While I'm not exactly hooked,I find myself being drawn in,intrigued to findout more about this world ofultra running.A few weeks after Oman,I get to meet Elisabet again.I've been commis- sioned to interview her for an article for the Guardian,so she comes to meet me at the newspaper's offices in central London,where we sit on leather sofas,drinking espresso as people queue to buy their lunchtimesandwiches.I ask her how she first started ultra running.
虽然我并不完全迷上,但我发现自己被吸引了,很感兴趣地发现了更多关于这个世界跑步的世界。阿曼几周后,我再次见面Elisabet 。 《卫报》的一篇文章,所以她来到伦敦市中心的Newspape R办事处会见我,我们坐在皮革沙发上,喝浓缩咖啡作为人们排队购买他们的午餐时间和午餐时间。
She tells me she used to be a keen marathon runner,fitting her training in around a well- paid job in London's financial district.'T kept improving,'she says.'But there came a point when I thought,what shall I donow?I could run a marathon faster-which is,of course,difficult,and a good challenge-or I could go further.And Ijust thought it would be interesting to explore the going further.'
Her decision to delve into ultra running was accelerated by some unexpected life events. Within a short span of time her father died,her mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's,and her husband got cancer.'All of those things,'she says,'make you realise thatlife isvery short,andyou just have to do it,you can't sitandwait.'
So she quit her job in the City and set off in search of adventure.To fund her way she set up her running shop,but since winning the MdS and now the Oman race,people have started writing articles about her,and sponsorship deals have beguntocome her way.This makes it easier for her to travel to races and take on morechallenges.What started off as a risky move seems to be paying off.
Listening to her talk,I too feela stirring.It reminds me of the feeling I had when Ifirst decided to run a marathon.The idea had been hovering on the horizon for years,watching me as Itackled shorter races,wondering what was taking me so long.Suddenly,it was time.Life was moving on. So I ran a marathon.
Ever since then,on the horizon,I keep catching glimpses of a trail up a mountain.A long, winding trail.I'm forty-two years old.I've had a few decent attempts at the marathon.Maybe it is time to explore the going further.To explore just what it is that people find out there on that trail that compels them to run these improbable distances.
It's so intriguing that I'm soon on the phone to my editor.'Tthink I've foundmy nextsubject,'I say.I've written booksabout travelling to Kenya and Japan to explore two unique running cultures. This time I'm drawn to investigate a cross-cultural,global phenomenon,which I'm onlyjust begin-
ning to realise is so huge.What is this world of ultra running?Who are the people takingpart? What is itall about?The best way to find out,I decide,isto sign up for another race.
Over the last decade,ultra running has grown at a staggering rate,becomingone of the fastest- growing sports in the world.
The website lists most of the world's biggest ultra marathons.Its founder,Steve Diederich,tells me that when he set it up twelve years ago he found 160 races listed globally.He now has over 1,800 races on the site-an increase of over 1,000 per cent.The German ultra run- ning website DUV,meanwhile,lists the results of many smaller races,with its forensic database going all the way back to the first 89km London to Brighton race in 1837.Over the last ten years the site plots a similar 1,000 per cent increase in the number of ultra races around the world.
网站列出了世界上大多数最大的Ultra Maratho NS.ITS创始人Steve Diederich,告诉我,当他将其设置十二年前时,他在全球列出了160场比赛。他现在在网站上有1,800多场比赛。 - 增加了超过1,000%的人。与此同时,德国超级奔跑网站杜夫(Duv)列出了许多较小种族的结果,其法医数据库一直回到1837年的第一个89公里伦敦到布莱顿比赛。最后一年该网站绘制了相似的1,000 % ID = 70>在世界各地的Ultra比赛中。
Andy Nuttall,the editor of ULTRA magazine,drilled down deeper into the DUV statistics and found that in the UK the rise of the sport hasbeen even steeper:in 2000,only 595 people finished an ultra marathon in the UK.By 2017,the number of finishers had grown to 18,611.
Ultra Magazine的编辑Andy Nuttall对DUV统计数据进行了深入研究,并发现在英国, Sport Hosbeen的兴起甚至更陡峭: 2000年,只有595人在英国举行了一场超级马拉松比赛, 2017年,2017年,这是一场超级马拉松比赛。 Nu Mber的成品已增长到18,611 。
Everywhere I look,it's a similar story.Ultra Running magazine in the US collects figures for North America,which show the number ofraces and finishers increasing every year since 1981.In Asia,too,the number of ultra races has exploded.Nic Tinworth,a race director in Hong Kong,tells me that ten years ago there were six ultra races in the territory,but that there are now over sixty. In previous years,'he says,'you couldjustturn upon the day in Hong Kong and enter,but now the most popular races sell out in minutes.'
我到处都在看,这是一个类似的故事。美国的《跑步杂志》为北美收集了数字,这表明自1981年以来,每年都有数量和终结者的数量在亚洲。香港的一名竞赛总监告诉我,十年前,该领土上有六场超级比赛,但现在有六十多场比赛。在过去的几年中,”他说,“您可以在香港的那一天进入并进入,但现在 ID = 73>最受欢迎的比赛在几分钟之内售罄。
Many of the world's most over-subscribed races,such as the Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc in France and the Western States 100 in theUS,have had toimplement lotterysystems to copewith the numbers wanting to take part.Diederich manages the UK entries for the Marathon des Sables. Despite the steepf4,250 entry fee,he says the race sells out each year in a couple of minutes.
