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Figma's Journey to TypeScript
Figma 的 TypeScript 之旅
168 points by soheilpro 12 hours ago | hide | past | favorite | 146 comments

Surprising to hear Figma had a custom language for JS. Even more surprising that it was faster than TS. And then they migrate off it onto slower TS!
令人惊讶的是 Figma 有一种针对 JS 的自定义语言。更令人惊讶的是它比 TS 还要快。然后他们将其迁移到速度较慢的 TS 上!

Seems to happen a lot though. Company makes custom stuff early on, gets big, then migrates to something "standard".

It is actually a fairly indicative story. At the start there is a brilliant individual (Evan) who sets up an entire toolchain + core of the product. They then move on (or get pushed out, or get bored), and with the team (and the product) now being much bigger, things get replatformed to a more familiar, widely used stack. The success of these steps heavily depends on how robust the eng culture is at the organisation. I suspect (no evidence though!) that Evan and other founders have set up an excellent eng culture at Figma and even if they make a mistake at some point, there is sufficient resilience in place to correct. All power to them!
这实际上是一个相当有代表性的故事。一开始,有一个才华横溢的人(埃文)建立了整个工具链+产品的核心。然后他们继续前进(或者被推出,或者感到无聊),并且随着团队(和产品)现在变得更大,事情被重新平台到更熟悉、更广泛使用的堆栈。这些步骤的成功在很大程度上取决于组织中工程师文化的强大程度。我怀疑(尽管没有证据!)Evan 和其他创始人在 Figma 建立了优秀的工程师文化,即使他们在某个时候犯了错误,也有足够的弹性来纠正。所有的力量都归给他们!

It's ironic. For the past 5 years I've been writing type strict PHP. People love to shit on PHP yet I found that when I started using strict types my code quality improved, amount of lines needed to produce a result decreased, and necessary unit tests to produce the same result also decreased.
很讽刺。在过去的 5 年里,我一直在编写类型严格的 PHP。人们喜欢在 PHP 上拉屎,但我发现当我开始使用严格类型时,我的代码质量提高了,产生结果所需的行数减少了,产生相同结果所需的单元测试也减少了。

Then a few months ago I decided to write a TS project from scratch. For the record I have 18 years of JavaScript experience. What I found was that the biggest barrier to entry was configuring webpack to be "just right". Other devs on my team with similar level of experience would have their eyes glaze over when webpack came up and get annoyed. For good reason. It took me several days to get it to work right. The fact that the tsconfig has 20 options that can effect the transpiler and not have good docs is a problem. The fact that there needs to be two tsconfigs in a react native project that compiles down to web as a secondary build target is another problem. The fact that you need a very experienced dev to spend days configuring webpack is another problem. Finding information about the right configuration is like the blind leading the blind. Most search results on the topic are riddled with half truths and non sense. Many devs rely on a preexisting webpack config and if they do anything to mess it up they are many times completely unable to fix it.
然后几个月前我决定从头开始编写一个 TS 项目。根据记录,我有 18 年的 JavaScript 经验。我发现最大的进入障碍是将 webpack 配置为“恰到好处”。当 webpack 出现时,我团队中具有类似经验水平的其他开发人员可能会目光呆滞并感到恼火。有充分的理由。我花了几天时间才让它正常工作。事实上,tsconfig 有 20 个可以影响转译器的选项,但没有好的文档是一个问题。事实上,在一个 React Native 项目中需要有两个 tsconfigs 来编译到 Web 作为辅助构建目标,这是另一个问题。事实上,你需要一个非常有经验的开发人员花几天时间来配置 webpack,这是另一个问题。寻找有关正确配置的信息就像盲人给盲人带路一样。大多数关于该主题的搜索结果都充满了半真半假和无意义的内容。许多开发人员依赖于预先存在的 webpack 配置,如果他们做了任何事情来搞乱它,他们很多时候都完全无法修复它。

Typescript is fine. I guess. The code produced is nicer. But having to rely on webpack is an issue.
打字稿很好。我猜。生成的代码更好。但必须依赖 webpack 是一个问题。

I actually like TS but I wish I didn't need to transpile anything or have to bang my head against a webpack config for days. It's by far the biggest barrier to entry because while you're banging your head against it you're not writing code. And for none technical stake holders when you have nothing visual to show at stand ups that can create friction and make the engineers seem like they aren't doing anything.
我实际上很喜欢 TS,但我希望我不需要转译任何东西,也不需要花几天时间去研究 webpack 配置。这是迄今为止最大的进入障碍,因为当你用头撞它时,你并不是在编写代码。对于非技术利益相关者来说,当你在站立会议上没有任何视觉效果时,可能会产生摩擦并使工程师看起来他们什么也没做。

So far at multiple companies I've had to configure webpack for extremely complex JavaScript based single page apps which took me literally months of messing around with it until it worked just right. And until it does work "just right" the non technical folks think you're wasting time.
到目前为止,在多家公司,我不得不为极其复杂的基于 JavaScript 的单页应用程序配置 webpack,这实际上花了我几个月的时间,直到它正常工作。在它确实“恰到好处”工作之前,非技术人员会认为你在浪费时间。

As a solo dev with a successful electron app I can say that the 5+ year journey from babel+flow+webpack to typescript+webpack, between two targets (main node and renderer chromium) not to mention native modules, node ABI, dual package jsons, electron itself as a giant shifting foundation… has been one of the most intimidating challenges in my dev career and I’m coming out the other side much stronger and confident. Props to everyone involved.
作为一名拥有成功电子应用程序的独立开发者,我可以说从 babel+flow+webpack 到 typescript+webpack 的 5 年多历程,在两个目标(主节点和渲染器 chromium)之间,更不用说本机模块、节点 ABI、双包jsons、电子本身作为一个巨大的变化基础......一直是我开发生涯中最令人生畏的挑战之一,而我在另一边变得更加强大和自信。支持所有参与者。

> What I found was that the biggest barrier to entry was configuring webpack to be "just right".
> 我发现最大的进入障碍是将 webpack 配置为“恰到好处”。

