炮塔结构
(71) Applicant: (71) 申请人:
OTO MELARA S.P.A., La Spezia (IT)
OTO MELARA S.P.A.,拉斯佩齐亚(意大利)
(72) Inventors: Paolo Arrighi, La Spezia (IT); Lorenzo Moroni, La Spezia (IT)
(72) 发明者:Paolo Arrighi, La Spezia (意大利);Lorenzo Moroni, La Spezia (意大利)
(73) Assignee: OTO MELARA SPA, La Spezia (IT)
(73) 受让人:OTO MELARA SPA, La Spezia (IT)
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days.
(*) 通知:根据《美国法典》第 35 编第 154(b)条的规定,本专利的有效期延长或调整 0 天。
(21) Appl. No.: (21) Appl:
(22) PCT Filed: (22) PCT 已提交:
Jul. 1, 2014 2014年7月1日
(86) PCT No.: (86) PCT No:
§ (c)(1),
(2) Date: (2) 日期:
Jan. 8, 2016 2016年1月8日
(87) PCT Pub. No.: WO2015/004568
(87) PCT Pub.编号:WO2015/004568
PCT Pub. Date: Jan. 15, 2015
PCT 出版日期:2015 年 1 月 15 日2015 年 1 月 15 日
Prior Publication Data 出版前数据
US 2016/0169634 A1 Jun. 16, 2016
US 2016/0169634 A1 2016年6月16日
(30) Foreign Application Priority Data
(30) 外国申请优先权数据
Jul. 10, 2013 2013 年 7 月 10 日
(IT)  (IT)
(51) Int. Cl.  (51) Int.Cl.
(52) U.S. Cl.
CPC F41H 5/20 (2013.01); F41H 5/013
CPC F41H 5/20 (2013.01); F41H 5/013
(58) Field of Classification Search
(58) 分类搜索领域
USPC See application file for complete search history
USPC 完整搜索历史见申请文件

References Cited
引用的参考文献 美国专利文献

6,701,821 B2* 3/2004 Lundqvist .............. F41A 9/56
    7,942,092 B1* 5/2011 Kiel .................. F41H 5/16
    8,356,541 B2* 1/2013 Schneider ............ F41H 5/013
    9,146,081 B2* 9/2015 Chu .................. F41H 5/013
2012/0183716 A1* 7/2012 Jordan .............. B29C 70/088



\begin{abstract} \开始{摘要}
International Search Report and Written Opinion for corresponding International Patent Application No. PCT/IB2014/062753, mailed Oct. 17, 2014
相应国际专利申请 PCT/IB2014/062753 号的国际检索报告和书面意见,2014 年 10 月 17 日邮寄
International Preliminary Report on Patentability for corresponding International Patent Application No. PCT/IB2014/062753, mailed Oct. 14, 2015
相应国际专利申请号 PCT/IB2014/062753 的国际可专利性初步报告,2015 年 10 月 14 日邮寄
Paolo Valpolini: "Turrets on a Leash", Armada International Armada International, Zurich, CH, vol. 36, No. 6, Dec. 1, 2012, pp , XP001579941
Paolo Valpolini: "Turrets on a Leash", Armada International Armada International, Zurich, CH, vol. 36, No. 6, Dec. 1, 2012, pp , XP001579941
  • cited by examiner 审查员引用
Primary Examiner - J. Woodrow Eldred (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm - Merchant & Gould P.C.
主要审查员 - J. Woodrow Eldred (74) 律师、代理人或事务所 - Merchant & Gould P.C.



A turret includes a hollow casing provided with a gun, such as a cannon. The casing includes an upper half-shell at least partially widening towards the bottom of the casing, and a lower half-shell at least partially widening towards the top of the casing; the upper half-shell and the lower half-shel meeting and widening, in at least one edge border of the casing.

\end{abstract} \结束语
4 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets
4 项索赔,4 张图纸

Fig. 5 图 5
Fig. 10 图 10
Fig. 12 图 12


This application is a National Stage Application of International Patent Application No. PCT/IB2014/062753, filed 1 Jul. 2014, which claims benefit of Serial No. TO2013A000580, filed 10 Jul. 2013 in Italy and which applications are incorporated herein by reference. To the extent appropriate, a claim of priority is made to each of the above disclosed applications.
本申请是 2014 年 7 月 1 日提交的第 PCT/IB2014/062753 号国际专利申请的国家阶段申请,该申请要求获得 2013 年 7 月 10 日在意大利提交的序列号为 TO2013A000580 的申请的利益,这些申请通过引用并入本文。在适当的范围内,对上述公开的每项申请提出优先权要求。


The present invention relates to a turret, in particular for a fighting vehicle.


