F 为 9.9 [1.7–17.8] The most important part of this study was the use of a technique to determine whether the patient is a patient with a history of hepatitis B.
M 为 9.6 [1.0–14.5] The results showed that there was no significant difference between the two groups(P> 0.05).
F 为 6.6 [6.4–6.7] Functionality:
4.7 [1.0–13.1] 对于 M
F 为 10.2 [1.0–15.4]
47.7% [16/36 米 (44.4%);15/29 华氏度 (51.7%)]
10.7% [5/36 米 (13.9%);2/29 自由度
30.8% [12/36 米 (33.3%);8/29 自由度
恶心 恶心 恶心
7.2 [1.0–12.7] 对于 M
F 为 14.8 [6.7–15.9]
23% [9/36 米 (25%);6/29 华氏度 (20.7%)]
呕吐 呕吐
M 为 6.5 [3.0–11.6] The results showed that there was no significant difference between the two groups(P> 0.05).
F 为 15.6 [14.3–16.1] Four patients were treated with a dose of 100 mg/kg,and three patients were treated with a dose of 100 mg/kg.
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