How We Spend Our Time
Today at a Glance 今日一覽
- Thinking about time forces us to confront some harsh realities, but I would encourage you to consider this a small "tax" on all of the benefit you gain from deepening your respect for—and appreciation of—time.
思考時間迫使我們面對一些嚴酷的現實,但我鼓勵你將這視為對你從加深對時間尊重和欣賞中獲益的一種小 “稅”。 - I recently came across data on who we spend our time with over the course of our lives. The insights are simultaneously inspiring and depressing. This piece shares 6 graphs everyone needs to see.
最近我偶然發現了關於我們一生中與誰共度時光的數據。這些見解既鼓舞人心又令人沮喪。這篇文章分享了每個人都需要看到的 6 張圖表。 - You can download a full PDF presentation of the graphs and key lessons for free here. Please share and discuss with your loved ones.
您可以在此免費下載完整的圖表和重要課程的 PDF 演示文稿。請與您的親朋好友分享並討論。
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If there is one topic I think about most frequently, it is time.
My relationship with time has fundamentally morphed over the last few years.
In that period, I went from feeling the invincibility of youth to the fragility of adulthood. From feeling that time was limitless—a non-factor—to feeling that time was depressingly limited—the only factor.
Perhaps it was COVID—the forced slowdown of our lives that gave rise to a mass re-evaluation of priorities.
也許是 COVID - 迫使我們生活放慢,從而引發了對優先事項的大規模重新評估。
Perhaps it was the abrupt realization that my parents wouldn't be around forever.
Perhaps it was the birth of my son—which created a visceral awareness of the passage of precious moments that we will never get back.
也許是我兒子的誕生 —— 讓我更加深刻地意識到那些我們永遠無法挽回的寶貴時刻正在流逝。
I expect I'm not alone: Time is suddenly on all of our minds.
And while this may force us to confront some harsh realities, I would encourage you to consider this a small "tax" on all of the benefit you gain from deepening your respect for—and appreciation of—time.
雖然這可能迫使我們面對一些嚴酷的現實,但我鼓勵你將這視為對你從加深對時間尊重和欣賞中獲益的一種小 “稅”。
Today's piece will force you to confront a few such harsh realities—it may feel depressing, yet simultaneously inspiring.
今天的文章將迫使您面對一些殘酷的現實 — 這可能讓人感到沮喪,但同時也具啟發性。
I would encourage you to think about each graph and discuss it with your loved ones. If this piece causes even just a few of you to make positive changes in your life, I have done my job.
Who We Spend Our Time With
A few weeks ago, I came across some data from the American Time Use Survey and Our World in Data that breaks down who we spend our time with over the course of our lives.
幾個星期前,我偶然發現了來自美國時間使用調查和 Our World in Data 的一些數據,該數據分析了我們一生中與誰共度時間。
I had seen the combined graph of this data shared in the past, but with so many lines, I admit that I often just glazed over it and failed to draw any meaningful conclusions.
This time, I decided to dig a bit deeper, so I downloaded the dataset (openly available at the link above) and split each line out into its own graph.
Staring at the deconstructed output, I knew no one would glaze over it.
Here are the 6 graphs, key takeaways, and a few ideas on "owning the curve" (i.e. making deliberate changes bend your personal graphs) in your future...
這裡有 6 張圖表,主要要點,以及一些關於在未來「擁有曲線」(即使有意識地改變彎曲你的個人圖表)的想法...
Family 家庭
Time spent with our parents, siblings, and family peaks in childhood and declines sharply after age 20.
與父母、兄弟姊妹和家人在一起的時間在童年時期達到高峰,並在 20 歲後急劇下降。
As you leave home and get caught up in your own life, you often fail to recognize that the time you have remaining with your family is so very limited.
Key Takeaways: 主要觀點:
- Time with family is limited.
與家人在一起的時間有限。 - Time with parents declines sharply after age 20. I wrote about the depressing math we all need to do in this piece.
- You may only see your loved ones a few more times.
Prioritize and cherish every moment.
Own the Curve: Call your parents or siblings this week for no reason other than just to chat.
Time spent with friends peaks at age 18 and declines sharply to a low baseline.
In your youth, you spend a lot of time with a lot of friends. As you enter adulthood, you spend a little bit of time with a few close friends.
Key Takeaways:
- Embrace friendship breadth, but focus on depth.
- Cherish those who are with you through good times and bad. The "Darkest Hour Friends" are those you want to keep with you for life.
Invest your time and energy in the healthy, meaningful friendships that last.
Own the Curve: Think about the 2-3 friends who would be there for you in your darkest hour. Call, text, or email them this week to simply say how much you appreciate them.
Time spent with your partner trends up until death.
The person you choose to confront life's ups and downs with will have the largest impact on your happiness and fulfillment.
Key Takeaways: 主要觀點:
- Who you choose as a partner is the most important decision you'll ever make.
選擇什麼樣的伴侶是你一生中最重要的決定。 - Find someone you genuinely enjoy spending time with. Life isn't about the glamorous moments—most of life is just sitting around doing nothing. Find someone you genuinely enjoy doing nothing with.
Remember: You get one shot at life. Never settle for less than love.