In the technical field turrets are known, i.e. systems that are generally adapted for supporting a firearm and are able to protect the men on board or the mechanism that allows the projectile associated with the firearm to be shot, allowing at the same time the firearm to be aimed and to shoot in different directions.
Turrets are typically designed to be installed not only on buildings or fixed structures, but also on mobile structures, 25 such as military aircraft, fighting vehicles, etc.
In the art are known some devices as described in their respective documents.
For example, EP 0122187 A1 discloses a turret for an armored vehicle comprising a saddle mounted on the vehicle via a ring race allowing its rotation around a vertical axis and an oscillating body mounted on the saddle via trunnions so as to be able to oscillate around a horizontal axis, the saddle being made up of a baseplate and front, rear and side walls and covered by the oscillating body, wherein the baseplate of the saddle is located approximately in the plane of the ring race, the front and rear walls of the saddle are made up of sections of cylindrical surfaces the axes of which coincide with the axes of the trunnions and delimit with the side walls in the plane of the baseplate a polygon circumscribed about the circular opening of the baseplate bordered by the ring race, and the oscillating body has, seen from the side, the shape of two trapezes joined by their long bases, its side walls consisting of inclined panels assembled to form protruding edge dihedrons.
例如,EP 0122187 A1 公开了一种用于装甲车的炮塔,包括一个通过环形滚道安装在装甲车上的鞍座,鞍座可绕垂直轴旋转;一个通过耳轴安装在鞍座上的摆动体,可绕水平轴摆动,鞍座由底板、前壁、后壁和侧壁组成,并由摆动体覆盖,其中鞍座的底板大致位于环形滚道的平面内、鞍座的前壁和后壁由圆柱面组成,圆柱面的轴线与耳轴的轴线重合,并在底板平面内与侧壁划定了一个多边形,该多边形以底板的圆形开口为圆心,并以环形滚道为边界,从侧面看,摆动体的形状就像两个梯形,由其长长的底座连接在一起,其侧壁由倾斜板组成,组装成边缘突出的二面体。
Though, turrets manufactured according to the prior art suffer from some drawbacks.


An object of the present invention is to provide a turret, which is able to solve the drawbacks of the prior art and which, at the same time, can be produced in a simple and economic fashion. In particular, an object of the present invention is to provide a turret provided with an improved casing, which is adapted for ensuring a particularly effective ballistic protection.
According to the present invention, this and other objects are reached by means of a turret described herein.
The appended claims are an integral part of the technical teachings provided in the following detailed description concerning the present invention.


Further features and advantages of the present invention will be best understood upon perusal of the following


detailed description, which is provided by way of example and is not limiting, with reference, in particular, to the accompanying drawings, wherein:
FIGS. 1 to are bidimensional views, in particular a 5 lateral elevation view, a front elevation view, and a plan view from above, respectively, of a turret for vehicles manufactured according to an explanatory embodiment of the present invention;
图 1 至 分别是根据本发明的一个解释性实施例制造的车辆炮塔的二维视图,特别是 5 侧立视图、前立视图和俯视平面图;
FIGS. 4 and 5 are bidimensional views, in particular a
图 4 和图 5 是二维视图,特别是一个
10 front elevation view and a lateral elevation view, respectively, of a front portion or shell of the turret shown in the previous figures;
10 分别为前几幅图中所示炮塔前部或外壳的正面仰视图和侧面仰视图;
FIGS. 6 to 8 are enlarged views, in partial cutaway drawings, of manufacturing details shown in FIG. 4 and
图 6 至图 8 是图 4 和图 9 所示制造细节的局部剖视放大图。
FIg. 9 ared therein with the closed curves V1, VII and ViIf
图 9 中是封闭曲线 V1、VII 和 ViI。
FIG. 9 is a perspective view of a rear portion or tail of the turret shown in FIGS. 1 to ;
图 9 是图 1 至 所示炮塔后部或尾部的透视图;
FIGS. 10 and 11 are bidimensional views, in particular a front elevation view and a lateral elevation view, respectively, of the rear portion or tail shown in FIG. 9; and
图 10 和图 11 分别是图 9 所示后部或尾部的二维视图,特别是前立视图和侧立视图;以及
FIG. 12 is an enlarged view, in partial cutaway drawing, of manufacturing details shown in FIG. 10 and highlighted therein with the closed curve XII.
图 12 是图 10 所示制造细节的局部剖视放大图,其中用闭合曲线 XII 标出。