As someone who has just spent a whole week trying to plumb Vite + Rollup into an ASP.NET web application, I can relate to this on many levels.
作为一个刚刚花了整整一周尝试将 Vite + Rollup 融入 ASP.NET Web 应用程序的人,我可以在很多层面上体会到这一点。

I can produce 90% of our functionality with vanilla javascript + a sprinkling of JQuery, but to get something 'modern' in Vue.JS fitting into the application comfortably is a bloody chore. Sparing the gory details, it feels like orchestrating a thousand moving parts while being blind with a gun named 'ship or die' held to your back.
我可以使用普通的 javascript + 少量的 JQuery 来生成 90% 的功能,但是要在 Vue.JS 中获得一些“现代”的东西以舒适地融入应用程序是一件非常繁琐的事情。抛开血腥的细节,这感觉就像是在背后拿着一把名为“船或死”的枪的情况下,精心策划了一千个活动部件。

For comparison, the EF core at least gives me logs. C# is a delight to debug. Print statements can tell me what I need. These parts feel wholistic.
为了进行比较,EF 核心至少给了我日志。 C# 调试起来很愉快。打印报表可以告诉我我需要什么。这些部分感觉很完整。

Yet the web stuff is just so scattered, so much to configure, so many options where if you want to do something even slightly non-standard you are in the dark, mashing the conf files until it works and you aren't even sure why but you have to move on.

This feels different from mastering one language, even though it has a steep learning curve. I hit roadblocks in perl but they weren't as frustrating and it felt like everything was feeding back to a cohesive whole. With webdev, it doesn't feel like that at all. I don't know why, I wish it wasn't so.
这感觉与掌握一门语言不同,尽管它的学习曲线很陡峭。我在 Perl 中遇到了障碍,但它们并不那么令人沮丧,而且感觉一切都在反馈到一个有凝聚力的整体。有了 webdev,就完全没有这样的感觉了。我不知道为什么,我希望不是这样。

Yes, so on the only sizeable TS project I did (which was a library, to be used by other teams) I bypassed webpack entirely and went for a mixture of tsc and esbuild. But knowing to steer clear of webpack (or even - that you can!) is a barrier.
是的,所以在我做的唯一一个大型 TS 项目(这是一个库,供其他团队使用)中,我完全绕过了 webpack,并选择了 tsc 和 esbuild 的混合。但知道避开 webpack(或者甚至 - 你可以!)是一个障碍。

Yep. Webpack is absolutely terrible but still unfortunately seems to have a lot of mindshare.
是的。 Webpack 绝对很糟糕,但不幸的是似乎仍然有很多人关注。

Never start with Webpack. Use Vite with a template and go from there.
永远不要从 Webpack 开始。使用 Vite 和模板并从那里开始。

Or just go straight to esbuild. I've found vite just makes things more complicated and slower. Particularly, the "smart reloading" breaks in subtle ways and turning every source file into a request doesn't scale well. This can probably be configured away somehow, but again, that just makes things more complicated.
或者直接进入 esbuild。我发现 vite 只会让事情变得更复杂、更慢。特别是,“智能重新加载”以微妙的方式中断,并且将每个源文件转换为请求不能很好地扩展。这可能可以通过某种方式配置掉,但同样,这只会让事情变得更加复杂。

Remix. Vite done right, mostly pre-configured out of the box.

If you want to spend a minute or two waiting before your server is back up after making any kind of change, Remix sounds about right.

My project is relatively tiny too. I’ve never regretted a choice more than Remix.

My projects reload instantly in WSL, what environment are you using?

Thank you. The replies to your post all seem variants of “you should’ve used X instead of Y”, but when you’re transpiling, you’re inviting a world of subtle bugs and edge cases. The added value, if it at all exists, is almost never worth the trouble, IMO.

I’m always amazed to see the number of SaaS companies based over here in the more privacy focused, non-Microsoft open source EU centric spaces, that use PHP but without a care in the world for strict typing.
我总是惊讶地看到这里有很多 SaaS 公司位于更注重隐私、非微软开源的欧盟中心空间,它们使用 PHP,但不关心严格的打字。

It leads to scenarios where I receive OpenApi specs that loom like this:
这导致我收到的 OpenApi 规范如下所示:

     - string/integer
They just don’t give a shit because this kind of crap works in PHP.
他们根本不在乎,因为这种垃圾在 PHP 中也能工作。

They could use: 他们可以使用:

     - type: string
     - type: integer
Which is nastier to deal with a typed language client, but at least it conforms to the spec.

So thank you for actually caring about types in PHP.
所以感谢您真正关心 PHP 中的类型。

This is the reason that JS frameworks are a thing. Next is buggy and overbuilt, but Remix is pretty much plug and play, I strongly recommend checking it out.
这就是 JS 框架存在的原因。 Next 是有缺陷且过度构建的,但 Remix 几乎是即插即用的,我强烈建议您检查一下。

tsx, esbuild, Bun, Deno, etc...all things that don't require you to use Webpack and just write/run TS...
tsx、esbuild、Bun、Deno 等...所有不需要您使用 Webpack 并只需编写/运行 TS 的东西...

If you read carefully they migrated all the perf sensitive parts to C++/WASM. At that point only glue was left and their custom language didn't have a reason to exist anymore.
如果您仔细阅读,他们会将所有性能敏感部分迁移到 C++/WASM。到那时只剩下胶水,他们的自定义语言不再有存在的理由了。

It happened in the PHP community as well, facebook being the poster child, but Yahoo also had a fair number of internal optimizations and I saw a few other companies tweak their way to get better perf/security.
这种情况也发生在 PHP 社区中,Facebook 是典型的例子,但雅虎也进行了大量的内部优化,我看到其他一些公司调整了他们的方式以获得更好的性能/安全性。

Then comes a point where the community catches on and has bigger momentum than the company, so it makes sense to move to the standard implementation.

I'd kinda see Google's Borg -> k8s move as slightly similar, though they're the one inviting the community around the standard they built themselves.
我觉得 Google 的 Borg -> k8s 的做法有点相似,尽管他们是围绕他们自己建立的标准邀请社区的人。

That is an impressive misrepresentation of history.

