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doctor looking at lung images
doctor looking at lung images

Lung Cancer Screening 肺癌筛查

What You Need to Know   你需要知道什么

  • Early detection of lung cancer can be lifesaving.
  • The most common types of screening include low-dose spiral computed tomography (LDCT) scans, X-rays and sputum cytology tests.
    最常见的筛查类型包括低剂量螺旋计算机断层扫描 (LDCT) 扫描、X 射线和痰细胞学检查。

What is lung cancer screening?

Catching lung cancer early and treating it quickly leads to the best hope of beating the disease. But, most often, lung cancer waits to show signs and symptoms until the cancer is in advanced stages, when it’s harder to treat. Lung cancer screening — a test that looks for cancer before you have symptoms — offers hope for early detection, when surgery is a potential cure.

Doctor examines lung X-ray.

Advances in Screening for Lung Cancer

Historically, doctors used standard chest X-rays to check for signs of lung cancer, such as a suspicious spot. While traditional X-rays do help detect lung cancer, they offer less detailed pictures from one angle as compared with more advanced imaging technology, like CT scans, that use X-rays from multiple angles to make detailed images of the lungs.
从历史上看,医生使用标准胸部 X 光检查来检查肺癌迹象,例如可疑部位。虽然传统 X 射线确实有助于检测肺癌,但与更先进的成像技术(如 CT 扫描)相比,它们从一个角度提供的图像不太详细,CT 扫描使用多个角度的 X 射线来生成肺部的详细图像。

A low-dose helical CT scan is a quick, painless exam that takes multiple 3-dimensional pictures of the chest moving in a spiral motion around the body. As compared to a traditional CT scan, a low-dose CT scan produces five times less radiation.
低剂量螺旋 CT 扫描是一种快速、无痛的检查,可拍摄围绕身体呈螺旋运动的胸部的多张 3 维照片。与传统 CT 扫描相比,低剂量 CT 扫描产生的辐射少五倍。

In a 2002 clinical trial sponsored by the National Cancer Institute, lung cancer researchers tested over 53,000 current or formers smokers between the ages of 55 and 74 with a smoking history of at least a pack a day for 30 years. The study found that participants who received low-dose CT scans had a better chance of survival than participants who received standard chest X-rays.
在 2002 年由美国国家癌症研究所赞助的一项临床试验中,肺癌研究人员对 53,000 多名年龄在 55 岁至 74 岁之间的当前或以前吸烟者进行了测试,这些吸烟者有 30 年每天至少一包的吸烟史。研究发现,接受低剂量 CT 扫描的参与者比接受标准胸部 X 光检查的参与者有更高的生存机会。

In December 2013, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, an independent group of national experts on prevention and evidence-based medicine, began recommending annual screening for lung cancer with low-dose CT in people at high risk of developing lung cancer.
2013 年 12 月,美国预防服务工作组(一个由预防和循证医学方面的国家专家组成的独立小组)开始建议每年对肺癌高危人群进行低剂量 CT 筛查。

“Because of the National Lung Screening Trial and support from leaders in lung cancer treatment and prevention, low-dose CT scans of the chest are now a standard of care in hospitals across the country, including Johns Hopkins,” says Russell Hales , a board-certified radiation oncologist and director of the multidisciplinary clinic in the Lung Cancer Program at the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center.
“由于全国肺部筛查试验以及肺癌治疗和预防领域领导者的支持,低剂量胸部 CT 扫描现已成为全国各地医院(包括约翰·霍普金斯大学)的护理标准,”董事会成员 Russell Hales 说道- 约翰霍普金斯金梅尔癌症中心肺癌项目的认证放射肿瘤学家和多学科诊所主任。

Former Smokers: What's Your Risk of Lung Cancer?

Older couple embracing

You quit smoking years ago — maybe even decades ago — and in the years since, you’ve lived a healthier lifestyle. Still, you can’t help wondering if your old habits might have left you with a higher risk of lung cancer.

Who should be screened for lung cancer?

Lung cancer screening is for people at high risk of developing lung cancer so it can be caught in an early stage, when the chances of beating this disease are possible. This high-risk group includes people who fit all of the following criteria:

  • Have a history of heavy smoking (at least a pack a day for 30 years).
    有大量吸烟史(每天至少一包,持续 30 年)。

  • Are current smokers or former smokers who quit within the past 15 years.
    目前吸烟者或过去 15 年内戒烟的前吸烟者。

  • Are between the ages of 55 and 80.

If you suspect you’re at high risk for lung cancer, it’s important to talk to your primary care physician, who can help figure out if you should be screened for lung cancer. Read more about lung cancer screening at Johns Hopkins.

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