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Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology

Undergraduate Graduation Thesis (Graduation Project Specification)

题 目:基于四位一体视角下的大学生就业创业能力评价体系研究
Topic: Research on the evaluation system of college students' employment and entrepreneurship ability from the perspective of four-in-one

Student's Name: Jing Huiying

学 号:2065140215
Student ID: 2065140215

专 业:公共事业管理
Major: Public Utilities Management

班 级:公共2020-2班
Class: Public 2020-2 class

Instructor: Xue Jianchun

June 2024


Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology Graduation Project Specification (Graduation Thesis)

摘 要

With the popularization of higher education, the number of college students in China has increased rapidly, and the employment situation of college students has become increasingly severe, which has become a hot issue of national concern and social research. As a talent that the state focuses on cultivating, college students are an important human resource for national construction. The innovative spirit and entrepreneurial ability of college students are an important part of the country's competitiveness. Through employment and entrepreneurship, college students can unleash their innovation potential and contribute to the country's scientific and technological innovation and industrial upgrading. Their entrepreneurial projects are often innovative and forward-looking, which can lead the development direction of the industry and enhance the overall competitiveness of the country. In addition, the entrepreneurial activities of university students can also promote scientific and technological achievements.

Through the analytic hierarchy process, this paper establishes four dimensions of individual, family, school and society to establish an evaluation system for college students' employment and entrepreneurship ability, and obtains the impact of the four dimensions on college students' employment and entrepreneurship ability to different degrees. The four-in-one perspective is used to provide constructive suggestions for the improvement of college students' employment and entrepreneurship ability.

Keywords: four-in-one; employment and entrepreneurship of college students; Research on evaluation system


With the popularization of higher education, the number of college students in China has increased rapidly, and the employment situation of college students has become increasingly severe, which has become a hot issue of national concern and social research. College students, as the talents that the country focuses on cultivating, are the important human resources for national construction. College students' innovative spirit and entrepreneurial ability is an important part of national competitiveness. Through employment and entrepreneurship, college students can exert their innovation potential and contribute to the country's scientific and technological innovation and industrial upgrading. Their entrepreneurial projects are often innovative and forward-looking, which can lead the development direction of the industry and enhance the overall competitiveness of the country. In addition, the entrepreneurial activities of college students can also promote scientific and technological achievements.

n this paper, the analytic hierarchy process is used to establish a system of evaluation of the employability and entrepreneurship of college students. The use of four perspectives for the employment of college students to improve entrepreneurial ability to provide constructive advice.

Key wordsQuaternity; Employment and entrepreneurship of college students; Study on system of evaluation

目 录

摘 要I


1 绪 论1
1 Introduction 1

1.1 研究背景1
1.1 Background 1

1.2 研究意义2
1.2 Implications of the study 2

1.2.1 理论意义2
1.2.1 Theoretical implications 2

1.2.2 现实意义2
1.2.2 Practical significance 2

1.3 研究思路与方法2
1.3 Research Ideas and Methods 2

1.3.1 研究思路2
1.3.1 Research Ideas 2

1.3.2 研究方法3
1.3.2 Research Methods 3

2 文献综述4
2 Literature Review 4

2.1 国内外研究现状4
2.1 Research status at home and abroad 4

2.1.1 国外研究现状4
2.1.1 Current status of foreign research 4

2.1.2 国内研究现状5
2.1.2 Current status of domestic research 5

2.2 相关概念和理论基础6
2.2 Related Concepts and Theoretical Foundations 6

2.2.1 职业能力理论6
2.2.1 Vocational Competence Theory 6

2.2.2 人力资本理论6
2.2.2 Human Capital Theory 6

2.2.3 Employability 6

2.2.4评价体系 7
2.2.4Evaluation system 7

3. Current situation and outstanding problems of college students' employability and entrepreneurship ability 8

3.1 Analysis of the current situation of college students' employability 8

3.1.1 就业能力现状分析8
3.1.1 Analysis of the current situation of employability 8

3.1.2 创业能力现状分析9
3.1.2 Analysis of the current situation of entrepreneurial capacity 9

3.2 突出问题12
3.2 Outstanding issues 12

3.2.1 个人方面12
3.2.1 Personal aspects 12

3.2.2 家庭方面12
3.2.2 Household aspects 12

3.2.3 School aspects 12

3.2.4 Social aspects 12

4. Construction of evaluation index system for college students' employment and entrepreneurship ability 14

4.1 Principles and methods for the establishment of evaluation index system 14

4.1.1 评价指标体系建立的原则14
4.1.1 Principles for the establishment of the evaluation index system 14

4.1.2 评价指标体系建立的方法14
4.1.2 Methods for establishing the evaluation index system 14

4.2 "Four-in-one" evaluation index selection 15

4.2.1 大学生个人能力15
4.2.1 Individual Abilities of University Students 15

4.2.2 家庭环境17
4.2.2 Family environment 17

4.2.3 学校维度18
4.2.3 School dimension 18

4.2.4 社会维度19
4.2.4 Social dimensions 19

5基于AHP方法的大学生就业创业能力评价体系构建 21
5Construction of college students' employment and entrepreneurship ability evaluation system based on AHP method 21

5.1 数据来源21
5.1 Data sources 21

5.2Analytic hierarchy process 21

5.2.1Judgment matrix and consistency test 22

5.3Summary 24

5.4 Countermeasures and Suggestions for Improving the Employment and Entrepreneurship Ability of College Students 25

Ref. 28

Appendix 34

致 谢34
Acknowledgments 34



1.1 研究背景
1.1 Background

With the continuous development of the global economy and the rise of the knowledge economy, entrepreneurship has become an important driving force for economic growth and employment. In particular, in China, the number of college graduates has increased dramatically since the expansion of university enrollment, and the employment situation has become increasingly severe. In the face of such a large group of graduates, how to effectively solve their employment problems and promote sustainable economic development has become the focus of attention of the government, universities and all walks of life.

As the country attaches great importance to innovation and entrepreneurship, more and more policies and measures have been introduced to encourage and support college students to start their own businesses. These policies include entrepreneurship education and training policies, preferential tax policies, entrepreneurship financing policies and entrepreneurship service policies, etc., aiming to lower the threshold for entrepreneurship, improve the success rate of entrepreneurship, and create a good environment for college students to start their own businesses.

College students also have certain advantages in their own right. They have higher academic qualifications and professional knowledge, have strong learning ability and innovation awareness, and are more likely to capture market opportunities and create novel products or services. At the same time, college students' entrepreneurship can also promote scientific and technological innovation, promote industrial upgrading, and create more economic value for the society. However, college students also face many challenges and difficulties in starting their own businesses. They lack practical experience and lack of knowledge of the market, law, finance, etc., and it is difficult for them to deal with various risks in the process of starting a business. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to study the entrepreneurship and employment of college students.

From the perspective of family, the family environment has an important impact on the educational background and knowledge reserve of college students. Some families attach great importance to the education and training of their children, and pay attention to cultivating children's comprehensive ability, innovation consciousness and practical ability. Such a family environment can allow college students to be exposed to more entrepreneurial cases and experience sharing of successful entrepreneurs during their time at school, which in turn stimulates their interest and motivation in entrepreneurship. For some families with poor educational backgrounds, most of the family members are dependent on salary, and they will pay more attention to the ability of college students to find a stable job, rather than encourage or support them to start a business. From the perspective of education reform, colleges and universities should adjust the existing education model, increase entrepreneurship education courses and practical activities, and cultivate students' entrepreneurial awareness and ability. This includes teaching students practical skills such as how to find business opportunities, develop a business plan, and execute an entrepreneurial plan, as well as develop their innovative thinking and risk-taking spirit. Through such reforms, college students can better adapt to the needs of society, and colleges and universities can also cultivate more talents with innovative consciousness and entrepreneurial ability [2] .

From the perspective of social development, college students' entrepreneurship is of great significance to promote socio-economic growth and promote social equity. These entrepreneurial college students may be future entrepreneurs and industry leaders, and their success will lead to the development of related industries, create more employment opportunities, help alleviate the current employment pressure, and promote social stability. At the same time, college students' entrepreneurship can also provide employment opportunities for disadvantaged groups, help them realize their self-worth, and improve social well-being.

1.2 研究意义
1.2 Implications of the study

1.2.1 理论意义
1.2.1 Theoretical implications

The research on the evaluation system of college students' employment and entrepreneurship ability is of great theoretical significance, which not only helps to deepen the theory of educational evaluation and guide the reform of educational practice, but also promotes the all-round development of talents, enhances the ability of social innovation, optimizes the efficiency of resource allocation, strengthens the basis for policy formulation, promotes interdisciplinary integration, and contributes to the long-term development of the country.

In the higher education system, the evaluation of college students' employment and entrepreneurship ability is helpful to understand the shortcomings of college students' abilities, and to adjust the teaching plan and curriculum to improve the quality of education. Through in-depth research on the employability and entrepreneurship ability of college students, we can build a more comprehensive and multi-dimensional evaluation system, so as to better reflect the comprehensive quality and ability level of students. At the same time, for personal development, through the evaluation of college students' employment and entrepreneurship ability, students can have a clearer understanding of their own strengths and weaknesses, formulate reasonable career planning, and improve the success rate of employment and entrepreneurship.

