From a loss of nearly 200 million to "the door of the cave lasts forever", Crocs's ugly shoes turned over
Crocs 带着洞洞鞋杀回来了。 Crocs is back with his Cave Shoes.
2022 年, Crocs 实现营收 35.5 亿美元,大涨 53.7% 创历史新高,今年 Q1 中国更是实现了 110% 的增长。打开小红书,遍布狂热「洞门」信徒。
In 2022, Crocs achieved revenue of $3.55 billion, up 53.7% to a record high, and China achieved 110% growth in Q1 this year. Open the Little Red Book, and there are fanatical "cave door" believers.
这当然是个曲折和励志的故事。2002 年成立的 Crocs,4 年就成功上市,是当时美国最大鞋类 IPO,风头无两。
It's certainly a twisty and inspirational story. Founded in 2002, Crocs was successfully listed in 4 years and was the largest footwear IPO in United States at that time.
但陨落甚至比上升来得更迅速,2008 年亏损 1.85 亿,裁员关店,股价一度暴跌至 1 美元,Crocs 也就此进入了十年沉浮期。高管更替、定位模糊、业绩飘忽,直到 2018 年才走向正轨,并在近两年迎来爆发, 2021 年年底股价曾大涨至 180 美元。
But the fall came even faster than the rise, with a loss of $185 million in 2008, layoffs and store closures, and the stock price plummeting to $1, and Crocs entered a decade of ups and downs. Executive turnover, vague positioning, and erratic performance did not get on track until 2018, and in the past two years, the stock price soared to $180 at the end of 2021.
有意思的是,Crocs 亚太的表现与全球并不完全同步。2021 年全球营收大涨 67%,亚太为 25.7%,位列三大地区最末。2022 年, Crocs 主品牌营收增长 14.9%,亚太却达到了 35.3%,居于首位。
Interestingly, Crocs APAC's performance is not fully in sync with the rest of the world. In 2021, global revenue surged by 67%, and Asia Pacific was at the bottom of the three regions at 25.7%. In 2022, Crocs' main brand revenue increased by 14.9%, while Asia Pacific reached 35.3%, ranking first.
Crocs 的翻红背后究竟有哪些动作,这一波走红与上次有何不同,亚太又有何特殊,我们回顾了这个美国品牌的曲折发展路,总结了以下 6 个关键点。
What are the actions behind Crocs' popularity, how is this wave of popularity different from the last time, and what is special about the Asia-Pacific region, we review the tortuous development path of this United States brand and summarize the following 6 key points.
01 被黑也能为己所用,拓展品牌理念 01 Being hacked can also be used for oneself and expand the brand concept
Crocs 的诞生就与好看无关。作为一双划船鞋,它在 2002 年美国一场游艇展上正式亮相, 200 双销售一空。
Crocs was born for nothing but good looks. As a pair of rowing shoes, it was officially unveiled at a yacht show in the United States in 2002, and 200 pairs were sold out.
舒适轻便、防水、久站不累、方便穿脱和清洗等特点让 Crocs 迅速获得了船上工作者、医护工作者和厨师等人群的青睐,增速惊人。
Comfortable, lightweight, waterproof, easy to put on, take off and wash, Crocs has quickly gained traction with people like shipboard workers, medical workers and cooks.
但关于丑的争议也从未停止。 But the controversy over ugliness has never stopped.
《TIME》将 Crocs 评为 50 项最糟糕的发明之一,评语为「不管有多流行,都很丑」。男性杂志《Maxim》则将其列入 2007 年发生在男人身上最坏的 10 件事之一。Facebook 上甚至有主页名为「让我们烧掉Crocs!」的黑粉组织。
TIME named Crocs one of the 50 worst inventions, with the comment that "no matter how popular it is, it's ugly." The men's magazine Maxim listed it as one of the 10 worst things that happened to men in 2007. There's even a Facebook page called "Let's burn Crocs!" of black powder tissue.
