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Vacuum flask  真空燒瓶

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The typical design of a Thermos brand vacuum flask, used for maintaining the temperature of fluids such as coffee
Thermos 品牌真空瓶的典型設計,用於保持咖啡等液體的溫度。

A vacuum flask (also known as a Dewar flask, Dewar bottle or thermos) is an insulating storage vessel that slows the speed at which its contents change in temperature. It greatly lengthens the time over which its contents remain hotter or cooler than the flask's surroundings by trying to be as adiabatic as possible. Invented by James Dewar in 1892, the vacuum flask consists of two flasks, placed one within the other and joined at the neck. The gap between the two flasks is partially evacuated of air, creating a near-vacuum which significantly reduces heat transfer by conduction or convection. When used to hold cold liquids, this also virtually eliminates condensation on the outside of the flask.
真空燒瓶(也稱為杜瓦燒瓶、杜瓦瓶或熱水瓶)是一種隔熱儲存容器,可減緩其內容物的溫度變化速度。它通過盡可能的絕熱,大大延長了內裝物保持比瓶內周圍環境溫度更高或更低的時間。真空燒瓶由 James Dewar 於 1892 年發明,由兩個燒瓶組成,一個放置在另一個內,並在頸部接合。兩個燒瓶之間的隙縫部分抽空空氣,形成近乎真空的狀態,大幅減少熱傳導或對流。當用於盛載冷液時,這也幾乎消除了燒瓶外部的冷凝現象。

Vacuum flasks are used domestically to keep contents inside hot or cold for extended periods of time. They are also used for thermal cooking. Vacuum flasks are also used for many purposes in industry.

History  歷史

Diagram of a vacuum flask
Gustav Robert Paalen, Double Walled Vessel. Patent 27 June 1908, published 13 July 1909
Gustav Robert Paalen,雙壁容器。專利 1908 年 6 月 27 日,1909 年 7 月 13 日發表

The vacuum flask was designed and invented by Scottish scientist James Dewar in 1892 as a result of his research in the field of cryogenics and is sometimes called a Dewar flask in his honour. While performing experiments in determining the specific heat of the element palladium, Dewar made a brass chamber that he enclosed in another chamber to keep the palladium at its desired temperature.[1] He evacuated the air between the two chambers, creating a partial vacuum to keep the temperature of the contents stable. Dewar refused to patent his invention; this allowed others to develop the flask using new materials such as glass and aluminium, and it became a significant tool for chemical experiments and also a common household item.[1]
真空燒瓶由蘇格蘭科學家 James Dewar 於 1892 年設計發明,是他在低溫學領域研究的成果,為了紀念他,有時也稱為 Dewar 燒瓶。在進行確定鈀元素比熱的實驗時,Dewar 製作了一個黃銅室,並將其圍繞在另一個室中,以保持鈀元素處於所需的溫度。 [1] 他抽走了兩個腔室之間的空氣,形成了部分真空,以保持內裝物的溫度穩定。Dewar 拒絕為他的發明申請專利;這使得其他人可以使用玻璃和鋁等新材料來開發這種燒瓶,它成為了化學實驗的重要工具,同時也是一種常見的家用物品。 [1]