世界上许多最征收的种族,例如法国和西方州100的Ultra-Trail du Mont-blanc ,在Theus中,有训练的彩色系统,可以与想要参与的数字保持一致。 Diederich管理英国马拉松比赛的参赛作品。尽管有4,250个入场费,但他说,这场比赛每年在几分钟内售罄。
What are all these runners striving for?I experienced something transformative in Oman that stayed with me long after therace.But I sense there is more to discover.Ifell apart over thelast two stages and almost gave up.Imagine ifI could stay strong,even in theface of such a challenge.
I remember being struck by a photograph I saw of the Spanish ultra athlete AzaraGarcía,who has a tattoo on her legthat reads(in Spanish):
我记得我看到了我看到的西班牙超级运动员Azaragarcía的Photograp H ,她的腿上有纹身(西班牙语):
TheDevilwhispered in my ear:'You're not strong enough to withstand the storm.' I whispered back:'T am the storm.'
在我的ear中,Thedevilwhisper :“您不足以承受暴风雨。”我低声说:“这是暴风雨。”
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Is this the appeal of ultra running?To push ourselves to a place where we stand face to face with the Devil,the depths of the struggle,but then to rise up and overcome it?Could I stare into the storm-whatever it may be,whatever is thrown at me-and overwhelm it with the force of my will?It is an enticing thought.And a far cry from the FT journalist complaining because his bus to the hotel is late.
I have to admit,this is all very appealing to my ego.I find myself watching a documentary about human evolution and the role running played in it,and a Professor of Anthropology at Hunter College in New York says:'We even have on record humans who can run 100 miles in one go.'He says it as if it is scarcely credible,like these must be some kind of super-humans.And I spy my egoglancing over at me with that cocksure look thatsays:you could do that.
必须承认,这对我的自我非常有吸引力。我发现自己观看了有关人类进化和Ru Nning在其中扮演的纪录片,纽约亨特学院的人类学教授说: “我们甚至继续说:记录人类一口气跑100英里的人。可以做到。
As the US comedian andultra runner Michelle Wolf puts it in an interview with Runner's World magazine:'Tt does kind of make you feel like a badass.'
正如美国喜剧演员和杜尔特拉(Andultra)跑步者米歇尔·沃尔夫(Michelle Wolf)在接受《跑步者世界》杂志采访时所说:“ TT确实使您感觉像个坏蛋。”
Talking to other ultra runners,however,I get the feeling that it isn't only the satisfaction and validation of overcoming the challenge and making it tothe finish that appeals to them,but also the feeling of oblivion they get from striding into the midst of the storm in the first place,from teetering so close to the edge.Digging in the pain cave,as seasoned ultra runners describe it with relish.
然而,与其他超级不合适的交谈,我感到这不仅是克服Chall Enge并使其具有吸引力的终点的满意和验证,还可以使他们从迈向他们的感觉。首先,风暴中间是从如此靠近边缘的摇摇欲坠。
When I start scouting aroundfor racesto enter,I find myself looking at the race profiles,and each time I feel a ripple of fear in my stomach.It seems that everyultra racehas to produce a slick, short film with dramatic,sweeping shots and lots of high drama.And always,at some point,it shows someone looking broken,close totears.The runners look more like survivors of some near- apocalyptic disaster than sportsmen and women.It is telling that these are the images they choose to advertise the race.People want to experience this despair,they want to get this close to their own self-destruction.
Many ultra runners tell me they were inspired to take up the sport after reading Dean Kar- nazes's first book,Ultra Marathon Man.In it he describes in minute detail the process of being broken bya 100-mile race,with one thing afteranother failing in his body and mind until it seems nothing is left and he is literally crawling along the road on his hands and knees.I read it and I shudder.I don't want to hurt that badly.But other runners say they read that and thought:‘That's what I want.
许多Ultra跑步者告诉我,在阅读Dean Karnazes的第一本书《 Ultra Marathon Man 》之后,他受到启发,从事这项运动。呃,他的身心失败了,直到似乎没有剩下的东西,他实际上是在手和膝盖上爬行。 id = 75>他们读了并思考:'这就是想要的。
So,a little scared,but withmyego convinced thatI'm tough enough,I begin to search for a race that will give me the full experience of ultra running,that will deliver me into the heart of this growing sport,that will reveal the secrets and allow meto fully understand what is going on.
It is a big,unwieldy thing to getmy headaround,asport morphing in many directions at once. With no central overseeing body or organisation,the races,interest groups and self-appointed
guardians of ultra running jostle and fight for control and fora cut of the increasing amounts of money sloshing around.It's a Wild West ofa sport,still untamed,with many of the original pro- spectors fiercely protective ofit,pushing back against the encroachment of brands'and'outsiders' -people,they feel,who don't understand the ethos of the sport.For many,part of the appeal of ultra running is its low-key,Into the Wild'minimalism,a chance to lose yourself in the wilder- ness,to cross the toughest,most extreme environments on Earth with little more than a flask of waterand a rainjacket.