With reference to the accompanying drawings, number 10 indicates, as a whole, a turret, in particular for a fighting vehicle, manufactured according to an explanatory embodiment of the present invention.
参照附图,数字 10 整体表示根据本发明的一个解释性实施例制造的炮塔,特别是用于战车的炮塔。
In particular, turret is designed to be mounted on top of a fighting vehicle, for example on a tank (not shown). More in detail, turret is mounted so as to rotate relative to the fighting vehicle, so that it is able to rotate around a substantially vertical axis, moving on a substantially horizontal plane.
特别是,炮塔 被设计安装在战车顶部,例如坦克(未显示)上。更详细地说,炮塔 的安装方式是可以相对于战车进行旋转,这样它就可以绕大致垂直的轴线旋转,在大致水平的平面上移动。
Though, in further embodiments, turret can be mounted not only on a fighting vehicle, but also on buildings and fixed structures, as well as on mobile structures, for example military aircraft.
不过,在进一步的实施方案中,炮塔 不仅可以安装在战车上,还可以安装在建筑物和固定结构上,以及移动结构上,例如军用飞机。
Turret 10 has a hollow casing 12 , which is provided with a firearm, such as a cannon 14. In the embodiment shown, cannon 14 projects towards the outside of hollow casing 12 substantially horizontal axis
炮塔 10 有一个空心壳体 12,里面装有火器,如大炮 14。在所示实施例中,加农炮 14 向空心套管 12 外侧伸出,基本上是水平轴线。
As described more in detail below, hollow casing is provided, on the outside, with an armor, which is designed to protect the hollow casing itself from the impact and the 50 explosion of the ammunitions coming from enemy weapons.
如下文所述,空心弹壳 外部装有护甲,其目的是保护空心弹壳本身免受来自敌方武器的弹药的冲击和 50 次爆炸。
In particular, hollow casing has a substantially box-like shape and, in the embodiment shown, it comprises a plurality of sheet metal pieces, which are assembled with one another as described more in detail below. In particular, the 55 sheet metal pieces are coated with a plurality of armor panels.
特别是,空心套管 大体上呈盒状,在所示的实施例中,它由多个金属片组成,如下文详细说明的那样,这些金属片相互组装在一起。特别是,这 55 块金属片上涂覆有多个装甲板。
Furthermore, turret comprises a basket 16, only partially visible in FIGS. 1 and 2, which extends through a bottom opening (not numbered) provided on the lower side of hollow casing 12 and is adapted to house the crew of the vehicle on which the turret is mounted.
此外,炮塔 还包括一个吊篮 16,在图 1 和图 2 中仅部分可见,吊篮 16 穿过空心套管 12 下侧的底部开口(未编号),用于容纳安装炮塔的车辆的乘员。
In particular, turret is fitted to the fighting vehicle in correspondence to the bottom of casing 12, typically by interposing a rotation support (e.g. bearings) between the 65 structure of the vehicle and the bottom of casing 12 .
特别是,炮塔 与套管 12 的底部相对应安装在战车上,通常是通过在战车的 65 结构和套管 12 的底部之间插入旋转支撑(如轴承)来实现。
In the embodiment shown, basket 16 comprises a base and a plurality of uprights , which preferably have
在所示的实施方案中,篮筐 16 包括一个底座 和多个立柱 ,立柱最好有