对此,Crocs 一开始选择了自我辩解, 2005 年推出的第一次全国营销活动,主题定为了 Ugly can be Beautiful (丑也可以美),登上《名利场》和《滚石》等平面媒体。
Crocs initially defended himself, launching his first national marketing campaign in 2005 with the theme "Ugly can be Beautiful" and featured in print media such as Vanity Fair and Rolling Stone.
但这略显单薄的发声显然并无法扭转人们的负面印象,于是 Crocs 一度转而选择躺平,彼时签约的广告代理商、美国整合营销和传播机构 Cramer-Krasselt 首席创意官 Marshall Ross 就表示,反对 Crocs 的声音无法避免,「每个有趣的想法都会有两极分化的评价,处在中间则往往激不起什么水花」,他为 Crocs 提供的应对之策是不回应不评价,将宣传重点放在舒适感上。
But this slightly thin voice obviously can't reverse people's negative impressions, so Crocs chose to lie flat for a while, and Marshall Ross, chief creative officer of Cramer-Krasselt, an advertising agency and integrated marketing and communications agency in United States signed at the time, said that opposition to Crocs is inevitable, "every interesting idea will have polarized evaluations, and being in the middle often doesn't make a splash", he is Crocs The response provided is not to respond and not to evaluate, and to focus the promotion on comfort.
而随着千禧一代和 Z 世代步入青中年,吸引年轻人逐渐成了品牌新议题,这也是 2017 年奢侈品牌 LV 与潮流品牌 Supreme 联名的背后推动力之一。这一时代变迁也为 Crocs 打开了应对争议的新思路, 2017年 他们从美丑之争上升到价值理念,推出了 Come As You Are (天生自在)全球营销活动,邀请演员 Drew Barrymore 、 WWE 世界冠军 John Cena 、艺人刘宪华和林允儿讲述自我接纳和保持真我的经历。
As millennials and Gen Z enter middle age, attracting young people has become a new topic for brands, which is one of the driving forces behind the 2017 collaboration between luxury brand LV and trend brand Supreme. In 2017, they moved from beauty and ugliness to values, launching the Come As You Are global marketing campaign, featuring actor Drew Barrymore, WWE World Champion John Cena, artists Hyuna Liu, and Yuna Lim to talk about self-acceptance and staying true to themselves.
The campaign not only encouraged people to wear shoes that they were comfortable with, but also emphasized the need to cherish what makes them special, that is, to "be yourself", and the core of the brand expanded from comfortable clothing to personalized expression. This is the superposition from functional needs to spiritual needs, and more importantly, the emphasis on individuality has laid the groundwork for integrating with fashion trends and entering the young market.
当然,谁都不想被讨厌。关于洞洞鞋,Crocs 也不是没有摇摆过。
Of course, no one wants to be hated. When it comes to cave shoes, Crocs isn't without a wobble.
02 砍掉 50% 产品线,打造洞洞鞋心智 02 Cut 50% of the product line and create a sneaker mentality
为了降低季节性波动、拓展生意上限,以及少被骂丑。Crocs 陆续新增了帆布一脚蹬、皮革凉鞋、玛丽珍鞋、高尔夫鞋等新产品,还卖起了太阳眼镜、泳装和 T 恤。
In order to reduce seasonal fluctuations, expand business ceilings, and be less ugly. Crocs has added new products such as canvas slip-ins, leather sandals, Mary Janes, golf shoes, and sunglasses, swimwear, and T-shirts.
他们甚至特意把洞洞鞋藏在店铺最里面,「如果有人想要,那就先让他们看完所有的新东西」,2013 年时任 CEO 表示。彭博社也在当年报道,经典洞洞鞋在 Crocs 销售额中的占比已经只有 47% 。
They even went so far as to hide their shoes in the back of the store, "if anyone wants it, let them see all the new stuff first," the CEO said in 2013. Bloomberg also reported that year that the classic cave shoes already accounted for only 47% of Crocs' sales.
Untying from hole-in-the-hole shoes and ugliness, and carrying out horizontal category expansion with comfort as the core, has indeed achieved results in performance.
2010 年, Crocs 扭亏为盈,由亏损 4208 万转为实现净利 6773 万,并在 2010-2014 年实现了营收的连续增长。
In 2010, Crocs turned a loss from a loss of 42.08 million to a net profit of 67.73 million, and achieved continuous revenue growth from 2010 to 2014.