超级奔跑的守护者,争取控制和控制越来越多的金钱晃动。它是一个狂野的西部港口,仍然没有受到驯服,许多原始的亲人都施加了猛烈的保护性保护性,向后退,推动他们认为,成就品牌和'out'outsiders' - 他们不了解这项运动的精神。对于许多人来说,超级奔跑的吸引力是其低调的一部分,是野生'Minimalis M在荒野中迷失自己,越过 ID = 72 >最艰难,地球上极端环境,只有一瓶水和雨衣。
For some seasoned ultra runners,the influx of newcomers is already too much,and they are turning their backs on the big races in search of more isolated challenges.One outlet for these people,who hate mass starts and goodybags even more than a long night of hypothermia cling- ing to the side of a frozenrock face,is another growing phenomenon called FKTs(Fastest Known Times).This is where people head off,often alone,to run a set routefaster than anyone ever(know- ingly)has before.It could be from one end of New Zealand to the other,or a famous hiking trail such asthe Appalachian Trail in the US.Or to the top of Mount Everest.
对于一些经验丰富的超级跑步者而言,新来者的涌入已经太多了,他们正在反向更孤立的挑战的大型比赛。这些人的媒体是,他们讨厌群众的人,而戈德巴格则比一个比一个更大的东西漫长的体温过低的夜晚紧贴在冰冻岩面的一侧,是另一个名为FKTS的现象(最快的已知时代)。这是人们通常独自一人前往固定路线的地方,比任何人都更快地运行固定路线( )之前。 ID = 71>对另一个的西兰,或一条著名的远足小径,例如美国的阿巴拉契亚T轨,或到珠穆朗玛峰的顶部。
But I'll find out more about these later.For now I am looking for races.They are OK with me.I have run many races over the years.I'mjustlooking to runfurther,that's all.
A word you commonly hear when people talk about ultra races is 'runnable'.Some races are considered more runnable than others.Thisdoesn't necessarily mean you can run the whole way, unless you're one of the sport's superstars,but in theory the trail is smooth enough,the ascents and descents manageable enough,that you can run most of it.Some athletes complain when races are too runnable.These peopleprefer the opposite,known in ultra jargon as 'technical'races, where the climbs and descents are too steep and the ground too uneven to run freely.Races where you need to watch your step and occasionally use your hands.
当Peo Ple谈论超级比赛是“可奔跑的”时,您通常会听到的一个词。某些种族比其他种族更容易跑。但是从理论上讲,步道足够平稳,上升和下降足够可管理,您可以在大部分时间里运行。当比赛太跑时,有些运动员抱怨这些人相反,在Ultra Jar Gon中被称为“ Technology'Races”,称为“技术”攀登和下降太陡,牙齿d的地方太不平坦而无法运行 id = 69>自由。您需要观察步骤并偶尔使用双手。
I definitely veer towards runnable over technical.Sure,we canwalk the tough parts,and I'm OK with some scrambling over rocks,but ifIdo this,I still want to run.
绝对可以转向te te Chnical 。
The world of ultra running is atree with many branches.The oldest of these,at leastin the UK, is fell running,known as hill runningin Scotland and mountain running in Ireland.These races can be of any length,from a mile to unfixed ultra distances,and take place across mountains and on mostly unmarked routes,meaning some self-navigation is usually required.The first known fell race took place way back in 1040,when King Malcolm Canmore of Scotland organised one in Braemar in Aberdeenshire to help him select a swift messenger.
Ultra Running的世界是Atree的世界,有许多分支机构,其中最古老的是英国跌倒,被称为爱尔兰的Hill Runningin scotland和Mountain在爱尔兰跑步。发生在Ains山和大多数未标记的路线上,这意味着通常需要进行一些自动化。首次已知的跌倒比赛是在1040年进行的,当时苏格兰国王Malcolm Canmore在Aberdeenshire的Braemar组织了一名,以帮助他选择迅捷的迅速信使。
Despite its long history,fellrunning remainsa parochial branchof the sport.Its local roots and low-key,no-nonsense character are part ofits appeal and are fiercely protected.I'dlove to try it,but when I think about takingupultra running,what I'm really imagining is something more global and all-encompassing.The part of the sport responsible for the boom in numbers
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Another branch of ultra running,and one that is seeing a big rise in the number of people taking part,is the multi-day stage races suchas the Marathon des Sables,which are usually held in exotic,inhospitable places:deserts,the jungle,the Arctic Circle.These races are expensive to enter and require lots of planning
There is disdainin some parts of the ultra running world towards some of these big multi-day races.Part of the resentment is against the cost and the corresponding hype of races such as the MdS.'A holiday for CEOs'is how one ultra runner described them to me.Having been out there in the desert,I could see it was tough and gruelling,but also we did spend a good part of each day re- covering in our tents.And despite being completely unprepared for it,I had been running near the front of the race for much of the time.A holiday may be pushing it,but I'm sure there are tougher, more competitive racesout there.