1.2.2 现实意义
1.2.2 Practical significance

At present, the policies related to entrepreneurship launched by the state provide an effective guarantee for the employment and entrepreneurship education of college students. However, at this stage, the employment and entrepreneurship problems of college students in China are becoming increasingly severe, and it is urgent to improve students' employment and entrepreneurship ability and entrepreneurial motivation through educational practice. The state encourages college students to start their own businesses, promote employment through entrepreneurship, and inject vitality into economic development, but many college students face many confusions and challenges in the process of employment and entrepreneurship. Through the literature review method, it is necessary to promote the solution of the employment and entrepreneurship problems of college students in the new stage from the aspects of improving the employability of college students, education and training, and rational use of relevant policies.

本文通过对“四位一体”评价指标体系的研究,提出相关建议。更好的帮助大学生实现自我价值和社会价值。大学生就业创业一方面实现了资源的最大利益化,节省了社会资源。另一方面大学生就业创业起到了模范作用,这将会带动更多大学生积极加入到就业创业活动中,从而推动我国经济的快速发展 。
This paper puts forward some suggestions through the study of the "four-in-one" evaluation index system. Better help college students realize their self-worth and social value. On the one hand, the employment and entrepreneurship of college students have realized the maximum benefit of resources and saved social resources. On the other hand, the employment and entrepreneurship of college students has played an exemplary role, which will drive more college students to actively participate in employment and entrepreneurship activities, thereby promoting the rapid development of China's economy.

1.3 研究思路与方法
1.3 Research Ideas and Methods

1.3.1 研究思路
1.3.1 Research ideas

This paper focuses on the research on the evaluation system of college students' employment and entrepreneurship ability, and establishes a comprehensive and scientific evaluation system, covering different dimensions of evaluation indicators, to analyze the employment and entrepreneurship ability of college students, and puts forward corresponding suggestions according to the evaluation system to improve the employment and entrepreneurship ability of college students.

In the first chapter, the research background and significance of the evaluation system of college students' employability and entrepreneurship ability are introduced. The research methodology adopted in this paper is also described.

In the second chapter, through the collection of relevant data, the literature on the evaluation system at home and abroad, according to the research of scholars, the research theories and views of each research are sorted out and summarized, and the definition and theoretical basis of the concept are summarized in this part, and the basic concepts are introduced, which provides a theoretical basis for the research on the evaluation system of college students' employment and entrepreneurship ability.

In the third chapter, the current situation of college students' employability and entrepreneurship is analyzed in two parts, the first part is the analysis of the current situation of employability, which is divided into three aspects; The second part is an analysis of the current situation of entrepreneurial ability, which summarizes six aspects, and finally refines four dimensions, individual, family, school and society.

In the fourth chapter, the principles and methods of the construction of the evaluation index system are described in detail, and the principles of the evaluation index system are scientific principle, objective principle, hierarchical principle, comprehensive principle and dynamic principle. The four-in-one evaluation indicators were selected and the importance of each index was analyzed.

In the fifth chapter, the index system is established, the analytic hierarchy process is used to calculate the weight of the indicators, the judgment matrix is constructed for consistency testing, and the countermeasures and suggestions are put forward after summarizing and analyzing the data.

1.3.2 研究方法
1.3.2 Research Methodology

(1) Literature review method and questionnaire method. Consult CNKI literature, research reports, relevant academic papers, network materials, relevant government documents and investigation reports of relevant departments. The study analysed the data collected from the questionnaire to support the paper.

(2) Comparative analysis. By comparing two or more objects, phenomena, concepts, etc., to discover the similarities, differences, and interrelationships between them.

(3) According to the AHP analysis method, we calculated the score and weight of each index, and then determined the weight of each index by calculating the information of each index, which is a method to determine the weight of the index in the comprehensive evaluation.

2 文献综述
2 Literature review

2.1 国内外研究现状
2.1 Research status at home and abroad

2.1.1 国外研究现状
2.1.1 Current status of foreign research

国外学者对就业创业理论研究已久[17],自从1755年法国的经济学家理查德•堪迪伦提出 Entrepreneur(创业者、企业家)这个词以来,创业一词就被引入到了经济学的研究范畴。Ron-stadt(1984)认为,创业是一个创造财富的动态过程,而财富是由承担资产价值、时间、事业承诺或提供产品、服务的风险等这一类人所创造的。Stevenson(1989)则认为创业是个人独立或者在组织内部,追踪和捕获机会的过程。而意愿是一种心理状态,引导个人的注意力甚至是经验和行动,为了获得某件东西(某种方法),而指向一个特定的目标或是道路(Bird,1988)。它反映个体将有意识的计划或决定付诸行动的动机(Conner& Armitage, 1998)。
Foreign scholars have been studying the theory of employment and entrepreneurship for a long time 17 , and since 1755, the French economist Richard Candilon proposed the word "Entrepreneur" (entrepreneur, entrepreneur), the word entrepreneurship has been introduced into the research category of economics. According to Ron-stadt (1984), entrepreneurship is a dynamic process of wealth creation, and wealth is created by people who bear the value of assets, time, business commitments, or the risk of providing products or services. Stevenson (1989) argues that entrepreneurship is the process of tracking and capturing opportunities individually or within an organization. Will, on the other hand, is a state of mind that directs an individual's attention, even experience, and action to a specific goal or path in order to obtain something (a certain method) (Bird, 1988). It reflects an individual's motivation to put a conscious plan or decision into action (Conner & Armitage, 1998).

Zahra (1999) argues that entrepreneurship has always been a hot topic and one of the important factors of social and economic development, which can not only solve the employment problem of entrepreneurs, but also bring many potential job opportunities, and at the same time promote the emergence of a large number of goods and related services, and enhance competitiveness. The willingness to start a business refers to the subjective attitude of potential entrepreneurs towards whether to engage in entrepreneurial activities or not, and is a general description of the degree to which people have characteristics similar to those of entrepreneurs, as well as people's attitudes and abilities towards entrepreneurship 26 . Bird (1988) divides entrepreneurial intentions into two dimensions, one is the willingness of entrepreneurs (internal control point) and the willingness of other stakeholders, markets, etc. (external control point); The second is the dimension of rationality and intuition. Rational analysis and result-oriented mental processes are the basis of behavior 7 .

In the context of globalization, the employability and entrepreneurship of college students has become the focus of common attention of the international community. In recent years, foreign scholars have conducted extensive and in-depth research on college students' employability and entrepreneurship, mainly focusing on the definition, constituent elements, influencing factors 3 and improvement strategies of employability and entrepreneurship.

Regarding the definition of employability and entrepreneurship, foreign scholars generally believe that it is a comprehensive ability, including personal knowledge, skills, attitudes and values. This ability enables graduates to adapt and respond to challenges in an ever-changing work environment, achieving self-development and career success.

Different scholars have put forward different views on the components of employability and entrepreneurship. Some scholars believe that employability mainly includes professional skills, communication skills, teamwork skills, problem-solving skills and innovation skills. Other scholars believe that employability should also include self-management skills, self-directed learning skills, cross-cultural communication skills, and a sense of social responsibility 1 .

Foreign scholars also discussed in depth the factors affecting the employability and entrepreneurship of college students. These factors mainly include personal factors (such as gender, age, personality, interests, etc.), educational factors (such as professional settings, curriculum structure, teaching methods, etc.), and social factors (such as economic development, employment policies, labor market demand, etc.). These factors interact with each other to influence the employability of university students.

In terms of promotion strategies, foreign studies have emphasized the importance of education reform and career guidance. On the one hand, colleges and universities should adjust the professional setting and curriculum structure, strengthen practical teaching and innovation and entrepreneurship education, and cultivate students' comprehensive quality and innovation ability. On the other hand, colleges and universities should provide effective career guidance services to help students understand the job market, establish correct career concepts, and improve job search skills.

2.1.2 国内研究现状
2.1.2 Current status of domestic research

In recent years, with the popularization of higher education in China and the increase in the number of college students, the problem of entrepreneurship and employment of college students has become increasingly prominent. On the one hand, college students have the roots of entrepreneurial dreams and hope to realize their self-worth through their own efforts and innovation; On the other hand, in the face of the increasingly severe employment situation, college students have become an option. However, due to the limitations of capital, experience, market knowledge, etc., the success rate of college students' entrepreneurship is not high. At the same time, the influence of traditional employment concepts and the fierce competition in the industry have also increased the employment pressure of college students. In response to the problem of entrepreneurship and employment of college students, domestic colleges and universities have strengthened the construction of entrepreneurship education and training systems 13 . Through the establishment of entrepreneurship courses, entrepreneurship lectures, and the establishment of entrepreneurship practice bases, etc., students will be able to improve their entrepreneurial awareness and ability. In addition, some universities have partnered with social enterprises to provide students with internships and hands-on opportunities to help them better adapt to market demands. However, the level of perfection of entrepreneurship education and training systems is still uneven and needs to be further strengthened and improved.