PHP and its community were dying by the time FB used it. People here on HN kept talking php down.
当 FB 使用 PHP 时,PHP 及其社区已经消亡。 HN 上的人们一直在贬低 php。

In 2014 FB made their own flavour of php with a bunch of perf features, called hack.
2014 年,FB 制作了自己风格的 php,带有一系列性能功能,称为 hack。

Eventually a lot of the perf features hack made its way into php.
最终,许多性能特性 hack 进入了 php。

FB is still on its own flavour. Php community is still dying.

The days of running /index.php for your own forum or script are indeed in the rear view. But it's still very big for small to medium enterprise, where Java + Spring would be excessive. Most of my local web consultancies who produce things like ticketing websites or specialised directories will reach for it.

But maybe the php forums + guestbooks was what you had in mind with 'php community', in that case you have a point. Most of the kids have moved on.

Perhaps I’m misreading your comment, but PHP was definitely not dying in 2004. Nor was anyone talking it down on HN, as HN didn’t exist.

There was a lot of tension relative to where PHP would be going, but php7 got it out of the tunnel (in no small parts because of hack, as you mention, buy not only). Some companies diversified before that, in particular moving to nodejs for instance, but others took php from there as it got a lot of attention again, and php8 didn't disappoint either.

There's still a ton of stuck that could be fixed, and php will always be talked down in some way or another but I don't think it's in a bad position as it is now. There's pretty significant code bases newly built on php right now, even if it's not making the headlines.

Meh, as far as I can see PHP has a ton of very active development around web services and frameworks, which is its core value proposition. PHP as a language should probably slow down in general but the people who use it don't seem to be really dying out or slowing down as much as the bubble leads us to believe.

People hate php for no reason. They talk about performance or whatever while building rest crud apps. Literally any language can handle that easily and your bottleneck is usually the database. I've scaled startups on PHP to hundreds of thousands of users running on a few cheap ec2 instances. But no one wants to build new php projects instead focusing on Go, Python, or Ruby. I honestly don't get it. PHP devs earn less. The syntax is super easy to pick up. Don't you want cheaper labor?

I've started to learn the ecosystems of the other languages. It's all the same shit. Really.

I think php has a gentler learning curve, but you still need the same level of expertise to get something decent out of the door. From the recruiting side it's still a PITA to find good engineers and it's reflected in the final cost of hiring. I might be biased, but moving jobs every now and then had more impact than doing php or ruby (the other contender would be nodejs, I think go and python tend to be used on different purposes or complementary to the web stack)

> PHP and its community were dying by the time FB used it.

> Php community is still dying.



Yeah I dunno about that one.

Those stats are based on public information so if someone starts a private project you won't even know it. It makes sense that a mature ecosystem would have fewer open source new projects.

You’re crazy if you think PHP is dying. Development on the language is steadily pushing forward with big QoL improvements coming to 8.4 later this year.

The popular frameworks are still growing steadily and WordPress is starting to slowly shift off some of its stranglehold on old versions now that most webhosts don’t even offer old versions. That said, even Wordpress will work out of the box with old versions (they just don’t write new features against new PHP versions).

This is arguably the most exciting time to be a PHP dev!

Isn't FB/Meta still on Hack + HVVM?

They are. At this point it's a completely different language with its own stack, as far as I know that will be a core component for the forseable future.

Now they also have modern PHP and some other languages alongside with hack from what I understand.

I don't think Google uses K8s internally. Borg is still here though.

They likely realized that maintaining their own language is very risky and going full on standardized means they can take advantage of massive progress in the entire ts ecosystem.

Custom is great right up to when the lead eng leaves.

Weird and quirky things like custom languages are bad for your resume if you're just a user (e.g a dev who uses it) rather than the implementor. That means ambitious people will consider it to be a reason to leave. It also makes hiring harder and onboarding takes longer. You also have a big transformation project to do if you ever drop your custom language.

Sometimes it's worth it if the speed boost is huge, or if you can write safer code, or if you actually want to gatekeep hiring to people who like learning new languages.

Why? Because Evan Wallace is gone. That’s my wild guess.

One of the first points in the article was that wasm became widespread enough that they could migrate them performance critical parts to C++ and the rest to typescript. The necessity for skew simply wasn't there anymore

It does smell like someone's pet project. I'm wondering what the folk at Microsoft had not figured out, that they indeed had at Figma. Typescript is open source, so why wasn't this optimisation just made as a contribution to Typescript at the time?

Also, was Typescript really as claimed in its "infancy" at the time mentioned in the article? They didn't mention a particular year.

Let's not paint pet projects black. Most things we're using today were somebody's pet projects including linux, llvm/clang, swift etc.

>Let's not paint pet projects black.

I don't follow. Where did I do this?

> It does smell like someone's pet project.

"Smell" has negative connotations in English. If you say that "this code smells" it means it's bad, and likewise it's very easy to read your "It does smell like" as you meaning it's a bad thing.

Thank you for the English lesson, but it's a big leap from this supposed connotation to "painting pet projects black".

Not so great a leap; every part of your comment implies you think they made a strange decision going the route of using someone's pet project.

With enough investment, a pet project can become a mature platform.

It's something Typescript doesn't want to do. Their goal is to remove the type annotations, maybe add some code for backwards compatibility, and otherwise do as little as possible to stray from the untyped JavaScript equivalent.

Often because the "standard" thing was not always the standard.

Like, all those people that chose Flow now have something "non-standard."

Coffeescript used to be "standard" in Ruby on Rails community.

(insert canned laughter)

Coffeescript had astonishing success, so many constructs made it to ecma standard.

Coffeescript is still better than js with many ideas - everything is an expression, comprehensions, existential operator, extended switch statement, chained comparisons overall terse, readable syntax.

Some things are terrible ie. type annotations through clunky comments.

Why the laughter? CoffeeScript was great. TypeScript is even greater. All IMHO and YMMV, of course.

Some companies built a lot in CoffeeScript. Maintaining that won't be fun.

IIRC it compiled down to readable JS, so one reasonable option is just to delete the CoffeeScript and maintain the generated JS code.

Also it feels like LLMs were kind of born for that type of conversion.