Dewar's design was quickly transformed into a commercial item in 1904 as two German glassblowers, Reinhold Burger and Albert Aschenbrenner, discovered that it could be used to keep cold drinks cold and warm drinks warm and invented a more robust flask design, which was suited for everyday use.[2][3] The Dewar flask design had never been patented but the German men who discovered the commercial use for the product named it Thermos, and subsequently claimed both the rights to the commercial product and the trademark to the name. In his subsequent attempt to claim the rights to the invention, Dewar instead lost a court case to the company.[4] The manufacturing and performance of the Thermos bottle was significantly improved and refined by the Viennese inventor and merchant Gustav Robert Paalen, who designed various types for domestic use, which he also patented, and distributed widely, through the Thermos Bottle Companies in the United States, Canada and the UK, which bought licences for respective national markets. The American Thermos Bottle Company built up a mass production in Norwich, CT, which brought prices down and enabled the wide distribution of the product for at-home use.[2] Over time, the company expanded the size, shapes and materials of these consumer products, primarily used for carrying coffee on the go and carrying liquids on camping trips to keep them either hot or cold. Eventually other manufacturers produced similar products for consumer use.
1904年,德國的兩位玻璃吹瓶師Reinhold Burger和Albert Aschenbrenner發現,Dewar的設計可以用來保持冷飲的冷度和熱飲的溫度,並發明了一種更堅固的水瓶設計,適合日常使用,因此Dewar的設計很快就變成了商品。 [2] [3] 杜瓦水壺的設計從未獲得專利,但發現其商業用途的德國人將產品命名為Thermos,並隨後要求獲得商業產品的權利和名稱的商標權。在其後嘗試要求發明權的過程中,杜瓦反而在法庭上輸給了該公司。 [4] 維也納發明家和商人古斯塔夫-羅伯特-帕倫(Gustav Robert Paalen)對Thermos保溫瓶的製造和性能進行了顯著的改進和完善,他設計了各種家用類型的保溫瓶,並為其申請了專利,並通過美國、加拿大和英國的Thermos保溫瓶公司(Thermos Bottle Companies)廣泛銷售,這些公司為各自國家的市場購買了許可證。美國Thermos Bottle公司在康涅狄格州的諾維奇(Norwich)建立了大規模生產,降低了價格,使家用產品得以廣泛銷售。 [2] 隨著時間的推移,該公司擴大了這些消費產品的尺寸、形狀和材料,主要用於外出攜帶咖啡和野營時攜帶液體,以保持其熱度或冷度。最後,其他製造商也生產了類似的消費性產品。

The term "thermos" became a household name for vacuum flasks in general. As of 2023, Thermos and THERMOS remains a registered trademark in some countries, including the United States,[5][6][7] but the lowercase "thermos" was declared a genericized trademark by court action in the United States in 1963.[8][9][10]
thermos」一詞成為家喻戶曉的一般真空瓶名稱。截至 2023 年,Thermos 和 THERMOS 仍是包括美國在內的一些國家的註冊商標, [5] [6] [7] 但小寫的 "thermos "已於 1963 年在美國被法院宣判為通用化商標。 [8] [9] [10]

Design  設計

1930s "Thermofix" vacuum flask
1930 年代「Thermofix」真空瓶

The vacuum flask consists of two vessels, one placed within the other and joined at the neck. The gap between the two vessels is partially evacuated of air, creating a partial-vacuum which reduces heat conduction or convection. Heat transfer by thermal radiation may be minimized by silvering flask surfaces facing the gap but can become problematic if the flask's contents or surroundings are very hot; hence vacuum flasks usually hold contents below the boiling point of water. Most heat transfer occurs through the neck and opening of the flask, where there is no vacuum. Vacuum flasks are usually made of metal, borosilicate glass, foam or plastic and have their opening stoppered with cork or polyethylene plastic. Vacuum flasks are often used as insulated shipping containers.

Extremely large or long vacuum flasks sometimes cannot fully support the inner flask from the neck alone, so additional support is provided by spacers between the interior and exterior shell. These spacers act as a thermal bridge and partially reduce the insulating properties of the flask around the area where the spacer contacts the interior surface.

Several technological applications, such as NMR and MRI machines, rely on the use of double vacuum flasks. These flasks have two vacuum sections. The inner flask contains liquid helium and the outer flask contains liquid nitrogen, with one vacuum section in between. The loss of precious helium is limited in this way.
一些技術應用,例如 NMR 和 MRI 機器,都有賴於使用雙真空燒瓶。這些燒瓶有兩個真空部分。內瓶裝有液態氦,外瓶裝有液態氮,中間有一個真空段。這種方式可限制珍貴氦氣的損失。

Other improvements to the vacuum flask include the vapour-cooled radiation shield and the vapour-cooled neck,[11] both of which help to reduce evaporation from the flask.
真空瓶的其他改進包括汽冷式輻射屏蔽和汽冷式瓶頸, [11] 兩者都有助於減少真空瓶的蒸發。

Research and industry  研究與產業

Laboratory Dewar flask, Deutsches Museum, Munich
A cryogenic storage dewar of liquid nitrogen, used to supply a cryogenic freezer

