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Robot Framework User Guide

Version 7.0.1 版本7.0.1

Copyright © 2008-2015 Nokia Networks
版权所有© 2008-2015诺基亚网络
Copyright © 2016- Robot Framework Foundation
版权所有© 2016-机器人框架基金会

Table of Contents 目录

1   Getting started 1入门

1.1   Introduction 1.1介绍

Robot Framework is a Python-based, extensible keyword-driven automation framework for acceptance testing, acceptance test driven development (ATDD), behavior driven development (BDD) and robotic process automation (RPA). It can be used in distributed, heterogeneous environments, where automation requires using different technologies and interfaces.
Robot Framework是一个基于Python的、可扩展的关键字驱动的自动化框架,用于验收测试、验收测试驱动开发(ATDD)、行为驱动开发(BDD)和机器人流程自动化(RPA)。它可以用于分布式异构环境,其中自动化需要使用不同的技术和接口。

The framework has a rich ecosystem around it consisting of various generic libraries and tools that are developed as separate projects. For more information about Robot Framework and the ecosystem, see http://robotframework.org.

Robot Framework is open source software released under the Apache License 2.0. Its development is sponsored by the Robot Framework Foundation.
Robot Framework是在Apache License 2.0下发布的开源软件。它的开发由机器人框架基金会赞助。

Note 注意

The official RPA support was added in Robot Framework 3.1. This User Guide still talks mainly about creating tests, test data, and test libraries, but same concepts apply also when creating tasks.
RPA支持是在Robot Framework 3.1中添加的。本用户指南仍然主要讨论创建测试、测试数据和测试库,但在创建任务时也适用相同的概念。

1.1.1   Why Robot Framework?

  • Enables easy-to-use tabular syntax for creating test cases in a uniform way.
  • Provides ability to create reusable higher-level keywords from the existing keywords.
  • Provides easy-to-read result reports and logs in HTML format.
  • Is platform and application independent.
  • Provides a simple library API for creating customized test libraries which can be implemented natively with Python.
  • Provides a command line interface and XML based output files for integration into existing build infrastructure (continuous integration systems).
  • Provides support for testing web applications, rest APIs, mobile applications, running processes, connecting to remote systems via Telnet or SSH, and so on.
  • Supports creating data-driven test cases.
  • Has built-in support for variables, practical particularly for testing in different environments.
  • Provides tagging to categorize and select test cases to be executed.
  • Enables easy integration with source control: test suites are just files and directories that can be versioned with the production code.
  • Provides test-case and test-suite -level setup and teardown.
  • The modular architecture supports creating tests even for applications with several diverse interfaces.

1.1.2   High-level architecture

Robot Framework is a generic, application and technology independent framework. It has a highly modular architecture illustrated in the diagram below.
Robot Framework是一个通用的、独立于应用和技术的框架。它具有高度模块化的架构,如下图所示。


Robot Framework architecture
Robot Framework架构

The test data is in simple, easy-to-edit tabular format. When Robot Framework is started, it processes the data, executes test cases and generates logs and reports. The core framework does not know anything about the target under test, and the interaction with it is handled by libraries. Libraries can either use application interfaces directly or use lower level test tools as drivers.
测试数据采用简单、易于编辑的表格格式。当Robot Framework启动时,它处理数据,执行测试用例并生成日志和报告。核心框架不知道任何关于被测目标的信息,与它的交互由处理。库可以直接使用应用程序接口,也可以使用低级测试工具作为驱动程序。

1.1.3   Screenshots 1.1.3屏幕截图

Following screenshots show examples of the test data and created reports and logs.


Test case file 测试用例文件


Reports and logs 报告和日志

1.1.4   Getting more information

Project pages 项目页面

The number one place to find more information about Robot Framework and the rich ecosystem around it is http://robotframework.org. Robot Framework itself is hosted on GitHub.
要了解有关Robot Framework及其丰富生态系统的更多信息,请访问http://robotframework.org。Robot Framework本身托管在GitHub上。

Mailing lists 邮件列表

There are several Robot Framework mailing lists where to ask and search for more information. The mailing list archives are open for everyone (including the search engines) and everyone can also join these lists freely. Only list members can send mails, though, and to prevent spam new users are moderated which means that it might take a little time before your first message goes through. Do not be afraid to send question to mailing lists but remember How To Ask Questions The Smart Way.
有几个Robot Framework邮件列表,可以在其中询问和搜索更多信息。邮件列表档案对所有人开放(包括搜索引擎),每个人都可以自由加入这些列表。只有列表成员可以发送邮件,但是,为了防止垃圾邮件,新用户会受到审核,这意味着在您的第一封邮件通过之前可能需要一点时间。不要害怕把问题发送到邮件列表,但要记住如何以聪明的方式提问

General discussion about all Robot Framework related issues. Questions and problems can be sent to this list. Used also for information sharing for all users.
关于所有Robot Framework相关问题的一般讨论。问题和疑问可以发送到这个列表。也用于所有用户的信息共享。
An announcements-only mailing list where only moderators can send messages. All announcements are sent also to the robotframework-users mailing list so there is no need to join both lists.
robotframework-devel 机器人框架开发公司
Discussion about Robot Framework development.

1.3   Installation instructions

These instructions cover installing Robot Framework and its preconditions on different operating systems. If you already have Python installed, you can install Robot Framework using the standard package manager pip:
这些说明涵盖了在不同操作系统上安装Robot Framework及其先决条件。如果你已经安装了Python,你可以使用标准的包管理器pip安装Robot Framework:

pip install robotframework

1.3.1   Python installation
1.3.1 Python安装

Robot Framework is implemented using Python, and a precondition to install it is having Python or its alternative implementation PyPy installed. Another recommended precondition is having the pip package manager available.
Robot Framework是使用Python实现的,安装它的先决条件是安装Python或其替代实现PyPy。另一个推荐的先决条件是有pip包管理器可用。

Robot Framework requires Python 3.8 or newer. The latest version that supports Python 3.6 and 3.7 is Robot Framework 6.1.1. If you need to use Python 2, Jython or IronPython, you can use Robot Framework 4.1.3.
Robot Framework需要Python 3.8或更高版本。支持Python 3.6和3.7的最新版本是Robot Framework 6.1.1。如果你需要使用Python 2、JythonIronPython,你可以使用Robot Framework 4.1.3

Installing Python on Linux

On Linux you should have suitable Python installation with pip available by default. If not, you need to consult your distributions documentation to learn how to install them. This is also true if you want to use some other Python version than the one provided by your distribution by default.

To check what Python version you have installed, you can run python --version command in a terminal:
要检查您安装的Python版本,您可以在终端中运行python --version命令:

$ python --version
Python 3.10.13

Notice that if your distribution provides also older Python 2, running python may use that. To use Python 3, you can use python3 command or even more version specific command like python3.8. You need to use these version specific variants also if you have multiple Python 3 versions installed and need to pinpoint which one to use:
请注意,如果您的发行版还提供较旧的Python 2,则运行python可能会使用它。要使用Python 3,您可以使用python3命令或更多版本特定的命令,如python3.8。如果您安装了多个Python 3版本,并且需要确定使用哪个版本,则也需要使用这些特定于版本的变体:用途:

$ python3.11 --version
Python 3.11.7
$ python3.12 --version
Python 3.12.1

Installing Robot Framework directly under the system provided Python has a risk that possible problems can affect the whole Python installation used also by the operating system itself. Nowadays Linux distributions typically use user installs by default to avoid such problems, but users can also themselves decide to use virtual environments.
直接在提供Python的系统下安装Robot Framework存在风险,可能的问题可能会影响操作系统本身使用的整个Python安装。如今,Linux发行版通常默认使用用户安装来避免此类问题,但用户也可以自己决定使用虚拟环境

Installing Python on Windows

On Windows Python is not available by default, but it is easy to install. The recommended way to install it is using the official Windows installers available at http://python.org. For other alternatives, such as installing from the Microsoft Store, see the official Python documentation.
在Windows上,Python默认不可用,但它很容易安装。推荐的安装方法是使用官方的Windows安装程序,网址是http://python.org。有关其他替代方案,如从Microsoft Store安装,请参阅官方Python文档

When installing Python on Windows, it is recommended to add Python to PATH to make it and tools like pip and Robot Framework easier to execute from the command line. When using the official installer, you just need to select the Add Python 3.x to PATH checkbox on the first dialog.
在Windows上安装Python时,建议将Python添加到PATH中,以使其以及pip和Robot Framework等工具更容易从命令行执行。当使用官方安装程序时,你只需要在第一个对话框中选择Add Python 3.x to PATH复选框。

To make sure Python installation has been successful and Python has been added to PATH, you can open the command prompt and execute python --version:
要确保Python安装成功,并且Python已添加到PATH中,您可以打开命令提示符并执行python --version

C:\>python --version
Python 3.10.9

If you install multiple Python versions on Windows, the version that is used when you execute python is the one first in PATH. If you need to use others, the easiest way is using the py launcher:

C:\>py --version
Python 3.10.9
C:\>py -3.12 --version
Python 3.12.1

Installing Python on macOS

MacOS does not provide Python 3 compatible Python version by default, so it needs to be installed separately. The recommended approach is using the official macOS installers available at http://python.org. If you are using a package manager like Homebrew, installing Python via it is possible as well.
MacOS默认情况下不提供Python 3兼容的Python版本,因此需要单独安装。推荐的方法是使用官方macOS安装程序,可从http://python.org获得。如果你使用的是像Homebrew这样的包管理器,也可以通过它安装Python。

You can validate Python installation on macOS using python --version like on other operating systems.
您可以在macOS上使用python --版本验证Python安装,就像在其他操作系统上一样。

PyPy installation PyPy安装

PyPy is an alternative Python implementation. Its main advantage over the standard Python implementation is that it can be faster and use less memory, but this depends on the context where and how it is used. If execution speed is important, at least testing PyPy is probably a good idea.

Installing PyPy is a straightforward procedure and you can find both installers and installation instructions at http://pypy.org. To validate that PyPy installation was successful, run pypy --version or pypy3 --version.
安装PyPy是一个简单的过程,您可以在http://pypy.org上找到安装程序和安装说明。要验证PyPy安装是否成功,请运行pypy --versionpypy 3--version

Note 注意

Using Robot Framework with PyPy is officially supported only on Linux.
在PyPy中使用Robot Framework仅在Linux上得到官方支持。

Configuring PATH

The PATH environment variable lists directories where commands executed in a system are searched from. To make using Python, pip and Robot Framework easier from the command line, it is recommended to add the Python installation directory as well as the directory where commands like pip and robot are installed into PATH.
PATH环境变量列出了在系统中执行的命令的搜索目录。为了使从命令行使用Python,pip和Robot Framework更容易,建议将Python安装目录以及piprobot等命令的安装目录添加到PATH中。

When using Python on Linux or macOS, Python and tools installed with it should be automatically in PATH. If you nevertheless need to update PATH, you typically need to edit some system wide or user specific configuration file. Which file to edit and how depends on the operating system and you need to consult its documentation for more details.

On Windows the easiest way to make sure PATH is configured correctly is setting the Add Python 3.x to PATH checkbox when running the installer. To manually modify PATH on Windows, follow these steps:
在Windows上,确保PATH配置正确的最简单方法是在运行安装程序时设置Add Python 3.x to PATH复选框。要在Windows上手动修改PATH,请执行以下步骤:

  1. Find Environment Variables under Settings. There are variables affecting the whole system and variables affecting only the current user. Modifying the former will require admin rights, but modifying the latter is typically enough.
  2. Select PATH (often written like Path) and click Edit. If you are editing user variables and PATH does not exist, click New instead.
  3. Add both the Python installation directory and the Scripts directory under the installation directory into PATH.
  4. Exit the dialog with Ok to save the changes.
  5. Start a new command prompt for the changes to take effect.

1.3.2   Installing using pip

These instructions cover installing Robot Framework using pip, the standard Python package manager. If you are using some other package manager like Conda, you can use it instead but need to study its documentation for instructions.
这些说明涵盖了使用标准Python包管理器pip安装Robot Framework。如果你正在使用其他的包管理器,比如Conda,你可以使用它,但是需要学习它的文档来获得说明。

When installing Python, you typically get pip installed automatically. If that is not the case, you need to check the documentation of that Python installation for instructions how to install it separately.

Running pip command

Typically you use pip by running the pip command, but on Linux you may need to use pip3 or even more Python version specific variant like pip3.8 instead. When running pip or any of its variants, the pip version that is found first in PATH will be used. If you have multiple Python versions installed, you may need to pinpoint which exact version you want to use. This is typically easiest done by running python -m pip and substituting python with the Python version you want to use.
通常,您可以通过运行pip命令来使用pip,但在Linux上,您可能需要使用pip 3或更多Python版本特定的变体,如pip3.8。当运行pip或其任何变体时,将使用在PATH中首先找到的pip版本。如果您安装了多个Python版本,则可能需要确定要使用的确切版本。这通常是最简单的,通过运行python -m pip并将python替换为您想要使用的Python版本。

To make sure you have pip available, you can run pip --version or equivalent.
为了确保pip可用,您可以运行pip --版本或等效版本。

Examples on Linux: Linux上的示例:

$ pip --version
pip 23.2.1 from ... (python 3.10)
$ python3.12 -m pip --version
pip 23.3.1 from ... (python 3.12)

Examples on Windows: Windows上的示例:

C:\> pip --version
pip 23.2.1 from ... (python 3.10)
C:\> py -m 3.12 -m pip --version
pip 23.3.2 from ... (python 3.12)

In the subsequent sections pip is always run using the pip command. You may need to use some of the other approaches explained above in your environment.

Installing and uninstalling Robot Framework
安装和卸载Robot Framework

The easiest way to use pip is by letting it find and download packages it installs from the Python Package Index (PyPI), but it can also install packages downloaded from the PyPI separately. The most common usages are shown below and pip documentation has more information and examples.

# Install the latest version (does not upgrade)
pip install robotframework

# Upgrade to the latest stable version
pip install --upgrade robotframework

# Upgrade to the latest version even if it is a pre-release
pip install --upgrade --pre robotframework

# Install a specific version
pip install robotframework==7.0

# Install separately downloaded package (no network connection needed)
pip install robotframework-7.0-py3-none-any.whl

# Install latest (possibly unreleased) code directly from GitHub
pip install https://github.com/robotframework/robotframework/archive/master.zip

# Uninstall
pip uninstall robotframework

1.3.3   Installing from source

Another installation alternative is getting Robot Framework source code and installing it using the provided setup.py script. This approach is recommended only if you do not have pip available for some reason.
另一种安装方法是获取Robot Framework源代码,并使用提供的setup.py脚本安装它。只有当您由于某种原因没有pip可用时,才推荐使用此方法。

You can get the source code by downloading a source distribution as a zip package from PyPI and extracting it. An alternative is cloning the GitHub repository and checking out the needed release tag.

Once you have the source code, you can install it with the following command:

python setup.py install

The setup.py script accepts several arguments allowing, for example, installation into a non-default location that does not require administrative rights. It is also used for creating different distribution packages. Run python setup.py --help for more details.
setup.py脚本接受多个参数,例如,允许安装到不需要管理权限的非默认位置。它还用于创建不同的分发包。运行python setup.py--help获取更多细节。

1.3.4   Verifying installation

To make sure that the correct Robot Framework version has been installed, run the following command:
要确保已安装正确的Robot Framework版本,请运行以下命令:

$ robot --version
Robot Framework 7.0 (Python 3.10.3 on linux)

If running these commands fails with a message saying that the command is not found or recognized, a good first step is double-checking the PATH configuration.

If you have installed Robot Framework under multiple Python versions, running robot will execute the one first in PATH. To select explicitly, you can run python -m robot and substitute python with the right Python version.
如果你已经安装了多个Python版本的Robot Framework,运行robot将执行PATH中的第一个版本。要显式地选择,可以运行python -m robot并将python替换为正确的Python版本。

$ python3.12 -m robot --version
Robot Framework 7.0 (Python 3.12.1 on linux)

C:\>py -3.11 -m robot --version
Robot Framework 7.0 (Python 3.11.7 on win32)

1.3.5   Virtual environments

Python virtual environments allow Python packages to be installed in an isolated location for a particular system or application, rather than installing all packages into the same global location. They have two main use cases:

  • Install packages needed by different projects into their own environments. This avoids conflicts if projects need different versions of same packages.
  • Avoid installing everything under the global Python installation. This is especially important on Linux where the global Python installation may be used by the distribution itself and messing it up can cause severe problems.

1.4   Demonstrations 1.4示威

There are several demo projects that introduce Robot Framework and help getting started with it.
有几个演示项目介绍了Robot Framework,并帮助您开始使用它。

Quick Start Guide 快速入门指南
Introduces the most important features of Robot Framework and acts as an executable demo.
介绍Robot Framework最重要的功能,并作为可执行的演示。
Robot Framework demo 机器人框架演示
Simple example test cases. Demonstrates also creating custom test libraries.
Web testing demo Web测试演示
Demonstrates how to create tests and higher level keywords. The system under test is a simple web page that is tested using SeleniumLibrary.
ATDD with Robot Framework
Demonstrates how to use Robot Framework when following Acceptance Test Driven Development (ATDD) process.
演示如何在遵循验收测试驱动开发(ATDD)过程时使用Robot Framework。

2   Creating test data 2创建测试数据

2.1   Test data syntax 2.1测试数据语法

This section covers Robot Framework's overall test data syntax. The following sections will explain how to actually create test cases, test suites and so on. Although this section mostly uses term test, the same rules apply also when creating tasks.
本节介绍Robot Framework的整体测试数据语法。下面的部分将解释如何实际创建测试用例,测试套件等等。虽然这一部分主要使用术语测试,但在创建任务时也适用相同的规则。

2.1.1   Files and directories

The hierarchical structure for arranging test cases is built as follows:

  • Test cases are created in suite files.
  • A test case file automatically creates a test suite containing the test cases in that file.
  • A directory containing test case files forms a higher-level test suite. Such a suite directory has suites created from test case files as its child test suites.
  • A test suite directory can also contain other test suite directories, and this hierarchical structure can be as deeply nested as needed.
  • Test suite directories can have a special initialization file configuring the created test suite.