a tubular shape and join the base to hollow casing 12. In particular, ballistic grids or plates are transversely mounted between segments of the uprights and are adapted to provide a protection for the compartment defined by basket 16
在这些部件中,有一种是管状的,并将底座与空心套管 12 连接起来。尤其是,防弹网或防弹板 横向安装在立柱 之间,用于保护由篮筐 16 确定的隔间。
Optionally, the uprights , by bending or curving outwards, form a cove 17 , which is arranged close to their top, so as to the increase the volume enclosed in basket 16 close to hollow casing 12. In this way, one can advantageously increase the usable space in the region at the boundary between the inside of hollow body 12 and casing 16, which typically is a critical area, since it is suited to house the seats (not visible) on which the operators making up the crew of the turret seat.
可选地,立柱 通过向外弯曲或弧形,形成一个靠近其顶部的凹槽 17,以增加篮筐 16 中靠近中空套管 12 的容积。通过这种方式,可以有效地增加中空机身 12 内部和外壳 16 之间边界区域的可用空间,该区域通常是一个关键区域,因为它适合容纳炮塔机组人员的座椅(不可见)。
Hollow casing 12 comprises:
空心套管 12 包括
a front portion or shell 18 , on which firearm 14 is mounted and which defines a front cavity 20 (see FIG. 4); and a rear portion or tail 22, which houses at least one between a projectile magazine and a (motor-driven or manual) mechanism to load the projectiles (not shown) into the breech of said firearm 14 and which defines a rear cavity 24 .
前部或弹壳 18,枪支 14 安装在该部分上,该部分限定了一个前腔 20 (见图 4);以及后部或尾部 22,该部分容纳了一个弹丸库和(电机驱动或手动)将弹丸装入所述枪支 14 后膛的机构(未显示)中的至少一个,该部分限定了一个后腔 24。
Front portion or shell and rear portion or tail are distinct from one another and are mutually mechanically assembled so that aforesaid cavities at least partially communicate with one another.
前部或外壳 和后部或尾部 相互独立,并以机械方式相互装配,使上述空腔 至少部分相互连通。
The presence of a front portion or shell 18 and of a rear portion or tail 22, which are separate from one another and subsequently assembled, has different advantages. For example, an advantage lies on the fact that the manufacturing processes of casing can be separated, so that front portion or shell 18 is processed in a separate and independent manner relative to rear portion or tail 22. In particular, this allows operators to use smaller machines for the processing of the two portions 18 , compared to the machine that would otherwise be necessary for a casing substantially consisting of a one-piece shell, for example manufactured by welding the sheet metal pieces making it up. Furthermore, the assembly and the preparation of front portion or shell 18 (with the firearm) and of rear portion or tail 22 (with at least one between the projectile magazine and the projectile loading mechanism) can take place in parallel, in order to then join the portions at the end of the relative assembling processes, thus remarkably reducing the overall manufacturing time.
前部或外壳 18 和后部或尾部 22 相互分离并随后组装在一起具有不同的优点。例如,优点之一是可以将机壳 的制造工序分开,这样相对于后部或尾部 22 而言,前部或外壳 18 是以单独和独立的方式加工的。特别是,这使得操作人员可以使用较小的机器来加工两个部分 18,而不需要使用机器来加工基本上由一体式外壳组成的外壳,例如通过焊接金属片来制造外壳。此外,前部或弹壳 18(带有枪支)和后部或尾部 22(至少有一个位于弹丸库和弹丸装载机构之间)的装配和准备工作可以并行进行,以便在相对装配工序结束时将两部分连接起来,从而显著缩短整个制造时间。
The fact that, once assembled, cavities 20,24 communicate with one another allows the projectiles stored in the magazine and/or introduced into the loading mechanism arranged in rear portion or tail 22 to be transferred to the breech of firearm 14 arranged in front portion or shell 18, preferably with the control and aid of the operators of the crew accommodated in basket 16 .
事实上,一旦组装完毕,空腔 20、24 相互连通,就可以将弹仓中储存的弹丸和/或导入后部或尾部 22 中的装弹机构,最好是在吊篮 16 中的乘员操作人员的控制和帮助下,将弹丸输送到前部或弹壳 18 中的火器 14 的后膛。