In laboratories and industry, vacuum flasks are often used to hold liquefied gases (commonly liquid nitrogen with a boiling point of 77 K) for flash freezing, sample preparation and other processes where creating or maintaining an extreme low temperature is desired. Larger vacuum flasks store liquids that become gaseous at well below ambient temperature, such as oxygen and nitrogen; in this case the leakage of heat into the extremely cold interior of the bottle results in a slow boiling-off of the liquid so that a narrow unstoppered opening, or a stoppered opening protected by a pressure relief valve, is necessary to prevent pressure from building up and eventually shattering the flask. The insulation of the vacuum flask results in a very slow "boil" and thus the contents remain liquid for long periods without refrigeration equipment.
在實驗室和工業中,真空瓶通常用來盛載液化氣體 (通常是沸點為 77 K 的液態氮),以進行快速冷凍、樣品製備以及其他需要創造或維持極低溫度的流程。較大的真空瓶可儲存在遠低於環境溫度時會變成氣態的液體,例如氧氣和氮氣;在這種情況下,洩漏到瓶子極冷內部的熱量會導致液體緩慢沸騰,因此必須有一個狹窄的無塞開口,或一個由減壓閥保護的有塞開口,以防止壓力累積並最終震碎真空瓶。真空瓶的絕緣作用會導致非常緩慢的 「沸騰」,因此在沒有冷藏設備的情況下,瓶中物仍能長時間保持液體狀態。

Vacuum flasks have been used to house standard cells and ovenized Zener diodes, along with their printed circuit board, in precision voltage-regulating devices used as electrical standards. The flask helped with controlling the Zener temperature over a long time span and was used to reduce variations of the output voltage of the Zener standard owing to temperature fluctuation to within a few parts per million.

One notable use was by Guildline Instruments, of Canada, in their Transvolt, model 9154B, saturated standard cell, which is an electrical voltage standard. Here a silvered vacuum flask was encased in foam insulation and, using a large glass vacuum plug, held the saturated cell. The output of the device was 1.018 volts and was held to within a few parts per million.
加拿大的 Guildline Instruments 在其 9154B 型 Transvolt 飽和標準電池(電壓標準)中使用了一種值得注意的方法。在這裡,一個銀色的真空瓶被泡沫絕緣包裝起來,並使用一個大的玻璃真空塞來盛放飽和電池。該裝置的輸出電壓為 1.018 伏特,並保持在百萬分之幾的範圍內。

The principle of the vacuum flask makes it ideal for storing certain types of rocket fuel, and NASA used it extensively in the propellant tanks of the Saturn launch vehicles in the 1960s and 1970s.[12]
真空瓶的原理使其成為儲存特定類型火箭燃料的理想選擇,NASA 在 1960 和 1970 年代將其廣泛用於土星運載火箭的推進劑罐中。 [12]

The design and shape of the Dewar flask was used as a model for optical experiments based on the idea that the shape of the two compartments with the space in between is similar to the way the light hits the eye.[13] The vacuum flask has also been part of experiments using it as the capacitor of different chemicals in order to keep them at a consistent temperature.[14]
杜瓦瓶的設計和形狀被用作光學實驗的模型,其基礎是兩個隔間的形狀與中間的空間與光線照射眼睛的方式相似。 [13] 真空瓶也曾是實驗的一部分,利用它作為不同化學物質的電容,以保持化學物質的溫度一致。 [14]

The industrial Dewar flask is the base for a device used to passively insulate medical shipments.[15][16] Most vaccines are sensitive to heat[17][18] and require a cold chain system to keep them at stable, near freezing temperatures. The Arktek device uses eight one-litre ice blocks to hold vaccines at under 10 °C.[19]
工業用杜瓦瓶是一種用於被動隔絕醫療運輸的裝置的基礎。 [15] [16] 大多數疫苗對熱敏感 [17] [18] ,需要冷鏈系統將其保持在穩定、接近冰點的溫度。Arktek 設備使用八塊一公升的冰塊,將疫苗保存在 10 °C 以下。 [19]

In the oil and gas industry, Dewar flasks are used to insulate the electronic components in wireline logging tools.[20] Conventional logging tools (rated to 350 °F) are upgraded to high-temperature specifications by installing all sensitive electronic components in a Dewar flask.[21]
在石油和天然氣行業中,杜瓦瓶被用來隔絕線纜式測井工具中的電子元件。 [20] 傳統的測井工具(額定溫度為 350 °F)通過將所有敏感的電子元件安裝在杜瓦瓶中,升級為高溫規格。 [21]