但具体来看,会发现营收的增速其实在逐年放缓,并在 2013 年由于资产减值损失和所得税费用大幅增长,净利由 1.31 亿下滑至 1042 万,增收不增利。
However, in 2013, due to the sharp increase in asset impairment losses and income tax expenses, the net profit fell from 131 million to 10.42 million, and the increase in revenue did not increase profits.
What's more, the growth brought about by category expansion is indeed addictive, but it also comes with difficulties in inventory and channel management, brand positioning and image confusion.
2014 年,私募股权集团黑石入股 Crocs ,旗下高级顾问 Gregg Ribatt 也在 2015 年成为了 Crocs 新任 CEO 。不同于 Crocs 原高管团队的背景—— 10 位中 9 位都没有鞋履行业的经验, Gregg Ribatt 出生于一个鞋业家族,且有两次领导的服装鞋履集团被收购的经历。在新的高管团队带领下, Crocs 开始断舍离,并决心重新发现洞洞鞋的价值。
In 2014, private equity group Blackstone took a stake in Crocs, and its senior advisor, Gregg Ribatt, became the new CEO of Crocs in 2015. Unlike the background of Crocs' original executive team, 9 out of 10 had no experience in the footwear industry, Gregg Ribatt was born into a footwear family and led two acquisitions of apparel and footwear groups. Under the leadership of a new executive team, Crocs began to break away and was determined to rediscover the value of the shoe.
在 2014 年年报中, Crocs 明确提出精简鞋类产品线,2015 年年报则在自我介绍去掉了服装, Gregg Ribatt 在 2015 年表示,到 2016 年春季将减少 50% 的产品。
In its 2014 annual report, Crocs made it clear that it would streamline its footwear line, while in its 2015 annual report it introduced itself by removing clothing, and Gregg Ribatt said in 2015 that it would reduce its product by 50% by spring 2016.
此后, Crocs 的策略转为在横向品类拓展上谨慎和克制,但在纵向上打透,也就是在经典洞洞鞋的基础上不断创新,用一个产品线打穿不同场景。
Since then, Crocs' strategy has shifted to being cautious and restrained in horizontal category expansion, but penetrating vertically, that is, constantly innovating on the basis of classic cave shoes, using one product line to penetrate different scenarios.
With the addition of fleece, it becomes suitable for winter wear, with the addition of a platform sole for everyday fashion wear, and with the addition of non-slip and shoe covers, it can also be transformed into hiking shoes. Because of the simplicity of color and shape, the shoes are like a blank canvas that can be painted in different colors to blend into various scenes.
03 踏足时尚,从审美最底层到最顶层 03 Step into fashion, from the bottom to the top of the aesthetic
既然决定重新专注洞洞鞋,那「如何让更多人接受这个丑鞋」对 Crocs 来说就变得尤为重要。
Now that the decision was made to refocus on the sneaker, "how to get more people to accept this ugly shoe" became especially important for Crocs.
与许多运动品牌一样,破局关键是时尚圈。2016 年,时尚设计师 Christopher Kane 在洞洞鞋上点缀上宝石,带上了秀场。2018 年巴黎世家在时装周上更进一步,给洞洞鞋配上了 10 厘米的厚底,被不少网友评价为「丑出新高度」。
As with many sports brands, the key to breaking the game is the fashion industry. In 2016, fashion designer Christopher Kane embellished his shoes with gems and brought them to the runway. In 2018, Balenciaga went one step further at Fashion Week, adding a 10-centimeter platform sole to the shoes, which was praised by many netizens as "ugly to a new height".
之后 Crocs 还与日本 BEAMS 等时尚品牌陆续推出合作款。总的来说虽然评价褒贬不一,但脚已经踏入了时尚圈,给了消费者一种看待洞洞鞋的新视角。
Since then, Crocs has also launched collaborations with fashion brands such as Japan's BEAMS. Overall, although the reviews are mixed, the foot has stepped into the fashion circle, giving consumers a new perspective on hole shoes.
