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- TheMeanOnes ServerSide Helipad
TheMeanOnes ServerSide Helipad
TheMeanOnes 服务器端直升机停机坪
Endorsements 代言
Unique DLs 唯一 DL467
Total DLs DL 总数517
Total views 总浏览量2,922
Version 版本1.0
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TheMeanOneModsVirus scan 病毒扫描
About this mod 关于这个 Mod
This is a Simple ServerSide Modlet that adds a Helicopter Pad in to the game that is craftable in the Mixer! Say goodbye to lucky landings and hello to precision landings!
这是一个简单的服务器端 Modlet,可在游戏中添加一个可在 Mixer 中制作的直升机停机坪!告别幸运着陆,向精确着陆问好!
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TheMeanOnes 服务器端直升机停机坪
Picture this: you're racing back to your base, the Blood Moon rising in two minutes. Adrenaline surges as your copter closes in, but in the chaos, you miss your landing area! Disaster? Not anymore. With the ServerSide Helipad, crafted in the Concrete Mixer, you'll always have a reliable and secure landing zone waiting for you. Say goodbye to crash landings and hello to smooth, pinpoint accuracy—even when time is running out.
想象一下: 你正在赶回你的基地,血月在两分钟内升起。当您的直升机靠近时,肾上腺素飙升,但在混乱中,您错过了着陆区!灾难?现在不是了。使用在混凝土搅拌机中制作的服务器端直升机停机坪,您将始终有一个可靠且安全的着陆区等着您。告别迫降,迎接平稳、精确的准确性 - 即使时间不多了。
Prepare for the Blood Moon in style and land like a pro!
With this Simple ServerSide Modlet you now have more control over the look and customization of your base!
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