In addition to this, there are:

Test case files, test suite initialization files and resource files are all created using Robot Framework test data syntax. Test libraries and variable files are created using "real" programming languages, most often Python.
测试用例文件、测试套件初始化文件和资源文件都使用Robot Framework测试数据语法创建。测试库和变量文件是使用“真实的”编程语言创建的,最常见的是Python。

2.1.2   Test data sections 2.1.2试验数据章节

Robot Framework data is defined in different sections, often also called tables, listed below:
Robot Framework数据定义在不同的部分中,通常也称为表,如下所示:

Different sections in data
Section 部分 Used for 用于
Settings 设定值
2) Defining metadata for test suites and test cases.
Variables 变量 Defining variables that can be used elsewhere in the test data.
Test Cases 测试案例 Creating test cases from available keywords.
Tasks 任务 Creating tasks using available keywords. Single file can only contain either tests or tasks.
Keywords 关键词 Creating user keywords from existing lower-level keywords
Comments 评论 Additional comments or data. Ignored by Robot Framework.
其他评论或数据。被Robot Framework忽略。

Different sections are recognized by their header row. The recommended header format is *** Settings ***, but the header is case-insensitive, surrounding spaces are optional, and the number of asterisk characters can vary as long as there is at least one asterisk in the beginning. For example, also *settings would be recognized as a section header.
不同的节通过其标题行识别。推荐的标题格式为 * Settings *,但标题不区分大小写,周围的空格是可选的,星号字符的数量可以变化,只要开头至少有一个星号。例如,* 设置也将被识别为节标题。

Robot Framework supports also singular headers like *** Setting ***, but that support was deprecated in Robot Framework 6.0. There is a visible deprecation warning starting from Robot Framework 7.0 and singular headers will eventually not be supported at all.
Robot Framework还支持单个标题,如 * 设置 *,但该支持在Robot Framework 6.0中被弃用。从Robot Framework 7.0开始有一个可见的弃用警告,并且最终将完全不支持单数标题。

The header row can contain also other data than the actual section header. The extra data must be separated from the section header using the data format dependent separator, typically two or more spaces. These extra headers are ignored at parsing time, but they can be used for documenting purposes. This is especially useful when creating test cases using the data-driven style.

Possible data before the first section is ignored.

Note 注意

Section headers can be localized. See the Translations appendix for supported translations.

2.1.3   Supported file formats

The most common approach to create Robot Framework data is using the space separated format where pieces of the data, such as keywords and their arguments, are separated from each others with two or more spaces. An alternative is using the pipe separated format where the separator is the pipe character surrounded with spaces (|).
创建Robot Framework数据的最常见方法是使用空格分隔格式,其中数据片段(如关键字及其参数)用两个或多个空格彼此分隔。另一种方法是使用管道分隔格式,其中分隔符是用空格包围的管道字符(|).

Suite files typically use the .robot extension, but what files are parsed can be configured. Resource files can use the .robot extension as well, but using the dedicated .resource extension is recommended and may be mandated in the future. Files containing non-ASCII characters must be saved using the UTF-8 encoding.

Robot Framework supports also reStructuredText files so that normal Robot Framework data is embedded into code blocks. Only files with the .robot.rst extension are parsed by default. If you would rather use just .rst or .rest extension, that needs to be configured separately.
Robot Framework还支持reStructuredText文件,以便将正常Robot Framework数据嵌入到代码块中。默认情况下,仅解析扩展名为.robot.rst的文件。如果您只想使用.rst.rest扩展名,则需要单独配置。

Robot Framework data can also be created in the JSON format that is targeted more for tool developers than normal Robot Framework users. Only JSON files with the custom .rbt extension are parsed by default.
Robot Framework数据也可以以JSON格式创建,该格式更多地针对工具开发人员而不是普通Robot Framework用户。默认情况下,仅解析具有自定义.rbt扩展名的JSON文件。

Earlier Robot Framework versions supported data also in HTML and TSV formats. The TSV format still works if the data is compatible with the space separated format, but the support for the HTML format has been removed altogether. If you encounter such data files, you need to convert them to the plain text format to be able to use them with Robot Framework 3.2 or newer. The easiest way to do that is using the Tidy tool, but you must use the version included with Robot Framework 3.1 because newer versions do not understand the HTML format at all.
早期的Robot Framework版本也支持HTML和TSV格式的数据。如果数据与空格分隔格式兼容,TSV格式仍然有效,但对HTML格式的支持已完全删除。如果遇到此类数据文件,则需要将其转换为纯文本格式,以便能够在Robot Framework 3.2或更高版本中使用它们。最简单的方法是使用Tidy工具,但您必须使用Robot Framework 3.1中包含的版本,因为较新的版本根本无法理解HTML格式。

Space separated format 空格分隔格式

When Robot Framework parses data, it first splits the data to lines and then lines to tokens such as keywords and arguments. When using the space separated format, the separator between tokens is two or more spaces or alternatively one or more tab characters. In addition to the normal ASCII space, any Unicode character considered to be a space (e.g. no-break space) works as a separator. The number of spaces used as separator can vary, as long as there are at least two, making it possible to align the data nicely in settings and elsewhere when it makes the data easier to understand.
当Robot Framework解析数据时,它首先将数据拆分为行,然后将行拆分为关键字和参数等标记。当使用空格分隔格式时,标记之间的分隔符是两个或多个空格,或者一个或多个制表符。除了正常的ASCII空格之外,任何被认为是空格的Unicode字符(例如,无中断空格)都可以用作分隔符。用作分隔符的空格数量可以变化,只要至少有两个,就可以在设置和其他地方很好地对齐数据,使数据更容易理解。

*** Settings ***
Documentation     Example using the space separated format.
Library           OperatingSystem

*** Variables ***
${MESSAGE}        Hello, world!

*** Test Cases ***
My Test
    [Documentation]    Example test.
    Log    ${MESSAGE}
    My Keyword    ${CURDIR}

Another Test
    Should Be Equal    ${MESSAGE}    Hello, world!

*** Keywords ***
My Keyword
    [Arguments]    ${path}
    Directory Should Exist    ${path}

Because tabs and consecutive spaces are considered separators, they must be escaped if they are needed in keyword arguments or elsewhere in the actual data. It is possible to use special escape syntax like \t for tab and \xA0 for no-break space as well as built-in variables ${SPACE} and ${EMPTY}. See the Escaping section for details.

Tip 尖端

Although using two spaces as a separator is enough, it is recommended to use four spaces to make the separator easier to recognize.

Note 注意

Prior to Robot Framework 3.2, non-ASCII spaces used in the data were converted to ASCII spaces during parsing. Nowadays all data is preserved as-is.
在Robot Framework 3.2之前,数据中使用的非ASCII空格在解析期间被转换为ASCII空格。如今,所有数据都按原样保存。

Pipe separated format 管道分隔格式

The biggest problem of the space delimited format is that visually separating keywords from arguments can be tricky. This is a problem especially if keywords take a lot of arguments and/or arguments contain spaces. In such cases the pipe delimited variant can work better because it makes the separator more visible.

One file can contain both space separated and pipe separated lines. Pipe separated lines are recognized by the mandatory leading pipe character, but the pipe at the end of the line is optional. There must always be at least one space or tab on both sides of the pipe except at the beginning and at the end of the line. There is no need to align the pipes, but that often makes the data easier to read.

| *** Settings ***   |
| Documentation      | Example using the pipe separated format.
| Library            | OperatingSystem

| *** Variables ***  |
| ${MESSAGE}         | Hello, world!

| *** Test Cases *** |                 |               |
| My Test            | [Documentation] | Example test. |
|                    | Log             | ${MESSAGE}    |
|                    | My Keyword      | ${CURDIR}     |
| Another Test       | Should Be Equal | ${MESSAGE}    | Hello, world!

| *** Keywords ***   |                        |         |
| My Keyword         | [Arguments]            | ${path} |
|                    | Directory Should Exist | ${path} |

When using the pipe separated format, consecutive spaces or tabs inside arguments do not need to be escaped. Similarly empty columns do not need to be escaped except if they are at the end. Possible pipes surrounded by spaces in the actual test data must be escaped with a backslash, though:

| *** Test Cases *** |                 |                 |                      |
| Escaping Pipe      | ${file count} = | Execute Command | ls -1 *.txt \| wc -l |
|                    | Should Be Equal | ${file count}   | 42                   |

Note 注意

Preserving consecutive spaces and tabs in arguments is new in Robot Framework 3.2. Prior to it non-ASCII spaces used in the data were also converted to ASCII spaces.
在参数中保留连续的空格和制表符是Robot Framework 3.2中的新功能。在此之前,数据中使用的非ASCII空格也被转换为ASCII空格。

reStructuredText format reStructuredText格式

reStructuredText (reST) is an easy-to-read plain text markup syntax that is commonly used for documentation of Python projects, including Python itself as well as this User Guide. reST documents are most often compiled to HTML, but also other output formats are supported. Using reST with Robot Framework allows you to mix richly formatted documents and test data in a concise text format that is easy to work with using simple text editors, diff tools, and source control systems.
reStructuredText(reST)是一种易于阅读的纯文本标记语法,通常用于Python项目的文档,包括Python本身以及本用户指南。reST文档通常编译为HTML,但也支持其他输出格式。将reST与Robot Framework结合使用,可以将格式丰富的文档和测试数据以简洁的文本格式混合在一起,使用简单的文本编辑器、diff工具和源代码控制系统就可以轻松使用。

Note 注意

Using reStructuredText files with Robot Framework requires the Python docutils module to be installed.
在Robot Framework中使用reStructuredText文件需要安装Pythondocutils模块。

When using Robot Framework with reStructuredText files, normal Robot Framework data is embedded to so called code blocks. In standard reST code blocks are marked using the code directive, but Robot Framework supports also code-block or sourcecode directives used by the Sphinx tool.
当使用带有reStructuredText文件的Robot Framework时,正常的Robot Framework数据被嵌入到所谓的代码块中。在标准的reST中,代码块使用code指令标记,但Robot Framework也支持Sphinx工具使用的代码块源代码

reStructuredText example

This text is outside code blocks and thus ignored.

.. code:: robotframework

   *** Settings ***
   Documentation    Example using the reStructuredText format.
   Library          OperatingSystem

   *** Variables ***
   ${MESSAGE}       Hello, world!

   *** Test Cases ***
   My Test
       [Documentation]    Example test.
       Log    ${MESSAGE}
       My Keyword    ${CURDIR}

   Another Test
       Should Be Equal    ${MESSAGE}    Hello, world!

Also this text is outside code blocks and ignored. Code blocks not
containing Robot Framework data are ignored as well.

.. code:: robotframework

   # Both space and pipe separated formats are supported.

   | *** Keywords ***  |                        |         |
   | My Keyword        | [Arguments]            | ${path} |
   |                   | Directory Should Exist | ${path} |

.. code:: python

   # This code block is ignored.
   def example():
       print('Hello, world!')

Robot Framework supports reStructuredText files using .robot.rst, .rst and .rest extensions. To avoid parsing unrelated reStructuredText files, only files with the .robot.rst extension are parsed by default when executing a directory. Parsing files with other extensions can be enabled by using either --parseinclude or --extension option.
Robot Framework支持使用.robot.rst.rst.rest扩展名的reStructuredText文件。为了避免解析不相关的reStructuredText文件,在执行目录时,默认情况下只解析扩展名为.robot.rst的文件。可以使用--parseinclude--extension选项启用解析具有其他扩展名的文件。

When Robot Framework parses reStructuredText files, errors below level SEVERE are ignored to avoid noise about possible non-standard directives and other such markup. This may hide also real errors, but they can be seen when processing files using reStructuredText tooling normally.
当Robot Framework解析reStructuredText文件时,将忽略SEVERE级别以下的错误,以避免可能的非标准指令和其他此类标记的干扰。这可能也会隐藏真实的错误,但在正常使用reStructuredText工具处理文件时,可以看到这些错误。

Note 注意

Parsing .robot.rst files automatically is new in Robot Framework 6.1.
自动解析.robot.rst文件是Robot Framework 6.1中的新功能。

JSON format JSON格式

Robot Framework supports data also in the JSON format. This format is designed more for tool developers than for regular Robot Framework users and it is not meant to be edited manually. Its most important use cases are:
Robot Framework也支持JSON格式的数据。此格式更多地是为工具开发人员而不是常规Robot Framework用户设计的,并且不意味着手动编辑。它最重要的用例是:

  • Transferring data between processes and machines. A suite can be converted to JSON in one machine and recreated somewhere else.
  • Saving a suite, possibly a nested suite, constructed from normal Robot Framework data into a single JSON file that is faster to parse.
    将从普通Robot Framework数据构建的套件(可能是嵌套套件)保存到单个JSON文件中,这样可以更快地解析。
  • Alternative data format for external tools generating tests or tasks.

Note 注意

The JSON data support is new in Robot Framework 6.1 and it can be enhanced in future Robot Framework versions. If you have an enhancement idea or believe you have encountered a bug, please submit an issue or start a discussion thread on the #devel channel on our Slack.
JSON数据支持是Robot Framework 6.1中的新功能,可以在未来的Robot Framework版本中进行增强。如果你有一个增强的想法或认为你遇到了一个错误,请提交一个问题或在我们的Slack上的#devel频道上开始讨论。

Converting suite to JSON 将套件转换为JSON

A suite structure can be serialized into JSON by using the TestSuite.to_json method. When used without arguments, it returns JSON data as a string, but it also accepts a path or an open file where to write JSON data along with configuration options related to JSON formatting:

from robot.running import TestSuite

# Create suite based on data on the file system.
suite = TestSuite.from_file_system('/path/to/data')

# Get JSON data as a string.
data = suite.to_json()

# Save JSON data to a file with custom indentation.
suite.to_json('data.rbt', indent=2)

If you would rather work with Python data and then convert that to JSON or some other format yourself, you can use TestSuite.to_dict instead.

Creating suite from JSON 从JSON创建套件

A suite can be constructed from JSON data using the TestSuite.from_json method. It works both with JSON strings and paths to JSON files:

from robot.running import TestSuite

# Create suite from JSON data in a file.
suite = TestSuite.from_json('data.rbt')

# Create suite from a JSON string.
suite = TestSuite.from_json('{"name": "Suite", "tests": [{"name": "Test"}]}')

# Execute suite. Notice that log and report needs to be created separately.

If you have data as a Python dictionary, you can use TestSuite.from_dict instead. Regardless of how a suite is recreated, it exists only in memory and original data files on the file system are not recreated.

As the above example demonstrates, the created suite can be executed using the TestSuite.run method. It may, however, be easier to execute a JSON file directly as explained in the following section.

Executing JSON files 执行JSON文件

When executing tests or tasks using the robot command, JSON files with the custom .rbt extension are parsed automatically. This includes running individual JSON files like robot tests.rbt and running directories containing .rbt files. If you would rather use the standard .json extension, you need to configure which files are parsed.

Adjusting suite source 调整套件来源

Suite source in the data got from TestSuite.to_json and TestSuite.to_dict is in absolute format. If a suite is recreated later on a different machine, the source may thus not match the directory structure on that machine. To avoid that, it is possible to use the TestSuite.adjust_source method to make the suite source relative before getting the data and add a correct root directory after the suite is recreated:

from robot.running import TestSuite

# Create a suite, adjust source and convert to JSON.
suite = TestSuite.from_file_system('/path/to/data')

# Recreate suite elsewhere and adjust source accordingly.
suite = TestSuite.from_json('data.rbt')
JSON structure JSON结构

Imports, variables and keywords created in suite files are included in the generated JSON along with tests and tasks. The exact JSON structure is documented in the running.json schema file.

2.1.4   Rules for parsing the data

Ignored data 忽略的数据

When Robot Framework parses the test data files, it ignores:
当Robot Framework解析测试数据文件时,它会忽略:

  • All data before the first test data section.
  • Data in the Comments section.
  • All empty rows. 全部为空行。
  • All empty cells at the end of rows when using the pipe separated format.
  • All single backslashes (\) when not used for escaping.
  • All characters following the hash character (#), when it is the first character of a cell. This means that hash marks can be used to enter comments in the test data.

When Robot Framework ignores some data, this data is not available in any resulting reports and, additionally, most tools used with Robot Framework also ignore them. To add information that is visible in Robot Framework outputs, place it to the documentation or other metadata of test cases or suites, or log it with the BuiltIn keywords Log or Comment.
当Robot Framework忽略某些数据时,这些数据在任何生成的报告中都不可用,此外,与Robot Framework一起使用的大多数工具也会忽略它们。要添加在Robot Framework输出中可见的信息,请将其放置到测试用例或套件的文档或其他元数据中,或者使用内置关键字LogComment将其记录下来。

Escaping 逸出

The escape character in Robot Framework test data is the backslash (\) and additionally built-in variables ${EMPTY} and ${SPACE} can often be used for escaping. Different escaping mechanisms are discussed in the sections below.
Robot Framework测试数据中的转义字符是反斜杠(\),此外,内置变量${EMPTY}${SPACE}通常可用于转义。不同的逃逸机制将在下面的章节中讨论。

Escaping special characters

The backslash character can be used to escape special characters so that their literal values are used.

Escaping special characters
Character 字符 Meaning 意义 Examples 示例
\$ Dollar sign, never starts a scalar variable.
\@ At sign, never starts a list variable.
\& Ampersand, never starts a dictionary variable.
\% Percent sign, never starts an environment variable.
\# Hash sign, never starts a comment.
\# not comment
\= Equal sign, never part of named argument syntax.
\| Pipe character, not a separator in the pipe separated format.
ls -1 *.txt \| wc -l
\\ Backslash character, never escapes anything.
c:\\temp, \\${var}
Forming escape sequences 形成转义序列

The backslash character also allows creating special escape sequences that are recognized as characters that would otherwise be hard or impossible to create in the test data.

Escape sequences 转义序列
Sequence 序列 Meaning 意义 Examples 示例
\n Newline character. 换行符。 first line\n2nd line
\r Carriage return character
text\rmore text
\t Tab character. 制表符。 text\tmore text
\xhh Character with hex value hh.
null byte: \x00, ä: \xE4
\uhhhh Character with hex value hhhh.
snowman: \u2603
\Uhhhhhhhh Character with hex value hhhhhhhh.
love hotel: \U0001f3e9

Note 注意

All strings created in the test data, including characters like \x02, are Unicode and must be explicitly converted to byte strings if needed. This can be done, for example, using Convert To Bytes or Encode String To Bytes keywords in BuiltIn and String libraries, respectively, or with something like value.encode('UTF-8') in Python code.
在测试数据中创建的所有字符串(包括\x02这样的字符)都是Unicode,如果需要,必须显式转换为字节字符串。例如,可以分别使用BuiltInString库中的Convert To StringEncode String To String关键字,或者使用Python代码中的value.encode('UTF-8')

Note 注意

If invalid hexadecimal values are used with \x, \u or \U escapes, the end result is the original value without the backslash character. For example, \xAX (not hex) and \U00110000 (too large value) result with xAX and U00110000, respectively. This behavior may change in the future, though.
如果在\x\u\U转义中使用了无效的十六进制值,则最终结果是不带反斜杠字符的原始值。例如,\xAX(非十六进制)和\U00110000(太大的值)的结果分别为xAXU 00110000。不过,这种行为在未来可能会改变。

Note 注意

Built-in variable ${\n} can be used if operating system dependent line terminator is needed (\r\n on Windows and \n elsewhere).

Handling empty values 处理空值

When using the space separated format, the number of spaces used as a separator can vary and thus empty values cannot be recognized unless they are escaped. Empty cells can be escaped either with the backslash character or with built-in variable ${EMPTY}. The latter is typically recommended as it is easier to understand.

*** Test Cases ***
Using backslash
    Do Something    first arg    \
    Do Something    \            second arg

Using ${EMPTY}
    Do Something    first arg    ${EMPTY}
    Do Something    ${EMPTY}     second arg

When using the pipe separated format, empty values need to be escaped only when they are at the end of the row:

| *** Test Cases *** |              |           |            |
| Using backslash    | Do Something | first arg | \          |
|                    | Do Something |           | second arg |
|                    |              |           |            |
| Using ${EMPTY}     | Do Something | first arg | ${EMPTY}   |
|                    | Do Something |           | second arg |
Handling spaces 装卸空间

Spaces, especially consecutive spaces, as part of arguments for keywords or needed otherwise are problematic for two reasons:

In these cases spaces need to be escaped. Similarly as when escaping empty values, it is possible to do that either by using the backslash character or by using the built-in variable ${SPACE}.