At present, a certain system and method have been formed for the evaluation of college students' employment and entrepreneurship ability in China. The main evaluation methods include interviews, written examinations, practical operations, comprehensive quality evaluation, etc. These evaluation methods have their own advantages and disadvantages, which can reflect the employment and entrepreneurship ability of college students to a certain extent. However, there are also some shortcomings, such as the lack of uniformity in evaluation criteria, the lack of transparency in the evaluation process, and the lack of objectivity in evaluation results. There are many factors that affect the employability and entrepreneurship ability of college students, among which the quality of education, practical experience and psychological quality are three important aspects. First of all, the quality of education is directly related to the level of knowledge and skills mastered by college students, which has a decisive impact on their employability and entrepreneurship. Secondly, practical experience can improve the practical operation ability and problem-solving ability of college students, which is crucial for their entrepreneurial success. Finally, psychological quality, including ability to work under pressure, teamwork ability, and innovative thinking, is also an important factor affecting the employment and entrepreneurship ability of college students. There are certain differences in the employment and entrepreneurship ability of college students in different regions or colleges. This difference is mainly due to differences in educational resources, economic development level and cultural background. For example, due to the abundance of educational resources in colleges and universities in some developed regions, students' employment and entrepreneurship ability is generally high; However, colleges and universities in some underdeveloped areas may face problems such as lack of educational resources and limited practical teaching conditions, resulting in relatively weak students' employment and entrepreneurship ability

(2) Advocate the integration of theory with practice. The typical representatives 15 of this innovation and entrepreneurship education model are Zhejiang University and Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and the innovation and entrepreneurship education model of theory and practice regards entrepreneurship as a benign way to improve students' entrepreneurial quality and personal ability. On the basis of entrepreneurship education, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics has increased the commercial operation, taking the campus as the main base, and cultivating the basic quality of entrepreneurship by using the educational principle of linking theory with practice.

2.2 理论基础和相关概念
2.2 Theoretical Basis and Related Concepts

2.2.1 职业能力模型理论
2.2.1 Vocational competency model theory

The vocational competency model theory divides employability into three parts: knowledge and skills, personal competence and professional qualities. Among them, knowledge and skills refer to the professional knowledge and skills that students have learned, personal abilities include communication skills, learning abilities and collaboration skills, etc., while professional quality refers to the comprehensive qualities that students need in their work, such as aggressiveness, responsibility, self-management, and team spirit.

2.2.2 Human Capital Theory

人力资本(HCM Human Capital Management)理论最早起源于经济学研究。人力资本比物质资本具有更大的增值空间和增值潜力。其主要特点在于它与人身自由联系在一起,不随产品的出卖而转移。人力资本理论认为,学生的参与学习是一种投资行为,将资本投入教育中,获得的回报体现在未来的收入和职业发展上。就业能力是一种人力资本,可以提高学生未来职业发展的机会和收入水平。
The theory of human capital management (HCM) originated from the study of economics. Human capital has greater room and potential for appreciation than physical capital. Its main feature is that it is associated with personal freedom and does not transfer with the sale of the product. Human capital theory argues that students' participation in learning is an investment behavior, and the return of capital investment in education is reflected in future income and career development. Employability is a type of human capital that can improve a student's future career opportunities and income levels.

2.2.3 Employability

就业能力(Employ ability)的概念最早出现在二十世纪初的英国,由英国经济学家贝弗里奇(Beveridge)于1909年首先提出。他认为就业力即“可雇用性”[6],是指个体获得和保持工作的能力。20世纪80年代后期,美国的一些学者对此概念进行了修订,认为就业力是一个获得最初就业、维持就业和重新选择、获取新岗位的动态过程,在强调就业者就业能力的同时,加入了就业市场、国家经济政策等宏观方面,更全面地阐释了就业力的整体概念。2005年,美国教育与就业委员会再次明确就业力概念。就业力(Employ ability),即"可雇用性",是指获得和保持工作的能力。就业力不仅包括狭义上理解的找到工作的能力,还包括持续完成工作、实现良好职业生涯发展的能力。然而,随着当代中国社会经济发展对职场产生的深远影响,就业力也被赋予了更多的内涵。首先,社会的发展使得整体人才素质大幅提高,就业市场竞争日益激烈。如何赢在职业的起跑点,如何打造适应当代职场特点的就业能力,成为人们关注的热点。其次,全球化进程的加速,给职场环境带来了重大变革。身处多元化、国际化的工作环境,职场人士需要不断提升能力素质,开阔视野,以获得更广阔的发展空间。再者,随着人才测评理论的发展,企业越来越重视针对不同的岗位选择不同类型的人才。
The concept of employ ability first appeared in Britain in the early twentieth century, when it was first proposed by the British economist Beveridge in 1909. He believes that employability, or "employability", 6 refers to an individual's ability to obtain and maintain a job. In the late 80s of the 20th century, some scholars in the United States revised this concept, believing that employability is a dynamic process of obtaining initial employment, maintaining employment, re-selecting, and obtaining new jobs. In 2005, the U.S. Board on Education and Employment reaffirmed the concept of employability. Employ ability, or "employability," refers to the ability to get and keep a job. Employability includes not only the ability to find a job in a narrow sense, but also the ability to continue to complete work and achieve a good career. However, with the profound impact of contemporary China's social and economic development on the workplace, employability has also been given more connotations. First of all, the development of society has greatly improved the overall quality of talents, and the competition in the job market has become increasingly fierce. How to win at the starting point of the profession and how to build employability that adapts to the characteristics of the contemporary workplace have become the focus of people's attention. Second, the acceleration of globalization has brought about significant changes in the workplace environment. In a diversified and international work environment, professionals need to continuously improve their abilities and broaden their horizons to gain a broader space for development. Furthermore, with the development of talent assessment theory, enterprises are paying more and more attention to selecting different types of talents for different positions.

2.2.4 Evaluation system

The evaluation system generally refers to the evaluation index system, which refers to the organic whole with internal structure composed of multiple indicators that characterize the characteristics of various aspects of the evaluation object and their interconnection. It is through the collection, collation and analysis of relevant data and information in order to provide quantitative or qualitative evaluation basis and reference for decision-makers. The evaluation index system has a wide range of applications in various fields, such as enterprise management, government governance, education evaluation, etc.


3 大学生就业创业能力现状分析及突出问题
3 Analysis of the current situation and outstanding problems of college students' employment and entrepreneurship ability

3.1 Current situation of college students' employment and entrepreneurship ability

3.1.1 Analysis of the current situation of employability

In 2024, the number of university graduates is expected to reach 11.79 million 14 , a record high. The overall employment situation remains grim. From late March to mid-April this year, Zhaopin's questionnaire survey for 2024 graduates showed that the proportion of slow employment and freelance work among fresh graduates increased from 18.9% and 13.2% last year to 19.1% and 13.7% this year, respectively. As the enrollment of graduate students in colleges and universities continues to expand, the proportion of fresh graduates continuing their studies in China has increased from 4.9% last year to 6.5%. Unit employment is still the main destination, accounting for 55.5%, but down 2 percentage points from last year.

(1) Job selection. From the perspective of changing trends, with the rise of social recognition of state-owned enterprises, the proportion of college students who expect to enter state-owned enterprises has continued to rise, from 36% in 2020 to 47.7% in 2024. The number of graduates who expect to enter private enterprises has declined for five consecutive years, from 25.1% in 2020 to 12.5% in 2024. In the face of the uncertain macro environment, the mentality of "seeking stability" in college students looking for jobs continues to increase, and they hope to improve their quality of life and anti-risk ability with stable jobs and income sources.

With the transformation and upgrading of the domestic economy and the rapid development of new forms of employment, the choices of college graduates are more diversified, and the number of students who realize their self-worth through slow employment and freelancing is increasing. The changes in the market environment have led to the diversification and upward trend of college students' employability. IT Internet is still the most desirable industry for college students, and the popularity of manufacturing is increasing

According to Zhaopin's survey data, among the industries expected by 2024 job seekers, IT/communications/electronics/Internet, government/non-profit organizations, and culture/media/entertainment/sports industries are among 18 the top three, accounting for 26.4%, 9.4%, and 8.9% respectively. The IT and Internet industry contributes a lot of jobs to fresh graduates, and it is also the most desirable industry for fresh graduates.

(2) Professional basic skills. 8.2% of graduates expect to work in the automotive/production/processing/manufacturing sector, up from 8.1% in 2023 and 6.1% in 2022. With the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry and the country's emphasis on high-end manufacturing, more and more college students expect to enter the development of the manufacturing industry, and pay more attention to new productivity fields such as high-end manufacturing. Forty-two percent of graduates said they were more interested in high-end manufacturing when they were looking for jobs, and 51 percent said they were interested in it, but they lacked a professional foundation to be qualified for a job in this field. This also suggests that colleges and universities can impart professional knowledge and skills to students by opening relevant minor courses, so as to meet the professional skills needs of graduates in employment positions, improve the employability of graduates, and broaden the scope of employment of graduates.