超级跑步世界中的某些部分有些不屑一顾,其中一些大型日期竞赛。一方面,不满的是违反成本和相应的种族炒作,例如MDS 。跑步者向我描述了他们。在沙漠中享受了be,我可以看到这是艰难而艰难的,但是我们每天都花了很大一部分时间在帐篷里覆盖。尽管完全没有准备,我一直在比赛的前面跑步 ID = 72>在大部分时间里,假期可能会推动它,但我确信那里的比赛更加激烈。
Indeed,another offshoot of the sport includes a whole host of racesso tough and extreme that each one seems to occupy its own category.These include races such as the Spine Race,which traverses 268 miles of the Pennine Way in the north of England.Non-stop.In January.Or the Badwater 135,which starts in Death Valley in California,oneof the hottest placeson Earth,where temperatures in the race have hit 54℃.Or the Barkley Marathons,an extreme 100-milerace on an unmarked route through remote mountains in Tennessee-so tough that in the first twenty-five years of the race only ten people managed to finish it.Orthere is the longest ultrarace in the world: the SelfTranscendence 3100,which is a 3,100-mile race around a single city block in New York City.
的确,这项运动的另一项分支包括大量的Racesso Tough and Extreme ,每个人似乎都占据了自己的类别。这些种族将赛车作为脊柱种族,在英格兰北部横穿Pennine Way的268英里。 1月份或Badwater 135,从加利福尼亚的Deat H Valley开始,这是最热的地方地球,在比赛中,比赛中的温度H Ave命中了54℃或Barkley Marathons ,这是一场极端的100英里兰穿过田纳西州偏远山脉的未标记路线 ID = 71 >很难的是,在比赛的头二十五年中,只有十个人设法完成了比赛。在纽约市。
I'm looking for something to push me to my limits,but I'm not insane.And I still want to run. You can't run for 3,100 miles.Races like the Barkley Marathons are more about your wits,your mind and your survival skills than running.I want that,too,but I want it to still be,to some de- gree,a runningrace.
我正在寻找将我推到极限s的东西,但我并不疯狂。仍然想跑步。您不能跑3,100英里。像巴克利马拉松一样的划线更多地是关于您的智慧,您的思想和生存技巧,而不是跑步。 。
Another offshoot of the ultra world,one where you can run,are the mostly flat,looped races over accurately measured distances such as 100km,or races that go on for a set time,such as 24- hourraces.There are world championships and world records in these races,which bear the clos- est resemblance to regular marathon running
These races interest me,but,like fell running,they aren't the reason for the phenomenal rise in ultra running.Little has changed in the participation levels in these events since the 1980s,or the 1950s,or even way back to their heyday in the 1870s.
It's an interesting aside to note that while these fixed-loop ultra races are today among the least glamorous and least heralded of all the ultra running branches,they were once among the biggest sporting events in the world.
It seems strange to us now,but in the nineteenth century,the sport of ultra running was incredibly popular,with huge crowds turning up to cheer on competitors in six-day races around tight indoor tracks in London or at New York's Madison Square Garden.Hefty prizes worth hun- dreds of thousands of pounds in today's money were taken home by the victors,while the fash- ionable and well-to-do of the day mingled with the rowdy crowds that turned upto bet,drink and socialise.
现在对我们来说似乎很奇怪,但是在19日的第十九纪念日中,超级跑步运动非常受欢迎,巨大的Cr Owds在伦敦或纽约麦迪逊广场周围的六天竞赛中为竞争者加油打气花园。今天的钱价值数千英镑的奖金是由维克多( Victor s)带回家的,而那一天的愚蠢和良好的奖金与那天的喧闹人群混合在一起,这些人群与那些变成赌注的饮料并进行了社交活动。
The sport rose in popularity in part on the back of the exploits of an American namedEdward Payson Weston.It all began when,in 1861,after losing a bet with a friend over the outcome of the 1860 presidential election,he was forced to walk the 478 miles from Boston to Washington DC in ten days,in aneffort to make it in time to witness the inauguration of President Abraham Lincoln. As news of his feat of endurance got out,it stirred the curiosity of people living along the route,and crowds started coming out and lining the streets to see him walk through their town.
这项运动的流行程度在某种程度上是在一名名叫Payson Weston的美国人的漏洞的背面。这一切始于1861年,在与一个朋友失去了1860年总统大选的结果后,他被迫走路。从波士顿到华盛顿特区的478英里在十天内,在阿纳夫特(Anfort)及时见证了亚伯拉罕·林肯( Abraham Lincol )总统的就职典礼。随着他的耐力壮举的消息,它激起了人们沿着路线的人们的好奇心,人群开始出来并衬里 ID = 70>看到他穿过他们的城镇的街道。
Hecaused such a stir that when he got to Washington,although he missed the inauguration by a few hours,he was invited to the president's ball that evening and got to shake hands with Presi- dent Lincoln.