Faster than TS for a narrow use-set is a fairly low bar. But as you scale it's a bar you have to measure against the available talent from the market. You've got to weigh the cost of a developer who can pick up a completely new framework sight unseen versus the weight of a developer who has documented experience in a platform or technology you're already using. If you go full custom development you can get incredible performance out of literally any language and framework out there. But as your project needs to handle more and more scenarios, the number of developers needed to maintain it reaches a point where you're better off with Off The Shelf software despite it being slower and not specifically suited to your needs.

If you can maintain your Unicorn hiring criteria long term, maybe fully custom stacks are maintainable. For most organizations, they need to move to something that the average hire can maintain going forward. That means big name boring software vendors for the most part.

Skew wasn't just a little bit faster than TypeScript.

According to Evan Wallace (former Figma CTO), it was 1.5x to 2x faster due to better optimizations enabled by stricter type system.

I really wish browsers had continued to develop a "use strong" mode for JS. It sounded like there were significant challenges, but curbing some dynamism in order for more predictable optimisation sounds like a great tradeoffs for production-quality apps.

Take that to the extreme and you get WASM, or it's predecessor asm.js

It's also what JITers like V8 internally do, you'll get major performance hits if you do weird dynamic things.

If you want complete type erasure, then a system that ensures monomorphism is critical to good JS performance.

If you can leave the type system in place, then you could move toward an ML-style type system and see massive improvements within strictly-typed parts of the code as you'd only need type guards and inline caches at the boundaries of the strictly-typed code.

I think taken to the extreme "use strong" is more like putting Dart in the browser. But yes, you can sort of get the benefits of use strong with the right discipline.

> According to Evan Wallace (former Figma CTO), it was 1.5x to 2x faster due to better optimizations enabled by stricter type system.

It's probably not as simple as that. If hotpaths are optimized, the 2x advantage is quite likely to vanish.

But then one could say - well, you're forced to write optimized JS in several places and that impacts readability. Sure, but the trade off was to use an entirely new compile-to-js language with less tooling support and mindshare. It seems now that it wasn't worth it. The blog post sort of sugarcoats this contentious previous technical choice.

> It seems now that it wasn't worth it.

While I'm not going to debate this particular instance, I would caution against assuming all moves (with or without blog posts written about them) are indeed the best and wisest moves that could be made given the situation.

It's incredibly hard to look at our industry at large and declare that teams/companies are doing the best thing they can at any given point (where "best" is defined here as the most prudent thing, all things considered).

> To complete an operation like `const [a, b] = function_that_returns_an_array()`, JavaScript constructs an iterator that iterates through the array instead of directly indexing from the array

This is interesting. Why doesn't JS just directly index arrays for destructuring?

Because things like proxies exist, I guess.

Also, what's even more crazy is that destructuring {0: foo, 1: bar} can be faster in some javascript engines when destructuring an array with two or three element.

Quite a bit faster it looks like: https://jsbench.me/6zlvrupqmj/1

91.86% slower on my Android phone with Firefox, so it definitely depends on which JS engine.

Yeah, absolutely. With the linked benchmark I just got the following results on desktop Linux:

- 17M ops/s ± 1.65% for array destructuring in Chrome

- 169M ops/s ± 0.78% for object destructuring in Chrome

- 545M ops/s ± 3.68% for array destructuring in Firefox

- 81M ops/s ± 0.8% for object destructuring in Firefox

So per the principle of "optimize for the bottleneck", one could choose to use object destructuring, because the slowest Firefox is still comparable to the fastest Chrome option. Or when, for example, you're running Node on a server and know which JS engine you're using.

What a cool website!

This pains me a bit. Every bigger company has their own inhouse tooling, language, kubernetes. Why not share.

If Skew was open sourced maybe it had become a better typescript.

Skew is open source, but no longer maintained: https://github.com/evanw/skew

For people like me who know little about Figma, what motivates their use of WebAssembly?

You probably know that Figma is a UX design software. This means it’s basically a graphics program: you draw shapes, you scroll and zoom around. It does that extremely well. It’s unbelievably snappy even on a very large canvas with many complex UI screens. Very few desktop applications run nearly as well these days. I’m convinced that this kind of optimization is an important part of their success.

unbelievably snappy until you build something complex with complex components that have a lot of hidden variants, exponentially scales the number of existing layers and it goes dogshit with <10 fps, lag, and screen freezes (even on apple chip)

That sounds more like a "Doc, it hurts when I do this" problem though.

Yes, but it’s hard to explain that to a designer without technical background.

I'm curious about how it all hangs together, WebAssembly and Typescript.

The very first mention of WebAssembly in the article:

"Some years after WebAssembly obtained widespread mobile support, we replaced many core components of our Skew engine"

I'd assume all the graphics computation happens in C++ code via WebAssembly, which is then rendered in the browser via WebGL. The Typescript part is the glue and all the non-gfx parts of the interface, like the top bar / sidebars / etc.

Since Figma is also all about multiplayer, I imagine they might have a system that takes changes to a document, packages them up in a compact binary format, and then sends that over the wire (to Figma or to other connected clients). A decent decent target for a WASM module would probably be that serialization/deserialization step.

Vector editing has a lot of CPU bound tasks. Evan has some writing regarding the transition to WASM https://medium.com/figma-design/webassembly-cut-figmas-load-...

They started with the goal of photoshop in the browser.

Photopea is great and replaced my need for PS. I only do light weed editing though

I like TypeScript and we have a full-stack system on TypeScript but it's not perfect. Configuring TypeScript for monorepos is a nightmare. Having to make sense of it with internal packages under a pnpm monorepo requires lots of manual tsconfig.json work to make all of the paths work with each other. And our production toolchain was basically unmaintainable until the excellent tsx package became available.

It's also crazy slow. We're having issues with Zod where it slows down our TypeScript language server performance significantly, so as a result we've had to introduce project references and disable project reference redirects.

All-in-all, there's plenty of work to be done to make TypeScript better. Especially in monorepos, and especially in making it performant.

Do note that Zod is a bit of an outlier in how slow it can make type checking, e.g. https://dev.to/nicklucas/typescript-runtime-validators-and-d... one of the tests hits nearly 300ms, but no other library even touches 100ms.

> I like TypeScript and we have a full-stack system on TypeScript but it's not perfect. Configuring TypeScript for monorepos is a nightmare.