(3) Internship experience. 32.7% of the fresh graduates had two or more internships, 45.7% had one internship, a total of 78.4%, and when asked whether the internship experience was helpful in finding a job, 38.7% thought that the internship experience was "somewhat useful" and 23.1% thought it was "very useful", with a total of 61.8%. It can be seen that graduates attach more importance to internships and hope to help them find jobs faster through internship experience during their time in school. It can be seen that the practical training carried out by the school during the school period has a significant effect on the improvement of the employability of college students, but most of the students still lack relevant practical training experience.

In recent years, there has been a trend of many college graduates "returning" to vocational school learning skills, hoping to obtain the dual advantages of undergraduate degree and practical skills, and broaden the road to job hunting. As for the question of whether the "return" learning skills will help employment, the graduates who have learned skills have given a positive answer, believing that the market has a large demand for professional skills, and there are more employment opportunities after the "return", and the employability of these dual advantage talents is also more advantageous.

3.1.2 Analysis of the current situation of entrepreneurial ability

从年龄和职业背景看,19-23岁的大学在校生、应届毕业生、毕业后待业人员是青年创业主体。年龄方面,19-23岁合计占比 51.1%,其中20岁为创业高峰年龄;职业背景方面,在校大学生占比51.3%,高校应届毕业生占比11.8%,毕业后待业人员占比10.7%
From the perspective of age and professional background, college students aged 19-23, fresh graduates, and unemployed people after graduation are the main body of youth entrepreneurship. In terms of age, 19-23 years old accounted for 51.1%, of which 20 years old was the peak age for entrepreneurship; In terms of professional background, 51.3% are college students, 11.8% are college graduates, and 10.7% are unemployed after graduation

(1) Start-up capital. Nearly seventy percent of college student entrepreneurs have a start-up capital of less than 100,000 yuan. The start-up capital of entrepreneurs is generally small, and the proportion of entrepreneurs less than 100,000 yuan is 69.2%, a decrease of 1.5 percentage points from last year. The proportion of entrepreneurs with entrepreneurial capital of 10-500,000 yuan is 22%, and the proportion of 50-1 million yuan is only 4%. The amount of start-up capital is related to the industry that chooses to start a business, agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, fishery and other industries have low barriers to entry, and the initial capital required is less, and 37.5% of the entrepreneurs with start-up capital less than 100,000 yuan are engaged in agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, fishery, wholesale and retail industries. In terms of start-up funding gap, nearly sixty percent of entrepreneurs have a funding gap of less than 50,000 yuan, and less than 10% of entrepreneurs have a funding gap of more than 500,000 yuan. The start-up capital gap of entrepreneurs is concentrated in the range of less than 200,000 yuan, of which entrepreneurs with a funding gap of less than 50,000 yuan are the mainstay, accounting for 56.4%. The funding gap is less than 200,000 yuan, and less than 10% is higher than 500,000 yuan. On the whole, the start-up capital gap is concentrated below 200,000 yuan, which to a certain extent reflects the weak financial strength of most entrepreneurs, so they choose industries with a low threshold for entrepreneurial capital. In terms of the source of funds for college students' start-ups, nearly ninety percent come from personal or family savings, loans from relatives and friends, and less from venture capital companies and other channels, and the overall source of funds is relatively single. 75.0% of entrepreneurs use personal or family savings as start-up funds, 14.4% of the entrepreneurs start their businesses through loans from relatives and friends, and 10.6% of the groups start their businesses with the help of venture capital companies and other channel funds, an increase of 1 percentage point from 2021, but the volume is still limited, indicating that the source of start-up funds is relatively simple.

(2) Family support. "Starting a business because you can't find your dream job" and "the experience or support of family friends" are the two main motivations for college students to start a business. 30.4% of college students thought that "starting a business because they couldn't find their ideal job" was very much in line with their motivation for starting a business, 29.3% of college students thought that "the experience or support of family friends" was very consistent, and 28.2%, 27.1% and 27.0% of them said that "starting a business because they didn't like to be dominated", "starting a business because they were not satisfied with their original job", and "starting a business because they had previous experience in the entrepreneurial field". This shows that the current college student entrepreneurs in China are independent-minded, pay attention to practical work, and have cautious consideration of the impact of entrepreneurship on the level of life pressure and the practical difficulty of entrepreneurship, and weigh the entrepreneurial decision with reference to various factors such as professional background, family background and expected work environment. On the other hand, it also reflects that some industries, such as catering and accommodation, cultural tourism, etc., have been negatively affected, and college students need to think rationally between entrepreneurship and employment. Students from urban families are more likely to be involved in entrepreneurship. More than half of the college students from urban families have entrepreneurial experience, while only about 37% of students from counties, towns and rural areas have participated in entrepreneurship.

The reason for this phenomenon can be understood in two main ways: compared with their peers from towns, counties, counties, and rural areas, college students from urban families generally have better family economic conditions and higher incomes, and they need to earn money immediately to support their parents. Moreover, their living conditions since childhood tend to be more sociological "atomic families", most of them are only children, and few need to support their younger siblings financially, and they have significantly fewer worries when investing money and time to participate in entrepreneurship.

(3) Entrepreneurship education. The average survival time of college students' entrepreneurship projects is between six months and one year, and about 40% of the surveyed college students participate in entrepreneurial projects that survive less than half a year, and about 40% of those who survive for more than one year. At present, there is still a very important part of university entrepreneurship education: teaching college students how to deal with entrepreneurial failure: what are the obvious legal and business risks in the process of starting a business, and how to reasonably avoid them. If the operation of the entrepreneurial project is not smooth, what are the reasonable exit paths; how to end a failed entrepreneurial attempt without sacrificing friendship or turning against each other; If the start-up project starts to raise funds and involves fundraising or crowdfunding, how to return the remaining assets of the allocated project; If the project has serious losses and cannot fully withdraw its shares, how to communicate with shareholders or investors participating in crowdfunding, and try to get the understanding of the other party.

(4) Teacher input. More than half of the students think that the quality of the school's entrepreneurship guidance service is very average. The reason may be that the school's management system and personnel knowledge and skills cannot keep up with the rapid development of the external capital market, and even the trend of technological development. Although various entrepreneurship courses have been introduced, most of the courses are still about basic accounting, law, and the like, which is far from the needs of real entrepreneurs. The incubators, financing and other services provided by the entrepreneurship guidance center can often only play a role in the icing on the cake. When it comes to college students' entrepreneurship, the first thing that comes to mind in the United States is a high-tech company in Silicon Valley, and in China it has mainly become catering, express delivery, and even campus Internet finance. The entrepreneurship guidance service of colleges and universities is probably difficult to have a future by focusing only on the "star student entrepreneurs" who are crowdfunding and telling stories everywhere in the school. If the entrepreneurship service of colleges and universities is just a superficial article, the result can only be like now, the public, students and researchers, everyone thinks that this thing is dispensable. The real results can be achieved by returning to the technology itself, and by serving the researchers in the school who spend all day in the laboratory and may not be good at words, to help them realize the value of their intellectual property.

However, in this way, it is necessary to fundamentally clarify which intellectual property rights should belong to the state, which belong to schools, and which belong to individual scientific researchers, so as to lay a good foundation for preventing risks from the fundamental mechanism.

(5) Preferential policies. Preferential tax policies for entrepreneurship are the most important demands of college student entrepreneurs, and the demand for simplifying the government administrative approval process occupies the second place, and college student entrepreneurs expect to help enterprises improve efficiency and reduce various costs by simplifying the administrative approval process. Entrepreneurs hope to save the space cost of the enterprise and provide a place for the entrepreneurial group to form an agglomeration effect. Considering the various demands of entrepreneurs, it can be seen that the core problem is still the problem of financial difficulties. More than half of the entrepreneurs who go/return to rural areas are college students, and the lack of good projects and the limited absorption and carrying capacity of entrepreneurial projects in rural areas are the main difficulties faced by entrepreneurs. 56.2% of the entrepreneurs who went to/returned to their hometowns were college students, and 40.2% of the entrepreneurs majored in agriculture, economics and management, and e-commerce. In the evaluation of the difficulty of rural entrepreneurship by rural entrepreneurs, in addition to the common problems of capital, manpower and policy for college students' entrepreneurship, the problems of "lack of good projects, limited absorption and carrying capacity of rural entrepreneurship projects", "low level of rural economic development, such as difficulty in obtaining certificates and insufficient public services" are also very important, so the economic fundamentals of rural entrepreneurship need to be improved.

Having a positive and optimistic entrepreneurial mindset is one of the keys to the success of self-employment. In the face of difficulties and setbacks, entrepreneurs should maintain a positive attitude and believe that their ability and determination can overcome all difficulties. Positive thinking and optimism can help entrepreneurs cope with challenges and find opportunities and gains.

(6) Ability to work under pressure. Entrepreneurs should have strong beliefs and clear goals. They need to have a clear idea of why they want to start a business and what their goals are. This belief and goal is the driving force for entrepreneurs to move forward, and it is also the key to their ability to persevere in the face of difficulties. Lack of sufficient psychological resilience: The problems and challenges encountered in the process of entrepreneurship may cause huge psychological pressure on college student entrepreneurs, and if they lack sufficient psychological resilience, they are easy to lose confidence in the face of difficulties and even give up their entrepreneurial plans. College students in entrepreneurship generally encounter the following problems:

(1) Difficulty in resource integration: college students have just walked out of school and usually lack sufficient funds, contacts and channel resources. The lack of these resources can be a major challenge for entrepreneurs, especially in the start-up stage, where they need to face problems such as tight funds and limited channels.