Preferably, front portion or shell 18 and rear portion or tail 22 are mounted in a mutually removable manner, for example they can be connected to a plurality of screws designed to be removed when the two portion 18, 22 have to be disassembled. For example, this circumstance can be due to the need for maintenance or replacement of one of the two portions 18, 22. The possibility to disassemble the portions 18, 22 makes it easier for them to be moved and more quickly repaired or replaced, since they are separate from one another.
前部或外壳 18 和后部或尾部 22 最好以可相互拆卸的方式安装,例如,它们可以连接到多个螺钉上,以便在需要拆卸两个部分 18、22 时将其卸下。例如,这种情况可能是由于需要维护或更换两个部分 18、22 中的一个。由于两个部分 18、22 是分开的,因此可以拆卸,便于移动,维修或更换也更快捷。
In the embodiment show, front portion or shell 18 and rear portion or tail 22 have a rear face 26 and a front face 28 , respectively, which substantially match one another, are mutually juxtaposed and abutting, and are mechanically coupled to one another. Preferably, this coupling takes place by means of a removable connection between faces 26,28 (for example, by means of screws that can be removed in case of need).
在所示的实施例中,前部或外壳 18 和后部或尾部 22 分别有一个后端面 26 和一个前端面 28,这两个端面基本上相互匹配,相互并列和相邻,并机械地相互耦合。这种耦合最好是通过面 26 和面 28 之间的可拆卸连接(例如,通过在需要时可拆卸的螺钉)来实现。
Preferably, rear face 26 and front face are substantially
优选地,后端面 26 和前端面 大致上
5 flat and, in particular, are arranged on a substantially vertical plane.
5 平坦,尤其是在一个基本垂直的平面上排列。
In particular, rear face 26 and front face 28 have at least one rear window 27 and one front window 29 , respectively, which match one another and are suited to overlap one 0 another.
特别是,后端面 26 和前端面 28 分别有至少一个后窗 27 和一个前窗 29,它们相互匹配,适合相互重叠。
In the embodiment shown, front portion or shell has the bottom opening and basket is fitted thereto.
在所示的实施方案中,前部或外壳 有底部开口,篮子 安装在其上。
Furthermore, the bottom of front portion or shell 18 is suited to be mounted so as to rotate on top of the fixed or 15 mobile structure on which turret is suited to be installed, in this case a fighting vehicle. In particular, the assembly is performed by interposing a suitable rotation support between the structure and the bottom of the front portion or shell 18 (around the region in which basket 16 is mounted), for example bearings.
此外,前部或外壳 18 的底部适合安装在适合安装炮塔 的固定结构或 15 个移动结构(此处为战车)的顶部旋转。特别是,在结构和前部或外壳 18 的底部之间(围绕安装吊篮 16 的区域)安装一个合适的旋转支承件,例如轴承。
Preferably, casing has an upper half-shell 30 at least partially widening towards the bottom of said casing 12 (hence, tapered towards the top), and a lower half-shell 32 at least partially widening towards the top of casing 12 (hence, tapered towards the bottom). Upper half-shell 30 and lower half-shell 32 meeting, widening, in at least one edge border 34 of casing 12. Thanks to these features, upper half-shell 30 and lower half-shell 32 obtained in this way have, on the one hand, a scarce radar perceivability (socalled "stealth effect") and, on the other hand, the ballistic ability of bouncing incident projectiles towards the outside.
套管 最好有一个上半壳 30,至少部分向所述套管 12 的底部变宽(因此,向顶部变细),以及一个下半壳 32,至少部分向套管 12 的顶部变宽(因此,向底部变细)。上半壳 30 和下半壳 32 在套管 12 的至少一个边框 34 上相接并加宽。由于这些特点,以这种方式获得的上半壳 30 和下半壳 32 一方面具有较低的雷达可感知性(即所谓的 "隐身效果"),另一方面具有将入射弹丸弹向外部的弹道能力。
Preferably, the aforesaid half-shells 30, 32 define, by widening and meeting, at least one lateral edge border , which is laterally arranged on casing 12, in particular on front portion or shell 18 . In the embodiment shown, halfshells define a pair of lateral edge borders , which are arranged on opposite sides of the casing, in particular on front portion or shell 18. For example, this couple of lateral edge borders are substantially parallel to one another.