Safety  安全性

A thermos designed for food, with a low, wide opening

Vacuum flasks are at risk of implosion hazard, and glass vessels under vacuum, in particular, may shatter unexpectedly. Chips, scratches or cracks can be a starting point for dangerous vessel failure, especially when the vessel temperature changes rapidly (when hot or cold liquid is added). Proper preparation of the Dewar vacuum flask by tempering prior to use is advised to maintain and optimize the functioning of the unit. Glass vacuum flasks are usually fitted into a metal base with the cylinder contained in or coated with mesh, aluminum or plastic to aid in handling, protect it from physical damage, and contain fragments should they break.[citation needed]
真空瓶有內爆危險,尤其是真空下的玻璃容器,可能會意外破碎。缺口、刮痕或裂縫可能是容器發生危險故障的起始點,尤其是在容器溫度快速變化時(加入熱或冷液體時)。建議在使用前對杜瓦真空燒瓶進行適當的回火準備,以維持和優化裝置的功能。玻璃真空瓶通常裝在金屬底座中,圓筒裝入或塗有網狀物、鋁或塑膠,以協助處理、保護其不受實體損害,並在破損時容納碎片。 [citation needed]

In addition, cryogenic storage dewars are usually pressurized, and they may explode if pressure relief valves are not used.

Thermal expansion has to be taken into account when engineering a vacuum flask. The outer and inner walls are exposed to different temperatures and will expand at different rates. The vacuum flask can rupture due to the differential in thermal expansion between the outer and inner walls. Expansion joints are commonly used in tubular vacuum flasks to avoid rupture and maintain vacuum integrity.

See also  參見

  • Hermetic seal – Airtight seal
    密封 - 氣密密封
  • James Webb Space Telescope sunshield – Main cooling system for the infrared observatory
    詹姆斯韋伯太空望遠鏡太陽罩 - 紅外線天文台的主要冷卻系統
  • Tervis Tumbler – American drinkware manufacturer
    Tervis Tumbler - 美國飲料製造商
  • Thermal cooking – cooking method
    熱烹飪 - 烹飪方法
  • Yeti Holdings – American manufacturing company
    Yeti Holdings - 美國製造公司

References  參考資料

  1. ^ Jump up to: a b Soulen, Robert (March 1996). "James Dewar, His Flask and Other Achievements". Physics Today. 49 (3): 32–37. Bibcode:1996PhT....49c..32S. doi:10.1063/1.881490.
    Soulen, Robert (1996 年 3 月)。"James Dewar, His Flask and Other Achievements」。今日物理學》。49 (3): 32– 37。Bibcode:1996PhT....49c..32S. doi: 10.1063/1.881490.
  2. ^ Jump up to: a b "Our History". Thermos. 2011. Archived from the original on 28 May 2013. Retrieved 31 March 2013.
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  18. ^ Samant Y, Lanjewar H, Parker D, Block L, Tomar GS, Stein B (2007). "Evaluation of the Cold-Chain for Oral Polio Vaccine in a Rural District of India". Public Health Reports. 122 (1): 112–21. doi:10.1177/003335490712200116. PMC 1802111. PMID 17236617.
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  19. ^ "Arktek Awarded Prequalified PQS Status by WHO" (Press release). ARKTEK. 2015-04-26. Archived from the original on 2016-03-11. Retrieved 2016-02-25.
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  20. ^ "Thermal Management of Downhole Oil and Gas Logging Sensors for HTHP Applications Using Nanoporous Materials". ResearchGate. Retrieved 2021-02-11.
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  21. ^ Baird, Tom, et al. "High-pressure, high-temperature well logging, perforating and testing." Oilfield Review 5.2/3 (1993): 15-32.
    Baird, Tom, et al. 「高壓高溫測井、射孔與測試」。Oilfield Review 5.2/3 (1993):15-32.

Further reading  進一步閱讀

  • Burger, R., U.S. patent 872,795, "Double walled vessel with a space for a vacuum between the walls," December 3, 1907.
    Burger, R.,美國專利 872,795,「雙壁容器,壁間有真空空間」,1907 年 12 月 3 日。
  • Sella, Andrea (August 2008). "Dewar's Flask". Chemistry World: 75. Retrieved 2008-08-30.
    Sella, Andrea (2008 年 8 月)。"Dewar's Flask".Chemistry World: 75.Retrieved 2008-08-30 .
  • Media related to Vacuum flasks at Wikimedia Commons