一个重要的转折发生在 2021 年 12 月。前 YEEZY 设计师、前 Versace 球鞋设计师 Salehe Bembury 与 Crocs 合作推出了Pollex Clog,也就是指纹洞洞鞋。这是 Crocs 首次允许设计师改变洞洞鞋的外观,这次大胆尝试成果显著,社交平台讨论热度高涨,二级市场价格水涨船高。
An important turning point occurred in December 2021. Former YEEZY designer and former Versace sneaker designer Salehe Bembury has teamed up with Crocs to create the Pollex Clog, or Fingerprint Hole Shoe. This is the first time that Crocs has allowed designers to change the look of their shoes, and the results have been remarkable, with heated discussions on social media and rising prices in the secondary market.
StockX 的 Big Facts 显示,在 2021 年 11 月 1 日至 2022 年 10 月 31 日期间, Crocs 产品的平均溢价高达 98% ,高于其他主流鞋履品牌。在被称为「鞋界奥斯卡」的 FNAA 评选中, Crocs 当选 2021 年度鞋款。至少在潮鞋圈,「Crocs 变好看了」得到了更广泛的认知和认可。
StockX's Big Facts shows that between November 1, 2021 and October 31, 2022, Crocs products were at an average premium of 98%, which is higher than other major shoe brands. In the FNAA awards, known as the "Oscars of the Shoe World", Crocs was named the 2021 Shoe of the Year. At least in the fashion shoe circle, "Crocs has become better" has been more widely recognized and recognized.
04 产品:越来越厚,越来越贵 04 Products: Thicker and more expensive
与时尚品牌和设计师推出的联名款,不仅给 Crocs 带来了一时的声量和购买力,还影响了常规款的设计风格,最明显的特征就是鞋底越来越高,越来越厚。
Collaborations with fashion brands and designers not only gave Crocs a momentary boost and purchasing power, but also influenced the design style of the regular models, most notably with taller, thicker soles.
2021 年云朵款为增高 4 厘米,2022 年泡芙款和光轮款分别是 5 厘米和 6 厘米,上个月刚推出的人鱼鞋,直接来到了 9 厘米,变身高跟鞋。
In 2021, the cloud model is 4 cm taller, in 2022, the puff model and the light wheel model are 5 cm and 6 cm respectively, and the mermaid shoes that were just launched last month came directly to 9 cm and turned into high heels.
This continuation of style is also the reason why some people on Xiaohongshu refer to bare-wheeled shoes as Balenciaga's replacement. The thicker and larger sole also brings a new feature of increasing height and making the leg line appear more slender. "Short Boy Le", this is a label that has not been seen in the wave of dongdong shoes when they became popular in China.
除了风格,Crocs 在定价上似乎也在与时尚品牌靠近。在淘宝旗舰店上,经典常规款售价在 300-400 元之间,而云朵款、泡芙款、光轮款则分别为 639 元、739 元、879 元。
In addition to style, Crocs also seems to be getting closer to fashion brands in terms of pricing. On the Taobao flagship store, the classic regular model is priced between 300-400 yuan, while the cloud model, puff model, and light wheel model are 639 yuan, 739 yuan, and 879 yuan respectively.
Crocs 也很会利用联名来为常规款造势。光轮作为新鞋型,曾在与伦敦独立设计品牌 Lazy Oaf 联名款中亮相。而国内则是先在 9 月底与设计师品牌 SusanFang 合作,登上了伦敦时装周。紧接着又出现在了 10 月与欧阳娜娜的第二波联名款、 7-Eleven 联名款中国限定配色中。
Crocs is also very good at using co-branding to build momentum for regular models. The light wheel is a new silhouette that was featured in a collaboration with London-based independent design label Lazy Oaf. In China, it first cooperated with designer brand SusanFang at the end of September and appeared in London Fashion Week. Then it appeared in the second wave of collaborations with Ouyang Nana in October, and the 7-Eleven collaboration in China-limited colorways.
In a word, first co-branded with fashion brands, labeled as trendy, and then co-branded with celebrities and mass consumer brands to open up voice and attention.