It isn't TypeScript that needs to support your particular set of tooling and library choices, but the other way round. We have a mid-sized monorepo (multiple apps, many services) which is mostly typescript. It works alright with a boring npm workspaces based configuration.

Saying typescript is slow because zod is slow is like saying c++ is slow, because javascript is slow. Not to say that typescript is quick in any way (how could it be, as something written in javascript). But letting typescript execute code to infer types in a large scale application seems like a self inflicted issue.

What do you mean by that? I don't think Zod is doing anything special as far as the TS type system goes, although its types are necessarily complex to make its "magic" work. But it's not executing code to infer the types

It’s interesting to read comment threads of people that are dead set against Typescript. It’s a tool that has very few downsides and that improves nearly every single line of code you write. Either they’re scared to learn something new, not willing to take the time, or misunderstanding how useful it is. For anyone reading these comments and agreeing with Typescript naysayers, I would think more about why the commenter and yourself feel that way. You’re putting yourself at a big disadvantage.

Some people also hate parking between the lines and returning shopping carts at the grocery store. Those are similar in that they have negative value to the individual but help the community around them.

TS often can interrupt an individual's flow, so feels like a negative value. It's only when the whole team is using it on a bigger codebase with lots of changes that the benefits start to manifest.

Not just with teams, going back to a solo project after some time is so much more of a hassle if you don't have any types to guide you.

Imagine you come from a small town where there are no parking lines at all, and everyone efficiently parks on unmarked blacktop in a respectful way.

Now imagine you go to a big city where they have a bunch of lines in the parking lot and people only half use them correctly, parking over the lines, diagonal, etc.

The existence of lines doesn't guarantee good behavior. The absence of lines doesn't guarantee bad behavior.

This is the argument I see for javascript-only folks who don't necessary enjoy using "the worlds most bloated javascript linter"

For the record, I am a Typescript enjoyer and I use it in my personal projects as well as professionally, but even I can admit that it's not automatically superior to javascript and it has a number of really frustrating and time-consuming downsides.

It's very easy to type the args and returns of a function and protect callers, but it's much more challenging to work with types between libraries and APIs all together. Lots of `as unknown as Type` or even the dreaded `any` to try and cobble the stack together.

As anything - "it depends"™. I did not notice "every single line of code" getting better at all. Yes, it makes things easier on a large team where people do not have time to do codebase discovery - or where people are moved to be highly interchangeable, on big codebases. Yes, static verification can help those teams and those codebases.

But it also introduces a lot of extra work "just to appease the type system". It rarely improves performance (if ever). Because TS has no runtime inference/validation, working with larger libraries or the browser can be a chore because half of your code are type signatures or casts.

So - not necessarily a naysayer, but I do believe that TS is oversold and with smaller teams/projects it might be slowing you down as opposed to helping.

I manage a relatively junior developer who has been using ts ignorer statements a couple of. times. I have said to him, that everytime he feel inclined to either use ts ignorer or do type coercion, he should call me first.

every single time it is a reasoning flaw implementing a solution that is sub par and bug riddled. Had they just let types guide them, they would have become better developers and not had broken the application.

I am curious though. can you provide a snippet where types would be a disprovement?

The worst I had to deal with was converting anything browser-native into data structures that would satisfy the type checker (dealing with native references), and the whole "struct or class instance" dichotomy. Specifically - when there is a lot of DOM-native input (like drag&drop events and their targets and the targets of their targets) that have to be "repackaged" into a TS tree (ending up with properties which would be a JS-version of void*).

An example of what I call "ceremony" would be

  interface BlockIndex {
    [key: string]: UploaderBlock;
  const perServerId = {} as BlockIndex;
  uploaderFiles.map((fe) => fe.blocks.map((b) => b.serverId && (perServerId[b.serverId] = b)));
While somewhat useful, this is in internal code which never gets used directly, and there are 4 lines of ceremony for 1 line of actual code.

The ceremony is caused not by typescript but your misuse of map. You don’t need to create perserverid as an object first. Instead you could flatten fe.blocks, and then filter by b.serverId and then map to a key,value array and use Object.fromEntries to turn this into a keyed object.

Something like:

    const perServerId = Object.fromEntries(uploaderFiles.flatMap(fe => fe.blocks).filter(b => Boolean(b.serverId)).map(b => [b.serverId,b]))
And typescript infers the types correctly. But I still wouldn’t write it as one line, and I’d use lodash instead.

for most frameworks these typing are built. in (eg. react).

my expectation is that there are some packages/DOM typings so you don't need to write them?

regardless, your point stands: typing external dependencies is a pain.

Even as a one person developer, you inevitably need to come back to old code and understand what's happening. Types help with that. The size of the team or codebase is irrelevant.

Small projects have a habit of getting bigger and small teams have a habit of growing also - usually to deal with the mess of the small project that is now bigger

Is that a bad thing? If you're building an MVP, do you really worry about how 2k developers are going to work on this 10 years from now?

Requirements change and the code base needs to adjust with those requirements, that's gonna happen no matter what. I've met a lot of people trying to predict future requirements, deciding to overenginer today for a brighter future. I have very rarely seen anyone guess the future requirements accurately.

Small projects become bigger projects much faster than that! I’m not suggesting that anybody should think too far ahead when it comes to building mvps, but if it’s a choice between a typed language and a dynamic one like JavaScript, baking a poor decision in early is going to hurt later. And later is much sooner than you think.

That’s not going to negatively affect your initial velocity, if it does, the team isn’t strong enough.

If the project is just a one off website or something genuinely small, sure, who cares? Otherwise it's worth realising that you'll be dealing with the fallout of poor early decisions pretty quickly.

> That’s not going to negatively affect your initial velocity, if it does, the team isn’t strong enough.

This. Note also that "a poor decision" might as well be "have developers fight the type system instead of delivering UI and pivoting if users don't like it".

There are also cases where small teams that have grown grow unproportionally to the size of the product, and while the product is set up in a fairly sane way (and there is little wrong with it!) having 20 fresh people swarm into it destroys both the architecture and the execution. And with a small team enforcing cohesion for both of these is much easier! So a small project might as well stay small, but this should be somewhat a priority.

Mythical man month in action.