优选地,上述半壳 30、32 通过加宽和会合,确定了至少一个侧边边框 ,该边框横向布置在外壳 12 上,特别是前部或外壳 18 上。在所示实施例中,半壳 定义了一对侧边边框 ,该边框布置在外壳的相对侧,特别是前部或外壳 18 上。例如,这对侧边边界 基本上相互平行。
Preferably, the aforesaid half-shells 30,32 define, by widening, at least one front edge border , which is frontally arranged on casing 12, in particular on front portion or shell 18. In the embodiment shown, half-shells 30, 32 define a pair of front edge borders , in particular on front 45 portion or shell 18. For example, these front edge borders frontally converge relative to casing 12 , in particular relative to front portion or shell 18.
优选地,上述半壳 30、32 通过加宽限定了至少一个前缘边框 ,该边框正面布置在外壳 12 上,特别是前部或外壳 18 上。在所示实施例中,半壳 30、32 定义了一对前缘边框 ,特别是在前 45 部分或壳 18 上。例如,这些前缘边框 相对于外壳 12,特别是相对于前部或外壳 18,在正面汇聚。
In particular edge borders 34 are arranged in correspondence to at least part of the perimeter of casing 12 (and, in 5 particular, of front portion or shell 18) and, more in particular, in correspondence to the lateral profiles or lateral sides that join in a part of the front profile that is frontally tapered to house firearm 14.
特别是,边框 34 与机壳 12(尤其是前部或外壳 18)的至少部分周边相对应,尤其是与侧轮廓或侧边框相对应,这些侧轮廓或侧边框与前轮廓的一部分相接,前轮廓的前端呈锥形,以容纳枪支 14。
As a person skilled in the art clearly understands, even 55 though in the embodiment shown edge borders 34 are carried only by front part or shell 18, in possible variants of the invention they can also be applied to rear portion or tail 22.
本领域的技术人员清楚地知道,即使 55 在所示的实施例中,边框 34 仅由前部或外壳 18 承载,但在本发明的可能变体中,它们也可以应用于后部或尾部 22。
With reference, in particular, to the FIGS. 6 to 8, the 60 structure of edge borders 34 can also permit an improved fitting of an armor onto casing 12, in particular in correspondence to half-shells 30,32 .
特别是参照图 6 至图 8,边框 34 的 60 结构还可以改进装甲与外壳 12 的配合,特别是与半壳 30、32 的配合。
As shown in the FIGS. 6 to 8, upper half-shell 30 and lower half-shell 32 are joined in correspondence to each 5 edge border 34 by means of at least one upper inclined sheet metal piece 36 and one lower inclined sheet metal piece 38 respectively. For example, upper inclined sheet metal piece
如图 6 至图 8 所示,上半壳 30 和下半壳 32 分别通过至少一个上倾斜金属片 36 和一个下倾斜金属片 38 与每 5 个边缘边框 34 对应连接。例如,上倾斜金属片
36 and lower inclined sheet metal piece 38 can be welded to one another in correspondence to edge border 34.
36 和下倾斜金属片 38 可以相互焊接,与边缘边界 34 相对应。
In particular, in each region where an edge border 34 is provided, upper half-shell 30 and lower half-shell 32 have, on the outside, an upper armored panel 40 and a lower armored panel 42, in the embodiment shown arranged above inclined sheet metal pieces . Panels 40,42 are adjacent and peripherally in contact with one another, in particular in correspondence to edge border 34.
特别是,在设有边框 34 的每个区域,上半壳 30 和下半壳 32 的外侧都有一个上铠装板 40 和一个下铠装板 42,在所示的实施例中,这两个铠装板布置在倾斜金属片 的上方。面板 40 和 42 相邻并在外围相互接触,特别是与边缘边界 34 相对应。
In the embodiment shown, in correspondence to each edge border 34, casing comprises, furthermore, a fixing element 46 , which matches and covers the area where panels 40, 42 are adjacent to one another. More in detail, fixing element 46 is oblong (for example, extends along the entire length of adjacent panels 40,42 in correspondence to edge border 34 ) and has a concavity facing the area where panels 40, 42 are adjacent to and in contact with one another. In particular, fixing element 46 has a substantially V-shaped section.
