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Summer Social Practice Report

Topic: The Yellow River Feelings

Name: Yanping Liu

Classes: 2021203 classes

Student ID: 202120304

College: College of Foreign Chinese

Major: English


The Yellow River, a mother river that has nurtured the 5,000-year-old history of the Chinese nation,
Peak loop turn
, its heroic momentum, and its pouring of thousands of miles, outlining its enduring time,
image ...... The Yellow River is rolling and mighty, like a giant dragon
Across the vast land of China
, which gave birth to the Yellow River culture
China for thousands of years
The extremely important mother river culture is a splendid culture created by the multi-ethnic people of the Yellow River basin in ancient and modern times under the nourishment of the Yellow River and the interaction with nature. At the same time, from ancient times to the present, how many literati have been
Use the Yellow River to express the grief and joy in our hearts, such as the well-known Wang Zhi
"The sun is at the end of the mountain, and the Yellow River flows into the sea", Li Bai's "If you want to cross the Yellow River and ice Sichuan, you will climb the mountain full of snow", and Liu Zhongyong's "Three springs and white snow return to the green mound, and the Yellow River surrounds the Black Mountain...... It is not difficult to see that the Yellow River plays an important role in our Chinese culture. In today's world,
General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that the Yellow River culture is an important part of Chinese civilization and the root and soul of the Chinese nation. It is necessary to promote the systematic protection of the cultural heritage of the Yellow River, guard the precious heritage left to us by our ancestors, and deeply explore the value of the times contained in the Yellow River culture. In order to respond to this call and actively learn and promote the culture of the Yellow River,
I participated
"Tracing the footprints of the Yellow River and helping to protect the Yellow River"
This practical activity. Our group's
In this practical activity, a microcosm of the Yellow River culture - the Yellow River mud
Systematic learning.

The Yellow River Nixun is one of the Xun musical instruments, which is the Yellow River people on the bank of the Yellow River in Wuzhi County, Henan Province, the hometown of the Yellow River culture in China, and the Yellow River Nixun made with the Yellow River water and Yellow River mud - playing the Yellow River music with the Yellow River mud, spreading the Yellow River culture with the Yellow River music, telling the story of the Yellow River with the intriguing Xun music language, inheriting the Yellow River civilization, and continuing the excellent traditional traditional national musical instruments of the historical context. Therefore, the Yellow River Nixun is not only a classic symbol and carrier of the Yellow River culture in the new era, but also of great significance to us in learning and promoting the Yellow River culture. Understanding the Yellow River Nixun is of great significance to our understanding of the Yellow River culture, which is also the gist of our practical activities.

Since the main musical instrument we learned in our school's music class last semester was the Yellow River Nixun, we already had a general idea of it in our minds, but to really analyze the "doorway" in it, we still have a sense of short-sightedness. Therefore, each of us also cherishes this opportunity to communicate and learn with relevant teachers. The members of our practice team first systematically understood the cultural heritage of the Yellow River Nixun through consulting materials, watched and briefly experienced the production process of the Yellow River Nixun, and learned that the Yellow River Nixun has a history of 7,000 years, and it was used to imitate bird calls during hunting in ancient times, and then gradually evolved into musical instruments. The Yellow River mud is made of Yellow River cement, which needs to be precipitated for two to three years before it can be used. The production skills of the Yellow River mud Xun are quite exquisite, the selection of the Yellow River slurry, first after the selection of soil, drying soil, and mud and other raw materials of the preparation work, and then began to make Xun billet, repair, punching, polishing and firing a series of links, each link needs the master's careful production, a slight mistake, the timbre of Xun will be different from the sound of the superior Xun.

In order to have a more intuitive experience of the production and performance of the Yellow River Nixun, we visited a teacher who has experience in making the Yellow River Nixun in this practical activity. The members of the practice team prepared the Yellow River mud that they needed to learn, exchanged and learned from each other, and asked the teacher for advice and learning. At our repeated invitations, the teacher played a song for us with Xun, and only a few phrases and five or six notes were enough for us to hear the liver and intestines, and the sound of reverberating in our ears lingered for a long time. The teacher told us that the Yellow River Nixun embodies the spirit of self-improvement, perseverance and pioneering innovation of the sons and daughters of the Yellow River, and shows the Yellow River culture and Chinese civilization that our Chinese sons and daughters are as good as water, virtuous and virtuous. After listening to it, I felt a sense of pride in my eyes. Finally, under the guidance of the teacher, we began to practice some simple pieces, and finally after continuous efforts, we were able to play the simple pieces by ourselves. Finally, the members of our practice held a small Yellow River mud performance activity, although everyone's memory technique is a little rusty, but we are all in awe to treat, and it can be regarded as a good result.

Jia Pingwa once commented on Xun: "Xun is a muddy thing, and it emits an earthy sound." The various new musical instruments produced by modern civilization can play gorgeous things, but they do not contain a kind of monster like Xun. When God pinched people with mud, he also pinched this Xun, and people chiseled seven holes to have a soul, and Xun chiseled seven holes to have a charm. "Xun's sad, deep, and mournful timbre also adds a touch of desolation to the Yellow River. When I saw the teacher introduce us to the Yellow River Nixun, his eyes were full of awe of this instrument, or more rigorously, the teacher was in awe and inheritance of a civilization, and his eyes seemed to be flowing with the Yellow River Nixun River, which could not be seen and rushed endlessly. It is undeniable that the charm of the Yellow River Nixun is given by people, but behind its pregnancy is the support of the thick Yellow River culture.

For anything, only when you understand will you respect and know how to be in awe. Through this practical activity, we learned about the relevant knowledge and cultural heritage of the Yellow River Nixun, communicated and learned with the teachers, and absorbed rich nutrition. On the other hand, in this practical activity, we also improved our teamwork ability and helped each other, so that the event ended successfully.

The members of the practice team measured the imprint of the Yellow River with their feet, listened to the story of the Yellow River with their ears, felt the pulse of the Yellow River with their hearts, and deeply understood the national strategy of ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin, which strengthened the confidence and determination of each member to protect the mother river, carry forward the spirit of the Yellow River, and inherit the culture of the Yellow River. In the future study and life, we will achieve the unity of knowledge and action, understand the Yellow River culture, learn the Yellow River culture, promote the Yellow River culture, and protect the Yellow River culture!

As a member of the practice team, this study of the Yellow River Nixun is an excellent opportunity to understand the culture of the Yellow River, a wonderful experience class, and an unforgettable and meaningful experience.