Escaping spaces examples 逃逸空间示例
Escaping with backslash 使用反斜杠转义 Escaping with ${SPACE}
Notes 注意到
\ leading space 前导空间 ${SPACE}leading space  
trailing space \ 尾随空格\ trailing space${SPACE} Backslash must be after the space.
\ \ ${SPACE} Backslash needed on both sides.
consecutive \ \ spaces 连续空间 consecutive${SPACE * 3}spaces Using extended variable syntax.

As the above examples show, using the ${SPACE} variable often makes the test data easier to understand. It is especially handy in combination with the extended variable syntax when more than one space is needed.

Dividing data to several rows

If there is more data than readily fits a row, it is possible to split it and start continuing rows with ellipsis (...). Ellipses can be indented to match the indentation of the starting row and they must always be followed by the normal test data separator.
如果有更多的数据比容易适合一行,它是可能的分裂它,并开始与省略号(.. ).椭圆可以缩进以匹配起始行的缩进,并且后面必须始终跟有正常的测试数据分隔符。

In most places split lines have exact same semantics as lines that are not split. Exceptions to this rule are suite, test and keyword documentation as well suite metadata. With them split values are automatically joined together with the newline character to ease creating multiline values.

The ... syntax allows also splitting variables in the Variable section. When long scalar variables (e.g. ${STRING}) are split to multiple rows, the final value is got by concatenating the rows together. The separator is a space by default, but that can be changed by starting the value with SEPARATOR=<sep>.
那个... 语法还允许在Variable部分中拆分变量。当长标量变量(例如${STRING})被拆分为多行时,最终值是通过将行连接在一起获得的。默认情况下,分隔符是一个空格,但可以通过以SEPARATOR=<sep>开头的值来更改。

Splitting lines is illustrated in the following two examples containing exactly same data without and with splitting.

*** Settings ***
Documentation      Here we have documentation for this suite.\nDocumentation is often quite long.\n\nIt can also contain multiple paragraphs.
Default Tags       default tag 1    default tag 2    default tag 3    default tag 4    default tag 5

*** Variables ***
${STRING}          This is a long string. It has multiple sentences. It does not have newlines.
${MULTILINE}       This is a long multiline string.\nThis is the second line.\nThis is the third and the last line.
@{LIST}            this     list     is    quite    long     and    items in it can also be long
&{DICT}            first=This value is pretty long.    second=This value is even longer. It has two sentences.

*** Test Cases ***
    [Tags]    you    probably    do    not    have    this    many    tags    in    real    life
    Do X    first argument    second argument    third argument    fourth argument    fifth argument    sixth argument
    ${var} =    Get X    first argument passed to this keyword is pretty long    second argument passed to this keyword is long too
*** Settings ***
Documentation      Here we have documentation for this suite.
...                Documentation is often quite long.
...                It can also contain multiple paragraphs.
Default Tags       default tag 1    default tag 2    default tag 3
...                default tag 4    default tag 5

*** Variables ***
${STRING}          This is a long string.
...                It has multiple sentences.
...                It does not have newlines.
...                This is a long multiline string.
...                This is the second line.
...                This is the third and the last line.
@{LIST}            this     list     is      quite    long     and
...                items in it can also be long
&{DICT}            first=This value is pretty long.
...                second=This value is even longer. It has two sentences.

*** Test Cases ***
    [Tags]    you    probably    do    not    have    this    many
    ...       tags    in    real    life
    Do X    first argument    second argument    third argument
    ...    fourth argument    fifth argument    sixth argument
    ${var} =    Get X
    ...    first argument passed to this keyword is pretty long
    ...    second argument passed to this keyword is long too

2.1.5   Localization 2.1.5本地化

Robot Framework localization efforts were started in Robot Framework 6.0 that allowed translation of section headers, settings, Given/When/Then prefixes used in Behavior Driven Development (BDD), and true and false strings used in automatic Boolean argument conversion. The plan is to extend localization support in the future, for example, to log and report and possibly also to control structures.
Robot Framework的本地化工作始于Robot Framework 6.0,它允许翻译节头设置、行为驱动开发(BDD)中使用的Given/When/Then前缀以及自动布尔参数转换中使用的true和false字符串。计划是在未来扩展本地化支持,例如,日志和报告,也可能是控制结构。

This section explains how to activate languages, what built-in languages are supported, how to create custom language files and how new translations can be contributed.

Enabling languages 使能语言

Using command line option

The main mechanism to activate languages is specifying them from the command line using the --language option. When enabling built-in languages, it is possible to use either the language name like Finnish or the language code like fi. Both names and codes are case and space insensitive and also the hyphen (-) is ignored. To enable multiple languages, the --language option needs to be used multiple times:

robot --language Finnish testit.robot
robot --language pt --language ptbr testes.robot

The same --language option is also used when activating custom language files. With them the value can be either a path to the file or, if the file is in the module search path, the module name:

robot --language Custom.py tests.robot
robot --language MyLang tests.robot

For backwards compatibility reasons, and to support partial translations, English is always activated automatically. Future versions may allow disabling it.

Pre-file configuration 预文件配置

It is also possible to enable languages directly in data files by having a line Language: <value> (case-insensitive) before any of the section headers. The value after the colon is interpreted the same way as with the --language option:

Language: Finnish

*** Asetukset ***
Dokumentaatio        Example using Finnish.

If there is a need to enable multiple languages, the Language: line can be repeated. These configuration lines cannot be in comments so something like # Language: Finnish has no effect.

Due to technical limitations, the per-file language configuration affects also parsing subsequent files as well as the whole execution. This behavior is likely to change in the future and should not be relied upon. If you use per-file configuration, use it with all files or enable languages globally with the --language option.

Custom language files 自定义语言文件

If a language you would need is not available as a built-in language, or you want to create a totally custom language for some specific need, you can easily create a custom language file. Language files are Python files that contain one or more language definitions that are all loaded when the language file is taken into use. Language definitions are created by extending the robot.api.Language base class and overriding class attributes as needed:

from robot.api import Language

class Example(Language):
    test_cases_header = 'Validations'
    tags_setting = 'Labels'
    given_prefixes = ['Assuming']
    true_strings = ['OK', '\N{THUMBS UP SIGN}']

Assuming the above code would be in file example.py, a path to that file or just the module name example could be used when the language file is activated.

The above example adds only some of the possible translations. That is fine because English is automatically enabled anyway. Most values must be specified as strings, but BDD prefixes and true/false strings allow more than one value and must be given as lists. For more examples, see Robot Framework's internal languages module that contains the Language class as well as all built-in language definitions.
上面的例子只添加了一些可能的翻译。这很好,因为无论如何都会自动启用英语。大多数值必须指定为字符串,但是BDD前缀和true/false字符串允许多个值,并且必须以列表的形式给出。有关更多示例,请参见Robot Framework的内部语言模块,该模块包含Language类以及所有内置语言定义。

Contributing translations

If you want to add translation for a new language or enhance existing, head to Crowdin that we use for collaboration. For more details, see the separate Localization project, and for questions and free discussion join the #localization channel on our Slack.

2.1.6   Style 2.1.6风格

Robot Framework syntax creates a simple programming language, and similarly as with other languages, it is important to think about the coding style. Robot Framework syntax is pretty flexible on purpose, but there are some generally recommended conventions:
Robot Framework语法创建了一种简单的编程语言,与其他语言类似,考虑编码风格很重要。Robot Framework语法非常灵活,但有一些通常推荐的约定:

  • Four space indentation. 四个空格缩进。
  • Four spaces between keywords and arguments, settings and their values, and so on. In some cases, most notable in the Settings and Variables sections and when using the data-driven style, it makes sense to align values and use more than four spaces, but using less is seldom a good idea.
  • Global variables using capital letters like ${EXAMPLE} and local variables using lower-case letters like ${example}.
  • Consistency within a single file and preferably within the whole project.

One case where there currently is no strong convention is keyword capitalization. Robot Framework itself typically uses title-case like Example Keyword in documentation and elsewhere, and this style is often used in Robot Framework data as well. It does not work too well with longer, sentence-like keywords such as Log into system as an admin, though.
目前没有强有力的约定的一种情况是关键字大写。Robot Framework本身通常在文档和其他地方使用标题大小写(如Example Keyword),这种风格也经常在Robot Framework数据中使用。它不太好用较长的,类似广告的关键字,如登录到系统作为管理员,虽然。

Teams and organizations using Robot Framework should generally have their own coding standards. The community developed Robot Framework Style Guide is an excellent starting point that can be amended as needed. It is also possible to enforce these conventions by using the Robocop linter and the Robotidy code formatter.
使用Robot Framework的团队和组织通常应该有自己的编码标准。社区开发的机器人框架样式指南是一个很好的起点,可以根据需要进行修改。也可以通过使用Robocoplinter和Robottidy代码格式化器来强制执行这些约定。

2.2   Creating test cases 2.2创建测试用例

This section describes the overall test case syntax. Organizing test cases into test suites using suite files and suite directories is discussed in the next section.

When using Robot Framework for other automation purposes than test automation, it is recommended to create tasks instead of tests. The task syntax is for most parts identical to the test syntax, and the differences are explained in the Creating tasks section.
当将Robot Framework用于测试自动化以外的其他自动化目的时,建议创建任务而不是测试。任务语法的大部分与测试语法相同,创建任务一节中解释了它们的区别。

2.2.1   Test case syntax 2.2.1测试用例语法

Basic syntax 基本语法

Test cases are constructed in test case sections from the available keywords. Keywords can be imported from test libraries or resource files, or created in the keyword section of the test case file itself.

The first column in the test case section contains test case names. A test case starts from the row with something in this column and continues to the next test case name or to the end of the section. It is an error to have something between the section headers and the first test.

The second column normally has keyword names. An exception to this rule is setting variables from keyword return values, when the second and possibly also the subsequent columns contain variable names and a keyword name is located after them. In either case, columns after the keyword name contain possible arguments to the specified keyword.

*** Test Cases ***
Valid Login
    Open Login Page
    Input Username    demo
    Input Password    mode
    Submit Credentials
    Welcome Page Should Be Open

Setting Variables
    Do Something    first argument    second argument
    ${value} =    Get Some Value
    Should Be Equal    ${value}    Expected value

Note 注意

Although test case names can contain any character, using ? and especially * is not generally recommended because they are considered to be wildcards when selecting test cases. For example, trying to run only a test with name Example * like --test 'Example *' will actually run any test starting with Example.
尽管测试用例名称可以包含任何字符,但使用尤其是*,一般不推荐使用,因为在选择测试用例时,它们被认为是通配符。例如,尝试只运行名为Example *like--test 'Example *'的测试,实际上将运行任何以Example开头的测试。

Settings in the Test Case section

Test cases can also have their own settings. Setting names are always in the second column, where keywords normally are, and their values are in the subsequent columns. Setting names have square brackets around them to distinguish them from keywords. The available settings are listed below and explained later in this section.

[Documentation] [文件]
Used for specifying a test case documentation.
[Setup], [Teardown]
Specify test setup and teardown.
[Tags] [标签]
Used for tagging test cases.
[Template] [模板]
Specifies the template keyword to use. The test itself will contain only data to use as arguments to that keyword.
[Timeout] [超时]
Used for setting a test case timeout. Timeouts are discussed in their own section.

Note 注意

Setting names are case-insensitive, but the format used above is recommended. Settings used to be also space-insensitive, but that was deprecated in Robot Framework 3.1 and trying to use something like [T a g s] causes an error in Robot Framework 3.2. Possible spaces between brackets and the name (e.g. [ Tags ]) are still allowed.
设置名称不区分大小写,但建议使用上述格式。设置过去也是不区分空格的,但在Robot Framework 3.1中不推荐使用,并且尝试使用类似[T a g s]的内容会导致Robot Framework 3.2中的错误。仍然允许在括号和名称之间使用空格(例如[ Tags ])。

Example test case with settings:

*** Test Cases ***
Test With Settings
    [Documentation]    Another dummy test
    [Tags]    dummy    owner-johndoe
    Log    Hello, world!

2.2.2   Using arguments 2.2.2使用参数

The earlier examples have already demonstrated keywords taking different arguments, and this section discusses this important functionality more thoroughly. How to actually implement user keywords and library keywords with different arguments is discussed in separate sections.

Keywords can accept zero or more arguments, and some arguments may have default values. What arguments a keyword accepts depends on its implementation, and typically the best place to search this information is keyword's documentation. In the examples in this section the documentation is expected to be generated using the Libdoc tool, but the same information is available on documentation generated by generic documentation tools such as pydoc.
关键字可以接受零个或多个参数,并且某些参数可能具有默认值。关键字接受什么参数取决于它的实现,通常搜索此信息的最佳位置是关键字的文档。在本节的示例中,文档预计将使用Libdoc工具生成,但在由通用文档工具(如 pydoc )生成的文档中也可以获得相同的信息。

Positional arguments 位置参数

Most keywords have a certain number of arguments that must always be given. In the keyword documentation this is denoted by specifying the argument names separated with a comma like first, second, third. The argument names actually do not matter in this case, except that they should explain what the argument does, but it is important to have exactly the same number of arguments as specified in the documentation. Using too few or too many arguments will result in an error.

The test below uses keywords Create Directory and Copy File from the OperatingSystem library. Their arguments are specified as path and source, destination, which means that they take one and two arguments, respectively. The last keyword, No Operation from BuiltIn, takes no arguments.
下面的测试使用OperatingSystem库中的关键字Create DirectoryCopy File。它们的参数被指定为pathsource、destination,这意味着它们分别接受一个和两个参数。最后一个关键字NoOperation fromBuiltIn不带参数。

*** Test Cases ***
    Create Directory    ${TEMPDIR}/stuff
    Copy File    ${CURDIR}/file.txt    ${TEMPDIR}/stuff
    No Operation

Default values 默认值

Arguments often have default values which can either be given or not. In the documentation the default value is typically separated from the argument name with an equal sign like name=default value. It is possible that all the arguments have default values, but there cannot be any positional arguments after arguments with default values.
参数通常有默认值,可以给定也可以不给定。在文档中,默认值通常与参数名用等号分隔,如name=default value。可能所有参数都有默认值,但在具有默认值的参数之后不能有任何位置参数。

Using default values is illustrated by the example below that uses Create File keyword which has arguments path, content=, encoding=UTF-8. Trying to use it without any arguments or more than three arguments would not work.
下面的示例说明了如何使用默认值,该示例使用Create File关键字,其参数为path,content=,encoding=UTF-8。尝试在没有任何参数或超过三个参数的情况下使用它将不起作用。

*** Test Cases ***
    Create File    ${TEMPDIR}/empty.txt
    Create File    ${TEMPDIR}/utf-8.txt         Hyvä esimerkki
    Create File    ${TEMPDIR}/iso-8859-1.txt    Hyvä esimerkki    ISO-8859-1

Variable number of arguments

It is also possible that a keyword accepts any number of arguments. These so called varargs can be combined with mandatory arguments and arguments with default values, but they are always given after them. In the documentation they have an asterisk before the argument name like *varargs.

For example, Remove Files and Join Paths keywords from the OperatingSystem library have arguments *paths and base, *parts, respectively. The former can be used with any number of arguments, but the latter requires at least one argument.
例如,OperatingSystem库中的Remove FilesJoin Paths关键字分别具有参数*pathsbase,*parts。前者可以与任意数量的参数一起使用,但后者需要至少一个参数。

*** Test Cases ***
    Remove Files    ${TEMPDIR}/f1.txt    ${TEMPDIR}/f2.txt    ${TEMPDIR}/f3.txt
    @{paths} =    Join Paths    ${TEMPDIR}    f1.txt    f2.txt    f3.txt    f4.txt

Named arguments 命名参数

The named argument syntax makes using arguments with default values more flexible, and allows explicitly labeling what a certain argument value means. Technically named arguments work exactly like keyword arguments in Python.

Basic syntax 基本语法

It is possible to name an argument given to a keyword by prefixing the value with the name of the argument like arg=value. This is especially useful when multiple arguments have default values, as it is possible to name only some the arguments and let others use their defaults. For example, if a keyword accepts arguments arg1=a, arg2=b, arg3=c, and it is called with one argument arg3=override, arguments arg1 and arg2 get their default values, but arg3 gets value override. If this sounds complicated, the named arguments example below hopefully makes it more clear.

The named argument syntax is both case and space sensitive. The former means that if you have an argument arg, you must use it like arg=value, and neither Arg=value nor ARG=value works. The latter means that spaces are not allowed before the = sign, and possible spaces after it are considered part of the given value.

When the named argument syntax is used with user keywords, the argument names must be given without the ${} decoration. For example, user keyword with arguments ${arg1}=first, ${arg2}=second must be used like arg2=override.
当命名参数语法与用户关键字一起使用时,参数名称必须不带${}装饰。例如,参数为${arg 1}=first、${arg 2}=second的user关键字必须像arg 2 =override一样使用。

Using normal positional arguments after named arguments like, for example, | Keyword | arg=value | positional |, does not work. The relative order of the named arguments does not matter.

Named arguments with variables

It is possible to use variables in both named argument names and values. If the value is a single scalar variable, it is passed to the keyword as-is. This allows using any objects, not only strings, as values also when using the named argument syntax. For example, calling a keyword like arg=${object} will pass the variable ${object} to the keyword without converting it to a string.

If variables are used in named argument names, variables are resolved before matching them against argument names.

The named argument syntax requires the equal sign to be written literally in the keyword call. This means that variable alone can never trigger the named argument syntax, not even if it has a value like foo=bar. This is important to remember especially when wrapping keywords into other keywords. If, for example, a keyword takes a variable number of arguments like @{args} and passes all of them to another keyword using the same @{args} syntax, possible named=arg syntax used in the calling side is not recognized. This is illustrated by the example below.

*** Test Cases ***
    Run Program    shell=True    # This will not come as a named argument to Run Process

*** Keywords ***
Run Program
    [Arguments]    @{args}
    Run Process    program.py    @{args}    # Named arguments are not recognized from inside @{args}

If keyword needs to accept and pass forward any named arguments, it must be changed to accept free named arguments. See free named argument examples for a wrapper keyword version that can pass both positional and named arguments forward.

Escaping named arguments syntax

The named argument syntax is used only when the part of the argument before the equal sign matches one of the keyword's arguments. It is possible that there is a positional argument with a literal value like foo=quux, and also an unrelated argument with name foo. In this case the argument foo either incorrectly gets the value quux or, more likely, there is a syntax error.

In these rare cases where there are accidental matches, it is possible to use the backslash character to escape the syntax like foo\=quux. Now the argument will get a literal value foo=quux. Note that escaping is not needed if there are no arguments with name foo, but because it makes the situation more explicit, it may nevertheless be a good idea.

Where named arguments are supported

As already explained, the named argument syntax works with keywords. In addition to that, it also works when importing libraries.