Encouraged by this reaction,over the next few years Westonundertooka series of ever more challenging routes.By all accounts a showman-he sometimes played a bugle while walking,or walked backwards to entertain thecrowds-by the 1870s Weston's fame as a long-distance walker had grown to the point where he decided to capitalise by bringing his act indoors where he could charge people to watch.As aresult he set in motion a craze for six-day races-the longest time you could walk and run without encroaching on the sanctity ofthe Sabbath.Over the next few years he held a series of closely foughtand wildly popular head-to-head matches with an Irish American called Daniel O'Leary.
受到这种反应的鼓舞,在接下来的几年中,韦斯诺恩·德鲁卡( Westonun Dertooka )系列越来越具有挑战性的路线。远距离沃克已经成长到他决定通过将自己的表演带到这里来利用的地步侵占安息日的神圣性。 ID = 69>接下来的几年,他与爱尔兰美国人丹尼尔·奥利里(Daniel O'Leary)举行了一系列非常受欢迎的头对头比赛。
The six-day race reached its pinnacle in 1878 when a British nobleman,Sir John Astley,spon- sored five international races for lucrative prize money and a championship gold and silver belt inscribed with the words'Long Distance Champion of the World'.
这场为期六天的比赛在1878年达到了巅峰之作,当时一个贵族贵族约翰·阿斯特利爵士(Sir John Astley)因有利可图的奖金而赢得了五场国际比赛,冠军的黄金和银色腰带上刻有长途冠军。
Previous incarnations of the sport of pedestrianism,as itwas known,are recorded asfar back as theearly 1700s.While these races,often of 1,000 milesin length,also drew large crowds,they were strictly walking races,with rules about heel-to-toe contact similar totoday's walking com- petitions.In contrast,the six-day races of the 1870s were more akin to modernultra running,and became known as 'go-as-you-please'matches in which contestants could walk,run or rest when- ever they wanted.
The Astley Belt contests were the biggest sporting events of any sort during the period, complete with brass bands,enthusiastic press coverage and substantial betting.The first of the five races took place in London in 1878,in the Agricultural Hall,Islington,and pitted seventeen
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Englishmen against the Irish-born O'Leary from America-Weston's old foe.O'Leary won the race, covering a total distance of 520 miles.
英国人反对来自美国西部旧敌人的爱尔兰出生的O'Leary 。
The second Astley Belt race was held later thatyear before capacity crowds totalling over 30,000 at Madison Square Garden in New York.O'Leary,the champion,won again to take home the $10,000 first prize(over $250,000 in today's money),plus a portion of the gate and side-bets.
第二届阿斯特利腰带R ACE随后举行了,在纽约的麦迪逊广场花园的容量人群中,冠军冠军赢得了10,000美元的一等奖(今天的钱超过250,000美元),再加上一个大门和侧篮的一部分。
The third race,in March 1879,again at Madison Square Garden,had a first prize of over $20,000.Public interest in the competition was now so intense that hourly bulletins were posted in the city's bar-rooms,barber shops,grocery stores andhotels,and the city's newspapers carried daily reports.
1879年3月的第三场比赛再次在麦迪逊广场花园(Madison Square Garden),获得了超过20,000美元的一等奖。对比赛的公共兴趣现在如此激烈,以至于每小时的Bulle Tins被张贴在城市的酒吧房,Barb ER商店,杂货店,杂货店Andhotels和该市的报纸每天都有报道。
It wasn't until the fourth race that the sport's great pioneer,Edward Weston,finally got his hands on the unofficial world title.With the race back in Islington,London,the American won in a newworld best,covering a total of 550 miles over the six days.
直到第四场比赛,这项运动的先驱者爱德华·韦斯顿( Edward Weston )终于获得了非正式的世界冠军。在伦敦伊斯灵顿的比赛中,美国人以新世界的最佳成绩获胜,总共覆盖了550英里在六天内。
Alas,in the 1880s the sport went into decline as othersports began to grow to rival it.Matthew Algeo,author of the book Pedestrianism:When Watching People Walk Was America's FavoriteSpecta- tor Sport,says the rise of cycling,in particular,was key to the demise of the six-day races.
Alas,in the 1880s the sport went into decline as othersports began to grow to rival it.Matthew Algeo,author of the book Pedestrianism:When Wa tching People Walk Was America's FavoriteSpecta- tor Sport,says the rise of cycling,in particular,was为期六天的比赛的关键。
'Prettyquickly six-day bike races replaced six-day walking matches because they were much more exciting,'he tells me.'The racing speed went from 4mph to 20mph overnight.And the crashes were more spectacular.'
他告诉我: “六天的六天自行车比赛取代了六天的步行比赛,因为它们更令人兴奋。 '赛车SP EED一夜之间从4mph升至20mph 。
Despite the dwindling crowds,some hardy practitioners continued to push the boundaries of what was possible.The last great feat of the Victorian era was the 623 miles covered in six days by George Littlewood from Sheffield,in a race in New York.Littlewood's world record stood for an amazing ninety-six years,until it was broken in 1984 by Greek ultra running legend Yiannis Kouros,who seven years later set the current six-day world recordof664 miles.