I don't think anti-TS people are 'scared to learn something new'. I'm sure most of those people write TS on a daily basis, because it's an industry standard right now.

Please don't sneer, including at the rest of the community.


I always feel like those comments are written by people working on 2-person projects who never worked in a 50+ people shared codebase, and not understanding that the world different than theirs exists, and what challenges that brings.

I'm not against TypeScript, but I don't really see the massive advantage. I rarely see problems that are due to typing, and the downside is usually limited as I keep my JS on the frontend, not the backend. Regular JS/ES6 just flows better.

Do you ever see null or undefined access errors? As a TypeScript developer I haven’t seen one for many years.

Also, when you have types it changes how you code itself. When I change a schema or refactor some function, I don’t need to think at all to make sure I’ve updated all the code that depended on the old schema or API; just fire the TypeScript compiler and it tells me everything that needs to be updated.

I’ve also not seen any issues for a long while where I’ve missed some conditional case, because I use discriminated unions with switch statements more, something that looks weird in normal JS but is very useful with types, since it tells me if I missed a case automatically.

Add that I’m managing a team of engineers, and so I can easily make sure they’re also not missing cases either, by setting the convention and having them see the light.

Putting aside other things like for instance always knowing that we’ve validated inputs for API endpoints since unvalidated inputs are the unknown type and therefore effectively unusable; or always knowing we’ve parsed and serialized dates correctly since we use branded string types to distinguish them from any other string with 0 runtime impact; the list goes on.

So yeah, it might just be the case that you haven’t actually internalized what coding with types even means, so you’re unable to imagine how it can help you.

>I rarely see problems that are due to typing

This is a fallacy similar to the Blub paradox: if your language has a weak[1] type system, then it isn't capable of recognizing many problems as "type error". But stronger type systems can express stronger invariants. So something that isn't a type error in one language will be a type error in another. This changes how the programmer conceives of problems.

Example: missing a case in a switch statement isn't a "type error" in C or Java, but it is a "type error" in languages like Rust or ML, because they have sum types with exhaustiveness checking. Other examples: array bounds checks can be eliminated with dependent types; lifecycle bugs like use-after-free and double-free can be eliminated with substructural types.

[1] "weak" in an informal sense of "not very expressive"

Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the Blub Paradox imply that languages dedicated to Code Golfing are at the pinnacle of expressiveness, and look down on everyone else's languages (for their extreme verbosity, compared to the golfing languages)?

No I don't think it's about compactness of expression, but rather what it's possible to express at all.

Yeah or even simple typos, or mixing up the order of arguments, are things that are hard to catch in regular JS (except at runtime) but trivial in TS.

I suspect a lot of people might have had bad experiences with codebases which overuse complex types or trying to type things like Redux which is messy. When I use TS for personal stuff I’ll typically be a bit loose about things like any in places where I don’t care (for now) and I feel it doesn’t add much overhead, but I have been using it for a long time so it’s become second nature.

>You’re putting yourself at a big disadvantage.

Why not just appreciate the diversity of opinion and move on, rather than lecture people?

It's the Great Typing War all over again.

Some people feel more comfortable with JavaScript, Common Lisp, Lua, etc.

Some people feel more comfortable with TypeScript, Typed Racket, Luau, etc.

And that's okay.

> It’s a tool that has very few downsides and that improves nearly every single line of code you write.

Sometimes I just don't feel like dealing with those very few downsides though, but I can accept it's mostly personal preference.

At my age, sometimes I just don't want to deal with:

1. Yet another configuration file (tsconfig.json in this case). When something breaks, having one more place to look at is not something I want. The more extra files like this are needed for the development environment to even work (as in, something undesirable happens if you remove them), the less confidence I have in the project's long term reliability/stability.

2. That same configuration has misleading naming. The `"strict": true` setting should be called `"recommended": true`, or at least `"preset": "recommended"`, because it's not even strict. I would expect this `strict` flag to enable everything to the most restrictive way possible, and let devs disable checks (if) they don't want them. In its current state it doesn't enable strict checks like `noFallthroughCasesInSwitch`, `noImplicitOverride`, `noImplicitReturns`, `noUncheckedIndexedAccess`, `noUnusedLocals`, `noUnusedParameters` (I might be missing more).

3. Related to previous point: Inconsistencies between projects. So I work on one project with strict settings, tsc properly mentions possibly undefined accesses, etc; and then I move to a different project, and if I forget to context switch ("TypeScript config is different here"), I could be accidentally trusting the compiler to keep undefined accesses (and other stuff) in check, when it's not actually doing so.

4. Last time I checked, I couldn't just have a git repo "foolib" that is 100% TypeScript (100% .ts files, zero .js files), and `npm install` that repo on a separate project, and have it Just Work™. There's always extra steps that need to be done if you want to use .ts files from a separate package (usually compile to .js and install that; or using a bundler (read first point again)).

5. Why does the "!" operator even exist (or at least, why isn't there a flag to forbid it (for example the strict flag)). In my experience, using it is just developer laziness, where someone just doesn't want to write proper checks because "it's noise".


Those 5 points came off the top of my head so I'm almost certainly forgetting stuff.

It's mostly "death by a thousand cuts" kind of stuff, so sometimes I might not mind, but other times I might not be in the mood to deal with this and heavily influences my decision to go with TypeScript (keeping it approachable to as many people as possible) or a different language/ecosystem altogether.

Yes, I could "just" write a package that I can just npm install and it autoconfigures TypeScript and other stuff for me (and I have done so, for my own sanity). But I shouldn't need to do that, and it's too brittle for my taste.

People think typescript is really the silver bullet. If a developer writes crappy code, using tool x will not make him write great code. and the tool may not improve the project either. It's really tiring to work with people like you who are morbidly in love with a tool.


Why don't you like it?

Personally, I don't like it either. Firstly - entirely irrationally - because I don't like Microsoft. I grew up with them acting incredibly hostile towards the open source community and the rest of the industry, and I find that hard to forget. I know that has nothing to do with the merits of TypeScript, but I can't say it's not there.

Secondly, I don't like the complexity incurred by any compile-to-JS language. For Figma I bet it's worth it, I bet they did their homework. But the amount of tiny projects I've seen that are an unreasonable maintenance burden because of all the packages and toolchains they use, it'd be funny if it wasn't sad.