Naming arguments is supported by user keywords and by most test libraries. The only exceptions are Python keywords explicitly using positional-only arguments.

Named arguments example 命名参数示例

The following example demonstrates using the named arguments syntax with library keywords, user keywords, and when importing the Telnet test library.

*** Settings ***
Library    Telnet    prompt=$    default_log_level=DEBUG

*** Test Cases ***
    Open connection    port=${PORT}    alias=example
    List files    options=-lh
    List files    path=/tmp    options=-l

*** Keywords ***
List files
    [Arguments]    ${path}=.    ${options}=
    Execute command    ls ${options} ${path}

Free named arguments 自由命名参数

Robot Framework supports free named arguments, often also called free keyword arguments or kwargs, similarly as Python supports **kwargs. What this means is that a keyword can receive all arguments that use the named argument syntax (name=value) and do not match any arguments specified in the signature of the keyword.
Robot框架支持自由命名参数,通常也称为自由关键字参数Kwargs,类似于Python支持 **Kwargs。这意味着关键字可以接收所有使用命名参数语法name=value)的参数,并且不匹配关键字签名中指定的任何参数。

Free named arguments are supported by same keyword types than normal named arguments. How keywords specify that they accept free named arguments depends on the keyword type. For example, Python based keywords simply use **kwargs and user keywords use &{kwargs}.

Free named arguments support variables similarly as named arguments. In practice that means that variables can be used both in names and values, but the escape sign must always be visible literally. For example, both foo=${bar} and ${foo}=${bar} are valid, as long as the variables that are used exist. An extra limitation is that free argument names must always be strings.

Examples 示例

As the first example of using free named arguments, let's take a look at Run Process keyword in the Process library. It has a signature command, *arguments, **configuration, which means that it takes the command to execute (command), its arguments as variable number of arguments (*arguments) and finally optional configuration parameters as free named arguments (**configuration). The example below also shows that variables work with free keyword arguments exactly like when using the named argument syntax.
作为使用自由命名参数的第一个示例,让我们看看Process库中的Run Process关键字。它有一个签名命令,*arguments,**configuration,这意味着它需要执行命令(命令),其参数作为变量数量的参数*arguments),最后可选的配置参数作为自由命名参数(**configuration)。下面的示例还显示了变量与自由关键字参数的工作方式与使用命名参数语法时完全相同。

*** Test Cases ***
Free Named Arguments
    Run Process    program.py    arg1    arg2    cwd=/home/user
    Run Process    program.py    argument    shell=True    env=${ENVIRON}

See Free keyword arguments (**kwargs) section under Creating test libraries for more information about using the free named arguments syntax in your custom test libraries.

As the second example, let's create a wrapper user keyword for running the program.py in the above example. The wrapper keyword Run Program accepts all positional and named arguments and passes them forward to Run Process along with the name of the command to execute.
作为第二个示例,让我们创建一个包装器user关键字,用于运行上面示例中的program.py。包装器关键字Run Program接受所有位置参数和命名参数,并将它们与要执行的命令的名称沿着传递给Run Process

*** Test Cases ***
Free Named Arguments
    Run Program    arg1    arg2    cwd=/home/user
    Run Program    argument    shell=True    env=${ENVIRON}

*** Keywords ***
Run Program
    [Arguments]    @{args}    &{config}
    Run Process    program.py    @{args}    &{config}

Named-only arguments 仅命名参数

Starting from Robot Framework 3.1, keywords can accept argument that must always be named using the named argument syntax. If, for example, a keyword would accept a single named-only argument example, it would always need to be used like example=value and using just value would not work. This syntax is inspired by the keyword-only arguments syntax supported by Python 3.
从Robot Framework 3.1开始,关键字可以接受必须始终使用命名参数语法命名的参数。例如,如果一个关键字接受一个仅命名的参数example,它总是需要像example=value那样使用,而只使用value是行不通的。这种语法受到Python 3支持的仅关键字参数语法的启发。

For most parts named-only arguments work the same way as named arguments. The main difference is that libraries implemented with Python 2 using the static library API do not support this syntax.
在大多数情况下,仅命名参数的工作方式与命名参数相同。主要区别是使用静态库API用Python 2实现的库不支持此语法

As an example of using the named-only arguments with user keywords, here is a variation of the Run Program in the above free named argument examples that only supports configuring shell:
作为使用带有用户关键字的仅命名参数的示例,下面是上述自由命名参数示例中的Run Program的变体,仅支持配置shell

*** Test Cases ***
Named-only Arguments
    Run Program    arg1    arg2              # 'shell' is False (default)
    Run Program    argument    shell=True    # 'shell' is True

*** Keywords ***
Run Program
    [Arguments]    @{args}    ${shell}=False
    Run Process    program.py    @{args}    shell=${shell}

Arguments embedded to keyword names

A totally different approach to specify arguments is embedding them into keyword names. This syntax is supported by both test library keywords and user keywords.

2.2.3   Failures 2.2.3故障

When test case fails 测试用例失败时

A test case fails if any of the keyword it uses fails. Normally this means that execution of that test case is stopped, possible test teardown is executed, and then execution continues from the next test case. It is also possible to use special continuable failures if stopping test execution is not desired.

Error messages 错误消息

The error message assigned to a failed test case is got directly from the failed keyword. Often the error message is created by the keyword itself, but some keywords allow configuring them.

In some circumstances, for example when continuable failures are used, a test case can fail multiple times. In that case the final error message is got by combining the individual errors. Very long error messages are automatically cut from the middle to keep reports easier to read, but full error messages are always visible in log files as messages of the failed keywords.

By default error messages are normal text, but they can contain HTML formatting. This is enabled by starting the error message with marker string *HTML*. This marker will be removed from the final error message shown in reports and logs. Using HTML in a custom message is shown in the second example below.

*** Test Cases ***
Normal Error
    Fail    This is a rather boring example...

HTML Error
    ${number} =    Get Number
    Should Be Equal    ${number}    42    *HTML* Number is not my <b>MAGIC</b> number.

2.2.4   Test case name and documentation

The test case name comes directly from the Test Case section: it is exactly what is entered into the test case column. Test cases in one test suite should have unique names. Pertaining to this, you can also use the automatic variable ${TEST_NAME} within the test itself to refer to the test name. It is available whenever a test is being executed, including all user keywords, as well as the test setup and the test teardown.

Starting from Robot Framework 3.2, possible variables in the test case name are resolved so that the final name will contain the variable value. If the variable does not exist, its name is left unchanged.
从Robot Framework 3.2开始,测试用例名称中可能的变量被解析,以便最终名称将包含变量值。如果变量不存在,则其名称保持不变。

*** Variables ***
${MAX AMOUNT}      ${5000000}

*** Test Cases ***
Amount cannot be larger than ${MAX AMOUNT}
    # ...

The [Documentation] setting allows setting free form documentation for a test case. That text is shown in the command line output and in the resulting logs and reports. If documentation gets long, it can be split into multiple rows. It is possible to use simple HTML formatting and variables can be used to make the documentation dynamic. Possible non-existing variables are left unchanged.

*** Test Cases ***
    [Documentation]    Simple and short documentation.
    No Operation

Multiple lines
    [Documentation]    First row of the documentation.
    ...                Documentation continues here. These rows form
    ...                a paragraph when shown in HTML outputs.
    No Operation

    ...    This list has:
    ...    - *bold*
    ...    - _italics_
    ...    - link: http://robotframework.org
    No Operation

    [Documentation]    Executed at ${HOST} by ${USER}
    No Operation

It is important that test cases have clear and descriptive names, and in that case they normally do not need any documentation. If the logic of the test case needs documenting, it is often a sign that keywords in the test case need better names and they are to be enhanced, instead of adding extra documentation. Finally, metadata, such as the environment and user information in the last example above, is often better specified using tags.

2.2.5   Tagging test cases 2.2.5标记测试用例

Using tags in Robot Framework is a simple, yet powerful mechanism for classifying test cases and also user keywords. Tags are free text and Robot Framework itself has no special meaning for them except for the reserved tags discussed below. Tags can be used at least for the following purposes:
在Robot Framework中使用标签是一种简单但功能强大的机制,用于对测试用例和用户关键字进行分类。标签是自由文本,除了下面讨论的保留标签外,Robot Framework本身对它们没有特殊意义。标签至少可用于以下目的:

  • They are shown in test reports, logs and, of course, in the test data, so they provide metadata to test cases.
  • Statistics about test cases (total, passed, failed and skipped) are automatically collected based on them.
  • They can be used to include and exclude as well as to skip test cases.

There are multiple ways how to specify tags for test cases explained below:

Test Tags setting in the Settings section
All tests in a test case file with this setting always get specified tags. If this setting is used in a suite initialization file, all tests in child suites get these tags.
[Tags] setting with each test case
Tests get these tags in addition to tags specified using the Test Tags setting. The [Tags] setting also allows removing tags set with Test Tags by using the -tag syntax.
除了使用“测试标记”设置指定的标记外,测试还获取这些标记。[Tags]设置还允许通过使用-tag语法删除使用Test Tags设置的标签。
--settag command line option
All tests get tags set with this option in addition to tags they got elsewhere.
Set Tags, Remove Tags, Fail and Pass Execution keywords
These BuiltIn keywords can be used to manipulate tags dynamically during the test execution.

Example: 范例:

*** Settings ***
Test Tags       requirement: 42    smoke

*** Variables ***

*** Test Cases ***
No own tags
    [Documentation]    Test has tags 'requirement: 42' and 'smoke'.
    No Operation

Own tags
    [Documentation]    Test has tags 'requirement: 42', 'smoke' and 'not ready'.
    [Tags]    not ready
    No Operation

Own tags with variable
    [Documentation]    Test has tags 'requirement: 42', 'smoke' and 'host:'.
    [Tags]    host: ${HOST}
    No Operation

Remove common tag
    [Documentation]    Test has only tag 'requirement: 42'.
    [Tags]    -smoke
    No Operation

Remove common tag using a pattern
    [Documentation]    Test has only tag 'smoke'.
    [Tags]    -requirement: *
    No Operation

Set Tags and Remove Tags keywords
    [Documentation]    This test has tags 'smoke', 'example' and 'another'.
    Set Tags    example    another
    Remove Tags    requirement: *

As the example shows, tags can be created using variables, but otherwise they preserve the exact name used in the data. When tags are compared, for example, to collect statistics, to select test to be executed, or to remove duplicates, comparisons are case, space and underscore insensitive.

As demonstrated by the above examples, removing tags using -tag syntax supports simple patterns like -requirement: *. Tags starting with a hyphen have no special meaning otherwise than with the [Tags] setting. If there is a need to set a tag starting with a hyphen with [Tags], it is possible to use the escaped format like \-tag.

Note 注意

The Test Tags setting is new in Robot Framework 6.0. Earlier versions support Force Tags and Default Tags settings discussed in the next section.
测试标记设置是Robot Framework 6.0中的新功能。早期版本支持下一节中讨论的强制标记默认标记设置。

Note 注意

The -tag syntax for removing common tags is new in Robot Framework 7.0.
用于删除公共标记的-tag语法是Robot Framework 7.0中的新语法。

Deprecation of Force Tags and Default Tags

Prior to Robot Framework 6.0, tags could be specified to tests in the Setting section using two different settings:
在Robot Framework 6.0之前,可以使用两种不同的设置为设置部分中的测试指定标记:

Force Tags 力标签
All tests unconditionally get these tags. This is exactly the same as Test Tags nowadays.
Default Tags 默认货签
All tests get these tags by default. If a test has [Tags], it will not get these tags.

Both of these settings still work, but they are considered deprecated. A visible deprecation warning will be added in the future, most likely in Robot Framework 8.0, and eventually these settings will be removed. Tools like Tidy can be used to ease transition.
这两种设置仍然有效,但已被弃用。未来将添加可见的弃用警告,最有可能是在Robot Framework 8.0中,最终这些设置将被删除。像Tidy这样的工具可以用来简化过渡。

Updating Force Tags requires only renaming it to Test Tags. The Default Tags setting will be removed altogether, but the -tag functionality introduced in Robot Framework 7.0 provides same underlying functionality. The following examples demonstrate the needed changes.
更新力标记只需要将其重命名为测试标记默认标签设置将被完全删除,但Robot Framework 7.0中引入的-tag功能提供了相同的底层功能。以下示例说明了所需的更改。

Old syntax: 旧语法:

*** Settings ***
Force Tags      all
Default Tags    default

*** Test Cases ***
Common only
    [Documentation]    Test has tags 'all' and 'default'.
    No Operation

No default
    [Documentation]    Test has only tag 'all'.
    No Operation

Own and no default
    [Documentation]    Test has tags 'all' and 'own'.
    [Tags]    own
    No Operation

New syntax: 新语法:

*** Settings ***
Test Tags      all    default

*** Test Cases ***
Common only
    [Documentation]    Test has tags 'all' and 'default'.
    No Operation

No default
    [Documentation]    Test has only tag 'all'.
    [Tags]    -default
    No Operation

Own and no default
    [Documentation]    Test has tags 'all' and 'own'.
    [Tags]    own    -default
    No Operation

Reserved tags 保留标签

Users are generally free to use whatever tags that work in their context. There are, however, certain tags that have a predefined meaning for Robot Framework itself, and using them for other purposes can have unexpected results. All special tags Robot Framework has and will have in the future have the robot: prefix. To avoid problems, users should thus not use any tag with this prefixes unless actually activating the special functionality. The current reserved tags are listed below, but more such tags are likely to be added in the future.
用户通常可以自由使用在其上下文中工作的任何标签。然而,某些标签对Robot框架本身具有预定义的含义,将它们用于其他目的可能会产生意想不到的结果。Robot Framework拥有的所有特殊标签以及将来将会拥有的所有特殊标签都有robot:前缀。为了避免出现问题,用户不应该使用任何带有此前缀的标签,除非实际激活特殊功能。下面列出了当前保留的标签,但将来可能会添加更多这样的标签。

robot:continue-on-failure and robot:recursive-continue-on-failure
Used for enabling the continue-on-failure mode.
robot:stop-on-failure and robot:recursive-stop-on-failure
Used for disabling the continue-on-failure mode.
Mark test to be skipped if it fails.
Mark test to be unconditionally skipped.
Mark test to be unconditionally excluded.
Mark keyword to be private.
Mark keyword not to be executed in the dry run mode.
Added to tests automatically when execution is stopped gracefully.
Enable flattening keyword during execution time.

As of RobotFramework 4.1, reserved tags are suppressed by default in tag statistics. They will be shown when they are explicitly included via the --tagstatinclude robot:* command line option.
从RobotFramework 4.1开始,默认情况下保留标记在标记统计中被抑制。当它们通过--tagstatinclude robot:*命令行选项显式包含时,将显示它们。

2.2.6   Test setup and teardown

Robot Framework has similar test setup and teardown functionality as many other test automation frameworks. In short, a test setup is something that is executed before a test case, and a test teardown is executed after a test case. In Robot Framework setups and teardowns are just normal keywords with possible arguments.
Robot Framework具有与许多其他测试自动化框架类似的测试设置和拆卸功能。简而言之,测试设置是在测试用例之前执行的,而测试拆卸是在测试用例之后执行的。在Robot Framework中,setup和teardown只是普通的关键字,可能有参数。

A setup and a teardown are always a single keyword. If they need to take care of multiple separate tasks, it is possible to create higher-level user keywords for that purpose. An alternative solution is executing multiple keywords using the BuiltIn keyword Run Keywords.
设置和拆卸始终是一个关键字。如果他们需要处理多个单独的任务,可以为此目的创建更高级别的用户关键字。另一种解决方案是使用内置关键字Run Keywords执行多个关键字。

The test teardown is special in two ways. First of all, it is executed also when a test case fails, so it can be used for clean-up activities that must be done regardless of the test case status. In addition, all the keywords in the teardown are also executed even if one of them fails. This continue on failure functionality can be used also with normal keywords, but inside teardowns it is on by default.

The easiest way to specify a setup or a teardown for test cases in a test case file is using the Test Setup and Test Teardown settings in the Setting section. Individual test cases can also have their own setup or teardown. They are defined with the [Setup] or [Teardown] settings in the test case section and they override possible Test Setup and Test Teardown settings. Having no keyword after a [Setup] or [Teardown] setting means having no setup or teardown. It is also possible to use value NONE to indicate that a test has no setup/teardown.

*** Settings ***
Test Setup       Open Application    App A
Test Teardown    Close Application

*** Test Cases ***
Default values
    [Documentation]    Setup and teardown from setting section
    Do Something

Overridden setup
    [Documentation]    Own setup, teardown from setting section
    [Setup]    Open Application    App B
    Do Something

No teardown
    [Documentation]    Default setup, no teardown at all
    Do Something

No teardown 2
    [Documentation]    Setup and teardown can be disabled also with special value NONE
    Do Something
    [Teardown]    NONE

Using variables
    [Documentation]    Setup and teardown specified using variables
    [Setup]    ${SETUP}
    Do Something
    [Teardown]    ${TEARDOWN}

The name of the keyword to be executed as a setup or a teardown can be a variable. This facilitates having different setups or teardowns in different environments by giving the keyword name as a variable from the command line.

Note 注意

Test suites can have a setup and teardown of their own. A suite setup is executed before any test cases or sub test suites in that test suite, and similarly a suite teardown is executed after them.

2.2.7   Test templates 2.2.7测试模板

Test templates convert normal keyword-driven test cases into data-driven tests. Whereas the body of a keyword-driven test case is constructed from keywords and their possible arguments, test cases with template contain only the arguments for the template keyword. Instead of repeating the same keyword multiple times per test and/or with all tests in a file, it is possible to use it only per test or just once per file.

Template keywords can accept both normal positional and named arguments, as well as arguments embedded to the keyword name. Unlike with other settings, it is not possible to define a template using a variable.

Basic usage 基本用法

How a keyword accepting normal positional arguments can be used as a template is illustrated by the following example test cases. These two tests are functionally fully identical.

*** Test Cases ***
Normal test case
    Example keyword    first argument    second argument

Templated test case
    [Template]    Example keyword
    first argument    second argument

As the example illustrates, it is possible to specify the template for an individual test case using the [Template] setting. An alternative approach is using the Test Template setting in the Setting section, in which case the template is applied for all test cases in that test case file. The [Template] setting overrides the possible template set in the Setting section, and an empty value for [Template] means that the test has no template even when Test Template is used. It is also possible to use value NONE to indicate that a test has no template.

If a templated test case has multiple data rows in its body, the template is applied for all the rows one by one. This means that the same keyword is executed multiple times, once with data on each row. Templated tests are also special so that all the rounds are executed even if one or more of them fails. It is possible to use this kind of continue on failure mode with normal tests too, but with the templated tests the mode is on automatically.

*** Settings ***
Test Template    Example keyword

*** Test Cases ***
Templated test case
    first round 1     first round 2
    second round 1    second round 2
    third round 1     third round 2

Using keywords with default values or accepting variable number of arguments, as well as using named arguments and free named arguments, work with templates exactly like they work otherwise. Using variables in arguments is also supported normally.

