On 26 March 2019, “Destinations at Risk: The Invisible Burden of Tourism” was released. This report was commissioned by the Travel Foundation and co-published with Cornell University’s Centre for Sustainable Global Enterprise and EplerWood International. 2019年3月26日,“有风险的目的地:旅游业的无形负担”。该报告由旅行基金会委托,并与康奈尔大学可持续企业和埃普尔伍德国际公司(Eplerwood International)共同发布。
Summary 概括
The report describes how destinations must uncover and account for tourism’s hidden costs, referred to as the “invisible burden”, to protect and manage vital destination assets worldwide. Failing to do so puts ecosystems, cultural wonders, and community life at increasing risk, and places the tourism industry on a weak foundation that could crack under its own weight. Click here for examples of the invisible burden, and learn more in this animated infographic: 该报告描述了目的地如何揭示和解释旅游业的隐藏成本,即“无形负担”,以保护和管理全球重要的目的地资产。不这样做会使生态系统,文化奇观和社区生活处于越来越多的风险,并将旅游业置于一个薄弱的基础上,可能会在自己的体重下破裂。单击此处以获取无形负担的示例,并在此动画信息图中了解更多信息:
Amid increasing concern about “overtourism” and calls from within the travel industry for improved destination management, the report uncovers root causes for the problem and offers logical and integrated analysis of why it is transpiring. It concludes that destination managers will need to sit at the new nexus between data on tourism demand the supply of resources to support the tourism economy. 在越来越关注“超级旅游”并呼吁旅游行业呼吁改善目的地管理的情况下,该报告发现了该问题的根本原因,并提供了逻辑和综合的分析,分析了为什么它是蒸蒸日上的。它得出的结论是,目的地经理将需要坐在有关旅游数据之间的新联系,需要资源供应以支持旅游经济。
The report suggests that the risks tourism destinations and businesses face must be openly and transparently reviewed with more science-based, data-driven analysis including, 该报告表明,旅游目的地和企业面临的风险必须通过更多基于科学的,数据驱动的分析进行公开和透明地审查
New local accounting systems that capture the full range of costs stemming from the growth of tourism, in place of an incomplete set of economic impact measures. 新的本地会计系统捕获了由于旅游业的增长而代替一系列不完整的经济影响措施,捕获了全部成本。
New skills and cross sector collaboration, underpinned by data and technology, to achieve effective spatial planning, manage demand for public utilities and services, and evaluate the availability of vital, local resources. 由数据和技术支撑的新技能和跨部门协作,以实现有效的空间计划,管理对公用事业和服务的需求,并评估重要的当地资源的可用性。
New valuation and financing mechanisms to redress debilitating under-investment in infrastructure and local asset management and enable the transition to low-carbon destination economies. 新的估值和融资机制使基础设施和本地资产管理的投资不足,并使其能够过渡到低碳目的地经济体。
“The invisible burden goes a long way to explain why we are now witnessing destinations failing to cope with tourism growth, despite the economic benefits it brings. It’s not enough to call on governments and municipalities to manage tourism better, if they don’t have access to the right skills and resources to do so. Destination managers need support to develop new skills and new ways of working that will enable them to move beyond tourism marketing.” “无形的负担在很大程度上解释了为什么我们现在看到目的地无法应对旅游业的增长,尽管它带来了经济效益。如果政府和市政府没有适当的技能和资源来更好地管理旅游业,那么仅仅呼吁他们是不够的。目的地管理者需要支持来发展新技能和新工作方式,使他们能够超越旅游营销。”
– Salli Felton, CEO of the Travel Foundation – Salli Felton,旅游基金会首席执行官
“The earth’s greatest treasures are cracking under the weight of the soaring tourism economy. New data-driven systems to identify the cost of managing tourism’s most valued assets are required to stem a growing crisis in global tourism management. With the right leadership, finance and analysis in place, a whole new generation of tourism professionals can move forward and erase the invisible burden while benefiting millions around the globe.” “地球上最宝贵的财富在旅游业经济飞速发展的重压下正在崩溃。需要新的数据驱动系统来确定管理旅游业最有价值资产的成本,以遏制全球旅游业管理中日益严重的危机。有了正确的领导、财务和分析,全新一代的旅游专业人士就可以继续前进,消除无形的负担,同时使全球数百万人受益。”
“The invisible burden goes a long way to explain why we are now witnessing destinations failing to cope with tourism growth, despite the economic benefits it brings. It’s not enough to call on governments and municipalities to manage tourism better, if they don’t have access to the right skills and resources to do so. Destination managers need support to develop new skills and new ways of working that will enable them to move beyond tourism marketing.” “无形的负担在很大程度上解释了为什么我们现在看到目的地无法应对旅游业的增长,尽管它带来了经济效益。如果政府和市政府没有适当的技能和资源来更好地管理旅游业,那么仅仅呼吁他们是不够的。目的地管理者需要支持来发展新技能和新工作方式,使他们能够超越旅游营销。”
– Salli Felton, CEO of the Travel Foundation – Salli Felton,旅游基金会首席执行官
“The earth’s greatest treasures are cracking under the weight of the soaring tourism economy. New data-driven systems to identify the cost of managing tourism’s most valued assets are required to stem a growing crisis in global tourism management. With the right leadership, finance and analysis in place, a whole new generation of tourism professionals can move forward and erase the invisible burden while benefiting millions around the globe.” “地球上最宝贵的财富在旅游业经济飞速发展的重压下正在崩溃。需要新的数据驱动系统来确定管理旅游业最有价值资产的成本,以遏制全球旅游业管理中日益严重的危机。有了正确的领导、财务和分析,全新一代的旅游专业人士就可以继续前进,消除无形的负担,同时使全球数百万人受益。”
“The invisible burden goes a long way to explain why we are now witnessing destinations failing to cope with tourism growth, despite the economic benefits it brings. It’s not enough to call on governments and municipalities to manage tourism better, if they don’t have access to the right skills and resources to do so. Destination managers need support to develop new skills and new ways of working that will enable them to move beyond tourism marketing.” “无形的负担在很大程度上解释了为什么我们现在看到目的地无法应对旅游业的增长,尽管它带来了经济效益。如果政府和市政府没有适当的技能和资源来更好地管理旅游业,那么仅仅呼吁他们是不够的。目的地管理者需要支持来发展新技能和新工作方式,使他们能够超越旅游营销。”
– Salli Felton, CEO of the Travel Foundation
The report draws upon academic literature, case studies, expert interviews and media reports, and provides a wealth of examples of the invisible burden. Examples are drawn from Thailand, Mexico, and the Maldives, as well as Europe, Africa, and Latin America. The report also gives insights into types of data-driven systems, such as GIS mapping tools and the Smart Cities concept, which can address growth issues and facilitate new forms of investment. 该报告借鉴了学术文献、案例研究、专家访谈和媒体报道,并提供了大量关于隐形负担的例子。例子来自泰国、墨西哥和马尔代夫,以及欧洲、非洲和拉丁美洲。该报告还深入探讨了数据驱动系统的类型,例如 GIS 绘图工具和智慧城市概念,这些系统可以解决增长问题并促进新的投资形式。
Report authors: 报告作者:
Megan Epler Wood (Managing Director, Sustainable Tourism Asset Management Program at Cornell University; Owner and Principal of EplerWood International) Megan Epler Wood(康奈尔大学可持续旅游资产管理计划董事总经理; Eplerwood International的所有者和负责人)
Mark Milstein (Clinical Professor of Management at Cornell University) 马克·米尔斯坦(Mark Milstein)(康奈尔大学管理临床教授)