05 频签代言人,圈住流量和人 05 Frequently sign spokespersons to circle traffic and people
从全球来看,Crocs 的回暖在 2018 年就已经开始,至今连续 5 年营收和净利双增。但亚太的表现没有跟上,在总收入的占比一度逐年递减。2019 年全球营收上涨 13.1 %,亚太涨幅仅为 1% 。
Globally, Crocs' recovery began in 2018 and has seen revenue and net profit increase for five consecutive years. However, the performance of the Asia-Pacific region has not kept up, and its share of total revenue has been decreasing year by year. Global revenue increased by 13.1% in 2019 and only 1% in Asia Pacific.
也是在 2019 年,中国战略转型正式启动。Crocs 副总裁兼中国区总经理陶乐宇接受界面时尚采访时表示, Crocs 从 2019 年开始将品牌叙事对准年轻都市女性,「但很让我们惊讶的是,许多 90 后女性消费者对我们没什么了解」。
It was also in 2019 that China's strategic transformation was officially launched. Tao Leyu, vice president and general manager of Crocs China, said in an interview with Interface Fashion that Crocs has been targeting young urban women since 2019, "but what surprises us is that many post-90s female consumers don't know much about us."
理解 Crocs 在中国的转型和翻红,明星代言人是极好的注脚。
To understand Crocs' transformation and popularity in China, celebrity spokespersons are an excellent footnote.
- 2019 年 2 月,金晨成为全球代言人之一。 In February 2019, Jin Chen became one of the global spokespersons.
- 2020 年 1 月,杨幂成为品牌全球代言人。 In January 2020, Yang Mi became the global spokesperson of the brand.
- 2021 年 5 月,白宇成为品牌大使,周雨彤成为魅力大使。
In May 2021, Bai Yu became a brand ambassador and Zhou Yutong became a charm ambassador. - 2021 年 12 月,欧阳娜娜成为全球活力代言人。
In December 2021, Ouyang Nana became the global vitality spokesperson. - 2022 年 3 月,白敬亭成为全球时尚代言人。 In March 2022, Bai Jingting became a global fashion spokesperson.
自带流量,吸引年轻人,明星的基本作用不用多说,而具体来看,Crocs 与代言人的合作方式和重点其实有所变化。2019 年签约金晨,主要落点在她从舞者到演员的转型,描绘的是关于「我」的舒适赞礼,找寻内心深处的生活本能,勇于表达最真实的自我,重在品牌理念的传递。
Needless to say, the basic role of celebrities comes from bringing their own traffic and attracting young people, but specifically, the way and focus of Crocs and spokespersons have actually changed. In 2019, she signed a contract with Jin Chen, mainly focusing on her transformation from dancer to actor, depicting a comfortable tribute to "me", finding her inner life instinct, having the courage to express her truest self, and focusing on the transmission of the brand concept.
而与杨幂的合作,则突出了她甜酷 ICON 的定位,推出了特别定制款「幂风洞洞鞋」,穿搭和风格成为重点。
The cooperation with Yang Mi highlighted her positioning as a sweet and cool ICON, and launched a special customized "Mifeng Cave Shoes", with outfits and styles becoming the focus.
「幂风洞洞鞋」是在经典鞋款的基础上,定制鞋面上的「鞋花」。与欧阳娜娜和白敬亭的合作则更进一步。先是与欧阳娜娜个人品牌 ROOM 1042 推出限量联名款,随后与时装设计师上官喆、白敬亭服饰品牌 GOODBAI 三方联名推出限量款,不仅是鞋花,在外观上也有所改动。
"Power Wind Cave Shoes" is a custom "shoe flower" on the upper of the classic shoe. The cooperation with Ouyang Nana and Bai Jingting has gone further. First, it launched a limited edition collaboration with Ouyang Nana's personal brand ROOM 1042, and then launched a limited edition with fashion designer Shangguan Zhe and Bai Jingting's clothing brand GOODBAI, which not only changed the shoe flowers, but also changed the appearance.