在所示实施例中,与每个边框 34 相对应,套管 还包括一个固定件 46,该固定件与面板 40、42 相邻的区域相匹配并覆盖该区域。更详细地说,固定元件 46 是长方形的(例如,沿相邻面板 40、42 的整个长度延伸,与边缘边框 34 相对应),并在面板 40、42 相邻和相互接触的区域有一个凹面。特别是,固定元件 46 的截面大致呈 V 形。
Preferably, fixing element is constrained to said casing 12 (lower half-shell 30 ) by means of through members 47 , for example by means of a plurality of screws, which extend through lower panel 42 and, in particular, are aligned under edge border 34. This constraint is able to allow fixing element 46 to ensure the stability of the support of adjacent panels . In fact, in the embodiment shown, the invention avoids, for this reason, a coupling of fixing element 46 to casing 12 (upper half-shell 32) by means of members extending through upper panel 40.
理想情况下,固定件 通过通孔部件 47 与所述外壳 12(下半壳 30)相连,例如通过多个螺钉,这些螺钉穿过下面板 42,特别是在边缘边界 34 下方对齐。这种约束可以使固定部件 46 确保相邻面板支撑的稳定性 。事实上,在所示实施例中,本发明避免了通过穿过上面板 40 的部件将固定元件 46 与外壳 12(上半壳 32)耦合。
This situation has the significant advantage of offering the possibility to reduce the number of points in which panels 40, 42 are perforated, since, in this way, weakening areas of the panels are created in an undesired manner. Furthermore, the preferred decision of perforating the sole lower panel 42 for the fitting of the fixing element is advantageous due to the fact that the potentially weakened areas of the armor of casing are arranged in a position that is difficult to reach for a projectile that is aimed at turret 10 .
这种情况的显著优点是可以减少面板 40 和 42 的穿孔点数量,因为在这种情况下,面板的薄弱区域会以不希望的方式出现。此外,在唯一的下面板 42 上穿孔以安装固定部件的优选决定是有利的,因为外壳 装甲的潜在薄弱区域位于瞄准炮塔 10 的弹丸难以触及的位置。
In the embodiment shown, through members 47 extend 40 through lower panel 42 and lower sheet metal piece 38, which are arranged one on top of the other, to obtain the fitting of fixing element 46 .
在图中所示的实施例中,通孔部件 47 延伸 40 穿过下面板 42 和下金属片 38,这两个部件一上一下地排列,以便安装固定元件 46。
Preferably, base fixing elements 48 are also provided, which are similar to fixing elements 46 described above with 45 reference to the area where edge border 34 is provided. Base fixing elements 48 are interposed between lower armored panel 42 and the bottom of lower half-shell 32 . In the case shown in FIG. 7, through members 47, which allow each base fixing element 48 to be coupled to casing 12 , extend through the bottom of lower half-shell 32, in particular without passing through lower armored plate 42 . On the contrary, in the case shown in FIG. 8, through members 47 extend through lower armored plate 42, in a transverse direction.
最好还设置底座固定件 48,它与上文所述的固定件 46 相似,但 45 参照了设置边框 34 的区域。底座固定件 48 安装在下装甲板 42 和下半壳 32 的底部之间。在图 7 所示的情况下,允许每个底座固定元件 48 与外壳 12 连接的通孔部件 47 穿过下半壳 32 的底部,特别是不穿过下铠装板 42。相反,在图 8 所示的情况下,通孔部件 47 沿横向穿过下铠装板 42。
Furthermore, fixing uprights are optionally provided, in particular of the plate-like type, each one of them being suited to connect fixing element 46 to base fixing element 48 associated with the same lower panel 42. Preferably, each one of them is also suited to connect pairs of mutually 6 adjacent fixing elements 46 and/or pairs of mutually adjacent base fixing elements 48 , thus also constraining to one another, in particular, the adjacent lower panels 42.
此外,还可选择提供固定直立件 ,尤其是板状类型的固定直立件,每个固定直立件都适用于连接固定元件 46 和与同一下面板 42 相关的底座固定元件 48。最好,其中每一个还适合连接一对相互相邻的固定元件 46 和/或一对相互相邻的底座固定元件 48,从而也能相互约束,特别是相邻的下面板 42。
In this way, in particular, fixing uprights overlap the areas in which lower panels are adjacent to one another, 65 so as to avoid empty spaces in the armor built by panels 40 , 42.
这样,特别是固定直立板 与下部面板 相邻的区域重叠,65 以避免在面板 40、42 构建的铠甲中出现空隙。