Own the Curve: Tell your partner one thing you appreciate about them today. Then do it again tomorrow. Then the next day. And so on. Appreciation and gratitude compounds.
Children 兒童
Time spent with your children peaks in your 30s and declines sharply thereafter.
與子女共度的時間在 30 多歲時達到高峰,此後急劇下降。
You work and work to make more and more—but at what cost? At what point does all that work force you to miss the moments you can never get back?
你不停地工作,努力賺取更多的金錢 — 但這一切的代價是什麼?在什麼時候,所有的工作讓你錯過了永遠無法挽回的時刻?
There's a devastatingly short window of time during which you are your child's entire world. Don't blink.
Key Takeaways: 主要觀點:
- Time with your children is short—the "Magic Years" will fly by if you let them.
與孩子在一起的時間很短暫 —— 如果你讓它們飛逝,那麼「魔法歲月」將會消逝。 - Be present in every moment.
Slow down and embrace the sweetness that children bring to your life.
Own the Curve: If you have children, spend 15 minutes each day this week fully immersed in your relationship with them. No phones allowed. Ask questions, listen, play with them. Just be present with them.
擁抱曲線:如果你有孩子,這個星期每天花 15 分鐘全神貫注地投入與他們的關係。不允許使用手機。提問題,傾聽,和他們一起玩。只需與他們在一起。
Coworkers 同事
Time spent with coworkers is steady during the traditional prime working years from age 20-60 and declines sharply thereafter.
與同事共度的時間在傳統的主要工作年齡段(20-60 歲)保持穩定,此後急劇下降。
Work will pull you away from your family and loved ones throughout your life.
Key Takeaways: 主要觀點:
- You'll spend a lot of time at work.
你將會在工作中花費很多時間。 - Who you choose to work with is one of the most important decisions you'll make.
If you have the luxury of choice, make sure you choose work—and coworkers—that you find meaningful and important. Aim to have coworkers who create energy in your life.
Own the Curve: Ask yourself a few critical questions about your work and coworkers. Do you gain energy from being around them? Do they push you to grow intellectually? Are you happy spending such an outsized amount of your life with these coworkers?
Alone 獨自
Time spent alone steadily increases throughout your life.
"All of humanity's problems stem from man's inability to sit quietly in a room alone." - Blaise Pascal
「人類所有的問題都源於人類無法獨自靜坐在一個房間裡。」- 帕斯卡
When you're young, you learn to fear time alone. To fear boredom. But as you get older, you need to learn to cherish it.
Key Takeaways: 主要觀點:
- Learn to embrace solitude.
學會擁抱孤獨。 - Flex your boredom muscle regularly.
Find happiness and joy in the time you have to yourself—there will be a whole lot of it as you get older.
在你有的獨處時間中找到快樂和喜悅 - 隨著年齡增長,這種時間會變得更多。
Own the Curve: Spend 15 minutes each day being bored. No technology, no books or reading, no social interaction. Go for a walk, sit in a room, whatever. Flex your boredom and solitude muscle daily. Get comfortable with yourself.
擁有曲線:每天花 15 分鐘感到無聊。沒有科技,沒有書籍或閱讀,沒有社交互動。散步,坐在房間裡,隨便什麼都可以。每天鍛煉你的無聊和獨處的肌肉。與自己相處得舒適。
Putting It All Together 將所有元素結合在一起
Distilling all of this into 6 key lessons:
將所有這些精煉為 6 個關鍵教訓:
- Family time is limited—cherish it.
家庭時間有限,好好珍惜。 - Friend time is limited—prioritize real ones.
朋友的時間有限 - 優先考慮真正的朋友。 - Partner time is significant—never settle.
夥伴時間至關重要 — 永不妥協。 - Children time is precious—be present.
孩子的時間很寶貴 — 要在場。 - Coworker time is significant—find energy.
同事之間的時間很重要 - 找到能量。 - Alone time is abundant—love yourself.
獨處的時間很充裕 - 愛自己。
For those of you who are interested, you can download a full shareable PDF presentation of these charts and insights here.
對於有興趣的人,您可以在此處下載這些圖表和見解的完整可共享 PDF 演示文稿。
This is an important topic, so I would really like to hear from you:
- What are your reactions to these graphs?
你對這些圖表有什麼反應? - How did it make you think differently about time, your life, and your priorities?
它如何讓你對時間、生活和優先事項有不同的想法? - What conversations did it spark with your loved ones?
A Note on Sources: The data comes is a broad-based sample from the American Time Use Survey from 2009-2019, as compiled by Our World in Data. I do expect that there are cultural differences that would appear if we took a more global view, though I believe the takeaways and lessons are universal in nature. It would also be interesting to see data post-2020 to see how COVID-19 impacted who we spend our time with. I will post updates in the newsletter as I uncover and analyze new data.
關於資料來源的說明:數據來自於 2009 年至 2019 年的美國時間使用調查的廣泛樣本,由 Our World in Data 編制。我預期如果我們從更全球的角度來看,可能會出現文化差異,但我相信得出的結論和教訓是普遍的。看到 2020 年後的數據,以了解 COVID-19 如何影響我們花時間的對象,也將是有趣的。我將在通訊中發布更新,當我發現並分析新數據時。