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伊拉克取消原油装载,推迟另外两批以助 OPEC+合规
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伊拉克取消原油装载,推迟另外两批以助 OPEC+合规



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伊拉克取消原油装载,推迟另外两批以助 OPEC+合规


300 万桶原油出口取消,推迟:SOMO 官员



伊拉克已取消了一笔 100 万桶的现货原油销售,并将在未来几天内推迟另外两笔交易,以努力达到其 OPEC+补偿目标,此前该国在上半年超产了配额。国家营销商 SOMO 的一位高级官员于 8 月 29 日表示。

该官员并未明确指出哪些品级将包含在取消和推迟的货物中,这些货物总计 300 万桶。

这位高级官员在与独立二手来源的简报中表示,这些出口削减标志着伊拉克迄今为止最严肃的努力,旨在使其原油产量符合当前的 OPEC+配额,并将通过降低炼油厂运行、减少半自治库尔德地区的产量以及在电力部门减少原油燃烧,总计约 28 万桶/日来补充。然而,对于巴格达约束库尔德地区产量的能力仍存在疑问。

这些减产措施是在 OPEC+努力支撑石油市场之际出台的,当前中国需求疲软,美洲非盟友生产国产量高企。该联盟计划从 10 月开始逐步取消 220 万桶/日的自愿减产,具体取决于市场状况。

标普全球大宗商品洞察旗下的普氏能源资讯在 8 月 28 日评估即期布伦特原油价格为每桶 81.07 美元,自 7 月初略低于每桶 90 美元的水平下跌,加剧了对未遵守减产协议国家的压力。伊拉克是该集团中产量超限最严重的国家。


官方消息称,伊拉克将减少 13 万桶/日的出口量,这主要得益于取消和推迟的货物,使得 8 月份平均出口量降至 340 万桶/日以下,9 月份进一步降至 330 万桶/日。

这些货船变动尚未得到立即确认,但 SOMO 官员表示,出口量已从 8 月 25 日的 345 万桶/日逐渐降至 8 月 28 日的 310 万桶/日。然而,OPEC 的配额并非基于出口量,而是基于井口产量。

出口减少将与“本地消费的大幅下降”相匹配,从 55 万桶/日降至 50 万桶/日,同时随着夏季高温缓解,原油燃烧量预计也将下降。

与此同时,据 SOMO 估计,库尔德地区最高产量为 15 万桶/日,但官方表示,该地区的产量将降至 4.6 万桶/日,任何额外产量都需埃尔比勒向联邦政府支付费用。该官员补充说,这将通过削减巴格达支付给该地区的预算来执行,其中包括支付工资的资金。

库尔德斯坦地区政府(KRG)未能就此事发表评论,而代表该地区石油公司的贸易组织——库尔德斯坦石油工业协会也未立即回应置评请求。根据当时地区政府的声明,截至 3 月,巴格达方面欠库尔德斯坦地区的未付款项超过 70 亿美元。

商品洞察公司估计,库尔德斯坦地区政府的原油产量为每日 25 万桶,这一数字远高于伊拉克国家石油营销组织(SOMO)的估算。


这些计划中的减产措施旨在将 9 月份的产量降至 391 万桶/日,是伊拉克为遵守其最新提交的欧佩克补偿计划所做的努力,该计划于 8 月份提交。

根据包括标普全球普氏能源资讯的欧佩克调查在内的七个二级来源的评估,该国在 1 月至 8 月期间超产配额达数十万桶/日,其中包括 7 月份超产 25.1 万桶/日。

伊拉克此前曾表示,7 月份的出口量将保持在 330 万桶/日,但根据 SOMO 的数据,实际出口量达到了 348.6 万桶/日。根据二级来源的估计,7 月份伊拉克的石油总产量环比增加了 5.3 万桶/日。


伊拉克官方证实,将在 9 月份向欧佩克提交第三份补偿计划,8 月份的产量可能会超过其配额。


伊拉克并非唯一一个超额生产的国家。俄罗斯和哈萨克斯坦也提交了补偿计划,但截至 7 月仍超出配额。

8 月 28 日,哈萨克斯坦能源部一位高级官员表示,由于主要油田的维护工作将持续到 11 月,该国将提高合规性。据悉,Tengiz 油田的维护工作已于 8 月 1 日开始,预计 9 月 10 日结束,期间将减少约 13 万桶/日的市场供应。

与此同时,Kashagan 油田的维护工作计划从 10 月 3 日开始,至 11 月 11 日结束,初步预计将减少约 40 万桶/日的市场供应。

根据次级来源的评估,哈萨克斯坦 7 月份的产量为 154.5 万桶/日,远高于其 145 万桶/日的 7 月配额。

与此同时,自 4 月以来一直超产的俄罗斯于 8 月 9 日表示,8 月和 9 月的产量将弥补 7 月超产的 6.7 万桶/日。目前尚未公布详细的补偿计划。

欧佩克+联合部长级监督委员会(由沙特阿拉伯和俄罗斯共同主持,负责监督该集团的产量协议)下一次会议定于 10 月 2 日召开。完整的欧佩克+部长级会议计划于 12 月 1 日在维也纳举行。若该集团认为市场状况需要政策调整,可召集特别会议。