(2) Lack of management ability: Although college students may have learned some management knowledge in school, the practical experience is still insufficient. Skills such as managing a team, coordinating resources, and making decisions are critical to entrepreneurial success, and these skills can only be improved by honing them in practice.

(3) Lack of support: Although it takes courage for college students to start a business, they may not receive enough support and encouragement in the process of starting a business. Family support, financial support, and moral encouragement are essential to boost self-confidence.

3.2 突出问题
3.2 Outstanding problems

3.2.1 个人方面
3.2.1 Personal Aspects

(1) Unclear concept and positioning of employment and entrepreneurship: Some college students are not clear about their own positioning, and are not clear about their interests, advantages and future development directions, resulting in confusion in the process of job hunting and unable to accurately find a suitable position and entrepreneurial direction.

(2) Lack of practical ability: Although college students have received systematic professional education in school, they often lack practical work experience and practical ability, which makes it difficult for them to stand out in the job search process.

(3) Weak psychological quality: In the face of employment and entrepreneurship pressure, some college students may have psychological problems such as anxiety and low self-esteem, which affect their job search performance and entrepreneurial decision-making.

3.2.2 Family

(1) Excessive family expectations: Some families have too high expectations for their children's employment, hoping that they can find high-paying and decent jobs, which virtually increases the employment pressure of college students, believing that the risk of entrepreneurship is too high and the investment is large, and the family cannot afford it, which has a negative impact.

(2) Lack of career planning guidance: Many families do not have professional knowledge in career planning and are unable to provide effective guidance and advice to their children, resulting in a lack of clear goals and directions for children in the employment process.

3.2.3 For schools:

(1) The educational content is out of touch with the market demand: The educational content of some colleges and universities cannot keep up with the changes in market demand in a timely manner, resulting in the knowledge and skills learned by graduates cannot meet the demand.

(2) Insufficient guidance on employment and entrepreneurship: Although many colleges and universities have career guidance centers, the guidance services of some centers are not comprehensive and in-depth enough to provide effective employment and entrepreneurship assistance for graduates.

3.2.4 Social aspects:

(1) The contradiction between supply and demand in the job market: With the increase in the number of college students, the competition in the job market is becoming increasingly fierce, while the demand for jobs in some industries or regions is limited, which increases the difficulty of employment for college students.

(2) Social cognitive bias: Some employers have prejudices against the ability and quality of college students, believing that they lack practical experience and are difficult to adapt to the working environment, which affects the employment opportunities and treatment of college students.

The problems faced by college students in employment and entrepreneurship are multifaceted, which require the joint efforts of individuals, families, schools and society to solve. Individuals should improve their own quality and ability, families should provide reasonable expectations and support, schools should optimize educational content and employment guidance services, and society should provide sound employment policies to create a good employment environment and atmosphere.

In view of the above problems, we hope to establish a scientific and standardized evaluation system for college students' employment and entrepreneurship ability, which will not only help us measure and improve the employment and entrepreneurship ability of college students more accurately, but also provide us with a series of standards and indicators for reference, so as to better guide college students in career planning and employment and entrepreneurship preparation.

4. The construction of the evaluation index system of college students' employment and entrepreneurship ability

4.1 评价指标体系建立的原则及方法
4.1 Principles and methods for the establishment of evaluation index system

4.1.1 评价指标体系建立的原则
4.1.1 Principles for the establishment of evaluation index system

(1) Scientific principles

The selection of indicators of the evaluation system of college students' employment and entrepreneurship ability should first follow the principle of scientificity, and the selected indicators should fully present the problems faced by college students in employment and entrepreneurship. It has a certain rationality and a clear classification relationship, and the source of the index is true and reliable.

(2) The principle of objectivity

Evaluation indicators should be established with a rigorous attitude. It is not allowed to deliberately delete or fabricate evaluation indicators based on one's own subjective judgment.

(3) Hierarchical principle

The indicator system itself is multiple, and the indicators contained at each level are interrelated. The first-level indicators have a number of specific sub-indicators at the same time. Among the many indicators, the closely related indicators are grouped into one category, forming an index group, and forming different index layers, which is conducive to comprehensively and clearly reflecting the research object.

(4) The principle of comprehensiveness

A systematic, comprehensive, comprehensive and thorough analysis of the evaluation system indicators that should appear should be carried out in an all-round and multi-angle manner. The main content of the analysis of the evaluation indicators includes the impact that individuals, families, schools, and society may have on the entire evaluation indicators.

(5) The principle of dynamism.

The implementation of the employment and entrepreneurship policy for college students is a complex practical process, which is affected by the interaction of various factors and environmental variability, and its effectiveness presents dynamic characteristics. Therefore, when selecting indicators, the implementation of college students' employment and entrepreneurship policies should be regarded as a dynamic process, and the change trend of its effectiveness should be examined.

4.1.2 评价指标体系建立的方法
4.1.2 Methods for the establishment of evaluation index system

The main methods used in the establishment of evaluation index system are: goal-oriented method, analytic hierarchy process, factor analysis method, and performance-driven method.

The establishment of the evaluation index system of college students' employment and entrepreneurship ability is of great significance for individuals to improve their own ability and realize their career dreams. Through employment or entrepreneurship, college students can combine the theoretical knowledge they have learned in school with practice to improve their abilities and literacy. In the process of career development, college students can not only realize their personal value, but also gradually move towards a higher career stage through continuous learning and accumulation of experience. In addition, entrepreneurship can enable college students to move forward bravely on the road of pursuing their dreams and realize their life values. The employment and entrepreneurship of college students also have a positive impact on their families. Through employment, college students can provide a stable source of income for their families and improve their family's economic situation. For college students who have successfully started their own businesses, their businesses can not only bring great returns to their families, but also improve their social status and prestige. This change not only improves the quality of life of family members, but also strengthens family cohesion and well-being. The employment and entrepreneurship of college students is also of great significance to the school. On the one hand, excellent graduates and successful entrepreneurial cases can enhance the reputation and influence of the school, and attract more outstanding students to apply. On the other hand, the employment and entrepreneurship of college students can also promote the construction of campus culture and create a positive atmosphere. The school can stimulate students' innovative spirit and enthusiasm for entrepreneurship by holding entrepreneurship competitions and inviting entrepreneurial mentors, and cultivate more talents with innovative ability and practical spirit. The employment and entrepreneurship of college students also has a profound impact on society. First of all, through employment and entrepreneurship, college students can inject new vitality and creativity into society, and promote social innovation and progress. Secondly, the employment and entrepreneurship of college students can also optimize the allocation of social resources and make the resources more fair and reasonable to be distributed to various fields. Finally, the participation of college students also helps to improve the cultural literacy and moral level of the whole society, and promotes the progress of social civilization. Through the research on the evaluation system of college students' employment and entrepreneurship ability, it is expected to construct a set of scientific and feasible evaluation index system for college students' employment and entrepreneurship ability, which can provide a reliable evaluation basis for individuals and colleges and universities, and promote the overall improvement of college students' employment and entrepreneurship ability. At present, scholars at home and abroad have different emphases on employability, and there are great differences in the evaluation objects. Due to the bias in the understanding of employability by employers, universities, families and students themselves, there is currently no employability evaluation system that can cover various evaluation subjects. this paper
In order to better evaluate the employability and entrepreneurship ability of college students, according to the principles and methods of the design of the general indicator system,
Starting from the four dimensions of college students: individual, family, school, and society
Construct an evaluation system for college students' employability and entrepreneurship

4.2 “四位一体”评价指标选择
4.2 Selection of "four-in-one" evaluation indicators

The four dimensions in this paper are mainly divided into; Individuals, families, schools and society. The system is based on the individual, family, school, and society as the first-level indicators. Among them, the personal aspect mainly includes college students' professional quality, learning ability, ability to work under pressure, and innovative thinking ability. The family aspect includes parents' occupation, family income, family education concept, and parental support. The school includes professional course knowledge education, employment and entrepreneurship education and training, faculty investment, and internship practice. The social aspects include the employment and entrepreneurship policies of college students, the market environment and social recognition.

4.2.1 Personal ability of college students

(1) Learning ability

A cornerstone for career development. Through study, individuals can earn a variety of certificates or degrees that provide a foundation and recognition for career advancement. Learning ability is the foundation on which a person acquires knowledge in the learning process. Only when a person has a good learning ability can he better absorb and understand knowledge. Through continuous learning and accumulation, a talent can continuously improve his learning ability, so as to better adapt to the development and changes of society. Learning enhances an individual's global employability and increases career opportunities. With a global vision and cross-cultural awareness, they can better adapt to the needs of international career development and expand the range of employment and entrepreneurship options. Learning is a catalyst for career advancement. Through learning, individuals can continuously improve their skills and knowledge levels, and meet the requirements of higher-level professional positions, so as to achieve career advancement. Learning ability is an important guarantee for a person to realize self-worth in the learning process. Only with good learning ability can we better achieve our life goals and ideals. Through continuous learning and accumulation, a talent can continuously improve his learning ability, so as to better realize his life goals and ideals.