Templates with embedded arguments

Templates support a variation of the embedded argument syntax. With templates this syntax works so that if the template keyword has variables in its name, they are considered placeholders for arguments and replaced with the actual arguments used with the template. The resulting keyword is then used without positional arguments. This is best illustrated with an example:

*** Test Cases ***
Normal test case with embedded arguments
    The result of 1 + 1 should be 2
    The result of 1 + 2 should be 3

Template with embedded arguments
    [Template]    The result of ${calculation} should be ${expected}
    1 + 1    2
    1 + 2    3

*** Keywords ***
The result of ${calculation} should be ${expected}
    ${result} =    Calculate    ${calculation}
    Should Be Equal    ${result}     ${expected}

When embedded arguments are used with templates, the number of arguments in the template keyword name must match the number of arguments it is used with. The argument names do not need to match the arguments of the original keyword, though, and it is also possible to use different arguments altogether:

*** Test Cases ***
Different argument names
    [Template]    The result of ${foo} should be ${bar}
    1 + 1    2
    1 + 2    3

Only some arguments
    [Template]    The result of ${calculation} should be 3
    1 + 2
    4 - 1

New arguments
    [Template]    The ${meaning} of ${life} should be 42
    result    21 * 2

The main benefit of using embedded arguments with templates is that argument names are specified explicitly. When using normal arguments, the same effect can be achieved by naming the columns that contain arguments. This is illustrated by the data-driven style example in the next section.

Templates with FOR loops

If templates are used with FOR loops, the template is applied for all the steps inside the loop. The continue on failure mode is in use also in this case, which means that all the steps are executed with all the looped elements even if there are failures.

*** Test Cases ***
Template with FOR loop
    [Template]    Example keyword
    FOR    ${item}    IN    @{ITEMS}
        ${item}    2nd arg
    FOR    ${index}    IN RANGE    42
        1st arg    ${index}

Templates with IF/ELSE structures

IF/ELSE structures can be also used together with templates. This can be useful, for example, when used together with FOR loops to filter executed arguments.

*** Test Cases ***
Template with FOR and IF
    [Template]    Example keyword
    FOR    ${item}    IN    @{ITEMS}
        IF  ${item} < 5
            ${item}    2nd arg

2.2.8   Different test case styles

There are several different ways in which test cases may be written. Test cases that describe some kind of workflow may be written either in keyword-driven or behavior-driven style. Data-driven style can be used to test the same workflow with varying input data.

Keyword-driven style 关键字驱动风格

Workflow tests, such as the Valid Login test described earlier, are constructed from several keywords and their possible arguments. Their normal structure is that first the system is taken into the initial state (Open Login Page in the Valid Login example), then something is done to the system (Input Name, Input Password, Submit Credentials), and finally it is verified that the system behaved as expected (Welcome Page Should Be Open).
工作流测试(如前面描述的Valid Login测试)是由几个关键字及其可能的参数构造的。它们的正常结构是,首先系统进入初始状态(在有效登录示例中打开登录页面),然后对系统进行操作(输入名称输入密码提交凭据),最后验证系统是否按预期运行(欢迎页面应该打开)。

Data-driven style 数据驱动风格

Another style to write test cases is the data-driven approach where test cases use only one higher-level keyword, often created as a user keyword, that hides the actual test workflow. These tests are very useful when there is a need to test the same scenario with different input and/or output data. It would be possible to repeat the same keyword with every test, but the test template functionality allows specifying the keyword to use only once.

*** Settings ***
Test Template    Login with invalid credentials should fail

*** Test Cases ***                USERNAME         PASSWORD
Invalid User Name                 invalid          ${VALID PASSWORD}
Invalid Password                  ${VALID USER}    invalid
Invalid User Name and Password    invalid          invalid
Empty User Name                   ${EMPTY}         ${VALID PASSWORD}
Empty Password                    ${VALID USER}    ${EMPTY}
Empty User Name and Password      ${EMPTY}         ${EMPTY}

Tip 尖端

Naming columns like in the example above makes tests easier to understand. This is possible because on the header row other cells except the first one are ignored.

The above example has six separate tests, one for each invalid user/password combination, and the example below illustrates how to have only one test with all the combinations. When using test templates, all the rounds in a test are executed even if there are failures, so there is no real functional difference between these two styles. In the above example separate combinations are named so it is easier to see what they test, but having potentially large number of these tests may mess-up statistics. Which style to use depends on the context and personal preferences.

*** Test Cases ***
Invalid Password
    [Template]    Login with invalid credentials should fail
    invalid          ${VALID PASSWORD}
    ${VALID USER}    invalid
    invalid          whatever
    ${EMPTY}         ${VALID PASSWORD}
    ${VALID USER}    ${EMPTY}
    ${EMPTY}         ${EMPTY}

Behavior-driven style 行为驱动风格

It is also possible to write test cases as requirements that also non-technical project stakeholders must understand. These executable requirements are a corner stone of a process commonly called Acceptance Test Driven Development (ATDD) or Specification by Example.

One way to write these requirements/tests is Given-When-Then style popularized by Behavior Driven Development (BDD). When writing test cases in this style, the initial state is usually expressed with a keyword starting with word Given, the actions are described with keyword starting with When and the expectations with a keyword starting with Then. Keyword starting with And or But may be used if a step has more than one action.

*** Test Cases ***
Valid Login
    Given login page is open
    When valid username and password are inserted
    and credentials are submitted
    Then welcome page should be open
Ignoring Given/When/Then/And/But prefixes

Prefixes Given, When, Then, And and But are dropped when matching keywords are searched, if no match with the full name is found. This works for both user keywords and library keywords. For example, Given login page is open in the above example can be implemented as user keyword either with or without the word Given. Ignoring prefixes also allows using the same keyword with different prefixes. For example Welcome page should be open could also used as And welcome page should be open.

Note 注意

These prefixes can be localized. See the Translations appendix for supported translations.

Embedding data to keywords

When writing concrete examples it is useful to be able to pass actual data to keyword implementations. User keywords support this by allowing embedding arguments into keyword name.

2.3   Creating tasks 2.3创建任务

In addition to test automation, Robot Framework can be used for other automation purposes, including robotic process automation (RPA). It has always been possible, but Robot Framework 3.1 added official support for automating tasks, not only tests. For most parts creating tasks works the same way as creating tests and the only real difference is in terminology. Tasks can also be organized into suites exactly like test cases.
除了测试自动化,Robot Framework还可以用于其他自动化目的,包括机器人流程自动化(RPA)。这一直是可能的,但Robot Framework 3.1增加了对自动化任务的官方支持,而不仅仅是测试。在大多数情况下,创建任务的工作方式与创建测试的工作方式相同,唯一真实的区别在于术语。任务也可以像测试用例一样组织成套件

2.3.1   Task syntax 2.3.1任务语法

Tasks are created based on the available keywords exactly like test cases, and the task syntax is in general identical to the test case syntax. The main difference is that tasks are created in Task sections instead of Test Case sections:

*** Tasks ***
Process invoice
    Read information from PDF
    Validate information
    Submit information to backend system
    Validate information is visible in web UI

It is an error to have both tests and tasks in same file.

2.4   Creating test suites 2.4创建测试套件

Robot Framework test cases are created in test case files, which can be organized into directories. These files and directories create a hierarchical test suite structure. Same concepts apply also when creating tasks, but the terminology differs.
Robot Framework测试用例在测试用例文件中创建,这些文件可以组织到目录中。这些文件和目录创建了一个层次化的测试套件结构。创建任务时也适用相同的概念,但术语不同。

2.4.1   Suite files 2.4.1套件文件

Robot Framework test cases are created using test case sections in suite files, also known as test case files. Such a file automatically creates a test suite from all the test cases it contains. There is no upper limit for how many test cases there can be, but it is recommended to have less than ten, unless the data-driven approach is used, where one test case consists of only one high-level keyword.
Robot Framework测试用例使用套件文件(也称为测试用例文件)中的测试用例部分创建的。这样一个文件自动地从它包含的所有测试用例中创建一个测试套件。测试用例的数量没有上限,但建议少于10个,除非使用数据驱动方法,其中一个测试用例仅由一个高级关键字组成。

The following settings in the Setting section can be used to customize the suite:

Name 名称
Used for setting a custom suite name. The default name is created based on the file or directory name.
Documentation 文件
Used for specifying a suite documentation.
Metadata 元数据
Used for setting free suite metadata as name-value pairs.
Suite Setup, Suite Teardown
Specify suite setup and teardown.

Note 注意

Setting names are case-insensitive, but the format used above is recommended.

2.4.2   Suite directories 2.4.2套件目录

Test case files can be organized into directories, and these directories create higher-level test suites. A test suite created from a directory cannot have any test cases directly, but it contains other test suites with test cases, instead. These directories can then be placed into other directories creating an even higher-level suite. There are no limits for the structure, so test cases can be organized as needed.

When a test directory is executed, the files and directories it contains are processed recursively as follows:

  • Files and directories with names starting with a dot (.) or an underscore (_) are ignored.
  • Directories with the name CVS are ignored (case-sensitive).
  • Files in supported file formats are processed.
  • Other files are ignored. 其他文件将被忽略。

If a file or directory that is processed does not contain any test cases, it is silently ignored (a message is written to the syslog) and the processing continues.

Suite initialization files

A test suite created from a directory can have similar settings as a suite created from a test case file. Because a directory alone cannot have that kind of information, it must be placed into a special test suite initialization file. An initialization file name must always be of the format __init__.ext, where the extension must be one of the supported file formats (typically __init__.robot). The name format is borrowed from Python, where files named in this manner denote that a directory is a module.
从目录创建的测试套件可以具有与从测试用例文件创建的套件类似的设置。由于单独的目录无法包含此类信息,因此必须将其放入特殊的测试套件初始化文件中。初始化文件名必须始终为__init__. ext格式,其中扩展名必须是支持的文件格式之一(通常为__init__.robot)。名称格式借用自Python,其中以这种方式命名的文件表示目录是一个模块。

Starting from Robot Framework 6.1, it is also possible to define a suite initialization file for automatically created suite when starting the test execution by giving multiple paths.
从Robot Framework 6.1开始,还可以通过给定多个路径,在开始执行测试时为自动创建的套件定义套件初始化文件。

Initialization files have the same structure and syntax as test case files, except that they cannot have test case sections and not all settings are supported. Variables and keywords created or imported in initialization files are not available in the lower level test suites. If you need to share variables or keywords, you can put them into resource files that can be imported both by initialization and test case files.

The main usage for initialization files is specifying test suite related settings similarly as in suite files, but setting some test case related settings is also possible. How to use different settings in the initialization files is explained below.

Name, Documentation, Metadata, Suite Setup, Suite Teardown
These suite specific settings work the same way in suite initialization files as in suite files.
Test Tags 测试标签
Specified tags are unconditionally set to all tests in all suite files this directory contains, recursively. New in Robot Framework 6.1. The deprecated Force Tags needs to be used with older versions.
指定的标记被无条件地递归地设置到该目录包含的所有套件文件中的所有测试。机器人框架6.1中的新功能。弃用的Force Tags需要与旧版本一起使用。
Test Setup, Test Teardown, Test Timeout
Set the default value for test setup/teardown or test timeout to all test cases this directory contains. Can be overridden on lower level. Notice that keywords used as setups and teardowns must be available in test case files where tests using them are. Defining keywords in the initialization file itself is not enough.
Task Setup, Task Teardown, Task Tags, Task Timeout
Aliases for Test Setup, Test Teardown, Test Tags and Test Timeout, respectively, that can be used when creating tasks, not tests.
Default Tags, Test Template
Not supported in initialization files.
*** Settings ***
Documentation    Example suite
Suite Setup      Do Something    ${MESSAGE}
Test Tags        example
Library          SomeLibrary

*** Variables ***
${MESSAGE}       Hello, world!

*** Keywords ***
Do Something
    [Arguments]    ${args}
    Some Keyword    ${arg}
    Another Keyword

2.4.3   Suite name 2.4.3套房名称

The test suite name is constructed from the file or directory name by default. The name is created so that the extension is ignored, possible underscores are replaced with spaces, and names fully in lower case are title cased. For example, some_tests.robot becomes Some Tests and My_test_directory becomes My test directory.
默认情况下,测试套件名称是从文件或目录名称构造的。创建名称时,扩展名将被忽略,可能的下划线将被替换为空格,完全小写的名称将采用标题大小写。例如,some_tests.robot将变为Some TestsMy_test_directory将变为My test目录

The file or directory name can contain a prefix to control the execution order of the suites. The prefix is separated from the base name by two underscores and, when constructing the actual test suite name, both the prefix and underscores are removed. For example files 01__some_tests.robot and 02__more_tests.robot create test suites Some Tests and More Tests, respectively, and the former is executed before the latter.
文件名或目录名可以包含前缀,以控制套件的执行顺序。前缀与基本名称之间用两个下划线分隔,在构造实际的测试套件名称时,前缀和下划线都被删除。例如,文件01__some_tests.robot02__more_tests.robot分别创建测试套件Some TestsMore Tests,前者在后者之前执行。

Starting from Robot Framework 6.1, it is also possible to give a custom name to a suite by using the Name setting in the Setting section:
从Robot Framework 6.1开始,还可以通过使用设置部分中的名称设置为套件提供自定义名称:

*** Settings ***
Name            Custom suite name

The name of the top-level suite can be overridden from the command line with the --name option.

2.4.4   Suite documentation

The documentation for a test suite is set using the Documentation setting in the Settings section. It can be used both in suite files and in suite initialization files. Suite documentation has exactly the same characteristics regarding to where it is shown and how it can be created as test case documentation. For details about the syntax see the Documentation formatting appendix.

*** Settings ***
Documentation    An example suite documentation with *some* _formatting_.
...              Long documentation can be split into multiple lines.

The documentation of the top-level suite can be overridden from the command line with the --doc option.

2.4.5   Free suite metadata

In addition to documentation, suites can also have free metadata. This metadata is defined as name-value pairs in the Settings section using the Metadata setting. It is shown in reports and logs similarly as documentation.

Name of the metadata is the first argument given to the Metadata setting and the remaining arguments specify its value. The value is handled similarly as documentation, which means that it supports HTML formatting and variables, and that longer values can be split into multiple rows.

*** Settings ***
Metadata        Version            2.0
Metadata        Robot Framework    http://robotframework.org
Metadata        Platform           ${PLATFORM}
Metadata        Longer Value
...             Longer metadata values can be split into multiple
...             rows. Also *simple* _formatting_ is supported.

The free metadata of the top-level suite can be set from the command line with the --metadata option.

2.4.6   Suite setup and teardown

Not only test cases but also test suites can have a setup and a teardown. A suite setup is executed before running any of the suite's test cases or child test suites, and a suite teardown is executed after them. All test suites can have a setup and a teardown; with suites created from a directory they must be specified in a suite initialization file.

Similarly as with test cases, a suite setup and teardown are keywords that may take arguments. They are defined in the Setting section with Suite Setup and Suite Teardown settings, respectively. Keyword names and possible arguments are located in the columns after the setting name.

If a suite setup fails, all test cases in it and its child test suites are immediately assigned a fail status and they are not actually executed. This makes suite setups ideal for checking preconditions that must be met before running test cases is possible.

A suite teardown is normally used for cleaning up after all the test cases have been executed. It is executed even if the setup of the same suite fails. If the suite teardown fails, all test cases in the suite are marked failed, regardless of their original execution status. Note that all the keywords in suite teardowns are executed even if one of them fails.

The name of the keyword to be executed as a setup or a teardown can be a variable. This facilitates having different setups or teardowns in different environments by giving the keyword name as a variable from the command line.

2.5   Using test libraries 2.5使用测试库

Test libraries contain those lowest-level keywords, often called library keywords, which actually interact with the system under test. All test cases always use keywords from some library, often through higher-level user keywords. This section explains how to take test libraries into use and how to use the keywords they provide. Creating test libraries is described in a separate section.

2.5.1   Importing libraries

Test libraries are typically imported using the Library setting, but it is also possible to use the Import Library keyword.

Using Library setting

Test libraries are normally imported using the Library setting in the Setting section and having the library name in the subsequent column. Unlike most of the other data, the library name is both case- and space-sensitive. If a library is in a package, the full name including the package name must be used.

In those cases where the library needs arguments, they are listed in the columns after the library name. It is possible to use default values, variable number of arguments, and named arguments in test library imports similarly as with arguments to keywords. Both the library name and arguments can be set using variables.

*** Settings ***
Library    OperatingSystem
Library    my.package.TestLibrary
Library    MyLibrary    arg1    arg2
Library    ${LIBRARY}

It is possible to import test libraries in suite files, resource files and suite initialization files. In all these cases, all the keywords in the imported library are available in that file. With resource files, those keywords are also available in other files using them.

Using Import Library keyword

Another possibility to take a test library into use is using the keyword Import Library from the BuiltIn library. This keyword takes the library name and possible arguments similarly as the Library setting. Keywords from the imported library are available in the test suite where the Import Library keyword was used. This approach is useful in cases where the library is not available when the test execution starts and only some other keywords make it available.

*** Test Cases ***
    Do Something
    Import Library    MyLibrary    arg1    arg2
    KW From MyLibrary

2.5.2   Specifying library to import

Libraries to import can be specified either by using the library name or the path to the library. These approaches work the same way regardless if the library is imported using the Library setting or the Import Library keyword.
可以使用库名称或库的路径指定要导入的库。无论库是使用Library设置还是使用Import Library关键字导入的,这些方法的工作方式都是相同的。

Using library name 使用库名称

The most common way to specify a test library to import is using its name, like it has been done in all the examples in this section. In these cases Robot Framework tries to find the class or module implementing the library from the module search path. Libraries that are installed somehow ought to be in the module search path automatically, but with other libraries the search path may need to be configured separately.
指定要导入的测试库的最常见方法是使用其名称,就像本节中所有示例中所做的那样。在这些情况下,Robot Framework会尝试从模块搜索路径中查找实现库的类或模块。以某种方式安装的库应该自动在模块搜索路径中,但对于其他库,搜索路径可能需要单独配置。

The biggest benefit of this approach is that when the module search path has been configured, often using a custom start-up script, normal users do not need to think where libraries actually are installed. The drawback is that getting your own, possible very simple, libraries into the search path may require some additional configuration.

Using physical path to library

Another mechanism for specifying the library to import is using a path to it in the file system. This path is considered relative to the directory where current test data file is situated similarly as paths to resource and variable files. The main benefit of this approach is that there is no need to configure the module search path.

If the library is a file, the path to it must contain extension, i.e. .py. If a library is implemented as a directory, the path to it must have a trailing forward slash (/) if the path is relative. With absolute paths the trailing slash is optional. Following examples demonstrate these different usages.

*** Settings ***
Library    PythonLibrary.py
Library    relative/path/PythonDirLib/    possible    arguments
Library    ${RESOURCES}/Example.class

A limitation of this approach is that libraries implemented as Python classes must be in a module with the same name as the class.

2.5.3   Setting custom name to library

The library name is shown in test logs before keyword names, and if multiple keywords have the same name, they must be used so that the keyword name is prefixed with the library name. The library name is got normally from the module or class name implementing it, but there are some situations where changing it is desirable:

  • There is a need to import the same library several times with different arguments. This is not possible otherwise.
  • The library name is inconveniently long.
  • You want to use variables to import different libraries in different environments, but refer to them with the same name.
  • The library name is misleading or otherwise poor. In this case, changing the actual name is, of course, a better solution.