Watch: Oil Markets on edge amid Red Sea attacks; Asian coal market eyes impending strike

In this week's Market Movers Global with Maite Perez:
  • Red Sea attacks keeps oil markets jittery
  • Impending port union’s strike in India
  • Asian thermal coal trade may get affected
  • Norway starts gas maintenance period
  • Subsidized loans possible for Texas power projects
  • Canada rail strikes may impact North American supply chains
View Full Transcript
This week, oil markets are on high alert following a significant Houthi attack in the Red Sea on a Greek tanker carrying Iraqi crude.
While routes have adapted, the Red Sea remains crucial for oil transport and this incident marks one of the most serious threats to shipping in the region, prompting concerns about security and supply.
S&P Global Commodity Insights FIRST TAKE analysts have said an escalation in conflict between Israel and Hezbollah on the border with Lebanon could have a bullish impact on oil prices when markets open. However, any risk premium will be offset by regional tensions stabilising.
Industry leaders will gather at the Offshore Northern Seas conference in Stavanger, Norway, over August 26-29, where Norwegian officials will likely discuss the outlook for flagship oil field Johan Sverdrup, and the Barents Sea.
In Asia, South Korean refiners are poised to maintain strong imports of US crude, bolstered by an extension of freight incentives until December 2027.
This extension is expected to enhance their refining margins significantly, allowing South Korea to import a record amount of US crude in the first half of the year.
In India, the port workers' union has called for an indefinite strike at major ports starting Wednesday to address wage revisions and pension benefits.
The strike could affect Asian thermal coal trade by causing ship congestion but may not result in higher prices since demand for thermal coal has been weak.
Similarly, a railroad strike in Canada on Aug. 22 could still have implications for North American supply chains this week.
Shipments of grains and biofuels, scrap metal, chemicals, oil and gas between the US and Canada were in the crosshairs, and sources have said that the backlog from one day of strike action takes almost seven days to clear.
As a heavy planned maintenance schedule begins, Norwegian gas production faces a sharp decline, potentially impacting 55% of the country’s output capacity in mid-September.
In the US, The Public Utility Commission of Texas is set to discuss a recommended portfolio of generation capacity additions on Thursday, which could receive up to $5 billion in financing to incentivize gas-fired plants.
I’m Maite Perez, thank you for kicking off your Monday with S&P Global Commodity Insights.

Asia Gas Markets Conference 2024

  • 22 Oct 2024 | 00:00 UTC

Red Sea oil spill fears recede after Houthis allow salvage of Greek tanker


Greek tanker Sounion carrying 1 mil barrels of Iraqi crude

Motor Oil running Corinth refinery 'flat out' despite setback

EU says coordinating tanker rescue operation

Fears of a major oil spill and fresh shipping disruptions in the Red Sea receded Aug. 29 after Iran-backed Houthi militants in Yemen agreed to allow rescue ships to access the Greek oil tanker still burning in the key trade chokepoint.

Access to the MV Delta Sounion crude tanker will be granted after "several countries have reached out to ask Ansarullah (Houthis) requesting a temporary truce for the entry of tugboats and rescue ships into the incident area," Iran's permanent mission to the United Nations said by e-mail on Aug. 29. "In consideration of humanitarian and environmental concerns, Ansarullah has consented to this request. The failure to provide aid and prevent an oil spill in the Red Sea stems from the negligence of certain countries, rather than concerns over the possibility of being targeted."

A spokesman for the UN mission in New York said the statement came after a Pentagon comment on Aug. 27 that a third party had tried to send two tugs to help salvage the tanker and the Houthis threatened to attack them.

The Suezmax Sounion, transporting 1 million barrels of Basrah Heavy crude from Iraq to Greece, was hit by several projectiles and lost control Aug. 21, risking an environmental disaster if the oil leaked. Houthis spokesman Mohammad Abdul Salam confirmed on X, formerly Twitter, that access will be allowed after the Houthis reached out to several international organizations, including in Europe, to tow the burning ship.

The EU's Red Sea naval mission Aspides has reported fires at several locations on the main deck of the ship from suspected Houthi explosives on Aug. 23.

Concerns that the Sounion could break up and cause a major spill were sparked by comments from the US Department of Defense on Aug. 27 that the ship appeared to be "leaking oil." The UK Maritime Trading Operations had also previously said a nearby vessel reported the tanker was "believed to be drifting."

But Aspides reiterated Aug. 29 that no oil spill has been seen from the tanker and that it remains anchored and not drifting.

"The European Union, through diplomatic efforts and engagements, is playing a crucial role in facilitating the salvage of MV Sounion," Aspides said in a post on X, adding that it is "preparing to facilitate any courses of action in coordination with European authorities and neighboring countries."

Motor Oil cargo

The tanker was carrying crude for Motor Oil Hellas 180,000 b/d Corinth refinery, in southern Greece, the company's deputy CEO Petros Tzannetakis said in an earnings call Aug. 29.