I might still use TypeScript, but for me it's more of a "give me a reason to use it" than a "give me a reason not to use it" kind of situation.

You may like JSDoc[1] if you just want some type-safety from the IDE without the compilation overhead.

It’s done wonders when I’ve had to wrangle poorly commented legacy JavaScript codebases where most of the overhead is tracing what type the input parameters are. Otherwise it’s just nice when writing a small library where you don’t want to setup a bunch of build tools.

Personally, I’m impartial to TypeScript or JSDoc at this point. But I’d rather have either over plain JavaScript.

[1] https://jsdoc.app/

I finally kinda came around to it after a decade of writing JavaScript. It took me a while because I’d spent about a year converting Coffeescript back into JavaScript after it fell out of favor at a company I worked at. I told myself I’d never work on another js-transpiled language.

I do love strong typing, but what I don’t love is a language that mimics strong typing over a loosely typed system. Every single time I’ve used it, I’ve run into some weird problems. A third party package might not have a types file, or it might have an incorrectly-defined type, etc. It can be extremely frustrating in my experience.

I also hate microsoft. I worked with their piece of shit browser for 20 years. From ie3 onward they all sucked and lagged behind. Their OS was complete garbage and somehow they managed to penetrate like 90% of the desktop market.

but beyond that typescript i find is cognitive overload for someone who considers themselves an expert at vanilla javascript. It more than doubles the development time. I rarely use the inflections because 50% of the time it points to "any" so its utterly useless...and these kids who claim "but you won't get an undefined error!" is just well fix your fucking undefined error when you see it...is my response. WHy do I need to 3x my dev time and hurt my brain in the process so some jackass doesn't have to worry about an undefined variable.

I also think the reason MS released TS is because they were unable to find good devs who knew JS. ALl that typeshit in other languages (most enterprise crap like java and .net/c#) could now all be converted to ts devs without having to rehire. TS is for offshore teams imo.

That being said I will say on a team of 50+ devs on the same codebase I would vote for typescript becuase you will get a shit load of js spaghetti otherwise from these people who can't be bothered to understand js.

I'd argue that if you ever use a single "any" then you're not using Typescript but simply writing JavaScript with more steps and a compile time. Any can be useful during development, but it should never reach production. I think the reason you see so much of it in a lot of open source packages is that they've only really adopted Typescript because their consumers expect it and it was just easier for them to do it this way.

We use very strict Typescript, but a lot of our internal utility packages are actually written in pure JavaScript because of the way the Node package environment works. Like our date tool, our helper API package for odata, and, our fascist linting extension package. They're all pure JS with provided types. This is because the handful of people, and the handful of times we work on these libraries it's always people who know exactly what they are doing while they do it. These same people (myself included) won't necessary be in similar positions when we write Typescript, which is why we don't use JavaScript in our day-to-day development. Since our strict Typescript setup protects us from ourselves.

I'm not personally a big fan of Microsoft. Professionally I do think they are one of the absolute best IT-business partners for organisations either enterprise-sized or approaching, because of how they run their support for operations. That being said, I do think what they've done with both Typescript and C# where they sort of mix the best from both languages, has been really good for both languages. At least until you look at something like Blazor which is basically just rebranded web-forms. But I guess that's what happens with large organisations, and at least as far as Typescript is concerned, they seem to be making the "right" decisions.

I use JSDoc instead of TypeScript on a codebase where I am the sole developer. It skyrockets autocompletion, helps memory recall after off time and helps prevent stupid human errors that I am bound to make unconsciously. That's IMO what type systems are designed to do - reduce the error rate of human driven development.

I felt the same about typescript early on. Now I really like it as I can easily program logic for hours without running the app once. I'm not sure I could do that without typing.

It also makes reading code a lot easier. I can see where something is used, where it's defined, etc etc. It's much easier to get around.

Yeah, I think that's a good point. I'm actually quite on the fence about dynamic and static typing - I like both. With a small team that knows what they're doing, I tend to go dynamic. With a larger team, it does tend to become a bit of a mess and weird workarounds to not having static typing (like some mystical 100% test coverage) start to surface.

I love the approach Python and MyPy took there: Python supports but ignores type annotations. You can add them to any part you want and check it with MyPy, but you can truly do it gradually, and you can always decide not to do it. An approach like that would fit JavaScript beautifully, I think.

I'm not absolutely certain, but doesn't Typescript work exactly the same way Python does if you set it up to do so? I think the reason you may think you can't have dynamic types in Typescript is because it's generally recommended not to do so. Sort of because that if you're using dynamic types, then you might as well be using pure JavaScript with JSDoc. Having a couple of decades of experience with dynamic and static typing, I tend to prefer static typing because it's just "easier" (more maintainable, lets you onboard people faster, lets you do a lot less code-reviewing, and other advantages all of which are more on the "managing people" side of things). Dynamic typing can be good and it certainly lets you prototype faster, but to do it well over a 5 year period you're going to need some serious governance.

One thing I never liked about Python is that sometimes it "guesses" the types wrong behind the scenes. This is sort of an issue with most "magic" that you'll also see in some of the parts where Java, C# and others, lets you skip writing a lot of boring code by "guessing" your intentions. But where it's relatively easy to tell the runtime environment how to do it the way you want it in something like C#, it's not in Python. It's also often a lot less obvious unless something fails in a manner you've taken steps to expect.

With JavaScript (and this includes Typescript) you have another set of issues. Since classes, types and so on are all abstractions of object and since Javascript will happily pass "nothing, but not null" around. Well... It's just so easy to make spaghetti or even code which isn't very performant. Things like classes have very little function in Typescript, I'm not saying you should never use them, because you should never be religious about these things. For the most part it's typically better to use a type/interface and a stand alone non-hoisting functions.

Personally I prefer rather opinionated languages like Go, or very strict languages like Rust where everything is very locked down and unmutable until you specifically tells it not to be. Of course Rust comes with it's own "interesting" things like the borrow checker.