(2) Ability to work under pressure

With good ability to work under pressure, college students can better cope with the pressure of interview tension and fierce competition during the job search process, and show a confident and calm image, thereby improving the success rate of job hunting. After entering the workplace, college students need to face more complex work environments and interpersonal relationships. Individuals with strong ability to work well adapt to working life, quickly integrate into the team, play to their strengths, and achieve career development. The process of entrepreneurship is full of unknowns and challenges, and entrepreneurs with strong ability to resist pressure can strengthen their confidence, have the courage to face difficulties, and do not give up easily, so that it is easier to achieve entrepreneurial success. Starting a business means taking certain risks and challenges. Entrepreneurs with strong ability to resist pressure can better cope with unfavorable factors such as market fluctuations and competitive pressures, keep calm and rational decision-making, and reduce entrepreneurial risks.


Professional knowledge is undoubtedly the most competitive part of students' job search and entrepreneurship process.

First of all, professional knowledge is a stepping stone in the job search process. In a competitive job market, companies tend to prefer to hire candidates with solid professional fundamentals. Because employees with this knowledge can adapt to the needs of the job more quickly, the training cost of the company is reduced. At the same time, professional knowledge is also an important way for job seekers to show their abilities and potential. By learning and understanding professional knowledge in depth, candidates can more confidently present their strengths and strengths in interviews, which can lead to more companies looking for them.

Secondly, professional knowledge also plays a non-negligible role in entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is a process full of challenges and opportunities, which requires a wealth of knowledge and innovation. By learning professional knowledge, entrepreneurs can have a deeper understanding of industry trends and market demand, and provide more accurate positioning and development direction for their entrepreneurial projects. In addition, professional course knowledge can also help entrepreneurs solve the technical problems and management problems encountered in the process of entrepreneurship, and improve the success rate of entrepreneurship.

In addition, the knowledge of professional courses helps to cultivate students' comprehensive quality. During the university period, students can not only improve their professional quality, but also cultivate their comprehensive qualities such as logical thinking, innovation ability and teamwork by learning and practicing professional course knowledge. These qualities play an important role in promoting employment and entrepreneurship. Candidates with these qualities are more likely to stand out in interviews, while entrepreneurs are better able to cope with the challenges of starting a business.

Innovative thinking

Innovative thinking refers to the ability to think independently, solve problems creatively, and come up with new ideas and approaches. In today's fast-paced society, innovative thinking is not only an important skill, but also a necessary condition for survival and development.

First, innovative thinking helps college students better adapt to the changing job market. With the rapid development of technology and the deepening of globalization, traditional jobs are disappearing, and new fields and occupations are emerging. College students with innovative thinking are more likely to adapt to this change and find career opportunities that suit them 28 .

Second, innovative thinking helps solve complex problems. In real life, college students will face a variety of challenges and problems that require the ability to come up with innovative solutions. Innovative thinking can help them better understand the nature of the problem and come up with practical solutions. Most importantly, innovative thinking can help college students excel in the field of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship requires continuous innovation and continuous experimentation, and only college students with innovative thinking can succeed in the fierce entrepreneurial competition.

4.2.2 Family environment

(1) Parental occupation

The different occupations of parents often mean that they have different degrees of advantages in social resources, interpersonal relationships, industry information, etc. These advantages can provide strong support for children in the process of job hunting and entrepreneurship, such as recommendations, referrals, etc., so as to improve the success rate of children's employment and entrepreneurship.

The parents' occupation will also affect their children's career choices and interests to a certain extent. Parents are engaged in careers that may lead to more knowledge and interest in a certain industry or field in their children, which in turn will be influenced when choosing a major and career. It can be seen that the parent's occupation will have a certain impact on the employment and entrepreneurship ability of college students.


Family education plays a decisive role in individual growth and development, and the employability and competitiveness of college graduates are largely affected by family education. As the earliest and most basic form of education, family education has laid a solid foundation for the comprehensive development of individuals. Through family education, college graduates can cultivate good learning attitudes, study habits and learning methods, which is conducive to them to gain more opportunities and competitive advantages in the process of job hunting and entrepreneurship.

Secondly, family education has an important impact on the career planning and professional quality cultivation of college graduates. The environment and education style of home education often have a profound impact on an individual's career choice and career positioning. A sound family education can guide college graduates to correctly grasp their own interests and potentials, and provide them with good career guidance and training opportunities. At the same time, family education can also cultivate the professional ethics and professionalism of college graduates, so that they can have good professional habits, professional ethics and professionalism in the workplace, so that they are more likely to be favored by employers.

Household income

Household wealth includes both the household income in terms of flow and the household assets in stock. From the perspective of the overall situation of family wealth, family wealth will provide strong support for children, which in turn will affect children's employment choices, employment expectations and the probability of employment success. Based on Australian survey data 24 , children from wealthy families are more likely to get prestigious jobs after graduating from university than children from poor families. Family wealth can significantly affect the return on education of children, which in turn widens the income gap after work, and children from wealthy families are more likely to receive higher incomes. Household wealth and human capital investment will lead to unequal intergenerational transfer and its impact on social welfare and economic development due to the differential choice of population quantity and quality of households with different affluence levels.

Parents' investment in their children's human capital will also have a differential impact on college students' employment and entrepreneurship ability. The theory of intergenerational mobility argues that the relationship between the wealth of parents and children is mainly established through the investment of human capital by parents in children, that is, parents transform family wealth into human capital of children, and children turn human capital into wealth, and this transfer can be regarded as an indirect transfer of family wealth. Families are the main units of human capital investment for young people, and different family situations will lead to differences in parents' investment in children's human capital.

The level of parental support

Parents often do not have a strong ability to collect information from the Internet, do not know enough about the new industry and position, and cannot well distinguish the authenticity of the information, which is easy to be influenced, and then have prejudice against specific industries and companies. Moreover, the employment environment of the past is no longer the same as today's, and if parents continue to look at the current job market from the perspective of the past, it is easy to have disagreements with young people, and even cause arguments.

Parents' disapproval of their children's employment choices will not only affect young people's current career choices, but also affect their future feelings in the workplace. To some extent, parents are more inclined to choose employment, believing that entrepreneurship is not guaranteed for future life and is more risky. Most parents are more supportive of employment than entrepreneurship, and the experience of past students has an impact on college students' choice of employment and entrepreneurship.

4.2.3 学校维度
4.2.3 School dimension

(1) Professional course knowledge education

Specialized courses provide the necessary knowledge and skills. At the university level, students are exposed to a range of courses related to their major. These courses cover the basic theoretical and practical knowledge of the professional field, helping students to build a basic understanding of the professional field. Through theoretical study and practical training, students can master a variety of professional skills, such as analytical and problem-solving skills, communication and collaboration skills, innovation and creativity skills, etc. This knowledge and skills will provide students with strong support and guidance for future careers 22 .

Employment and entrepreneurship education and training

Employment and entrepreneurship education has broadened the employment channels for college students. As traditional employment methods become increasingly competitive, many college students are looking for entrepreneurial opportunities. Through the training of entrepreneurship education, college students can learn more about entrepreneurial options and opportunities, which are no longer limited to traditional employment concepts. This kind of broadening of employment channels has prompted more and more college students to try to start their own businesses. Employment and entrepreneurship education cultivates students' innovative spirit and entrepreneurial awareness. In today's rapidly changing socio-economic environment, innovation and entrepreneurship are the keys to success. Employment and entrepreneurship education cultivates students' sense of innovation and ability by encouraging them to think actively and come up with new solutions.

Faculty input

The importance of the construction of the faculty of innovation and entrepreneurship education for college students cannot be ignored. First of all, excellent teachers are the cornerstone of promoting innovation and entrepreneurship education for college students. Teachers with rich practical experience and professional knowledge can provide practical guidance and assistance to help students better understand the nature of innovation and entrepreneurship, and can guide students to explore and implement their own innovation and entrepreneurship projects 19 in practice 。 Secondly, an excellent faculty can provide a good academic environment. They can continuously promote the educational reform of the school, promote the development of innovation and entrepreneurship education, and attract more students to participate in it. Finally, a good faculty can also provide guidance on career development. They have abundant innovation and entrepreneurship resources and connections, and can provide students with practical opportunities and career guidance to help them better plan their career development paths.

Practical training

Social practice can help college students broaden their employment channels. During their time in school, college students often only pay attention to the recruitment information within the school, and ignore other employment opportunities in the society. By participating in social practice, college students can get in touch with more enterprises and industries, and understand the development trends and employment needs of different industries. For example, by participating in social practice activities, students can establish contact with the HR department of the company, understand the recruitment needs of the company, and learn about the company's recruitment information in a timely manner. In this way, college students will have more employment opportunities and employment channels will be broader. Through a series of courses and activities, the training can help university students improve their entrepreneurial skills. These skills include teamwork, leadership, communication skills, market analysis, and more. These skills are very important for future entrepreneurship.