He said, despite the loss or delay of the Basrah Heavy cargo and current disruptions to Libyan crude exports, the refinery had secured alternative supplies to run "flat out."

Praising "several countries [who] have put a lot of international pressure," Tzannetakis confirmed in the call that tug boats and rescue ships have been allowed to reach the ship to begin salvage operations.

Platts, part of S&P Global Commodity Insights, assessed the spot price for Iraq's Basrah Heavy crude at $74.01/b on Aug. 29, a 41-cent/b premium to Iraq's official selling price for the crude grade. The assessment values Sounion's cargo at some $74 million.

The Houthis have launched attacks on more than 100 ships around the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden since the Israel-Hamas war broke out on Oct. 7, causing two ships to sink.

Major energy and shipping companies, including BP and Frontline, have altered their routes to sail around Africa to avoid Houthi attacks -- a development that has led to more ton-mile demand and bunker consumption.

Platts assessed the Suezmax rate for transporting 140,000 metric tons of crude from the Persian Gulf to the UK Continent at $21.58/t Aug. 29, down 2.9% on the day.

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Commodity Tracker: 4 charts to watch this week

Hedge funds are significantly influencing European gas and LNG by increasing net-long positions, while South Korea's crude imports are expected to remain strong due to extended freight incentives. Additionally, Asia's commitment to sustainable fuel is gaining momentum and Brazil's polyethylene terephthalate recyclers face ongoing challenges from rising feedstock costs.

1. Hedge funds' long positions one of key drivers for bullish European gas, LNG

What's happening? Hedge funds have continued to increase their net-long positions in the European natural gas and LNG markets week on week to reach multiyear highs, with traders seeing funds' positions as the main drivers for the bullishness as well as uncertainty. The net-long position of investment funds increased nearly 14% in the week ending Aug. 16,, marking the strongest stance since July 2, 2021, according to Intercontinental Exchange data.

What's next? Funds are taking a net-long position for 2025, sources said. Given the delays of new LNG supply for 2025, as well as the likely expiry of the Russia-Ukraine transit agreement, traders have seen funds take an increasingly net-long position despite the structurally bearish gas and LNG markets in Europe in the near term ahead of the 2024 winter.

2. South Korea's US crude imports may stay strong on freight incentive extension

What's happening? The South Korean government has been providing freight incentives for crude imports from regions other than the Middle East in an effort to encourage refiners to diversify crude supply sources. Seoul has extended to Dec. 31, 2027, a mechanism that was set to expire at the end of end-2024 that entitles shipments from the Americas, Africa, the North Sea and Mediterranean markets to a freight rebate of up to Won 16/liter (1.4 cents/liter) for the cost difference between lifting Persian Gulf grades, according to the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.

What's next? South Korean refiners are poised to continue purchasing US crude over the coming years, driven by attractive cracking margins and highly efficient logistics. The South Korea-US free trade agreement alone allows cost cuts of up to $2/b for WTI Midland crude purchases and the extended freight rebate would provide South Korean refiners a significant edge over other Asian refiners in terms of overall refining margins, refinery sources said.

3. Asian sustainable fuel supply chain to expand as regional collaboration intensifies

What's happening? Japan, Australia and nine Southeast Asian countries have agreed to develop an extensive sustainable fuels supply chain, primarily focusing on biofuels and other renewable energy sources. This pivotal commitment was formalized at the recent Asia Zero Emission Community Ministerial Meeting in Jakarta. The agreement addresses the rising demand for sustainable aviation fuel, biofuels, hydrogen and ammonia, and includes the creation of a detailed roadmap for establishing these supply chains. The participating nations will also collaborate on best practices for the production, distribution and retailing of cleaner fuels.

What's next? AZEC in Jakarta, funded by Japan, will be pivotal in facilitating information exchange, policy development and regional decarbonization projects. A key development includes a memorandum of understanding between Indonesian and Japanese entities to produce SAF from low-grade coconut oil, emphasizing local sustainable fuel sources. The AZEC roadmap outlines over 400 projects focused on sustainable fuel supply chains, including biomass and other renewables, with support from the Asia Zero Emission Center at Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia, which will drive regional decarbonization and climate goals through initiatives like carbon credit markets.

4. Brazilian PET recyclers' margins expected to remain depressed in 2024

What's happening? Brazil's PET recycling industry is grappling with insufficient feedstock supply and low margins. Rising competition for scrap has considerably increased prices for post-consumer PET bales in 2024. However, recyclers struggle to pass these costs to downstream flakes, which are capped by the competitively priced virgin resin from Southeast Asia, leading to near-negative margins. The industry is currently operating at only 70% of its installed capacity.

What's next? In the absence of mandates for post-consumer recycled content, marginal buyers may continue to opt for cheaper virgin resin. Although higher bale prices are drawing investments into scrap collection, supply challenges persist. Current market dynamics indicate that the near to medium term will not see much relief.

Reporting and analysis by Aly Blakeway, Thomas Seth, Nikita Pravilshchikov, Philip Vahn, Samyak Pandey, Gustavo Kruger

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