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Robert Downey Jr. & Tina Fey Compare Acting & Writing Notes at the 82nd
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Robert Downey Jr. & Tina Fey Compare Acting & Writing Notes at the 82nd
小勞勃道尼和蒂娜菲在第 82 屆頒獎典禮上比較表演和寫作筆記

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ALT 丙氨酸轉氨酶
Got it. Here's the summary in English with explanations:
Tina Fey: "What does a writer look for in an actor? ...Memorizing lines! ...Not paraphrasing! ...Fear of ad-libbing."
Memorizing lines: 記住台詞。
Not paraphrasing: 不亂改台詞。
Fear of ad-libbing: 害怕即興發揮。
Robert Downey Jr.: "Actors want scripts with social relevance, warm weather locations, phone call scenes that can be shot separately from that insane actress that I hate. And long, dense columns of uninterrupted monologue. Turning the page, and for instance, seeing the phrase 'Tony Stark, continued'."
Social relevance: 社會相關性。
Warm weather locations: 溫暖的拍攝地點。
Phone call scenes: 打電話的場景。
Long, dense columns: 冗長密集的段落。
Uninterrupted monologue: 不中斷的獨白。
Turning the page: 翻頁。 翻頁:翻頁。
Tina Fey: "And we writers dream of a future where actors are mostly computer-generated and their performances can be adjusted by us on a laptop alone."
Computer-generated: 電腦產生。
ALT 丙氨酸轉氨酶
Robert Downey Jr.: "It's a collaboration between handsome, gifted people and sickly little mole people."
Handsome, gifted people: 英俊有才華的人,指演員。
Sickly little mole people: 體弱多病的小鼴鼠人,指編劇。

Read Aloud 大聲朗讀

ALT 丙氨酸轉氨酶
好的,我可以再念一遍。 好的,我可以再念一次。
Tina Fey: "What does a writer look for in an actor? ...Memorizing lines! ...Not paraphrasing! ...Fear of ad-libbing."
Robert Downey Jr.: "Actors want scripts with social relevance, warm weather locations, phone call scenes that can be shot separately from that insane actress that I hate. And long, dense columns of uninterrupted monologue. Turning the page, and for instance, seeing the phrase 'Tony Stark, continued'."
Tina Fey: "And we writers dream of a future where actors are mostly computer-generated and their performances can be adjusted by us on a laptop alone."
Robert Downey Jr.: "It's a collaboration between handsome, gifted people and sickly little mole people."