尽管人群减少了一些顽强的从业者继续推动了可能的事情。纪录一直持续了九十六年,直到1984年被希腊超级奔跑的传奇人物伊安尼斯·库洛斯(Yiannis Kouros)打破,后者七年后将目前的为期六天的世界饰带DOF664英里设定了。
Despite their brief moment in the sun,lapped ultra raceson flat coursesaretoday largely stuck in the back corner of the sport.Instead,the most popular,the most brightly lit branch of the sport, the one with the most bunting and the biggest stars is the mountain ultra trail running world. Here the titans ofthe sport,such as Kilian Jornet and Jim Walmsley,go head to headin races of up to 100 miles.Unlike Oman,these races are aone-time effort.The gun goes andthe first oneto the finish wins.No afternoons spent hanging out in Berber tents chatting with Dino.Just go,go,go until you getto theend.
尽管在阳光下短暂的时刻,但Ultra Raceson Flat Coursaretoday在很大程度上陷入了这项运动的后角,而是最受欢迎的这项运动中最受欢迎的分支机构是最大的彩旗,最大的明星是The Mountain Ultra Trail跑步世界。在这里,这项运动的泰坦(Kilian Jornet )和吉姆·沃尔姆斯利( Jim Walmsley)等泰坦( Kilian Jornet )和吉姆·沃尔姆斯利( Jim Walmsley )前往headin比赛,最多100英里。 id = 72 >花在柏柏尔帐篷里与Dino聊天。
And the biggest race of all,the Super Bowl of mountain ultra trail running,is the Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc(UTMB).Each year in Chamonixin the French Alps,the cream of the ultra trail running world come together for the grand finale,the race of races.Win this and you'reguaranteed legend status inthe sport.
最大的种族是超级山脉的超级碗超级碗,是Ultra-trail du Mont-Blanc(UTMB)。在法国阿尔卑斯山的Chamonixin年, Ultra Trail Running World的奶油融合在一起结局,比赛的比赛。
The route follows a famous 105-mile hiking trail around the footof western Europe's highest peak,passing through Italy and Switzerland along the way.The more I hear about it,andthe more footage I see of the mass start with its 2,000-plus athletes,its stirring anthem,the incredible photographs of the dawn breaking,peaks jutting through theclouds,the more I decide that ifIam going torun another ultra marathon,this isthe one.
这条路线是沿着欧洲脚步的最高山峰围绕着一条著名的105英里远足小径,一路穿过意大利和瑞士。再加上运动员,激动人心的国歌,令人难以置信的黎明破裂的照片,达到尖顶的峰值,如果ifiam去托伦·托伦( Torun torun torun torun)另一个超级马拉松比赛,这就是一个。
SoIgo onlineand try to sign up.And that's where the fun begins.
Soigo Onlineand尝试注册。这就是乐趣开始的。
The UTMB is so popular that you can't just enter,you have to first qualify,by running three other ultras designated as qualifying races.And even then,that only grants you entry into the race lottery-which givesyou roughly a one in threechance of getting a placein the race.
The UTMB has a list ofracesit considersqualifying races.Thereasoning behind this seems to originally have beento make sure only serious and prepared runners turn up for the race.But this reasonable aim seems to have been lost somewhere along the way,and what is left is a highly con- tentioussystem.
The issue manypeople have is that if you are a race director wishing to get yourevent onthe UTMB's list,you don't have to pass any particular safety test or prove that your route is as tough and arduous as you say,or that you are scrupulous and trustworthy.No,youjust have topay them somemoney.
'It isno longer about ensuring suitable experience,but is now more about generating income, and about trying tomonopolise and control trail racing in Europe,'says Lindley Chambers,chair- man oftheUK's Trail Running Association(TRA),who is clearly not afan.
Theeuk's Trail跑步协会(TRA)主席Lindley Chambers说: “这并不是更长的时间,但现在更多地是关于产生收入,以及在欧洲尝试Tomonopol Ise和Control Trail Racing 。” ot afan。
One race director who refuses to pay for his race to have UTMBpoints-and who didn't want to be named-explains how this situation arose.'Whenthe UTMB first introduced a points system,' he says,'almost every ultra inthe UK jumped on board.Many races thatwere awesome and could sell themselves,suddenly became"qualifiers"and soldthemselves on being qualifiers,rather than on theirown merits.'
他说,一位拒绝为自己拥有UTMBPoints的比赛付费的竞赛总监,并且不想被命名为解释这种情况的出现。 ”他说, UTMB首次引入了一个积分系统,”他说,'跳上了董事会。经历了很棒的比赛,可以卖掉自己,突然成为“预选赛”,并以成为预选赛而卖掉自己,而不是以自己的优点为单位。
Then,he says,once those races became reliant uponUTMB points to attract runners,the UTMB introduced a charge.'It was small enough that the races would still pay it to avoidlosing entries, butlarge enough that when youadd up the races worldwide,it's a pretty large sum of money.'