> supports but ignores type annotations

That’s how TS works too though - compilation just strips the types via babel etc, with type checking a separate process. You opt in file by file by switching .js to .ts

Well, the nice thing with Python types is that the _only_ difference to untyped Python is the type annotations. Last time I worked with TypeScript (two and a half years ago), it felt more like a different language _similar_ to JS. In my experience it was quite... viral. With MyPy I've genuinely seen just specific parts of a code base become typed and didn't notice any friction.

I wonder what would happen if that proposal for type comments in JS went through. Would TypeScript become just a type checker / optimizing compiler?

Google's Closure had an (IMHO) nicer approach (using doc comments for type annotations, see: https://github.com/google/closure-compiler/wiki/Types-in-the...), but I don't get the impression it'll ever catch on outside Google.

Closure team have also deprecated a lot of the old tooling. Closue was ahead of it's time for sure and as someone who heavily used the Closure Library and Closure compiler in advanced mode, it is sad that it did not catch on. However using TSickle you can transpile Typescript into javascript which closure compiler uses for advanced optimisations.

They say TS is optional but I've ran into issues using 3rd party libraries that require it when calling their methods.

I just never really used typing. I started with perl and then did php and ruby for awhile before focusing on javascript. So I never knew what I was missing.

I'm just much much faster in vanilla js than I am with typesh

I don't like Typescript because it forces me to think about types and data structures and stuff. Which is a Good Thing because I absolutely have to think about that stuff when working on large codebases with a team of colleagues: without the inline documentation and text editor help TS gives me when working on those codebases I'd be (at least!) 10x slower when refactoring old code or adding new code. And nobody wants to pay a slow developer!

However ... the one place I refuse to use Typescript is in my side project - a JS canvas library. I can justify this because: 1. it's a big codebase, but I know every line of it intimately having spent the last 10 years (re-)writing it; 2. nobody else contributes (and I kinda like it that way); and 3. I keep a close eye on competing canvas libraries and I've watched several of them go through the immense (frustrating!) work of converting their codebases to TS over the past few years and, seriously, I don't need that pain in my not-paid-for life.

Even so, I do maintain a .d.ts file for the library's 'API' (the functions devs would use when building a canvas using my library) because the testing, documentation and autocompletion help it offers is too useful to ignore. It is additional work, but it's just one file[1] and I can live with that.

[1] https://github.com/KaliedaRik/Scrawl-canvas/blob/v8/source/s...


Why? It's the truth.

things can both be true and heartbreaking

Ah yes.. Switch to Typescript and give up all your advances to get a brand new set of crutches.

They should have brought you in as a consultant so that they would have arrived at the correct decision. Alas, they are now doomed to be wrong forever.

I like that typescript catches when I need to do null checks so I don't end up with the most notorious runtime error seared into the brain of every JS developer "cannot read property of undefined".

Some parts are nice, like the string literal typing "this" | "that". Other things are hacky, like "branded types", gross.

But then I think of my commercial codebase which is extremely well tested, regular old JS, and wonder if is worth the hassle.

Can you elaborate what you consider "crutches" in this case?

They had a custom language giving them full flexibility to achieve making a product in the browser that put them ahead of everyone else, and instead of embracing that, they throw it out to be able to hire of the shelve developers to code in a language that doesn't let them move freely. Typescript is like crutches in the sense that it might support you in not falling, but you only really need them if you're crippled in some way.

> They had a custom language giving them full flexibility to achieve making a product in the browser that put them ahead of everyone else

From the article it sounds like it was only used for the prototyping system so a single code base could run in the iOS client and the Web client.

I believe the main UI of Figma and what makes it so performant and magical to use is C++ https://www.figma.com/blog/webassembly-cut-figmas-load-time-...

What are you talking about? Typescript is a fantastic improvement on JavaScript.

Skew doesn't look fundamentally better enough that it would be worth the downsides. Lack of IDE support alone is probably enough to cancel out a productivity gains from a better language.

Off topic: Does anyone know of any sites made with Figma so I can see what the UX is like?

As a user I don't care about DX if the resulting UX is bad.

Basically every significant app you interface with is designed with Figma at this point.

Figma itself has no opinion about the resulting UX. It's a tool for designers, and they can design great UX, horrible UX, and everything in between.

Your question is kind of like saying "I want to see a house built with a hammer, to see if a hammer makes nice looking houses".

You wouldn’t really be able to tell. Figma is often just a tool for working out designs and building up a design system for your site. That later gets translated to your front end by your devs. Figma itself isn’t a styling library like tailwind, etc.

But are the designs lean or bloated.

If Figma helps building lean designs it's good otherwise not.

Designers tend to put too much useless parts into sites, like unnecessary transparencies and animations.

that's like asking if a pen or keyboard lead to bloat. depends on who's using them.

More like if AI leads to spam or if guns kill people.

The latter one is harder if you only have a knife instead of an assault rifle.

No it’s more like, does vscode lead to better code than jetbrains? Figma doesn’t really provide meaningful constraints on a design that would let you identify it as Figma sourced, much as you won’t be able to tell whether a site was written in a particular IDE.

It's good with SVGs, themes, grouping elements into reusable components from your design system, and doing an art board per screen together so you can get an idea of your workflow through the app.

Not great at animations, not great at fully exploding all of the app state. Overall pretty good middle ground for designers and devs to interact.

If a designer uses ‘unnecessary’ transparencies and animations just because a design tool makes those things easy, that is not a problem with the design tool.

If a tool makes something bad easy it is partially responsible.

It’s just a system for animating the transitions between flat designs and adding scroll areas so you can preview an estimation of a design on mobile and web.

Doesn’t even support more advanced prototyping things like inputs and dynamic changes.

Not a site builder

As mentioned, Figma is the de facto standard for UX design. Probably six or seven out of ten websites, apps, and desktop applications were designed on Figma, if they're relatively new. But Figma doesn't make sites, it's just a tool for designing them.

If you sign up for Figma, you can quickly get a sense of what it does. Some features are behind a paywall, but mostly things related to collaborating or managing large teams and design systems.

There are also approximately 1 billion Figma tutorial videos on Youtube that would show you the interface.

Most large sites you see are made "with Figma". Designers use Figma for mocks and hand it off to web developers to implement.

You can safely assume everything that comes out of Microsoft is designed with Figma.

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