4.2.4 社会维度
4.2.4 Social dimension

(1) Employment and entrepreneurship policies for college students

The implementation of the employment and entrepreneurship policy for college students has greatly increased the employment opportunities of college students. The government encourages enterprises to expand the scale of employment, and at the same time provides a series of employment and entrepreneurship subsidies and tax exemption policies, attracting more enterprises to recruit college graduates. The policy also encourages the regional mobility of college students and promotes the exchange and circulation of high-skilled talents. The introduction of these policies has led to a significant increase in the demand for college students in the job market, providing more choices and opportunities for college students.

Market environment

The market environment refers to the sum of factors such as supply and demand, market conditions and market forces in the market, which has a profound impact on employment and entrepreneurship.

When market demand increases, production is increased to meet demand, which increases employment and entrepreneurship opportunities. Conversely, if market demand declines, the scale of production of enterprises will be reduced, resulting in fewer jobs and entrepreneurial opportunities. Therefore, changes in market demand have a direct impact on supply and demand in the labor market.

Market competition is one of the main challenges faced by entrepreneurs. The intensity of the competitive environment directly affects the living space and development opportunities of entrepreneurs. In a highly competitive market, new entrepreneurs need to face competition from existing businesses that have more resources and market share. Therefore, entrepreneurs must have a unique competitive advantage to stand out in the market. In addition, entrepreneurs also need to constantly pay attention to the dynamics of competitors and adjust their business strategies in time to cope with market competition

5. Construction of college students' employment and entrepreneurship ability evaluation system based on AHP method

5.1 数据来源
5.1 Data Sources

目前,国内外学者关于就业创业能力的论述侧重点不同,评判对象也存在较大差异。由于用人单位、高校、家庭以及学生本人对于就业能力的理解存在偏差,目前尚没有一个能够涵盖各种评价主体的就业创业能力评价体系。本文在总结国内学者研究成果的基础上,通过问卷调查与专家咨询打分,试图建立一个综合、全面的大学生就业能力评价体系,并通过层次分析法(AHP),对评价体系中各个指标的权重进行测算,以找出大学生就业综合能力中的关键指标。“四位一体”评价指标体系 一级指标四个,分别是个人维度、家庭维度、学校维度、社会维度,二级指标十五个,分别是专业素养、学习能力、抗压能力、创新思维能力、父母职业、家庭收入、家庭教育观念、父母支持程度。专业课知识教育、就业创业育培训、师资力量投入、实习实践、大学生就业创业政策、市场环境和社会认可。
At present, scholars at home and abroad have different emphases on employment and entrepreneurship, and there are great differences in the evaluation objects. Due to the bias in the understanding of employability by employers, universities, families and students themselves, there is currently no employability evaluation system that can cover various evaluation subjects. On the basis of summarizing the research results of domestic scholars, this paper attempts to establish a comprehensive and comprehensive evaluation system for college students' employability through questionnaire survey and expert consultation, and calculates the weight of each index in the evaluation system through analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to find out the key indicators in the comprehensive employability of college students. "Four-in-one" evaluation index system There are four first-level indicators, namely the personal dimension, the family dimension, the school dimension, and the social dimension, and the second-level indicators are fifteen, which are professional quality, learning ability, stress resistance, innovative thinking ability, parental occupation, family income, family education concept, and parental support. Professional course knowledge education, employment and entrepreneurship education training, teacher investment, internship practice, college students' employment and entrepreneurship policies, market environment and social recognition.

5.2 Analytic hierarchy process

层次分析法计算模型为,构造判断(成对比较)矩阵A:判断矩阵的元素 aij表示的是第i个因素相对于第j个因素的比较结果,这个值使用1-9标度方法给出,见表1。
The analytic hierarchy process calculates the model as follows: construct the judgment (pairwise comparison) matrix A: the elements of the judgment matrix aij represent the comparison results of the i-th factor relative to the j-th factor, and this value is given using the 1-9 scale method, see Table 1.

Table 1: Importance scales and their definitions

Scale bij

Definitions and Descriptions


Two elements are equally important to an attribute


Two elements are slightly more important to a property, one than the other


Two elements are significantly more important to an attribute, one element than the other


Two elements are important to a property, and one element is more important than the other


Two elements are absolutely important to a certain attribute, one element is more important than the other


The median of the above adjacent judgments


Inverse comparison of the two elements. aij Factor I is compared to factor J

的结果,因素j与因素i比较,则为其倒数 1/aij
As a result, factor j is compared to factor i, which is the reciprocal 1/ aij

The judgment matrix is: A= [a11a1nan1ann] =( aij )

The hierarchy is single-sorted and the consistency is checked. Calculate consistency metrics

CI(Consistency Index) :

CI= λmax −mm−1

计算一致性比例 CR(Consistency Ratio);CR=CI/RI.查表得平均随机一致性指标 RI(Random Index).
Calculate the Consistency Ratio (CR); CR=CI/RI.

If the CR ≤ 0.1, the consistency test is passed.

5.2.1 Judgment matrix and consistency test

邀请5专家(包括学校教授、副教授、双师导师等)进行赋权,赋值前专家均对指标的准确性进行了确认,而后要求各专家采用 1~9 标度法在判断矩阵中通过两两对比对各指标的重要性进行赋值,最后各位专家的赋权结果计算均值,得到最终的判断矩阵,判断一致性并计算权重。
5 experts (including school professors, associate professors, double tutors, etc.) were invited to be weighted, and the experts confirmed the accuracy of the indicators before the assignment, and then asked the experts to use the 1~9 scale method to assign the importance of each index through pairwise comparison in the judgment matrix, and finally the weighting results of the experts calculated the mean value to obtain the final judgment matrix, judged the consistency and calculated the weight.

Table 2.1 Matrix of first-level indicator judgments






























Consistency checks


Meet consistency

Source: Author-made based on calculations

Table 2.2 Judgment matrix of secondary indicators



Ability to learn

Ability to work under pressure

Thinking skills








Ability to learn






Ability to work under pressure






Thinking skills






Consistency checks


Meet consistency

Continued from Table 2.2 Secondary Indicator Judgment Matrix


Parental occupation

Household income

Degree of support



Parental occupation






Household income






Degree of support












Consistency checks


Meet consistency


Parental occupation

Household income

Degree of support



Professional course knowledge education






Employment and entrepreneurship

Education and training






Faculty input






Practical training






Consistency checks


Meet consistency


Employment and entrepreneurship policies for college students

Market environment

Social recognition


Employment and entrepreneurship policies for college students





Market environment





Social recognition





Consistency checks


Meet consistency

Source: Author-made according to analytic hierarchy process

The CR of the above judgment matrices is less than 0.1, and it can be considered that the above matrices are consistent. In terms of index weight, the first-level indicators in the evaluation index system are the first individual, followed by the family, the school, and finally the society. See Table 3

Table 3: Evaluation index system and weights of college students' employment and entrepreneurship ability

Level 1 Indicator (Weight)

Secondary Indicators (Weights)

Individual 0.520

Professionalism 0.055

Learning capacity 0.564

The compressive capacity is 0.118

Thinking ability 0.265

Family 0.268

Parent occupation 0.161

Household income 0.564

Support level 0.201

Homeschooling 0.074

School 0.141

Professional course knowledge education 0.161

Employment and entrepreneurship education and training 0.564

Practical training 0.074

Faculty input 0.201

Society 0.071

College Student Employment and Entrepreneurship Policy 0.161

The market environment is 0.564

Social Acceptance 0.275

5.3 Summary

From the above analysis, it can be concluded that the personal dimension of college students is the core part of employment and entrepreneurship ability, which has received widespread attention from society, colleges and universities, and students themselves. In the composition of the individual dimension, the student's learning ability occupies the most important position. The family dimension also occupies a high weight in the evaluation system of college students' employment and entrepreneurship ability. Among the secondary indicators involved in the family dimension, family income has become an important evaluation index, and when the family economic income situation is better, college students have more choices in employment and entrepreneurship, and the ability to find employment and entrepreneurship is also stronger.

In addition, the weight of the school and social dimensions has not reached the expected level, the reason is that most colleges and universities focus more training on employment and entrepreneurship in the classroom, while there is very little practical training, and the lack of practical training makes the employment and entrepreneurship ability of college students a shortcoming. Most students and graduates do not know enough or even know anything about the employment and entrepreneurship policies of college students in their localities, and they can use the preferential policies to choose a more suitable employment and entrepreneurship direction, but they cannot use them correctly. According to the weight of each index in the employability evaluation system, students and graduates can carry out targeted learning and refinement to improve their employability according to the characteristics of their own ability and quality.

Secondly, the evaluation system needs to be combined with teaching to form a closed loop in order to truly play its role. The evaluation results should provide feedback and guidance for teaching, help students improve and enhance their innovation and entrepreneurship ability, and at the same time, teachers need to adjust and improve the curriculum and teaching methods to better cultivate students' innovation and entrepreneurship ability. Finally, the evaluation system needs to be continuously updated and improved, with the development of the times and the changes in the situation of innovation and entrepreneurship, through cooperation and research with enterprises and industries, we can understand their needs for college students' innovation and entrepreneurship ability, and update the evaluation system in a timely manner to ensure its effectiveness and accuracy.