Preferably, each fixing upright , at the same axial end 52, connects to adjacent fixing elements 46, for example, by being passed through by the same through members that extend through fixing elements 46 and lower armored panel 42. In this way, in order to fit fixing uprights 50 , operators do not need to drill further holes through lower armored panel 42, besides the ones that are already needed for the installation of fixing elements 46. The same also applies to opposite axial end of fixing upright , with the differ10 ence that it connects base fixing elements 48 that are adjacent to one another.
每个固定立柱 在同一轴向端 52 上最好与相邻的固定元件 46 相连,例如,通过穿过固定元件 46 和下铠装板 42 的相同通孔部件穿过。这样,为了安装固定立柱 50,除了安装固定元件 46 所需的孔外,操作人员不需要在下铠装板 42 上钻更多的孔。同样的情况也适用于固定立柱 的相对轴向端 ,不同之处10在于它连接了彼此相邻的底座固定元件 48。
In the embodiment shown, each fixing element has ends 52,54, that are wider then the rest of the upright, in particular creating the shape of a "dog bone".
在图示的实施方案中,每个固定元件 的两端 52、54 都比直立部分的其余部分宽,特别是形成了 "狗骨头 "的形状。
FIG. 12 shows a detail of rear portion or tail 22 of casing 12. Preferably, rear portion or tail 22 is manufactured with a plurality of sheet metal pieces, which are cold-assembled with one another, for example screwed to one another, in particular without performing hot-assembling procedures
图 12 显示了外壳 12 后部或尾部 22 的细节。后部或尾部 22 最好由多个金属片制成,这些金属片相互冷装配,例如相互拧紧,特别是无需执行热装配程序。
20 such as welding procedures. The mechanical connection between adjacent areas of the sheet metal pieces fixed together is performed by means of ballistic interlocking means, generically indicated with , which are known for casings manufactured by means of welding. This reduces 5 manufacturing costs and times and makes repairs easier to be performed.
20 例如焊接程序。固定在一起的金属片的相邻区域之间的机械连接是通过弹道联锁装置来实现的,一般用 表示,这种装置对于通过焊接方式制造的壳体是众所周知的。这样可以降低制造成本,缩短制造时间,便于维修。
In the embodiment shown, front portion or shell 18 is manufactured by welding a plurality of sheet metal pieces 36, 38, on which armored panels are mechanically 30 heat-free mounted, in particular by means of the use of screws (preferably, in accordance with the solution described above).
在图中所示的实施例中,前部或外壳 18 是通过焊接多个金属片 36 和 38 制造的,铠装板 通过机械方式,特别是使用螺钉(最好是根据上述解决方案)安装在这些金属片上。
Naturally, the principle of the present invention being set forth, the embodiments and the implementation details can 35 be widely changed with respect to what described above and shown in the drawings as a mere way of non-limiting example, without in this way going beyond the scope of protection provided by the accompanying claims.
The invention claimed is:
  1. A turret for a fighting vehicle; said turret comprising a hollow casing provided with a firearm, said casing comprising:
an upper half-shell at least partially widening towards a bottom of said casing, and
a lower half-shell at least partially widening towards a top of said casing,
said upper half-shell and said lower half-shell meeting, and widening, in at least one edge border of the casing;
in an area wherein said at least one edge border is arranged, said upper half-shell and said lower half-shell have, on an outside, an upper armored panel and a lower armored pane respectively; said upper armored panel and said lower armored panel being adjacent and peripherally in contact with one another;
a fixing element, located in the area wherein said at least one edge border is arranged, which matches and covers an area wherein said upper armored panel and said lower armored panel are adjacent to one another, the fixing element being constrained to said casing by through organs which extend through said lower panel;
at least one base fixing element, which is interposed between said lower armored panel and the bottom of the lower half-shell and matches the area where said lower armored panel and said bottom of the lower half-shell are adjacent to one another so as to cover the area where said lower armored panel and said bottom of the lower half-shell are adjacent to one another;

at least one fixing upright which overlaps and connects the fixing element to the base fixing element associated with said lower panel.
  1. A turret according to claim 1, wherein said half-shells define, by meeting and widening, at least one lateral edge 5 border, which is arranged on the side of said casing (12).
    2.根据权利要求 1 所述的炮塔,其中所述半壳通过相接和加宽,至少确定了一个侧边 5 边界,该边界布置在所述套管 (12) 的一侧。
  2. A turret according to claim 1, wherein said half-shells define, by meeting and widening, at least one front edge border which is arranged on the front of said casing.
    2.根据权利要求 1 所述的炮塔,其中所述半壳通过相接和加宽,确定了至少一个前缘边界,该边界布置在所述外壳的前部。
  3. A turret according to claim 1, wherein said at least one 10 fixing upright overlaps and connects a pair of mutually adjacent fixing elements and/or a pair of mutually adjacent base fixing elements.
    2.根据权利要求 1 所述的转塔,其中所述至少一个 10 固定立柱重叠并连接一对相互邻近的固定元件和/或一对相互邻近的底座固定元件。