在这种合作中,明星等于扮演了时尚设计师的角色,只是「更接地气」。比如与欧阳娜娜联名推出的猫咪鞋,可爱、元气,也是继指纹洞洞鞋之后,第二次在大范围内,尤其是女性群体中得到了主流审美的肯定。而回顾 Crocs 中国代言人海报,也能明显看出时尚化和潮流化的趋势。
In this collaboration, the star plays the role of a fashion designer, only "more down-to-earth". For example, the cat shoes jointly launched with Ouyang Nana are cute and energetic, and they are also the second time that they have been affirmed by the mainstream aesthetics in a wide range, especially among women, after the fingerprint hole shoes. Looking back at the Crocs China spokesperson poster, it is also clear that the trend of fashion and trend can be seen.
06 多变鞋花,踩中时髦趋势 06 Changeable shoe flowers, stepping on the fashion trend
至此,从难以欣赏的 10 厘米厚底秀场款,到好评颇多的明星联名款,再到日常大众脚踩的经典款。就像一个金字塔,越往上价格越贵,审美越奇特,受众越少,但塔尖可以自上而下层层施加影响,而 Crocs 也通过对自身产品的改变,在美与丑之间找到了暂时的平衡。
So far, from the hard-to-appreciate 10cm thick-soled runway model, to the much-praised celebrity collaboration model, to the classic model that the daily public steps on. Like a pyramid, the higher up the price, the more peculiar the aesthetic, the smaller the audience, but the spire can exert influence from the top down, and Crocs has also found a temporary balance between beauty and ugliness by changing its own products.
这种平衡的成立,与近几年 Y2K 风格回潮、厚底运动鞋流行、多巴胺穿搭受欢迎有着密不可分的关系。而 Crocs 能在这些潮流中占据一席之地,「鞋花」又扮演了重要角色。
The establishment of this balance is inseparable from the resurgence of Y2K style, the popularity of platform sneakers, and the popularity of dopamine wear in recent years. Crocs can take its place in these trends, and "shoe flowers" play an important role.
「鞋花」,是安插在洞洞鞋上的装饰品,官方产品称为智必星,Crocs 早在 2006 年就收购了这一业务,强调个性化,而国内是在洞洞鞋逐渐时尚化后,才迎来了 DIY 热潮。
"Shoe flower" is an ornament placed on the shoes, the official product is called Zhibixing, Crocs acquired this business as early as 2006, emphasizing personalization, and the domestic shoes are gradually fashionable, only ushered in the DIY boom.
打开小红书搜索 Crocs,高热度笔记中重复度最高的几个字大概是「交出你的鞋花」和「求链接」,走可爱风可以挂上亮闪闪的水晶、粉色蝴蝶结,走俏皮风可以装上大号绒毛玩具,酷一点的可以嵌上一条银色链条,甚至还有挂上珍珠的宫廷风。
Open Xiaohongshu and search for Crocs, the most repetitive words in the hot notes are probably "hand over your shoe flowers" and "ask for a link", you can hang shiny crystals and pink bows in the cute style, you can put a large plush toy in the playful style, a silver chain embedded in the cool ones, and even a palace style with pearls.
小红书是个很好的发酵场,尽管源头已经很难回溯,但可以看到的是 Crocs 在平台上合作了很多穿搭内容,覆盖遛狗穿搭、亲子穿搭、徒步穿搭、黑皮穿搭、 All Black 穿搭等各种关键词,几乎每种都少不了「鞋花」的参与。
Xiaohongshu is a good fermentation ground, although the source is difficult to trace, but it can be seen that Crocs has cooperated with a lot of clothing content on the platform, covering various keywords such as dog walking, parent-child wearing, hiking wearing, black leather wearing, All Black wearing, etc., almost all of which are indispensable for the participation of "shoe flowers".
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丑还是不丑,对于 Crocs 来说,是个真问题。从在中国翻红的时间线和关键时间点来看,疫情加速的舒适化穿着趋势确实是东风,踏入娱乐圈和时尚圈也是不可或缺的一步。
To be ugly or not to be ugly is a real question for Crocs. Judging from the timeline and key time points of China's popularity, the trend of comfortable clothing accelerated by the epidemic is indeed an east wind, and stepping into the entertainment industry and fashion circle is also an indispensable step.