The basic syntax for specifying the new name is having the text AS (case-sensitive) after the library name and then having the new name after that. The specified name is shown in logs and must be used in the test data when using keywords' full name (LibraryName.Keyword Name).
指定新名称的基本语法是在库名称之后加上文本AS(区分大小写),然后再加上新名称。指定的名称显示在日志中,并且在使用关键字的全名(LibraryName. KeywordName)时必须在测试数据中使用。

*** Settings ***
Library    packagename.TestLib    AS    TestLib
Library    ${LIBRARY}    AS    MyName

Possible arguments to the library are placed between the original library name and the AS marker. The following example illustrates how the same library can be imported several times with different arguments:

*** Settings ***
Library    SomeLibrary    localhost        1234    AS    LocalLib
Library    SomeLibrary    server.domain    8080    AS    RemoteLib

*** Test Cases ***
    LocalLib.Some Keyword     some arg       second arg
    RemoteLib.Some Keyword    another arg    whatever
    LocalLib.Another Keyword

Setting a custom name to a test library works both when importing a library in the Setting section and when using the Import Library keyword.

Note 注意

Prior to Robot Framework 6.0 the marker to use when giving a custom name to a library was WITH NAME instead of AS. The old syntax continues to work, but it is considered deprecated and will eventually be removed.
在Robot Framework 6.0之前,为库提供自定义名称时使用的标记是WITH NAME而不是AS。旧的语法继续工作,但它被认为是过时的,最终将被删除。

2.5.4   Standard libraries 2.5.4标准库

Some test libraries are distributed with Robot Framework and these libraries are called standard libraries. The BuiltIn library is special, because it is taken into use automatically and thus its keywords are always available. Other standard libraries need to be imported in the same way as any other libraries, but there is no need to install them.
一些测试库是随Robot Framework发布的,这些库被称为标准库BuiltIn库是特殊的,因为它是自动使用的,因此它的关键字总是可用的。其他标准库需要以与任何其他库相同的方式导入,但不需要安装它们。

Normal standard libraries

The available normal standard libraries are listed below with links to their documentations:

Remote library 远程库

In addition to the normal standard libraries listed above, there is also Remote library that is totally different than the other standard libraries. It does not have any keywords of its own but it works as a proxy between Robot Framework and actual test library implementations. These libraries can be running on other machines than the core framework and can even be implemented using languages not supported by Robot Framework natively.
除了上面列出的标准库之外,还有一个与其他标准库完全不同的远程库。它本身没有任何关键字,但它可以作为Robot Framework和实际测试库实现之间的代理。这些库可以在核心框架之外的其他机器上运行,甚至可以使用Robot Framework本机不支持的语言实现。

See separate Remote library interface section for more information about this concept.

2.5.5   External libraries 2.5.5外部图书馆

Any test library that is not one of the standard libraries is, by definition, an external library. The Robot Framework open source community has implemented several generic libraries, such as SeleniumLibrary and SwingLibrary, which are not packaged with the core framework. A list of publicly available libraries can be found from http://robotframework.org.
根据定义,任何不是标准库的测试库都是外部库。Robot Framework开源社区已经实现了几个通用库,如SeleniumLibrarySwingLibrary,它们没有与核心框架打包在一起。可以从http://robotframework.org找到公开可用的库列表。

Generic and custom libraries can obviously also be implemented by teams using Robot Framework. See Creating test libraries section for more information about that topic.
通用和自定义库显然也可以由使用Robot Framework的团队实现。有关该主题的更多信息,请参见创建测试库部分。

Different external libraries can have a totally different mechanism for installing them and taking them into use. Sometimes they may also require some other dependencies to be installed separately. All libraries should have clear installation and usage documentation and they should preferably automate the installation process.

2.6   Variables 2.6变量

2.6.1   Introduction 2.6.1引言

Variables are an integral feature of Robot Framework, and they can be used in most places in test data. Most commonly, they are used in arguments for keywords in Test Case and Keyword sections, but also all settings allow variables in their values. A normal keyword name cannot be specified with a variable, but the BuiltIn keyword Run Keyword can be used to get the same effect.
变量是Robot Framework不可或缺的特性,它们可以在测试数据中的大多数地方使用。最常见的是,它们用于测试用例和关键字部分中关键字的参数中,但所有设置都允许在其值中使用变量。普通的关键字名称不能用变量来指定,但是BuiltIn关键字Run Keyword可以用来获得相同的效果。

Robot Framework has its own variables that can be used as scalars, lists or dictionaries using syntax ${SCALAR}, @{LIST} and &{DICT}, respectively. In addition to this, environment variables can be used directly with syntax %{ENV_VAR}.
Robot Framework有自己的变量,可以分别使用语法${SCALAR}@{LIST}&{DICT}用作标量列表字典。除此之外,环境变量可以直接与语法%{ENV_VAR}一起使用。

Variables are useful, for example, in these cases:

  • When strings change often in the test data. With variables you only need to make these changes in one place.
  • When creating system-independent and operating-system-independent test data. Using variables instead of hard-coded strings eases that considerably (for example, ${RESOURCES} instead of c:\resources, or ${HOST} instead of Because variables can be set from the command line when tests are started, changing system-specific variables is easy (for example, --variable HOST: --variable RESOURCES:/opt/resources). This also facilitates localization testing, which often involves running the same tests with different strings.
    创建独立于系统和操作系统的测试数据时。使用变量而不是硬编码的字符串大大简化了这一点(例如,${RESOURCES}而不是c:\resources,或${HOST}而不是10.0.0.1:8080)。因为可以在测试开始时从命令行设置变量,所以更改系统特定的变量很容易(例如,--variable HOST: RESOURCES:/opt/resources)。这也方便了本地化测试,本地化测试通常涉及使用不同的字符串运行相同的测试。
  • When there is a need to have objects other than strings as arguments for keywords. This is not possible without variables.
  • When different keywords, even in different test libraries, need to communicate. You can assign a return value from one keyword to a variable and pass it as an argument to another.
  • When values in the test data are long or otherwise complicated. For example, ${URL} is shorter than http://long.domain.name:8080/path/to/service?foo=1&bar=2&zap=42.
    当测试数据中的值很长或复杂时。例如,${URL}比www.example.com短http://long.domain.name:8080/path/to/service? foo=1& bar=2& zap=42.

If a non-existent variable is used in the test data, the keyword using it fails. If the same syntax that is used for variables is needed as a literal string, it must be escaped with a backslash as in \${NAME}.

2.6.2   Using variables 2.6.2使用变量

This section explains how to use variables, including the normal scalar variable syntax ${var}, how to use variables in list and dictionary contexts like @{var} and &{var}, respectively, and how to use environment variables like %{var}. Different ways how to create variables are discussed in the subsequent sections.

Robot Framework variables, similarly as keywords, are case-insensitive, and also spaces and underscores are ignored. However, it is recommended to use capital letters with global variables (for example, ${PATH} or ${TWO WORDS}) and small letters with local variables that are only available in certain test cases or user keywords (for example, ${my var}). Much more importantly, though, case should be used consistently.
Robot Framework变量与关键字类似,不区分大小写,空格和下划线也会被忽略。但是,建议在全局变量中使用大写字母(例如,${PATH}${TWO WORDS}),在局部变量中使用小写字母(仅在某些测试用例或用户关键字中可用,例如,${my var})。但更重要的是,应该始终如一地使用case。

Variable name consists of the variable type identifier ($, @, &, %), curly braces ({, }) and the actual variable name between the braces. Unlike in some programming languages where similar variable syntax is used, curly braces are always mandatory. Variable names can basically have any characters between the curly braces. However, using only alphabetic characters from a to z, numbers, underscore and space is recommended, and it is even a requirement for using the extended variable syntax.

Scalar variable syntax 标量变量语法

The most common way to use variables in Robot Framework test data is using the scalar variable syntax like ${var}. When this syntax is used, the variable name is replaced with its value as-is. Most of the time variable values are strings, but variables can contain any object, including numbers, lists, dictionaries, or even custom objects.
在Robot Framework测试数据中使用变量的最常见方式是使用标量变量语法,如${var}。当使用此语法时,变量名将被替换为它的值。大多数时候,变量值是字符串,但变量可以包含任何对象,包括数字、列表、字典,甚至是自定义对象。

The example below illustrates the usage of scalar variables. Assuming that the variables ${GREET} and ${NAME} are available and assigned to strings Hello and world, respectively, both the example test cases are equivalent.

*** Test Cases ***
    Log    Hello
    Log    Hello, world!!

    Log    ${GREET}
    Log    ${GREET}, ${NAME}!!

When a scalar variable is used alone without any text or other variables around it, like in ${GREET} above, the variable is replaced with its value as-is and the value can be any object. If the variable is not used alone, like ${GREER}, ${NAME}!! above, its value is first converted into a string and then concatenated with the other data.

Note 注意

Variable values are used as-is without conversions also when passing arguments to keywords using the named arguments syntax like argname=${var}.

The example below demonstrates the difference between having a variable in alone or with other content. First, let us assume that we have a variable ${STR} set to a string Hello, world! and ${OBJ} set to an instance of the following Python object:

class MyObj:

    def __str__():
        return "Hi, terra!"

With these two variables set, we then have the following test data:

*** Test Cases ***
    KW 1    ${STR}
    KW 2    ${OBJ}
    KW 3    I said "${STR}"
    KW 4    You said "${OBJ}"

Finally, when this test data is executed, different keywords receive the arguments as explained below:

  • KW 1 gets a string Hello, world!
    KW 1得到一个字符串Hello,world!
  • KW 2 gets an object stored to variable ${OBJ}
    KW 2获取存储到变量${OBJ}的对象
  • KW 3 gets a string I said "Hello, world!"
    KW 3得到一个字符串我说“你好,世界!"
  • KW 4 gets a string You said "Hi, terra!"
    KW 4得到一个字符串你说“嗨,泰拉!"

Note 注意

Converting variables to Unicode obviously fails if the variable cannot be represented as Unicode. This can happen, for example, if you try to use byte sequences as arguments to keywords so that you catenate the values together like ${byte1}${byte2}. A workaround is creating a variable that contains the whole value and using it alone in the cell (e.g. ${bytes}) because then the value is used as-is.
如果变量不能表示为Unicode,那么将变量转换为Unicode显然会失败。例如,如果您尝试使用字节序列作为关键字的参数,以便将值串联在一起(如${byte 1}${byte 2}),则可能会发生这种情况。解决方法是创建一个包含整个值的变量,并在单元格中单独使用它(例如,${bytes}),因为这样值就可以按原样使用。

List variable syntax 列表变量语法

When a variable is used as a scalar like ${EXAMPLE}, its value is be used as-is. If a variable value is a list or list-like, it is also possible to use it as a list variable like @{EXAMPLE}. In this case the list is expanded and individual items are passed in as separate arguments. This is easiest to explain with an example. Assuming that a variable @{USER} has value ['robot', 'secret'], the following two test cases are equivalent:

*** Test Cases ***
    Login    robot    secret

List Variable
    Login    @{USER}

Robot Framework stores its own variables in one internal storage and allows using them as scalars, lists or dictionaries. Using a variable as a list requires its value to be a Python list or list-like object. Robot Framework does not allow strings to be used as lists, but other iterable objects such as tuples or dictionaries are accepted.
Robot Framework将自己的变量存储在一个内部存储器中,并允许将它们用作标量,列表或字典。使用变量作为列表要求其值是Python列表或类似列表的对象。Robot Framework不允许将字符串用作列表,但接受其他可迭代对象,如元组或字典。

Starting from Robot Framework 4.0, list expansion can be used in combination with list item access making these usages possible:
从Robot Framework 4.0开始,列表扩展可以与列表项访问结合使用,使以下用途成为可能:

*** Test Cases ***
Nested container
    ${nested} =    Evaluate    [['a', 'b', 'c'], {'key': ['x', 'y']}]
    Log Many    @{nested}[0]         # Logs 'a', 'b' and 'c'.
    Log Many    @{nested}[1][key]    # Logs 'x' and 'y'.

    ${items} =    Create List    first    second    third
    Log Many    @{items}[1:]         # Logs 'second' and  'third'.
Using list variables with other data

It is possible to use list variables with other arguments, including other list variables.

*** Test Cases ***
    Keyword    @{LIST}    more    args
    Keyword    ${SCALAR}    @{LIST}    constant
    Keyword    @{LIST}    @{ANOTHER}    @{ONE MORE}
Using list variables with settings

List variables can be used only with some of the settings. They can be used in arguments to imported libraries and variable files, but library and variable file names themselves cannot be list variables. Also with setups and teardowns list variable can not be used as the name of the keyword, but can be used in arguments. With tag related settings they can be used freely. Using scalar variables is possible in those places where list variables are not supported.

*** Settings ***
Library         ExampleLibrary      @{LIB ARGS}    # This works
Library         ${LIBRARY}          @{LIB ARGS}    # This works
Library         @{LIBRARY AND ARGS}                # This does not work
Suite Setup     Some Keyword        @{KW ARGS}     # This works
Suite Setup     ${KEYWORD}          @{KW ARGS}     # This works
Suite Setup     @{KEYWORD AND ARGS}                # This does not work
Default Tags    @{TAGS}                            # This works

Dictionary variable syntax

As discussed above, a variable containing a list can be used as a list variable to pass list items to a keyword as individual arguments. Similarly a variable containing a Python dictionary or a dictionary-like object can be used as a dictionary variable like &{EXAMPLE}. In practice this means that the dictionary is expanded and individual items are passed as named arguments to the keyword. Assuming that a variable &{USER} has value {'name': 'robot', 'password': 'secret'}, the following two test cases are equivalent.

*** Test Cases ***
    Login    name=robot    password=secret

Dict Variable
    Login    &{USER}

Starting from Robot Framework 4.0, dictionary expansion can be used in combination with dictionary item access making usages like &{nested}[key] possible.
从Robot Framework 4.0开始,字典扩展可以与字典项访问结合使用,使&{nested}[key]等用法成为可能。

Using dictionary variables with other data

It is possible to use dictionary variables with other arguments, including other dictionary variables. Because named argument syntax requires positional arguments to be before named argument, dictionaries can only be followed by named arguments or other dictionaries.

*** Test Cases ***
    Keyword    &{DICT}    named=arg
    Keyword    positional    @{LIST}    &{DICT}
    Keyword    &{DICT}    &{ANOTHER}    &{ONE MORE}
Using dictionary variables with settings

Dictionary variables cannot generally be used with settings. The only exception are imports, setups and teardowns where dictionaries can be used as arguments.

*** Settings ***
Library        ExampleLibrary    &{LIB ARGS}
Suite Setup    Some Keyword      &{KW ARGS}     named=arg

Accessing list and dictionary items

It is possible to access items of subscriptable variables, e.g. lists and dictionaries, using special syntax like ${var}[item] or ${var}[nested][item]. Starting from Robot Framework 4.0, it is also possible to use item access together with list expansion and dictionary expansion by using syntax @{var}[item] and &{var}[item], respectively.
可以使用特殊的语法,如${var}[item]${var}[nested][item]来访问可订阅变量的项,例如列表和字典。从Robot Framework 4.0开始,还可以分别使用语法@{var}[item]&{var}[item]将项访问与列表扩展字典扩展一起使用。

Note 注意

Prior to Robot Framework 3.1 the normal item access syntax was @{var}[item] with lists and &{var}[item] with dictionaries. Robot Framework 3.1 introduced the generic ${var}[item] syntax along with some other nice enhancements and the old item access syntax was deprecated in Robot Framework 3.2.
在Robot Framework 3.1之前,正常的项访问语法是@{var}[item](列表)和&{var}[item](字典)。Robot Framework 3.1引入了通用的${var}[item]语法沿着以及一些其他很好的增强功能,旧的项访问语法在Robot Framework 3.2中被弃用。

Accessing sequence items 序列项

It is possible to access a certain item of a variable containing a sequence (e.g. list, string or bytes) with the syntax ${var}[index], where index is the index of the selected value. Indices start from zero, negative indices can be used to access items from the end, and trying to access an item with too large an index causes an error. Indices are automatically converted to integers, and it is also possible to use variables as indices.

*** Test Cases ***
Positive index
    Login    ${USER}[0]    ${USER}[1]
    Title Should Be    Welcome ${USER}[0]!

Negative index
    Keyword    ${SEQUENCE}[-1]

Index defined as variable
    Keyword    ${SEQUENCE}[${INDEX}]

Sequence item access supports also the same "slice" functionality as Python with syntax like ${var}[1:]. With this syntax you do not get a single item but a slice of the original sequence. Same way as with Python you can specify the start index, the end index, and the step:

*** Test Cases ***
Start index
    Keyword    ${SEQUENCE}[1:]

End index
    Keyword    ${SEQUENCE}[:4]

Start and end
    Keyword    ${SEQUENCE}[2:-1]

    Keyword    ${SEQUENCE}[::2]
    Keyword    ${SEQUENCE}[1:-1:10]

Note 注意

The slice syntax is new in Robot Framework 3.1. It was extended to work with list expansion like @{var}[1:] in Robot Framework 4.0.
切片语法是Robot Framework 3.1中的新语法。它被扩展为在Robot Framework 4.0中使用列表扩展,如@{var}[1:]

Note 注意

Prior to Robot Framework 3.2, item and slice access was only supported with variables containing lists, tuples, or other objects considered list-like. Nowadays all sequences, including strings and bytes, are supported.
在Robot Framework 3.2之前,仅支持包含列表、元组或其他被视为类似列表的对象的变量的项和切片访问。现在支持所有序列,包括字符串和字节。

Accessing individual dictionary items

It is possible to access a certain value of a dictionary variable with the syntax ${NAME}[key], where key is the name of the selected value. Keys are considered to be strings, but non-strings keys can be used as variables. Dictionary values accessed in this manner can be used similarly as scalar variables.

If a key is a string, it is possible to access its value also using attribute access syntax ${NAME.key}. See Creating dictionary variables for more details about this syntax.

*** Test Cases ***
Dictionary variable item
    Login    ${USER}[name]    ${USER}[password]
    Title Should Be    Welcome ${USER}[name]!