然后,他说,一旦这些种族依赖于UTMB积分吸引跑步者,UTMB就引入了一项指控。 “它很小,以至于比赛仍然可以付费以避免参赛作品,以至于当您在全球范围内进行比赛时,很大的钱。
When races pay to get points they actually pay to become membersof the International Trail Running Association (ITRA),which says it is an independent,non-profit body working for the good of the sport.ITRA then awards the UTMBpoints
当比赛付出代价时,他们实际上是为成为国际越野跑步协会( ITRA )的成员而付出的,这是一个独立的非营利组织,为这项运动的利益工作,然后颁发了UTMBPoints
But in the wild world of online ultra running forums,few things get race directors'blood boiling as much as the UTMB points system.One recent post said:'T would rather scoop out my eye- balls with a spoon than pay UTMB for points for any of my races.'
但是在狂野的Ultra for UMS狂野世界中,很少有人能像UTMB点系统那样获得种族导演的沸腾。对于我的任何比赛而言。
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Not everyone feels the same,however,with many races saying they are happy to pay the fee to accommodate runners looking for points,and many saying it easily pays for itself in increased en- tries totheir races.
Nic Tinworth says he started offering points for his events in Hong Kong because people started askingfor them.'It seemed runners were picking and prioritising their races specifically for the points,'he says.
尼克·廷沃思( Nic Tinworth )说,他开始为他在香港的活动提供积分,因为人们开始向他们询问他们。 '似乎奔跑的人在选拔并优先考虑他们的比赛。”他说。
One issue for runners wanting to take part in the UTMB has been races that have been on the list in previous years,but which then drop off when they fail,or refuse,to pay the annual fee,leav- ing runners who were expecting to gain the points to find out only after completing the race that they haven't qualified after all.
对于想要参加UTMB的跑步者来说,一个问题是Have在往年列入榜单的比赛,但是当他们失败或拒绝时, F降低了F ,以支付年费,希望获得积分,只有在完成比赛毕竟没有资格的比赛后才能找到积分。
This came to a head when the Hardrock 100,one of the most famous ultra races in the US, decided it was no longer going to pay to be a UTMB qualifying race.This was particularly pertinent because the biggest star in the sport,Kilian Jornet,a three-time winner of the UTMB,was counting on the points from running the Hardrock 100 for his UTMB entry.The UTMB's rules clearly state that every athlete has to have the points,even the elite athletes,so when they saw that Hardrock hadnot paid up,ITRAemailed the organisers to politely suggestthey cough up so Jornet could race in France.
当Hardrock 100是美国最著名的Ultra比赛之一的Hardrock 100时,这就是一个人,他认为它不再要付费成为UTMB排位赛。 UTMB的三个时光冠军都在指望他的UTMB进入HardRock 10 0的积分。UTMB的规则显然表明,每个运动员都有观点,甚至是精英运动员,所以当他们看到Hardrock Hadrock Hadnot时付了,伊特拉姆编举行了礼貌地建议他们 id = 69>咳嗽,以便乔恩特可以在法国比赛。
'We didn't like the system andwe felt it was a little distasteful,'says DavidCoblentz,president of the board of directors at the Hardrock 100.'They don't come and check out your course,youjust send them a GPX file and they upload it to some algorithm and give you your points.It is really just another way to make money.?
“我们不喜欢该系统,我们觉得这有点令人讨厌, ” Hardrock 100董事会主席Davidcoblentz说。他们将其上传到一些算法,并给您您的观点。这实际上只是赚钱的另一种方式。
He says that even when the course doesn't change from year to year,and the GPX file is the same,you still have to pay the fee annually.'That really stuck in thecraw,'he says.
他说,即使该课程每年不变,而GP X文件也一样,您仍然必须每年支付费用。
So the Hardrock 100,along with eight other US races,published a public letter stating their intention not to pay and their reasons why
因此,Hardrock 100与其他八场美国比赛一起发表了一封公开信,说明他们的意图不付款,以及他们的理由.
ITRA responded with its own public letter,making clear that it was a non-profitorganisation, that it was only trying to help the sport develop(through medical research,with safety advice,and by setting a global standard)and that it was independent of the UTMB.But Hardrock refused to back down.'Wenever heardanything more,says Coblentz.
伊特拉( Itra)以自己的公开字母回应,清楚地表明,这是一个非营利组织,它只是试图帮助这项运动开发(通过医学研究,安全建议,并设定全球标准) Coblentz说,在Hardrock拒绝退缩。
In the end,Jornet was there on the start line of the UTMB that year,despite the stand-off.It seems the biggest race in the sport couldn't live without its biggest star.In its letter,ITRA said it had decided,fee or no fee,to 'add retroactively the race[Hardrock 100],on an exceptional basis,to the list ofraces allowing runners to qualify'.
最后,尽管有僵局,但乔纳特( Jornet裁定,收费或无费用,以杰出的基础上添加比赛[HardRock 100] ,使跑步者获得资格'的列表。
The whole furore reveals a lot about the state the sport is in as it grows so fast.Behind the beautiful Instagram accounts and the incredible feats of the runners,a gold rush is taking place,
with prospectors jostling for power and control.As well as ITRA and the big races,multinational clothing and outdoor sports brands have moved in,staking out their ground by signing up the biggest events and the star athletes,producing slick advertising campaigns,with viral films of men and women racing across sumptuouslandscapes,hurtling down fantastical precipices.Ultra running is still a largely untapped and unregulated market,and there are no signs of its growth slowing.So while the runners are out theredigging their way deep into the pain cave,others see an open,unguarded door toa goldmine and are racing in to nailtheir nameplates to the walls.