5.4 Countermeasures and suggestions to improve the employment and entrepreneurship ability of college students

From the above analysis, it can be concluded that college students' learning ability, thinking ability, employment and entrepreneurship education and training are the core parts. After integrating the four-in-one evaluation system with the core elements, the following measures are proposed:

College students should improve their employability and entrepreneurship ability from personal factors

First of all, focus on the course study of the major and master the basic knowledge of the major. Through practice, experiments, course design, etc., enhance practical operation ability and make yourself more competitive in the job market. College students should make clear study goals and plans, clarify what they want to study and what level they want to achieve, and then make a reasonable study plan accordingly. Breaking down big goals into smaller ones, and each small goal that comes with a sense of accomplishment helps to maintain motivation and enthusiasm for learning. Cultivate the ability to learn independently, learn to think and solve problems independently, and do not rely on the guidance and help of others. Actively seek out learning resources, such as libraries, online courses, online forums, etc., to broaden your knowledge and skills. Learn effective time management and self-restraint to arrange time reasonably and balance study, rest and recreation. Maintaining a good routine can help improve learning efficiency. At the same time, self-discipline is also key, resist temptation, stay focused and disciplined. Participate in academic activities and community organizations, and learn about cutting-edge knowledge and industry trends by participating in academic lectures, seminars and other activities. At the same time, joining community organizations can exercise teamwork ability, leadership ability and other comprehensive qualities, and lay a foundation for future employment and entrepreneurship.

Improving learning ability is an ongoing process that requires college students to maintain a positive mindset and continuous efforts. Through continuous learning and practice, we can not only improve our learning ability, but also enhance our employment and entrepreneurship ability, and lay a solid foundation for future career development.

Second, learn to question and analyze information and not blindly accept superficial opinions. Develop your critical thinking skills by asking questions, collecting evidence, evaluating arguments, and more. This helps to identify market opportunities, analyze competitive dynamics, and make informed decisions in the employment and entrepreneurship process. Encourage yourself to break out of the box and try new ideas and approaches. Participate in innovation competitions, entrepreneurial practice activities, etc., to stimulate innovative thinking and creativity. Innovative thinking helps to stand out in the job market and gives a unique competitive advantage to entrepreneurial projects. Learn and master logical reasoning skills such as induction, deduction, analogy, etc. Improve your logical thinking skills by participating in debates, writing, and other activities. This helps to articulate ideas more clearly, construct sound arguments, and apply a logical approach to problem solving to find the best solution. Learn to look at problems from a holistic and holistic perspective, and understand the interconnections between things. By participating in team projects and comprehensively analyzing cases, students can develop their systems thinking skills. This helps to grasp the overall trend and formulate a comprehensive and effective plan in the process of employment and entrepreneurship.

Parents play an important role

Parents play a vital role in the process of college students' employment and entrepreneurship. They can create the right conditions for their children to enter society and realize their self-worth by providing information and resources, financial support, developing independence and responsibility, and giving emotional support and encouragement. At the same time, they should also flexibly adjust their roles and methods according to the actual situation and needs of their children, so as to provide them with the most effective help.

(3) The school provides all-round support and guidance

Optimize the curriculum system and increase courses related to the cultivation of thinking ability, such as critical thinking courses, innovative thinking courses, etc. At the same time, it pays attention to the setting of interdisciplinary courses to cultivate students' comprehensive quality and comprehensive ability. Through interdisciplinary learning and participation in diversified practical activities, we can broaden our horizons and enhance our overall quality. Cross-border thinking helps to integrate knowledge and skills from different fields in employment and entrepreneurship to create more innovative solutions.

The school sets up majors according to the actual needs, and reasonably arranges the teaching content according to the work characteristics of the employment positions. Teaching reform should be carried out according to the general needs of the market, and the talent training mode should be optimized.

The cultivation of college students' employment and entrepreneurship ability is a long-term and arduous work, which requires the cooperation of university administration, teaching system, government departments and enterprises and institutions, and requires a group of professional and diversified teachers with high academic qualifications, high professional titles, high quality and certain workplace experience. Reasonably distribute work tasks, and cooperate with class teachers and counselors to jointly carry out the cultivation of students' employment and entrepreneurship ability.

(4) All sectors of society should create a good atmosphere for university employment and entrepreneurship

The government should introduce a series of preferential policies to encourage college students to start their own businesses. For example, provide start-up loans, tax exemptions, rent subsidies, etc., to reduce the threshold and cost of starting a business. At the same time, we should strengthen policy advocacy to ensure that university students understand and make full use of these policies. The media and public opinion should increase the publicity of typical entrepreneurship, set an example of entrepreneurship, and stimulate the entrepreneurial enthusiasm of college students. At the same time, it advocates positive entrepreneurial values and encourages young people to have the courage to try and innovate. The government, universities and all sectors of society should jointly build an entrepreneurship support platform and provide one-stop entrepreneurship services. For example, the establishment of business incubators, the establishment of venture capital funds 30 , the organization of entrepreneurship competitions, etc., to provide college students with project evaluation, resource docking, marketing and other support. The government should strengthen the supervision of the start-up market and maintain the market order of fair competition. At the same time, it provides convenient government services, simplifies the process of business registration, approval and other processes, and improves work efficiency

In summary, it is of great significance to construct and apply the evaluation system of college students' innovation and entrepreneurship ability for cultivating innovation and entrepreneurship talents. The construction of the evaluation system needs to consider multiple factors to comprehensively evaluate the innovation and entrepreneurship ability of college students. The application evaluation system can provide useful support for college students' career planning, employment guidance and innovation and entrepreneurship education. However, the construction and application of the evaluation system also face some challenges and difficulties, which need to be solved by our joint efforts. Through continuous exploration, practice and improvement, we can build a scientific and effective evaluation system for college students' innovation and entrepreneurship ability that meets the needs of the times, and contribute to the cultivation of more outstanding innovation and entrepreneurship talents.


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附 录


The evaluation index system and weight of college students' employment and entrepreneurship ability

Level 1 indicators

Secondary Indicators ()



Ability to learn

Ability to work under pressure

Thinking skills


Parental occupation

Household income

Degree of support



Professional course knowledge education

Employment and entrepreneurship education and training

Practical training

Faculty input


Employment and entrepreneurship policies for college students

Market environment

Social recognition

附录B 大学生就业创业能力评价指标权重调查表
Appendix B Questionnaire on the Weights of Evaluation Indicators of College Students' Employment and Entrepreneurship Ability

Dear Experts,


感谢您参与本次调查。本研究旨在构建符合大学生就业创业能力评价指标体系,并根据各个指标的重要程度赋予权重。需要您根据自身对基层应急工作的理解、认识以及相关工作经验,填写指标权重打分问卷,为两两比较的 判断矩阵选取指标,判断指标间的相对重要性。
Thank you for participating in this survey. The purpose of this study is to construct an evaluation index system that conforms to the employability and entrepreneurship ability of college students, and to assign weights to each index according to its importance. You are required to fill in the index weight scoring questionnaire according to your own understanding, knowledge and relevant work experience of grassroots emergency work, select indicators for the judgment matrix of pairwise comparison, and judge the relative importance of the indicators.

Table 1: Importance scales and their definitions

Scale bij

Definitions and Descriptions


Two elements are equally important to an attribute


Two elements are slightly more important to a property, one than the other


Two elements are significantly more important to an attribute, one element than the other


Two elements are important to a property, and one element is more important than the other


Two elements are absolutely important to a certain attribute, one element is more important than the other


The median of the above adjacent judgments


Inverse comparison of the two elements. aij Factor I is compared to factor J

的结果,因素j与因素i比较,则为其倒数 1/aij
As a result, factor j is compared to factor i, which is the reciprocal 1/ aij

Compare the importance of the indicators in the first column of the table with the indicators in the first row, and fill in the numbers in the corresponding table

Table 2.1 Level 1 Judgment Matrix














Consistency checks

Table 2.2 Level 2 Judgment Matrix



Ability to learn

Ability to work under pressure

Thinking skills




Ability to learn


Ability to work under pressure


Thinking skills


Consistency checks


Parental occupation

Household income

Degree of support



Parental occupation


Household income


Degree of support




Consistency checks


Parental occupation

Household income

Degree of support



Professional course knowledge education


Employment and entrepreneurship

Education and training


Faculty input


Practical training


Consistency checks


Employment and entrepreneurship policies for college students

Market environment

Social recognition


Employment and entrepreneurship policies for college students


Market environment


Social recognition


Consistency checks

致 谢

I would like to thank my supervisor, Mr. Xue Jianchun, for the successful completion of this dissertation. She gave me great guidance, help and care in the selection of the topic of the dissertation, the conception of the dissertation ideas, and the writing of specific contents, constantly followed the progress of my dissertation, and provided me with valuable opinions and suggestions. During this period, Ms. Xue influenced me with her rigorous and serious academic attitude and rich and profound professional knowledge, and also became a guide for me on the road of my future life.