Key defined as variable
    Log Many    ${DICT}[${KEY}]    ${DICT}[${42}]

Attribute access
    Login    ${USER.name}    ${USER.password}
    Title Should Be    Welcome ${USER.name}!
Nested item access 嵌套项访问

Also nested subscriptable variables can be accessed using the same item access syntax like ${var}[item1][item2]. This is especially useful when working with JSON data often returned by REST services. For example, if a variable ${DATA} contains [{'id': 1, 'name': 'Robot'}, {'id': 2, 'name': 'Mr. X'}], this tests would pass:
嵌套的下标变量也可以使用相同的项访问语法来访问,如${var}[item 1][item 2]。这在处理通常由REST服务返回的JSON数据时特别有用。例如,如果变量${DATA}包含['id':1,'name':'Robot'},'id':2,'name':'Mr. X'}],则此测试将通过:

*** Test Cases ***
Nested item access
    Should Be Equal    ${DATA}[0][name]    Robot
    Should Be Equal    ${DATA}[1][id]      ${2}

Environment variables 环境变量

Robot Framework allows using environment variables in the test data using the syntax %{ENV_VAR_NAME}. They are limited to string values. It is possible to specify a default value, that is used if the environment variable does not exists, by separating the variable name and the default value with an equal sign like %{ENV_VAR_NAME=default value}.
Robot Framework允许使用语法%{ENV_VAR_NAME}在测试数据中使用环境变量。它们仅限于字符串值。可以指定一个默认值,如果环境变量不存在,可以使用等号分隔变量名和默认值,如%{ENV_VAR_NAME=default value}

Environment variables set in the operating system before the test execution are available during it, and it is possible to create new ones with the keyword Set Environment Variable or delete existing ones with the keyword Delete Environment Variable, both available in the OperatingSystem library. Because environment variables are global, environment variables set in one test case can be used in other test cases executed after it. However, changes to environment variables are not effective after the test execution.
在测试执行之前在操作系统中设置的环境变量在测试期间可用,并且可以使用关键字Set Environment Variable创建新的环境变量或使用关键字Delete Environment Variable删除现有的环境变量,这两个都在OperatingSystem库中可用。因为环境变量是全局的,所以在一个测试用例中设置的环境变量可以在之后执行的其他测试用例中使用,但是在测试执行之后对环境变量的更改是无效的。

*** Test Cases ***
Environment variables
    Log    Current user: %{USER}
    Run    %{JAVA_HOME}${/}javac

Environment variables with defaults
    Set port    %{APPLICATION_PORT=8080}

Note 注意

Support for specifying the default value is new in Robot Framework 3.2.
Robot Framework 3.2中新增了对指定默认值的支持。

2.6.3   Creating variables 2.6.3创建变量

Variables can spring into existence from different sources.

Variable section 变截面

The most common source for variables are Variable sections in suite files and resource files. Variable sections are convenient, because they allow creating variables in the same place as the rest of the test data, and the needed syntax is very simple. Their main disadvantages are that values are always strings and they cannot be created dynamically. If either of these is a problem, variable files can be used instead.

Creating scalar variables

The simplest possible variable assignment is setting a string into a scalar variable. This is done by giving the variable name (including ${}) in the first column of the Variable section and the value in the second one. If the second column is empty, an empty string is set as a value. Also an already defined variable can be used in the value.

*** Variables ***
${NAME}         Robot Framework
${VERSION}      2.0
${ROBOT}        ${NAME} ${VERSION}

It is also possible, but not obligatory, to use the equals sign = after the variable name to make assigning variables slightly more explicit.

*** Variables ***
${NAME} =       Robot Framework
${VERSION} =    2.0

If a scalar variable has a long value, it can be split into multiple rows by using the ... syntax. By default rows are concatenated together using a space, but this can be changed by using a having separator configuration option after the last value:
如果一个标量变量有一个长值,它可以通过使用. 语法.默认情况下,行使用空格连接在一起,但这可以通过在最后一个值之后使用具有分隔符配置选项来更改:

*** Variables ***
${EXAMPLE}      This value is joined
...             together with a space.
${MULTILINE}    First line.
...             Second line.
...             Third line.
...             separator=\n

The separator option is new in Robot Framework 7.0, but also older versions support configuring the separator. With them the first value can contain a special SEPARATOR marker:
分隔符选项是Robot Framework 7.0中的新选项,但旧版本也支持配置分隔符。使用它们,第一个值可以包含一个特殊的SEPARATOR标记:

*** Variables ***
...             First line.
...             Second line.
...             Third line.

Both the separator option and the SEPARATOR marker are case-sensitive. Using the separator option is recommended, unless there is a need to support also older versions.

Creating list variables 创建列表变量

Creating list variables is as easy as creating scalar variables. Again, the variable name is in the first column of the Variable section and values in the subsequent columns. A list variable can have any number of values, starting from zero, and if many values are needed, they can be split into several rows.

*** Variables ***
@{NAMES}        Matti       Teppo
@{NAMES2}       @{NAMES}    Seppo
@{MANY}         one         two      three      four
...             five        six      seven
Creating dictionary variables

Dictionary variables can be created in the Variable section similarly as list variables. The difference is that items need to be created using name=value syntax or existing dictionary variables. If there are multiple items with same name, the last value has precedence. If a name contains a literal equal sign, it can be escaped with a backslash like \=.

*** Variables ***
&{USER 1}       name=Matti    address=xxx         phone=123
&{USER 2}       name=Teppo    address=yyy         phone=456
&{MANY}         first=1       second=${2}         ${3}=third
&{EVEN MORE}    &{MANY}       first=override      empty=
...             =empty        key\=here=value

Dictionary variables have two extra properties compared to normal Python dictionaries. First of all, values of these dictionaries can be accessed like attributes, which means that it is possible to use extended variable syntax like ${VAR.key}. This only works if the key is a valid attribute name and does not match any normal attribute Python dictionaries have. For example, individual value &{USER}[name] can also be accessed like ${USER.name} (notice that $ is needed in this context), but using ${MANY.3} is not possible.

Tip 尖端

With nested dictionary variables keys are accessible like ${VAR.nested.key}. This eases working with nested data structures.

Another special property of dictionary variables is that they are ordered. This means that if these dictionaries are iterated, their items always come in the order they are defined. This can be useful if dictionaries are used as list variables with FOR loops or otherwise. When a dictionary is used as a list variable, the actual value contains dictionary keys. For example, @{MANY} variable would have value ['first', 'second', 3].

Creating variable name based on another variable

Starting from Robot Framework 7.0, it is possible to create the variable name dynamically based on another variable:
从Robot Framework 7.0开始,可以基于另一个变量动态创建变量名:

*** Variables ***
${X}        Y
${${X}}     Z    # Name is created based on '${X}'.

*** Test Cases ***
Dynamically created name
    Should Be Equal    ${Y}    Z

Variable file 变量文件

Variable files are the most powerful mechanism for creating different kind of variables. It is possible to assign variables to any object using them, and they also enable creating variables dynamically. The variable file syntax and taking variable files into use is explained in section Resource and variable files.

Setting variables in command line

Variables can be set from the command line either individually with the --variable (-v) option or using a variable file with the --variablefile (-V) option. Variables set from the command line are globally available for all executed test data files, and they also override possible variables with the same names in the Variable section and in variable files imported in the test data.

The syntax for setting individual variables is --variable name:value, where name is the name of the variable without ${} and value is its value. Several variables can be set by using this option several times. Only scalar variables can be set using this syntax and they can only get string values.
设置单个变量的语法是--variable name:value,其中name是不带${}的变量的名称,value是它的值。多次使用此选项可以设置多个变量。只有标量变量可以使用此语法设置,并且它们只能获取字符串值。

--variable EXAMPLE:value
--variable HOST:localhost:7272 --variable USER:robot

In the examples above, variables are set so that

  • ${EXAMPLE} gets the value value
  • ${HOST} and ${USER} get the values localhost:7272 and robot

The basic syntax for taking variable files into use from the command line is --variablefile path/to/variables.py, and Taking variable files into use section has more details. What variables actually are created depends on what variables there are in the referenced variable file.
从命令行使用变量文件的基本语法是--variablefile path/to/variables.py使用变量文件一节有更多的细节。实际创建的变量取决于引用的变量文件中有哪些变量。

If both variable files and individual variables are given from the command line, the latter have higher priority.

Return values from keywords

Return values from keywords can also be set into variables. This allows communication between different keywords even in different test libraries.

Variables set in this manner are otherwise similar to any other variables, but they are available only in the local scope where they are created. Thus it is not possible, for example, to set a variable like this in one test case and use it in another. This is because, in general, automated test cases should not depend on each other, and accidentally setting a variable that is used elsewhere could cause hard-to-debug errors. If there is a genuine need for setting a variable in one test case and using it in another, it is possible to use BuiltIn keywords as explained in the next section.

Assigning scalar variables

Any value returned by a keyword can be assigned to a scalar variable. As illustrated by the example below, the required syntax is very simple:

*** Test Cases ***
    ${x} =    Get X    an argument
    Log    We got ${x}!

In the above example the value returned by the Get X keyword is first set into the variable ${x} and then used by the Log keyword. Having the equals sign = after the variable name is not obligatory, but it makes the assignment more explicit. Creating local variables like this works both in test case and user keyword level.
在上面的示例中,Get X关键字返回的值首先设置为变量${x},然后由Log关键字使用。在变量名后使用等号=不是强制性的,但它使赋值更加明确。像这样创建局部变量在测试用例和用户关键字级别都有效。

Notice that although a value is assigned to a scalar variable, it can be used as a list variable if it has a list-like value and as a dictionary variable if it has a dictionary-like value.

*** Test Cases ***
    ${list} =    Create List    first    second    third
    Length Should Be    ${list}    3
    Log Many    @{list}
Assigning variables with item values

Starting from Robot Framework 6.1, when working with variables that support item assignment such as lists or dictionaries, it is possible to set their values by specifying the index or key of the item using the syntax ${var}[item] where the item part can itself contain a variable:
从Robot Framework 6.1开始,当使用支持列表或字典等项赋值的变量时,可以通过使用语法${var}[item]指定项的索引或键来设置它们的值,其中部分本身可以包含变量:

*** Test Cases ***
Item assignment to list
    ${list} =          Create List      one    two    three    four
    ${list}[0] =       Set Variable     first
    ${list}[${1}] =    Set Variable     second
    ${list}[2:3] =     Evaluate         ['third']
    ${list}[-1] =      Set Variable     last
    Log Many           @{list}          # Logs 'first', 'second', 'third' and 'last'

Item assignment to dictionary
    ${dict} =                Create Dictionary    first_name=unknown
    ${dict}[first_name] =    Set Variable         John
    ${dict}[last_name] =     Set Variable         Doe
    Log                      ${dictionary}        # Logs {'first_name': 'John', 'last_name': 'Doe'}
Creating variable name based on another variable

Starting from Robot Framework 7.0, it is possible to create the name of the assigned variable dynamically based on another variable:
从Robot Framework 7.0开始,可以根据另一个变量动态创建分配变量的名称:

*** Test Cases ***
Dynamically created name
    ${x} =    Set Variable    y
    ${${x}} =    Set Variable    z    # Name is created based on '${x}'.
    Should Be Equal    ${y}    z
Assigning list variables 列表变量

If a keyword returns a list or any list-like object, it is possible to assign it to a list variable:

*** Test Cases ***
    @{list} =    Create List    first    second    third
    Length Should Be    ${list}    3
    Log Many    @{list}

Because all Robot Framework variables are stored in the same namespace, there is not much difference between assigning a value to a scalar variable or a list variable. This can be seen by comparing the last two examples above. The main differences are that when creating a list variable, Robot Framework automatically verifies that the value is a list or list-like, and the stored variable value will be a new list created from the return value. When assigning to a scalar variable, the return value is not verified and the stored value will be the exact same object that was returned.
由于所有Robot Framework变量都存储在同一个命名空间中,因此将值分配给标量变量或列表变量之间没有太大区别。通过比较上面的最后两个示例可以看出这一点。主要区别在于,当创建列表变量时,Robot Framework会自动验证该值是否为列表或类似列表,存储的变量值将是从返回值创建的新列表。当分配给标量变量时,不会验证返回值,并且存储的值将与返回的对象完全相同。

Assigning dictionary variables

If a keyword returns a dictionary or any dictionary-like object, it is possible to assign it to a dictionary variable:

*** Test Cases ***
    &{dict} =    Create Dictionary    first=1    second=${2}    ${3}=third
    Length Should Be    ${dict}    3
    Do Something    &{dict}
    Log    ${dict.first}

Because all Robot Framework variables are stored in the same namespace, it would also be possible to assign a dictionary into a scalar variable and use it later as a dictionary when needed. There are, however, some actual benefits in creating a dictionary variable explicitly. First of all, Robot Framework verifies that the returned value is a dictionary or dictionary-like similarly as it verifies that list variables can only get a list-like value.
由于所有Robot Framework变量都存储在同一个命名空间中,因此也可以将字典分配给标量变量,并在以后需要时将其用作字典。然而,显式创建字典变量有一些实际的好处。首先,Robot Framework验证返回值是否是字典或类似字典的值,就像它验证列表变量只能获得类似列表的值一样。

A bigger benefit is that the value is converted into a special dictionary that it uses also when creating dictionary variables in the Variable section. Values in these dictionaries can be accessed using attribute access like ${dict.first} in the above example. These dictionaries are also ordered, but if the original dictionary was not ordered, the resulting order is arbitrary.

Assigning multiple variables

If a keyword returns a list or a list-like object, it is possible to assign individual values into multiple scalar variables or into scalar variables and a list variable.

*** Test Cases ***
Assign multiple
    ${a}    ${b}    ${c} =    Get Three
    ${first}    @{rest} =    Get Three
    @{before}    ${last} =    Get Three
    ${begin}    @{middle}    ${end} =    Get Three

Assuming that the keyword Get Three returns a list [1, 2, 3], the following variables are created:
假设关键字Get Three返回列表[1,2,3],则创建以下变量:

  • ${a}, ${b} and ${c} with values 1, 2, and 3, respectively.
  • ${first} with value 1, and @{rest} with value [2, 3].
  • @{before} with value [1, 2] and ${last} with value 3.
  • ${begin} with value 1, @{middle} with value [2] and ${end} with value 3.

It is an error if the returned list has more or less values than there are scalar variables to assign. Additionally, only one list variable is allowed and dictionary variables can only be assigned alone.

Automatically logging assigned variable value

To make it easier to understand what happens during execution, the beginning of value that is assigned is automatically logged. The default is to show 200 first characters, but this can be changed by using the --maxassignlength command line option when running tests. If the value is zero or negative, the whole assigned value is hidden.

--maxassignlength 1000
--maxassignlength 0

The reason the value is not logged fully is that it could be really big. If you always want to see a certain value fully, it is possible to use the BuiltIn Log keyword to log it after the assignment.

Note 注意

The --maxassignlength option is new in Robot Framework 5.0.
--maxassignlength 选项是Robot Framework 5.0中的新选项。

VAR syntax

Starting from Robot Framework 7.0, it is possible to create variables inside tests and user keywords using the VAR syntax. The VAR marker is case-sensitive and it must be followed by a variable name and value. Other than the mandatory VAR, the overall syntax is mostly the same as when creating variables in the Variable section.
从Robot Framework 7.0开始,可以使用VAR语法在测试和用户关键字中创建变量。VAR标记区分大小写,并且后面必须跟有变量名和值。除了强制的VAR之外,整体语法与在Variable部分中创建变量时基本相同。

The new syntax is aims to make creating variables simpler and more uniform. It is especially indented to replace the BuiltIn keywords Set Variable, Set Test Variable, Set Suite Variable and Set Global Variable, but it can be used instead of Catenate, Create List and Create Dictionary as well.
新的语法旨在使创建变量更简单,更统一。它特别缩进以替换内置关键字Set VariableSet Test VariableSet Suite VariableSet Global Variable,但它也可以用来代替CatenateCreate ListCreate Dictionary

Creating scalar variables

In simple cases scalar variables are created by just giving a variable name and its value. The value can be a hard-coded string or it can itself contain a variable. If the value is long, it is possible to split it into multiple columns and rows. In that case parts are joined together with a space by default, but the separator to use can be specified with the separator configuration option. It is possible to have an optional = after the variable name the same way as when creating variables based on return values from keywords and in the Variable section.

*** Test Cases ***
Scalar examples
     VAR    ${simple}       variable
     VAR    ${equals} =     this works too
     VAR    ${variable}     value contains ${simple}
     VAR    ${sentence}     This is a bit longer variable value
     ...                    that is split into multiple rows.
     ...                    These parts are joined with a space.
     VAR    ${multiline}    This is another longer value.
     ...                    This time there is a custom separator.
     ...                    As the result this becomes a multiline string.
     ...                    separator=\n
Creating list and dictionary variables

List and dictionary variables are created similarly as scalar variables. When creating dictionaries, items must be specified using the name=value syntax.

*** Test Cases ***
List examples
     VAR    @{two items}     Robot    Framework
     VAR    @{empty list}
     VAR    @{lot of stuff}
     ...    first item
     ...    second item
     ...    third item
     ...    fourth item
     ...    last item

Dictionary examples
     VAR    &{two items}     name=Robot Framework    url=http://robotframework.org
     VAR    &{empty dict}
     VAR    &{lot of stuff}
     ...    first=1
     ...    second=2
     ...    third=3
     ...    fourth=4
     ...    last=5
Scope 范围

Variables created with the VAR syntax are are available only within the test or user keyword where they are created. That can, however, be altered by using the scope configuration option. Supported values are LOCAL (default), TEST (available within the current test), TASK (alias for TEST), SUITE (available within the current suite) and GLOBAL (available globally). Although Robot Framework variables are case-insensitive, it is recommended to use capital letters with non-local variable names.
使用VAR语法创建的变量仅在创建它们的test或user关键字中可用。但是,这可以通过使用范围配置选项进行更改。支持的值包括LOCAL(默认)、TEST(在当前测试中可用)、ASKTEST的别名)、SUITE(在当前套件中可用)和GLOBAL(在全球可用)。虽然Robot Framework变量不区分大小写,但建议在非局部变量名称中使用大写字母。

*** Variables ***
${SUITE}         this value is overridden

*** Test Cases ***
Scope example
    VAR    ${local}     local value
    VAR    ${TEST}      test value      scope=TEST
    VAR    ${SUITE}     suite value     scope=SUITE
    VAR    ${GLOBAL}    global value    scope=GLOBAL
    Should Be Equal    ${local}     local value
    Should Be Equal    ${TEST}      test value
    Should Be Equal    ${SUITE}     suite value
    Should Be Equal    ${GLOBAL}    global value
    Should Be Equal    ${TEST}      new test value
    Should Be Equal    ${SUITE}     new suite value
    Should Be Equal    ${GLOBAL}    new global value

Scope example, part 2
    Should Be Equal    ${SUITE}     new suite value
    Should Be Equal    ${GLOBAL}    new global value

*** Keywords ***
    Should Be Equal    ${TEST}      test value
    Should Be Equal    ${SUITE}     suite value
    Should Be Equal    ${GLOBAL}    global value
    VAR    ${TEST}      new ${TEST}      scope=TEST
    VAR    ${SUITE}     new ${SUITE}     scope=SUITE
    VAR    ${GLOBAL}    new ${GLOBAL}    scope=GLOBAL
    Should Be Equal    ${TEST}      new test value
    Should Be Equal    ${SUITE}     new suite value
    Should Be Equal    ${GLOBAL}    new global value
Creating variables conditionally

The VAR syntax works with IF/ELSE structures which makes it easy to create variables conditionally. In simple cases using inline IF can be convenient.

*** Test Cases ***
IF/ELSE example
    IF    "${ENV}" == "devel"
        VAR    ${address}
        VAR    ${name}       demo
        VAR    ${address}
        VAR    ${name}       robot

Inline IF
    IF    "${ENV}" == "devel"    VAR    ${name}    demo    ELSE    VAR    ${name}    robot
Creating variable name based on another variable

If there is a need, variable name can also be created dynamically based on another variable.