随着探矿者争夺权力和控制权。尽管如此,伊特拉(Itra)和大型竞赛(Itra and Big Races),跨国服装和户外运动品牌已经搬进来,通过签约Bigges T活动和明星运动员,P Roducing Slick Advertising活动,并与他们一起站稳了脚跟,并与男性和女人的病毒式电影,穿越巨大的ndscapes ,粉碎梦幻般的悬崖。进入痛苦 id = 69>洞穴,其他人看到了一个敞开的,无人看守的门Toa Goldmine ,并赛车到墙壁上的Nailtheir铭牌。
Despite all this,I still want to run the UTMB.A few months after interviewing Elisabet,as my interest in ultra running is still being piqued,I find myself watching the start of the race online. It's a Friday afternoon and I'm in the Guardian office in London.On my screen,in the main square in Chamonix,hundreds of mountain-chiselled men and women gather together,looking on ner- vously as stirring classical music plays out,drifting off across the valley.And then they're off, sprinting through the streets and outinto themountains.
尽管如此,我仍然想在采访Elisabet几个月后,因为我对Ultra跑步的兴趣仍然受到激励,因此我发现自己在网上观看比赛的开始。这是一个星期五的下午,我在伦敦的卫报办公室里。在我的屏幕上,在查莫尼克斯的主要广场,数百名山区式的男人和wom en聚集在一起,宁愿地看着刺激的古典音乐播放,越过山谷,然后他们离开,在街道上冲刺 超越他们的嘴。
After my day in the office ends,I make my way through the busy London streets to Paddington Station and catch the train back to my home in Devon.When I wake upon Saturday morning,after a good night's sleep,I find myself thinking about them all still out there on the mountain,still running.
在办公室里的一天结束后,我穿过繁忙的隆·唐( Lon Don )的街道到帕丁顿车站他们都仍然在山上,仍然在奔跑。
Then,later,on Saturday evening,I think of them again,still going out there on the mountain. I log on to find out that a thunderstorm has unleashed itself on the race.After over 24 hours run- ning.That is tough.What is going through their minds?
The next morning,Sunday,asIgo for a slow 10-mile run around the park,I find myself think- ing about them again.It seems insane that they're still out there.And yet,it's somehow wonderful, andI begin to feel a strange,needling envy.Ijust have to run this race.It feels like the beating epi- centre of ultra trail running,the key to unlocking the puzzle.And ifI want to be there,I am going to have to playby the rules and run some of the qualifying raceson its list.
第二天早上,周日, Asigo在公园周围跑步缓慢10英里,我发现自己再次想到了它们。似乎他们仍然在那里。一个奇怪的针刺嫉妒。ijust必须参加这场比赛。感觉就像是超级越野越野赛的舞蹈中心,这是解锁pu zzle的钥匙。并在其名单上运行一些资格赛。
Over the next few weeks,I while away hours on the internet planning a race schedule,watching race videos;people huddled around nervously at the start,often in the dark,then trundling off into some barren or perilous landscape.The music soars as the camera follows the runners through canyons,desolate tropical beaches,snow blizzards.There are close-ups of people crying,hugging, almost falling over,before it allends with spine-tingling scenes of exhausted runners crossing the line.Tears ofjoy this time,children embracing the muddy legs of their parents as the camera pans
在接下来的几周中,我在互联网上的几个小时里计划比赛时间表,观看比赛视频;人们在开始时紧张地挤四周,经常在黑暗中,然后陷入一些贫瘠或危险的景观中。摄像机跟随跑步者穿过峡谷,荒凉的热带海滩,雪暴行。 ,孩子们封闭 id = 70 >摄像机锅时父母的泥泞腿
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back across the sky,revealing an epic world,the race logo appearingwith a final flourish from the stringsection.
After a while,the numbers being rattled off begin to seem meaningless;100km,200km, 10,000ft of ascent,36 hours cut-off time.Just numbers.The videos are evidence that it can be done.Justputyour name downandwork the rest outlater.
一段时间后,数字被悬空开始似乎毫无意义; 10 0km , 200 km , 10,000英尺的上升, 36小时的截止时间。等待。
It'sfun to watch people's faceswhen I tell them I've signed up todo a 100km race.
'It's not that far,'says mywork colleague and running companion Kate.'In a car!She's right, what am I doing?But the video,watch the video again.These peoplelook normal.There's usually a plucky older guy who makesit.If he can do it …
“那还不是那么远, ”米尔沃(Morwork)同事和跑步的伴侣凯特(Kate )说。如果他可以做到……
Before I know it my year is filling up with trips to races in California,Italy,South Africa.But thejourney begins relatively modestly near my home in Devon in the south-west of England with a 'short'34-mile ultra along part of England's epic,630-mile South WestCoast Path.It's not that much further than a marathon.It will bea nice easy start.
在我不知不觉中,我的一年正在填补参加加利福尼亚州意大利,南非的比赛的旅行。 Engla Nd的史诗般的,630英里的South Westcoast Path 。它不比马拉松比赛更远。
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