*** Test Cases ***
Dynamic name
    VAR    ${x}       y    # Normal assignment.
    VAR    ${${x}}    z    # Name created dynamically.
    Should Be Equal    ${y}    z

Using Set Test/Suite/Global Variable keywords
使用Set Test/Suite/Global Variable关键字

Note 注意

The VAR syntax is recommended over these keywords when using Robot Framework 7.0 or newer.
使用Robot Framework 7.0或更高版本时,建议使用VAR语法而不是这些关键字。

The BuiltIn library has keywords Set Test Variable, Set Suite Variable and Set Global Variable which can be used for setting variables dynamically during the test execution. If a variable already exists within the new scope, its value will be overwritten, and otherwise a new variable is created.
BuiltIn库有关键字Set Test VariableSet Suite VariableSet Global Variable,可用于在测试执行期间动态设置变量。如果新范围内已存在变量,则其值将被覆盖,否则将创建新变量。

Variables set with Set Test Variable keyword are available everywhere within the scope of the currently executed test case. For example, if you set a variable in a user keyword, it is available both in the test case level and also in all other user keywords used in the current test. Other test cases will not see variables set with this keyword. It is an error to call Set Test Variable outside the scope of a test (e.g. in a Suite Setup or Teardown).
使用Set Test Variable关键字设置的变量在当前执行的测试用例范围内的任何地方都可用。例如,如果您在用户关键字中设置了一个变量,则它在测试用例级别和当前测试中使用的所有其他用户关键字中都可用。其他测试用例不会看到使用此关键字设置的变量。在测试范围之外调用设置测试变量是错误的(例如,在套件设置或拆卸中)。

Variables set with Set Suite Variable keyword are available everywhere within the scope of the currently executed test suite. Setting variables with this keyword thus has the same effect as creating them using the Variable section in the test data file or importing them from variable files. Other test suites, including possible child test suites, will not see variables set with this keyword.
使用Set Suite Variable关键字设置的变量在当前执行的测试套件范围内的任何地方都可用。因此,使用此关键字设置变量与使用测试数据文件中的Variable部分创建变量或从变量文件导入变量具有相同的效果。其他测试套件,包括可能的子测试套件,将不会看到使用此关键字设置的变量。

Variables set with Set Global Variable keyword are globally available in all test cases and suites executed after setting them. Setting variables with this keyword thus has the same effect as creating from the command line using the options --variable or --variablefile. Because this keyword can change variables everywhere, it should be used with care.
使用Set Global Variable关键字设置的变量在设置后执行的所有测试用例和套件中全局可用。因此,使用此关键字设置变量与使用选项--variable--variablefile从命令行创建变量具有相同的效果。因为这个关键字可以在任何地方改变变量,所以应该小心使用。

Note 注意

Set Test/Suite/Global Variable keywords set named variables directly into test, suite or global variable scope and return nothing. On the other hand, another BuiltIn keyword Set Variable sets local variables using return values.
Set Test/Suite/Global Variable关键字将命名变量直接设置到test、suite或global变量范围内,并不返回任何内容。另一方面,另一个内置关键字Set Variable使用返回值设置局部变量。

2.6.4   Built-in variables 2.6.4内置变量

Robot Framework provides some built-in variables that are available automatically.
Robot Framework提供了一些自动可用的内置变量。

Operating-system variables

Built-in variables related to the operating system ease making the test data operating-system-agnostic.

Available operating-system-related built-in variables
Variable 可变 Explanation 解释
${CURDIR} 联系我们 An absolute path to the directory where the test data file is located. This variable is case-sensitive.
${TEMPDIR} 联系我们 An absolute path to the system temporary directory. In UNIX-like systems this is typically /tmp, and in Windows c:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Local Settings\Temp.
系统临时目录的绝对路径。在类UNIX系统中,这通常是/tmp,在Windowsc:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Local Settings\Temp中。
${EXECDIR} 联系我们 An absolute path to the directory where test execution was started from.
${/} The system directory path separator. / in UNIX-like systems and \ in Windows.
${:} The system path element separator. : in UNIX-like systems and ; in Windows.
${\n} 我的天 The system line separator. \n in UNIX-like systems and \r\n in Windows.
*** Test Cases ***
    Create Binary File    ${CURDIR}${/}input.data    Some text here${\n}on two lines
    Set Environment Variable    CLASSPATH    ${TEMPDIR}${:}${CURDIR}${/}foo.jar

Number variables 数量变量

The variable syntax can be used for creating both integers and floating point numbers, as illustrated in the example below. This is useful when a keyword expects to get an actual number, and not a string that just looks like a number, as an argument.

*** Test Cases ***
Example 1A
    Connect    example.com    80       # Connect gets two strings as arguments

Example 1B
    Connect    example.com    ${80}    # Connect gets a string and an integer

Example 2
    Do X    ${3.14}    ${-1e-4}        # Do X gets floating point numbers 3.14 and -0.0001

It is possible to create integers also from binary, octal, and hexadecimal values using 0b, 0o and 0x prefixes, respectively. The syntax is case insensitive.

*** Test Cases ***
    Should Be Equal    ${0b1011}    ${11}
    Should Be Equal    ${0o10}      ${8}
    Should Be Equal    ${0xff}      ${255}
    Should Be Equal    ${0B1010}    ${0XA}

Boolean and None/null variables

Also Boolean values and Python None can be created using the variable syntax similarly as numbers.

*** Test Cases ***
    Set Status    ${true}               # Set Status gets Boolean true as an argument
    Create Y    something   ${false}    # Create Y gets a string and Boolean false

    Do XYZ    ${None}                   # Do XYZ gets Python None as an argument

These variables are case-insensitive, so for example ${True} and ${true} are equivalent.

Space and empty variables

It is possible to create spaces and empty strings using variables ${SPACE} and ${EMPTY}, respectively. These variables are useful, for example, when there would otherwise be a need to escape spaces or empty cells with a backslash. If more than one space is needed, it is possible to use the extended variable syntax like ${SPACE * 5}. In the following example, Should Be Equal keyword gets identical arguments but those using variables are easier to understand than those using backslashes.
可以分别使用变量${SPACE}${EMPTY}创建空格和空字符串。这些变量很有用,例如,当需要用反斜杠转义空格或空单元格时。如果需要多个空格,可以使用扩展变量语法,如${SPACE * 5}。在下面的示例中,Should Be Equal关键字获取相同的参数,但使用变量的参数比使用反斜杠的参数更容易理解。

*** Test Cases ***
One space
    Should Be Equal    ${SPACE}          \ \

Four spaces
    Should Be Equal    ${SPACE * 4}      \ \ \ \ \

Ten spaces
    Should Be Equal    ${SPACE * 10}     \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \

Quoted space
    Should Be Equal    "${SPACE}"        " "

Quoted spaces
    Should Be Equal    "${SPACE * 2}"    " \ "

    Should Be Equal    ${EMPTY}          \

There is also an empty list variable @{EMPTY} and an empty dictionary variable &{EMPTY}. Because they have no content, they basically vanish when used somewhere in the test data. They are useful, for example, with test templates when the template keyword is used without arguments or when overriding list or dictionary variables in different scopes. Modifying the value of @{EMPTY} or &{EMPTY} is not possible.

*** Test Cases ***
    [Template]    Some keyword

    Set Global Variable    @{LIST}    @{EMPTY}
    Set Suite Variable     &{DICT}    &{EMPTY}

Note 注意

${SPACE} represents the ASCII space (\x20) and other spaces should be specified using the escape sequences like \xA0 (NO-BREAK SPACE) and \u3000 (IDEOGRAPHIC SPACE).
${SPACE}表示ASCII空格(\x20),其他空格应使用转义序列指定,如\xA0(NO-BREAK SPACE)和\u3000(IDEOGRAPHIC SPACE)。

Automatic variables 自动变量

Some automatic variables can also be used in the test data. These variables can have different values during the test execution and some of them are not even available all the time. Altering the value of these variables does not affect the original values, but some values can be changed dynamically using keywords from the BuiltIn library.

Available automatic variables
Variable 可变 Explanation 解释 Available 可用
${TEST NAME} ${测试名称} The name of the current test case.
Test case 测试用例
@{TEST TAGS} @{测试标签} Contains the tags of the current test case in alphabetical order. Can be modified dynamically using Set Tags and Remove Tags keywords.
按字母顺序包含当前测试用例的标记。可以使用Set TagsRemove Tags关键字动态修改。
Test case 测试用例
${TEST DOCUMENTATION} ${测试文件} The documentation of the current test case. Can be set dynamically using using Set Test Documentation keyword.
当前测试用例的文档。可以使用Set Test Documentation关键字动态设置。
Test case 测试用例
${TEST STATUS} ${测试状态} The status of the current test case, either PASS or FAIL.
Test teardown 测试拆卸
${TEST MESSAGE} ${测试消息} The message of the current test case.
Test teardown 测试拆卸
${PREV TEST NAME} ${上一个测试名称} The name of the previous test case, or an empty string if no tests have been executed yet.
Everywhere 到处
${PREV TEST STATUS} ${上一个测试状态} The status of the previous test case: either PASS, FAIL, or an empty string when no tests have been executed.
Everywhere 到处
${PREV TEST MESSAGE} ${上一条测试消息} The possible error message of the previous test case.
Everywhere 到处
${SUITE NAME} ${套房名称} The full name of the current test suite.
Everywhere 到处
${SUITE SOURCE} ${套件源} An absolute path to the suite file or directory.
Everywhere 到处
${SUITE DOCUMENTATION} ${套房文件} The documentation of the current test suite. Can be set dynamically using using Set Suite Documentation keyword.
当前测试套件的文档。可以使用Set Suite Documentation关键字动态设置。
Everywhere 到处
&{SUITE METADATA} &{套件元数据} The free metadata of the current test suite. Can be set using Set Suite Metadata keyword.
当前测试套件的自由元数据。可以使用Set Suite Metadata关键字进行设置。
Everywhere 到处
${SUITE STATUS} ${套房状态} The status of the current test suite, either PASS or FAIL.
Suite teardown 套房拆卸
${SUITE MESSAGE} ${套房消息} The full message of the current test suite, including statistics.
Suite teardown 套房拆卸
${KEYWORD STATUS} ${关键字状态} The status of the current keyword, either PASS or FAIL.
User keyword teardown 用户关键字拆卸
${KEYWORD MESSAGE} ${关键字消息} The possible error message of the current keyword.
User keyword teardown 用户关键字拆卸
${LOG LEVEL} 联系我们 Current log level.
Everywhere 到处
${OUTPUT DIR} 联系我们 An absolute path to the output directory as a string.
Everywhere 到处
${OUTPUT FILE} ${输出文件} An absolute path to the output file as a string or a string NONE if the output file is not created.
Everywhere 到处
${LOG FILE} 联系我们 An absolute path to the log file as a string or a string NONE if the log file is not created.
Everywhere 到处
${REPORT FILE} ${报告文件} An absolute path to the report file as a string or a string NONE if the report file is not created.
Everywhere 到处
${DEBUG FILE} ${调试文件} An absolute path to the debug file as a string or a string NONE if the debug file is not created.
Everywhere 到处
&{OPTIONS} {选项}(& O)

A dictionary exposing command line options. The dictionary keys match the command line options and can be accessed both like ${OPTIONS}[key] and ${OPTIONS.key}. Available options:

  • ${OPTIONS.exclude} (--exclude)
  • ${OPTIONS.include} (--include)
  • ${OPTIONS.skip} (--skip)
  • ${OPTIONS.skip_on_failure} (--skiponfailure)

New in RF 5.0. More options can be exposed later.
RF 5.0中的新功能。更多的选择可以稍后公布。

Everywhere 到处

Suite related variables ${SUITE SOURCE}, ${SUITE NAME}, ${SUITE DOCUMENTATION} and &{SUITE METADATA} as well as options related to command line options like ${LOG FILE} and &{OPTIONS} are available already when libraries and variable files are imported. Possible variables in these automatic variables are not yet resolved at the import time, though.
导入库和变量文件时,与套件相关的变量${SUITE SOURCE}${SUITE NAME}${SUITE DOCUMENTATION}&{SUITE METADATA}以及与命令行选项相关的选项(如${SUITE FILE}&{OPTIONS})已经可用。但是,这些自动变量中的可能变量在导入时尚未解析。

2.6.5   Variable priorities and scopes

Variables coming from different sources have different priorities and are available in different scopes.

Variable priorities 可变优先事项

Variables from the command line

Variables set in the command line have the highest priority of all variables that can be set before the actual test execution starts. They override possible variables created in Variable sections in test case files, as well as in resource and variable files imported in the test data.

Individually set variables (--variable option) override the variables set using variable files (--variablefile option). If you specify same individual variable multiple times, the one specified last will override earlier ones. This allows setting default values for variables in a start-up script and overriding them from the command line. Notice, though, that if multiple variable files have same variables, the ones in the file specified first have the highest priority.

Variable section in a test case file

Variables created using the Variable section in a test case file are available for all the test cases in that file. These variables override possible variables with same names in imported resource and variable files.

Variables created in the Variable sections are available in all other sections in the file where they are created. This means that they can be used also in the Setting section, for example, for importing more variables from resource and variable files.

Imported resource and variable files

Variables imported from the resource and variable files have the lowest priority of all variables created in the test data. Variables from resource files and variable files have the same priority. If several resource and/or variable file have same variables, the ones in the file imported first are taken into use.

If a resource file imports resource files or variable files, variables in its own Variable section have a higher priority than variables it imports. All these variables are available for files that import this resource file.

Note that variables imported from resource and variable files are not available in the Variable section of the file that imports them. This is due to the Variable section being processed before the Setting section where the resource files and variable files are imported.

Variables set during test execution

Variables set during the test execution either using return values from keywords or using Set Test/Suite/Global Variable keywords always override possible existing variables in the scope where they are set. In a sense they thus have the highest priority, but on the other hand they do not affect variables outside the scope they are defined.
在测试执行期间使用关键字的返回值使用Set Test/Suite/Global Variable关键字设置的变量总是覆盖设置它们的范围中可能存在的变量。在某种意义上,它们具有最高的优先级,但另一方面,它们不会影响它们定义的范围之外的变量。

Built-in variables 内置变量

Built-in variables like ${TEMPDIR} and ${TEST_NAME} have the highest priority of all variables. They cannot be overridden using Variable section or from command line, but even they can be reset during the test execution. An exception to this rule are number variables, which are resolved dynamically if no variable is found otherwise. They can thus be overridden, but that is generally a bad idea. Additionally ${CURDIR} is special because it is replaced already during the test data processing time.

Variable scopes 可变范围

Depending on where and how they are created, variables can have a global, test suite, test case or local scope.

Global scope 全局范围

Global variables are available everywhere in the test data. These variables are normally set from the command line with the --variable and --variablefile options, but it is also possible to create new global variables or change the existing ones by using the VAR syntax or the Set Global Variable keyword anywhere in the test data. Additionally also built-in variables are global.
全局变量在测试数据中随处可见。这些变量通常通过命令行中--variable--variablefile选项进行设置,但也可以通过在测试数据中的任何位置使用VAR语法Set Global Variable关键字来创建新的全局变量或更改现有变量。此外,内置变量也是全局的。

It is recommended to use capital letters with all global variables.

Test suite scope 测试套件范围

Variables with the test suite scope are available anywhere in the test suite where they are defined or imported. They can be created in Variable sections, imported from resource and variable files, or set during the test execution using the VAR syntax or the Set Suite Variable keyword.

The test suite scope is not recursive, which means that variables available in a higher-level test suite are not available in lower-level suites. If necessary, resource and variable files can be used for sharing variables.

Since these variables can be considered global in the test suite where they are used, it is recommended to use capital letters also with them.

Test case scope 测试用例范围

Variables with the test case scope are visible in a test case and in all user keywords the test uses. Initially there are no variables in this scope, but it is possible to create them by using the VAR syntax or the Set Test Variable keyword anywhere in a test case. Trying to create test variables in suite setup or suite teardown causes and error.

Also variables in the test case scope are to some extend global. It is thus generally recommended to use capital letters with them too.

Local scope 局部作用域

Test cases and user keywords have a local variable scope that is not seen by other tests or keywords. Local variables can be created using return values from executed keywords and with the VAR syntax, and user keywords also get them as arguments.

It is recommended to use lower-case letters with local variables.

2.6.6   Advanced variable features

Extended variable syntax 扩展变量语法

Extended variable syntax allows accessing attributes of an object assigned to a variable (for example, ${object.attribute}) and even calling its methods (for example, ${obj.getName()}). It works both with scalar and list variables, but is mainly useful with the former.

Extended variable syntax is a powerful feature, but it should be used with care. Accessing attributes is normally not a problem, on the contrary, because one variable containing an object with several attributes is often better than having several variables. On the other hand, calling methods, especially when they are used with arguments, can make the test data pretty complicated to understand. If that happens, it is recommended to move the code into a test library.

The most common usages of extended variable syntax are illustrated in the example below. First assume that we have the following variable file and test case:

class MyObject:

    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name

    def eat(self, what):
        return '%s eats %s' % (self.name, what)

    def __str__(self):
        return self.name

OBJECT = MyObject('Robot')
DICTIONARY = {1: 'one', 2: 'two', 3: 'three'}
*** Test Cases ***
    KW 1    ${OBJECT.name}
    KW 2    ${OBJECT.eat('Cucumber')}
    KW 3    ${DICTIONARY[2]}

When this test data is executed, the keywords get the arguments as explained below:

  • KW 1 gets string Robot
    KW 1获得字符串机器人
  • KW 2 gets string Robot eats Cucumber
    KW 2获取字符串机器人吃黄瓜
  • KW 3 gets string two
    KW 3获得字符串2

The extended variable syntax is evaluated in the following order:

  1. The variable is searched using the full variable name. The extended variable syntax is evaluated only if no matching variable is found.
  2. The name of the base variable is created. The body of the name consists of all the characters after the opening { until the first occurrence of a character that is not an alphanumeric character or a space. For example, base variables of ${OBJECT.name} and ${DICTIONARY[2]}) are OBJECT and DICTIONARY, respectively.
  3. A variable matching the body is searched. If there is no match, an exception is raised and the test case fails.
  4. The expression inside the curly brackets is evaluated as a Python expression, so that the base variable name is replaced with its value. If the evaluation fails because of an invalid syntax or that the queried attribute does not exist, an exception is raised and the test fails.
  5. The whole extended variable is replaced with the value returned from the evaluation.

Many standard Python objects, including strings and numbers, have methods that can be used with the extended variable syntax either explicitly or implicitly. Sometimes this can be really useful and reduce the need for setting temporary variables, but it is also easy to overuse it and create really cryptic test data. Following examples show few pretty good usages.

*** Test Cases ***
    ${string} =    Set Variable    abc
    Log    ${string.upper()}      # Logs 'ABC'
    Log    ${string * 2}          # Logs 'abcabc'

    ${number} =    Set Variable    ${-2}
    Log    ${number * 10}         # Logs -20
    Log    ${number.__abs__()}    # Logs 2

Note that even though abs(number) is recommended over number.__abs__() in normal Python code, using ${abs(number)} does not work. This is because the variable name must be in the beginning of the extended syntax. Using __xxx__ methods in the test data like this is already a bit questionable, and it is normally better to move this kind of logic into test libraries.